
CNN was uncharacteristically fair during the Joe Biden-Donald Trump debate. What do you expect from ABC in the Donald Trump - Kamala Harris debate?

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Mist Carter
Mist Carter
5 months ago

Since Kam-unist Kamala didn’t get her wish to sit behind a desk, have a pile of notes, and keep the microphones un-muted (so she could claim she was “victimized” from interruptions), she is gonna have to wear her big girl pants suit and actually debate.

But, in reality, ABC will lob questions a 5th-grader could answer, but she will fail to provide direct answers as a 5th-grader would. She will lie, embellish her record, lay claim to policies Trump has already rolled out, and make grandiose promises and pick various words from her greatest hits of word salads!

Kacklin’ Kamala is going to have to do a whole lot of memorizing because she isn’t bright enough to speak about policies without a script. She will defend her flip-flopping on the border, fracking, the economy, crime, taxes, electric car mandates…the list could go on and one. But, remember, her values have not changed!

What she won’t do is tell the truth about anything! Nor, will she take any sort of ownership for being part of an administration that has decimated America in the past 3 ½ plus years. All the promises she will make on the debate stage are things she could have implemented as VP, but she didn’t and she won’t keep any promises she is making now.

I wonder how many accents Kama-Khamaeleon will employ during the debate? But we do know for sure that she will not be able to have her emotional support tampon with her on stage…so sad!

Wayne Dibbly
Wayne Dibbly
5 months ago

Debate? Not a debate. These are controlled media events where the media gets to tell viewers what they just saw. I was pleasantly surprised by the CNN debate which I watched. But that was only because CNN was working for the Democrat elites who wanted Biden out. This time the Democrat elites are all in for Kamala and so I expect ABC to comply and help her through this staged event with leading questions. Some are saying that expectation for Kamala is set very low so that she will exceed expectation and thus be a success if not the winner.

Marty M
Marty M
5 months ago

Voting for harris a.k.a. “word salad sally” is illogical and indefensible!
When asked how she would fix a problem issue like inflation and the higher cost of everything, putting many people in debt, she just describes the problem multiple ways and never explains a solution to it, completely useless!
Make America Great Again!
Trump 2024

Samuel Tambe
Samuel Tambe
5 months ago

They were somewhat fair in the Trump/Biden debate only because they were part of the plan to expose Joes dementia so that the Democratic Party could “INSTALL” another Candidate. They (in conjunction with the DNC) knew there’s no way Joe could win the election…PERIOD! Don’t give CNN credit for being fair. ABC and the rest of the MSM will bend over backwards for the DNC so that Trump doesn’t win! They’ve already skewed polls to make it look like the cackling idiot is winning!

5 months ago

Picture this. Your child is hurt. Two “doctors” show up. One is an unfiltered, orange and brutally direct person with a less than warm bedside manner and exaggerates, but with a proven track record of getting things done. The other is someone who speaks in incomplete and incoherent circles with a track record showing they could screw up a winning lotto ticket. Who do you choose to save your child? Does race enter into it? Does gender? Neither candidate is perfect, but one clearly stands a better chance of saving your child than the other. Clocks ticking. Choose wisely.

Mike A
Mike A
5 months ago

As long as Trump sticks to facts and stand on his record and policies and doesn’t start his name calling jabs he will do great. Harris will be her own worst enemy

jim wood
jim wood
5 months ago

Muir and Davis will give Trump the hard questions. Plus they will probably cut his alloted time to reply. Harris will get the “T” ball questions my 1 month old great granddaughter could answer. ABC will live up to their moniker A-BIG CORUPT so called news net work. Disney owns them and they couldn’t be fair if they tried. Trump will prevail if he sticks to facts and demonstrate how a real person seeking the Presidentcy responds and looks like. Give her He’ll big “D”.

5 months ago

It’s going to be interesting since she hasn’t been able to answer questions that sound like they’re coming from a presidential candidate. At least she won’t be able to interrupt him. This could be her downfall if anyone who cares about our country sees what she really is about. Hopefully, Trump will contain himself and not go off on a tirade and sticks to the facts.

5 months ago

CNN was fair because it was set up by the puppet masters to dump Biden. That was the plan, no other reason for a debate in June. The MSM instant reaction of “OMG, Biden is senile”, before he left the stage was very transparent. Fair will not be on the menu this time, Kamala already has all the questions and is busy rehearsing and memorizing her answers.

5 months ago

I believe and hope that no matter what the moderator throws at Trump, Trump will be in control.

5 months ago

We also need to make sure she doesn’t have anything in her ears to help her with answering questions, nothing written on her hand, no zapper, no notes, etc. She probably has already been told the questions and how to answer them, who knows. Should be an interesting debate. We will keep our ears and eyes open. If you see something, say something.

Dr Bob
Dr Bob
5 months ago

” Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs ”
Joseph Goebbels Propaganda Minister of Germany during WW II

5 months ago

I don’t know why only Liberals are allowed to moderate debates. I wish debates would be fair having moderators like Mark Levin, Dan Bongino, Andrew Wilkow, Laura Ingraham,Tomi Lahren, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders or any other Republican that really knows their stuff.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
5 months ago

Despite comments from the network, don’t bet that Kackler won’t get the questions in advance. Whether she can coherently answer without a teleprompter is the main question. Look closely for any electronic equipment in her ears for answers sent by Commie “helpers.”

5 months ago

They will be all in for Harris. Expectations are low for her, so all that she has to do is stay vertical and she will be declared the winner. So predictable

5 months ago

With “Walter” gone and “Ding-Dong” (thank you, Mr. Kennedy (LA)) and “Tampon Tim” now running for the Dems, what else could go wrong? Let us continually pray that this great country of America does not go socialist, communist, Marxist, etc.! And Mr. Trump would do wonderfully well if he would just let the name-calling from others roll off his back like a duck does with water; instead of name-calling back, take the high ground – be a better person. Constantly telling us what he did as President previously does not help. Yes, it is important; however, what he will do is far more important at this stage of running. Perhaps Trump could alter his words to something like “As in my previous administration, we will… I am praying and hope Nov. 5 will prove positive for America.

5 months ago

I think she will have question provided before hand even though they say its unscripted. She is not smart enough to be able to give her own answers.She will have ear piece with Obamas and Hillary an Pelosi on the other end feeding her any answers that she doesn’t already have prepared for. Trump,will answer the question at hand off the cuff. No ear piece… I have a question to this matter…why are Democrats not upset that they were “told” who they would vote for? Their choice was taken away just like our freedom and Country…. Come on…you can’t be that hen pecked

5 months ago

I wish they would let the candidates sit down and question each other and get the bafoons out of the room

5 months ago

Kama-Kama-Kama-Kama-Kama-Chameleon…she comes and goes. Like a chameleon, she disguises her true idealogical beliefs to fool the useful idiots who fall for her lies.
“Those who stand for nothing fall for anything” (Alexander Hamilton)

5 months ago

One big trap for Trump.
Trump has to be really carful because the deck is staked against him. They will try everything to trip him up and get under his skin and make Kamala look good.
It sounds so simple but these people are smart and will not let word salad Kamala get into trouble with her stupidity. Hopefully it will not hurt Trump and will definitely show the real Kamala.
God help us with this one

Jimmy Alan Sanders
Jimmy Alan Sanders
5 months ago

There’s no fairness coming to Donald J Trump on the libel news media’s. ABC/NBC/CNN MSNBC/Fox News.

5 months ago

I don’t think any of those adequately explains what I expect.
Bias for Kackala? Yes. It’s the media. Liberal bias is expected.
Will it be fair? ????‍♀️ I’m not relying on the media to be fair. But Trump will use bias and unfairness to his advantage.
Will liberals implode? Yes. Trump is going to easily expose Kackala’s incompetence just like he did Biden’s. And it’s going to be great!
I often wonder if Obama…the puppermaster…is okay with Kackala losing this election. With Trump in office, Obama can look to 2028 while also trying to influence and undermine conservatives. I don’t think he’s concerned about losing 4 years of the WH. His plan to destroy America is a one of longevity. It’s conservatives that are staring into extinction of the America we love.

5 months ago

Since when has the Media in this country been neutral ?

Denise S
Denise S
5 months ago

The CNN debate was all part of the plan to get rid of Joe. The ABC debate will be rigged against Trump.

5 months ago

Much like Germany in 1930’s mostly propaganda from puppet lying media who are far past Marxism. Wake up U.S.

Bret McElhinney
Bret McElhinney
5 months ago

KommieLa Harris has been prepping with her Obama handlers for weeks getting ready for the debate. The handlers already have the debate questions and are telling her exactly how to answer these questions! KommieLa has no real ideas or plans of her own and relies entirely on Obama’s socialist ideology, “Fundamentally Transforming America!”

Dan V
Dan V
5 months ago

Was CNN “fair” because they wanted Biden out and they knew fairness would lead to his failure? Now that they have their candidate in place, I suspect big media will do and say whatever it needs to for a Harris win.

5 months ago

I would not trust anybody on ABC to even try to read a menu to me. My past experiences with them have shown they are the most biased of the biased media.

5 months ago

The Disney Company is a repulsie Corporation based on third world policies.
The Mouse House is full of rats.

5 months ago

I don’t watch debates, my mind is made up. As long as Trump stays on point he will do fine.

5 months ago

I think CNN has learned their lesson about so much favoritism, but still don’t trust them; but ABC is the worst now it seems so don’t expect much fairness from them.

John G
John G
5 months ago

These types of debates are useless. Candidates only get a couple minutes to say what they are going to do and don’t have to go into any real depth. It would help if they agreed on 5-10 questions and allowed 20 min response per question. This would allow voters to more deeply understand what it’s going to take to solve the issue. Ex. How would you “save” social security? That really takes more than I’m not going to destroy it like my opponent plans to do.

5 months ago

Don’t base your vote on a debate but rather fact based track records. Debates are not a good measuring tool. Have an educated opinion and knowledge of each candidates history and integrity. Freedom or tyranny is on the ballot. Do the math a you’ll vote Trump!

Kateryna Gurnee
Kateryna Gurnee
5 months ago

Her goal won’t be to pick up any new voters, but to keep her Trump-hating base. Anyone so stupid to vote for her won’t be hard to convince.
Sad state our country is in.

5 months ago

The debates are a farce. Only the gop are asked real questions and the dems are given the questions ahead of the debate, ie Donna brasile.

Michael O Gerber
Michael O Gerber
5 months ago

I never expect the corporate media and their affiliates to be fair and unbiased towards President Trump or any Republican for that matter!

Linda K
Linda K
5 months ago

All Trump has to say is, “if you want more of the same or worse of the last four years, vote for her. Doesn’t matter what she promises, that’s exactly what will happen.” Only an idiot (or illegal) would vote for her. The mainstream media wants you to think the majority of the country is that stupid, but they’re not. That’s why the democrats have to cheat.

Save Our United States
Save Our United States
5 months ago

Commie Kamala “has an extremely close relationship with Dana Walden, a top executive at Disney, which oversees ABC News” so she will get favored treatment and receive the debate questions in advance. This is most assuredly why she chose ABC to host the debate.

Love Mycountry
Love Mycountry
5 months ago

My guess is that the staff of Kameleon has already met with the debate directors and already have the questions that she will receive and the answers too. Trump will have to stay composed and go after her with follow up questions that she won’t be prepared for and every now and then get in a quick statement before he gives an answer about her blunders as the queen of word salad ????

5 months ago

I actually don’t care about the debate, and will not be watching it. From the Democrat side everything is smoke and mirrors, optics are what is important to them. They have no morals, nothing is honest, sincere or trustworthy, so me watching would be me grinding my teeth and being infuriated. No point in subjecting myself to that.
I understand President Trump is subjecting himself to the torture, the lies and their attempt to humiliate him. He is a leader; leading by example and the way to reach people “on the other side(s)” is to expose yourself.
The Democrat Party is the party of evil. They have no redeeming qualities. There may be people who follow them and believe what they say that can be enlightened somewhat, but I’m not going to participate in that.

5 months ago

She will lie,then lie and then have to lie again. Only thing she (they) whatever her preferred pronouns (in her pants suit) are that night ?

5 months ago

She will get the questions in advance, and take a week off for mock debates with all her actor friends. The thing is, they cannot help her stage fright and stupidity. DJT just has to let her talk, and refute all her lies about her past 3+ years.

5 months ago

You have to have a good memory to be a good liar. Since Kamala has no intelligence, i.e. is STUPID, she cannot learn from her past mistakes or the mistakes of others. No memory, hence the need for notes and prompters. She will have a “bug in her ear” with a room full of people (off camera) instructing her what to say during the “debate.” Watch and you will NEVER see her ears clearly (covered with hair or whatever). She, most likely, has the questions RIGHT NOW that will be asked during the debate, and is rehearsing the “correct” answers NOW. She is also very skilled at talking at length and not saying anything, her famed word-salads. At least Sleepy-Joe had age as a partial excuse.
I intend to watch the “debate” for its comedic value, as I am quite sure NOTHING of substance will come of it……

5 months ago

She will be wearing an ear piece.

5 months ago

CNN were not “fair” during the debate with Obiden, they were in on setting him up, that is why they were “so fare” towards Trump….. Really, can’t people think for themselfs at all anymore??? When has there been a presidential debate in June????????

5 months ago

ABC will not ask Harris about why she changed her views on major issues; defunding police, illegal immigrants, fracking, etc. Trump will have to fire back those at Harris during his responses, if he is allowed to do so, and if he is, will ABC gives time to Harris to answer. However, all that aside, Trump must stick to the issues in his responses, no personal attacks, and let the dim-witted VP collapse in her flop sweat. Harris is intellectually insufficient to be VP, let alone, President. ABC may have to have an interpreter handy to explain what she just said. Or, Trump could simply point and say “look, a yellow school bus, and a short one at that.” Game over.

Barbara Bramlett
Barbara Bramlett
5 months ago

The Only way that Harris answers a question legible – that abc Gave Harris the Questions before the upcoming Debate !!!! The PEOPLE Will Know That ABC gave the Dems the Questions if THIS HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hot Dawg
Hot Dawg
5 months ago

CNN wanted Biden out.
So they allowed Trump to win.
Now that the lib media has their final candidate, ABC will do everything to favor Harris and inject arguments with all Trump answers.

Spartan Dave
Spartan Dave
5 months ago

Kamala will be declared the winner regardless of what takes place. They will pull out all stops to make it so.

5 months ago

The talking heads of NBC hate Trump and adore the lying communist, because that is what they are too. I definitely don’t expect them to question heron her horrid past, her flip-flopping, stealing Trumps ideas or what her exact policies are. We’l probably hear questions about the joyful vibe she and tampon Tim emanate or how great she can impersonate a black woman at staged rally’s.

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