was unable to select four items from the list. kept allowing only one to highlight.
John Whatmough
7 years ago
Why was your poll not verified that it works as stated. More than once stated to pick more than one which could not be done due to your programming.
Nancyann Pickens
7 years ago
More about what AMAC does needs to get out to people. Use the old school of Highway Bill Boards. By ad space in high travel areas at first where people have to look at the road and not their phone. Do more on Twitter and Facebook. Older folks are using these sites more than the younger crowd. Put more information in Doctor’s offices. Set up town Hall meetings in rural areas where people don’t follow the newest fads.
Goldie Cross
7 years ago
The poll only allowed me to pick one, not four. My top four are Pro-Life, Right to bear arms, smaller federal government and less taxes.
7 years ago
Can’t pick 4 — only one
Katheryn W. Cowles
7 years ago
We are now at the end of September and the pick 4 is still not working.
Nancy HIlton
7 years ago
It would be nice if you could pick four, but you have it set up to pick just one .
Nancy HIlton
7 years ago
Couldn’t leave four choices, as the system isn’t set up for more than one choice.
Greg Ready
7 years ago
The poll is not working as advertised. It says you can pick up to four answers but only allows you to select one! :O(
Come on AMAC! Lets get this corrected!
Mike Kiernan
7 years ago
poll only allows one selection
6 years ago
Your program only allows for one choice. My 4 are: Pro Life, Religious Freedom, Smaller Federal Government, and Right to Bear Arms
Charles W Eisenhuth
6 years ago
What, still not fixed after all these months? How can we take you seriously when you ask us to pick four but only allow us to pick one? Ptooy!!
Don DeShazo
6 years ago
Need to fix your system. Could only pick “1”. Constitution, pro-life, smaller government and less taxes. Defending the Constitution covers most of your categories.
Don DeShazo
6 years ago
Covered in original post
Carol Witherington
6 years ago
unable to pick the four, I could ONY pick one !!!
Jan James
6 years ago
You said to pick 4 and your site would not let you. You could only pick one and not 3 others. While all are important for me, for the record, I think that these are most important: Defending the Constitution, Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Traditional Values and most definitely — a Smaller Government.
6 years ago
need to work on your programming, can’t pick but 0ne
John N
6 years ago
Very disappointed at your leading answers. We may be considered to be deplorable but we are not ignorant. Fix the glitches too.
Tom Stanley
6 years ago
The poll says to pick 4. It will only hold 1, not 4.
was unable to select four items from the list. kept allowing only one to highlight.
Why was your poll not verified that it works as stated. More than once stated to pick more than one which could not be done due to your programming.
More about what AMAC does needs to get out to people. Use the old school of Highway Bill Boards. By ad space in high travel areas at first where people have to look at the road and not their phone. Do more on Twitter and Facebook. Older folks are using these sites more than the younger crowd. Put more information in Doctor’s offices. Set up town Hall meetings in rural areas where people don’t follow the newest fads.
The poll only allowed me to pick one, not four. My top four are Pro-Life, Right to bear arms, smaller federal government and less taxes.
Can’t pick 4 — only one
We are now at the end of September and the pick 4 is still not working.
It would be nice if you could pick four, but you have it set up to pick just one .
Couldn’t leave four choices, as the system isn’t set up for more than one choice.
The poll is not working as advertised. It says you can pick up to four answers but only allows you to select one! :O(
Come on AMAC! Lets get this corrected!
poll only allows one selection
Your program only allows for one choice. My 4 are: Pro Life, Religious Freedom, Smaller Federal Government, and Right to Bear Arms
What, still not fixed after all these months? How can we take you seriously when you ask us to pick four but only allow us to pick one? Ptooy!!
Need to fix your system. Could only pick “1”. Constitution, pro-life, smaller government and less taxes. Defending the Constitution covers most of your categories.
Covered in original post
unable to pick the four, I could ONY pick one !!!
You said to pick 4 and your site would not let you. You could only pick one and not 3 others. While all are important for me, for the record, I think that these are most important: Defending the Constitution, Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Traditional Values and most definitely — a Smaller Government.
need to work on your programming, can’t pick but 0ne
Very disappointed at your leading answers. We may be considered to be deplorable but we are not ignorant. Fix the glitches too.
The poll says to pick 4. It will only hold 1, not 4.
It won’t allow me to select 4 options
Could only pick one not four answers.