Not too worried about driving myself to a neighboring state and have recently taken a trip to Michigan without any ill effects. However, I have no plans to use public transportation in the immediate future.
4 years ago
If you go anywhere it would be wise to take along chicken soup, and zinc lozenges in case of illness, and your second amendment in case of being attacked. 😉
4 years ago
Well if you live in the northeast, our Democrat Governors have all designated travel to so many other states as requiring mandatory quarantine, that if you go there and travel back, that frankly traveling outside the tri-state area has become a joke. At least if you’re traveling by air. They have essentially erected a soft Berlin Wall type situation where the airlines report to the state health authorities and then you can expect to be routinely “monitored” for 14 to 21 days. Fortunately, they haven’t figured out a way to track people simply driving somewhere. At least not yet. Isn’t socialism grand?
4 years ago
Being high-risk with age plus comorbidities, I do not plan to use public transport. However, I would drive anywhere.
John Fix
4 years ago
Travel plans for year was to other states. Some of those states have stiff restrictions, so going no where.
Jim VH
4 years ago
I would drive anywhere. As far as the airlines go no, not because of this virus crap but I’m sure the experience would be more obnoxious than it was prior to. I used to love to fly, lately it has been a unpleasant experience. Over crowded planes, fees for everything, and rude flight attendants.
4 years ago
Of course, I’m NOT boarding a Plane. Has nothing to do with being exposed to the China Flu, I can easily spend all of my remaining years just trying see and enjoy all the sights and experiences that are just a few hours drive.
Pam Drangmeister
4 years ago
Linda K
4 years ago
We usually go to Michigan for the summer, but not this year. Not because of the virus, but because their governor is crazy and we don’t want to get trapped up there.
This is all an attempt to affect the election. It has nothing to do with “keeping us safe”. They couldn’t care less.
4 years ago
Every trip we planned this year was cancelled, have a couple in state camping trips scheduled for later in the year. Rest stops on the highway have been closed and people are wary so won’t feed their anxiety.
Pam Drangmeister
4 years ago
I would love to travel, but with all of the problems in the major cities and not knowing what the different states are doing, we are staying close to home in the near future. We have a new motorhome sitting in the driveway ready to go.
4 years ago
As long as I don’t have to go to any Democrat controlled area without being able to carry.
George Atkinson
4 years ago
I dont use public transportation but have no problems going anywhere by car. Also, I never travel by any means without a lawful firearm. The states that have carry restrictions are never in any travel plans. I just returned from a overnight trip to a neighboring state with no problems at all. Along with my security, I normally pack enough food and water to last my planned trip as well as a complete first aid kit.
4 years ago
I’m retired and of the age of those who should be sheltering in place. Since I don’t have to travel and no where to go anyway, why take a chance on this virus. Too many people out there not considering that this may not affect them but they could still be a carrier. I wear a mask to protect others and see too many people that don’t. When a vaccine is developed I would rather take a chance with it than wandering around.
Ed Chaffin
4 years ago
I can’t answer the question the way it’s written. If it’s Delta or Southwest I’m confident in flying. If it’s AA or United no way. In fact, I have flown every month since March on mostly Delta.
4 years ago
Not worried about the virus as much as the lunatic’s “running” their local governments straight into war zones. Don’t want to be restricted to when I can come and go on the airlines, so travel by vehicle is the only option I would consider and I’d be very careful about where I go; oh, and I would need to carry an arsenal with me.
4 years ago
Too many do’s don’t. Not open, closed, takes away the fun of travel. Won’t fly, too much stress and cost. I’ll drive but just draging a mask around going to stores makes travel inconvenient.
gayle becker
4 years ago
I am not fearful of travel, I just do not want to go through the ridiculous steps to keep myself “safe” from a virus that will most certainly affect me at some point. Masks EVERYWHERE takes the joy out of eating, traveling by air, meeting new people and just plain being restricted in living our life.
Matt M
4 years ago
My wife and I don’t travel much anymore probably because of our age. However, I think air travel would be our last choice for travel. The reason being crowded in a confined space. I am a former u.s.n. vet. and was an air crewman so flying in itself isn’t the issue. I think for now we’ll stick to driving.
4 years ago
I am not hesitant to travel because of the virus but because of the violence some are causing. I don’t want to get caught in a bad situation.
Craig Smith
4 years ago
I think this is the wrong question. The REAL question is, “Do YOU feel comfortable travelling significant distance from home for the remainder of the year?”
The way it is worded, it makes it sound like how confident we are that travel will rebound to previous levels. I am not at ALL confident of that. I would love to travel, but what will be open when I get there?”
That’s the real question.
Kathleen McLaughlin
4 years ago
I would travel happily, if it didn’t require that I quarantine when I get there or return.
James R Lorenz
4 years ago
I have no problem driving a long distance and visiting responsibly. Other forms of travel are still a risk as I see it.
John C
4 years ago
Traveling is not so much the issue; the biggest problem is being quarantined if you come home, and being interrogated about contacts. As the Beatles sang, “Back in the USSR… “
Rodney Ernst
4 years ago
This virus upticks pretty much got started by the riots in all the major cities. I believe it’s being done on purpose just to keep up the momentum. I saw a bumper sticker that says Democrats serve the people. Oh really!! Are they serving us by open borders, constitution dismantling, refunding law enforcement, taxing everything to death, free everything in regards to health care, college tuition or whatever else they think of. Also, the New Green deal. Illuminate fossil fuel in 10 years. Take away your car, can’t fly as they want to do away with that. How are they going to deliver the goods when the truckers, railroads, etc. won’t have fuel to function. It will destroy a lot of industry because of this, not to mention that all these workers will not be able to find the pension system, let alone their own pensions. All this amounts to their own selfish desires and total control over all. That’s not serving the people.
Tommy Molnar
4 years ago
Since we are RV’ers, we just go where we want to go. However, we live out west and travel is (so far) unhampered.
An interesting aside – my wife had to take a class in how to ‘flush’ my PIIC line (I’m in Houston, TX undergoing chemo treatment for leukemia) and at the end, the nurse said the MOST important thing to do amid all this insanity is to wash your hands – a lot. That, and try not to touch your face. The masks are almost worthless! Gee, some common sense from a medical professional.
Theodore Van Iderstine
4 years ago
This is part of why we have a Motorhome. No need to interact other than at gas stations and an occasional Walmart.
4 years ago
I have no concern about safety. My main concerns are the hassles of air travel and the insanity in certain states and cities.
4 years ago
We have a lot of Democratic governors that are still trying to separate people even separating states, easy way to conquer a country is to keep its people away from each other , hitler did it by dividing people groups, sound familiar?
4 years ago
My husband and haven’t traveled far, but have welcomed visitors from out of state. Some have driven and others have flown.
4 years ago
The airlines appear to be the most cautious on travel. It is not the traveling issue, biggest issues lie with people at the destination complying with safety protocols. A lot of stubborn, unsympathetic people, that just do not get it.
Glenn H Tiedemann
4 years ago
I don’t like flying. I only fly when absolutely necessary. I have no concerns about going any distance by car. I would also consider going long distances by train because you have greater opportunity to get up and move around than on a plane. No covid concerns – I take sensible precautions.
Christine Wadsworth
4 years ago
I’m not worried about traveling due to health reasons, the problem is that I will be required to quarantine from work for 14 days after I return and I can’t afford to do that.
4 years ago
I don’t go as many places as I used to. Not because I fear COVID-19, but because I feel like our nation is becoming hard and our everyday freedom is being snuffed out. I’m tired of it.
4 years ago
We traveled in May by air and are traveling again in 3 weeks. Besides wearing a mask for a 3 hour flight it was quite pleasant. Middle seats empty so much more comfortable in coach. We’re in good health and always have carried hand sanitizer and never touch our faces. It’s just common sense…and masks don’t work.
J Gonwa
4 years ago
Can’t wear masks, so traveling is futile. It doesnt help that the places we wanted to go see aren’t even open, so what’s the point. We have to travel to take our daughter to college and I’m not allowed on campus. The fakes news and left’s agenda have taken our way of life from us. Tell the truth. Deaths are way down and numbers of tested are way up, making the percentage of those with Covid, low. They choose to not tell the whole truth though just to destroy President Trump and this country. Wake up people.
John Karkalis
4 years ago
I like the idea of carrying chicken soup ( mom’s recipe) and zinc lozenges wherever I travel, as a first aid pack.
Travel by plane?
I have more to fear from a fellow passenger out of control in the confines of a jet liner at 30,000 feet than from a sub microscopic virus.
One day this will be over.
Diane Marie Gleaves
4 years ago
We have had the virus and it was no worse than the regular flu. We are more concerned about the riots and protests going on right now.
Tom M
4 years ago
I never fly, so don’t much care about that. I’d rather drive. This will likely be the last summer or year that we don’t need a state to state passport to travel to other states. After the Bolsheviks take over next year, traveling will become as difficult as in Germany or Europe during WW2. The Marxists want everyone to have a life of drudgery working as an assigned slave for peanuts, no after work life and complete servitude to their gracious dictates. You can see how this will happen as so many have bowed down to the masking and distancing stupidity all in the name of a FAKE and contrived pandemic.
Cecilia Spencer
4 years ago
I have not traveled by plane in about 20 years because I am not interested in doing so. I am not in fear of my safety at all. This virus stuff has been exaggerated beyond what has actually occurred. I am sick of people(sheeple) hiding and allowing the nonsense to continue. There have been credible studies done that show the opposite of what the media and fascist dems want us all to hear. Wake up America and look for the truth it is out there.
Wilson C. Churchshould
4 years ago
should have never shut the country down. Quarantee the sick and let the healthy live
Maryann P.
4 years ago
I have no problem driving anywhere but would not go to places that are heavily populated. We usually go to FL in the winter to a large condo complex. We are rethinking that for this year. Airplane rides are not in our plans for the foreseeable future.
4 years ago
the reason I’m delaying travel only relates to the virus by the odious conditions travel purveyors and various states have put on it. Suffocating under a mask on a plane, inability to go out to eat after I arrive, attractions that have shut down or require masks, you get the idea. They’ve sucked all the enjoyment out of it so why spend my money to be thwarted constantly?
Nancy Jo Serna
4 years ago
I have gotten on a plane and drove through 6 states in July. Coming back to Michigan was where the paranoia is. Our Gov has kept us down, scared and turning us against each other.
Patricia Hedderson
4 years ago
Since 9/11 and the travel restrictions placed on Americans citizens, thank you, Chuck Schumer (and not the “bad actors”), it has been more than inconvenient to get on a plane for me. In general, the Wuhan virus would not stop me from traveling, but King Cuomo has put a damper on travel particularly in New York where foreigners all too many illegal come and go unchecked and American citizens are punished.
S Nichols
4 years ago
We drive semi for work to various states but would not travel by plane. We deliver groceries to stores. So travel per say does not scare me.
4 years ago
In the event something happens to a Loved one, I would not be able to travel to my home state, because I would end up in a 14 day quarantine. At this point, I just pray that this Covid-19 will leave our shores in the not too distant future.
Terry Baugh
4 years ago
Life goes by too fast. I’m not going to sit barricaded in my house. It’s time to live!
David Viosca
4 years ago
I travel by motorcycle, other than having to cancel a trip to Peru, my trips haven’t changed.
Lillian Bissell
4 years ago
Have COPD. Having a hard time breathing with a mask on.
Not too worried about driving myself to a neighboring state and have recently taken a trip to Michigan without any ill effects. However, I have no plans to use public transportation in the immediate future.
If you go anywhere it would be wise to take along chicken soup, and zinc lozenges in case of illness, and your second amendment in case of being attacked. 😉
Well if you live in the northeast, our Democrat Governors have all designated travel to so many other states as requiring mandatory quarantine, that if you go there and travel back, that frankly traveling outside the tri-state area has become a joke. At least if you’re traveling by air. They have essentially erected a soft Berlin Wall type situation where the airlines report to the state health authorities and then you can expect to be routinely “monitored” for 14 to 21 days. Fortunately, they haven’t figured out a way to track people simply driving somewhere. At least not yet. Isn’t socialism grand?
Being high-risk with age plus comorbidities, I do not plan to use public transport. However, I would drive anywhere.
Travel plans for year was to other states. Some of those states have stiff restrictions, so going no where.
I would drive anywhere. As far as the airlines go no, not because of this virus crap but I’m sure the experience would be more obnoxious than it was prior to. I used to love to fly, lately it has been a unpleasant experience. Over crowded planes, fees for everything, and rude flight attendants.
Of course, I’m NOT boarding a Plane. Has nothing to do with being exposed to the China Flu, I can easily spend all of my remaining years just trying see and enjoy all the sights and experiences that are just a few hours drive.
We usually go to Michigan for the summer, but not this year. Not because of the virus, but because their governor is crazy and we don’t want to get trapped up there.
This is all an attempt to affect the election. It has nothing to do with “keeping us safe”. They couldn’t care less.
Every trip we planned this year was cancelled, have a couple in state camping trips scheduled for later in the year. Rest stops on the highway have been closed and people are wary so won’t feed their anxiety.
I would love to travel, but with all of the problems in the major cities and not knowing what the different states are doing, we are staying close to home in the near future. We have a new motorhome sitting in the driveway ready to go.
As long as I don’t have to go to any Democrat controlled area without being able to carry.
I dont use public transportation but have no problems going anywhere by car. Also, I never travel by any means without a lawful firearm. The states that have carry restrictions are never in any travel plans. I just returned from a overnight trip to a neighboring state with no problems at all. Along with my security, I normally pack enough food and water to last my planned trip as well as a complete first aid kit.
I’m retired and of the age of those who should be sheltering in place. Since I don’t have to travel and no where to go anyway, why take a chance on this virus. Too many people out there not considering that this may not affect them but they could still be a carrier. I wear a mask to protect others and see too many people that don’t. When a vaccine is developed I would rather take a chance with it than wandering around.
I can’t answer the question the way it’s written. If it’s Delta or Southwest I’m confident in flying. If it’s AA or United no way. In fact, I have flown every month since March on mostly Delta.
Not worried about the virus as much as the lunatic’s “running” their local governments straight into war zones. Don’t want to be restricted to when I can come and go on the airlines, so travel by vehicle is the only option I would consider and I’d be very careful about where I go; oh, and I would need to carry an arsenal with me.
Too many do’s don’t. Not open, closed, takes away the fun of travel. Won’t fly, too much stress and cost. I’ll drive but just draging a mask around going to stores makes travel inconvenient.
I am not fearful of travel, I just do not want to go through the ridiculous steps to keep myself “safe” from a virus that will most certainly affect me at some point. Masks EVERYWHERE takes the joy out of eating, traveling by air, meeting new people and just plain being restricted in living our life.
My wife and I don’t travel much anymore probably because of our age. However, I think air travel would be our last choice for travel. The reason being crowded in a confined space. I am a former u.s.n. vet. and was an air crewman so flying in itself isn’t the issue. I think for now we’ll stick to driving.
I am not hesitant to travel because of the virus but because of the violence some are causing. I don’t want to get caught in a bad situation.
I think this is the wrong question. The REAL question is, “Do YOU feel comfortable travelling significant distance from home for the remainder of the year?”
The way it is worded, it makes it sound like how confident we are that travel will rebound to previous levels. I am not at ALL confident of that. I would love to travel, but what will be open when I get there?”
That’s the real question.
I would travel happily, if it didn’t require that I quarantine when I get there or return.
I have no problem driving a long distance and visiting responsibly. Other forms of travel are still a risk as I see it.
Traveling is not so much the issue; the biggest problem is being quarantined if you come home, and being interrogated about contacts. As the Beatles sang, “Back in the USSR… “
This virus upticks pretty much got started by the riots in all the major cities. I believe it’s being done on purpose just to keep up the momentum. I saw a bumper sticker that says Democrats serve the people. Oh really!! Are they serving us by open borders, constitution dismantling, refunding law enforcement, taxing everything to death, free everything in regards to health care, college tuition or whatever else they think of. Also, the New Green deal. Illuminate fossil fuel in 10 years. Take away your car, can’t fly as they want to do away with that. How are they going to deliver the goods when the truckers, railroads, etc. won’t have fuel to function. It will destroy a lot of industry because of this, not to mention that all these workers will not be able to find the pension system, let alone their own pensions. All this amounts to their own selfish desires and total control over all. That’s not serving the people.
Since we are RV’ers, we just go where we want to go. However, we live out west and travel is (so far) unhampered.
An interesting aside – my wife had to take a class in how to ‘flush’ my PIIC line (I’m in Houston, TX undergoing chemo treatment for leukemia) and at the end, the nurse said the MOST important thing to do amid all this insanity is to wash your hands – a lot. That, and try not to touch your face. The masks are almost worthless! Gee, some common sense from a medical professional.
This is part of why we have a Motorhome. No need to interact other than at gas stations and an occasional Walmart.
I have no concern about safety. My main concerns are the hassles of air travel and the insanity in certain states and cities.
We have a lot of Democratic governors that are still trying to separate people even separating states, easy way to conquer a country is to keep its people away from each other , hitler did it by dividing people groups, sound familiar?
My husband and haven’t traveled far, but have welcomed visitors from out of state. Some have driven and others have flown.
The airlines appear to be the most cautious on travel. It is not the traveling issue, biggest issues lie with people at the destination complying with safety protocols. A lot of stubborn, unsympathetic people, that just do not get it.
I don’t like flying. I only fly when absolutely necessary. I have no concerns about going any distance by car. I would also consider going long distances by train because you have greater opportunity to get up and move around than on a plane. No covid concerns – I take sensible precautions.
I’m not worried about traveling due to health reasons, the problem is that I will be required to quarantine from work for 14 days after I return and I can’t afford to do that.
I don’t go as many places as I used to. Not because I fear COVID-19, but because I feel like our nation is becoming hard and our everyday freedom is being snuffed out. I’m tired of it.
We traveled in May by air and are traveling again in 3 weeks. Besides wearing a mask for a 3 hour flight it was quite pleasant. Middle seats empty so much more comfortable in coach. We’re in good health and always have carried hand sanitizer and never touch our faces. It’s just common sense…and masks don’t work.
Can’t wear masks, so traveling is futile. It doesnt help that the places we wanted to go see aren’t even open, so what’s the point. We have to travel to take our daughter to college and I’m not allowed on campus. The fakes news and left’s agenda have taken our way of life from us. Tell the truth. Deaths are way down and numbers of tested are way up, making the percentage of those with Covid, low. They choose to not tell the whole truth though just to destroy President Trump and this country. Wake up people.
I like the idea of carrying chicken soup ( mom’s recipe) and zinc lozenges wherever I travel, as a first aid pack.
Travel by plane?
I have more to fear from a fellow passenger out of control in the confines of a jet liner at 30,000 feet than from a sub microscopic virus.
One day this will be over.
We have had the virus and it was no worse than the regular flu. We are more concerned about the riots and protests going on right now.
I never fly, so don’t much care about that. I’d rather drive. This will likely be the last summer or year that we don’t need a state to state passport to travel to other states. After the Bolsheviks take over next year, traveling will become as difficult as in Germany or Europe during WW2. The Marxists want everyone to have a life of drudgery working as an assigned slave for peanuts, no after work life and complete servitude to their gracious dictates. You can see how this will happen as so many have bowed down to the masking and distancing stupidity all in the name of a FAKE and contrived pandemic.
I have not traveled by plane in about 20 years because I am not interested in doing so. I am not in fear of my safety at all. This virus stuff has been exaggerated beyond what has actually occurred. I am sick of people(sheeple) hiding and allowing the nonsense to continue. There have been credible studies done that show the opposite of what the media and fascist dems want us all to hear. Wake up America and look for the truth it is out there.
should have never shut the country down. Quarantee the sick and let the healthy live
I have no problem driving anywhere but would not go to places that are heavily populated. We usually go to FL in the winter to a large condo complex. We are rethinking that for this year. Airplane rides are not in our plans for the foreseeable future.
the reason I’m delaying travel only relates to the virus by the odious conditions travel purveyors and various states have put on it. Suffocating under a mask on a plane, inability to go out to eat after I arrive, attractions that have shut down or require masks, you get the idea. They’ve sucked all the enjoyment out of it so why spend my money to be thwarted constantly?
I have gotten on a plane and drove through 6 states in July. Coming back to Michigan was where the paranoia is. Our Gov has kept us down, scared and turning us against each other.
Since 9/11 and the travel restrictions placed on Americans citizens, thank you, Chuck Schumer (and not the “bad actors”), it has been more than inconvenient to get on a plane for me. In general, the Wuhan virus would not stop me from traveling, but King Cuomo has put a damper on travel particularly in New York where foreigners all too many illegal come and go unchecked and American citizens are punished.
We drive semi for work to various states but would not travel by plane. We deliver groceries to stores. So travel per say does not scare me.
In the event something happens to a Loved one, I would not be able to travel to my home state, because I would end up in a 14 day quarantine. At this point, I just pray that this Covid-19 will leave our shores in the not too distant future.
Life goes by too fast. I’m not going to sit barricaded in my house. It’s time to live!
I travel by motorcycle, other than having to cancel a trip to Peru, my trips haven’t changed.
Have COPD. Having a hard time breathing with a mask on.