These big social media companies are censoring speech and have an undue influence on limiting mainly conservative speech to influence elections in favor of the Democratic Regressive candidates.
5 years ago
These companies have unwittingly become the modern day public square. As such they should be forced to comply with First Amendment guarantees.
5 years ago
Personally I don’t like the government sticking its nose into business. However, one remedy would be the courts and making it easier when they have decided to ban or take some other measure to stifle your free speech right. A few good lawsuits may have a chilling effect on their political activism. If they come out openly – as Zuckerberg has, and stated they will stifle free speech then perhaps there should be some heavy fines and some type of special oversight with the company NOT THE TAXPAYER picking up the tab.
5 years ago
The more government gets involved in things the more screwed up they get. The only thing regulations do is to get our elected officials more money from big corporations. They don’t help the citizens.
Robert Anastasia
5 years ago
Agree with Charles Sayles. Congress needs to protect the First Amendment while making these platforms responsible for the content they publish.
5 years ago
The government should enforce the laws that exist to protect privacy and expose false statements.
Pamela Kelly
5 years ago
The problem with the big social media companies is that they, like much of the mainstream media, are propagandists in the pocket of the political Left. I have always believed it is the job of the journalist, be it online, in the newspapers, or on television, to remain politically neutral and to give everyone a chance to speak their minds regardless of whether they agree with that person’s point of view or not. Freedom of speech as well as freedom of the press are as important as our other freedoms that we as Americans are guaranteed through our Constitution and should never be used as a bully pulpit for political favoritism and personal vendettas.
Skip Hellmig
5 years ago
Add to your list pharmaceutical companies and energy providers as groups to watch.
5 years ago
Seems that anytime the feds get involved in a business it makes it worse. We have laws and all they (govt) should do is enforce those laws.
Maurice D
5 years ago
Praise to AMAC; Pamela K.; Cookiepress and Charles S. Americans are wise, yet, how can we benefit – realize true freedom and joy – when we’re misled by foolish, faithless, warped Tech-Execs; propagandists; lawless lawmakers, mendacious “reporters,” phony celebs, “lawyers” and “judges” void of fiduciary duty, fidelity and integrity?
5 years ago
Back in the 1970’s the government broke up the Bell system because it was to big and a monopoly. The same should be done to these bias giants.
5 years ago
Looks like the liberals are in the lead once again.
For this site to be an alternative to the AARP leftist site, there sure are a lot liberals here.
5 years ago
I left social media three years ago and I am very happy I did!
I was attacked on my FB page which was closed to the public for sharing 2 Devotionals which I did every day.I was told by some faceless communist at FB that I was a threat to their Global community and Globalist agenda!
I took that as a sign that it was time to leave for good,I closed my account.Well then they sent an email wanting to know why you close your account.
I burned my bridge.
I told them I never want to be part of their global agenda or globalist community.I did say I would miss family and friends which I thought that was what it was for in the first place.But I am not missing anything.
I told them they were going to be on the way down for doing what they were doing to people.Then the different governments and Countries started going after them and fining them.They are definitely making money off of your data,your pictures,what you say to each other!Otherwise why go to all the trouble of collecting it from everyone in their “community“?
As for Governments getting involved?Well they as in our government get allot of money from these entities for campaign funds.It’s really hard for there to be a checks and balance on that now isn’t there?
As for me I’m glad I am not them.
Except Twitter ?
But life goes on without them.
You actually have time for REAL LIFE!
Mike Steward
5 years ago
Vicki Entrekin
5 years ago
As much as I don’t like the influence that these companies have, the government needs to stay out of it. If ‘the people’ don’t like their actions, then they have the freedom (at the moment anyway) to start their own companies to compete.
I’ve heard the big tech companies are hoping that the government does step in and regulate, since they are already established, it would be harder for a new company to try to build and compete with them.
The federal government has too much power as it….. do NOT give them ANY more. Let us, the people, come up with our own ideas or quite supporting and using those formats.
Truth Manhattan
5 years ago
If you believe there is a market for a conservative social media outlet, then by all means start one. We are free, at least for the time being, to do that. It is not the business of government to regulate things we don’t like.
That said, keep your powder dry.
5 years ago
There is no real incentive to change this — Democrats, Republicans and the government are complicit in one way or another with the activity of these organizations. Where are the alternatives to Android, iOS, Google, Facebook and others that are politically neutral, open to free speech, won’t collect personal data / respect privacy rights? I see an entire market out there.
5 years ago
If one supports government control over private industry, that person cannot call themself a political conservative. Use the free market to move these companies’ behavior. Or Start your own company to profess conservative ideals.
5 years ago
We’re still at the point of watchfulness. We must always be very, very wary of having the government “do” something.
5 years ago
Well they broke up maw bell and att why not other big companies.
Gene Stevens
5 years ago
Most everything the federal government gets involved in trying to regulate turns out to be a disaster.
5 years ago
They create the feel of the American citizen as some kind of renegade underground activity. Maybe disclaimers that warn of their renegade spin and evident bias. At least that would give a clue as to their motives.
Tom Powell
5 years ago
In addition, feds should keep a keen eye on hedge fund companies like billionaire Paul Singer’s. When greed of a few result in loss of thousands of jobs, that’s criminal (Cabelas/Bass Pro Shops)
American Believer
5 years ago
We still have a choice to not subscribe to Social Media. Currently only 30% of Americans use big companies like Fakebook. CHOOSE where you get your information, be educated.
Government involvement has already provided ample proof they screw up everything they touch.
Wayne D Peterkin
5 years ago
Understanding the list shown was not all inclusive, Microsoft should have been listed as well.
5 years ago
They regulate phone companies the should regulate the tech industry Monopolies like them harm smaller companies and stifle competition
5 years ago
If enough people don’t buy their stuff they will have less influence. Don’t do Facebook. Buy some other phone or notebook other than Apple or Google products. In most cases there are alternatives. But unfortunately most people don’t put their money where their mouth is.
Peter Karl Koch
5 years ago
The options listed miss the point. Are these companies “platforms” or “publishers”? The companies need to decide; there are already enough regulations and laws for publishers and platforms. The issue is presently these companies slip and slide between these two categories, defending themselves and abusing both content providers and end users by applying whichever rules benefit them the most in any given situation.
Additionally, history informs us that government intervention has consequences, both intended and unintended. Human ingenuity and moral principles with the undergirding of personal property and free speech rights granted by our maker are what will bring this country back to the founding vision.
Jim d
5 years ago
In regards to Keeping a watchful eye on big tech, they should be held accountable if they cross the line trying to influence elections. And on the same note, the News media should be held accountable too. They both have a responsibility to uphold our most sacred right to free and unbiased elections. Otherwise they become state run propaganda organizations like Pravda under the Soviet Union and America becomes a single party system no different the communist Russia or China.
James Culpepper
5 years ago
I am to the point that I do not trust our court system to work in the interest of America. Just look at how they allow hate speech and an attempt to harm others as freedom of speech.
Now if you have a different idea log than which ever Judge has a direct impact on the decision rendered.
Let see ATT has allow Congress to get phone records and Apple had the ability to keep FBI from getting information on a terrorist.
Do you get it, break them up.
Robert J Stitt Sr
5 years ago
I did not answer any of the options because they were not appropriate.
I do not think the federal government should have any more power than they already do. The companies are too big but there has to be a better way to solve the problem rather than turn it over to the feds .
Nancy Diraison
5 years ago
It’s too late to break up these giants, and where bad ethics prevail, they will travel with those involved to separated companies and infect those as well. Absolute standards of operation need to be carefully structured and enforced. Anti-trust principles are challenged by these technological mega-giants and need to be redefined. More importantly, new and competitive companies need to be formed so as to counterbalance the damages perpetrated and censorings that come naturally to the politically biased existing giants. Government regulations are subject to their own failings but in this case are mandated.
Press ONE for English
5 years ago
Social media is purely optional. If you don’t like it don’t use it. I don’t, never did, never will. I email my friends and that is enough but even that is far from perfect from a security perspective. For now, that’s the answer. Boycott those providers you find objectionable. But note I said “for now”. The real answer here is to develop competing forums and electronic gathering places. We’ve left this much too late and now the bar to entry is very, very high. But continuing to do nothing will only allow things to become worse.
One approach that is NOT the answer and only poses the potential to make things worse is empowering government to increase its meddling. Government is by, for and about the left, regardless of the few conservatives we manage to elect. Could we possibly expect to get a fair hearing or response from these deeply entrenched leftists? And what happens when the left is once again firmly in power? Will they use the new power we gave them fairly? I think we all know the answer.
So, for now at least, start boycotting social media, and encourage your friends to do the same.
5 years ago
The social media companies are independent businesses, not government services. They should be free to manage their activities however they choose, including making decisions regarding content on their platforms. The only place government should be involved is if theft by fraud has occurred. Platform users are their customers, and if disgruntled, are free to seek other platforms to use because of poor service or biased treatment, even to the point of starting up competing platforms.
There was once a social media platform called MySpace, until a guy named Zuckerberg started something he called Facebook. No one at the time cared about his political viewpoint until he started flexing his political muscles. Where’s the next Facebook? Someone should start one and call it FreeMe or something.
The worst sentence in the English language is, “There oughta be a law.”
Ralph Pinney
5 years ago
While I despise these companies and how they are getting away with censoring conservative information I also don’t like the government trying to run this.
Stephen Russell
5 years ago
Focus on censorship issues, privacy data etc otherwise I say leave Big Tech alone BUT If BT keeps censoring free speech this has 2 stop.
Seen no Uniform regs for censorship IE FB nothing & randomly delete views.
Unfair & wrong
Sandra Lee
5 years ago
ENFORCE the current laws. The Robinson-Patman Act was the rule for any marketing/sales promotions in my business.
5 years ago
You want a conservative/alternative site? Build it and they will come.
Isn’t that why you are here (AMAC) in the first place? Even though most of the comments do not reflect that
Martin Pfister
5 years ago
First, threaten the special platform status they enjoy. Designate them as publishers so they can be held accountable
for their content. Their manipulation of searches that favors the left would end. Their platform status hinges on them not
determining content or its accessibility.
ds patriot
5 years ago
As usual it seems like you’re all missing the main point. It is the people that control what happens in government as well as in public and personal life. we allow the politicians to get into office and control what we do when it should be exactly the opposite. As with social media we’re giving the information to the large corporations to use. Control it by not participating. That is your freedom of choice. I am not on social media I refuse to be on social media I couldn’t even tell you how to get on social media. Personally nobody needs to know my business unless I want to share that and I don’t it is my choice.Aside from amac I refuse to participate and it hasn’t hurt me or bothered me at all. Control your own destiny. God Bless America. God bless our troops at home and overseas and their families. God bless President Trump.
5 years ago
Competition and more competition. Other than a few members in the House, when I see or hear the term federal government, I immediately think corruption and ineptitude. What a joke it has become.
5 years ago
Wasn’t the hook question, “Should the government regulate these businesses?” Not, break them up. Problem is, many people do not trust the motives of the government in regulating anything. “The government” is not a benign entity intent on creating the supposed environment for the type of neutrality professed. It is comprised of people individually and collectively advancing their own ideas agendas, programs to advance themselves and their supporters. It is suspect that benefits to “the people” have much more to do with the issue than that “they” are useful pawns in the games of the regulators. These businesses already appear to be monopolistic and subject to regulation. they don’t need the public’s permission to do their jobs.
5 years ago
We don’t use social media as it in our opinion is a gross waste of time. Opening the internet for private use was done under best intentions, but the negatives are out weighing benefits. Porn, fake news, terroism, and such poisoning activities hiding under the free speech admendment should be criminal. That is where the government should step up and demand specific guidelines.
5 years ago
Regulation? No. There are laws on the books that these companies are breaking. They need to be regulated under these laws & taken to court.
Jef Jepsen
5 years ago
Google is actively interfering in our election process and no one is stopping them.
5 years ago
The problem is the dumbing down of education combined with these obviously biased companies that basically control what is on the internet. For those of us who are older and had a better education and know how to think for ourselves and have the ability to filter info we get electronically it’s not too much of a problem to apply critical thinking skills to the internet. For the last couple of generations of students, it’s not so easy because they’ve been trained to just take as fact anything they’re presented with on a computer. Education is the key and the solution. We’ve got to take back the public ed system.
Lynn Hoffman
5 years ago
Everything else ihas government controls, what are we waiting for???
5 years ago
If you chose to disagree with someone that should be OK, but if you want to take away their ability to disagree with you then please move to China where that is the way of the government there. The freedoms we give up will never return, and if there ever becomes a world government it will not be what Americans want.
5 years ago
While I believe the Market should be the controlling factor over BIG TECH, I also believe that when these Big Tech companies begin to influence elections and politicians, THEN punish them for it in some legal way (Fines, temporary shutdown of websites, etc.). Like Churches, losing their 501c3 status IF they tell their Congregations who to vote for, Tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, etc. who forbid their Users from expressing personal opinions politically, should be penalized for doing so. When these Big Tech companies decide who can and cannot speak freely, then we have a RESTRICTED Internet and the Internet is supposed to be the last bastion of FREEDOM.
Here are a few alternatives:
Gab: (TWITTER alternative)
Tumblr.: (owned by WordPress)
Stephen Conners
5 years ago
The problem is allowing the government to regulate anything. They can’t even fairly regulate themselves, i.e. 19 trillion dollars in debt and an impeachment hearing to find out if the president did something wrong? There are very few statesmen left in government. Everyone has their own political agenda and care nothing about the American people.
Yes, I have concerns about monopolies but we already have laws to deal with that problem. Besides the government already ruled Microsoft was a monopoly and nothing happened to it. Strange but almost every government agency uses Microsoft Office. So much for fair play in the market. Use the taxpayers money to support the monopoly? Another thought, how about the Chrysler and GM bailouts?The government’s cry was they were too big to let them fail. Again, tampering with the free market. The consumer (taxpayers) voted with their hard earned dollars as to what company should survive. The government overturned your decision and forced you to save them with your tax dollars. So the government decided what companies should fail. Do we need to give them any more power? (Yes, to my knowledge Chrysler did pay back the loans)
The “somewhat” free marketplace is still our best hope.
I’m a retired IT systems engineer and witnessed the Microsoft monopoly farce. Almost everyone in the industry knows that was just political posturing.
These big social media companies are censoring speech and have an undue influence on limiting mainly conservative speech to influence elections in favor of the Democratic Regressive candidates.
These companies have unwittingly become the modern day public square. As such they should be forced to comply with First Amendment guarantees.
Personally I don’t like the government sticking its nose into business. However, one remedy would be the courts and making it easier when they have decided to ban or take some other measure to stifle your free speech right. A few good lawsuits may have a chilling effect on their political activism. If they come out openly – as Zuckerberg has, and stated they will stifle free speech then perhaps there should be some heavy fines and some type of special oversight with the company NOT THE TAXPAYER picking up the tab.
The more government gets involved in things the more screwed up they get. The only thing regulations do is to get our elected officials more money from big corporations. They don’t help the citizens.
Agree with Charles Sayles. Congress needs to protect the First Amendment while making these platforms responsible for the content they publish.
The government should enforce the laws that exist to protect privacy and expose false statements.
The problem with the big social media companies is that they, like much of the mainstream media, are propagandists in the pocket of the political Left. I have always believed it is the job of the journalist, be it online, in the newspapers, or on television, to remain politically neutral and to give everyone a chance to speak their minds regardless of whether they agree with that person’s point of view or not. Freedom of speech as well as freedom of the press are as important as our other freedoms that we as Americans are guaranteed through our Constitution and should never be used as a bully pulpit for political favoritism and personal vendettas.
Add to your list pharmaceutical companies and energy providers as groups to watch.
Seems that anytime the feds get involved in a business it makes it worse. We have laws and all they (govt) should do is enforce those laws.
Praise to AMAC; Pamela K.; Cookiepress and Charles S. Americans are wise, yet, how can we benefit – realize true freedom and joy – when we’re misled by foolish, faithless, warped Tech-Execs; propagandists; lawless lawmakers, mendacious “reporters,” phony celebs, “lawyers” and “judges” void of fiduciary duty, fidelity and integrity?
Back in the 1970’s the government broke up the Bell system because it was to big and a monopoly. The same should be done to these bias giants.
Looks like the liberals are in the lead once again.
For this site to be an alternative to the AARP leftist site, there sure are a lot liberals here.
I left social media three years ago and I am very happy I did!
I was attacked on my FB page which was closed to the public for sharing 2 Devotionals which I did every day.I was told by some faceless communist at FB that I was a threat to their Global community and Globalist agenda!
I took that as a sign that it was time to leave for good,I closed my account.Well then they sent an email wanting to know why you close your account.
I burned my bridge.
I told them I never want to be part of their global agenda or globalist community.I did say I would miss family and friends which I thought that was what it was for in the first place.But I am not missing anything.
I told them they were going to be on the way down for doing what they were doing to people.Then the different governments and Countries started going after them and fining them.They are definitely making money off of your data,your pictures,what you say to each other!Otherwise why go to all the trouble of collecting it from everyone in their “community“?
As for Governments getting involved?Well they as in our government get allot of money from these entities for campaign funds.It’s really hard for there to be a checks and balance on that now isn’t there?
As for me I’m glad I am not them.
Except Twitter ?
But life goes on without them.
You actually have time for REAL LIFE!
As much as I don’t like the influence that these companies have, the government needs to stay out of it. If ‘the people’ don’t like their actions, then they have the freedom (at the moment anyway) to start their own companies to compete.
I’ve heard the big tech companies are hoping that the government does step in and regulate, since they are already established, it would be harder for a new company to try to build and compete with them.
The federal government has too much power as it….. do NOT give them ANY more. Let us, the people, come up with our own ideas or quite supporting and using those formats.
If you believe there is a market for a conservative social media outlet, then by all means start one. We are free, at least for the time being, to do that. It is not the business of government to regulate things we don’t like.
That said, keep your powder dry.
There is no real incentive to change this — Democrats, Republicans and the government are complicit in one way or another with the activity of these organizations. Where are the alternatives to Android, iOS, Google, Facebook and others that are politically neutral, open to free speech, won’t collect personal data / respect privacy rights? I see an entire market out there.
If one supports government control over private industry, that person cannot call themself a political conservative. Use the free market to move these companies’ behavior. Or Start your own company to profess conservative ideals.
We’re still at the point of watchfulness. We must always be very, very wary of having the government “do” something.
Well they broke up maw bell and att why not other big companies.
Most everything the federal government gets involved in trying to regulate turns out to be a disaster.
They create the feel of the American citizen as some kind of renegade underground activity. Maybe disclaimers that warn of their renegade spin and evident bias. At least that would give a clue as to their motives.
In addition, feds should keep a keen eye on hedge fund companies like billionaire Paul Singer’s. When greed of a few result in loss of thousands of jobs, that’s criminal (Cabelas/Bass Pro Shops)
We still have a choice to not subscribe to Social Media. Currently only 30% of Americans use big companies like Fakebook. CHOOSE where you get your information, be educated.
Government involvement has already provided ample proof they screw up everything they touch.
Understanding the list shown was not all inclusive, Microsoft should have been listed as well.
They regulate phone companies the should regulate the tech industry Monopolies like them harm smaller companies and stifle competition
If enough people don’t buy their stuff they will have less influence. Don’t do Facebook. Buy some other phone or notebook other than Apple or Google products. In most cases there are alternatives. But unfortunately most people don’t put their money where their mouth is.
The options listed miss the point. Are these companies “platforms” or “publishers”? The companies need to decide; there are already enough regulations and laws for publishers and platforms. The issue is presently these companies slip and slide between these two categories, defending themselves and abusing both content providers and end users by applying whichever rules benefit them the most in any given situation.
Additionally, history informs us that government intervention has consequences, both intended and unintended. Human ingenuity and moral principles with the undergirding of personal property and free speech rights granted by our maker are what will bring this country back to the founding vision.
In regards to Keeping a watchful eye on big tech, they should be held accountable if they cross the line trying to influence elections. And on the same note, the News media should be held accountable too. They both have a responsibility to uphold our most sacred right to free and unbiased elections. Otherwise they become state run propaganda organizations like Pravda under the Soviet Union and America becomes a single party system no different the communist Russia or China.
I am to the point that I do not trust our court system to work in the interest of America. Just look at how they allow hate speech and an attempt to harm others as freedom of speech.
Now if you have a different idea log than which ever Judge has a direct impact on the decision rendered.
Let see ATT has allow Congress to get phone records and Apple had the ability to keep FBI from getting information on a terrorist.
Do you get it, break them up.
I did not answer any of the options because they were not appropriate.
I do not think the federal government should have any more power than they already do. The companies are too big but there has to be a better way to solve the problem rather than turn it over to the feds .
It’s too late to break up these giants, and where bad ethics prevail, they will travel with those involved to separated companies and infect those as well. Absolute standards of operation need to be carefully structured and enforced. Anti-trust principles are challenged by these technological mega-giants and need to be redefined. More importantly, new and competitive companies need to be formed so as to counterbalance the damages perpetrated and censorings that come naturally to the politically biased existing giants. Government regulations are subject to their own failings but in this case are mandated.
Social media is purely optional. If you don’t like it don’t use it. I don’t, never did, never will. I email my friends and that is enough but even that is far from perfect from a security perspective. For now, that’s the answer. Boycott those providers you find objectionable. But note I said “for now”. The real answer here is to develop competing forums and electronic gathering places. We’ve left this much too late and now the bar to entry is very, very high. But continuing to do nothing will only allow things to become worse.
One approach that is NOT the answer and only poses the potential to make things worse is empowering government to increase its meddling. Government is by, for and about the left, regardless of the few conservatives we manage to elect. Could we possibly expect to get a fair hearing or response from these deeply entrenched leftists? And what happens when the left is once again firmly in power? Will they use the new power we gave them fairly? I think we all know the answer.
So, for now at least, start boycotting social media, and encourage your friends to do the same.
The social media companies are independent businesses, not government services. They should be free to manage their activities however they choose, including making decisions regarding content on their platforms. The only place government should be involved is if theft by fraud has occurred. Platform users are their customers, and if disgruntled, are free to seek other platforms to use because of poor service or biased treatment, even to the point of starting up competing platforms.
There was once a social media platform called MySpace, until a guy named Zuckerberg started something he called Facebook. No one at the time cared about his political viewpoint until he started flexing his political muscles. Where’s the next Facebook? Someone should start one and call it FreeMe or something.
The worst sentence in the English language is, “There oughta be a law.”
While I despise these companies and how they are getting away with censoring conservative information I also don’t like the government trying to run this.
Focus on censorship issues, privacy data etc otherwise I say leave Big Tech alone BUT If BT keeps censoring free speech this has 2 stop.
Seen no Uniform regs for censorship IE FB nothing & randomly delete views.
Unfair & wrong
ENFORCE the current laws. The Robinson-Patman Act was the rule for any marketing/sales promotions in my business.
You want a conservative/alternative site? Build it and they will come.
Isn’t that why you are here (AMAC) in the first place? Even though most of the comments do not reflect that
First, threaten the special platform status they enjoy. Designate them as publishers so they can be held accountable
for their content. Their manipulation of searches that favors the left would end. Their platform status hinges on them not
determining content or its accessibility.
As usual it seems like you’re all missing the main point. It is the people that control what happens in government as well as in public and personal life. we allow the politicians to get into office and control what we do when it should be exactly the opposite. As with social media we’re giving the information to the large corporations to use. Control it by not participating. That is your freedom of choice. I am not on social media I refuse to be on social media I couldn’t even tell you how to get on social media. Personally nobody needs to know my business unless I want to share that and I don’t it is my choice.Aside from amac I refuse to participate and it hasn’t hurt me or bothered me at all. Control your own destiny. God Bless America. God bless our troops at home and overseas and their families. God bless President Trump.
Competition and more competition. Other than a few members in the House, when I see or hear the term federal government, I immediately think corruption and ineptitude. What a joke it has become.
Wasn’t the hook question, “Should the government regulate these businesses?” Not, break them up. Problem is, many people do not trust the motives of the government in regulating anything. “The government” is not a benign entity intent on creating the supposed environment for the type of neutrality professed. It is comprised of people individually and collectively advancing their own ideas agendas, programs to advance themselves and their supporters. It is suspect that benefits to “the people” have much more to do with the issue than that “they” are useful pawns in the games of the regulators. These businesses already appear to be monopolistic and subject to regulation. they don’t need the public’s permission to do their jobs.
We don’t use social media as it in our opinion is a gross waste of time. Opening the internet for private use was done under best intentions, but the negatives are out weighing benefits. Porn, fake news, terroism, and such poisoning activities hiding under the free speech admendment should be criminal. That is where the government should step up and demand specific guidelines.
Regulation? No. There are laws on the books that these companies are breaking. They need to be regulated under these laws & taken to court.
Google is actively interfering in our election process and no one is stopping them.
The problem is the dumbing down of education combined with these obviously biased companies that basically control what is on the internet. For those of us who are older and had a better education and know how to think for ourselves and have the ability to filter info we get electronically it’s not too much of a problem to apply critical thinking skills to the internet. For the last couple of generations of students, it’s not so easy because they’ve been trained to just take as fact anything they’re presented with on a computer. Education is the key and the solution. We’ve got to take back the public ed system.
Everything else ihas government controls, what are we waiting for???
If you chose to disagree with someone that should be OK, but if you want to take away their ability to disagree with you then please move to China where that is the way of the government there. The freedoms we give up will never return, and if there ever becomes a world government it will not be what Americans want.
While I believe the Market should be the controlling factor over BIG TECH, I also believe that when these Big Tech companies begin to influence elections and politicians, THEN punish them for it in some legal way (Fines, temporary shutdown of websites, etc.). Like Churches, losing their 501c3 status IF they tell their Congregations who to vote for, Tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, etc. who forbid their Users from expressing personal opinions politically, should be penalized for doing so. When these Big Tech companies decide who can and cannot speak freely, then we have a RESTRICTED Internet and the Internet is supposed to be the last bastion of FREEDOM.
Here are a few alternatives:
Gab: (TWITTER alternative)
Tumblr.: (owned by WordPress)
The problem is allowing the government to regulate anything. They can’t even fairly regulate themselves, i.e. 19 trillion dollars in debt and an impeachment hearing to find out if the president did something wrong? There are very few statesmen left in government. Everyone has their own political agenda and care nothing about the American people.
Yes, I have concerns about monopolies but we already have laws to deal with that problem. Besides the government already ruled Microsoft was a monopoly and nothing happened to it. Strange but almost every government agency uses Microsoft Office. So much for fair play in the market. Use the taxpayers money to support the monopoly? Another thought, how about the Chrysler and GM bailouts?The government’s cry was they were too big to let them fail. Again, tampering with the free market. The consumer (taxpayers) voted with their hard earned dollars as to what company should survive. The government overturned your decision and forced you to save them with your tax dollars. So the government decided what companies should fail. Do we need to give them any more power? (Yes, to my knowledge Chrysler did pay back the loans)
The “somewhat” free marketplace is still our best hope.
I’m a retired IT systems engineer and witnessed the Microsoft monopoly farce. Almost everyone in the industry knows that was just political posturing.