

Thinking about the upcoming congressional elections, do you think Republicans should put out a unified platform of policies or ideas?

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Test Tester
Test Tester
1 year ago

Testing the comments on polls

2 years ago

I think it’s very plain what the Republican Party stands for. Pro life, God, pursuit of happiness. It’s also very plain to see what the Godless, evil, commie baby killers in the demorat party stand for. Oh, and buckle your billfold into your pocket while you look.

Rush Glick
Rush Glick
2 years ago

A new Contract With America is sorely needed. It needs to be set, and ALL Republican office holders need to sign on and then FOLLOW THROUGH.

Dorothy Templeton
Dorothy Templeton
2 years ago

President Trump with Vice President elect Ben Carson will insure my vote and level the pkk look suing field to the American Christian public. Please consider this ticket it’s a weekend n win for USA!!!!! Dorothy Templeton

2 years ago

Openness and candor will go a long way. My American friends and I are disgusted with what have now!

2 years ago

First, we need Republicans that have a spine.

2 years ago


Craig Smith
Craig Smith
2 years ago

It worked in 1994 much to the chagrin of Democrats and the Clintons. It would DEFINITELY work today. Just using Democrat failures simply says, “We are not Democrats”.

Trump not only said what he was in favor of, HE DID IT!! Republicans would need to follow through on their promises.

Lew Rigaud
Lew Rigaud
2 years ago

Leaders should lead!! Not those spineless jellyfish Rinos!!

2 years ago

With what our country is going through now, we just need Republicans who will have enough backbone to eliminate the WOKE and socialist in our so called leadership’s policies. There are quite a few Republicans who should be replaced so the real conservatives can do what is needed.

2 years ago

We are American first as well as a constitutional republic.. go from there!

2 years ago

There is no point in putting out a “platform” because there are too many RINO’s and they don’t follow what they say already.

2 years ago

No. Die hard democrats dissatisfied with the left will be manipulated into voting against a platform instead of for a person.

2 years ago

I think GOP candidates should make and keep their campaign promises. Nothing turns off voters more than yet another lying politicians.

MJ Bowman
MJ Bowman
2 years ago

In our state Dems are infiltrating the party.
Having a standard platform would allow them to hide behind the platform without showing their true colors. Individualism!

2 years ago

All democrats are complicit in Treason and should ALL RESIGN right now

2 years ago

The republican party needs to get aggressive instead of quietly sitting back assuming they will win the Nov elections this year. A platform means nothing. Convince me that this country will get back to being the America that beieves in “home of the free and the brave”. I’m amazed at how quickly we are sitting back and letting Washington open the doors to socialism. Solution for individuals is to get out and vote this November.

2 years ago

We want to know.

2 years ago

Repubs unified? There are still to many useless RINOs infiltrating the party. I still doubt there will be a red wave simply because the leftists dems have no option but to cheat like crazy. Besides, there is no way the repubs are up to the task of making any real changes…they are trying to fight off the leftist’s attacks on the citizens. Politicians rarely do what they say because they are saying things to buy votes. And whatever they try to fix, they usually screw it up and make things worse. My only hope is that the leftist dems can be slowed down.

Mary Frances
Mary Frances
2 years ago

Republicans holding their cards close to the vest until after the midterms is best. Revealing their plans now will only distract from the Biden-Democrat train wreck. Let the Democrats destroy themselves. There will be plenty of time to repair the damage after we take back Congress.

Edward Culligan
Edward Culligan
2 years ago

Republicans should unite but it should not be with Donald Trump. The left was able to destroy Trump and his good policies by taking advantage of his weaknesses. A sure fire way to lose is to put Trump in as our candidate. Move ahead with Pence has the prime candidate and support him.

2 years ago

they already have. do you talk to Republicans?

2 years ago

It worked for Newt Gingrich in 1994. What will the Republicans fix and how..the list is long.
“Dinner Table “items ..Economy, Crime,
So. Border,rebuild the Military, etc..etc

2 years ago

No written agenda. Just stick to the miss handling of the supply issues, baby formula, fuel, interest rates, Afghanistan, pandemic, etc. Which Biden pocket do you think the billions sent to Ukraine are going into.

DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL SPENDING. it will increase and extend the recession. Inflation is to much money chasing to few good.

Spend time talking about the basics, food, gas, rent, formula.

2 years ago


Katherine Kiehn
Katherine Kiehn
2 years ago

I think we need to hit back, and hit back hard. Maybe its time to quit being Mr. Nice Guy and use the same tactics against the democrats that they have NO problem using against us. I’m tired of seeing conservatives turn the other cheek to sooth the democrats.

Janis Seward
Janis Seward
2 years ago

100% !!!! Yes !!!! I agree with the comment below. It was a winner when Newt Gingrich did it….why not now?

Will Goss
Will Goss
2 years ago

The bad thing about Trump is that the left hates Americans.

2 years ago

A similar plan “Contract with America” worked well for Newt Gingrich and the GOP in 1994, but then the GOP went on to keep 7 of 10 promises in that contract. Today, there may be too many GOP RINOs that could jeopardize promises made. And not keeping promises is worse than no promises made. That factor must be evaluated before any move at “promises” is attempted.

Al Smith
Al Smith
2 years ago

It should be similar to the Contract with America that Newt Gingrich came up with several elections back. It worked then, it would work now. The GOP should let people know where they stand and promise to carry out their plans.

2 years ago

I think every State has a duty to put Term Limits on the ballots this fall.If not this Fall than in 2024 election.It’s time.

Webb W Worth
Webb W Worth
2 years ago

If we can, But it will be hard to do with so many Rhinos in the party.

Kathy Keyser
Kathy Keyser
2 years ago

Absolutely unified!! It’s the only way. And here’s an idea: across the country candidates acquire the rights to,
‘We’re Not Gonna Take It,’ by Twisted Sister, and that becomes the unified Republican Party theme song for the march toward take back in November!!
Now that’s a sure fired way to unify a party????????????????????????

2 years ago

The Republican Party is DEAD and has been so for years. Those who vote party and walk away are Pathetic. Those who are single issues voters are MORON’s.

You worthless so called Patriots lost your country in 2019…lots of theater, NO PLAN or resolve to fight for America…

Only two choices remain, Civil War or SECESSION. Those who scoff at these choices are both Cowards and those who only vote once a year and are Totally clueless as to how we got to where we are today.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
2 years ago

A concise platform is a positive way to win elections as proven by the platform proposed by Newt Gingrich, however there must also be a concise history of the last six years and how the actions of the Democrat party and its minions have not only attacked the positive actions and successes of the Republican administration to tear down this country and its leaders not to improve the country but strictly to turn our country into a third world country and by spending money that was manufactured not earned to put us all in debt that our children and grand children can never recover from. We must emphasize and convince voters that a vote for a Democrat is one step closer to poverty for all. .

2 years ago

Yes. It worked with the “Contract With America” put forth by Newt Gingrich. It also worked for Donald Trump. State what you believe and how it will be accomplished. Can also CONTRAST it to what Dems have done and will continue to do. Important thing then is to ACTUALLY do it. Go on offensive and quit whining about “Dems wouldn’t let us do anything!”.

2 years ago

I voted yes because its time for Americans to say this is what we stand for, and we don’t care who it offends or who it feeds fodder to. For the past 2 years we’ve been “trembling in our boots” too afraid of who we offend domestically and globally. Those offended at American principles, especially patriotic ones, can shut up and get over it and /or move on to somewhere they think is better. You’ve wrecked our country for two years – or more -and we no longer care what you think or how you feel. While you did the wrecking, we in the middle class did the paying. Millions of us have had it with sorry people and criminal government, and if Republicans don’t fix the government, rest assured most states will quickly act. Some like Florida and Texas have shown the way, and others are taking notice.

2 years ago

If they regain control the Republicans need to act and act swiftly to regain stability. They keep saying that the only way to restore this country to strength at home and globally is to elect them in November. That sounds hollow, swampy. And honestly we have had enough of politics as usual, without representation from the American people. It’s out of control and we don’t hear many Senators or Reps speaking and living Truth for the American people, rather than themselves and their twitter followers.

2 years ago

We need to clearly state why Republicans deserve a chance to govern again. Voters are tired of the BS & then nothing changes. It should be a cake walk because the current Marxist morons are so destructive to America. However, I never underestimate the ability of Republican leaders to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory – a strong Rino trait! McConnell is so smarmy swamp!
I love Trump, but his age & toxicity with many emotional low info voters are big negatives for him running again. He should be a king maker, & let DeSantis, Scott, Noem, or another younger Republican run, & then be part of the administration to continue making America great again.
China terrifies me. We need strength & resolve, not wimpy deceit while lining pockets. That goes for the drug cartels as well – $$$$ is the #1 reason they let it pour across our border. He was right in 2016: the swamp is evil & has to be dismantled as they are total globalist who don’t give a shit about the USA or its people.

2 years ago

The people that use to own this land ask them about taking your guns .The Indians were killed lied to and promised all kinds of junk and it was on paper.Go ask the Indians if we should trust Washington.They are taking everything away from us just like the Indians.

2 years ago

If they insist on putting out a platform, it should be another Contract with America. The true Republicans/Conservatives will have no problem with this, but the Party has been infiltrated with DemoncRATS in disguise and still has too many RINOS. And they must be dedicated to campaigning in every state, neighborhood and community that is hungering for conservative leadership to bring them back to what they had under our former POTUS. Every corner of the country, locally & nationally, is vitally important to the Party, not just the “swing” states. Then they need to get to serious about real work. Their next campaign can’t start the day after the election. There’s too much to undo and expose.

2 years ago

There is a Republican platform and Trump performed the points the best of any of the past Republican Presidents. The Democrats in 2008 rejected God in their platform. Not only should the Republican Party provide its platforms, if you are a Republican candidate , there should be a contract where the candidate signs a contract with the people to vote the way of the platform . We don’t need the Romney like that reject the policies that are Constitutional. Nothing like voting with Democrats on the issues that steal American liberties.

Phil M
Phil M
2 years ago

Of course we need to see a unified message from the Republicans. But, 1) folks still need to be reminded of each and every failure of the left, 2) we still need to see enough about each candidate to sort out the RINOs from the patriots, and 3) the unified message MUST include a promise to see a few hundred socialist criminals and traitors frogmarched in orange prison uniforms in front of the cameras.

Regardless, never underestimate the ability for the Republican Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

2 years ago

Republicans definitely need to tell the American people what they plan to do to correct the direction of this country if the GOP remakes one or both houses of Congress. I’ve often thought that the Republicans should seriously consider issuing a new Contract With America, much like what they did in the early 90s.

Robert Simone
Robert Simone
2 years ago

What the party needs is leadership that will not fund the campaigns of RINO candidates. We need a unified Republican party with core values that each candidate must abide to in order to receive funding. We need a new contract with America as was established by Newt Gingrich when he was Speaker of the House. Trump has been successful because he laid out his agenda and communicated it effectively to the American people. His promises made and his promises were kept. The Republicans must demonstrate some intestinal fortitude and stay united. Those RINOS that break ranks must be disciplined and have funding withdrawn from future elections. They must learn the consequences of turning traitor and siding with the Communists.

2 years ago

BOTH. Republicans and Conservatives must amplify ALL (and each one individually), the catastrophic failures the socialist, left-wing Democrats have done, and continue to do, to bring down this country, the Constitution and the American people.
But with each one of these miserable failures counter it with the Republican plan to correct and reverse these dangerous failures.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

But Unite & fight GOP on issues, see No action save lowly Jim Jordan etc
Get Moving

Jerry Cheevers
Jerry Cheevers
2 years ago

In Iowa, the Republican Party faithful spend considerable time developing and publishing a platform both in print and on our website. Problem is there are seldom repercussions for betrayal due the limited number of individuals willing to step up and usurp the Rinos. That is how deficit spending is raised and the border is thrown wide open. It is also how the second amendment is infringed, and the citizens are forced to surrender their legally owned arms without due process. Senator Joni Ernst is a prime example of a red flag supporting, gun grabbing, Rino traitor.

Lisa Mastrocola
Lisa Mastrocola
2 years ago

I feel like the weak part of the Republican Party is that they never put out a unified message. It seems like the dems out out a group message of the day and they include the news media. They use the memo to all use “words of the day”.

Galynn Ferris
Galynn Ferris
2 years ago

Why should I vote for a Republican? I should vote for them because they are not Democrat? Really? Prove it. What we have now is a uniparty. Give me a reason to vote FOR you or get out!

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