The problem is not the number of Justices but rather the politicization of the nomination and confirmation process.
1 year ago
If an amendment fixing the number of Supreme Court justices at 9 isn’t cemented into the Constitution, liberal dems will try to expand the court. Which means, of course, that they will add shining star liberals who can’t define what a woman is and other such nonsense.
Eric Wilson
1 year ago
I’d like to see it at seven. Two less bloated salleries to pay.
I’d love to see a salary cap on congress as well but I’m dreaming.
1 year ago
Even if we “lock-in” the number, there are plenty of leftists who will attempt to “re-define” the court or find some other sleazy way to get around any restriction, or simply ignore it. Remember the kerfuffle about Obama’s “citizenship” and eligibility back in 2008? The leftists just ignore any part of the constitution they don’t like. “Shall not be infringed” comes to mind, too.
Vincent in CO
1 year ago
The Democrats’ goal is to establish their one-party rule. Packing the Court would help them solidify that.
K.C. Jones
1 year ago
We need to keep separation of powers! Our constitution has a unique checks & balance system that assures a constant vigil for the American people, for whom it was formed.
1 year ago
Anything that prevents these radical Democrat nitwits from “manipulating” our constitution is a good idea.
Candice S Casey
1 year ago
We must always remember, if it is not broke – don’t fix it. The Supreme Court has run smoothly for a very long time and it has gone the way it is suppose to. The libs just want more of a chance to change this country.
Larry McKinley
1 year ago
Anything the Communist Democrat party is for, I am against !!!
Milly Bryson
1 year ago
It needs to be an uneven number to prevent monopoly
1 year ago
Term limits need to be considered as well for all elected and appointed government workers; judges as well.
1 year ago
Doesn’t fricking matter if there are 3, 9, 15, 21 or 175. You need judges of top notch integrity with embedded scruples rooted in honesty, trust and what the constitution stands for.
Vicki Williams
1 year ago
We are already seeing the effects of administration appointed judges. A President who has not committed a crime is being indicted by a Communist funded DA because they don’t want him to run for President. And now, another person in NY was convicted for exercising his free speech rights over a MEME that the PROGRESSIVE LEFT didn’t like. And don’t get me started on people in the Washington D.C. gulag stuck for over two years without a trial. Our current appointed judges don’t have any morals, commitment to the law or a conscience!
1 year ago
This would not be my first choice for an amendment. My first choice would be: “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Representatives and Senators; and Congress shall make no laws that applies to the Representatives and Senators that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States”
1 year ago
A Constitutional Amendment is a very difficult task, as it should be. I very much doubt this would meet the requirements. What we need is an Article 5, Convention. This effort is in the works now. I believe 18 states have signed on. A COS would be a chance to get terms limits, a balanced budget, and any other amendments proposed by the states. Again, difficult, but not impossible. A convention called by the states, cannot be stopped by congress, the courts or the president. This is why the Left is trying to stop the effort. Look it up, folks, and find out if your state has signed on yet.
1 year ago
The ploy to increase the number of judges is just another scam to gain control of our government. Any and all who are pushing such an agenda should be arrested for treason since it is traitorous.
1 year ago
It doesn’t have a prayer of passing without a conservative supermajority in Congress. I’d rather see a requirement for a Congressional supermajority vote to change the number of judges and a stronger requirement for a proven history of judgments upholding the Constitution. I think things like inability to define “woman” should be grounds for immediate disqualification.
Joann Turner
1 year ago
Our founders wrote the Constitution with the laws of God as guide. And so, we are still free. A majority who govern presently believe they are Gods and laws should be written according to their will. And so, we become slaves. Americans are easily led in wrong thinking today because they do not know God. Please pray for the conversion of our country.
1 year ago
I’m very strongly in favor. Those who voted leave it alone leave it wide open for court packing. This is what our forefathers wisely put in the constitution.
1 year ago
It’ll never go through, but good symbolism.
1 year ago
I would prefer to fix it at a lower number of judges…three is all that is necessary. Keep it an odd number.
Douglas Lowe
1 year ago
I do think term limits should apply to the judicial and congressional branches similar to the executive. Also when the president appoints a new justice it should be for the last position and the sitting justices should elect their own Supreme Court justice.
1 year ago
It ain’tbroke. Don’t fix it.
Ralph Barker
1 year ago
I like the idea, even though I doubt that it will pass the current Congress, or avoid Biden’s veto.
1 year ago
Just another scheme by the democrat party to “fundamentally change America “. The Obiden administration (Obama’s third term) has found a way to gain our election system. In the future it won’t be just Trump they’ll beat. We have to fight every scheme they and their accomplices in the corrupt media develop. With China Joe and his crime family protected at every step, our only hope rests on the shoulders of Cruz, Jordan, Kennedy, and others in the Senate and House. The next 2 years will tell the tale.
Roy Ritter
1 year ago
If having Nine Judges for over 150 years has worked well, it should be kept as such.
1 year ago
Anything the Democrat party wants to do is not for the American citizens or our freedoms. They have very quickly taken us down and they will not stop until changing the fabric of our country until our values are gone or until we take them out of power.
1 year ago
While I don’t really like a situation where people have a job for life no matter if they’re doing a good job, changing the Supreme Court with each administration is not good. I’m for keeping it at nine just because I don’t feel it helpful to pay even more government hangers-on for life.
R Kovacs
1 year ago
Does it really matter if laws are selectively enforced? A more pressing issue is to require prosecutors and judges to enforce laws as written or face expedient removal and disbarment.
Scott Strohm
1 year ago
Adding to the number of highly-paid-for-life-federal liars will not help the horrendous state of U.S. society. The size of all governments must be reduced and those who remain must act to curtail the corruption of the oligarchs.
They most recently added a diversity “justice” who couldn’t or wouldn’t define something as simple as what a woman is.
Jack C
1 year ago
Too many so called AMERICANS fail to understand or appreciate the uniqueness of our Constitution. It is the origin of our exceptionalism. It is what sets us apart as a nation. One can imagine that those that want to weaken this nation, will attempt to legislate through a change in the Judicial branch of our system of checks and balance. I suppose next it will be a push for ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.
1 year ago
It would be just fine to leave the Constitution alone and let Congress make the determination, if the members of Congress were America loving, true representatives. Unfortunately, many members of Congress have been bought and paid for by people who hate America (George Soros), and our “elected” officials are selected by and serve the anti-American crowd.
We the people are going to have to stand up and fight to take our government back. We are currently under a totalitarian, communist regime that is owned by the CCP of China.
1 year ago
It makes no difference. The dems don’t believe in or follow the constitution anyways. Our number one priority should be to take the schools back at all cost or we will lose our country.
1 year ago
9 Justices might have been fine back in 1869 but in today’s political climate where leftist / communists want to weaponize all departments and branches of Federal Government, and even destroy our Constitution itself , changes need to be made.
1 year ago
Too preserve the “checks and balances” of the court vs the legislative and executive branches, arbitrary court packing with activist, leftist party hacks must be prevented.
The number of justices could still be changed later by an additional constitutional amendment.
We still don’t know who leaked the Roe v. Wade deliberation! The activist, leftist hack who leaked this deliberation helped to sway the outcome of the election to the baby-killing Democrats.
Judgmental Jerome
1 year ago
The answer I think makes the most sense is to reduce the number, perhaps to five or even three. Why do we need so many judges? It’d be one thing if they worked in independent teams, e.g. three teams of three judges working to handle three times as many cases, but that does not appear to be the case. Less is more. But that’s not an option, so nine it has to be, I guess.
1 year ago
Never put anything past the Communist DemoRATS! They will always try to find ways to cheat, steal and blame to stay in power! They have done nothing but destroyed our country and our rules of law. We can either come up with better strategies to combat them, or fall away and die! I refuse to do the latter.
jim wood
1 year ago
Until we get the border under control, eliminate the Dems in the Senate and White House, this is a mute point. The amount of people coming illegally into the U.S. will vote democratic unless we get it under control. Biden’s administration and Dems as a whole have no intention of following the Laws of Constitution. They want a one party rule, and continue to take this country down daily. Vote them out.
grumpy old woman
1 year ago
I would much rather see them work to repeal the 16th amendment and rid us of the income tax and the 17th amendment which moved Senate members from appointment to general election.
1 year ago
The ONLY reason the dumbos want to pack the court is so they can legislate from the bench! Congress would no longer be needed to pass their Marxist agenda! They would simply strike down laws they dislike and rule in favor of those that circumvent the Constitution. End of America as we know it!
1 year ago
Having a definite number (9) allows for some independence as intended by the original framers of the Constitution. To allow for change would politicize the court dependent upon what party was in power at the time. I would not be opposed to an age limit on all justices as opposed to the current lifetime appointment. This would help to create an orderly turnover of the court..The same age limit would be great for all elected positions (President,VP, Senator, Representative).
Diana Bartram Byard
1 year ago
7 could get the job done, but 9 is the stopping point. We need to trim the fat in all our government offices. Too many freeloaders conniving against Americans, who are paying their salaries!
1 year ago
I believe that the constitution should be left to stand as it is. There is too much evil in this world and to fight against with the tools of the evil side would only strengthen their position. Their tool right now is to change the rules as need be to suit their arguments. leave it alone, stand firm regardless of the outcome. Don’t give up but don’t give in. I believe there is a GOD in heaven who knows what’s going on. HE will accomplish HIS will as HE always has.
1 year ago
Its a band-aid that would keep partisan politicians hands off the SCOTUS. However, our political system is broken and the USG is out of control. Rule of Law is arbitrary and justices are increasingly partisan. The only Constitutional solution I see that stands any chance of fixing this runaway train of our government would be if States invoke Article 5 and hold a Convention of States. Otherwise I fear a Civil War may be in our future.
C long
1 year ago
In my opinion 9 is a good number. The court just needs to be balanced. 3 liberals, 3 conservatives, 3 moderates which would be the swing votes. Again this is my opinion but this formula would work and be the best for the court and our country.
1 year ago
1 year ago
We have more justices right now but they either stay at home or congress ignores them.
It’s call voting .
D.R. Alsrcon
1 year ago
Considering the evil intentions of many in government today, it has become clear that legislating every aspect of governance is needed. Sadly also obvious it has become clear that rules & laws are but a mere inconvenience to those in power & little protection to the masses to wit J6 incarcerated persons. Honor, integrity, an honest media & well informed public required for good governance not in abundant supply these days. The end game is quickly approaching.
1 year ago
Lock em at nine keep the Marxist from fooling around.
Why make life miserable until then?
The problem is not the number of Justices but rather the politicization of the nomination and confirmation process.
If an amendment fixing the number of Supreme Court justices at 9 isn’t cemented into the Constitution, liberal dems will try to expand the court. Which means, of course, that they will add shining star liberals who can’t define what a woman is and other such nonsense.
I’d like to see it at seven. Two less bloated salleries to pay.
I’d love to see a salary cap on congress as well but I’m dreaming.
Even if we “lock-in” the number, there are plenty of leftists who will attempt to “re-define” the court or find some other sleazy way to get around any restriction, or simply ignore it. Remember the kerfuffle about Obama’s “citizenship” and eligibility back in 2008? The leftists just ignore any part of the constitution they don’t like. “Shall not be infringed” comes to mind, too.
The Democrats’ goal is to establish their one-party rule. Packing the Court would help them solidify that.
We need to keep separation of powers! Our constitution has a unique checks & balance system that assures a constant vigil for the American people, for whom it was formed.
Anything that prevents these radical Democrat nitwits from “manipulating” our constitution is a good idea.
We must always remember, if it is not broke – don’t fix it. The Supreme Court has run smoothly for a very long time and it has gone the way it is suppose to. The libs just want more of a chance to change this country.
Anything the Communist Democrat party is for, I am against !!!
It needs to be an uneven number to prevent monopoly
Term limits need to be considered as well for all elected and appointed government workers; judges as well.
Doesn’t fricking matter if there are 3, 9, 15, 21 or 175. You need judges of top notch integrity with embedded scruples rooted in honesty, trust and what the constitution stands for.
We are already seeing the effects of administration appointed judges. A President who has not committed a crime is being indicted by a Communist funded DA because they don’t want him to run for President. And now, another person in NY was convicted for exercising his free speech rights over a MEME that the PROGRESSIVE LEFT didn’t like. And don’t get me started on people in the Washington D.C. gulag stuck for over two years without a trial. Our current appointed judges don’t have any morals, commitment to the law or a conscience!
This would not be my first choice for an amendment. My first choice would be: “Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Representatives and Senators; and Congress shall make no laws that applies to the Representatives and Senators that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States”
A Constitutional Amendment is a very difficult task, as it should be. I very much doubt this would meet the requirements. What we need is an Article 5, Convention. This effort is in the works now. I believe 18 states have signed on. A COS would be a chance to get terms limits, a balanced budget, and any other amendments proposed by the states. Again, difficult, but not impossible. A convention called by the states, cannot be stopped by congress, the courts or the president. This is why the Left is trying to stop the effort. Look it up, folks, and find out if your state has signed on yet.
The ploy to increase the number of judges is just another scam to gain control of our government. Any and all who are pushing such an agenda should be arrested for treason since it is traitorous.
It doesn’t have a prayer of passing without a conservative supermajority in Congress. I’d rather see a requirement for a Congressional supermajority vote to change the number of judges and a stronger requirement for a proven history of judgments upholding the Constitution. I think things like inability to define “woman” should be grounds for immediate disqualification.
Our founders wrote the Constitution with the laws of God as guide. And so, we are still free. A majority who govern presently believe they are Gods and laws should be written according to their will. And so, we become slaves. Americans are easily led in wrong thinking today because they do not know God. Please pray for the conversion of our country.
I’m very strongly in favor. Those who voted leave it alone leave it wide open for court packing. This is what our forefathers wisely put in the constitution.
It’ll never go through, but good symbolism.
I would prefer to fix it at a lower number of judges…three is all that is necessary. Keep it an odd number.
I do think term limits should apply to the judicial and congressional branches similar to the executive. Also when the president appoints a new justice it should be for the last position and the sitting justices should elect their own Supreme Court justice.
It ain’tbroke. Don’t fix it.
I like the idea, even though I doubt that it will pass the current Congress, or avoid Biden’s veto.
Just another scheme by the democrat party to “fundamentally change America “. The Obiden administration (Obama’s third term) has found a way to gain our election system. In the future it won’t be just Trump they’ll beat. We have to fight every scheme they and their accomplices in the corrupt media develop. With China Joe and his crime family protected at every step, our only hope rests on the shoulders of Cruz, Jordan, Kennedy, and others in the Senate and House. The next 2 years will tell the tale.
If having Nine Judges for over 150 years has worked well, it should be kept as such.
Anything the Democrat party wants to do is not for the American citizens or our freedoms. They have very quickly taken us down and they will not stop until changing the fabric of our country until our values are gone or until we take them out of power.
While I don’t really like a situation where people have a job for life no matter if they’re doing a good job, changing the Supreme Court with each administration is not good. I’m for keeping it at nine just because I don’t feel it helpful to pay even more government hangers-on for life.
Does it really matter if laws are selectively enforced? A more pressing issue is to require prosecutors and judges to enforce laws as written or face expedient removal and disbarment.
Adding to the number of highly-paid-for-life-federal liars will not help the horrendous state of U.S. society. The size of all governments must be reduced and those who remain must act to curtail the corruption of the oligarchs.
They most recently added a diversity “justice” who couldn’t or wouldn’t define something as simple as what a woman is.
Too many so called AMERICANS fail to understand or appreciate the uniqueness of our Constitution. It is the origin of our exceptionalism. It is what sets us apart as a nation. One can imagine that those that want to weaken this nation, will attempt to legislate through a change in the Judicial branch of our system of checks and balance. I suppose next it will be a push for ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.
It would be just fine to leave the Constitution alone and let Congress make the determination, if the members of Congress were America loving, true representatives. Unfortunately, many members of Congress have been bought and paid for by people who hate America (George Soros), and our “elected” officials are selected by and serve the anti-American crowd.
We the people are going to have to stand up and fight to take our government back. We are currently under a totalitarian, communist regime that is owned by the CCP of China.
It makes no difference. The dems don’t believe in or follow the constitution anyways. Our number one priority should be to take the schools back at all cost or we will lose our country.
9 Justices might have been fine back in 1869 but in today’s political climate where leftist / communists want to weaponize all departments and branches of Federal Government, and even destroy our Constitution itself , changes need to be made.
Too preserve the “checks and balances” of the court vs the legislative and executive branches, arbitrary court packing with activist, leftist party hacks must be prevented.
The number of justices could still be changed later by an additional constitutional amendment.
We still don’t know who leaked the Roe v. Wade deliberation! The activist, leftist hack who leaked this deliberation helped to sway the outcome of the election to the baby-killing Democrats.
The answer I think makes the most sense is to reduce the number, perhaps to five or even three. Why do we need so many judges? It’d be one thing if they worked in independent teams, e.g. three teams of three judges working to handle three times as many cases, but that does not appear to be the case. Less is more. But that’s not an option, so nine it has to be, I guess.
Never put anything past the Communist DemoRATS! They will always try to find ways to cheat, steal and blame to stay in power! They have done nothing but destroyed our country and our rules of law. We can either come up with better strategies to combat them, or fall away and die! I refuse to do the latter.
Until we get the border under control, eliminate the Dems in the Senate and White House, this is a mute point. The amount of people coming illegally into the U.S. will vote democratic unless we get it under control. Biden’s administration and Dems as a whole have no intention of following the Laws of Constitution. They want a one party rule, and continue to take this country down daily. Vote them out.
I would much rather see them work to repeal the 16th amendment and rid us of the income tax and the 17th amendment which moved Senate members from appointment to general election.
The ONLY reason the dumbos want to pack the court is so they can legislate from the bench! Congress would no longer be needed to pass their Marxist agenda! They would simply strike down laws they dislike and rule in favor of those that circumvent the Constitution. End of America as we know it!
Having a definite number (9) allows for some independence as intended by the original framers of the Constitution. To allow for change would politicize the court dependent upon what party was in power at the time. I would not be opposed to an age limit on all justices as opposed to the current lifetime appointment. This would help to create an orderly turnover of the court..The same age limit would be great for all elected positions (President,VP, Senator, Representative).
7 could get the job done, but 9 is the stopping point. We need to trim the fat in all our government offices. Too many freeloaders conniving against Americans, who are paying their salaries!
I believe that the constitution should be left to stand as it is. There is too much evil in this world and to fight against with the tools of the evil side would only strengthen their position. Their tool right now is to change the rules as need be to suit their arguments. leave it alone, stand firm regardless of the outcome. Don’t give up but don’t give in. I believe there is a GOD in heaven who knows what’s going on. HE will accomplish HIS will as HE always has.
Its a band-aid that would keep partisan politicians hands off the SCOTUS. However, our political system is broken and the USG is out of control. Rule of Law is arbitrary and justices are increasingly partisan. The only Constitutional solution I see that stands any chance of fixing this runaway train of our government would be if States invoke Article 5 and hold a Convention of States. Otherwise I fear a Civil War may be in our future.
In my opinion 9 is a good number. The court just needs to be balanced. 3 liberals, 3 conservatives, 3 moderates which would be the swing votes. Again this is my opinion but this formula would work and be the best for the court and our country.
We have more justices right now but they either stay at home or congress ignores them.
It’s call voting .
Considering the evil intentions of many in government today, it has become clear that legislating every aspect of governance is needed. Sadly also obvious it has become clear that rules & laws are but a mere inconvenience to those in power & little protection to the masses to wit J6 incarcerated persons. Honor, integrity, an honest media & well informed public required for good governance not in abundant supply these days. The end game is quickly approaching.
Lock em at nine keep the Marxist from fooling around.