As we recently observed Veterans Day, many would argue Americans have come far in our recognition of a veteran’s commitment. Others believe we have much more to do to truly honor their service and sacrifice. Which comes closest to your view? Choose three.
of usa fed gov immoral, illegal covid mandates upon all our military now!
usa fed gov plannedemic at war on usa military active duty and all military vets usa gov sucks. gov all about saying thanks to our military on Vets Day. whoopidoo BS! Stop all the immoral, illegal and insane wars!!!
vets who foolishly engage get massively messed up by being used to commit heinous crimes for war criminals profiteers bloody war criminals politicians!!!
In honor of Veterans Day we should have parades thanking our vets for their service to keep us free. Our government needs to take care of our veterans better. Our pets get better health care, which is sickening. For reasons unknown we promise them a great life and when they come back we turn our backs on them. I’m not sure why our military hasn’t taught the tyranny here at home that we go half way around the world to fight. God love these men and women for their bravery, service and sacrifice.
$450,000 for each invader. Vets die in the parking lots. No money and on their own. Things have improved for us but I still think being an illegal invader pays better.
What the government does for our vets is like the proverbial “putting lipstick on a pig”. All dressing with no substance. A vet dies because he can’t get to see a doctor, another sleeps under a bridge, while this administration talks about giving illegals $450,000. Then they have parades where the politicians can make it look like they care. They put flowers on a vets grave to show how much they want our vote so they can continue milking the system. So hypocritical it stinks!!
Since leaving the Air Force I have NEVER worked or a company that honored Veterans, at all. Not one single company would offer you the day to observe or give a day with pay. I think this is a disgrace with the private sector. No wonder our veterans feel ashamed, our government disowns them. And in many case the government DRAFTED them with no choice. Now, the WH is full of people wanting to do away with any veteran entitlements and pay illegals to come to out country. Disgraceful. Is that not treason?
Yes and I support about all of the listed things here for our soldiers but I have to say that I would list some others. I praise God above for our freedoms and our individual things.
Our national domestic policies regarding immigration and refugee/asylum reflect the failure of our foreign policies for the past 60 years. This is an insulting denigration of sacrifice by generations of Americans. Why should Americans go off to foreign battlefields for “nation-building” purposes, to be maimed and die, simply, so government can open its arms to the victims of the foreign policy which it formulated, implemented and for the failure of which it, solely, is responsible?
The best way to honor veterans is to get rid of The Alzheimer’s Patient in Chief, who nixxed the Alaskan Pipeline and gave one to one of our worst enemies and checked his watch while they were dismebarking 13 coffins holding the remains of the 13 soldiers who died and whose deaths he is responsible for (What, someone told him there’d be pudding after?), get rid of The Giggler who is one hearbeat away from leading the increasingly socialist free world and dump Nazi “I Can’t Feel My Face” Pelosi, the Baltimoron who passes bills without knowing what’s in them. They’re destroying our country.
For the most part it is just lip service, most could care less.
I contribute to REBOOT Recovery. An organization which develops and administers courses which help veterans, first responders and anyone who suffers from trauma heal.
As a three tour Viet Nam vet I do appreciate the lip service given to our current vets…but, I am afraid, that it is mostly just lip service.
I am a Vietnam Veteran. I remember well how I was treated getting off the plane in SF. Today is a complete turnaround from those days…….It is too bad so many of our Brothers & Sisters are not here to witness the difference……This past Veterans Day I had to go to the Sulphur Springs, TX Lowe’s store for supplies……The Manager had everone of his Veterans wearing Camo vests…….Their job was to ONLY assist customers, especially Vets…..I was wearing a hat designating my service………The very first associate that was wearing a camo vest, came up to me & asked if he could help me. He took me all over the store to find my list. I was in 2 more Lowe’s & a Home Depot that day. ONLY the Sulphur Springs store had the “special” help. That display of Honor to Vets meant a LOT to me, & still does. Add in the fact that store was one of the first Lowe’s to offer special parking for Veterans….. I hope Lowe’s adopts that store Manager polices throughout their chain….. I Thank the entire staff at the Sulphur Springs TX Lowe’s…….
We’re treated like second rate citizens. F**K biden
Freedom of choice must be tied to individual responsibility for the choices we make. Unless one has lost the capacity to choose or it has been diminished by choices beyond his or her control, he or she must always be accountable for them. There is a great and demonstrable difference between veterans who are suffering because they served us and experienced injuries which diminish their physical or emotional abilities; and those who are choosing to abuse themselves or others because they decline the responsibilities which require them to work and earn their way. The disabled veterans are not making excuses, they are experiencing the results of serving us.
Recent Presidents who have respected the Military were President Reagan and President Trump, and a little respect from the first President Bush (the second Bush was a disappointment) and maybe Nixon. President Carter, had little respect for the military, President Clinton-none, President Obama less than none, President Biden views the military as a way to increase his personal wealth. This is my Opinion of recent Presidents.
Now that the wars are over the military will revert to out of sight and out of mind. Charities will move on to current needs and the VA will regress in benefits and responsibilities.
When VietNam was considered over, the war fighters left the military because the leftists took hold of it and destroyed readiness, moral and fueled racism. They brought in long hair and business suits and restructured it into a kinder gentler peace Corp. on the Forrestal we couldn’t get water or decent food. The ship and aircraft were barely operational. If they could fly or steam under their own power they were considered fully operational when in fact the weapons, communications and avionics systems were severely down graded. Between Viet Nam and 1983 the military was a paper tiger.
I served for 30 years between VietNam and Iraq. I saw and experienced it all. Thank God for Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. Notice the similarities between Ronald and Donald?
I fully expect, no, I know that the left will/is repeating their BS on the military. Hopefully we can turn our country around in 22 and 24.
For now we are severely lacking accountability, responsibility and lack of American leadership from either political cesspool.
In the early 70’s stationed in Virginia Beach it was common place to see yards signs that read “ sailors and dogs keep off the grass.”
I’m afraid we are there again.
As a Cold War Veteran myself I had never once been acknowledged for my service of almost 10 years in the U.S. Army and in the last recent years I have been on a normal basis from people that know me and strangers if I wear something to make it know I served like my Army Veteran hat. It feels extremely weird to me and I’m not sure how I truly feel about it. I went so many years not being recognized for my service. I wish our Veterans owned businesses would get a step up to boost their business with either a tax break or some kind of difference to where they could have a opportunity to help many other Veterans that need a job. We are so quick as a government to help people that have done nothing for our country like illegal immigrants and very little for our people that have given so much willing. I don’t get it. I’m not asking for welfare for our Veterans, I’m asking for a step up!
Parades and lip service does nothing for veterans. Treat us like you did when we returned from Vietnam because nobody really gives a crap about us. Retired veterans struggle to get medical and dental care and their pay sucks but somebody says, “Thanks for your service.” and that is supposed to make it all better. Give me a break.
I would prefer veteran charities stop sending mail labels, note pads, etc. First, how many people actually use snail mail, what do these items cost the charities? Most of my mail now consists of various donation requests. While I would like to contribute to all of them, this is financially impossible especially with the current inflation.
Public schools ruined our former recognition of veterans and their service by banning the pledge of allegiance to start and teaching that all war is bad.
I was rejected for military service in 1979 so I couldn’t follow I’m my father’s and his father’s footsteps.
In 1980, I got my first Harley and have been riding in Rolling Thunder until the anti Americans put a stop to it
The mass media as it has evolved does not like the American Military and only gives lip-service to those high ranking members who spout the same rhetoric and half truths that agree with their opinions. Any praise these media outlets give to members of military on Veterans day and Memorial day seems disingenuous at best and generally contradictory to what these outlets advocate almost every other day of the year.
Need 2 deal with homeless vets for sure if not mentally ill nationwide
This country’s politician put far more emphasis on housing and caring for illegals than taking care of our veterans. No vet should ever want for housing, medical care or food ever.
Lip service from the media and politicians, The only people that respect veterans are other veterans and their families. Sad but true.
If we really cared about our veterans we wouldn’t spend so much of our nations blood losing wars.
The way this administration threats VETERANS compared to ILLEGAL immigrants is shameful, and a black mark on our country. This must change!
I am currently spending a lot (too much) time helping a veteran who chose to mess up his mind with drugs while in the service – before he came close to being deployed. He was kicked out, but used influential relatives to regain all of his benefits. Now, he frequently states that his benefits are due to (his less than a year of) “service to the country”. I do not “regularly thank and honor” all vets. I appreciate that many served very well, under dangerous conditions, and I honor them. I appreciate those whose service amounted to a 9 – 5 job at home, if they did it well. For others (like my ‘friend’), I have respect for his choice to join the service, but that’s it …
Lip service and no action. It’s great to show them honor on a holiday but what about the rest of the days.
Instead of our government wanting to give to illegal aliens, most of whom sent their children into this country alone, we should make the money available to help the Veterans and homeless.
Veterans served this country with unconditional loyalty. They deserve respect and assistance, unlike those crashing our borders and who might become the latest lottery winners under the Biden administration. The thought of our federal government giving away $450,000 to family members separated at the border sickens me.
Let’s Go Brandon ! Michael in communist occupied Pennsylvania Ret US Army-Militia
As a veteran and coming for a family of many veterans I believe that veteran should always get the care they need to recover or at least learn to live with the PTSD and other service related issues. Veteran should be first in receiving government assistance to survive, get education benefits ,and receive proper health care. No veteran should be homeless and on the streets. Being able to only select 3 in poll doesn’t allow one to cover all the think in portent to veterans. I would gave been better to allowed the selections to be listed in order of importance.
Whenever I see a veteran, especially an elderly one, on the street, in a store, or even in a restaurant, I forsake my natural reserve and thank them for their service and my freedom. Most have been genuinely surprised and appreciative. I’ll never forget one day while I was shopping at the grocery store and due to unpacked merchandise sitting in the aisles had to navigate my cart around stacks of cans and boxes, etc. An older gentleman wearing a US Navy cap with his battleship embroidered on the front was coming in the opposite direction. We both laughed and then I moved over to allow him to pass by me. However, before he went on down the aisle I stopped him and I thanked him for my freedom. He began to cry and said he did not think anyone really cared anymore about his service to our nation “down there”- indicated Washington DC. At this time Obama was in the White House. I told him that many people still care about him and his service to our nation. As he smiled and walked away I thought that this was no chance encounter. I realized how many of our older veterans, especially the men who served in Korea and Vietnam, feel forgotten. I vowed that day to always thank the men and women of our Armed Forces when I see them out in the store or someplace else.
The current regime treats illegal invaders better than our own citizens. They are really quite pathetic.
Perceptions of Veteran treatment are relative to where one lives. In my dem city, an article or two in the paper and dedication of more monuments(admittedly some are military but always in terrible taste and usually focused to one ethnicity) is what we get. We are awash in monuments but no real service to needy vets – that could & should change. The service in the VA Hospitals here is a mixed bag, depending on the vet you ask. Only a few miles away in every direction there are annual parades, public ceremonies, recognition of vets, etc and other activities. My state is strongly conservative as are these small towns, so a big difference in ways Veterans are honored. Even in my once-conservative Church we had strong veteran recognition- wearing of uniforms by retired vets, music recognizing each service branch, flag hand-outs – even once the pastor led a parade of veterans done the church aisles. No more, now if anything is done, its “All veterans stand, thank you” before all are even on their feet. Totally agree that this goes back to the poor education in public schools, lack of decent(or any) parenting, and the fact that so many young people never served and are clueless as to what patriotism really is.
Being a vet has given me a personal look at the total lack of actual support supplied by Congress to veterans. I believe the people actually working at VA hospitals do their best for vets but the politicians and figureheads only talk, actions very rarely follow. Stories of vets waiting for months and even years are rampant and Congress doesn’t care one wit.
The country can never do enough to thank veterans for their service. Therefore more services ought to be made available for veterans health, economic and social well being.
The people in this country have no idea how they are protected by the military and the law enforcement. The people will find out before long because of Biden we will be attacked. I just hope we have enough military left to protect us.Peoples better get there guns ready.
Nothing says more for support of our Vets and Servicemen like a ‘ Mandatory Jab in the Arm ‘ from their Anal Cavity Commander-in-Chief, President Joe ( Xi ) Biden.
Our Forefathers are rolling in their graves about now … Arlington probably showing a Seismic Reading !
As the old saying goes, “All gave some, some gave ALL” Too many have forgotten the sacrifices that those who sacrificed and died to give this country the freedoms that we enjoy today. The same freedoms that the Marxist Democrats in this country want to take away. Let not their efforts be in vain
I have real men in my family that served, and am thankful for them everyday. but I can’t see any of today’s soy boys with their manbuns, skinny jeans, & manpurses having the same character, resolve, courage, or strength to stand up & fight for this country. I weep for how democrats have emasculated boys depriving them of their male role & identity.
Too many politicians and others in power take part in Veteran’s Day celebrations one day a year and then turn their heads and ignore the problems many veterans face when coming back from service. Many have health problems, physical and mental, and face miles of red tape to get the benefits they were promised when they signed up for their service. A lot even end up homeless or forced to stand on a corner and beg for money for a meal. The absolutely stupid thing is while these men and women put their life in harm’s way for our country suffer through these things while money is thrown at illegal aliens who force their way into our country and then do not have to work because we feed and house them and their families!
This is one area where the government should do much more than it does currently and then keep out of the rest of our business! It is a disgrace that illegal immigrants are treated more humanely than our precious veterans! ????????????????Americans in general should do more as well in support of those who gave some or all to keep us safe.
I am thankful for all the brave service men and women who have served this country some who died, some who suffered great injuries and the hidden injury of PTSD. There are some private organizations who do far more for them than this administration who has put them on the back burner so to speak. It was a shame to see this false president lay the wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier after what he did in withdrawing from Afghanistan the way he did. One of our brave military would have been the much better choice. I couldn’t stand watching it. It was total hypocrisy! This president cares more for the illegal aliens flooding into our country than he does his own legal citizens.
I feel the veteran is an afterthought by the politicians of this country. They talk the helping hand, but quietly and slowly walk away from it. Churches and private organizations try to do more for them, but don’t quite have the funds to do so, but do try. there are a lot of empty businesses that could be used as shelters for them and help them with their mental problems as well.
We, as a country, must do more to assist our brothers and sisters at home and abroad. They should NOT have to worry about feeding their kids or paying the utility bill. All veterans are heroes.
Both Veterans Day and Memorial Day need to be truly days of honor and remembrance with businesses closing and having local events that honor those who served. I remember a parade was held on Veterans Day when I was a kid, but no longer. We have cheapened what it means to serve.
I have seen the troubling treatment of Veterans. It appears to me; our Veterans are treated in either of two opposite ways. First, they receive proper recognition. OR, second, they are treated as murdering scum of the earth. All of this comes from U.S. citizens. I believe this to be a result of improper/biased education from many different sources. I perceive this to be an ongoing effort to divide the masses as opposed to uniting everyone. Remember, it’s easier to conquer a divided force than it is to defeat the united forces.
As I was walking through Newark airport early in 1972 wearing my dress greens, waiting for that final flight back to civilian life, I was approached by a scrawny, stringy-haired skank, accompanied by her equally scrawny, stringy-haired boyfriend, who promptly called me a baby killer. The joyful look on my face immediately turned to anger, and as I took a step in their direction, they melted off into the crowd of travelers, never to be seen again. I wanted to reply that I never killed anyone, especially a baby, but they had disappeared, no doubt to become future school board leaders, or shills for the Democratic party. Regardless, cowards to be sure.
Anyway, I now find it a pleasure, when I’m checking out at my local Lowes, when the checkout person notices my veteran status, that they most often thank me for my service. I always respond, ‘thank you for the acknowledgement.’ A far cry from 50 years ago…..’nuff said.
I worked at O’Hare airport in Chicago for over 40 yrs. Anytime I saw a service person I would always go up to them with a heartfelt thank you. And many times if they were on my flight and it wasn’t full, I would honor them further by upgrading them to first class.