

Despite the media’s accusations that President Trump has focused more on “racist” rhetoric than action, even liberal Governors Newsom (D-CA) and Cuomo (D-NY) have crossed party lines in commending him for his administration’s exceptional response to the Chinese COVID-19 Virus.

On a one-to-five scale, how would you rate the Trump administration’s performance thus far?

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4 years ago

I find it interesting that 4 of the 5 choices offered up are either somewhat critical or outright negative of President Trump’s handling of the Wuhan Virus to date. No career politician in Washington would have either had the guts or the brains to make the kind of smart decisions that the President has done to date to limit the negative impact of the virus on our country. Someone at AMAC seriously needs to sit down with whomever is writing these weekly polls on your organization’s behalf and ask them if they would honestly be happier working for AARP or some other much more so-called progressive organization. The wording and overall balance of this poll and the choices offered up are more in tune with what I would expect to find from AARP or a poll conducted by the Democrat Party. Just a thought.

Brian B
Brian B
4 years ago

I can’t imagine a President being more attentive to a nation in “crisis” than President Trump has been with this so-called pandemic. His challenge has been to mitigate the predicted infections of this pathogen, while defending his response from a very hostile and politicized press. The dishonesty of the Democrats and their media allies can hardly be overstated. And the economic cost to America is unprecedented.

On a positive note, perhaps the prayers of Mike Pence’s advisory team in the White House have been answered. The malarial drug, chloroquine phosphate has been proven very effective in the prevention and treatment of the COVID-19 flu. This cheap, generic anti-malarial drug is widely available, but not yet approved by the FDA for treating the coronavirus. I expect that will soon change. Good-bye to media hysteria; hello to chloroquine and the resumption of American commerce.

Marie M
Marie M
4 years ago

PaulE makes some valid points, especially the fact that there is no one in Washington that has the brains or the guts to make the decisions that our President has made. Trump calls it like he sees it! Let’s not forget, it’s the Wuhan virus!

4 years ago

If I could, I’d vote for the top two choices. China’s behavior was pathetic. The problem first leaked out in December, only because the evidence could no longer be suppressed by Beijing. Wuhan is to Red China, what Chernobyl was to the Soviets. What we saw from China and Russia is the fruit of socialism that so many misguided left democrats want here. Perhaps, if Beijing had been truthful, Trump could have better nipped it in the bud, at least for America’s sake. Can’t say Europe would have been spared any, because their leadership would have likely followed the same course they did, anyway.

Tony Massengill
Tony Massengill
4 years ago

God Bless president Trump and God bless America!

Jim Siegendorf
Jim Siegendorf
4 years ago

How would you like the people who managed the Iowa Caucus to handle this crisis? Or how about the people who were responsible for getting the Obama Care internet site up and running. Both were total fiascos. Five stars for President Trump. Zero stars for most of the media.

4 years ago

President Trump remains resolute in defeating this pandemic. He needs our support, our cooperation, and compliance in the execution of his guidelines. We must unite to overcome. God bless America. God bless President Trump.

Les Jones
Les Jones
4 years ago

Our media keeping pointing to China’s propaganda that they have “contained” the virus. We should all stop accepting anything the Chinese communists say as if it was true. What they tell us is always a fabrication to make them look good. For the first time in decades our leaders understand this. Will the media ever catch on?

McKinnon Rita
McKinnon Rita
4 years ago

Questions 3,4,&5. Are these questions asked by a democrat? A Trump hater?

4 years ago

He has stepped up to the problem in spite of the lib and media criticism. If he would only learn to keep his ego out of his talks and state the facts it would eliminate opening the door for them.

McKinnon Rita
McKinnon Rita
4 years ago

Are questions 3, 4 & 5 asked by a Democrat Trump hater?

4 years ago

It’s now time to stop all the shut downs! Use common sense and target mitigation actions for people subject to dying from this virus rather than everyone. Please do some simple math; less than 200 people dead from a virus out of 340 million and that’s the crisis? The crisis is NOT the virus, the crisis is the hyper reaction by media and never Trumpers. Are we going to shut down the entire country every time we have 200 deaths from a virus? Let’s focus our response on the real threat not the panic that is spreading like a forest fire out of control!

Diane Listman
Diane Listman
4 years ago

I want to see regular blue collar workers asking questions; news reporters are wasting time trying to smear our President and the great work he and his expert advisors are doing. In the news yesterday they looked exhausted. American citizens deserve more from reporters. Americans watch the news for updates as to what is happening each day. We don’t like what they are doing…..causing panic twisting what the President and the experts are saying. We dont need these reporters explaining what we just heard the President and experts say.

Michael K
Michael K
4 years ago

We have had civil war since our Commander in Chief took charge. The Chinese knew once this administration was gone, it would be back to business as normal. By that I mean they were slowly taking our lives away from us through cheap comfort. The opposition party has been trying in so many ways, both illegal and stupid, to end President Trump’s term but America keeps winning. Everything has happened one step at a time and this virus event is no different. The Chinese decided it to be the perfect storm with our country so split. To me, the Democrats and weak Republicans are just as much as fault as China for this mess. And to think all these years, us Vietnam Vets have been accused of being the bad ones.

Lanny PPool
Lanny PPool
4 years ago

If POUS cured the virus today, the Fake News would criticize him.
I just wish the coward Republicans would pass a law that for each fake broadcast verified would be fined 1m for the first broadcast 2m for second broadcast and cancel license and 10m fine and the commentator to serve 1 day to 1 year criminal sentence in maximum security prison mandatory.

Tom M
Tom M
4 years ago

Trump is good at some things and not at others. His advisory team or whoever supplies him info is more at fault. This is not a crisis and has been completely overblown. Those dying from the flu are mostly people with compromised immune systems or suffering from other diseases and illnesses. That is the fact in Italy. The financial damage to the world has been immense and especially at a time where world debt is expanding faster than the virus. It is possible we see a depression as the result of irresponsible news reporting by the media which has caused unwarranted panic and stupid actions taken by a scared government. Remember, these are people who do not take responsibility, will never admit they are wrong and who absolutely have to keep up pretenses to ensure they look good in the public eye. That is why government always fails as proven by history.

4 years ago

Overall he has done very well. I think I would have preferred he shut down travel from Europe not long after China.

4 years ago

I personally could care less what the media reports. I belong to organizations that promote truth and have the integrity to tell it like it is.
Your poll questions appear awfully slanted.

David & Kay Richards
David & Kay Richards
4 years ago

President Trump has & is acting like a real President should in time of trouble and confusion….as a true General/President putting his people first in the whole overall situation.
Go President Trump my wife & I have your back .May God bless you and please God Bless America ! Amen & Amen !

4 years ago


Bob L.
Bob L.
4 years ago

6 – none of the above. I wonder if he is being taken for a ride on the whole thing by a NWO agenda being fed to him by the numerous CFR globalist advisers in the administration and other advising input outside the government he listens to.

11,000 deaths so far from this virus – worldwide while there have been twice that number in the U.S. this flu season from seasonal flu. Something about this panic smells to high heaven.

Cindi F
Cindi F
4 years ago

President Trump has done a great job. I really like that he doesn’t play politics nor take the bait from media. He is a good Christian man. God bless him and the USA. I have to agree with several comments regarding the 5 choices given for this poll. Only one is actually a vote for the president. The other 4 seem to lean to the left…that’s exactly why I’m debating whether to renew my AMAC membership. I thought I was joining a truly conservative group. Please prove to me that you are because we really need a platform to unify on.

Dave R
Dave R
4 years ago

President Trump has done an outstanding job in responding to this crisis. He looks at problems from a business point of view not a political view and does what is best there. As a veteran I would be proud to call him my commander and chief. China definitely is at fault for the tremendous spread for withholding info so long. God bless President Trump and Vice President Pence for their leadership and God bless America.

Ray L. Miller
Ray L. Miller
4 years ago

Support our President our merge with AARP. We do not need nor will we tolerate you who straddle the fence, we have a nation to save from communists and Trump is the man doing it. Name one president who truly loves the American people like Trump does? Many don’t like his “in your face” attitude but no president in history has been attacked, lied about and persecuted and that’s only because he broke the back of the communist left who almost had a done deal to remove our freedom. Those who do not understand what really happened in November of 2016 don’t understand now.

4 years ago

Questions seemed biased towards the negative. Are you trying to rig this? Do or does your pollster have a negative trump bias? I question that , to me that is what it looks like. Trump has done an excellent job overall and in particular here yet you have 1 positive response.The rest slide negative. Shouldnt there been some more moderate choices? HMMMM….

4 years ago

Tough times demand tough decisions and President Trump has stepped up. I feel when this is over he will be the right person to lead our economy back and will bring back vital manufacturing back to the United States and no longer depend on other countries who can shut off our supplies. No bail outs for companies but loans.

Terry Holland
Terry Holland
4 years ago

I totally agree with paule

Glenda LaFaye
Glenda LaFaye
4 years ago

Our President is doing a fantastic job and on a scale of 1 to 5, he gets a 100. No President in my lifetime has been put through such constant harassment, hatred and BS as President Trump. This virus was “made in China”, that is not racist it fact. Trump 2020. Vote Red or America is dead.

Jean holland
Jean holland
4 years ago

So very happy that during this crisis w have a true leader in President Trump. He is by far the smartest president ever. God bless him!!!

Nancy Zakrzewski
Nancy Zakrzewski
4 years ago

The Media should spend more time praying for the Coronavirus victims and their families and not concentrating on bashing President Trump and all the wonderful Medical officials working to save everyone. Shame, shame on them.

Steve Camarano
Steve Camarano
4 years ago


Denise Baker Voltz
Denise Baker Voltz
4 years ago

Given the option I would have chosen the top two options in the poll. POTUS had bad info coming from China and was doing the best he could based on what information he had.

4 years ago

If the Dems would focus as much attention on the needs of our nation rather than their distain for Trump, we would accomplish a lot more. Trump is here to stay!

4 years ago

The one thing as certain as death and taxes, governors, business executives, perhaps military leaders make the best presidents today. Senators and congressmen/women…not worth it!

4 years ago

As a nation we must do the following:
-reject Chinese imports as much as possible and push our representatives to move prescription drug manufacturing and other important necessities back to the US. Demand that every item on the internet for sale be required to state where it is from, not just “imported”. On another note with regard to China, Are you aware that China “owns” the ports in Italy? Think about that for one minute.
-write to the Whitehouse and make the suggestion made by another member on this post to teleconference Or just submit written questions from real people. I intend to write my Senators and congressman today-I live in Florida. I have written the media about their unacceptable behavior and I never get a reply.
-A recent ABC poll show the Presidents approval for handling this at 55%. It’s up to us to keep posting accurate information to our friends and family. I think I gave a plus rating to every post here-absolutely spot on comments. Very proud of this group. We are the citizens that can help the President get re-elected!

james mc pgh pa
james mc pgh pa
4 years ago

Thank You President Trump

Tom in O
Tom in O
4 years ago

The media has become unpatriotic and a pariah. There I’ll be a special place in Hell for them.

Hadababy Itsaboy
Hadababy Itsaboy
4 years ago

So if you follow media logic, calling Chinese food “Chinese” food is racist. The media have always been leftist but now they are completely insane. Theyre like the little boy who cried wolf and nobody believes them now.

Richard B
Richard B
4 years ago

My President Trump has been bushwhacked everyday since he came down the escalator at Trump Tower. As soon as the man start to close the boarders he is called racist among other things.
This man has done nothing wrong people except to look out after our (Americans) better interest. The far left hasn’t done one thing to help fellow Americans make their lives better. Just think about it People, if they do anything at all besides ripping off America it’s killing babies, allowing illegal immigrants coming into our country getting away with crimes that would put you in jail. Maybe that’s why the left does that, that keeps us from focusing on what the far left is doing in Washington.
Wake up America before it’s to LATE

4 years ago

Our President is doing a great job, best in history, media needs to speak truth and report real news instead of being commentators… go back to being reporters instead of telling us what to think!!

Andy J
Andy J
4 years ago

I do not personally interpret the poll questions as being other than what they are – poll questions that might elicit the views of those responding. If multiple options are not offered then how can the poll legitimately portray the perceptions of those using it. This is unlike mainstream media polls where ALL questions are OFTEN directed in a manner to elicit the response the media wants to portray. From the perspective of me and my wife there is always more that can be done but perfection will only be in the hope of the life to come. As it stands now we personally believe president Trump has responded in a responsible manner about as well as he could.

4 years ago

The president is making the correct decision not calling for a national emergency. He should allow each state to make their decision on the course of action, as we currently know, each state has their own level of occurrence. Need to keep the panic stricken media out of the decision making process.

4 years ago

I wish he would of Instituted a 14 day quarantine for all overseas/foreign travelers entering into US. Canada and Mexico included. It may have been a irritation to them but we all would of been safe from this for awhile till we could get a better grip on this virus from China. May need to institute one from now on to protect our citizens and economy.

Wyona Magee
Wyona Magee
4 years ago

Christian prayer warriors this is spiritual warfare and all hell is against this President because he is God’s chosen vessel for such a time as this please keep our president covered with your prayers and with the blood of Jesus Christ. Please pray that no weapon formed against him or his family will prosper and that God will cause the enemies clots & schemes to backfire and fail

Jim V H
Jim V H
4 years ago

What I would really like to see the President do at the beginning of a press briefing is start by saying “If you not have anything constructive to add to the conversation about this issue during the question and answer period, then leave now” The media is responsible for most of the false information out there. Anything he says is twisted, and has been for the past 3+ years.

4 years ago

Of course the criticism that President Trump receives from the media is unfair. They wouldn’t give him credit, even if he were to resolve the coronavirus overnight.
These are relatively unchartered waters that the president is trying to navigate. Armchair quarterbacks do a terrible disservice to our nation. No one would have known the best course of action to take from day one. The media continues to ask him “gotchya” questions, which also undermines his efforts. This is obviously a very fluid situation, where changes and improvements too strategy are necessary every day.
I only wish that President Trump would stick to the facts and not break with the medical professionals who are on his team. It’s OK to be optimistic and remain calm. Relating that to the general public is one of Trump’s major responsibilities and he needs to keep the message optimistic, but realistic as well.
Overall I think he’s doing a great job.

marcie slot
marcie slot
4 years ago

The President’s quick decision to ban travel from the source of the virus that was already out of control in China before they let the World know (thank the Chinese Dr. Whistleblower;a True Hero!) saved so many of us we will never know. The democrats were yet again calling P. Trump racist and other vile names and he stood against their criticizm once again and saved us! Thank you P. Trump! Plus, once this is waining who best to lead commerce once again to get this economy soaring once more. Think if this was biden or bernie…what a scary thought.

Tad M. Porter
Tad M. Porter
4 years ago

President Trump, great job! Fake news, what an embarrassment to our nation, they do not deserve to be in the same room! And President Trump held his temper which I can tell you I wouldn’t have! For the last week they have done nothing but attempt to discredit President Trump at every conference. If they want to have a bitch session about President Trump do it on their station, no one is watching anyway! Otherwise, please stay on topic and ask intelligent questions and stop trying to create panic and fake news!

Elaina Salerno
Elaina Salerno
4 years ago

President Trump has worked rings around EVERYONE! —-> HES THE ABSOLUTE BEST‼️

4 years ago

Thank GOD that we have a President in office, We as true American are so grateful for D.J. Trump. A true American who loves this country and its people. If the Dems. Had of helped instead of devide there is no telling where we would be today. Best President Ever. A tireless warrior. He is a Good Man and a Great President.sorry if I mistyped anything didn’t put my glasses on. My bad

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