The survey question should have read: Who do you trust more to implement the agenda of the people? The agenda of many of the establishment and RINO Republicans sitting in Congress is to maintain the status quo. So the establishment GOP agenda isn’t necessarily what the people of the United States, who voted for President Trump, want enacted. Just a thought.
7 years ago
There are too many lawyers in congress. Have you ever seen two lawyers agree about anything? They are trained to look for the clue. And I believe they could care less how many voters disagree with them. They are smarter, and now much richer. There is no motivation to do what the president and we want.
Ryan, McConnell and others will never do anything. We need to change out lots of bodies. They may be good people but for sure we know they are disfunctional as leaders.
Stop debating, start doing and please STOP telling us what the problem is, tell us how you and those you lead, how you plan to fix ……
7 years ago
The past months have demonstrated the fact that “Washington” insiders work together. I no longer trust the GOP either. No thanks to senator McCain for his action voting down health care reform. I trust President Trump to advance what’s best for the people.
Carla Boyle
7 years ago
IS GOP Trump’s agenda or is it the Globalist/Rino/Never Trumper agenda? McConnel and Ryan are NOT #MAGA! They are GLOBALIST /RINO’s!
Karen Bezemek
7 years ago
Agree totally that the question is not about the GOP but the people’s platform – which we voted Donald Trump to enact. The GOP, we now see clearly, have lied and are, like most all in DC, concerned about keeping their seat and pandering to special interests. What I truly believe, this uncomfortable and ugly time in history was necessary in order for the people to rise to this awareness so change is seen as mandatory. Shameful that our Govt has fallen to such low levels of integrity but grateful for a President who is steadfast in making America great again!
Walter Wasseluk
7 years ago
It’s NOT a simple matter anymore of Who DO you Trust but Who CAN You Trust after all the “Shadow Government” scofflaw disclosures, lethargic DC “procedural delays” and data redaction/ retention activity by all FED Alphabet Departments involved to date.
H Wilson
7 years ago
In my opinion, they all can be trusted to implement the GOP agenda.
The question to benefit Americans should be “Which do you trust to implement the Constitutional agenda?” The answer I would give is: e) None of the above.
7 years ago
Lock her up!
7 years ago
If the swamp Republicans do not support our President, vote them out of office next year.
7 years ago
The question is faulty because the president cannot implement an agenda. The congress must pass the bills for the president to sign. Of the two remaining choices I would trust Paul Ryan over Mitch McConnell, but not by much.
A good example would be the repeal and replace of Obamacare. We all know the president wants it done and that the American people agree with him but congress has not sent him legislation to sign.
7 years ago
We need to get more outsiders through in the primaries and less of the old obstructionist swamp critters. President Trump’s election was a mandate for the GOP to repeal ObamaCare, stop the plague of illegals and eliminate terrorists. The RINOs have done nothing but get in the way of the President and our wishes.
7 years ago
The big question is can the president get the agenda of the people he was elected by put into place with those sitting in congress?
Stephen Russell
7 years ago
Cant trust Dems & Leftists they ruin everything, aside we got em for the Uranium 1 scandal & more alone, Chap 13 DNC, No 2018 race?
Earl Newby
7 years ago
Our Country was given an historic chance to do the greatest good, but so far our leaders have squandered it. They will pay a high price if they do not change their ways for our Country’s sake, also the World that depends on us.
7 years ago
Way to many self serving bottom feeding lawyers, both as senators and congress, We have to elect some real working people who know what a budget is.
7 years ago
To many self serving, bottom feeding lawyers, both in the congress and senate. We have to elect real working people who know what a budget i8s and how to make it work for
the people of the USA11
7 years ago
Trump is the only one we can trust because it has been proven that the RINO’s will walk over the American people AND our elected President to keep things in their court. Sad, but as you have said, Trump keeps fighting the good fight for us.
Just what is the GOP Agenda? Who Knows?
7 years ago
Just what is the GOP Agenda?
7 years ago
They’re all slimey swamp dwellers, Tump has already been consumed by the deep state. No amoint of tax cuts are going to matter with out of control, escalating Gov. spending.
Carl W
7 years ago
The RINOs + Democrats will stop Trump every time they can because he is not part of the Shadow Government & he wants to drain the swamp. He cannot do it alone, so it is time for us Deplorables to help Trump drain the swamp.
1st, we need to put up Republican candidates for Congress who will defend the Constitution & our Constitutional Republic.
2nd, we must run these patriot candidates in the primaries against the RINOs & defeat them.
3rd, we must give Trump 60 or more votes in the Senate with patriots who will help Trump drain the swamp. Trump needs our help, so let’s give him our help in the 2018 elections. These RINOs are the perfect example of why we need term limits in Congress.
7 years ago
The President is restrained by the Constitution. He can only do so much by himself. The current House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader have demonstrated poor leadership. An America First agenda is not likely to be completely enacted unless the current leadership is replaced and the obstructionist RINOs and democrats are voted out of office.
7 years ago
I don’t trust McConnell or Ryan to get anything done. I consider them RINOs and as far as I can tell they do NOT want to work with the President to get anything that President Trump want done to get done. The media, the never Trumpers, and most of the democrats are all against him. If they would get out of the President’s way. He could get plenty done.
Tom Wilde
7 years ago
There should be an additional choice. “None of the Above”.
Trump cannot do it all by himself and the Swamp Crawling Reptiles Ryan and McConnell won’t help. Soros and McCain own them.
Trump could do it but has shown real weakness when the opposition fights back and he finds that he has alienated those who should be backing him
Greg shears
7 years ago
The reason the voters elected trump is we can’t trust the rank and file republicans any more than we can trust the democrats. I see big changes in the next election.
Patrick Guinan
7 years ago
” None of the above” Is my vote
Joseph Sutton
7 years ago
what ever happened to We The People not We the Democrats or We the Republicans. Yes look at the President do his job for the People all the People what is needed to get and keep this country strong. All this other stuff is Politics and even though its how we vote for party lines it is still should be government for the people and by the people with the politicians serving them not themselves just a thought
7 years ago
I trust either party to do nothing for the American people except lie to them, line their pockets and do and say anything to keep their jobs. , Maxine Waters has be voted 5 yrs in a row as the MOST CORRUPT congressperson in DC, has anybody done anything about her, No Just keep putting her on lamestream media, and let her flap her oversized lips about how the President needs to be impeached, she needs to be in prison. I have absolutely no faith or trust in any politician. Harry Truman said you can’t get rich in politics, unless you’re a CROOK well look how many millionaires there are in both houses and how many ex-presidents when in the White House and came out millionaires. As a rookie policeman years ago I was told by an old cop if you don’t expect backup to arrive, you won’t be disappointed when it don’t. Same applies to politicians, if you don’t expect them to do anything you won’t be disappointed when they do nothing except lie through their teeth.
Buster Bunker
7 years ago
I trust no one in government!
7 years ago
Does the GOP have an agenda?
7 years ago
Unless and until the Trump administration gets rid of old Democrat holdovers and never-Trumper Republicans, the will of the American people will not be realized. The swamp stinks as bad as ever. Drain it already!
American Believer
7 years ago
You mean the GOP actually has an agenda? Who knew? Oh wait, they call feathering their own nest “an agenda” just like the Democrats.
Andrew Colby
7 years ago
Speed up the Swamp Draining!!!!
IJoyce Riggleman
7 years ago
IJoyce Riggleman
7 years ago
J.R None of them! None of those listed and less then a handful in government are trustworthy. Don’t trust this government to do what’s right for America anymore. They break the law, commit treason, steal, lie and NEVER are they held accountable for their crimes, i.e. Clintons, Lerner, Wasserman, “Barry” better know as Barack, Holder and the list goes on. I’m actually afraid of this government to a certain degree, since the New World Order backed by the United Nations, is taking over. Constitution & the Bill of Right, gone with the wind, why, because not enough Americans care to find out what’s really happening in and to this country. Worse yet, not enough are willing to stand & defend our “Liberty” which by the way is a gift from God to this Republic & Nation State, America. I pray the God forgive us for turning our backs on Him & that He have mercy on our souls. He will not hold back His hand much longer. We will reap what we have sown. Pray as I do, that He show us the way back to Him, there is no other way. God Bless you all
Rich Ganong
7 years ago
I want “None of the Above” as an option
7 years ago
GOP agenda? Give me a break! There are at least 2 GOPs, one establishment RINOs and US, the voters.
7 years ago
of the choices provided, I trust Trump more. My trust level of Paul Ryan is about 10%. My trust level of Mitch McConnell is about 4%. My trust level of Republicans in Congress is about 20%. It only takes one person to pee in the swimming pool to make it unsuitable for drinking. The Republicans have contaminated the GOP agenda. I just went back to the website of the and read their mission statement. Their agenda is my agenda. Too bad that the MSM was successful in smearing the Tea Party movement. They are trying to do the same with TRUMP. I remain unswayed.
7 years ago
continue to drain the swamp in the justice dept. and f.b.i. bring corrupt dems to justice with uranium deal,hilary russian connection, e-mails,and many other illegal actions that should put many in prison.
J Alan
7 years ago
Given the adversarial nature of this current congress ( HOR reps and senators) against the President and the electorate, I very much doubt that genuine tax reform will be enacted. Those overseeing the federal monstrosities will not admit that it is excessive regulation that has the choke hold on our economy. This generation of legislators have priorities for their own empowerment, not allowing greater freedom from the regulatory Hades that regulators put citizens through most everyday of the year.
7 years ago
I don’t trust any of the ‘Good ‘ole Boys’ with the Trump “Make America Great Again” agenda! They screwed up Repeal & Replace, why would we ‘Trust’ them when for 7 years that’s all they promised! The “Swamp” is much bigger than I first thought!!
Martin Steed
7 years ago
I agree with Paul about the question. The answer to the question asked would be Paul Ryan. Good ole Mitch can’t be counted on to do much of anything except to go along to get along. Trump of course is the one most likely to implement things that are good for the country and for the people. John McCain can be counted on to vote against anything that Trump is promoting.
R williams
7 years ago
Swamp Fox Patriot
7 years ago
It’s ludicrous, illogical, and borders on incompetitence (even criminal negligence) to allow a known group of people with a clearly declared criminal objective and agenda to continue to create terrorist sleeper cells and nests and to hatch more home grown terrorists when it can simply be avoided. In fact, the U.S. AG’s office should bring charges of criminal negligence against judges who overturn sound rulings protecting Americans (if the U.S. AG will not recuse himself). You cannot treat all snakes the same. Try doing so and you will eventually find out which ones are poisonous. However, it may well cost you your life. Never treat a wolf as though it were a lamb. To do so reveals how naive and gullible or just plain stupid we have allowed ourselves to become.
7 years ago
There is no GOP and there is no Democrat party, only a group of crime experts who have been robbing the American tax payers and have no restrictions by the public. Those two parties should be disband and prosecuted. There is more than just the Dems and Repubs, there is the tea party and the independents. We have allowed the free range of the two parties for far too long and something must be done. We need candidates who are truly honest and will stay that way. The jobs that are suppose to be done by our representatives is an important one that should be done by a method that favors the people of the united states. I would say we need a machine to make the decisions and we have computers that can make decisions based on the material submitted to them, the trouble is the people choosing the material to submit. People cannot be trusted, it is proven.
7 years ago
Karen Hodge
7 years ago
I feel that President Trump will do a good job trying to get legislation through, now I am unsure tha Speaker Ryan will get enough on board to pass anything.
7 years ago
Truce? Didn’t work for Chamberlain, didn’t work in VietNam, didn’t work for Israel, never worked for the GOP, won’t work for Trump.
7 years ago
The GOP has no agenda, lacking the courage and integrity needed to do the right things. They couldn’t even repeal ObamaCare, despite numerous votes before they were in power. Now that they can actually do somehting, they think that if they go soft, the left will come around to voting for them, which is simply insane. The issue is very simple. Both Republicans and Democrats pander to the 20% rich and to the 20% poor. That leaves 60% of us in the middle paying the bills and getting virtually nothing in return. The Middle Class needs its own party to advance our interests.
Victor E Merrill
7 years ago
I my 75 years on this earth and born in AMERICA i expect that their will will be a little growth in America and some relief in the ( TAX ) TAX by any other name is still theft . if only the news media would prent the truth instead of there own meaning or ( WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO THINK ) The way i feel wright now is to call all of our congress and the other Clowns back to their respective states and not aloud to return to Washington until they have passed
a 6 months course in the ( CONSTITUTION ) ! That is my feeling on this .
The survey question should have read: Who do you trust more to implement the agenda of the people? The agenda of many of the establishment and RINO Republicans sitting in Congress is to maintain the status quo. So the establishment GOP agenda isn’t necessarily what the people of the United States, who voted for President Trump, want enacted. Just a thought.
There are too many lawyers in congress. Have you ever seen two lawyers agree about anything? They are trained to look for the clue. And I believe they could care less how many voters disagree with them. They are smarter, and now much richer. There is no motivation to do what the president and we want.
Ryan, McConnell and others will never do anything. We need to change out lots of bodies. They may be good people but for sure we know they are disfunctional as leaders.
Stop debating, start doing and please STOP telling us what the problem is, tell us how you and those you lead, how you plan to fix ……
The past months have demonstrated the fact that “Washington” insiders work together. I no longer trust the GOP either. No thanks to senator McCain for his action voting down health care reform. I trust President Trump to advance what’s best for the people.
IS GOP Trump’s agenda or is it the Globalist/Rino/Never Trumper agenda? McConnel and Ryan are NOT #MAGA! They are GLOBALIST /RINO’s!
Agree totally that the question is not about the GOP but the people’s platform – which we voted Donald Trump to enact. The GOP, we now see clearly, have lied and are, like most all in DC, concerned about keeping their seat and pandering to special interests. What I truly believe, this uncomfortable and ugly time in history was necessary in order for the people to rise to this awareness so change is seen as mandatory. Shameful that our Govt has fallen to such low levels of integrity but grateful for a President who is steadfast in making America great again!
It’s NOT a simple matter anymore of Who DO you Trust but Who CAN You Trust after all the “Shadow Government” scofflaw disclosures, lethargic DC “procedural delays” and data redaction/ retention activity by all FED Alphabet Departments involved to date.
In my opinion, they all can be trusted to implement the GOP agenda.
The question to benefit Americans should be “Which do you trust to implement the Constitutional agenda?” The answer I would give is: e) None of the above.
Lock her up!
If the swamp Republicans do not support our President, vote them out of office next year.
The question is faulty because the president cannot implement an agenda. The congress must pass the bills for the president to sign. Of the two remaining choices I would trust Paul Ryan over Mitch McConnell, but not by much.
A good example would be the repeal and replace of Obamacare. We all know the president wants it done and that the American people agree with him but congress has not sent him legislation to sign.
We need to get more outsiders through in the primaries and less of the old obstructionist swamp critters. President Trump’s election was a mandate for the GOP to repeal ObamaCare, stop the plague of illegals and eliminate terrorists. The RINOs have done nothing but get in the way of the President and our wishes.
The big question is can the president get the agenda of the people he was elected by put into place with those sitting in congress?
Cant trust Dems & Leftists they ruin everything, aside we got em for the Uranium 1 scandal & more alone, Chap 13 DNC, No 2018 race?
Our Country was given an historic chance to do the greatest good, but so far our leaders have squandered it. They will pay a high price if they do not change their ways for our Country’s sake, also the World that depends on us.
Way to many self serving bottom feeding lawyers, both as senators and congress, We have to elect some real working people who know what a budget is.
To many self serving, bottom feeding lawyers, both in the congress and senate. We have to elect real working people who know what a budget i8s and how to make it work for
the people of the USA11
Trump is the only one we can trust because it has been proven that the RINO’s will walk over the American people AND our elected President to keep things in their court. Sad, but as you have said, Trump keeps fighting the good fight for us.
Just what is the GOP Agenda?
They’re all slimey swamp dwellers, Tump has already been consumed by the deep state. No amoint of tax cuts are going to matter with out of control, escalating Gov. spending.
The RINOs + Democrats will stop Trump every time they can because he is not part of the Shadow Government & he wants to drain the swamp. He cannot do it alone, so it is time for us Deplorables to help Trump drain the swamp.
1st, we need to put up Republican candidates for Congress who will defend the Constitution & our Constitutional Republic.
2nd, we must run these patriot candidates in the primaries against the RINOs & defeat them.
3rd, we must give Trump 60 or more votes in the Senate with patriots who will help Trump drain the swamp. Trump needs our help, so let’s give him our help in the 2018 elections. These RINOs are the perfect example of why we need term limits in Congress.
The President is restrained by the Constitution. He can only do so much by himself. The current House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader have demonstrated poor leadership. An America First agenda is not likely to be completely enacted unless the current leadership is replaced and the obstructionist RINOs and democrats are voted out of office.
I don’t trust McConnell or Ryan to get anything done. I consider them RINOs and as far as I can tell they do NOT want to work with the President to get anything that President Trump want done to get done. The media, the never Trumpers, and most of the democrats are all against him. If they would get out of the President’s way. He could get plenty done.
There should be an additional choice. “None of the Above”.
Trump cannot do it all by himself and the Swamp Crawling Reptiles Ryan and McConnell won’t help. Soros and McCain own them.
Trump could do it but has shown real weakness when the opposition fights back and he finds that he has alienated those who should be backing him
The reason the voters elected trump is we can’t trust the rank and file republicans any more than we can trust the democrats. I see big changes in the next election.
” None of the above” Is my vote
what ever happened to We The People not We the Democrats or We the Republicans. Yes look at the President do his job for the People all the People what is needed to get and keep this country strong. All this other stuff is Politics and even though its how we vote for party lines it is still should be government for the people and by the people with the politicians serving them not themselves just a thought
I trust either party to do nothing for the American people except lie to them, line their pockets and do and say anything to keep their jobs. , Maxine Waters has be voted 5 yrs in a row as the MOST CORRUPT congressperson in DC, has anybody done anything about her, No Just keep putting her on lamestream media, and let her flap her oversized lips about how the President needs to be impeached, she needs to be in prison. I have absolutely no faith or trust in any politician. Harry Truman said you can’t get rich in politics, unless you’re a CROOK well look how many millionaires there are in both houses and how many ex-presidents when in the White House and came out millionaires. As a rookie policeman years ago I was told by an old cop if you don’t expect backup to arrive, you won’t be disappointed when it don’t. Same applies to politicians, if you don’t expect them to do anything you won’t be disappointed when they do nothing except lie through their teeth.
I trust no one in government!
Does the GOP have an agenda?
Unless and until the Trump administration gets rid of old Democrat holdovers and never-Trumper Republicans, the will of the American people will not be realized. The swamp stinks as bad as ever. Drain it already!
You mean the GOP actually has an agenda? Who knew? Oh wait, they call feathering their own nest “an agenda” just like the Democrats.
Speed up the Swamp Draining!!!!
J.R None of them! None of those listed and less then a handful in government are trustworthy. Don’t trust this government to do what’s right for America anymore. They break the law, commit treason, steal, lie and NEVER are they held accountable for their crimes, i.e. Clintons, Lerner, Wasserman, “Barry” better know as Barack, Holder and the list goes on. I’m actually afraid of this government to a certain degree, since the New World Order backed by the United Nations, is taking over. Constitution & the Bill of Right, gone with the wind, why, because not enough Americans care to find out what’s really happening in and to this country. Worse yet, not enough are willing to stand & defend our “Liberty” which by the way is a gift from God to this Republic & Nation State, America. I pray the God forgive us for turning our backs on Him & that He have mercy on our souls. He will not hold back His hand much longer. We will reap what we have sown. Pray as I do, that He show us the way back to Him, there is no other way. God Bless you all
I want “None of the Above” as an option
GOP agenda? Give me a break! There are at least 2 GOPs, one establishment RINOs and US, the voters.
of the choices provided, I trust Trump more. My trust level of Paul Ryan is about 10%. My trust level of Mitch McConnell is about 4%. My trust level of Republicans in Congress is about 20%. It only takes one person to pee in the swimming pool to make it unsuitable for drinking. The Republicans have contaminated the GOP agenda. I just went back to the website of the and read their mission statement. Their agenda is my agenda. Too bad that the MSM was successful in smearing the Tea Party movement. They are trying to do the same with TRUMP. I remain unswayed.
continue to drain the swamp in the justice dept. and f.b.i. bring corrupt dems to justice with uranium deal,hilary russian connection, e-mails,and many other illegal actions that should put many in prison.
Given the adversarial nature of this current congress ( HOR reps and senators) against the President and the electorate, I very much doubt that genuine tax reform will be enacted. Those overseeing the federal monstrosities will not admit that it is excessive regulation that has the choke hold on our economy. This generation of legislators have priorities for their own empowerment, not allowing greater freedom from the regulatory Hades that regulators put citizens through most everyday of the year.
I don’t trust any of the ‘Good ‘ole Boys’ with the Trump “Make America Great Again” agenda! They screwed up Repeal & Replace, why would we ‘Trust’ them when for 7 years that’s all they promised! The “Swamp” is much bigger than I first thought!!
I agree with Paul about the question. The answer to the question asked would be Paul Ryan. Good ole Mitch can’t be counted on to do much of anything except to go along to get along. Trump of course is the one most likely to implement things that are good for the country and for the people. John McCain can be counted on to vote against anything that Trump is promoting.
It’s ludicrous, illogical, and borders on incompetitence (even criminal negligence) to allow a known group of people with a clearly declared criminal objective and agenda to continue to create terrorist sleeper cells and nests and to hatch more home grown terrorists when it can simply be avoided. In fact, the U.S. AG’s office should bring charges of criminal negligence against judges who overturn sound rulings protecting Americans (if the U.S. AG will not recuse himself). You cannot treat all snakes the same. Try doing so and you will eventually find out which ones are poisonous. However, it may well cost you your life. Never treat a wolf as though it were a lamb. To do so reveals how naive and gullible or just plain stupid we have allowed ourselves to become.
There is no GOP and there is no Democrat party, only a group of crime experts who have been robbing the American tax payers and have no restrictions by the public. Those two parties should be disband and prosecuted. There is more than just the Dems and Repubs, there is the tea party and the independents. We have allowed the free range of the two parties for far too long and something must be done. We need candidates who are truly honest and will stay that way. The jobs that are suppose to be done by our representatives is an important one that should be done by a method that favors the people of the united states. I would say we need a machine to make the decisions and we have computers that can make decisions based on the material submitted to them, the trouble is the people choosing the material to submit. People cannot be trusted, it is proven.
I feel that President Trump will do a good job trying to get legislation through, now I am unsure tha Speaker Ryan will get enough on board to pass anything.
Truce? Didn’t work for Chamberlain, didn’t work in VietNam, didn’t work for Israel, never worked for the GOP, won’t work for Trump.
The GOP has no agenda, lacking the courage and integrity needed to do the right things. They couldn’t even repeal ObamaCare, despite numerous votes before they were in power. Now that they can actually do somehting, they think that if they go soft, the left will come around to voting for them, which is simply insane. The issue is very simple. Both Republicans and Democrats pander to the 20% rich and to the 20% poor. That leaves 60% of us in the middle paying the bills and getting virtually nothing in return. The Middle Class needs its own party to advance our interests.
I my 75 years on this earth and born in AMERICA i expect that their will will be a little growth in America and some relief in the ( TAX ) TAX by any other name is still theft . if only the news media would prent the truth instead of there own meaning or ( WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO THINK ) The way i feel wright now is to call all of our congress and the other Clowns back to their respective states and not aloud to return to Washington until they have passed
a 6 months course in the ( CONSTITUTION ) ! That is my feeling on this .