
We wish to assess our member knowledge, use, and views of social media and technology for a possible future article. Check ALL with which you agree.

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5 years ago

The only way I can truly assess how primitive my technological proclivities are is to know the number of participants in this poll.

Although I would like to use several of these options, I just don’t relish the idea of being tracked, counted, targeted, harassed, followed, censored, solicited, and assumed to believe in or to like something because of “analytics”. I rather enjoy my little cave, now go away. Happy New Year.

Tom M
Tom M
5 years ago

Many times I want to go back to caveman times. I don’t agree that technology is the best thing to happen. You cannot trust it and those behind it. It’s more about manipulation and control than anything else.

Michael A Krzykowski
Michael A Krzykowski
5 years ago

It’s a real shame.The democrats creating a paper trail to impeach first citizen just so the paper and print could be r3cycled in to US currency. Not a bad thought idealized by Mr.Franklin.

5 years ago

Do yourself a favor and find Dr. Robert Epstein’s interview with Glen Beck on Utube. He is an expert on social media and their political bias. He asserts they will be able to shift public voting in Our 2020 election by as many as 10 million votes. It is chilling…

Eve E.
Eve E.
5 years ago

These Dems are going to cheat like crazy b@st@rds in these upcoming elections. Why haven’t we seen anyone investigating all the machines that were rigged for the Hildabeast in 2016? It makes me so angry. It’s like everyone has forgotten…
BTW: Happy New year AMACers!

Brian B
Brian B
5 years ago

As cell phones have become ubiquitous it’s not surprising that social anxieties and suicide among youth have increased exponentially. Living a life that is filtered through the deceptive eye of social media isn’t living at all. I use my cell phone every day, but resent having this appendage dictate my routine. I use it as a tool ……not a master. Americans have become like cattle in a stockyard. We indolently feed upon the convenience of technology.

5 years ago

I shop online because our small town leaves me no option any more.

5 years ago

I use an iPad daily even though I have a laptop. The laptop is used for projects requiring. Spreadsheets or graphics. I only look at Facebook occasionally to see family and close friends posts. Unsubscribed to Twitter.

5 years ago

Have dispensed with Facebook back when they started controlling replies to posts. Don’t tweet for the same reason. I’d don’t allow others to have control over what I say.

Phil Robertson
Phil Robertson
5 years ago

We’ve been working down in a small town in Oaxaca, Mexico for several weeks now and have been amazed and somewhat disquieted in observing the use of cell phones by the indigenous people here. 20 years ago these people talked to one another and such technology was not to even be imagined. . .

Steven Bailey
Steven Bailey
5 years ago

I use my I-phone for communication, calls, very little txt, and as a camera. Facebook almost daily to keep in contact with long-distance friends and groups. I got banned from Twitter.

They have taken our money over the years and suppo
They have taken our money over the years and suppo
5 years ago

I’m glad there is a competitor for AARP. They have taken our money over the years and supported liberal causes and I don’t understand that. However I haven’t seen as much of that liberal garbage coming out lately.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

Use desktop PC, use LinkedIn & Pinterest, mostly LI,
shop Amazon (prefer 2).
Dont use laptop, use Uber once a while.
Thats it.

Edward Vaughn
Edward Vaughn
5 years ago

I think social media is invading to many people lives personally it is a invasion it will lead to the rights we have and also it is to easy to steal from you to much of your information is out there big tech companies do not protect you

Robert from Naples
Robert from Naples
5 years ago

Changing technology is a fact of life that we will have to live with and adapt. Unfortunately “The Few” abuse it and cause mistrust.
I will not use Facebook, Google or Amazon. I realize that they can gather whatever they might want in the way of personal data, but
I am not going to help them do it. The almighty dollar and control is what governs, so to that end we must steer our monies to the
news and financial sources that have the best possible reputations. Hopefully those sources that don’t get this message will dry up
and disappear.

Adam Christianson
Adam Christianson
5 years ago

Social media is destroying our nation and society.

E Stahl
E Stahl
5 years ago

The items that got the most votes coincide with my answers, So I must be normal

5 years ago

My I phone is my business phone number. My tablet is how I receive my job confirmations. My laptop is my tool to look at load boards. My PC is to play games, and read articles. All except tablet are used for E Mail and texting. It has always been a changing world, but as a professor once told me back in the 70’s “any communications with others is always bias, but if you know that bias you will seldom be fooled unless you are a fool”. You can not put your head in the sand or someone will kick you in the other end that is sticking out (that is from my quote).

Kathleen McIntyre
Kathleen McIntyre
5 years ago

Life is about choices. ??

5 years ago

No conservative should be on Facebook (who owns Instagram, YouTube and wechat). Facebook has assigned all users a score as to if they are conservative or liberal and then sell data , share it and attempt to manipulate users. Twitter controls, manipulatesand censors free speech also. Email content from hotmail, gmail, etc is scanned and monitored by libs. Should support conservative alternatives like prontonmail. The more users they get the better product it will become.

5 years ago

I LOVE technology and find it such a time saver. Nearly all of my bill paying is automated and frequently purchased necessities arrive on a schedule so I don’t forget and run out. Although I use FB and Twitter occassionally, I find them to be time wasters, so I use only FB messenger to keep in touch.

5 years ago

I noticed that the questions didn’t include having a desktop computer. When my old (in computer years) laptop needed replacing, I returned to having a desktop, mostly because my laptop was used at my desk almost exclusively. I have a bigger monitor – which I need at my age – and more capacity, all at a lower price. If I may be allowed to tell a story, I was in a store where the salesman was one of those great guys who remembered everyone’s name and was always friendly. We were passing the “Contractors Desk” when he heard an older fellow say something about “just too slow and the memory’s not like it used to be.” The salesman said something like, “Well, Bob, we all do that when we get older” and “Bob” said (the area I live in has lots of German descendants, many still speak with a German accent as Bob did) “Dammit, I’m talking about my computer, not me!”

5 years ago

I checked laptop use because there was not a selection for tablet. I use an iPad with Bluetooth keyboard case.

Kristen Boyesen
Kristen Boyesen
5 years ago

I did not check “distrust social media” because that category is a small part of the information gathering of personal information. Add to that everything: Face recognition tech, fingerprint to open things, email, all “smart” things, map apps, phone conversations, and especially Alexa and phone-driven apps for home security. Just give everything away, easy as pie. And forget getting your DNA analyzed.
So, rather than stress about social media or any of it, I “trust the plan.” Potus and the white hats have it all, on us as well as “them”. Freedom is already won.

5 years ago

I have no use for social media. My wife uses it daily to connect with family and friends and to argue with idiot strangers. If it’s important I’ll see it in the newspaper or on the local broadcast news. Otherwise I’d I want to connect with family or friends I’ll see them in person, give them a call or (God forbid) write them a letter.

Clarence D Marshall Jr
Clarence D Marshall Jr
5 years ago

I used to use multiple Social media outlets multiple times per day. Facebook was the first one I asked to remove my account from about 4 years ago. And I am so glad I did. I did not lose touch with the important people in my life. In fact, even though my communication with family and friends may have became a tiny bit less frequent, it became so much richer and meaningful. We started actually talking by voice rather than clicking “like” on every little sometimes meaningless thing. I still get a ton of photos and videos of the grandkids… Just not through social media. I actually TALK to my grandkids over various video services like Google’s Duo. I found no reason to keep Facebook, with all the fake friends… You know… The people you friended from high school and college that you hardly ever actually hung around with in high school and college!
I no longer am on any social media platform. I no longer have to decide whether to accept friend requests from people I struggle to even remember. I no longer get political posts from “progressives” which leave me fuming at the stupidity of some people.
And, to be certain, as I removed myself from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twit, Google Plus, and others, I also carefully ensured all of my data was deleted prior to closing each account. I corresponded with each company’s customer service (multiple times most times) to ensure no trace of my data lived on. And I further started using services to search for my data to be positive I could no longer be found on any of these “services.”
Today, I am non-existent on any social media platform. And I could not be happier!

5 years ago

I have never used or subscribed to FB, Twitter or Instagram. Do not believe any of them are a good thing. I do live rural, so must shop on-line for needs as there isn’t much in our little town. Do use a cell phone in case of emergency, but only when we leave. Still have a land line in case we lose electricity. Do not trust media news, so read conservative news on line. Am grateful for AMAC and am disgusted that AARP contributes to left-wing anything! Pray for our president and country every day.

5 years ago

One of my pet peeves when the polling votes are shown is that the bar graph doesn’t reflect accurately against the other results. Why is the bar for 2397 votes longer than the bar for 3500 votes? It’s misleading and should be able to correctly displayed.

5 years ago

I still prefer paper statements so I have tangible proof and keep my flip phone so the ability to track my every step is made harder. With the way ID theft is made easy to the right hackers and the dispute process is so complicated, I double and triple up on protection and treat any of my info on a need to know only basis.

5 years ago

If you trust modern technology, you’re putting your trust in the hands of fools and LIARS. You think your information is safe? Think again…

5 years ago

Love technology. I have always been interested in electronic gadgets, both simple and complicated.

Sam Mullis
Sam Mullis
5 years ago

I suspect the caveman did not trust everyone he came in contact with. We must remember that Cain slew his brother Able. Just as the Angels are always with us, the demons are always with us. So look for the good, but always be aware that evil also exists in the world.

5 years ago

The less use of social media the better. And it costs sometimes so if I am left out due to that , so be it.
Don’t even have a Smart Phone; that started because arthritis in my hands makes it near impossible to “Swipe” it and it almost cause a car accident trying to answer the stupid phone. Life is also much more peaceful.

5 years ago

I believe that most social media platforms work to squelch the views of those made from a traditional american perspective. They work to bend the narrative by filtering information through a progressive view filter. In this way, they can reposition history to their liking, and censor the news of the day.

5 years ago

I like pools like this it shows what people do & like!

5 years ago

I had a FB and Twitter account, but gave them up for Lent 2 years ago and never went back. Miss them occasionally, especially the POTUS tweets, but the demomediacratic press usually lets me know about his latest.
Happy New Year. Vote out the swamp dwellers: and support a primary challenger against your Senator or Representative if he/she is a RINO.

Joy C
Joy C
5 years ago

It is such a shame that we now cannot even trust our own Government. It has become evident, that ” WE THE PEOPLE ” not longer matter, it now is a power struggle between our parties, they have lost all sense of what Government was suppose to be and DO!
Technology is almost scary to use, you never know when you may be hacted.

It is a sad day, when we are all afraid to speak up, say what we think, say what we believe in, honor the constitution, etc, I sometimes sit and think about how different life and morals has changed over the years, and glad that I am now 74 and maybe things will be better, not worse, once I am gone.

Diana H
Diana H
5 years ago

My feeling it’s important that I do not fear technology because I have my head in the sand. As I get older, I want to stay up as much as possible with technological advancements whether I like them or use them. As I age, I want to plan well ahead of when I can no longer drive and need help caring myself. It’s up to me if I want to enjoy my freedoms to be sure I have a technological information base to help with as many daily needs or wants I may have such shopping, eating, entertainment etc. I agree privacy is in jeopardy and I’m surprised so many people overshare about themselves or share about their children or grandchildren. I do not use personal assistance devices and share things on social media with privacy in mind. I enjoy the memories I have shared that pop up on various social media platforms and post with making memories in mind. I want to remember the good things that occur.

Press ONE for English
Press ONE for English
5 years ago

The only thing I could click on was the last item, that I distrust socialist media, even though they spelled it wrong. The other stuff, I don’t even know what some of it is. Or care. Funny though they did not ask about a desk top computer, they were oddly specific in naming a laptop. Surely by being here at all some amount of computer use is implicit. If AMAC is looking for initiatives to pursue to help its members, how about programs to wean members OFF these addictive, useless and at their core stupid technological time wasters?

5 years ago

The possibility of the current technology to be abused scares me. Security systems that listen in to your home 24/7, the same systems can be armed and disarmed via radio signal (Smart phone) that the FCC has mandated is public domain. Our cars can be interfered with remotely by companies like “On Star” and its equals. We have seen videos of police being able to request remote braking of vehicles being pursued. The “Blink and Ring” cameras can also be remotely accessed electronically allowing any hacker to watch the schedule of the residents coming and going to plan a break in and remotely turn off the alarm. I just don’t trust that these things will not be misused. And for people to knowingly install open microphones like “Alexa” to listen to their every conversation or intimate moment is beyond me.

Nancy Lipkins
Nancy Lipkins
5 years ago

I don’t do social media at all.. just email

John H
John H
5 years ago

Social media represents to me what over-the backyard-fence-gossip to the biggest tell it all loudmouth used to represent. I don’t trust it anymore than I trusted those loudmouths. Sure, I use a cell phone, a tablet, and a laptop, but everything I can switch off, such as cookies, do not track, advertising profiles, location, ad nauseum, is switched off, and will remain so.

5 years ago

It would be good to run a tally of the number of poll participants in order to get a perspective of the percent participation in each category.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
5 years ago

I just had an in home visit from my Medicare provider and they said my blood pressure was high. I get that way it seems when I go on social media. I get so sick of the leftists who are trying to mess up our lives, I almost want to throw my computer out the door. I’ve had other people on some social sites that have said that I make an excessive amount of comments and I need to ease up a bit.

5 years ago

I own an Industrial Equipment sales rep company and I get all my emails on my PC, iPhone, IPad and laptop (which is only used when traveling). I don’t use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or google and I do make purchases on the Internet and try not to buy from Amazon. I get 50% of my news from the Internet and the rest from the WSJ and a few print publications. We stopped getting the Denver Compost years ago due to the extreme Leftis Democrat drivel which is mostly regurgitated Washington Compost. I tried Facebook for a short time and found it full of useless and oftentimes infuriating trash which is not good for my physical / mental health and a huge waste of time. Bottom line is if your not on social media there is no issue with intrusion or manipulation!

5 years ago

I use my Kindle daily, Facebook not daily, podcasts daily but I don’t get my news there. Love my iPhone but still have a landline. Technology is a tool. I use it, it doesn’t control me.

Joan Troth
Joan Troth
5 years ago

Very concerned about the censorship of alternative health sites. What happened to freedom of speech!

Bob S
Bob S
5 years ago

Overall Social media is nothing but technological bondage, invasion of privacy, manipulation and time consuming.
Big tech companies keep sucking life out of our younger generation for financial and political gains.

Dorita deLemos Down
Dorita deLemos Down
5 years ago

What is happening today has been well defined in the two books, which every intelligent human should be conscious of. “Brave New Worlds” Aldous Huxley, written in 1936 and 1984, written in the early 70’s. These two visionaries projected what is occurring, the government, the status, the policies, the individuals, their safety if any, their protection from ulterior forces, certainly not the social media and its owners, who are corrupt, self-serving, egotistical and self-centered. How is the human race supposed to survive with intelligence, manners, elegance, and dignity.

Kim in Flagstaff
Kim in Flagstaff
5 years ago

Our current technology is a tool. And just like every other tool, you need to “wear” protection. You wouldn’t use a welder without eye protection. Virus programs help, but watch where you go online and what you post. Phone scammers are still calling people and asking people for their social security number and people are giving it out! All because we are getting older, doesn’t mean we “cave” in because “younger people” know more about technology. I have a co-worker who thinks like that. I tell him you have to keep yourself up on things and he responds he’s too old to learn this stuff. That makes me mad. Use your tools with care and protection.

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