It is pretty regrettable that we take only one day a year to declare our gratefulness. We should celebrate Thanksgiving every day because we have countless reasons to be grateful for the many blessings we all share. It is nice, however, to have a day of family, friends, and feasting!
We are blessed to live in a country where we can freely worship God, raise our children, share our values, speak our minds, influence our government, and enjoy the bounty that is the result of the free enterprise system. Hoping your Thanksgiving was filled with joy and peace as you gathered to thank God for His blessings and mercy on us and our nation.
Most of all, we who have received His wonderful gift of salvation, should express our gratitude each and every day for an eternal life with Him!
“Thank God for His Son—His Gift too wonderful for words.” 2 Corinthians 9:15
jim wood
3 months ago
God gave us all free wills. That being said this is the day where my family avoids any political discussions. It makes the day a happy occasion, plus what happened this year said it all. God answered our prayers for the most part with the election results.
3 months ago
As I have no family left, was just another quiet dinner. I didn’t even think about politics…
Those of you lucky enuf to have family should be glad no matter what they talk about. Life is not politics.
3 months ago
We are thankful and blessed that our daughters have all married wonderful Christian young men. When our family gathers, politics isn’t front and center. But whatever is discussed, it is never divisive as we all share in the saving grace of Jesus.
3 months ago
Did you know there are not voter ID laws in the states Kamala won?
If my comment upsets you, I encourage verifying for yourself.
Hank Rapp
3 months ago
After the prayer of thanks, I added a brief Trump dance.
Marie Winters
3 months ago
Our friends and family are pretty much of the same political mindset, Making America Great Again! We already feel more positive about where our country is heading in the next four years and are praying it will continue after President Trump is finished his term. Very blessed and thankful. We need God back!
3 months ago
So, when President Trump had the election stolen from him in 2020, we did not disassociate with anybody. Why? Because we are mature adults who can handle disappointment and hardships. The Marxist, lib, crazy, lunatic left need to grow up and learn to handle things. I’m so over them and have been for some time.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have a blessed Merry Christmas. Keep the true meaning of Christmas, that Jesus came to save the lost.
3 months ago
Our children and grandchildren celebrate together and just enjoy each other. Politics are not discussed, and we like it that way.
J Van Horn
3 months ago
There’s only my wife and I and our four dogs so there’s no problem and the dogs don’t care.
3 months ago
At 83 years young, I no longer enjoy the gluttonous meal of Thanksgiving.
I use the day to give thanks that I am able to do my two mile walk.
I can see the beautiful creation God made for me.
Thankful I have no medications to take.
Thankful for the wonderful parents and family I was born into.
Thankful for my wife, my kids, grandkids, my dozen brothers and sisters. Thankful I am nearing my eternal home with my God.
Peace blessings to all
3 months ago
My daughter does thanksgiving dinner with her parents and in-laws. She warned us in October that anyone bringing up politics would be kicked out immediately. Since her mom (me), dad and husband are the republicans everyone else democrat we were all quiet on politics. Our stomachs clearly speak louder than our politics. She is an amazing cook and ended the evening with not one but 5 desserts! We were all bribed with food!
Still, as Republicans, what do we have to argue about? We actually won with a big enough difference to squash and debate about the election results. I actually thought it would be contentious and take weeks to decide. Every friend I’ve talked to has admitted they were strangely calm and sleeping much better.
All the media can spew is women failed to vote for a woman, the patriarchy is what won or my personal favorite, we do what our husbands tell us to do. They can’t admit that even Obummer didn’t win by all black vote. They can’t admit Harris is not qualified to run the greatest country on the planet. There are plenty of female politicians that I would vote for that are female.
3 months ago
America was truly at the edge of the cliffs edge of no return. 4 more years like the last would destroy us as free Americans. Elon was right this was our last election because the Dems HB 1 is already written to dissolve state elections & turn our election into a federal election. This Thanksgiving God heard millions of repentant prayers , which is the only reason God gave us His undeserved mercy & grace. I was not sure God was not finished with America, until He saved President Trump at the Butler assignation attempt . It was then I saw God change circumstances in a million to one intervention. Our only hope was God & nothing can prevent His Will from happening. Millions of Christians repented, prayed , & began living for Him. He heard and forgave us yet once again. We went from destruction to victorious blessing.The thanks to God around our Thanksgiving prayer was what the loud Amen sounded !!!
3 months ago
There are those of us who at one time enjoyed family gatherings and politics was never a factor. For whatever reason I no longer feel welcome in my family. I speak my heart and people pleasers and the overly sensitive seem to find me objectionable. Good thing I enjoy my own company!
Gpa Dave
3 months ago
We get together with family and friends with all different ages and views. The rule we have is no politics at our functions. It’s our mutual respect for other’s views and rights to have them that make our functions warm and joyous.
3 months ago
I know democrats but I avoid them and they avoid me because they have no facts other than MSM
3 months ago
We all know which friends and family you simply can NOT discuss politics with. And it’s already the liberal Dems that create this situation as they get triggered by differing opinions. Pretty pathetic, really.
3 months ago
We had a European join in our family Thanksgiving who immediately started trashing us “stupid” Americans for voting for Trump, I told him that I was especially stupid because I voted for Trump three times! That shut him up. LOL
Kenneth Mayer
3 months ago
The past year of blessings was the central reflection on Thanksgiving. My wife recovered from major surgery to remove a brain tumor that we now realize had been causing her problems for many years. But we also can’t totally ignore the blessings that we were able to take our country back from the leadership that has been destroying this GREAT Nation! Fortunately, most of both sides of our family and our kids know what this last election meant for our nation. We are also thankful that it seems like a majority of American’s also know what has been happening over the last few years. I am encouraged by the push-back that major companies have been getting on DEI and other liberal agenda items that had been dividing and not unifying our great nation. May the LORD continue to wake up America and also continue to bless the greatest “experiment” which is our great nation!
PS. It was also very refreshing to hear the several Podcasts that replayed Rush Limbaugh’s telling of the true story of the Pilgrim’s first years in America from Bradford’s journal. They soon realized the socialism doesn’t work. They truly prospered when each person was able to benefit from the work of their hands.
3 months ago
Thanksgiving day was my wife’s birthday, so we went to the beach and had Thanksgiving dinner with each other. We don’t agree on all political points, but we are definitely on the same side and can discuss our views freely.
Larry Goodman
3 months ago
My daughter got me a T shirt that I very proudly wear. It reads: Proud Dad that didn’t raise any liberals.
3 months ago
I give thanks, gratitude, and appreciation to Jesus Christ for all my blessings 365. And since November 5th, a VERY SPECIAL prayer of Thanksgiving for TRUMP’S LANDSLIDE.
3 months ago
People have to understand that politics nowadays affects every aspect of your life including your worship. You can praise our Lord and be Peaceable with everyone but you still have to stand on that wall as a Watchman because evil will always be present in this world. For evil to win is for good men to do nothing.
3 months ago
It’s very sad in America that Thanksgiving is the “forgotten ” holiday. It is important to live every day with a thankful heart for God has blessed me and this beautiful Nation!
3 months ago
It has been a great reprieve from politics this weekend and I refuse to respond to this survey which should not have been the focus. It would have been so much more appropriate to have the focus of the survey be what we are most thankful for. I will start it off and others can respond if they so choose. I am most thankful for the empty tomb, and secondly, for my children and grandson.
3 months ago
People tell me never to discuss the two most important things in life, politics and religion. One determines your freedom and the other, your eternity. If you’re not adult enough for a conversation – any conversation, then stay home. I’ll be just fine with the dog.
3 months ago
AMAC should have put in ONE MORE choice – that is… you DONT celebrate Thanksgiving or Holidays with family becuz you NO LONGER have a family due to POLITICS & COVID. My entire family are lefties/Democrats who DIS-INVITED me last year (continuing this yr) due to COVID – i did not get the shot, therefore i am a DANGER to them …. but also am distanced due to being a racist (i made it known YEARS ago i believe illegal immigrants should be deported). The Powers That Be did a GREAT job of BRAINWASHING thru MSM – they repeat the mantras given them and care nothing about facts… cuz THEY listen to the “EXPERTS” and trust the Govt. YAY. I do have a younger sister who is like myself, but she lives 4 states away.
3 months ago
I don’t know if we discussed politics or not. I imagine we thanked God for giving us a reprieve in Trump. We’re all politically aligned at our table, so there’s no contention.
3 months ago
We enjoyed Thanksgiving Day with family, appreciating anew the privilege of being Americans. While we are all grateful for election results and look forward to a time of repair and renewal in our country, POLITICS had no part in our conversation.
3 months ago
politics didn’t come up in any conversation, I don’t think anyone was interested in talking about politics.
3 months ago
I had planned on enjoying the day with my daughter and granddaughter. That went by the wayside when my daughter unloaded her entire group think lecture on Trump. I heard he is a rapist, a racist, a liar. I heard that Elon and Melania are illegal aliens. Women are dying because of the lack of abortion facilities, and Trumps 2025 agenda is going to end her career because he will eliminate the Education Department. This was after hearing that the statues torn down of dead GOP civil war heroes was a good thing… yeah I drove 1200 miles to spend time with family… that blame me for everything they view wrong with the world today. I drove 1200 miles back home to enjoy the day by myself.
JoAnn Leichliter
3 months ago
We never talk politics at holiday meals.
Pentecostal girl
3 months ago
We used to all eat together on thanksgiving but they stopped coming after the 2016 election. They didn’t care for our views even though religion and politics were banned from talking about them. What kills me is they didn’t bring or make anything so all they did was come and eat. They would even take home leftovers. So it just meant I don’t have to buy or do as much work. I do miss being with my family but I didn’t do anything wrong except be a religious conservative in my lifestyle.
Linda Hausch
3 months ago
We celebrated with some new neighbors as there were only three of us this year and it was the anniversary of my father’s passing. The best part was being joined by two young Marines from Camp Lejuene who were unable to travel home. They are a real blessing!
3 months ago
Didn’t answer because I was by myself which was not an option. Not everyone has family or friends to spend it with. But I am thankful Trump was elected and now there is positive hope for this country and the world.
Jack's Mom
3 months ago
Actually I was alone. No family in the area except a cousin who doesn’t speak to me because he’s a diehard Democrat. My friends all had someplace else to go. So it was me and dog. The holidays aren’t the same when you get old/
3 months ago
We never talk politics. We just talk about family members behind their backs who aren’t there. It’s fun!
3 months ago
We are not ashamed to sure our views on Thanksgiving about what made are country great – yes this is a political opinion that we share. It is important to help those (with respectful discussion) in the family – especially the younger ones who have been indoctrinated at college to despise America and to support liberal politics that try to tear it down. Thankfully, many of the young members of our family have changed their opinion and several thanked us this year for sharing our thoughts in the past.
Please don’t be ashamed to share your views, especially during the holiday season, with your family.
3 months ago
I couldn’t vote on this. I am a widow and live alone with my dog, and my family is scattered around in other states. My friends all do things with their own families. I didn’t want to sit home alone, so I used some gift cards I had for a local restaurant and had a nice sit-down dinner of prime rib, cranberry-apple salad, broccoli salad, and green beans (NOT casserole). I had a good book to read while I waited, as the place was full, and just being around other families talking and enjoying themselves made it easier for me to get through the day. And yes, I gave thanks for all of my many blessings, for which I am eternally grateful.
3 months ago
We celebrated Thanksgiving this year with family members from my husband’s side and we all have similar outlooks. On my side, it’s a bit different. Two of my daughters live quite far from us and one of those hasn’t spoken to me in years; the other hasn’t spoken to me since before the recent election. No falling out there – she just does not communicate at all. The oldest and her family were planning to be with us on Thanksgiving and bowed out when Trump won the election saying they “needed time.” I’m reasonably sure things will be okay with her and one of her siblings once they see that the sky isn’t going to fall. I doubt they ever align with my politics but that’s okay. I want them to be free thinkers but I wish they had more common sense and could see beyond 1 or 2 issues. The third (youngest) may never come around, politically or in ay other way.
3 months ago
Generally, I dont eat with liberals anytime of year, they want to destroy what’s left of this country.
Coach Terry
3 months ago
Gm ???? n so grateful to our Great God n King Jesus who’s Word give us sound biblical truths, Doctrine that unites Holy Spirit teachable hearts 2gether. HE has no greater joy than to see His own twice-born Christ-follower children walking in TRUTH!!! And as a dad n mom, we are so in agreement ????????????
3 months ago
We seen two neighbors get into a heated threaten argument because of their political differences. Police were called… it did not end well for the Harris supporters ! idiots !
3 months ago
Don’t really know or care about another’s politics. Discussing politics is all theater as you can never get to the bottom of it or the end of it. As long as no one is telling me how to think, what to be or what to say, politics don’t matter.
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago
It’s a holiday so I try not to ruin the celebration by reminding others with different views of how WRONG they are.
Les Stout
3 months ago
At the table this year we all agreed how much better the food tasted as a result of Trump’s massive victory!
3 months ago
We didn’t try. Politics just never came up as a subject during our Thanksgiving dinner. There are too many other things to be thankful for and God is more important than any politician.
3 months ago
Leading up to election day, my family will discuss politics but when election day passes it’s history and nothing is going to change anything. A lesson we learned following the 2020 election. Politics is one of those necessary evils we have to live with. It’s too bad it’s become so divisive that you can’t discuss your political differences without being attacked and called names by people with opposing views.
3 months ago
Politics should be spoken everywhere today even in church. It is good against evil now not Democrat against Republican. The Democrats push everything that is anti-GOD and immoral, so if you associate yourselves to Democrats then you are evil. It would be no different than following Hitler and calling yourself a Christian or a good person.
George Gibson
3 months ago
Where I went to celebrate politics were not even though of. We were too busy giving thanks to God for all he has given us.
It is pretty regrettable that we take only one day a year to declare our gratefulness. We should celebrate Thanksgiving every day because we have countless reasons to be grateful for the many blessings we all share. It is nice, however, to have a day of family, friends, and feasting!
We are blessed to live in a country where we can freely worship God, raise our children, share our values, speak our minds, influence our government, and enjoy the bounty that is the result of the free enterprise system. Hoping your Thanksgiving was filled with joy and peace as you gathered to thank God for His blessings and mercy on us and our nation.
Most of all, we who have received His wonderful gift of salvation, should express our gratitude each and every day for an eternal life with Him!
“Thank God for His Son—His Gift too wonderful for words.” 2 Corinthians 9:15
God gave us all free wills. That being said this is the day where my family avoids any political discussions. It makes the day a happy occasion, plus what happened this year said it all. God answered our prayers for the most part with the election results.
As I have no family left, was just another quiet dinner. I didn’t even think about politics…
Those of you lucky enuf to have family should be glad no matter what they talk about. Life is not politics.
We are thankful and blessed that our daughters have all married wonderful Christian young men. When our family gathers, politics isn’t front and center. But whatever is discussed, it is never divisive as we all share in the saving grace of Jesus.
Did you know there are not voter ID laws in the states Kamala won?
If my comment upsets you, I encourage verifying for yourself.
After the prayer of thanks, I added a brief Trump dance.
Our friends and family are pretty much of the same political mindset, Making America Great Again! We already feel more positive about where our country is heading in the next four years and are praying it will continue after President Trump is finished his term. Very blessed and thankful. We need God back!
So, when President Trump had the election stolen from him in 2020, we did not disassociate with anybody. Why? Because we are mature adults who can handle disappointment and hardships. The Marxist, lib, crazy, lunatic left need to grow up and learn to handle things. I’m so over them and have been for some time.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have a blessed Merry Christmas. Keep the true meaning of Christmas, that Jesus came to save the lost.
Our children and grandchildren celebrate together and just enjoy each other. Politics are not discussed, and we like it that way.
There’s only my wife and I and our four dogs so there’s no problem and the dogs don’t care.
At 83 years young, I no longer enjoy the gluttonous meal of Thanksgiving.
I use the day to give thanks that I am able to do my two mile walk.
I can see the beautiful creation God made for me.
Thankful I have no medications to take.
Thankful for the wonderful parents and family I was born into.
Thankful for my wife, my kids, grandkids, my dozen brothers and sisters. Thankful I am nearing my eternal home with my God.
Peace blessings to all
My daughter does thanksgiving dinner with her parents and in-laws. She warned us in October that anyone bringing up politics would be kicked out immediately. Since her mom (me), dad and husband are the republicans everyone else democrat we were all quiet on politics. Our stomachs clearly speak louder than our politics. She is an amazing cook and ended the evening with not one but 5 desserts! We were all bribed with food!
Still, as Republicans, what do we have to argue about? We actually won with a big enough difference to squash and debate about the election results. I actually thought it would be contentious and take weeks to decide. Every friend I’ve talked to has admitted they were strangely calm and sleeping much better.
All the media can spew is women failed to vote for a woman, the patriarchy is what won or my personal favorite, we do what our husbands tell us to do. They can’t admit that even Obummer didn’t win by all black vote. They can’t admit Harris is not qualified to run the greatest country on the planet. There are plenty of female politicians that I would vote for that are female.
America was truly at the edge of the cliffs edge of no return. 4 more years like the last would destroy us as free Americans. Elon was right this was our last election because the Dems HB 1 is already written to dissolve state elections & turn our election into a federal election. This Thanksgiving God heard millions of repentant prayers , which is the only reason God gave us His undeserved mercy & grace. I was not sure God was not finished with America, until He saved President Trump at the Butler assignation attempt . It was then I saw God change circumstances in a million to one intervention. Our only hope was God & nothing can prevent His Will from happening. Millions of Christians repented, prayed , & began living for Him. He heard and forgave us yet once again. We went from destruction to victorious blessing.The thanks to God around our Thanksgiving prayer was what the loud Amen sounded !!!
There are those of us who at one time enjoyed family gatherings and politics was never a factor. For whatever reason I no longer feel welcome in my family. I speak my heart and people pleasers and the overly sensitive seem to find me objectionable. Good thing I enjoy my own company!
We get together with family and friends with all different ages and views. The rule we have is no politics at our functions. It’s our mutual respect for other’s views and rights to have them that make our functions warm and joyous.
I know democrats but I avoid them and they avoid me because they have no facts other than MSM
We all know which friends and family you simply can NOT discuss politics with. And it’s already the liberal Dems that create this situation as they get triggered by differing opinions. Pretty pathetic, really.
We had a European join in our family Thanksgiving who immediately started trashing us “stupid” Americans for voting for Trump, I told him that I was especially stupid because I voted for Trump three times! That shut him up. LOL
The past year of blessings was the central reflection on Thanksgiving. My wife recovered from major surgery to remove a brain tumor that we now realize had been causing her problems for many years. But we also can’t totally ignore the blessings that we were able to take our country back from the leadership that has been destroying this GREAT Nation! Fortunately, most of both sides of our family and our kids know what this last election meant for our nation. We are also thankful that it seems like a majority of American’s also know what has been happening over the last few years. I am encouraged by the push-back that major companies have been getting on DEI and other liberal agenda items that had been dividing and not unifying our great nation. May the LORD continue to wake up America and also continue to bless the greatest “experiment” which is our great nation!
PS. It was also very refreshing to hear the several Podcasts that replayed Rush Limbaugh’s telling of the true story of the Pilgrim’s first years in America from Bradford’s journal. They soon realized the socialism doesn’t work. They truly prospered when each person was able to benefit from the work of their hands.
Thanksgiving day was my wife’s birthday, so we went to the beach and had Thanksgiving dinner with each other. We don’t agree on all political points, but we are definitely on the same side and can discuss our views freely.
My daughter got me a T shirt that I very proudly wear. It reads: Proud Dad that didn’t raise any liberals.
I give thanks, gratitude, and appreciation to Jesus Christ for all my blessings 365. And since November 5th, a VERY SPECIAL prayer of Thanksgiving for TRUMP’S LANDSLIDE.
People have to understand that politics nowadays affects every aspect of your life including your worship. You can praise our Lord and be Peaceable with everyone but you still have to stand on that wall as a Watchman because evil will always be present in this world. For evil to win is for good men to do nothing.
It’s very sad in America that Thanksgiving is the “forgotten ” holiday. It is important to live every day with a thankful heart for God has blessed me and this beautiful Nation!
It has been a great reprieve from politics this weekend and I refuse to respond to this survey which should not have been the focus. It would have been so much more appropriate to have the focus of the survey be what we are most thankful for. I will start it off and others can respond if they so choose. I am most thankful for the empty tomb, and secondly, for my children and grandson.
People tell me never to discuss the two most important things in life, politics and religion. One determines your freedom and the other, your eternity. If you’re not adult enough for a conversation – any conversation, then stay home. I’ll be just fine with the dog.
AMAC should have put in ONE MORE choice – that is… you DONT celebrate Thanksgiving or Holidays with family becuz you NO LONGER have a family due to POLITICS & COVID. My entire family are lefties/Democrats who DIS-INVITED me last year (continuing this yr) due to COVID – i did not get the shot, therefore i am a DANGER to them …. but also am distanced due to being a racist (i made it known YEARS ago i believe illegal immigrants should be deported). The Powers That Be did a GREAT job of BRAINWASHING thru MSM – they repeat the mantras given them and care nothing about facts… cuz THEY listen to the “EXPERTS” and trust the Govt. YAY. I do have a younger sister who is like myself, but she lives 4 states away.
I don’t know if we discussed politics or not. I imagine we thanked God for giving us a reprieve in Trump. We’re all politically aligned at our table, so there’s no contention.
We enjoyed Thanksgiving Day with family, appreciating anew the privilege of being Americans. While we are all grateful for election results and look forward to a time of repair and renewal in our country, POLITICS had no part in our conversation.
politics didn’t come up in any conversation, I don’t think anyone was interested in talking about politics.
I had planned on enjoying the day with my daughter and granddaughter. That went by the wayside when my daughter unloaded her entire group think lecture on Trump. I heard he is a rapist, a racist, a liar. I heard that Elon and Melania are illegal aliens. Women are dying because of the lack of abortion facilities, and Trumps 2025 agenda is going to end her career because he will eliminate the Education Department. This was after hearing that the statues torn down of dead GOP civil war heroes was a good thing… yeah I drove 1200 miles to spend time with family… that blame me for everything they view wrong with the world today. I drove 1200 miles back home to enjoy the day by myself.
We never talk politics at holiday meals.
We used to all eat together on thanksgiving but they stopped coming after the 2016 election. They didn’t care for our views even though religion and politics were banned from talking about them. What kills me is they didn’t bring or make anything so all they did was come and eat. They would even take home leftovers. So it just meant I don’t have to buy or do as much work. I do miss being with my family but I didn’t do anything wrong except be a religious conservative in my lifestyle.
We celebrated with some new neighbors as there were only three of us this year and it was the anniversary of my father’s passing. The best part was being joined by two young Marines from Camp Lejuene who were unable to travel home. They are a real blessing!
Didn’t answer because I was by myself which was not an option. Not everyone has family or friends to spend it with. But I am thankful Trump was elected and now there is positive hope for this country and the world.
Actually I was alone. No family in the area except a cousin who doesn’t speak to me because he’s a diehard Democrat. My friends all had someplace else to go. So it was me and dog. The holidays aren’t the same when you get old/
We never talk politics. We just talk about family members behind their backs who aren’t there. It’s fun!
We are not ashamed to sure our views on Thanksgiving about what made are country great – yes this is a political opinion that we share. It is important to help those (with respectful discussion) in the family – especially the younger ones who have been indoctrinated at college to despise America and to support liberal politics that try to tear it down. Thankfully, many of the young members of our family have changed their opinion and several thanked us this year for sharing our thoughts in the past.
Please don’t be ashamed to share your views, especially during the holiday season, with your family.
I couldn’t vote on this. I am a widow and live alone with my dog, and my family is scattered around in other states. My friends all do things with their own families. I didn’t want to sit home alone, so I used some gift cards I had for a local restaurant and had a nice sit-down dinner of prime rib, cranberry-apple salad, broccoli salad, and green beans (NOT casserole). I had a good book to read while I waited, as the place was full, and just being around other families talking and enjoying themselves made it easier for me to get through the day. And yes, I gave thanks for all of my many blessings, for which I am eternally grateful.
We celebrated Thanksgiving this year with family members from my husband’s side and we all have similar outlooks. On my side, it’s a bit different. Two of my daughters live quite far from us and one of those hasn’t spoken to me in years; the other hasn’t spoken to me since before the recent election. No falling out there – she just does not communicate at all. The oldest and her family were planning to be with us on Thanksgiving and bowed out when Trump won the election saying they “needed time.” I’m reasonably sure things will be okay with her and one of her siblings once they see that the sky isn’t going to fall. I doubt they ever align with my politics but that’s okay. I want them to be free thinkers but I wish they had more common sense and could see beyond 1 or 2 issues. The third (youngest) may never come around, politically or in ay other way.
Generally, I dont eat with liberals anytime of year, they want to destroy what’s left of this country.
Gm ???? n so grateful to our Great God n King Jesus who’s Word give us sound biblical truths, Doctrine that unites Holy Spirit teachable hearts 2gether. HE has no greater joy than to see His own twice-born Christ-follower children walking in TRUTH!!! And as a dad n mom, we are so in agreement ????????????
We seen two neighbors get into a heated threaten argument because of their political differences. Police were called… it did not end well for the Harris supporters ! idiots !
Don’t really know or care about another’s politics. Discussing politics is all theater as you can never get to the bottom of it or the end of it. As long as no one is telling me how to think, what to be or what to say, politics don’t matter.
It’s a holiday so I try not to ruin the celebration by reminding others with different views of how WRONG they are.
At the table this year we all agreed how much better the food tasted as a result of Trump’s massive victory!
We didn’t try. Politics just never came up as a subject during our Thanksgiving dinner. There are too many other things to be thankful for and God is more important than any politician.
Leading up to election day, my family will discuss politics but when election day passes it’s history and nothing is going to change anything. A lesson we learned following the 2020 election. Politics is one of those necessary evils we have to live with. It’s too bad it’s become so divisive that you can’t discuss your political differences without being attacked and called names by people with opposing views.
Politics should be spoken everywhere today even in church. It is good against evil now not Democrat against Republican. The Democrats push everything that is anti-GOD and immoral, so if you associate yourselves to Democrats then you are evil. It would be no different than following Hitler and calling yourself a Christian or a good person.
Where I went to celebrate politics were not even though of. We were too busy giving thanks to God for all he has given us.