
emergency medical

What Concerns You the Most About Health Care? (choose 3)

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5 years ago

What concerns me the most about my medical care?
The possibility of the Washington, DC, bureaucracy running the entire U.S. medical services sector.
That choice wasn’t on the poll, but would result in the lion’s share of the listed concerns.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago

In a word – SOCIALISM .
Or to put it in more easily understandable term, DEMOCRATS.
But that choice wasn’t listed on yet another silly AMAC poll.

GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !

5 years ago

I wonder how our health care system will fare, under any Socialist plan, when doctors suddenly realize they work for the federal government for less pay than they receive now. That’s all we need—surgeons with a grudge and a scalpel!

Dan W.
Dan W.
5 years ago

What concerns me most about my future healthcare is ending up with a medical condition that requires some type of custodial or nursing home care and not having the money or sufficient long term care insurance to pay for it.

5 years ago

E – All of the above…..

Kathleen McIntyre
Kathleen McIntyre
5 years ago

My experience has found medical care has morphed into “self serve”. I almost always know what is ailing myself or family member, If it is not treatable with home care, I just need the medical staff to confirm it with a diagnostic test. I have also researched any prescription drugs and doses that may be necessary to treat the issue. Our current health care system needs a fix, for sure.

5 years ago

My top choice isn’t on the list…Government involvement. The ENTIRE problem with our health care system is government involvement. Get government out (they constitutionally have no authority to be involved in the first place) and the market will smooth out all the rough spots.

5 years ago

Government involvement bothers me most. They destroy everything they touch.

Carol M
Carol M
5 years ago

Government control

V. Gamble
V. Gamble
5 years ago

Medicare for all bothers me the most. If this happens seniors will be at the bottom of the list for care or certainly have less freedom than we have now to select care givers and when to seek care.

Calvin Baker
Calvin Baker
5 years ago

What really scares me is how many people are willing to allow the government to control their health care when all models of socialized medicine have failed to provide people with good quality health care

5 years ago

All of the above have some relevance. We definitely DO NOT NEED OR WANT the government handling all of the health care. Then again that would be great for all of the bureaucrat flunkies that would benefit from all of the “positions” needed to run the program.

5 years ago

Reading about too many mistakes made by Dr’s and nurses. Like, a nurse giving 10 residents of a group home insulin when it was supposed to be a flu vaccine or worse.

L Beam
L Beam
5 years ago

The biggest concern I have is: What or Who are behind Pharmaceutical design and development; why are their products the only tools physicians are using, (Best Evidence tied too closely with huge pockets – alternatives such as acupuncture too foreign for mainstream).
Why is the aim to ‘control symptoms’? Physicians are scientists. They used to aim to cure. Our system accepts diseases and in turn, lines the pockets of an ever growing medical “norm” that is completely insatiable.

Rick Marlowe
Rick Marlowe
5 years ago

No insurance company should have to pay for someone who doesn’t want to get insured until after they get a sickness. A pre-existing condition, for those who have changed insurance companies are the only group who should be protected. The others are a welfare case, not a private insurance case.

Darlene Landberg
Darlene Landberg
5 years ago

I am frustrated that we are not able to find the doctors we need to see for thyroid care and back and neck pain. We are having to wait for months to get an appointment. Then we have to travel to other cities to receive the care that we need
If you go to urgent care or emergency care, they never give you medication for your recovery. You have to see your doctor for the medication, which takes 3 to 5 months to see. We have a huge shortage of doctors in many areas of the country. I also think that Obama care gave all the power to the insurance industry and we have lost much of the treatment we had before. We are an insurance poor nation.

Helen Corey
Helen Corey
5 years ago

What bothers me most is voters have right in front of their eyes how government controlled health care for all would work. BSanders, a government official loyal to his party, got his heart surgery in a day. Under health care for all, the ordinary working class person, would be sent home to die. Let them take an aspirin would be government solution or wait 6 months.

Ed E
Ed E
5 years ago

The government does only two things well: the military and space exploration (although both of those cost many times more than they should in equipment development costs). Keeping government out of health care (with the possible exception of breaking monopolies and price gouging like we see in big pharma) is the best strategy.

Probably need to study then institute profit caps on existing drugs and develop a schedule for R&D paybacks on new drugs. We need to support the development of new drugs, but when 125% (or another reasonable amount) of actual R&D costs have been recovered, we need to force companies to license the formula for new drugs (allowing for reasonable continued profit rewards for innovation) so other companies can help lower the costs by competing head to head on production, distribution, and carefully managing their own profit margins.

Finally, a cap on damages needs to be established for conditions included in the known side-effects list of drugs. If a drug or medical device has a known issue and the company admits it, then let the buyer beware – if it is even approved for use. If a company fails to disclose or rushes to market with a drug or device with an unknown or undisclosed harmful effect, then no cap, no limitation on liability.

5 years ago

I wanted to vote for more options. Did you know a drug like Eliquis will cost a patient approximately $440 a month and medicare will only pay $57 toward that drug. It will take 10 years and millions of $$$ to get this drug as a generic.

American Believer
American Believer
5 years ago

As what seems to be the “norm” with these polls lately, you fail to offer the obvious choice. COMPLETE GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE!
Our “government “ simply wants control of healthcare because of the size of the consumer piece of the pie. With full control they can line their pockets even more, with no accountability.

5 years ago

Reviewing the results, you sure can pick out the age of those that took the poll. Problem is, Medicare for all puts us in the minority

5 years ago

The democrats running for President always talk about fairness & availability For all citizens relating to government run healthcare which the rich will pay for, not us. Nobody is talking about the inevitable: sitting in health center waiting rooms for hours on end waiting for your turn to see a doctor. Plus, where are all these doctors going to come from?

5 years ago

The #1concern is the absence of health maintenance instead of disease maintenance. and the absence of proven health- promoting, health- preserving strategies. Paying for a disease system is not healthy.

Richard Norman
Richard Norman
5 years ago

Even you guys are confusing health care with health insurance.
Two VERY different things!

5 years ago

Difficult to choose just 3, altho some could be lumped under the same heading. Lack of choice and lack of competition are basically the same. The worst thing is a one size fits all government run plan (even Medicare and VA come under that heading, they’re far from perfect).

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

“Ideal” HC:
Acess Organic RX
OK wellness spa etc visits
Home therapy
Use Urgicenters vs ERs for some cases by EMTs.
OK organic diets.
Pet therapy
sound, light therapy
Services competitive.
Hospitals more like hotels for LT stays IE say USC Keck & Hyatt form partnership.
Robotics do: laundry, stock supplies, clean floors, security, ID patients in need, menial jobs so HC staff can deal with patients
Streamline HC admin
Merge Medicare plans??
OK CBD more.
spicy diets OK
Bionics, implants OK
ALL price competitive, marketed & sold online, nationwide
Medicare made into a Corp to effect above for those 65+

5 years ago

The only way I would accept Medicare for all would be if every person, including those in Washington DC, would be on the same, exact program.

K Bower
K Bower
5 years ago

I believe the Donut Hole concept is criminal & unfair! Why is this in place? I thought it was supposed to end by 2020.

5 years ago

My biggest fear is that government, any level, will control my care. Get the lobbyists and government out of my healthcare and I believe everything will be good for the people and for the suppliers.

5 years ago

I did not vote this time, as the question was too vague. Did you mean, what concerns me about a potential Universally mandated health care?… single Payer health care?..or my current health care? I have no real immediate concerns about the health care I currently pay for. It suits my needs and generally has worked well enough. However, what is being proposed by the Liberals, regarding whether it be a revised Obamacare or free Medicare for all……THAT would concern me big time. Any government program that limits choice, discourages competition, rations its services and cannot be supported financially without massive redistribution of wealth, I’d not support. PERIOD! ( as Biden would say)

Squire Brandy
Squire Brandy
5 years ago

Obamacare as it is known was and is a disaster; except for the unhealthy and those below a certain poverty level. Congress could have fixed those issues without destroying the entire system. Changes started when they voted in the HMO plan concept back in the 80s. So I ask myself why, and my only conclusion is that they want more control over our lives; obviously they feel they know better than we do. If they are right then why are they excluded from Obamacare? Maybe it’s time the take the trash out?

Hoss Smith
Hoss Smith
5 years ago

Easy answer to what concerns me; Socialism/Democrats (means the same thing) and anything the government touches.

5 years ago

As Big Brother becomes more involved in healthcare and health insurance red tape goes up and access/quality goes down. This has been true since the invention of Medicare—supposedly insurance (so lousy that you need supplemental coverage from the private sector) but really another “transfer of wealth” (read looting) scheme. Theft and fraud is rampant, but Big Brother counts these as “benefit payments” whereas private insurers would have to account for such losses as operating expenses. As usual with government programs the solution proposed for incompetence and mismanagement is expansion of government control. The whole of what DC masterminds have created needs to be reconstructed along constitutional lines, but we are so used to DC usurpations we don’t even bother to discuss limits on its power anymore.

5 years ago

The government should not be in the Health Care Business. Too much being spent on Medicaid to people that are healthier than me. AND Medicare IS NOT a handout! I paid in to it all my years working!

Gary? Bennett
Gary? Bennett
5 years ago

I just had an experience with medicare for the first time in 2019. Actually it was also my first hospital experience too. I had good care but it is shocking how incomprehensible the billing system is!!! What a mess!! I’ve received a few summaries from medicare during a three month process but it doesn’t make any sense. I expected to receive statements itemized like going to a Menards store. Such and such service costs such and such dollars. Medicare pays for this or not. No such itemized bills seem to exist. With poor statements comes inefficiencies!!! We don’t seem to have any choice about any procedures!! The doctors say do so and so , they do it, but we never really know what’s being charged for each procedure at all!! Then the medicare statements are terrible to explain any details either!! My care and the staff were fine but I was totally disappointed in how inefficient the systems are. Why can’t this mess be straightened out? “Medicare for all” makes no sense at all. Our already broken system would be overrun!! It would be extremely expensive!! We need less government not more in our healthcare!! Taken care of but very disappointed!!✌?

5 years ago

When government gets involved costs and waste increase. Suppliers such as big drug companies and hospital groups, since Obama and the democraps got involved; are becoming even bigger fat cats. Who pays? We do in direct cost or in increased taxes. Let free market prosper. The Gates foundation reportedly has reduced world wide child mortality about 50%. Could our government do that?

5 years ago

All the above concern me. Also, our healthcare system would end up like the UK’s or Canada’s healthcare.if you are older you would not get the treatment you need in a timely manner or would not get it at all. This will be bad for the seniors and invalids.

5 years ago

Choose three? I choose high prices, high prices, and HIGH PRICES!

5 years ago

Since Obama Care we have no doctors. We have to wait 2months to see a doctor and only PA are available the MDs are not taking new patients

Joe Janczak
Joe Janczak
5 years ago

ATTENTION: We have seen EVERY DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE promise freeeeeeeee healthcare and Medicare to illegal aliens. Each democrat candidate demands the USA become a socialized Medicare system. Medicare for All is actually EUTHANASIA and HOSPUCE via rationing! Socialized medicine doesn’t work in any country, much less in the USA where 25 million illegal aliens and the demand for open borders will bring down the system in less than one week. Guess who will NOT BE GETTING HEALTHCARE in the rationing !!!!! You guessed it, seniors will be rationed to death. Do not doubt me on this. And for our own good, get each and every conservative friend, relative, neighbor, coworker, retiree registered to vote and take them to vote!!!! Mail ballots are being stolen by democrats.

Les Jones
Les Jones
5 years ago

So agree with Arnie that the biggest worry is that the government (who recently “lost” my federal tax check, although it was debited from my account) would take over everyone’s healthcare. I lived in two countries with socialized medicine. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

5 years ago

It wasn’t a listed choice but my main concern today is the Leftists Democrats destroying Medicare by attempting to give it to everybody in American, including Criminal Illegal Aliens.
Or at least that is what most of the Democrat candidates for POTUS are supporting today.

5 years ago

The only involvement I want from a contemptuous government/bureaucracy, is a military that is second to none. Everything else should be left to the private sector. Especially, healthcare.

James Manley
James Manley
5 years ago

Health insurers take medical care decisions out of the hands if physicians to add profits to their bottom line. Networks limit patient choices as well. Profits being made by insurers, health care institutions and malpractice attorneys continue to drive up costs for consumers.

5 years ago

This is simple. The government role is to prevent monopolies (insuring fair competition, not becoming the monopoly!) and PERHAPS work with industry (at industry’s request (& expense)) to insure “safety” of products / services.

Insurance must return to being true Insurance again – allowing individuals to get coverage for unexpected and unpredictable costs. This coverage should be offered to all, covering individuals, not companies. Get employers out of the insurance game . . . just pay employees the money & let them get their own insurance, so that the insurance is not tied to the job itself, but is truly an individual responsibility.

Of course there is more – but just getting govt out and cutting out the game of employers and insurance companies on individuals will greatly help true consumers.

David Walker
David Walker
5 years ago

See below, we all seem to get it, what is wrong with the whole thing is our educational systems is turning out re-educated leftist and they don’t even know it, public schools for the most part are re education camps, they are always used in communist countries, North Korea, China ,Cuba etc… Until that is corrected we will continue down the path to full blown Socialism, the next step, unthinkable or very ugly, Please God, Bless America- I hope

5 years ago

I fear an inadequate medical system like Canada’s that rations healthcare due to severe shortages from overwhelming demand for limited resources. The Canadian government has a mandatory designated cut off age that denies access to diagnostic imaging, surgery and treatments including chemotherapy. Medical services are reserved for the young. I have Canadian relatives that have suffered. Residents must pay privately for decent care and often come across the US border for optimal disease management.

Norene Suchsland
Norene Suchsland
5 years ago

If we know what costs are we could choose what we want to have or not have done. If we all had health spending accounts that never expired, had larger or no limits, went with us instead of being tied to an employer and could be used for family members and willed to others on death. Allowing other types of healthcare models to use our healthcare spending like DPC would increase competition and reduce costs.

Bill Hoff
Bill Hoff
5 years ago

For what the Rx companies are overcharging, it sticks in my craw they still use China and India (to name a couple) to do their manufacturing for them. We have lost count on the # of recalls the drugs companies have had from China alone. Outrageous.

David Campbell
David Campbell
5 years ago

If you think about it, “lack of choice” covers many of the options given to one degree or another. It’s just another way government is finding a way to control what you can and can’t have. I just don’t understand why some people think it’s a good idea to give some bureaucrat life and death decisions over your life.

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