
abortion abortions Trump lethal injection New York baby

On Tuesday, the House passed a bill making it illegal for doctors to perform an abortion after 20 weeks. Do you think the Senate should approve it?

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7 years ago

How about another bill that permanently eliminates Planned Parenthood!!

Dan W.
Dan W.
7 years ago

I am in favor of taking steps to reduce all abortions but I am not sure that the 20 week limit does anything more than shift a number of abortions from the legal column to the illegal column.

My question is how does limiting the availability of contraception reduce the demand for abortion services ? Wouldn’t providing greater access to contraception tend to reduce the number of abortions in this country ?

Tom Wilde
Tom Wilde
7 years ago

Don’t want to have a baby? Don’t get pregnant. Don’t want to get pregnant? Use reliable contraceptives or don’t screw around.

There. Problem solved.

See how easy that was?

And it didn’t cost billions of economy crushing dollars.

But, Liberals MUST complicate everything so they can solve the “problem” by piling on layers upon layers of new laws, regulations and rigidly controlling government bureaucracies. For lack of a 75 cent condom they put the tax payer on the hook for thousands of dollars and murder the unborn human being. And tear apart the country a bit more.

Communism at its finest.

This bogus bill is just a sop. It should read “No abortion. Period”. Human life begins at conception. There is nothing else that the egg/sperm combination can possibly become.

The human life cycle: conception, gestation, birth, growth, aging, death. Interrupt it by any means other than natural causes, accident or in defense of your own life anywhere between conception and natural death is pure murder. Liberals should be reminded often that yes, the fetus is a mass of tissue, but so are THEY.

If they can afford addicting street drugs, expensive computer systems, game boxes, tattoos, piercings, studs, junk food and the latest fashions – they can afford contraception!

Maria Rose
Maria Rose
7 years ago

I am all for a woman deciding when she wants to be pregnant as it is her body. We women are not just a baby producer machine.
While I understand the need for a time factor on termination of a pregnancy in case of problems or needs, I don’t want the right to terminate taken away by restriction. Okay 20 week’s limit sounds reasonable but those who oppose abortion in any form will use this as a steppingstone to completely block all abortion.
Give access and paid coverage to birth control to all women and women will have less need for abortion to control pregnancy. Why do men need coverage for Viagra medication, when women can’t have coverage for birth control? Putting it in plain language, if you want access to sex at anytime, both need to control end result of having children. The World is over populated already.

7 years ago

There is so much out there as far as education and preventative contraceptives, that abortions used as birth control is ridiculous. Tax payers should not be forced to have there tax funds used to support so called Planned Parent hood. Life is preciouse children are a gift from God.

7 years ago

There are stats on line of deaths thru today showing that there were 835,908 by abortion vs 8,798 by guns. Only reason I show guns of course is due to the publicity it is receiving vs murdering our babies. This is supposed to be a real time site, take a look.. http://www.romans322.com/daily-death-rate-statistics.php

Eileen Mynes
Eileen Mynes
7 years ago

The religious fervor demonstrated by the pro-abortionists slams me like a sledgehammer. They cannot even stop shouting long enough to hear the science and the facts behind the physiological damage done to the mother during an abortion, much less the psychological damage. I am almost numb to this ‘conversation’ for all their the religious stances, and abortion IS a religion that requires no proof.

Ruth bryan
Ruth bryan
7 years ago

I don’t like the way the 20 week question was ask. I don’t want the 20 week limit to reduce the number of abortions but to preserve the life of a fetus that is too mature to destroy.

S. Mark Whittemore
S. Mark Whittemore
7 years ago

Get rid of that Margret Sanger opporation

Bob L.
Bob L.
7 years ago

I read another proof that abortion is murder and that life begins at conception in a book I am now reading that includes people telling of their near death experiences. One person who told the author of their experience told of being met while they were on the path to Heaven by an older sibling who died as the result of a miscarriage, a miscarriage they had never been told about by their parents.

7 years ago

Instead of performing numerous abortions for the same woman, perform sterilization. Very cost effective , prevents pregnancy and no longer kills fetuses.

Linda Hofer
Linda Hofer
7 years ago

Why do the yes and no questions have qualifiers. Why can’t it just be yes or no. The senate republicans are a bunch of wusses.They can’t come together to pass anything.

W. F. Bosworth
W. F. Bosworth
7 years ago

Don’t totally agree with 20 weeks ( 5 months) … I would be more agreeable for 12 -13 weeks (3 months), never into the 2nd Trimester!!!!! At 20 weeks the baby is fully developed … hell, some Premies live after being born or taken after 5 months … duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bruce Baker
Bruce Baker
7 years ago

Don’t stop now! End the entire legalized murder.

7 years ago

They start with the innocent and then they can justify anything.

7 years ago

Killing babies is never a good solution.

Bill O.
Bill O.
7 years ago

Abortion should be illegal at any staage of fetal development. The “right to choose” argument apparently does not apply to the fetus who cannot vote on the matter for 9 months. How can anyone, male or female, argue that a fetus can be killed due to “a right to choose”? How can you have a right to choose killing another human?

After all, if someone kills a pregnant woman and the fetus also dies, they are charged with double homicide. How can it be different in abortion?

What’s next, euthanasia?

James Johnson
James Johnson
7 years ago

NO. Life is at conception after that it is murder of innocent babies!

David E. Gonnella
David E. Gonnella
7 years ago

Abortion is murder, according to the Bible and medical science. At the moment of conception, all 46 human chromosomes are present, which will determine everything about the unborn baby from height to eye color. All that is necessary is time and nourishment, and the result will be an adult human.

Shame on those who continence the slaughter of babies in the womb for convenience. The Almighty God will take the matter up with them at the judgment.

Douglas R. Abele
Douglas R. Abele
7 years ago

We need to win the PR campaign that PP is about abortions not womens health!

Geraldine DellaPietro
Geraldine DellaPietro
7 years ago

First of all this is just MY belief: I have a picture of an unborn child reaching out of the womb when the dr. was operating on the mother and the mother was 5 months pregnant with that child. This is the year 2017 and unless someone is raped there is no OPPs! How did that happen! Information is all over the place and so is access for birth control and if people can afford cell phones, big screen tv’s, and shoes that cost hundreds of dollars they can afford birth control and tax payers should NOT have to pay for any of it and there is no excuse for waiting several months to kill this child who now would have a beating heart AND can feel pain. This country is so afraid of hurting a a bee in some far away country but a life in the past administration and before has become disposable. Too many families in our country would love to have a baby and are not able due to lack of money most of the time. I also feel the name of Planned Parenthood, should be changed because it does not signify the reality of the situation. The word PLANNED is incorrect to start with because most of the time when someone goes to this place they are not planning it has already happened. Being government is not the owner of these places obviously, someone is getting a huge kickback and the taxpayers are footing the bill. As far as the Senate is concerned, I don’t give them much respect with someone like Pelosi, in the picture even though I think she said once that she is a practicing Catholic.

7 years ago

I am completely against abortion unless the mother’s life is in jeopardy. I voted not sure since I don’t know the particulars of the bill. If saving the baby will kill the mother, then I believe the baby must be sacrificed since the baby is a predatory entity who could kill the mother. If someone tries to kill another person, then I believe a person can protect himself from the predatory person even though that person may be her baby. If both the mother and the baby can be saved, then abortion would be murder.

JS Chapman
JS Chapman
7 years ago

This poll is terribly worded, making it impossible to vote “no.” A NO vote indicates you’d be ok with an abortion up to the actual delivery date. Nearly ALL reasonable people (even liberals) would agree that that is no longer an abortion, but an execution.

7 years ago

I voted no for this pole, not because I think a women should have the right to terminate a fetus at anytime. BUT that government should get out of the conversation between a woman, the father and the doctor. This is a very personal event and no matter what we try to legislate, what is best for the “fetus” and mother in all circumstances cannot be legislated fairly.

7 years ago

Looking at this from a VERY Christian point of view, life begins upon conception. Just as soon as the sperm enters and fertilizes the egg. Abortion, is murder. Period. Anyone that votes for any abortion, no matter the timetable involved, is condoning murder. I don’t care if the fetus is two minutes old, two days old, twenty days old, or twenty weeks old, murder is murder. So therefore, in conclusion, I DO NOT think this legislation goes far enough in criminalizing abortion.

7 years ago

The hypocrisy of prosecuting someone for murder who kills an unborn child of a mother who wants her baby, and then allowing abortions is a sign of the senselessness of this generation.

7 years ago

Government is not smart enough to make an idivdual’s medical decisions. Government should recommend no-abortion, but not more.

7 years ago

It’s not been done yet? Oh that’s right the republicrats are more afraid of man then God.

Maria Winter
Maria Winter
7 years ago

No abortions should be performed. Yet, if abortions will be performed, it should be no later than 6 – 12 weeks from the onset of a pregnancy. No government funding for Planned Parenthood or any organization making abortion available or performing abortions. One exception would be in a hospital: do everything to save the child when a woman is already dying and would no longer be able to carry the baby. If saving the baby is not possible because it is too young (can not be kept alive with any medical device).

Richard W.
Richard W.
7 years ago

I’m truly surprised the House agreed to this abortion bill.
Let’s be rational, all our governments from the city, county, state and national levels must stop behaving in such a childish manner and begin fixing our problems, if they don’t America will become another great nation that use to be; our planet is littered with empires and great nations that “USE TO BE”. Is this what our governments really want?

7 years ago

Some stats show that so that as of today, there have been 836,368 abortions and 8,802 deaths by guns so far this year. I used guns since all of the publicity this week and the call for gun control but none to eliminate the murder of our baby’s.

Mycroft Holmes
Mycroft Holmes
7 years ago

Abortion is murder no matter how you try to rationalize it.

Mary Minshall
Mary Minshall
7 years ago

First, what is the purpose of sex? To create offspring so the species won’t die out. If you don’t want children, don’t have sex, or if you are going to have sex, use birth control. As for Planned Parenthood, stop tax payer funds and let it operate as a private corporation. If a woman becomes pregnant and does not want the child, she should be encouraged and supported in putting the baby up for adoption. An agency of the Roman Catholic Church helps and aids women with unwanted pregnancies who are willing to put the babies up for adoption. There are no doubt other organizations who will not encourage abortion. Once you pass a law forbidding abortion, we will return to the Rusty Coat Hanger era where women performed abortions on themselves and, after giving birth, either attempted to flush the baby down the toilet or just drop the child into the nearest trash dumpster.

7 years ago

For me this question was a no brainer. The unborn child should have someone speaking up for them!!!

Ron Oglesby
Ron Oglesby
7 years ago

I am totally against abortion except when the pregnancy could cause death to both mother and child. Like a tubular pregnancy.

Janet Downey
Janet Downey
7 years ago

I have worked with children born at 22 and 23 weeks gestation who are living happy, relatively normal lives. The bill the House passed still allows a woman to have an abortion, but it protects the rights of the viable fetus. The Senate should also pass the bill (but unfortunately they won’t!)

Susan Atwood
Susan Atwood
7 years ago

Only if there are strict guidelines, and definitive punishment for violation of such a law. There also needs to be MASS education about pregnancy, decision making timelines for appropriate medical personnel and age-appropriate recipients of the law.

7 years ago

The decision to terminate a pregnancy should be made WAY before 20 weeks gestation. A 20 week “fetus” is much closer to an infant than a fetus. I won’t blame people who see this as homicide although I don’t find it that clear cut.

7 years ago

Abortion is murder and those babies need to be protected from conception. It is not right for a man/woman to destroy a life that God created.

7 years ago

I feel that if you want an abortion then you should have it before12 weeks. I remember while working in NY back in the 60’s that no abortion was done after 12 weeks, and that wasn’t in a catholic hospital. I’m for pro choice up to a point. I myself would not chose abortion but I cannot answer for someone else. The choice is theirs but their should be a time limit.

7 years ago

And pass the Life At Conception Act.

P. Stuart
P. Stuart
7 years ago

The Democrat/liberal/socialist/progressive/communist has achieved its goals through “incrementalism”….a little at a time.
That’s how conservative will need to undo all of this – “incrementalism”…..a little bit at a time!
Good Start….now, press for MORE conservatism.

Peter Lanigan
Peter Lanigan
7 years ago

As no additional genetic information is acquired after the sperm reaches the egg it seems academic as to when a human is beginning to develop with all of his/her inherited genetics including the spiritual virus.We are born sinners so we raise a fist toward God as that is natural for rebels to do so and put on robes and make decrees in our cowardice pretending not to know that we are condemning millions of innocents to death for the crime of being inconvenient.Lets face it you can pretend it isn`t murder but we all know that it is nothing less.

7 years ago

Need help deciding … just pull up the US Abortion Clock.org and if your heart does not drop, then there is something wrong with you. I do not want not even one penny going to Planned Parenthood. or any other organizations offering abortions. The statistics are incredibly chilling. Compare the number of abortions from rape and incest to the US and World stats and there is absolutely no comparison. STOP THE MADNESS.

7 years ago


K. Smith
K. Smith
7 years ago

Yes, this is very good because the human spirit enters the fetus at 21 weeks.

Jean jensen
Jean jensen
7 years ago

I’m tired of lies being told to support abortion. It is murder and no segment of our society should be given permission to kill another segment let alone to have made it legal. It is an atrocity whereby doctors and lawyers are responsible for getting it into law. Where is common sense? How does a female get pregnant? By a setsi fly or something she has breathed in the air? NO, only by another human being. Then how can a doctor argue it isn’t human, it just a blob of tissue??? Abortion should be abolished, but our wimpy, backboneless, and milktoast Congress members crumble as they have under Obamanation for eight years. We only hear from them when they are again running for reelection. Then they fill us with lies to be re elected and to continue to support their lavish lifestyles. They don’t get Rich on a Senator’s paycheck!

Brenda Landram
Brenda Landram
7 years ago

Brenda L
Facts are: Life begins at conception which is given by God. Abortion is murder! Do people not know The Ten Commandments? Thou shalt not kill is #6.

Martin Steed
Martin Steed
7 years ago

As with most things in this country, abortion has been politicized. Our congresscritters never seem able to do anything with any common sense. The Brits have had a common sense abortion law for as long as we have been arguing about it – first 3 months, no limits, no questions asked; 2nd 3 months, have to have counciling but few restrictions, 3rd trimester, ONLY if the life of the mother is in danger (this does NOT include that she feels bad or any other psyc reason). Don’t know that our politicians could reason that much.

7 years ago

I am old enough to remember when the “pill” became available .There were also a few other methods of birth control available,menstrual extraction,abortion became legal up to 12weeks gestation & of course the sterilization option.This is the 21st century with many types of readily available birth control ,including the “morning after pill”. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing,that abortion is even necessary except in a few rare circumstances is lack of personal responsibility & education. Latest medical stats have STDs sky rocketing as well. More effort needs to be directed towards prevention of pregnancy ,what is available and where to get it ,the morning after pill is OTC. Planned parent does some of this but should be their main focus & it is not. The bill is a step in the right direction for now but we need to move into the year 2017.

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