

The past week’s leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion on abortion has the country talking. Choose two that are closest to your view of this controversy.

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2 years ago

Life begins at conception. Abortion is murder. Period!

2 years ago

This sin is government funded…they want taxpayers to be part of this crime…in to order to feel better about their wrongs…if women want to do this they can go out of the country or to a different state…they have to face their own judgment…I don’t agree but It’s not my right to convict…

Mark L
Mark L
2 years ago

We The People most do not believe abortion should be paid for by taxpayers money! We The People do not want to pay to murder a live living creatures, PERIOD!

Trish J.
Trish J.
2 years ago

It’s time we conservatives realize each adult has a God-given right to empirical control over their own body. That includes what treatments we will or will not allow, and the Founding Fathers meant for this to be decided in and by each state.

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

The result of this leak will be to harden the votes of the five Justices who have tentatively voted to overturn Roe.

If the leaker is a lawyer, the leaker (and any other lawyer who assisted the leaker) should be disbarred.

2 years ago

Anything the left does not like or agree with they like to say is a threat to our democracy. But if it fits their agenda it’s okay. Why is Chuck Schumer allowed to threaten Justices with no backlash? If the leak was from a conservative the left would be losing their minds. Joe Biden was voted to end Roe, but the fake news will never report that. It’s okay to intimitate and threaten Justices as long as you’re a douchebag liberal.

2 years ago

This leak was all planned by the Democraps, that’s why they have no problem with it. Now they give their base the ok to riot if they do not get what they want. What I do not understand is the same people that have no problem killing babies are the same people against the death penalty.

2 years ago

“Thou shalt not kill.” — Exodus 20:13

Bill Keller
Bill Keller
2 years ago

One of the selections was that it should go back to the states, where it belongs. I don’t believe it belongs to the states either. Why should the states have the right or authority to murder their children? I think it needs to be a BAN on abortion at the Federal level. …but that’ll never happen.

2 years ago

May the American holocaust soon end!!

Dave Satterthwaite
Dave Satterthwaite
2 years ago

Abortion is a choice not a constitutional right.

2 years ago

The so called leak and leaker are all by design. All of it is a big distraction from the real problems we are facing in this country. Get ready for a long hot summer because the Democrats have nothing to run on and use the abortion issue to distract and divide.

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
2 years ago

The decision has nothing to do with religion, morality or convenience. It is all about the Constitution. The leak was likely orchestrated by the Left – probably one of Sotomayor’s clerks – in order to pressure the conservative justices into changing their votes. The leaker needs to be identified, disbarred and prosecuted for fraud in the theft of a government document.

Protestors are targeting the justices’ homes and this deplorable White House says nothing. And the US Marshal’s Service says they don’t have the manpower to protect the Justices. Are they kidding? That is their JOB. Other priorities can wait.

Anyone who shows up at a justice’s home should be arrested, prosecuted under Title 18 of the US Code, Sec. 1507 and jailed for the one-year maximum. They cannot say that Jan 6 was a “threat to our democracy” and then turn around and do the same thing.

2 years ago

I’d like to know just exactly WHERE in the constitution it says a woman has the right to kill a baby. They keep saying it is unconstitutional so where is it?

2 years ago

Righting a huge mistake made by the original decision. It’s not only against God’s will but is sad that we as humans allow the murder of innocent babies. The timing of this makes me wonder if it wasn’t planned to help the loco left with the mid-terms.

Facts don't care about your feelings
Facts don't care about your feelings
2 years ago

At the heart of the controversy in these cases are those recurring pregnancies that pose no danger whatsoever to the life or health of the mother but are, nevertheless, unwanted for any one or more of a variety of reasons — convenience, family planning, economics, dislike of children, the embarrassment of illegitimacy, etc. The common claim before us is that, for any one of such reasons, or for no reason at all, and without asserting or claiming any threat to life or health, any woman is entitled to an abortion at her request if she is able to find a medical advisor willing to undertake the procedure…Justice White

George Hinkle
George Hinkle
2 years ago

Roe v. Wade should never have been codified in the first place. Having worked as a nurse, it is my opinion that medical decisions, including abortion should be considered only by the patient, the patient’s family and their personal physician unless a 2nd opinion is sought. The Federal Government and Judicial System should NEVER make any decision regarding a persons medical decisions. This includes vaccines as well, which should never, ever be mandated by an overstepping federal institution.

Bev in TX
Bev in TX
2 years ago

Even If Roe vs Wade gets overturned, the fight against murdering babies would be just begun. So if it does occur, then be ready for an even longer fight for the rights of these innocent children.

And I don’t understand how anyone can say not to overturn it A.S,A.P., because if we don’t do so, then we are condoning the murder of innocent babies.

2 years ago

Basically, if it goes back to the states, the leftist states will kill babies at will and the more life loving states will limit abortions. Perhaps a way should be found to let the baby vote from the womb.

J VanHorn
J VanHorn
2 years ago

I have my suspicions about where this leak came from within the Supreme Court and agree it was planned. The Democraps are just plain evil and will do anything to try to distract the American people from what is going on now and in the past. Accountability for the Democraps, progressives and liberals is way overdue. They have gotten away with their BS for way too long. The entire federal government and most of the agencies have been compromised.

2 years ago

The over reaction to returning abortion to the states has done more to illustrate the hypocracy of the liberal view of medica

Mike Coke
Mike Coke
2 years ago

Democratic ploy to save the midterm election, the law if it is a law should be reasonable rape and insert and a reasonable time line.

2 years ago

To my understanding there was a serious security procedure at the Supreme Court. That was violated! There are also 32 employees that are considered suspects! This was planned as this draft was done February this year. Planned to distract folks, as So many things are happening and to be released as to the filth in not only DC.,Durham release,sealed indictments against politicians, government officials across this country and all over the world. Crimes against humanity against human trafficking and innocent children!
Cabal…oh the release of 2000 mules movie about geotracking crimes of stolen election.
Most important abortion is not a right. We are fighting evil. God is winning. As a grandparent I will continue to fight for the innocent. Pray daily.read your Bible , we are in Biblical times!
Use discernment with everything!

2 years ago

This is a diversion to take eye’s off all the other crimes being committed by this Marxist regime. This is a set up for what is coming, THE MIDTERMS!! Secure elections and voting only at polling locations with heavy security end’s all this. All conservative people should demand travel ban with China now ! Sick people from Shanghai all of a sudden will be here and then the lockdown scheme. You will be able to go to Walmart all day, but not safe to spend an hour at a secure voting place….

Kevin Grant
Kevin Grant
2 years ago

This is a tool to be used to gin up votes for hypocrite democrat

David Morris
David Morris
2 years ago

The leak is a major problem. Separation of court and state. I really think this is a ploy. My body my choice is law on books today. If repealed no longer your body your choice. Here comes forced jabs?

2 years ago

I couldn’t have dreamed of a more perfect opinion than the one that was leaked. It rights what was an incorrect and illogical precedent. I hope the Court stays the course and doesn’t give in to pressure.

2 years ago

I am very pro-choice before conception, but very pro-life thereafter. The sacrifice of children to Moloch in the Old Testament has the euphemism of “choice” today, but the murder victim ironically has no choice regarding their slaughter. It is evil and our country is going to suffer the wrath of God because of it.

2 years ago

Why aren’t we talking about Birth Control? Which is the method people should be using for preventing unwanted pregnancies, instead of Abortion. My Aunt worked at a hospital, an employee who worked in the same area, was absent from work on three occasions within two months. She had 3 abortions within that time, what is her responsibility for preventing pregnancies. I want to know why she is not using the numerous birth control methods available to everyone?

Katie in GA
Katie in GA
2 years ago

I think the Supreme Court should do what old fashioned school teachers did when something happened in the classroom and the teacher didn’t know who did it- punish everyone till there is a confession or a turn in.
Every Supreme Court employee (law clerks, staff, janitors, etc) will get a formal reprimand in their employee file detailing this incident until the perpetrator steps forward to claim their glory, or someone else turns them in for shame.
No positive reviews or recommendations for any employee when they leave Supreme Court employment, until the criminal is prosecuted.
Do I think this will happen? Nope. You can hear the wailing “but that’s not fair”….

2 years ago

The democrats know they are going to be slaughtered in the midterms and this looks like an attempt to fire up the now apathetic voters to go to the polls in November. I believe it is also an intimidation tactic toward the conservative justices and a distraction from the movie 2000 Mules.

Jimmie Parr
Jimmie Parr
2 years ago

The “Democratic” Party is a terrorist organization. Republican are overwhelmed by Demoncrats and their alignment with large news media to the extent that many Republicans are watered down, or are even Democrats in Republican attire. The Democratic Party ought to (MUST) be registered as a terrorist organization.

2 years ago

There should be another choice, this is a distraction, a liberal ploy to sway voters in Nov, and a way to get their ‘stack the court’ agenda heard. It should be investigated, but it will never be, as long as the circus media can spin their agenda into Nov.

brian collies
brian collies
2 years ago

The fourteenth amendment in part states: No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The court should go further and declare the unborn as citizens and therefore protected by the Constitution.

2 years ago

this “leak” happened the same week as the “2000 mules” documentary opened in theatres, proving the extensive FRAUD in the last election. May GOD remove and punish those in our government who are wicked and destroyers of our great nation !

Karla Jenkins
Karla Jenkins
2 years ago

While all but the last statement are true and important, it is the sacrosanct confidentiality that allows the court to come to decisions apart from the influences of the population; decisions based solely on the constitutionality of the issue and not the opinions of the public or the party in power. Without the preservation of the absolute secrecy of the proceedings of the court until the issuance of the decision, we have lost the independence vital to our way of life.

2 years ago

Even RGB acknowledged that Roe v Wade was tenuous. Planned Parenthood was based upon eugenics. The issue is not cut and dried to me. You can call it women’s health rights or abortion or murder but In my opinion, this issue is between God and the individual deciding to end a life. Leave me out of it.

Randall L. Keith
Randall L. Keith
2 years ago

How can you not know enough, with all that’s gone on in 49 years ? Abortion is wrong in so many ways, but there has got to be a line. At 15 weeks, 20 weeks, and make that law.

2 years ago

“Leftists Publish Home Addresses of Conservative Supreme Court Justices, Threaten Violent Protests”, This is the real issue the left has repeatedly used threats and violence to get their way.This must be stopped at all cost. If someone on the right walks a government building at the wrong time it is off to jail. But the left can take over whole cities, burn them , kill people and it is mostly peaceful, nothing is done!

Jan E. Davis
Jan E. Davis
2 years ago

A SCOTUS leak, warm weather, an election year: time for the unemployed, professional rioters to get to work. Remember no bail for mostly safe riots. I’ve no doubt the BLM rioters from 2016 and 2020 will be happy to help with this.

Kenneth Adams
Kenneth Adams
2 years ago

The protesters that are threatening the court justice should be prosecuted. Peaceful is much different than threatening

2 years ago

Its yet another example of the two tiered system of attitudes about justice we now suffer. Protesters guilty of trespass languish in jail from jan 6, but blm and antifa arsonists go free. Had the shoe been on the other foot our commie media would be wailing for the strongest possible penalties.

2 years ago

This leak was totally intentional. First time in history anything was leak by an institution that is like Fort Know and nothing gets out unless it’s by the rules. The democrat are panicking because they know the American people are NOT behind them anymore. They needed a good title narrative going into the midterms. But it’s going to backfire on them. The American people are wide awake at the corruption in Washington on both sides of the isle. We have ALL candidates under a microscope and it’s not about lip service anymore. We had a President that was Promise’s Made And Promises Kept. That’s what we expect out of every candidate running at EVERY LEVEL of OUR Government.

Kevin P Sigler
Kevin P Sigler
2 years ago

Roe v Wade was based on a lie. Roe was not raped, the court was duped, and the court created a new law. It will be a black spot on America’s history.

2 years ago

I feel if an abortion needs to be performed I feel these guide lines should be in place. In rape situations a police report must be required.

Both parents should have to sign for abortion to be performed , and DNA tests be done on all three , if DNA does not match then charges should be brought against them for murder of unborn baby. In case of of medical necessary it should be performed in hospital under orders from primary care Dr. I feel this would change a lot of things .

Dawn L. Brown
Dawn L. Brown
2 years ago

We have inflation that is skyrocketing,and the left is talking about abortion in which is Not a right;they care nothing about the lower,and middle class American Citizens , and at this point are the party of death,and printing more $. Conservatives will win in the midterms;because thsi radiacl Biden administration is indeed lost and out of touch with the working class American.

2 years ago

I believe the “draft” was deliberately leaked to detract from several currently ongoing issues that the Globalist “elites” don’t want us paying attention to.

First of all is the money going to Ukraine – we can’t secure our own borders but Ukraine is important? Is it important because Joe Biden is hiding his and Pelosi, Obama, Schiff, et. al., activities in the corrupt government there?

Secondly, isn’t it odd that yet another “bombshell” in the news reporting cycle would occur just as True the Vote and Dinesh D’Souza’s movie “2000 Mules” is premiering to display the hard evidence the 2020 Election was stolen from President Trump and the MAGA voters? Go to 2000Mules.com to see the trailer and to purchase tickets or DVD’s to share with people who still believe there is no evidence

Thirdly, it’s an “election” year (sure, right your vote counts) and there has to be some crisis to get everyone upset, excited and out there to vote. Which also means that BLM and Antifa (the militant arm of the Democrats) are in the streets doing what they do; burning things down, pulling down statutes, frightening normal people.

C’mon, people! Wake up! It’s all theater to keep us from seeing what they (the corrupt politicians in DC and other government bodies) are doing. They are deliberately crashing our financial system so they can steal what wealth the middle class, Christian, law-abiding citizens have. They are diligently working to install the one world government where they own everything and we own nothing.

Don’t go back to sleep. Get out there and do something!

2 years ago

Seeing lots of outrage from Leftists on social media. The ridiculous hyperbole in the memes being posted. “Oh noes! I cannot stop myself from reproducing!” Is that why they import their voters?

Dawn L. Brown
Dawn L. Brown
2 years ago

We have inflation that is skyrocketing,and the left is talking about abortion in which is Not a right;they care nothing about the lower,and middle class American Citizens , and at this point are the party of death,and printing more $. Conservatives will win in the midterms;because this radical Biden administration is indeed lost,and out of touch with the working class American.

2 years ago

We are a country based on the Federalist system: the STATES reserve the right under our Constitution to decide on all matters for their own state except for the FEW that are specifically outlined in the Constitution, those reserved for decision at the national level. Over time, this has been eroded, and now under Biden and the Pelosi Congress, the powers of each state are rapidly being depleted. They want the National Government (their “elite”) to make all the decisions, for ALL of us. We, in our individual states, are being told what to do by the Washington “elite,” not the state leaders WE elected. We have to stop this! The whole COVID power-grab showed us how far they in Washington, D.C. are willing to take this! What hubris! And now they are ready to bully and intimidate the highest court in the land into doing their will. How quickly we are separating into Red and Blue states, and it’s scary…

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