I feel sorry for you. Even if you don’t partake “silly” holidays, spending time with family and loved ones is important.
So, since these are ” silly ” holidays, I guess you don’t accept holiday pay or time off?
2 years ago
Thanksgiving is a time of reflection on all the many blessings in our lives. Thanksgiving is a time of celebration with family and friends not a time for politics. ????
2 years ago
I have supported Gov. Abbott and his stance on the border. But my brother-in-law supported Beto for Gov. But he rarely watches the news and when he did it was one of the 3 networks. I got him to sit down one day to watch Fox News. After one of the segments on “Biden’s Borden Crisis” and a discussion of Beto’s stance on the border. He was opened minded enough to change his stance and vote for Abbott in the last election. I was surprise but in my experience most are not so open minded.b
Daralyn Wallace
2 years ago
Football and movies are what we watch.
2 years ago
My family just watches fake news but vote red. Me too or I will have a fit and education at lunch. Haha
2 years ago
I don’t try to talk politics and a day like this. Families gathering, it’s a time to thank God for the many blessings he has given to family and this nation. Just like sports, keep the demonstrations and politics out !! It’s a national day of thanks, keep the commies out!!!
Jim Rymer
2 years ago
I celebrate with family. No politics. There is a time for simple traditions. Thanksgiving is family, not politics.
2 years ago
I believe it is an opportunity to share Jesus with everyone there.
Elizabeth Elliott
2 years ago
It is a day to talk about thanks, love and joy, family not politics.
Rob citizenship
2 years ago
Memories of Thanksgiving celebrations during the 1950’s and early 1960’s have much to do with the conversation at and after dinner, often on political topics. I am 72, and I believe I started to develop an interest in politics in part from those conversations between relatives. There was never any disrespect concerning difference of opinions , and it was often a time to listen to some humorous stories and learn about some things other than the political talk, such as places relatives had been , travel to interesting places. I reckon I was fortunate to have the opportunity to listen in on respectful , intelligent conversations at that age.
2 years ago
If we can’t talk about the things that are important to us, we might as well eat alone.
2 years ago
I’m upset. What’s wrong with your thinking about a plant based turkey? Everything! I’m a vegan and there is everything wrong with killing a bird to fill your stomach!
2 years ago
Discovered the turkey was democrat so we cooked him and fed him to the animals…we had pizza.
2 years ago
None of the above. We are a medium sized happy family. We discuss all topics, from education, to raising our children, finances, economy, even politics, and we respect differing opinions. We especially take a few minutes to remember why those Pilgrims came America, the unbelievable hardships they endured, and we thank God for all we have. Those that have lived (not just visited) overseas in foreign countries understand our position. God Bless America. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all.
2 years ago
We used to have a variety of views with our gathered bunch but those who were liberal decided that my free food wasn’t for them. They decided their political views were more important. We had a policy that religion and politics were not to be discussed on Holidays or family gatherings but still decided to not be apart of our gatherings. I don’t know what else to do. They are welcome to come but don’t.
Vincent in CO
2 years ago
As the great sage Dr. Charles Krauthammer once said: “Politics is sovereign.” It’s fun debating with Liberals at any time, including holidays. They are so helpless, being devoid of all reason and logic.
Connie P.
2 years ago
There needs to be a choice for those of us who celebrate alone. No conflict.
2 years ago
It is difficult not to think about politics at the Thanksgiving gatherings over the last two years when the cost of the meal has increased much more sharply than in any year since the 1980s, and travel costs to the gathering, including gasoline, tolls, and trainfare has doubled over the last few years.
There were fewer of our older generation seated at the past two Thanksgiving gatherings because of what the Communist Chinese Party government, in conjunction with funding by the US, that Fauci and the CDC have tried to conceal through various nefarious means, have unleashed on the world, causing unnecessary death and tremendous job losses and related economic suffering for small businesses and many individuals and families.
It should be clear that Thanksgiving gatherings should be a time to share both good cheer and honest discussions of what we need to do to help our children learn right from wrong, help family members who aren’t as fortunate, help our neighbors, help our first responders, police, & military members who protect us, help our states, help our nation, and remember those who are no longer with us at the gathering for their guidance when we were younger.
2 years ago
We do not discuss politics. There are so many other things to discuss. An argument over politics can only best result in a Pyrrhic truce. It’s just not worth it.
Robert Ivy
2 years ago
I think this day is the one day where people should set aside and cease complaining. It is hard to entertain thankfulness and complaining at the same time.
2 years ago
What was Thanksgiving even established for and who signed it into existence. This whole platitude given in your questions is so delinquent of the true mean. Here is just an excerpt of the true meaning.
Washington’s 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation
Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:”
Now what is Thanksgiving for? and how are your questions and what we think Thanksgiving is today relevant to what the true meaning should be? George Washington put his eyes on the true Thanksgiving giver.
2 years ago
Holiday gatherings are a time to renew family ties through shared memories. As a child I enjoyed hearing our family history and experiences.
As an adult I share those memories with younger members of my family who are hungry to learn about our family.
We don’t waste our precious time together as a family on controversy.
Peter Stroempl
2 years ago
I give thanks to and for God and Country.
2 years ago
Thanksgiving is the forgotten holiday! Folks go from Halloween straight to Christmas. I think it’s important to be with those we love and to give thanks for our many blessings! We can grumble every other day of the year about politics and everything else, but I, personally, avoided all news on Thanksgiving Day, and shared laughter and joy with those I love, and paused to give thanks to God for the gift of eternal life, the promise of hope, and the peace that passes all understanding through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer!
Rbt W
2 years ago
Tells you just how many families still have indoctrinated, intolerant relatives who refuse to accept the truth of reality.
2 years ago
Usually, I do not have guests for this holiday, and spend it with my spouse. This year, we invited another couple that do not have family to spend it with. Football, food and a whole lot of other topics are a whole lot more fun than politics and current events.
Hope in 2024
2 years ago
Dinner was great as we had a small group this year. All were conservative except the one guys wife who admitted she has buyers remorse for voting for Biden lol. So she gets asked a lot, “How’s your 401 doing this week” LOL. She admitted to my wife once that she never thought Biden would be THIS BAD!! How about that one.
2 years ago
“In all things give thanks” 1Thes.5:18
Doesn’t matter who’s in the White House, we know who’s in charge, and we’re grateful for the blessings!
Rev. William E. Weisert II, DD mA/HN
2 years ago
Politics can be very dangerous for family/friends to discuss! I do have some family members who do not share entirely my views and they can be vocal about their opinions! Still we try to be respectful of each other’s ideas and beliefs. It doesn’t always work, but we do TRY!
Al Smith
2 years ago
My wife always cooks Thanksgiving dinner for her kin folk who live close by. We have a blended family. My own kin is scattered across Montana and Wyoming. Traveling this time of year in this part of the country can be iffy so they usually don’t gather with us to celebrate.
All my family are conservative traditionalists cuz I raised ’em up that way. Her kin are left of center so far I wonder what keeps ’em from falling off the edge of the spectrum. So, we don’t talk politics nor religion.
Still, I leave my “Don’t blame me, I voted for Trump” flag up to greet them. Soon as the new Congress is sworn in I’ll start flying Old Glory again. After two years of Montana wind my Trump flag is looking rather worn.
Speaking of Trump…not sure I can pull the trigger for him again even tho he did a fine job running the country. I’m concerned about his breaking President Reagan’s rule to never speak ill of other Republicans. It really tends to upset a lot of folks. His continual put downs of those in the GOP really bugs me and then there is the age factor. I’ll be looking closely at Tom Cotton and if DeSantis runs for the nomination I’ll likely vote for him.
Republicans desperately need to gain control of all three houses in 2024. For the survival of the Republic we dare not fail. The secular-progressives could bring us to the brink of destruction even before 2024 and should they prevail it’s doubtful America will ever achieve greatness again.
The secular-progressives must be rooted out of our education system and government at all levels. They are deeply entrenched so it will be a herculean task but there must be a thorough house cleaning and undertaken soon.
Vote for traditionalists in 2024 like your life depends on it…because it does.
Walt O
2 years ago
At my Thanksgiving table we tried hard to refrain from political discussions.
During the blessing before the meal ,I simply thanked God that I’m not a liberal…. That’s not being political is it ?
Stephen Russell
2 years ago
Too busy watching football games T Day
J Van Horn
2 years ago
It’s just my wife and I along with our 4 dogs and 1 cat so it’s business as usual.
2 years ago
Why is there not an option to ‘Give thanks for all our first responders and troops of all branches of the military” and to hell with talk of politics.
Don LeFante
2 years ago
Very hard to find a democrat that is reasonable.
Curt Me
2 years ago
Oxymoron: reasonable democrat.
Not even on Thanksgiving can these two
words co-exist.
John Di Donato
2 years ago
My father was a World War II veteran. He always told us at family gatherings do not discuss politics, religion or child rearing.
Gary L Moore
2 years ago
Give thanks to God and leave the secular junk for other days. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart … and your neighbor as yourself” and mitigate the hatred of others that don’t agree with you.
Karen Coryell
2 years ago
Our family has certain members who will not associate with those of us with different opinions. One in particular showcases the all too typical woke disdain and downright hatred for anything conservative. We let that person have her way and celebrate the holidays without her. The young woman we knew and still love before she started college is hiding so deep in her progressive robes that she may smother herself in them before she ever gives them up to be with family again.
2 years ago
What we need in this country is more thanks to GOD and how he has blessed us.If we start thanking GOD and let him know we still love and have not forgotten him.We might stop the killing and all the hate.
2 years ago
There are a few who try to bait the rest of us with political topics, but the rest of us refuse to engage in the argument. Mostly we tell the few we are tired of following such news and they assume we are not following current events – though we are. We just don’t tell them it is the FAKE news we are done with and we ARE acutely aware of current events.
2 years ago
I have to work everyday with people who have different political views than I have and I get tired of hearing f*** Trump or Trump should be arrested from people who have NO CONCEPT of what is going on (this is from Law Enforcement Officers if asked what is the CONSTITUTION, have no ideal)!!! I do not want anyone, friend or family, around me that thinks like this on my day off.
2 years ago
If we don’t discuss events in our country, that effect all of us, when we gather, then when should we. There’s an arrogant attitude from people who ignore politics that invades and dampens open discussion. These are the people who think they get all the information they need from the evening News. They refuse to open their mind to other possibilities, and our elections show it. I was surprised that so many people still don’t know about Hunter Bidin’s laptop. Willful ignorance is what will destroy this country.
This being said, we still need to approach political discussion carefully and respect the reason for the holliday.
2 years ago
Politics has torn our family apart. My liberal daughter and her hubby shunned us for not getting the clot shot…..said she was trying to “protect” us by keeping our grandchildren away. Things are better but so much water under that bridge, I don’t know if it will ever be the same. What our govt did to us during covid was Biblical…sad that Trump could not figure out what Fauci and Birks were up to until it was too late!
2 years ago
My brother and I joined the military after HS, my two sisters went to college. Can you guess who is conservative and who is liberal? Political talk at family gatherings would erupt into an all-out war if there was any mention of conservative thought. Especially the one sister who goes to the protest marches and believes she is oppressed despite becoming a VP at a Fortune 500 company. Liberalism is a type of mental disorder; I believe this because I witness it firsthand with them.
James McKinney
2 years ago
“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.”–Romans 1:21 KJV. Sounds almost like not being thankful could be a sin, or can lead to sin. I for one want to try and give thanks where it is due, to God or other people. And not just on the last Thursday of November.
2 years ago
I eat with family and most are like minded, and those who are not know to keep their mouths shut in my presence.
John Diaz
2 years ago
It sucked to me that the Three of the things that we face everything the next day are still going to be there. So we eat and watch TV. Tomorrow is still coming for many. But not all. For those we pray. And say “No More Problems.”
William Hodge
2 years ago
Why would I eat with a democrat? Hateful people, they are. Never smile and always want what’s yours but want to keep theirs.
2 years ago
Make you banner smaller so we can see the whole page.
I feel sorry for you. Even if you don’t partake “silly” holidays, spending time with family and loved ones is important.
So, since these are ” silly ” holidays, I guess you don’t accept holiday pay or time off?
Thanksgiving is a time of reflection on all the many blessings in our lives. Thanksgiving is a time of celebration with family and friends not a time for politics. ????
I have supported Gov. Abbott and his stance on the border. But my brother-in-law supported Beto for Gov. But he rarely watches the news and when he did it was one of the 3 networks. I got him to sit down one day to watch Fox News. After one of the segments on “Biden’s Borden Crisis” and a discussion of Beto’s stance on the border. He was opened minded enough to change his stance and vote for Abbott in the last election. I was surprise but in my experience most are not so open minded.b
Football and movies are what we watch.
My family just watches fake news but vote red. Me too or I will have a fit and education at lunch. Haha
I don’t try to talk politics and a day like this. Families gathering, it’s a time to thank God for the many blessings he has given to family and this nation. Just like sports, keep the demonstrations and politics out !! It’s a national day of thanks, keep the commies out!!!
I celebrate with family. No politics. There is a time for simple traditions. Thanksgiving is family, not politics.
I believe it is an opportunity to share Jesus with everyone there.
It is a day to talk about thanks, love and joy, family not politics.
Memories of Thanksgiving celebrations during the 1950’s and early 1960’s have much to do with the conversation at and after dinner, often on political topics. I am 72, and I believe I started to develop an interest in politics in part from those conversations between relatives. There was never any disrespect concerning difference of opinions , and it was often a time to listen to some humorous stories and learn about some things other than the political talk, such as places relatives had been , travel to interesting places. I reckon I was fortunate to have the opportunity to listen in on respectful , intelligent conversations at that age.
If we can’t talk about the things that are important to us, we might as well eat alone.
I’m upset. What’s wrong with your thinking about a plant based turkey? Everything! I’m a vegan and there is everything wrong with killing a bird to fill your stomach!
Discovered the turkey was democrat so we cooked him and fed him to the animals…we had pizza.
None of the above. We are a medium sized happy family. We discuss all topics, from education, to raising our children, finances, economy, even politics, and we respect differing opinions. We especially take a few minutes to remember why those Pilgrims came America, the unbelievable hardships they endured, and we thank God for all we have. Those that have lived (not just visited) overseas in foreign countries understand our position. God Bless America. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all.
We used to have a variety of views with our gathered bunch but those who were liberal decided that my free food wasn’t for them. They decided their political views were more important. We had a policy that religion and politics were not to be discussed on Holidays or family gatherings but still decided to not be apart of our gatherings. I don’t know what else to do. They are welcome to come but don’t.
As the great sage Dr. Charles Krauthammer once said: “Politics is sovereign.” It’s fun debating with Liberals at any time, including holidays. They are so helpless, being devoid of all reason and logic.
There needs to be a choice for those of us who celebrate alone. No conflict.
It is difficult not to think about politics at the Thanksgiving gatherings over the last two years when the cost of the meal has increased much more sharply than in any year since the 1980s, and travel costs to the gathering, including gasoline, tolls, and trainfare has doubled over the last few years.
There were fewer of our older generation seated at the past two Thanksgiving gatherings because of what the Communist Chinese Party government, in conjunction with funding by the US, that Fauci and the CDC have tried to conceal through various nefarious means, have unleashed on the world, causing unnecessary death and tremendous job losses and related economic suffering for small businesses and many individuals and families.
It should be clear that Thanksgiving gatherings should be a time to share both good cheer and honest discussions of what we need to do to help our children learn right from wrong, help family members who aren’t as fortunate, help our neighbors, help our first responders, police, & military members who protect us, help our states, help our nation, and remember those who are no longer with us at the gathering for their guidance when we were younger.
We do not discuss politics. There are so many other things to discuss. An argument over politics can only best result in a Pyrrhic truce. It’s just not worth it.
I think this day is the one day where people should set aside and cease complaining. It is hard to entertain thankfulness and complaining at the same time.
What was Thanksgiving even established for and who signed it into existence. This whole platitude given in your questions is so delinquent of the true mean. Here is just an excerpt of the true meaning.
Washington’s 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation
Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:”
Now what is Thanksgiving for? and how are your questions and what we think Thanksgiving is today relevant to what the true meaning should be? George Washington put his eyes on the true Thanksgiving giver.
Holiday gatherings are a time to renew family ties through shared memories. As a child I enjoyed hearing our family history and experiences.
As an adult I share those memories with younger members of my family who are hungry to learn about our family.
We don’t waste our precious time together as a family on controversy.
I give thanks to and for God and Country.
Thanksgiving is the forgotten holiday! Folks go from Halloween straight to Christmas. I think it’s important to be with those we love and to give thanks for our many blessings! We can grumble every other day of the year about politics and everything else, but I, personally, avoided all news on Thanksgiving Day, and shared laughter and joy with those I love, and paused to give thanks to God for the gift of eternal life, the promise of hope, and the peace that passes all understanding through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer!
Tells you just how many families still have indoctrinated, intolerant relatives who refuse to accept the truth of reality.
Usually, I do not have guests for this holiday, and spend it with my spouse. This year, we invited another couple that do not have family to spend it with. Football, food and a whole lot of other topics are a whole lot more fun than politics and current events.
Dinner was great as we had a small group this year. All were conservative except the one guys wife who admitted she has buyers remorse for voting for Biden lol. So she gets asked a lot, “How’s your 401 doing this week” LOL. She admitted to my wife once that she never thought Biden would be THIS BAD!! How about that one.
“In all things give thanks” 1Thes.5:18
Doesn’t matter who’s in the White House, we know who’s in charge, and we’re grateful for the blessings!
Politics can be very dangerous for family/friends to discuss! I do have some family members who do not share entirely my views and they can be vocal about their opinions! Still we try to be respectful of each other’s ideas and beliefs. It doesn’t always work, but we do TRY!
My wife always cooks Thanksgiving dinner for her kin folk who live close by. We have a blended family. My own kin is scattered across Montana and Wyoming. Traveling this time of year in this part of the country can be iffy so they usually don’t gather with us to celebrate.
All my family are conservative traditionalists cuz I raised ’em up that way. Her kin are left of center so far I wonder what keeps ’em from falling off the edge of the spectrum. So, we don’t talk politics nor religion.
Still, I leave my “Don’t blame me, I voted for Trump” flag up to greet them. Soon as the new Congress is sworn in I’ll start flying Old Glory again. After two years of Montana wind my Trump flag is looking rather worn.
Speaking of Trump…not sure I can pull the trigger for him again even tho he did a fine job running the country. I’m concerned about his breaking President Reagan’s rule to never speak ill of other Republicans. It really tends to upset a lot of folks. His continual put downs of those in the GOP really bugs me and then there is the age factor. I’ll be looking closely at Tom Cotton and if DeSantis runs for the nomination I’ll likely vote for him.
Republicans desperately need to gain control of all three houses in 2024. For the survival of the Republic we dare not fail. The secular-progressives could bring us to the brink of destruction even before 2024 and should they prevail it’s doubtful America will ever achieve greatness again.
The secular-progressives must be rooted out of our education system and government at all levels. They are deeply entrenched so it will be a herculean task but there must be a thorough house cleaning and undertaken soon.
Vote for traditionalists in 2024 like your life depends on it…because it does.
At my Thanksgiving table we tried hard to refrain from political discussions.
During the blessing before the meal ,I simply thanked God that I’m not a liberal…. That’s not being political is it ?
Too busy watching football games T Day
It’s just my wife and I along with our 4 dogs and 1 cat so it’s business as usual.
Why is there not an option to ‘Give thanks for all our first responders and troops of all branches of the military” and to hell with talk of politics.
Very hard to find a democrat that is reasonable.
Oxymoron: reasonable democrat.
Not even on Thanksgiving can these two
words co-exist.
My father was a World War II veteran. He always told us at family gatherings do not discuss politics, religion or child rearing.
Give thanks to God and leave the secular junk for other days. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart … and your neighbor as yourself” and mitigate the hatred of others that don’t agree with you.
Our family has certain members who will not associate with those of us with different opinions. One in particular showcases the all too typical woke disdain and downright hatred for anything conservative. We let that person have her way and celebrate the holidays without her. The young woman we knew and still love before she started college is hiding so deep in her progressive robes that she may smother herself in them before she ever gives them up to be with family again.
What we need in this country is more thanks to GOD and how he has blessed us.If we start thanking GOD and let him know we still love and have not forgotten him.We might stop the killing and all the hate.
There are a few who try to bait the rest of us with political topics, but the rest of us refuse to engage in the argument. Mostly we tell the few we are tired of following such news and they assume we are not following current events – though we are. We just don’t tell them it is the FAKE news we are done with and we ARE acutely aware of current events.
I have to work everyday with people who have different political views than I have and I get tired of hearing f*** Trump or Trump should be arrested from people who have NO CONCEPT of what is going on (this is from Law Enforcement Officers if asked what is the CONSTITUTION, have no ideal)!!! I do not want anyone, friend or family, around me that thinks like this on my day off.
If we don’t discuss events in our country, that effect all of us, when we gather, then when should we. There’s an arrogant attitude from people who ignore politics that invades and dampens open discussion. These are the people who think they get all the information they need from the evening News. They refuse to open their mind to other possibilities, and our elections show it. I was surprised that so many people still don’t know about Hunter Bidin’s laptop. Willful ignorance is what will destroy this country.
This being said, we still need to approach political discussion carefully and respect the reason for the holliday.
Politics has torn our family apart. My liberal daughter and her hubby shunned us for not getting the clot shot…..said she was trying to “protect” us by keeping our grandchildren away. Things are better but so much water under that bridge, I don’t know if it will ever be the same. What our govt did to us during covid was Biblical…sad that Trump could not figure out what Fauci and Birks were up to until it was too late!
My brother and I joined the military after HS, my two sisters went to college. Can you guess who is conservative and who is liberal? Political talk at family gatherings would erupt into an all-out war if there was any mention of conservative thought. Especially the one sister who goes to the protest marches and believes she is oppressed despite becoming a VP at a Fortune 500 company. Liberalism is a type of mental disorder; I believe this because I witness it firsthand with them.
“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.”–Romans 1:21 KJV. Sounds almost like not being thankful could be a sin, or can lead to sin. I for one want to try and give thanks where it is due, to God or other people. And not just on the last Thursday of November.
I eat with family and most are like minded, and those who are not know to keep their mouths shut in my presence.
It sucked to me that the Three of the things that we face everything the next day are still going to be there. So we eat and watch TV. Tomorrow is still coming for many. But not all. For those we pray. And say “No More Problems.”
Why would I eat with a democrat? Hateful people, they are. Never smile and always want what’s yours but want to keep theirs.
Make you banner smaller so we can see the whole page.