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Which tax reform initiative is most important to you? (you may choose two)

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7 years ago

What about all of the above? More importantly, review why we even have income taxes. Weren’t they supposed to be temporary? The more I look into how and why things changed over the centuries, the more I want to go back to the Founding Documents! We ought to be repealing laws, not making new ones to compensate for the old ones.

7 years ago

“All of the above” should be part of comprehensive tax reform. Let’s get this economy moving!

7 years ago

I agree with Eileen. The Fair Tax is something that should be on the top of any list/poll when it comes to tax reform

7 years ago

Eileen has my vote

7 years ago

All of the above and then phase in the fair tax.

7 years ago

All the above except Flat fair tax rate of 15%, end of loopholes and most tax deductions.

Richard L. Best
Richard L. Best
7 years ago

We need fair tax

7 years ago

Corporate tax reform should be the emphasis for 2018, as it will have a profound affect on job creation.

There is an easy change for individuals that would be very helpful. Social security and Medicare tax on earned income should be pre-federal tax withholding. Also, the States should agree to do the same.

7 years ago

Fewer tax brackets can be counter productive and unfair. Just reduce the actual rates that apply, please.

David Hughes
David Hughes
7 years ago

I agree with Eileen. The tax code is too cumbersome and complicated. Too many loop holes, and takes too much time to complete taxes. Eliminate refunds to illegal aliens. Cut back on IRS staff with simpler tax code.

7 years ago

We were not given enough choices in this poll. “Equality under the law” means just that: NO tax brackets; everyone should pay the same rate EQUALLY! I support either eliminating all tax brackets and implementing ONE FLAT tax for EVERYONE or eliminating the IRS and implementing the FAIR TAX. Why should we be penalized for working to earn more money just so we can enter into a higher tax bracket? Often times just a few dollars earned over one tax bracket forces you into the next tax bracket just for your paycheck to have less money than if you had stayed in the precious tax bracket. What that does is kill our desire to work harder since more of our money will be taken in the form of taxes for the government to squander and redistribute to others.

j Maynard
j Maynard
7 years ago

Have we all accepted the “Progressive” tax system as reasonable? The proposition that the more you make the more you pay seems socialistic. How does it cost more to protect Warren Buffet’s rights than the average person?

7 years ago

I would like to see 0% federal tax on all SS income just like my state allows.

7 years ago

Not sure why we have to Settle for just one. DC cannot multitask? They cannot work on an entire plan? What can they actually do? They are ineffective at everything except for Pulling Pork.

7 years ago

Yes Eileen, why NOT, all of the above? Plus a gradual phase-out of income taxes for all, including the abolishment of one of the most powerful (and feared) governmental agencies in the world: the IRS! Couple the phase-out with a gradual move toward a consumption tax, thereby encouraging earning, savings and investment instead of the current penalties that are imposed on this type of responsible financial behavior. Although I’m not an economist, I’m thinking 5-10 years should do the trick – ???

7 years ago

Simplification is important, but Schedule A should be left intact. The rest of the tax code must be simplified a lot.

7 years ago

I’m for a flat rate tax of 15%.

Joe Brake
Joe Brake
7 years ago

One of President Trump’s proposals is to double the standard deduction for every one who files an individual tax return. This would do a lot to help the low and middle income working population, and no married couple earning less than about $35,000 per year would owe any income tax at all if the Obamacare penalty is eliminated.

R Jeffery Savlov
R Jeffery Savlov
7 years ago

You can’t fix something that is so obviously broken beyond repair. These career leaches have been doing this for decades. It’s time to scrap it, repeal the 16th amendment and fid a more transparent way to generate revenue ad pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting congress or the executive branch from increasing taxes without a 75% voter approval.

Michael Ellis
Michael Ellis
7 years ago

The Congress appears to be hopelessly corrupt. I have little faith that they will do the right thing. The democrats are useless and the RINO’S may as well be Democrats. We need to throw them all out. Get Trump a body that will help him MAGA!

7 years ago

Need to eliminate the tax on social security. That is the most unfair tax there is.

Wayne Barringer
Wayne Barringer
7 years ago

Flat Tax!!!! Keep it simple and equal for ALL!! Why wasn’t that an option?

7 years ago

What everyone is missing is counting for the administrative costs to collect taxes. The IRS reports it spends 41 cents per $100 to collect taxes, but the true cost is closer to $45 per $100, or $978 billion (http://dailycaller.com/2014/11/14/billions-of-taxpayer-dollars-are-spent-collecting-taxes/). Then factor in pork barrel spending, another $7 billion and that means almost half of what’s collected goes up in smoke. I bring this up because one tenet of the Fair Tax (which I like) is to collect the same amount we collect now. But if the above numbers are correct the amount collected could be nearly halved and the money left in our pockets would spur the economy even more. So when politicians start talking about lowering taxes or implementing the Fair Tax or the Flat Tax keep in mind the costs of collection. We would fare better to abolish the income tax altogether and just go with a lower (compared to what it is now) corporate tax rate. And make no mistake corporations do not pay taxes, the consumers do.

William Just
William Just
7 years ago

I agree with both Eileen and Pat. We should have had the choice of voting for more than two because there was at least a couple of others that should also be considered. Tax reform is sorely needed
in this country.

7 years ago

Fairtax. NO INCOME TAXES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER. It is the most equitable form of taxation. It is also the most effective means of reigning in the out of control spending by politicians, thereby forcing government to get smaller.

7 years ago

No income tax, just a sales tax (except food and clothing under a dollar amount). This would significantly shrink government by eliminating almost all of the IRS, make everyone’s life a lot simpler.

All of the above
All of the above
7 years ago

All of the above

7 years ago

Flat tax, across the board after a healthy (say $40,000) exemption. It’s the only fair way to go. Government doesn’t pick winners and losers. Government doesn’t get to use the tax code as a social engineering tool. The only losers are the lobbyists. Of course, I mean across the board. No home mortgage deduction, state sales tax deduction, charitable, etc. Gone. We all win!

7 years ago

All of the above.

7 years ago

Research shows that taxpayers prefer slightly progressive rates and that most taxpayers do not know their marginal tax rates because they use the tables or computer to magically compute it. This is deceptive advertising. Research also shows increasing noncompliance when rate jumps (e.g, from 10 to 25). Try something like $50k at 10%, next 50k at 20, next 100k at 25, next 200k at 30, after 400k at 35%. Take away all the LTCG rates and just cut net long-term capital gains in half and add them to AGI. These rates should be regardless of marital status. Giving exemptions per person in family should control for household size.

7 years ago

I would favor a straight 10% tax for ALL those living in the U.S. and earning an income, regardless of the amount of a nual income and NO tax on Social Security since taxes were already paid during the working years. End loopholes and most tax deductions.

7 years ago

Yes, I wanted to write in “all of the above”. Simplifying to 10, 25 and 35 is not specific enough in this question. But, yes, definitely need a change.

7 years ago

ALL OF THE ABOVE, even if they are handled one at a time. It seems that any time Congress attempts “comprehensive” legislation or change is when it bogs down. Obama care is a classic example.

7 years ago

Wished most people would go back to Government & Econ high school class and learn who makes the budget for the country. IT IS NOT THE PRESIDENT!!!!! Make the House of Representatives do their job or as would happen in the working world, let them go.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
7 years ago

Cut the IRS, cut Govt waste, CAGW.org alone as well, CUT Pork.

7 years ago

Taxes are by their nature punitive. Then the question is, what do you want to punish? Income? Property? Sales, etc ? We currently like to punish all of the above and look where that has gotten us.

7 years ago

Eliminate taces on social security benefits. We’ve already been taxed on social security when earned.

Larry Nelson
Larry Nelson
7 years ago

2 tiered National sales tax : Lower level Tier 1 for food, housing, clothing. Higher rate level Tier 2 for other items purchased. No sales tax on medical services including wellness items, and insurance premiums, This would make purchases from all over the world a source of tax revenue, as well as raise more funds from those who buy more. Unfortunately, the politicians will still figure out how to scam the system, but remember- this isn’t Heaven, and we’re not going to make it Heaven!

Wm. C. Smith
Wm. C. Smith
7 years ago

In order to manage and control certain segments of populations, in lieu of personal responsibility, the government decided to invent and impose social engineering projects designed to provide groups of people sustainable incomes and sustenance—noble ideas, all. Unfortunately, many of those groups took full advantage of those programs and learned, were taught, to demand more and more services from the government. Happily, government obliged. Vote for us, we will take care of you…with their money. “Their” is YOU, taxpayers.
This country needs a movement focused upon restoring the dignity and respect which evolves from self-reliance, people taking responsibility for their own lives. Nothing less should be tolerated.

Robert Spears
Robert Spears
7 years ago

The Federal Income Tax was originally just that. A tax on “Federal income”. During WWII we were asked to “voluntarily” subscribe to it, most did. The charge to the IRS was to get as many to volunteer as possible. It was called the “victory tax”. Congress continued to “invite” us to continue and, as we all know, it is now “considered “law. President Reagan said “No one understands it”. The judge in my “tax” trial said the same. The Supreme Court ruled that any law that can’t be understood by someone of average intellect is “VOID FOR VAGUENESS”. President Carter said it is the worst law ever instituted by a civilized country. JFK said “It was supposed to be TEMPORARY and it’s bad for the economy”. The Supreme Court also ruled (The Cheek case) that anyone who believes they are not subject to the Income Tax, no matter their reasoning, CANNOT be tried “CRIMINALLY”. ALL of this is ignored by our government no matter who is in office. An agency such as the IRS that strikes fear in the hearts of all has no place in a free society. The “Income Tax” and the resultant IRS MUST be abolished and replaced with a CONSTITUTIONAL EASILY UNDERSTOOD tax, or taxes that does not need fearful enforcement. We have no real estate tax IRS, no sales tax IRS, etc. and it’s high time we relieve ourselves of this atrocious so called law that is an insult to our intelligence, freedom and peace of mind. If we simply continue to fight the complicated terms and unfairness we continue to ignore the ONLY solution. GET RID OF IT. Somehow it was not needed until WWII and it’s not needed now.
When you get your car repaired the bill shows the cost of parts, then the tax for the parts. Then labor is shown WITHOUT tax. Ever ask yourself why? Is working a God given right, not taxable, or a taxable privilege? The Constitution gives the government all the power it needs to collect taxes legally.
Did you know the Constitution gives the government the power to “ARM” the people? Did you know it DOES NOT give them the power to disarm us? The Second amendment is redundant, but necessary to keep the government in check, but see how hard they fight to ignore it.

John Huston
John Huston
7 years ago

Simplification and lowering the tax rate for all Americans in necessary, as well as elimination of the Death Tax and lowering of Corporate tax rates. The current tax code exemplifies the stranglehold special interests & Lobbyists wield over Congress.

7 years ago

We ought to have a 15% rate after the 10%. There is too much of a gap between 10 and 25%. We need to state that the corporate tax ought not to be more than 15%, really helping us to compete with the rest of the world, bring businesses back to the USA, and create jobs. Reform of the tax code usually means that we lose many of the needed deductions for those of us who still itemize.

7 years ago

If Trump would implement the fair tax all those issues will be covered.

Susan Newton
Susan Newton
7 years ago

I wanted to check all, or at least corporate tax reform, as well.

7 years ago

I voted “Other” simply because there is no “All of the above” choice. I know it’s difficult to imagine but if our elected officials can’t walk and chew gum to handle “All of the above” then we need to replace them.

7 years ago

The solution is simple: 15% FLAT TAX for EVERYBODY. That will ELIMINATE the IRS.!

7 years ago

Eileen has it right! ALL OF THE ABOVE. And what about the FAIR TAX?

7 years ago

I say W4’s should be totally accurate and the proper taxes should be paid as you earn. Eliminate filing altogether —- estate & death should be done away with —- corporate taxes should be lowered to 15% —– retirement money should be totally exempt

7 years ago

I also agree with Eileen. The income tax was suppose to be temporary, to finance World War I, i believe. But when was the last time the gov’t enacted a temporary revenue stream that actually was temporary? The politicians get money and they can’t wait to spend it. Heck, they even spend money they don’t have. If not eliminated, at the least, our income tax code should be reduced to fit on a two-page pamphlet. Now, back to reality, you know and I know that these things are NEVER going to happen. There are a few good politicians, but not enough to do anything. Most are in it for themselves and their special interest groups. WE NEED TERM LIMITS!

T. Hodgson
T. Hodgson
7 years ago

All of the above, but for seniors the most important revisons that would produce immediate results are elimination of the tax on SS and the elimnation of the Alternative Minimum Tax.

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