

This is the first of a two-part poll to determine AMAC’s Man or Woman of the Year for 2022. The top three vote-getters from this week’s poll will be included in next week’s run-off poll to decide the winner. nnRound 1 nWho do you think should be AMAC’s Man or Woman of the Year for 2022? (Please select one)

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2 years ago

There has been an organized effort by the media and government to silence conservative voices and to silence any who would question “the narrative.” Elon Musk put an end to that on Twitter. As a result, the half or more-than-half of American citizens who believe in America, the Constitution, family, ethics, and accountability are again having their voices heard. It has allowed for needed change to begin.

2 years ago

Honestly, many great choices here.

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

We need more than a conservative defending conservative values in a conservative state so how about a conservative who is facing down the federal government and trying to stem the tide of illegal immigration along our southern border:

Governor Greg Abbott

2 years ago

We need a write-in to select Rachel Levine for man of the year.

2 years ago

All persons mentioned showed remarkable courage.

2 years ago

Poll is telling. DeSantis vs Trump?

2 years ago

Where the heck is Putin? He’s just trying to save his country from the US thugocracy.

2 years ago

Absolutely, DONALD J TRUMP. This Man has his Faults but the Lies, Inquisition and FALSE Stories the Media and DEMOCRATS Spread about him, Qualifies DJT as a Saint. America & His Administration were under CONSTANT Continued Attack by the DEMS, the MEDIA, BLM, ANTIFA, RINO’s, Trump Derangement Syndrome, FBI, CIA, NSA and the Progressive WOKE Socialists that are INTENT on the DESTRUCTION of AMERICA. TRUMP 2024, the ONLY MAN or WOMAN that may just SAVE Us ALL.

2 years ago

The FLCCC should be on the list due to their unwavering response in the life saving treatment for COVID-19.
If it weren’t for these brave physicians and researchers many more people would have died.

2 years ago

These are all awesome folks. I have to go with our President Trump.

2 years ago

Tulsi Gabbard is a member of WEF. This is how WEF is working to obtain global control….infiltrate and manipulate younger gens throughout globe. Go,to the web page and you can literally spend hours looking through the “young members”

2 years ago

We witnessed Trump’s ability to “Take Charge” and deal with foreign leaders and governments. His record speaks for itself regarding tariffs, treaties, and trade with NK, China, Russia, Islamic countries and world leaders in general. Ron DeSantis is an “unknown” in these very important areas and categories of national leadership. The Governor has the ability to do well, but DJT brings with him his vast negotiating and deal-making skills, and he alone has been able to withstand seven years of non-stop investigations by so many agencies. After Joe’s “train wreck” pulls out of the station, it seems foolish to experiment with another unknown.

Margaret Wolfe
Margaret Wolfe
2 years ago

I can’t choose just one because all these that you’ve chosen are trying to do something to get back this great country of our back on track. So there are many men or women who deserve the title.

Judy Cherry
Judy Cherry
2 years ago


2 years ago

Mr. Musk for exposing the theft of freedom of speech. So much necessary information was held back from we the people not just on Twitter but through the media in general. They all collaborated in their messages to deceive we the people. Their outrage at Mr. Musk speaks volumes of their disdain not only for him but for we the people. They would have us stay uninformed and dumb, which of course effected election outcomes. Without free speech none of the others listed would even be known. God bless Mr. Musk and his efforts to restore free speech so that we the people can choose wisely.

Stephanie Torres
Stephanie Torres
2 years ago

Wow these are all great choices and I am glad you provided the list. I voted for Supreme Court decision even though it only returned the abortion issue to the states because we cannot continue to sacrifice our children. Was a great list and I am thankful for everyone on it.

W D Doc Wheeler
W D Doc Wheeler
2 years ago

This was a tough call, Elon, Trump or DeSantis? Elon risked and lost a big chunk of his fortune. (The most ever by a single individual.) Trump was the most effective president of my lifetime. (81 years) maybe ever in spite of constant phony harassment by the Dems, Never Trumpers and the left wing press. DeSantis is the future of our Republican party.

Chip Wehling
Chip Wehling
2 years ago

My vote is YES! To all of them! Each of these has and is fighting the good fight for God’s kingdom in their individual situations. ALL of them have stood strong and continue to stand! Eph 6:14!
God bless them all and continue to give them strength, tenacity, an unfailing heart for their ministry!!

2 years ago

So difficult to choose just one!!!

Suzanne Rohloff
Suzanne Rohloff
2 years ago

Option. Paralysis.

Steven Paul Sloan
Steven Paul Sloan
2 years ago

The American people need to be included in your list. We are the ones who suffer everyday at the whims of these politicians you listed, from both sides of the eisle. The one man of the year you failed to list who truly works for us twenty four seven is Jesus Christ.

2 years ago

Why not have a, “Man of the Year,” and a Woman of the Year?”

Allan S
Allan S
2 years ago

This should have been a pick three. That way, a true choice would be revealed, kind of similar to a ranked choice system. Then the final vote a pick one.

2 years ago

Of course Ron DeSantis with Musk a close second.
Also this is the end of Biden. His usefulness is OVER and it’s time to take him out. There will also be no double standard between Biden and Trump. They will definitely destroy Biden to destroy Trump.
Also (my opinion of course) this paves the way for Michelle to run. And I believe that the only one that can beat Michelle Obama is of course Ron DeSantis.
2023 and 24 are going to be very interesting to say the least.

2 years ago

Your poll locked up tighter than laminated plywood!

2 years ago

Very tough decision! Each should have their mention, but in my opinion if we do not regain our freedom of speech (which should keep most other issues in check), none of the efforts the other listed heroes and patriots have given us will matter when the rest of our freedoms are eroded.

2 years ago

DeSantis, and it is not even close. He is demonstrating what conservtive leadership should be and is unafraid to do th eright thing even when it goes against the mainstream (wrong) thinking in the country, in all levels of our governemt, in our military, in our courts, in our schools and universities, and even in the failed parenting becoming more the norm than exception in the country. Abbott is my 2nd choice for the same reasons. Other governors need to pay attention, do likewise, and do it quickly

James A Bolfer
James A Bolfer
2 years ago

All of these names can certainly qualify. Say what you want, but their motivation to fight for our freedom was triggered by President Trump. The only reason we did not have a Red Wave in the last election was the people who rode on Trumps coat tail betrayed him.

Kathleen Daley
Kathleen Daley
2 years ago

I wish I could have voted for them all!! Very hard choice, but then I thought thanks be to God, because your list of choices gives us much hope!

David Paine
David Paine
2 years ago

Almost all of them deserve it… Hard to choose. It’s encouraging we have su many heroes to admire!

Kathryn Kimbrough
Kathryn Kimbrough
2 years ago

All are worthy, to be honest Was hard to pick one.

2 years ago

People seem to overlook the fact that Elon Musk is a globalist who wants to implant a chip in your brain and put you under direct control of the A.I. overlords. There is always some other ulterior motive. Twitter is the smallest of the big tech social media sites and still infiltrated by the CIA/FBI. There is no reason to believe it’s not all a continuation of the smoke and mirror approach of the NWO.

jim wood
jim wood
2 years ago

Elon and Ron both showed courage and leadership in promoting values that make sense and steer us away from the Socialist, WOK mentality of the dark side, led by Joey Dumb s— and the radicals. If Merrick Garland has any guts he will push the Biden documents issue as hard or harder than he did wrongfully to Trump, who by the way had the right to have the documents, where as the Biden China crime family did not. Both Elon and Ron are deserving of this nomination.

Freedom Wins
Freedom Wins
2 years ago

So if anyone wants to what happened to the “Red Wave” look no further than good ole Mitch McConnell. He manipulated the elections in several states to either help a RINO stay in power or help a new Republican candidate lose. Its interesting how all these boxes of Biden documents are being found NOW. Why now? and to who’s benefit is it? That’s the question we all should want to know. And have answered. Maybe Joe doesn’t want to step down after his term is up and the liberals want him out. And this is their way of saying goodbye to good old Joe. Throw mud on him and a lot of Democrats would have no choice to vote for whoever they put up. Cause a lot of the old Democrats aren’t voting for a new Democrat. They’re voting for anyone but TRUMP lol My wifes best friend told us that’s why she voted for Biden. And she’s from NY too. Go figure.Careful what they wish for because if Trump doesn’t get the nod it almost a sure thing that DeSantis will. Ask Disney about him. He didn’t back down and gets things done. Man has no fear.

Kathy Gassler
Kathy Gassler
2 years ago

I agree, they ALL deserve to be in the showcase of heroes. I chose DeSantis because of the coverage he’s gotten in the media. He’s doing more to push back against the Globalist agenda on a daily basis and is pro-active in following through to cause them embarrassment by their actions; specifically, the “Air DeSantis” move by flying illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard and Kamala Harris’ house! Very affective.

2 years ago

If we don’t secure the border nothing else will matter.

2 years ago

How about the men and women of the armed forces who never seem to get much credit and do a great job despite the tumultuous political atmosphere?

2 years ago

Amac has a lot of poll material and stories to inform their readers with this list and I take it in part two also . Will look forward to reading all of them instead of Uncle Joe
, the little weasel Dr. Falsie and on and on . All hard working deserving Americans.

Michael Jones
Michael Jones
2 years ago

I am amazed that so few people chose Candace Owens, Tim Tebow, and others like them. It shows me that few people really are Christ motivated. I could be wrong in my assumptions.

Jane Cash
Jane Cash
2 years ago

I chose the Supreme Court, because if you don’t respect life nothing else matters.

2 years ago

This poll showed me that we have a lot to be thankful for!! We have many righteous, courageous upright people on the side of truth and we should continue to pray for each and every one of them. And we should boldly back them and their efforts to fight against communism and tyranny.

In God We Trust!

Ron Page
Ron Page
2 years ago

The man of the decade is Donald Trump. We need to keep the eye on the ball, 2024 . We must reunite and get behind the only one who will get us over the finish line and bring this country back. BUT we must find away to get Mitch and other rinos out of office. DeSantis is great but he will be next in 2028.
All the people listed are great but this poll is riged, in that there are to many. If Trump does not win this one, he won’t be in the next!

2 years ago

I would have liked to seen Melania on the list. No other First Lady has ever had to endure the kinds of attacks she has, and she still appears gracious and beautiful.

2 years ago

EVERYTHING that it listed above is crucial to the AMERICAN way of life. To choose one above the other lessons the importance of the remaining contributions to the cause. I would suggest, instead of singling out one as the best, we offer all of them as a TEAM EFFORT, as CONSERVATISM is at war with the left, to remain the BEACON OF HOPE AND PROSPERITY IN THIS COUNTRY AND AROUND THE WORLD !!!

2 years ago

In the very end all nations of the world will fall and the only thing that will have any eternal significance is our relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Dallas Jenkins gets my vote because he is turning people’s minds and hearts toward Christ.

2 years ago

Donald J. Trump has paid the dues one thousand times over with all the persecution from MSM fake news, democrats, RINO’s. Russia Russia, two impeachments, the China Virus and despite everything but the kitchen sink thrown at him. did more for this country and its people than any other President in this country’s history, including. Ronald Regan (who I admired greatly). There is not anyone who even comes close to being voted “Man of the Year for 2022”!!!!

2 years ago

Hands down Gov. RON DESANTIS

2 years ago

I would’ve like to have 3 choices. All are worthy of praise.

Martha Henriod
Martha Henriod
2 years ago

That was a tough one. There were a lot of good choices, but I went with DeSantis. He is so consistent with his positions.

2 years ago

I am not so sure that we should ever be naming things after politicians. They are usually lauded for spending our tax dollars on a pet project that gets them recognized. Tim Tebow is not a politician, he has suffered and sacrificed for his beliefs and he is not looking for recognition – he is just spreading the gospel which is what our main job is supposed to be as Christians.

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