
Trump asset immigration hand shake democrat friendships

How well do you think President Trump is handling the DACA/immigration debate?

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craig a fay
craig a fay
7 years ago

If the congress would let the president do his job the wall would be built. Why do our legislators not have any common sence?

7 years ago

Thank god for trump.

Edward Shick
Edward Shick
7 years ago

Trump is like a breath of Fresh air after Obama , the bushes and the very thought of the Clinton Traitors ! He loves America ! In my lifetime he is tops , I liked Harry Truman also , different party , but both do all they can to make america great Again! I hope he can Drain the Swamp , It stinks ,along with liberal News Media ! Pray for Trump!

Wendy Lee Pless
Wendy Lee Pless
7 years ago

Dear Mr. President,
I approve of your strategy of putting the onus on the democrats by having meeting televised. No border wall – no DACA. Need limitations on DACA as well as chain immigration.
Thank you for standing up for those of us who love being Americans. Can we export Muslims that don’t want to assimilate into American society?
Now mind your elders (12/14/45).
But first & foremost; do what God tells you to do.

7 years ago

They have no one to blame but their parents!

7 years ago

With each day, he proves to be just what America needed!!! Good reason the liberals hate him…he is exposing them for the inept hypocrites they have been for years. Nothing more than carnival barkers….led by idiots like Obama…lol

President Trump will go down as one of our best in history!!! He fears nothing…and he has a good heart!!!

7 years ago

Trump keeps dealing the truth to congress and they play politics while Rome burns. The democrats may as well be marching in Red Square on immigration issues. They continue to play fifty ways to destroy a country. Eliminate the lottery system, chain migration and build the WALL.

Betty Jo Starke
Betty Jo Starke
7 years ago

I think it’s fantastic. Seems the outsider is the only one looking out for the rule of law and the best interests of the republic and We the People, the ones who pay for all of this free stuff the Progressives want to give away to shore up their votes.

7 years ago

I thank God for Trump everyday!! There is so much to do to drain the swamp! I’m hoping that smart people are having their eyes opened to just how much the American people have been duped by most of our current leadership. It’s a huge and thankless job but I hope he can stay the course. He has my prayers daily!!

Roger Mahler
Roger Mahler
7 years ago

Build the wall. No Welfare or food stamps fo immigrants as it was before 1924. No one comes in without a job already lined up. English must be spoken Clearly and succinctly. Educated or Technical or trades trained so that they are not an immediate drag on the economy. We need Tradesmen (women). Trades people built America. How about a total immigration ‘pause’ for 10 years while we build the wall.

7 years ago

President Trump takes no s…from these hypocrite dems And Rinos…..God bless President Trump

7 years ago

The plan for DACA isn’t being openly reported by the media or politicians. So, I’m suspicious about Trump’s motive regarding citizenship for Illegal Immigrants. Democrats want their votes and some Republicans want their cheap labor. So, the Will of The People is not being followed by these corrupt politicians.

If Illegal Immigrants want to adopt our culture instead of remaining in the shadows, speaking their native language and costing American citizen taxpayers more money that does not benefit them, then I’d be open to allowing a clearly defined, methodical path to citizenship, with harsh penalties for violating our laws as a sovereign nation. Their right to vote should be delayed That approach would create an equitable situation with those immigrants who lawfully proceeded through the existing immigration process and assimilated into out society, paying taxes to pull the wagon – instead of riding in the wagon.

Further, many of DACA participants are FAR older than the age range described by the liberal media, the latter being the third of the three corrupt groups involved in this issue. So, proper, intensive screening of ALL who claim ‘DACA’ status is in order. Intense screening procedures are needed to eliminate the chance a potential terrorist is granted a stay of deportation. Obama and his minions have already endangered the lives of many American citizens and military personnel. We don’t want any more terrorists among us and our families. And we don’t want our quality of life diminished any more than it was over the last 8 years prior to 2017.

Jim Britton
Jim Britton
7 years ago

All this crap about his language is BS. Nobody uttered a word when Obama said that Republicans were the greatest threat to our security!

7 years ago

The good Lord put President Trump in office, it is the Lord’s goodness and grace upon our nation at this time. I totally support President Trump’s agenda and pray for the Lord’s wisdom and protection upon him, and his family, his cabinet, and our nation ! I thank the Lord that every lie of the enemy is stopped over this administration in Jesus name.

7 years ago

President Trump needs a different group of people to help develop the DACA/immigration legislation. The ones he assigned the work to are either democrats or RINOS.

7 years ago

The president is doing the best he can on DACA. He faces constant opposition from ALL Democrats and many Republicans because he wants to do what is best for America, not what is best for these lifetime politicians. Trump needs to remain firm on this issue. It doesn’t matter how these illegals got into this country. They are here ILLEGALLY. They do not belong here. Trump can make a deal here to accomplish building the wall, ending chain migration, getting E verify in place and ending the absurd lottery program. NO immigrants should be allowed if they can not take care of themselves. Politicians keep telling us that Social Security is going broke. It must be reformed. SS is NOT an entitlement. We paid into it. WELFARE has become an entitlement, IT IS NOT!!!!. Lastly, if a deal is to made trading DACA for the wall, We must approve a specific number of people. The numbers range from 800,000 to 1.5 million. ABSURD. Get a realistic number AND STICK TO IT or Democrats will make the number infinity……….
GOD bless America and Trump.
God Bless our veterans (from a proud Veteran).

7 years ago

A nation without borders is NOT a nation, just ask the EU. And soon that country is overrun by millions simply seeking entitlements, draining and not contributing. The old Ellis Island days begot a century of people WANTING to assimilate, to contribute, to build. Now we get takers. And we also get a percentage of savages who want to kill, steal and destroy. IF WE don’t stop the RINOs in Congress, if we don’t root out the anti-American zealots who wish a socialist country instead of a Republic democracy, if we don’t do that (and we ARE losing the battle, simply look at Mr Obama’s impact even as he’s left the White House, tarnished I might add) our children and grandchildren will be in ‘gulags’ and camps.

7 years ago

The President is doing what his predecessors and the Congress has refused to do for decades, protect America ! Thank You Mr. President !!!

Jerry T
Jerry T
7 years ago

Its great to finally have a President with a spine. The only reason, I believe, the Democrats want votes for mid-term elections and the WH in 2020.

7 years ago

I voted for President Trump, but wish he would quit tweeting and think before he speaks. He can’t get anything done because he is always defending himself. It is not necessary to comment on everything that is out there, anything anti-Trump and there is a lot especially from all the liberal lunes and the Dems; just stay the course and ignore them. Be the leader America needs and wants.

7 years ago

When I hear the Democrats and the “Alt-Left criticize Trump on a personal level, it can only mean one thing: They have nothing else to criticize! Trump is President of the greatest nation on earth. We are a free nation and we want to keep it that way. Bringing in additional evil-doers will call for increased laws against gun control, and others, eroding our rights as citizens even further. If we bring in more illegals from the countries that Trump was referring to, let them be brought in and dropped off in Martha’s Vinyard.

7 years ago

The madder he makes the dems the better for America…

7 years ago

Stop trying to negotiate with the Dismalcrats on DACA. It was something Obama did–unilaterally–no action by congress. Just UNdo it! Undo all the stuff Obama did by executive order. Just do it. That’s why you were elected.

7 years ago

Thank the computer Gods for Twitter. It is the only way other than Fox that my President can get his side of the story to his constituents.
I believe that Donald J Trump may just possibly be the last chance to return America to “One Nation Under God” for all of us. Take me back to a time when people felt an embarrassment to accept Welfare.

Carl Sawyer
Carl Sawyer
7 years ago

These so called “Dreamers” are not children for the most part. He is headed down a path the Democrats have led him. He is also betraying his base; he was against DACA when he was running.

TJ Avatarici
TJ Avatarici
7 years ago

The left/media hate to hear the truth. They hate to be publicly called out for all the past grievances. Obama and Clinton screwed immigration into the ground to the point where we are in peril of losing the national character forever. The moderate “compromising” Bushes did not help. Compromise means agree with democrats or go home.
Go get them Donald !!!

7 years ago

President Trump would make much more progress if he would stop insulting People. Stop bragging and stop being defensive about everything. All the old cliche’s really do fit here. Actions speak louder than words. And walk softly and carry a big stick. The swamp is stuck in the disfunction of greed and power. It is time for President Trump to move ahead and ignore the press.

russell mills
russell mills
7 years ago

no matter how he is managing the daca, his words of choice was wrong. this clearly shows his poor choice and will drive party lines further apart. this was truely embarrasing. both sides worked on the proposal and earlier he said he believed that this committe would pull together and he would sign it, then he makes that statement and refuses to sign it. sorry, but each of the items he wants to pass should be dealt with individually, not in one consignment. no wonder he has both parties fighting him. now i do not blame them. stuff like this, i do not believe he will be elected even in the next presidential primary. this may even take away conservative seats in both the senate and the house. we will see, hope i am wrong.

Bruce Hoffman
Bruce Hoffman
7 years ago

What I think,Trump is on the correct path however no amnesty for DACA,only the “children”,a path to citizenship, limit the number(no open ended bs),anyone with a felon,deportation whether in DACA or not and the wall,chain immigration and lottery system should all be part of the agreement,if not let the government shut down

7 years ago

He holds no punches, speaks the truth and tells it like it is! Drain the swamp and build the wall!

7 years ago

The fact that President Trump is driving both the Democrats and RINOs like Graham, McCain, Flake and Rubio absolutely nuts just demonstrates that he is doing the right thing by his actions. All the Democrats and the RINOs want is unconditional amnesty for all illegals in exchange for NOTHING on border security or enforcement of our existing immigration laws.

Jeffrey Savlov
Jeffrey Savlov
7 years ago

He doesn’t believe in being politically correct which is refreshing but he must learn to temper his language. Even behind closed doors there are those who will leak any comments in there worst light to the media who will use them to create more turmoil. Find those leakers and ban them from these closed door meetings. If they can’t keep their mouths shut, they can’t be trusted.

Jessica Byrnes
Jessica Byrnes
7 years ago

He is being himself – I agree, a breath of fresh air. The more I watch FOX NEWS, the more I think they are no better than the rest of the dumb-ass media. Hannity and Laura Ingraham appear to be Trump supporters but do nothing but REPEAT all the garbage. Why REPEAT the bad news? What do you think?

7 years ago

WoW! Pres. Trump, in my humble opinion, is a gem, especially after Mr. Obama.
Our present Prez does value our people, Multifaceted heritage and Constitution!
He is, respectfully, a gem in the rough too. Still in progress.
The DACA, as written by Mr Obama, could have been well intentioned but it was an unsustainable pipe dream! He AND those in Congress that keep arguing with Pres Trump owe those kids-some of which I do know personally-an apology for giving false hopes and dashed dreams. And THE best apology is a change in behavior. Stop the foolishness. Change that poorly written law to an authentically good one!
For the record, I hate-loath and detest-that wall idea too. I’ve been to Israel as my evidence.
It’s security people, properly trained and equipped, our citizens engaged, employed and educated, and our immigration ‘system’ working properly that we need to focus on, invest in.
I can see parts of the border protected by some sort of barrier too, however, America has not been and I pray, is not a country of walls. Especially those built in fear. America is a place of bridges, literally and figuratively, or at least it has been.
I pray all parties start to remember that fact and work together to return her to that greatness.

American Believer Larry
American Believer Larry
7 years ago

Perhaps President Trump could school the entire Congress on the Constitution and it’s immigration policy

David R. Reed
David R. Reed
7 years ago

You can tell how well he is doing by the level of hysteria of the Trump Deranged Media… He’s doing great…!!!

7 years ago

Finally there’s a president who demonstrates leadership vs. the spineless approach of his predecessor or the total self absorption of his opponent and regretfully he must confront the pretentious “intellectual” brainwashed U.S. hsters who are glad to sink this country.

Robert Hegeman
Robert Hegeman
7 years ago

After 8 years of Obama, who was arguably our 1st anti-American president, what a delight to have President Trump in office. He hasn’t done a single thing I disagree with. Once the Left is crushed in 2018 and 2020, here’s a fitting epitaph: “They hated Trump more than they loved America.”

7 years ago

This was an issue in his campaign, and he’s actually delivering on it. Thank you President Trump, and continue to stand your ground against the liberal attacks and their misinformation….

7 years ago

My language is worse than his so I thought the S—hole remark was not only accurate but somewhat understated!

Stay real President Trump. . .it’s working.

Joey Watt
Joey Watt
7 years ago

The President’s comments this week undermined his moral authority on this issue and alienated and embarrassed his supporters. I am not against him, but he must be held to a better standard of performance.

Cheryl Grosser
Cheryl Grosser
7 years ago

He is doing great finding solutions for everyone although the leftists don’t see it that way yet. They are like children they don’t realize things until becoming mature. He is in a difficult position and coming out shining. I thank God each day for President Trump.

L J Lepage
L J Lepage
7 years ago

The media focuses on Trump’s rough language, but he is talking in the vernacular of his base. His base was tired of the measley-mouthed lawyerly types who populate DC and speak in evasive language.

7 years ago

Dumbo-crats are furious about the truth being obvious that DACA and all of their other efforts to thwart immigration reform have only one goal, and one ONLY : VOTES/POWER and dependency on the government to maintain control.

F. Russell
F. Russell
7 years ago

I hope our President can continue to hold out against all the forces that are trying to get him out of office. The progress he has made this past year is many times greater than Obama did in eight years, and we need to support President Trump, as most Americans put him in office. If all immigrants would try to make their countries better, they wouldn’t need to come to America. Take care of their own homes before tearing down what Americans have built in the United States. AMERICANS FIRST…

7 years ago

I am and 65 year old Vietnam veteran. I have voted in every presidential election since age 18. In all those years, there are only 2 presidents I wanted to vote for – President Ronald Reagan and President Donald Trump. My parents taught me if I didn’t have any thing good to say about someone, not say anything. So I will refrain from talking about those @##@%^%#% Liberals. President Trump, I would like to share a quote from Diane Grant, University of Florida, “It’s better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.” Please stay on the path you have chosen and count me as a loyal follower!

Ross Bierma
Ross Bierma
7 years ago

I’m not too sure how well he is doing BUT he is addressing the problem which NONE of the others have even attempted to deal with.

Dale Lindstedt
Dale Lindstedt
7 years ago

Americans should take care of our Vets and our American Citizens way before we think about those who are here illegally or are here because their parents came here illegally. Let’s take care of AMERICANS FIRST….

7 years ago


Dale Lindstedt
Dale Lindstedt
7 years ago

America must take care of American Citizens before we even think about those who are here because their parents came here illegally or themselves are here illegally. We owe our Vets and Natural Citizens more….

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