
Trump approval happy rating healthcare courts

How well is President Trump handling the hurricane crisis?

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7 years ago

President Trump is engaged. Not aloof, as were his two immediate, incompetent predecessors. There was no hesitation whatsoever , in that he quickly ensured adequate resources were made available. Nor did he politicize or op-ed the “crisis” as did President Obama would certainly have done.

7 years ago

The main reason I know this administration’s hurricane must be more than adequate is the lack of scathing criticism from the Liberal Media in this age of racial hysteria. If they could, they would-“…believe me!”.

7 years ago

As a retired USAF Emergency Manager, I want to remind everyone that Disaster preparedness and response are the responsibility of the local and State government. The Federal Government’s responsibility for natural disasters begins when they are asked by the locals or State is to provide resources (normally money) to fund other people that provide the recovery operations. Ask yourself, who actually does all the heavy lifting such as life saving, fire fighting, security, fix downed electric wires, etc, etc. Bottom line, it’s always the responsibility of the locals when dealing with disasters. Let’s not put too much faith into an agency like FEMA to save your life or help you repair your home. Put faith into the agencies that actually respond and do all the work; Salvation Army, Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, Church groups, etc. I don’t see Natural Disaster preparedness as a primary responsibility or function of the US Federal Government?

Harry Nemec
Harry Nemec
7 years ago

If the Liberal press would not pick him apart … and if the Republican Congress supported him … and the RINOs [Republican In Name Only] kept their mouths shut and got out of the way … he would have done a better job sooner … Congress needs TERM LIMITS … no more career politicans… 3 or 4 – two year terms for congress … 2 – six year terms for senators … no more 20 – 30 year crap …. Oh and they get the same “Benefits” [health care – SS] as we taxpayers do …

Jim Alexander
Jim Alexander
7 years ago

President Trump; while not a politician, has acted in a professional matter in working FOR the people of these United States; not for any political Party or for financial gain. I’ve noted that most Republican Presidents worked for the people who elected them unlike the Democratic Presidents who are in power for the publicity and doing nothing for the people.

Christine Drinkwine
Christine Drinkwine
7 years ago

Our President is showing an amazing commitment to the American people in spite of the push back from so many people including those already in office on both sides. May God Bless him and those who serve with him!

7 years ago

Adequate voted in… Only because Harvey and Irma were beyond anyone’s control and beyond imagination of all the current distriction. No one person can do a great job, it will take many to upright these devastated areas. One very good thing… The President did personally visit the areas and sincerely expressed help to all, help in various ways.

Catherine Sanchez
Catherine Sanchez
7 years ago

Better than most.

Harold Cranford
Harold Cranford
7 years ago

President TRUMP’s concern for and handling of the hurricane crisis is nothing short of superlative – period! The Marxist media is finding it almost impossible to get around giving him credit. Go TRUMP 2020!!!

T. Jones
T. Jones
7 years ago

I agree with Harry Nemec. If the Repulican congress would SUPPORT Presdient Trump like the democrats supported Barrack Hissun Obama, our country would be in MUCH better shape. The former president Obama is the one that caused ALL the racial divide! President Trump just calls like it is in all that.

Gilda Gatlin
Gilda Gatlin
7 years ago

My President Trump and Mrs Trump are Being helpful and compassionate without grandstanding and getting in the way of recovery. I pray the liberals will quit acting like spoiled children and help our President make America great again

P. Himes
P. Himes
7 years ago

Depends on how quick approved monies get to people to get life and homes and work back on track. Otherwise so far so good.

Barbara Schroeder
Barbara Schroeder
7 years ago

By now it should be evident that anything Trump does will be met with negative comments from anyone who doesn’t like or agree with him. So, we should not expect anything but a negative response no matter if what he does is “right” or “average” or “wrong.” But we should quit paying attention to those comments from those who disagree with him and not respond by giving it more of our attention in polls, etc. as if the comments have merit.

7 years ago

Establishment Republicans are a thorn in his side. They are worse than the Dems. They did not want to win the presidency,because they would then be shown to be exactly what they are-elites liars with no core.

American Believer
American Believer
7 years ago

If Americans would realize it is NOT the responsibility of the Federal government to cover every disaster, rather the state and local authorities, they, the liberal fake news, the liberal left and self-serving politicians, would not be so quick to judge our President on this subject.
Allow the states and FABULOUS non-profits such as The Salvation Army, The Red Cross, Samaratin’s Purse, to do their own thing and you’ll see our true American spirit come thru. With each problem covered by the Federal government we become more of a “Nanny State” and less of a Republic. I ask you all to direct any donations to the above QUALIFIED organizations.

Dan W
Dan W
7 years ago

So far the response to both hurricanes has been good from Trump and the federal, state and local governments as well as the National Guard units, the power companies and organizations such as the Red Cross and Salvation Army. The true test will be how Texas and Florida residents are doing a month from now, six months from now and a year from now.

Karl Arps
Karl Arps
7 years ago

Using the Presidency to cheer on the responders, ensuring that FEMA is neither micro-managing nor slow to react, and letting the states, counties, municipalities, utilities and visiting volunteers and workers get the job done. And applying the lessons taught by Katrina. That’s leadership. There’s a reason this man got very rich. He’s smart and a natural CEO.

Stew Mehlhaff
Stew Mehlhaff
7 years ago

Im a Christian Conservative and I did not vote for him and wouldn’t to this day. He’s a kamellion who takes in the same spots of whoever is on the same room as he is. He’s not conservative, he’s all about himself, he’s much more of a narcissist than Obama ever was & I thought he was a terrible president. Yes the liberal media picks him apart, just like the conservative press did with Barry O., thats part of the game folks. Im all in favor of term limits as well. I’m proud to say I didn’t vote for Trump, or Hillary for President because my concious wouldn’t let me. Republicans & this great country missed the boat when it failed to elect Romney as president.

Ed Schrade
Ed Schrade
7 years ago

Our president and our governor Abbot are doing a wonderful job for the people affected by hurricane Harvey. Where I live , we were really hammered by the storm and damage is very evident. The problem that I have seen is that FEMA has been turning down needy people that have applied for help. They are disgusting.

7 years ago

sound like he’s doing a great job but since I don’t live in TX or FL I can’t really tell.

7 years ago

best response by far then any president in history of this nation. Anyone that can’t acknowledge that is a real sick puppy

Karen Moore
Karen Moore
7 years ago

He’s doing an amazing job.

Tom Wilde
Tom Wilde
7 years ago

What more CAN he do? The heavy work during these disasters is the responsibility of the State and local authorities, not Donald Trump.

From the Federal perspective, FEMA was in place and prepared. Trump chipped in moral support early and often. That’s ALL he can do.

Oh, wait! Sorry. Maybe he could have just skipped the whole thing and gone to the golf course. Like the Liberal’s god #44. Yeah, that’s it. Less action. More golf. Quick, get that out to the Communist News Network – “National Crisis! Trump hands out food while his back swing goes wanting. Impeach now!”.

Hmmm … any day now the Lefty-Loonies will declare that golf balls are a symbol of white supremacy. Well, they’re white, aren’t they?

Alan Finley
Alan Finley
7 years ago

I tried to pick the one’s that allowed me to choose more than 1 some 2 others 3 more 4 choices. I stopped taking the poles to make this comment and now I can’t get back in to finish taking the poles.

7 years ago

The fact that the left wing media has been relatively quiet is evidence that Trump has been effective dealing with 2 disasters and has been doing a great job in spite of the left’s attempts to destroy his administration.

7 years ago

You got it right Harry!!!!! Even my grandson, who is only 14 yrs. old studying civics, cannot understand why these congressmen and senators get all the extra benefits. He thinks they should have term limits similar to that of the Pres. and get the same medical care and social security benefits similar the rest of us.

herb fawcett
herb fawcett
7 years ago

not limits. but if not RE-elected after six years, they get no retirement because they are FIRED.

7 years ago

President Trump is president of the whole US. He has paid his due respects, showed sincere concerns and sent help to both areas where hurricanes have made landfall. However, he cannot devote his full time to overseeing the damaged areas. He did a good job representing the people of the afflicted areas. The press wants to pick him apart and analyze each word and each step he takes.

7 years ago

I’m thinking even a lot of the maniacs, across the political spectrum, are thanking God that we have a President who knows how to build things well, in time, and under budget, during these catastrophes.

Can you imagine hillary in charge? She couldn’t even save the embassy staff in Benghazi!

Bill Carithers
Bill Carithers
7 years ago

He is doing great and once we get rid of the RINO’s and replace them with conservatives then Trump will be able to clean up some of the decisions he must make now. But dont sell him short he is making some decisions that might create some concern but remember he HASNT SIGNED these into law he is laying the ground work for a bargaining chip later if we voters dont help him, out with friendly senators and house members !

David Millikan
David Millikan
7 years ago

I thank GOD everyday being an American. We live in the GREATEST country in the world. When the American people woke up this last election and put President Trump in office I knew right then we saved our country and put an intelligent adult in the White House and not a whiny incompetent traitor like Hillary Clinton. President Trump has accomplished more than any other President before and after being in office in such a short period.
President Trump is a fighter and a winner. We have for so long needed such leadership. He gets things done. Not like Senators and Congressmen whining and playing politics to advance their own private agenda and not the American people’s agenda…Making America Great Again. As citizens of the United States of America we are bound to make our country awesome. We as a whole must help and protect one another. That’s what Americans do.
Since President Trump has been in office he has accomplished a great deal and anytime a major problem pops up such as the recent hurricanes he jumped right in to help the American citizens get through this catastrophe. That’s what makes us great. We are WINNERS. There are no points for second place. Our military is the most powerful in the world and President Trump supports them greatly as each one of US should. Without them we would not have our freedom or protection from those that want to do harm against us.
The loser liberal mainstream media CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and all the other Fake News media have done nothing but attack our President and not given him credit where credit is due. There are only two News Organizations that report facts and they are FOX NEWS and ONE AMERICAN NEWS.
As much as it pains me to mention “IT’S” name (Obama), he sure as hell would not have responded to the recent disasters as quickly or donated a million dollars of his own money to help our fellow Americans in dire need of help. So, let’s make history and show the world how it’s really done.
As for a note to President Trump and true Patriot Americans, I’ve got your back.

7 years ago

In my opinion, President Trump is doing a better job dealing with hurricanes than any other president I can remember- despite what the left wing media says.

Carolyn Goodin
Carolyn Goodin
7 years ago

I agree Trump is doing a great job thus far but he could be doing much better if the GOP would support him! He is a man who is defining what “against all odds” means. However he continues to be subverted by a tsunami of swamp creatures who are hell bent on destroying his presidency. Until the swamp is drained, this man will be fighting “against all odds.” He needs to get tough on those swamp creatures and convince Americans that their support for him is number 1, so that he can truly make America Great Again! If Trump made a simple statement that “term limits” would be beneficial to our country, I believe the support for him would soar. The mere suggestion of this, not a declaration of a constitutional amendment, but “I feel it is time for term limits in this country”, would touch the chord of almost every American. Congress will never do this on their own, but if the American people rose up and demanded this, and knowing the President supports this, a second term for Trump is in the bag!

Norman Lawrence in York, PA
Norman Lawrence in York, PA
7 years ago

Natural disasters are a challenge no matter who is in charge. The press hammering away at Trump at every opportunity doesn’t help the narrative. NO matter what Trump has done or said whether or not it is “politically correct” in the eyes and minds of his detractors, he will never do things “CORRECTLY”. Let him do the job we the people sent him to DC for. At least we don’t have the debacle of Katrina in New Orleans. Did we conveniently forget about THAT mess when Dems were in power?

Steve Miller
Steve Miller
7 years ago

Now if we can get the republican party off of there ass and support president Trump, we might be able to get things done!!! We do not have to fear the democrates !! “We have met the enemy and he is us”.

David L Kitchin
David L Kitchin
7 years ago

Finale a President who cares more about people than playing golf and mucking it up with hollywood types.We can take the hit,and we did.Neighbors helping neighbors.Not black lives matter,All lives matter even pets and wildlife.We saw birds of prey in shock after 90 mile an hour winds ravaged our home.The poor bird just stood there as people walked by picking up branches.I have a bone to pick with pet owners who left their cat alone in a hot closed up apartment while they themselves flee.Also dogs chained up to trees out in the hurricane!!You are not human nor fit to be in any part of our society.Forgive me but the old biker in me wouldn’t bat an eye wishing the same to you.I/WE thank all the police,fireman and utility,government and charities,governor Rick Scott and President Trump for planning ahead and being there in the aftermath.To the media,you over did it ,terrorizing us with constant sensationalism and hype,pushing people with fear instead of thinking things thru.How many slept in rest areas or simply gave up trying to out run this storm,out of money and out of time.GOD BLESS AMERICA,WE ARE STRONG!!!

Kenneth Williams
Kenneth Williams
7 years ago

If he could only get the support of so called republican congressmen (RINO’s) let alone some Demo’s he would be achieving much more. His hands are tied, he needs support of our socalled representatives.

7 years ago

I live on the Southwest Coast of Florida. We were lucky and did not have a lot of damage and only a 5-6 ft. Surge! The response from our government was better than what happened after Charley!

We have friends in Naples and they are very impressed with how Trump and our Govennor Rick Scot did a great job better than any President or Past Governor!

I read stories how Donald and Melania were so gracious and caring to the victims of Irma,

They ARE Making America Great Again in spite what the Propaganda Press Reports!

7 years ago

President Trumps is showing true leadership and concern for the people affected by the Hurricanes. He is truly concerned for this country and its people, unlike the past anti-American Administration.

7 years ago

I have been happily impressed with President Trump’s response to Texas and Florida BEFORE, During and After these disastrous Hurricanes. The Governors of both states are impressive in their quick, sincere response of helping the people of their respective states. In Texas I viewed via TV, People Helping People and that is the MOST heart warming thing to me. Even helping the poor Pets of the Texans. There wasn’t much coverage of the damage in Louisiana, Georgia and S. Carolina but their Governors too, were right on top of the bad situation. I must mention also that the Cajun Navy of Louisiana came to the rescue of the Texans along with many Christian Organizations & churches. To many Volunteers to mention and some that will never be made know to us. GOD BLESS THEM ALL! Over in Florida these same Organizations & Volunteers are ‘just now being able to move in and help’. One such is the Ram Truck guys using their trucks to remove trees and other heavy debris. To sum it all up……….GOD took what was meant for harm and has used it for ‘UNITY’, which our Country Desperately needs to get back to. What will take us all the way back? War with N. Korea? I pray to GOD, NO! The Leadership Example of President Trump has flowed down upon those State Leaders and ALL are Benefiting. Thank YOU, JESUS, and President Trump.

7 years ago

I think President Trump is awesome! He’s a mover & a shaker. He’s a real man. I’m praying he will move the embassy to Jerusalem. He promised that he would. I believe moving the embassy would send the strongest messsge possible to the Arabs…it would be a great show of strength. Move that embassy now!

Sandra Sue Pickering Brown
Sandra Sue Pickering Brown
7 years ago

Hurricanes are going to be in our future; each city should prepare for them as well as the States; then we can reach out to each other.
I appreciate President Trump caring and checking out the disaster areas; but he shouldn’t shirk his UN duties; we don’t want Obama to take a job at the UN, y’know!

7 years ago

I am so sick and tired of the news media, Dems and those turncoat republicans from keeping Our President from doing the job he promised to do!! I commend President Trump for trying to bring both parties together and come to some kind of agreement to work together on very important issues to make “America Great Again”! It’s not an easy job when your own party disagrees on health reform, boarder control etc!! I have confidence that our President will get his agenda done and the news media and all of America will see what a caring and great leader he is!

Whitney Russell
Whitney Russell
7 years ago

The President is doing & saying the right things in Texas and Florida. Now he has to say &, do what he has campaigned on concerning the border wall, illegal immigrants & reform! Donald Trump must prove to me that he’s still Trump & knows The Art of the Deal.

7 years ago

I LIVE in Fort Lauderdale…we had Hurricane Irma. The President is doing a great job. We take care of ourselves..we don’t need the government. If everyone did what were supposed to do beforehand, they wouldn’t need them, either. #MAGA

Cathy Swartwood
Cathy Swartwood
7 years ago

He would have had much more accomplished if he weren’t stonewalled at every turn, even by his own party. THIS is why I am no longer a Republican. I think he is doing very well, considering. I don’t blame him for anything that’s not getting done. Blame the elitist, career politicians who only think of themselves and their wallets.

7 years ago

The President is doing just fine. I just went through hurricane Irma and we are fine. We live in Ft. Lauderdale. We didn’t need the government.

Earle Hirtle
Earle Hirtle
7 years ago

The fact that the biased liberal media is reporting practically nothing about the recovery efforts is a clear sign that he is doing a good job.

Judy berry
Judy berry
7 years ago

This burden is not just the Presidents, how in the world can he do everyone’s job?!! He has road blocks in everything he try’s to do from the communist left to the Rinos, they never give him an ounce of credit, they have an agenda to destroy him along with transform the United States of America. If your listening to the mainstream media, don’t!! They only lie, Matt liar (Laur) said Irma was the worst storm in history, wrong!! It was 7th!!
One more thing I’d like to say that is unrelated but would like everyone to realize that so called hate speech is still free speech! We may not like it but it’s our freedom of speech. The left can say what they want but when we disagree it’s labeled as something they make up, always some phobia.

Marlene Bedwell
Marlene Bedwell
7 years ago

I’m not too concerned about the hurricane follow-up. How about a follow-up on the DACA question. Did Trump flinch and soften or will he do what he says he will.

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