Once this can of worms is opened the Democrats can also use it to change make changes to the Constitution also. Be careful what you wish for !!!
Brian B
6 years ago
A Convention of States under Article V of the Constitution may be the only way to save our Republic. The overreach of unelected officials in Washington has brought the nation to a crossroads wherein our conservative elected representatives are at odds with an embedded and powerful Deep State that threatens our most basic freedoms. A Convention of States would bypass the barriers that have been put in place by generations of reckless liberal progressives whose object has always been a One-World Government and the abolishment of individual liberties. AMAC has joined this essential movement. I urge AMAC members to consider the dangerous consequences of doing nothing. The status quo is bankrupting our nation both economically and morally, and placing us at the mercy of enemy nations. We must rediscover and restore our Constitutional roots.
Tom Jablonski
6 years ago
We really should wait until the mid-term elections are over, and possibly the 2020 elections. The people have become aware of the Deep State, and may elect Trump supporters who will clean up the mess we now have, without the need a Convention of the States.
6 years ago
I voted not sure because I need more data about specific issues and proposed language of ANY changes being considered as well as specific national opinions on each consideration. Now with that being said I, too, believe that if we risk nothing then we will achieve/get nothing. I do like the idea of returning more responsibilities and choices to the States!
Daniel D Robertson Sr
6 years ago
They don’t follow the Constitution now and this will only make what is already Un-Constitutional in effect Constitutional. Follow what the Founders put in place and we will be fine.
The Freezing Senior
6 years ago
What we really need are term limits – just as is imposed on POTUS.
Unfortunately, our founding fathers could not foresee how modern day politicians have perverted and corrupted our government for their own gain.
Rollin L. Schwab
6 years ago
Be very, very careful what you wish for. Investigate this whole issue. Our founding fathers set this up to be very difficult to do. As it should be. Removing the Electoral College is one are which we need very deep thought on. Term Limits are another. Change is not always a positive move.
Alfred R. Martin
6 years ago
Why didn’t the states exercise their power to limit the power of the Federal Government all along: The Constitution (and the federal government it brought into existence) was created by the states to serve the states. It sets forth the rules for how the government administrators must behave and says, in effect (in the tenth amendment) “Any powers that we did not give to them are ours; we’re still the boss.” It’s time to remember who’s the boss, time for the states to regain control of a government which thinks the states are subordinate to it. The states have the right and the duty to restrain the federal government. The states have been helping the Feds to control. The States have the authority to control the Feds but instead the states are taking money from the feds, stolen from the people, (bribes) in order to enslave us all. If the federal government having supremacy is invalid, so is your damn state government. Because all government is simply the right to retaliatory force against aggression stripped from individuals and given to an organization. No person in this world has a right to govern me. I am an individual and I own myself.
Tom Niewulis
6 years ago
I teach Constitutional classes and have spoken about Art. V numerous times. I outline in my Seminar “The Tale of Two Constitutions” and my book “From Covenant To the Present Constitution” that although Art. V is the correct tool, The citizenry does not understand the function of Constitutionalism as intended by the Founders. With that, the present efforts regarding a ‘Balanced Budget Amendment’ will not effectively do anything. There is a strategy that should be worked that first begins with restoring Foundational Principles in education, defunding those that teach ideologies contrary to Founders Intent and work on developing Constitutional Candidates as well as properly vetting candidates. There is a lot to an Art. V. and we need a very informed Citizenry and State Legislatures to make it work in a proper manner.
The time and money wasted on this Art. V movement could have better been spent in candidate development, vetting and educating the Citizenry in Founders Original Intent. That is were the real effort needs to be and that is what the Framers of the Constitution wanted….. A Moral and Virtuous people that can self-govern as well as function in a Constitutional Republic. Think about it…. in 1828 the Elementary Catechism On the Constitution of The United States had to be written ( https://thefederalistpapers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Elementary-Catechism-of-the-Constitution.pdf ) How far are we away from what the Preface of this work states? We need to get back to the basics as a People and learn how we are the government not the swamp in DC. We have a lot of work to do…. I do my little part and challenge others to not just learn but to act according to these Principles of self-governance.
6 years ago
Read Mark Levin’s book The Liberty Amendments to become educated on the importantes of the Convention of the States.
Ben B
6 years ago
Leave it alone!! The true test of our direction will be the mid-terms. Hope for a red wave,or it’s all over!
Tom M
6 years ago
Thank the heavens that more and more people are growing sick and tired of the politics of BOTH parties. The establishment has gone way too far in trying to control our lives. I doubt a convention of the states will come soon enough before all-out civil war breaks out. The Marxists have pushed the Dems way far left and the RINOS have destroyed the Republican party. This is like lighting both ends of a stick of dynamite; that is the divergence of the left and right. The DC Swamp cannot be saved in its present form and must be totally filled in and a new foundation set in, based on the true Constitution, not the fake one in use today. Furthermore, nothing will ever change in DC without term limits in which career politicians do not have power forever. Lastly, there must be qualifications to run for Congress and many other top offices so that the brain dead and power hungry do not get to run us into the ground. Few people in DC are actually knowledgeable about the economy and how the world works…they are protected within their own little worlds pretending to be smarter than anybody else while they seek to control the people of this country. Of course you can tell how blind and stupid the politicians are because they don’t understand that we are FED UP WITH ALL OF THEM! Well, at least I am.
6 years ago
I’ve never heard of the Convention of the States. What is it?
Jerry R Barnish
6 years ago
I view this with anguish. Yes, limitations are needed. But it needs to be used to return freedom to the people.We have not been a free America since the adoption of the sixteenth amendent and the creation of the Federal Reserve, the unlimited power given to the states of real estate taxation, ad nauseum. Just as the Progressives have given themselves unlimited power, this needs balance. Freedom. Help it to ring that bell once more.
Alan Russell
6 years ago
A Convention of the States is a good idea in theory. However I beg you to look at the political pundits and ‘leaders’ who currently are controller by unseen puppet masters. The current leadership of the democratic party is far left socialist in beliefs and the republican party hasn’t the resolve nor courage to stand on principles of any nature. Currently there are members of congress who are calling for sedition and outright insurrection, some believe that islands can ‘tip over’, some believe that the salary is not enough, many who ‘go to Washington’ and never return to the districts that elected them, etc. Does anyone really believe that the current political minds have the where-with-all to construct a document that could withstand 200+ years of neglect and still be held in the reverence that our current Constitution is……I fear not. It is time to use the ‘term limits’ available to all voters and vote the sitting members out! But the argument is always, “My congressman is ok, yours id the problem”.
Joe Wright
6 years ago
If the American voter was intelligent enough to recognize the corruption of their elected officials there would be no need for a Convention of States. The offending individuals would no longer be in office. Instead we listen to the money and the media and continue giving our freedoms away. It’s criminal what abuses of freedom we have allowed in the name of “security” or “for the children”. If the CoS is instituted the first change should be that no amendments or riders should ever be attached to any bill. They must stand on their own, and they must be written in language that doesn’t have to be interpreted by a lawyer or judge.
Dave Miller
6 years ago
The problem I see with a convention of states is that the same low lifes we are wanting gone are the ones that will run the thing.Too many no goods , too much money, and not enough good guys out there to trust what we would end up with.
Paul R.
6 years ago
Be careful what you wish For , you could lose your power of the 2nd. Admendment
6 years ago
Everyone needs to investigate the pros AND cons of a COS. Harry Reid opened a can of worms in the Senate and now the Democrats are crying fowl because the Republicans are using the same tactic. Do you really want the results of a COS to be turned around on us by the Socialists/Communists in our government to change the Constitution to suit their agenda? It COULD happen. Think about whether you want to suffer the consequences before you push for a COS. There WILL be a time when the Democrats (and their Communist members) will be the majority in Congress again. Thinking with your emotions is not a bad thing in a lot of instances but this is NOT one of those times!!
Army Vet
6 years ago
George Soros spent a lot of money to propose the notion of a “run away” Convention of States. Anything George Soros peddles is neither good for America, nor humanity; he spent all that money through his straw men organizations because he knows that once conservatives get the convention the progressives’ jig is up and over a hundred years of slowly altering public perception and undermining the Constitution are done for. The founders never intended the Bill of Rights as negotiable with every new President, or Supreme Court of the United States session. God given rights aren’t “negotiable”. They never intended for judges to legislate from the bench, that citizens could end up having “no standing” when an official who is supposed to represent them is concerned, or that politicians would get to see following their oath of office, or the law as optional, quaint, or outlandish. It is time for us to protect what protects our rights by adding clarifications not infractions, or we could end up like the Weimar Republic that let communist ANTIFA, and George Soros’ friends, the National Socialists undermine its Constitution until the communist/socialists took power in the form of Hitler. It is time for term limits because the founders never imagined “professional politicians”. The notion of a run away Convention of States is absurd because its results would have to be ratified by a majority of State legislatures not be instantly approved. It is time we defend the electoral college by declaring it non negotiable, and restrict federal power from imposing executive intervention in matters of the states that are outside of its authority. On the other hand we need to clarify that States cannot undermine the federal government in matters of securing the border and immigration law, that “sanctuary states” and “sanctuary cities” have no business undermining national security.
Kerry M
6 years ago
Its time to really reduce the Federal Gov back to basics as designed by our founders. Defend our country, print our currency, deliver the mail and build interstate infrastructure. All of the remainder belongs with the states and the people
Stephen Russell
6 years ago
Must have a COS for the Republic & values alone, Must have sooner than later
6 years ago
There is nothing wrong with the Constitution as is. Just follow it. What makes you think that a different constitution would not be a struggle to enforce?
Les Jones
6 years ago
Too late. The Civil War determined that the Feds won!
Robert Clarke
6 years ago
Bad poll. Both #1 and #2 are correct
6 years ago
In today’s current climate it could be dangerous to have a convention as it may be a runaway convention. It could be a very bad thing for our country at this point
6 years ago
Remember, it was a convention to strengthen The Articles of Confederation that resulted in Our Glorious Constitution. I don’t have faith enough in any of our leaders to try to improve on that!
Nobody in our government can be trusted to NOT screw it up, and I don’t know that we wouldn’t lose more than could be gained, by entrusting our conventioneers to improve our government, nowadays…
They are NOT the GOD fearing people that were Our Founding Fathers.
We, The People, need to find better candidates, and do a better job to vote them in.
6 years ago
It is very obvious that this is another attempt by the socialist/communist far left democrats to change the will of the people. The people spoke, President Trump won. The brainwashed youth have no idea that they are being used as pawns in this political battle.
Jeff Wise
6 years ago
An Article V cannot be a can of worms that can be opened. First, a supermajority of the states must be on board to call it to order. Then that supermajority must agree on what will be voted on. Representatives that are sent to vote cannot add to the agenda.
I strongly urge my fellow conservatives to support an Article V Conv of the States with the following priorities: 1) term limits, 2) a balanced budget amendment. Term limits will rid us of the career politicians and return our government to citizen rule. The balanced budget will force our politicians to abide by a budget and take away their thirst to spend. With no career incentives and no incentive to spend tax dollars we will finally have put shackles on our out of control federal government.
J Smaha
6 years ago
As divided as our states are right now, it would result in vast diiferences in laws and enforcement thereof which would result in chaos when families would transfer to other states with a different set of rules and laws. It would divide our USA so bad we would lose in effect the word UNITED as we would not BE.
6 years ago
Some very good points but if we do nothing can we expect a different outcome? The politicians do not want the people to have such power. Case in point, New Mexico past the resolution to be apart of the CoS until the state went Democratic and the legislature voted to pull out.
Alvin Parsley
6 years ago
What does the convention of states do? My first time to here of it.
Robert Howard
6 years ago
We have a Constitution that has checked power for decades. The problem is not the Constitution, the problem is the people who are voting for customer service agents of the administrative state instead of statesmen and women. That is why American has lost her Republic.
Ken A
6 years ago
It will need to have a strict and narrow agenda to prevent any other issues not relevant to the mandate the people choose.
Barbara Floyd
6 years ago
This is probably a good idea although we need lots of effective security including people who could control the representatives from New York and Los Angeles because they’ll try to take over and shout the rest of us down. If it can be kept orderly and under control it would be a good thing to meet.
Jim Boutilier
6 years ago
Thanks to our brilliant Founding Fathers, we the people have this Article V as the sure way we in the States control the Federal government according to our amazing Constitution. This has become necessary to implement because our “Representatives” no longer represent us as intended in the Constitution. Please support the Convention of States! We the people are on a roll!
6 years ago
Certain elected and/or appointed officials refuse to follow the Constitution now. They control groups that riot every time they don’t get their way. These folks hope a convention is called so they can take it over and trash our Constitution for good. If they won’t obey now, what makes you think they will go along with something new? We should just float an amendment that would strip the authority from and remove any official violating their oath of office to uphold the Constitution, and force these officials to live under the same rules and conditions they set for us. Politicians somehow think that once elected they suddenly become elite, special, and more important than the rest of humanity. They afford themselves more protection, privileges, medical care, and pensions than those of us paying their salaries. It must stop.
George L
6 years ago
Those that are against a Convention of States are not conversant with how it would work. It takes two-thirds of the States to call a COS on just one potential amendment. When they agree and pass the language of the proposed amendment, three-quarters of the states have to vote “yes” to pass it, at which point, the Constitution is amended.
COS is already available to Dems, Republicans, etc. It’s really the only way States, who created the Constitution and Federal Government, in the first place, can have their say.
One possible amendment is term limits, which can only be imposed by an amendment to the Constitution. Congress can do it or States can do it. Does anybody really think Congress will vote to impose term limits on themselves?
No matter how many conservatives are elected, do we really believe that politicians will ever clean up their own mess? Extremely doubtful! I put the over/under at about 99% no.
6 years ago
I’ve always liked THE UNITED STATES!
We all know how people who are UNITED act. One goal, one people.
We also know how conventions act! My ways the best! My way, or the highway! Without Laws, and a firm CONSTITUTION, we have anarchy!!
Look familiar?? Let’s give more power back to the states, and term limits for politicians!!
6 years ago
This misleading poll is an example of why I am not and will never be a member of amac; the possible responses are biased and purposeful. Shame on you.
6 years ago
The convention of states, at this time, is more a hazard to our decaying American way of life than any hope of improvement.
At this time in history , not enough wisdom and moral fortitude is displayed by any person in political power, much less a quorum of these individuals, to give sway to any hope wisdom and common sense would prevail.
To often it is displayed that elected leaders are playing to the “popular” opinions that keep them in their positions of power, rather than using wisdom and common sense to LEAD the masses in a constitutionally sound direction.
In fact if the United States Constitution is followed using the understanding of the language as it was written, it is just as sound today as when accepted by the states originally.
The American language (use and meaning) of words has changed and has little resemblance to the proper English base used at the time of the founding fathers.
Get the constitution and a dictionary contemporary at the time, and learn what the documents that make up the constitution truly mean.
An individual, taught in the language of the times, can read the constitution with understanding of the inflections and meanings of the passages for an understanding of the intent.
Honestly, todays politicians (attorneys mostly) read all documents , not to understand, but to twist the intent. look at the second amendment.
The word “shall” is an absolute legal term, Infringe is also a well understood legal term, but the “shall not be infringed” segment is ignored by politicians, judges, and of course uneducated lay people.
Robert H
6 years ago
Seems to me the power to check Federal expansion is already in the hands of the people. We don’t need yet another committee (i.e. convention) to tinker with our constitutional government. If you want to control Washington, vote for conservatives who will support the President.
Dave Swingley
6 years ago
What is a Convention of States? I’ve never heard of it before.
6 years ago
Tom J and HAP, please really learn the COS process. You’ll see just how deliberate, slow and full of tests and challenges, by the States ratifying each proposed Amendment, it is.
As to waiting for further elections and/or believing that the swamp cleaning going on now is sufficient, the danger of that is how quickly people forget and wind up electing another disaster and all the damage we suffered from 2008-2016 will come back with a vengeance.
We need amendments which will fundamentally prevent runaway central government and the further erosion of the sovereignty of each State.
Things are good now and getting better, until the next pen happy and anti American takes over the White House.
William McKinney
6 years ago
A convention of states should take to give back powers to the states. Reduce thd power of the Federal Government over States Rights. Make sure our borders are secured by Federal and State laws that this matter should be the Militaries Job and no so much the presidents.
That these matters should be settled law by adding these American Protection Amendments. Giving the matter to the Armec Services.
The building and management of a wall on the Mexican Border. And Requiring Military Budget Support Before Any Thing Else Can Be Funded by congress. That on nation’s that will work and have good terms will their people be allowed to immigrat to America,Those people allowed should be skiilled workers that are neeed. Physicians ,Scientists and Profe’s that imbrace the Constitution ,and assimilate.
Strengthening States rights, As long as the states abide by the rule of law and the USA constitution.Strengthen gun owner rights, put limits on who is allowed to run for public office. Such as not allowing lawyers to run for any office except for attorney general of a state,judge set in city or county election ‘s. Not allowing attorney ‘s to run for any other city ,county ,state ,and federal office. No mayor ,Congress or Senate set state or federal position,such as governor or president / vice president. Lawyer’s have Destroyed This Country ! Have Far too much influence ,making laws ,prosecuting law breakers ,running every branch of Government Is Having Far To Much Power And Leds To Shady Deals ,Corruption Painted Up to look like above board deals ( laws and rules) The Lawyers also have the most currupted political party they control today. The Socialists Communist Democratic Party ,just look at this evil ,baby killing ,anti constitutional ,anti freedom ,anti God ,anti American nightmare this Evil Political Monster of A Organised Machine it has become. Also allow States to refuse immigration by those they fill will not assimilate in to the states population. Allow States to remove illegal immigrants ,imprison illegals,seize assets, and allow states and county governments to address this people as enemies of the state. And allow the Federal Government to do the same. Do all this through new amendments and Strengthening others such as the 2nd amendment. This is the only way we can insure that the.military is fully funded,state rights are protected,the border is walled off and maintained as matter of protecting the Nation this will fall under US Military jurisdiction and governed by the military.
Charles Bonuccelli
6 years ago
A very interesting discussion. The original farmers of the constitution left a mechanism in place to modify the original constitution. They are called amendments. My biggest problem is that our federal courts have become Overreaching and dictatorial in making new laws using “implied” rights thus bypassing the constitutional process. They place their personal views (right or wrong) as superior to the original process set up to facilitate change. Fundamental rights are being weakened that protect freedom of speech and of religion. Government power is being used to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to pay for the “pill” and putting small businesses out of business if they do not wish to personally participate in certain objectionable events. Forcing expensive legal litigation through a politically sensitive court system. So how would a convention of states prevent such Such judicial overreach in the future? How would it restore what we theoretically already have? And could it cause the country as we know it to dissolve?
Mb gullri
6 years ago
Since the USA beginning,we have never had another const conv. 2 and some centuries later. We need to reconfirm our belief in the most tattered but best in world sys of govt.
Van Hamlin
6 years ago
This convention is the only way we will ever set term limits for congress. We can clarify the bill of rights. We can even gain a flat tax. So many things that a corrupt congress will never do!
6 years ago
The corruption in the DOJ, especially the FBI, is a clear example of why a Convention of States is necessary to correct the course of our great nation, to strengthen it for current and future generations.
Francis P Godici
6 years ago
What we need is a Supreme Court than is populated by strict constructionists which we are finally going to get thanks to our recently elected President Trump! Get behind him if you want the greatest Country ever created to survive!
Once this can of worms is opened the Democrats can also use it to change make changes to the Constitution also. Be careful what you wish for !!!
A Convention of States under Article V of the Constitution may be the only way to save our Republic. The overreach of unelected officials in Washington has brought the nation to a crossroads wherein our conservative elected representatives are at odds with an embedded and powerful Deep State that threatens our most basic freedoms. A Convention of States would bypass the barriers that have been put in place by generations of reckless liberal progressives whose object has always been a One-World Government and the abolishment of individual liberties. AMAC has joined this essential movement. I urge AMAC members to consider the dangerous consequences of doing nothing. The status quo is bankrupting our nation both economically and morally, and placing us at the mercy of enemy nations. We must rediscover and restore our Constitutional roots.
We really should wait until the mid-term elections are over, and possibly the 2020 elections. The people have become aware of the Deep State, and may elect Trump supporters who will clean up the mess we now have, without the need a Convention of the States.
I voted not sure because I need more data about specific issues and proposed language of ANY changes being considered as well as specific national opinions on each consideration. Now with that being said I, too, believe that if we risk nothing then we will achieve/get nothing. I do like the idea of returning more responsibilities and choices to the States!
They don’t follow the Constitution now and this will only make what is already Un-Constitutional in effect Constitutional. Follow what the Founders put in place and we will be fine.
What we really need are term limits – just as is imposed on POTUS.
Unfortunately, our founding fathers could not foresee how modern day politicians have perverted and corrupted our government for their own gain.
Be very, very careful what you wish for. Investigate this whole issue. Our founding fathers set this up to be very difficult to do. As it should be. Removing the Electoral College is one are which we need very deep thought on. Term Limits are another. Change is not always a positive move.
Why didn’t the states exercise their power to limit the power of the Federal Government all along: The Constitution (and the federal government it brought into existence) was created by the states to serve the states. It sets forth the rules for how the government administrators must behave and says, in effect (in the tenth amendment) “Any powers that we did not give to them are ours; we’re still the boss.” It’s time to remember who’s the boss, time for the states to regain control of a government which thinks the states are subordinate to it. The states have the right and the duty to restrain the federal government. The states have been helping the Feds to control. The States have the authority to control the Feds but instead the states are taking money from the feds, stolen from the people, (bribes) in order to enslave us all. If the federal government having supremacy is invalid, so is your damn state government. Because all government is simply the right to retaliatory force against aggression stripped from individuals and given to an organization. No person in this world has a right to govern me. I am an individual and I own myself.
I teach Constitutional classes and have spoken about Art. V numerous times. I outline in my Seminar “The Tale of Two Constitutions” and my book “From Covenant To the Present Constitution” that although Art. V is the correct tool, The citizenry does not understand the function of Constitutionalism as intended by the Founders. With that, the present efforts regarding a ‘Balanced Budget Amendment’ will not effectively do anything. There is a strategy that should be worked that first begins with restoring Foundational Principles in education, defunding those that teach ideologies contrary to Founders Intent and work on developing Constitutional Candidates as well as properly vetting candidates. There is a lot to an Art. V. and we need a very informed Citizenry and State Legislatures to make it work in a proper manner.
The time and money wasted on this Art. V movement could have better been spent in candidate development, vetting and educating the Citizenry in Founders Original Intent. That is were the real effort needs to be and that is what the Framers of the Constitution wanted….. A Moral and Virtuous people that can self-govern as well as function in a Constitutional Republic. Think about it…. in 1828 the Elementary Catechism On the Constitution of The United States had to be written ( https://thefederalistpapers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Elementary-Catechism-of-the-Constitution.pdf ) How far are we away from what the Preface of this work states? We need to get back to the basics as a People and learn how we are the government not the swamp in DC. We have a lot of work to do…. I do my little part and challenge others to not just learn but to act according to these Principles of self-governance.
Read Mark Levin’s book The Liberty Amendments to become educated on the importantes of the Convention of the States.
Leave it alone!! The true test of our direction will be the mid-terms. Hope for a red wave,or it’s all over!
Thank the heavens that more and more people are growing sick and tired of the politics of BOTH parties. The establishment has gone way too far in trying to control our lives. I doubt a convention of the states will come soon enough before all-out civil war breaks out. The Marxists have pushed the Dems way far left and the RINOS have destroyed the Republican party. This is like lighting both ends of a stick of dynamite; that is the divergence of the left and right. The DC Swamp cannot be saved in its present form and must be totally filled in and a new foundation set in, based on the true Constitution, not the fake one in use today. Furthermore, nothing will ever change in DC without term limits in which career politicians do not have power forever. Lastly, there must be qualifications to run for Congress and many other top offices so that the brain dead and power hungry do not get to run us into the ground. Few people in DC are actually knowledgeable about the economy and how the world works…they are protected within their own little worlds pretending to be smarter than anybody else while they seek to control the people of this country. Of course you can tell how blind and stupid the politicians are because they don’t understand that we are FED UP WITH ALL OF THEM! Well, at least I am.
I’ve never heard of the Convention of the States. What is it?
I view this with anguish. Yes, limitations are needed. But it needs to be used to return freedom to the people.We have not been a free America since the adoption of the sixteenth amendent and the creation of the Federal Reserve, the unlimited power given to the states of real estate taxation, ad nauseum. Just as the Progressives have given themselves unlimited power, this needs balance. Freedom. Help it to ring that bell once more.
A Convention of the States is a good idea in theory. However I beg you to look at the political pundits and ‘leaders’ who currently are controller by unseen puppet masters. The current leadership of the democratic party is far left socialist in beliefs and the republican party hasn’t the resolve nor courage to stand on principles of any nature. Currently there are members of congress who are calling for sedition and outright insurrection, some believe that islands can ‘tip over’, some believe that the salary is not enough, many who ‘go to Washington’ and never return to the districts that elected them, etc. Does anyone really believe that the current political minds have the where-with-all to construct a document that could withstand 200+ years of neglect and still be held in the reverence that our current Constitution is……I fear not. It is time to use the ‘term limits’ available to all voters and vote the sitting members out! But the argument is always, “My congressman is ok, yours id the problem”.
If the American voter was intelligent enough to recognize the corruption of their elected officials there would be no need for a Convention of States. The offending individuals would no longer be in office. Instead we listen to the money and the media and continue giving our freedoms away. It’s criminal what abuses of freedom we have allowed in the name of “security” or “for the children”. If the CoS is instituted the first change should be that no amendments or riders should ever be attached to any bill. They must stand on their own, and they must be written in language that doesn’t have to be interpreted by a lawyer or judge.
The problem I see with a convention of states is that the same low lifes we are wanting gone are the ones that will run the thing.Too many no goods , too much money, and not enough good guys out there to trust what we would end up with.
Be careful what you wish For , you could lose your power of the 2nd. Admendment
Everyone needs to investigate the pros AND cons of a COS. Harry Reid opened a can of worms in the Senate and now the Democrats are crying fowl because the Republicans are using the same tactic. Do you really want the results of a COS to be turned around on us by the Socialists/Communists in our government to change the Constitution to suit their agenda? It COULD happen. Think about whether you want to suffer the consequences before you push for a COS. There WILL be a time when the Democrats (and their Communist members) will be the majority in Congress again. Thinking with your emotions is not a bad thing in a lot of instances but this is NOT one of those times!!
George Soros spent a lot of money to propose the notion of a “run away” Convention of States. Anything George Soros peddles is neither good for America, nor humanity; he spent all that money through his straw men organizations because he knows that once conservatives get the convention the progressives’ jig is up and over a hundred years of slowly altering public perception and undermining the Constitution are done for. The founders never intended the Bill of Rights as negotiable with every new President, or Supreme Court of the United States session. God given rights aren’t “negotiable”. They never intended for judges to legislate from the bench, that citizens could end up having “no standing” when an official who is supposed to represent them is concerned, or that politicians would get to see following their oath of office, or the law as optional, quaint, or outlandish. It is time for us to protect what protects our rights by adding clarifications not infractions, or we could end up like the Weimar Republic that let communist ANTIFA, and George Soros’ friends, the National Socialists undermine its Constitution until the communist/socialists took power in the form of Hitler. It is time for term limits because the founders never imagined “professional politicians”. The notion of a run away Convention of States is absurd because its results would have to be ratified by a majority of State legislatures not be instantly approved. It is time we defend the electoral college by declaring it non negotiable, and restrict federal power from imposing executive intervention in matters of the states that are outside of its authority. On the other hand we need to clarify that States cannot undermine the federal government in matters of securing the border and immigration law, that “sanctuary states” and “sanctuary cities” have no business undermining national security.
Its time to really reduce the Federal Gov back to basics as designed by our founders. Defend our country, print our currency, deliver the mail and build interstate infrastructure. All of the remainder belongs with the states and the people
Must have a COS for the Republic & values alone, Must have sooner than later
There is nothing wrong with the Constitution as is. Just follow it. What makes you think that a different constitution would not be a struggle to enforce?
Too late. The Civil War determined that the Feds won!
Bad poll. Both #1 and #2 are correct
In today’s current climate it could be dangerous to have a convention as it may be a runaway convention. It could be a very bad thing for our country at this point
Remember, it was a convention to strengthen The Articles of Confederation that resulted in Our Glorious Constitution. I don’t have faith enough in any of our leaders to try to improve on that!
Nobody in our government can be trusted to NOT screw it up, and I don’t know that we wouldn’t lose more than could be gained, by entrusting our conventioneers to improve our government, nowadays…
They are NOT the GOD fearing people that were Our Founding Fathers.
We, The People, need to find better candidates, and do a better job to vote them in.
It is very obvious that this is another attempt by the socialist/communist far left democrats to change the will of the people. The people spoke, President Trump won. The brainwashed youth have no idea that they are being used as pawns in this political battle.
An Article V cannot be a can of worms that can be opened. First, a supermajority of the states must be on board to call it to order. Then that supermajority must agree on what will be voted on. Representatives that are sent to vote cannot add to the agenda.
I strongly urge my fellow conservatives to support an Article V Conv of the States with the following priorities: 1) term limits, 2) a balanced budget amendment. Term limits will rid us of the career politicians and return our government to citizen rule. The balanced budget will force our politicians to abide by a budget and take away their thirst to spend. With no career incentives and no incentive to spend tax dollars we will finally have put shackles on our out of control federal government.
As divided as our states are right now, it would result in vast diiferences in laws and enforcement thereof which would result in chaos when families would transfer to other states with a different set of rules and laws. It would divide our USA so bad we would lose in effect the word UNITED as we would not BE.
Some very good points but if we do nothing can we expect a different outcome? The politicians do not want the people to have such power. Case in point, New Mexico past the resolution to be apart of the CoS until the state went Democratic and the legislature voted to pull out.
What does the convention of states do? My first time to here of it.
We have a Constitution that has checked power for decades. The problem is not the Constitution, the problem is the people who are voting for customer service agents of the administrative state instead of statesmen and women. That is why American has lost her Republic.
It will need to have a strict and narrow agenda to prevent any other issues not relevant to the mandate the people choose.
This is probably a good idea although we need lots of effective security including people who could control the representatives from New York and Los Angeles because they’ll try to take over and shout the rest of us down. If it can be kept orderly and under control it would be a good thing to meet.
Thanks to our brilliant Founding Fathers, we the people have this Article V as the sure way we in the States control the Federal government according to our amazing Constitution. This has become necessary to implement because our “Representatives” no longer represent us as intended in the Constitution. Please support the Convention of States! We the people are on a roll!
Certain elected and/or appointed officials refuse to follow the Constitution now. They control groups that riot every time they don’t get their way. These folks hope a convention is called so they can take it over and trash our Constitution for good. If they won’t obey now, what makes you think they will go along with something new? We should just float an amendment that would strip the authority from and remove any official violating their oath of office to uphold the Constitution, and force these officials to live under the same rules and conditions they set for us. Politicians somehow think that once elected they suddenly become elite, special, and more important than the rest of humanity. They afford themselves more protection, privileges, medical care, and pensions than those of us paying their salaries. It must stop.
Those that are against a Convention of States are not conversant with how it would work. It takes two-thirds of the States to call a COS on just one potential amendment. When they agree and pass the language of the proposed amendment, three-quarters of the states have to vote “yes” to pass it, at which point, the Constitution is amended.
COS is already available to Dems, Republicans, etc. It’s really the only way States, who created the Constitution and Federal Government, in the first place, can have their say.
One possible amendment is term limits, which can only be imposed by an amendment to the Constitution. Congress can do it or States can do it. Does anybody really think Congress will vote to impose term limits on themselves?
No matter how many conservatives are elected, do we really believe that politicians will ever clean up their own mess? Extremely doubtful! I put the over/under at about 99% no.
I’ve always liked THE UNITED STATES!
We all know how people who are UNITED act. One goal, one people.
We also know how conventions act! My ways the best! My way, or the highway! Without Laws, and a firm CONSTITUTION, we have anarchy!!
Look familiar?? Let’s give more power back to the states, and term limits for politicians!!
This misleading poll is an example of why I am not and will never be a member of amac; the possible responses are biased and purposeful. Shame on you.
The convention of states, at this time, is more a hazard to our decaying American way of life than any hope of improvement.
At this time in history , not enough wisdom and moral fortitude is displayed by any person in political power, much less a quorum of these individuals, to give sway to any hope wisdom and common sense would prevail.
To often it is displayed that elected leaders are playing to the “popular” opinions that keep them in their positions of power, rather than using wisdom and common sense to LEAD the masses in a constitutionally sound direction.
In fact if the United States Constitution is followed using the understanding of the language as it was written, it is just as sound today as when accepted by the states originally.
The American language (use and meaning) of words has changed and has little resemblance to the proper English base used at the time of the founding fathers.
Get the constitution and a dictionary contemporary at the time, and learn what the documents that make up the constitution truly mean.
An individual, taught in the language of the times, can read the constitution with understanding of the inflections and meanings of the passages for an understanding of the intent.
Honestly, todays politicians (attorneys mostly) read all documents , not to understand, but to twist the intent. look at the second amendment.
The word “shall” is an absolute legal term, Infringe is also a well understood legal term, but the “shall not be infringed” segment is ignored by politicians, judges, and of course uneducated lay people.
Seems to me the power to check Federal expansion is already in the hands of the people. We don’t need yet another committee (i.e. convention) to tinker with our constitutional government. If you want to control Washington, vote for conservatives who will support the President.
What is a Convention of States? I’ve never heard of it before.
Tom J and HAP, please really learn the COS process. You’ll see just how deliberate, slow and full of tests and challenges, by the States ratifying each proposed Amendment, it is.
As to waiting for further elections and/or believing that the swamp cleaning going on now is sufficient, the danger of that is how quickly people forget and wind up electing another disaster and all the damage we suffered from 2008-2016 will come back with a vengeance.
We need amendments which will fundamentally prevent runaway central government and the further erosion of the sovereignty of each State.
Things are good now and getting better, until the next pen happy and anti American takes over the White House.
A convention of states should take to give back powers to the states. Reduce thd power of the Federal Government over States Rights. Make sure our borders are secured by Federal and State laws that this matter should be the Militaries Job and no so much the presidents.
That these matters should be settled law by adding these American Protection Amendments. Giving the matter to the Armec Services.
The building and management of a wall on the Mexican Border. And Requiring Military Budget Support Before Any Thing Else Can Be Funded by congress. That on nation’s that will work and have good terms will their people be allowed to immigrat to America,Those people allowed should be skiilled workers that are neeed. Physicians ,Scientists and Profe’s that imbrace the Constitution ,and assimilate.
Strengthening States rights, As long as the states abide by the rule of law and the USA constitution.Strengthen gun owner rights, put limits on who is allowed to run for public office. Such as not allowing lawyers to run for any office except for attorney general of a state,judge set in city or county election ‘s. Not allowing attorney ‘s to run for any other city ,county ,state ,and federal office. No mayor ,Congress or Senate set state or federal position,such as governor or president / vice president. Lawyer’s have Destroyed This Country ! Have Far too much influence ,making laws ,prosecuting law breakers ,running every branch of Government Is Having Far To Much Power And Leds To Shady Deals ,Corruption Painted Up to look like above board deals ( laws and rules) The Lawyers also have the most currupted political party they control today. The Socialists Communist Democratic Party ,just look at this evil ,baby killing ,anti constitutional ,anti freedom ,anti God ,anti American nightmare this Evil Political Monster of A Organised Machine it has become. Also allow States to refuse immigration by those they fill will not assimilate in to the states population. Allow States to remove illegal immigrants ,imprison illegals,seize assets, and allow states and county governments to address this people as enemies of the state. And allow the Federal Government to do the same. Do all this through new amendments and Strengthening others such as the 2nd amendment. This is the only way we can insure that the.military is fully funded,state rights are protected,the border is walled off and maintained as matter of protecting the Nation this will fall under US Military jurisdiction and governed by the military.
A very interesting discussion. The original farmers of the constitution left a mechanism in place to modify the original constitution. They are called amendments. My biggest problem is that our federal courts have become Overreaching and dictatorial in making new laws using “implied” rights thus bypassing the constitutional process. They place their personal views (right or wrong) as superior to the original process set up to facilitate change. Fundamental rights are being weakened that protect freedom of speech and of religion. Government power is being used to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to pay for the “pill” and putting small businesses out of business if they do not wish to personally participate in certain objectionable events. Forcing expensive legal litigation through a politically sensitive court system. So how would a convention of states prevent such Such judicial overreach in the future? How would it restore what we theoretically already have? And could it cause the country as we know it to dissolve?
Since the USA beginning,we have never had another const conv. 2 and some centuries later. We need to reconfirm our belief in the most tattered but best in world sys of govt.
This convention is the only way we will ever set term limits for congress. We can clarify the bill of rights. We can even gain a flat tax. So many things that a corrupt congress will never do!
The corruption in the DOJ, especially the FBI, is a clear example of why a Convention of States is necessary to correct the course of our great nation, to strengthen it for current and future generations.
What we need is a Supreme Court than is populated by strict constructionists which we are finally going to get thanks to our recently elected President Trump! Get behind him if you want the greatest Country ever created to survive!