
As some states begin to reopen, which of the following has been the MOST baffling aspect of the entire closure to reopening process?

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
4 years ago

Not a damn thing.
In fact, it’s all been quite predictable – if you’ve been paying attention.
Orange Man Bad is the real virus. COVID19 is just the latest weapon in the
attempt by the DEMOCRAT FearPorn propagandists to overthrow POTUS, but this too shall fail.
Has there been a vaccine discovered yet that has eradicated the 1918 flu or any other flu that has killed millions – no ?
Same thinking applies to COVID19. Herd immunity is the only true cure for every society around the planet,
Let’s face that fact and get it over and done with so we can get back to work and on with our lives.
The business of America is business, so let’s return to business without further and unnecessary delay.

GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !

Marie M
Marie M
4 years ago

I don’t trust the media, they are the front for the DNC and I have come to believe they are the enemy of the people. After watching the White House task force briefings everyday it was quite obvious that those asking the questions, some of which were hostile are not journalists. A journalist gathers information, is supposed to be the public’s watchdog and to report truthfully regardless of their political persuasion. A perfect example is the past 3 years with their coverage of the President and his Administration. There is an awakening happening, November 3 will prove my point.

4 years ago

None of the first three options on this poll baffle me, as they just reflect the behavior I expected of self-serving, pandering Democrats, and their self-righteous media lapdogs.
What would really baffle me is if they did something truly rational during this time of adversity.

Brian B
Brian B
4 years ago

The world is confronted with two pandemics. The flu “pandemic” is the unseen virus that arrived from Communist China as a subversive gift to the world. The other pandemic is man-made. It is a result of government overreach. It is the closure of schools, churches, businesses and social venues. It’s destruction far exceeds the flu pandemic. It is suicide, hopelessness, destruction of livelihoods, the destruction of life savings and retirement investments. It is fear and the associated evils that fear generates. It is an explosion of domestic abuse, child abuse, alcoholism and drug abuse. It is the destruction of normalcy as our Constitutional rights have been trampled by tyrants in government. Politicians and the media are already congratulating themselves for saving us. From what evil have they saved us?

Rich King
Rich King
4 years ago

All of the above!

4 years ago

All of the above and more. Progressives will not “let this crisis go to waste” and are pushing their socialist platform. Hopefully, they will all be voted out this November.

William Barton
William Barton
4 years ago

All three

Eve E.
Eve E.
4 years ago

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Until we diagnos it as such it will continue to be far more destructive than COVID19.

All 3 are not the least bit surprising to me. Like Arnie (below) said – what would be baffling is if the Dumbocrats did the right thing for once.

Ruth E Williams
Ruth E Williams
4 years ago

Why were healthy folks quarantined? And not “allowed” to work??? 20 million people unemployed from the unconstitutional decision to shut us down!

4 years ago

All of the above. Much does not make sense.

4 years ago

The fact that this has been blown so far out of the proportion. All the models were wrong and changed daily. I don’t believe the country as a whole should have been “shut down”.

4 years ago

This virus was a payback to the US from China because they were forced into a fair trade deal with The US, they have been screwing our country out of billions for 20 to 30 years , our president is the only one who stood up to them and made them sign a fair trade deal. With that said all these DemRats saw an opportunity to not only bring down capitalism and move to Socialism but try to get that senile womanizer in office , who would give everything back to China that this president worked so hard for. It’s time to hold politicians accountable and give jail time where it’s due.

Kenny J
Kenny J
4 years ago

This poll should have had a 4th option. ” All three of the above ” The democrats have been heel-bent on trashing our president and taking down America at the same time. Open boarders and letting convicted criminals out of prison, along with sanctuary cities, trashing ICE, and corruption in politics, etc, etc, etc. This ALL needs to stop. The Ukrane issue with Biden and his son is enough to put him in prison, Along with Pelosi, Clinton, Shumer, AOC, et al And add in the left wing media, who have lost their way

4 years ago

AmeriKa has been destroyed…

4 years ago

Theres nothing baffling about it. The left never misses an opportunity to do whatever they can whenever they can to destroy this country.

Lisa Toth
Lisa Toth
4 years ago

The media coverage

yahoo from New Hope Minnesota
yahoo from New Hope Minnesota
4 years ago

There is no choice on the above. All 3 are totally and absolutely true and are very detrimental and damaging to this country, but then again so are the liberals and their total agenda.

Andrea Redd
Andrea Redd
4 years ago

All of the above. Taking an unfortunate event and Taking political advantage of it. taking the people hostage. Placing fear i the forefront of daily living. I know there is no solid proof yet, but my gut says this was planned by the new world order people. In my gut this is to fight Trump and people like me who love free America. A situation used to steal.

Harvey Nabozny
Harvey Nabozny
4 years ago

All 3 of course.

Elaine Bostic
Elaine Bostic
4 years ago

All of the above. Plus so many people not adhering to the stay-at-home order where I live.

4 years ago

All of the above. It’s all politics.

4 years ago

All of the above

4 years ago

All of the above plus the release of prisoners into the population and the criminalization of normal activities by citizens. It seems the democrats relish the economic collapse of the economy Trump had produced. I still predict a Trump landslide.

Paul Shreve
Paul Shreve
4 years ago

What was most disheartening and baffling was the capitulation of the Majority of Americans that went along with the “Shelter in Place” orders and the massive assault on Personal Freedoms. This is truly a troubling sign that so many would give up so much for what was perceived as being safe.

I think this Quote from Benjamin Franklin says it best, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

John Demby
John Demby
4 years ago

Actually all are applicable.

Tom Jestus Sr
Tom Jestus Sr
4 years ago

How willingly people answer “No” to the National Anthem question.

Deborah Gaddis
Deborah Gaddis
4 years ago

All of the options are frustrating me. I hate being told what to do. I am a mature healthy senior and can decide for myself what is prudent. Also, I live in a community of at least a million people, and so far, there are 70 cases, and no deaths. So overdone! They have taken my civil liberties for a small threat. I realize the illness is serious, and don’t want anyone to get it, but…….really?

4 years ago


4 years ago

The most puzzling aspect of the entire “pandemic” is the inability to get reliable information. The Government paid medical bureaucrats surrounding the President are pushing fear and more quarantine. The CDC has lost all semblance o f credibility and the WHO is completely unbelievable due to the link to China. The “experts” outside of the Government are anti-vaxers who have an agenda of their own. The average citizen has no reliable source. We cannot trust the Government, nor can we trust the medical community because funds are tied to inflating the cases of covid 19.

R J Rancont
R J Rancont
4 years ago

The most baffling aspect of the “closure to reopening” process is that it happened AT ALL.

Donna White
Donna White
4 years ago

All of the above. The overreaction and destruction of our great economy concerns me so much.

4 years ago

all of the above.

4 years ago

The shutdown is/was worse than the Wuhan Corona Virus. Our government created more problems than it solved; it should have had an education campaign to emphasize hand washing and using a paper towel to grasp door knobs before eating a meal, in public and at home; keeping hands away from the face; avoid eating food with your hands; avoid hugging and handshaking; keep children away from old folks like me; recommend businesses reserve one or two days a week for seniors citizens and immunocompromised (and enforce the rule if instituted). This would have allowed the young population to be exposed to the disease and develop immunity, reducing the risk to the vulnerable population. Keep in perspective that 40,000 people and many times more are seriously injured in automobile accidents in one year and criminals kill even far more!

4 years ago

All of the above. And more, too numerous to list.

W. Craddock
W. Craddock
4 years ago

The stupidity of the “baby-steps” re-opening of our economy is only matched by the absurdity of destroying it over this virus in the first place.
History is already proving how unnecessary this approach by inept bureaucrats, power-hungry Leftists and consistently-wrong academics has been. President Trump had little choice but to take the advice of the latter, whom he assumed knew best about an issue in their wheelhouse, not his. Now every CYA statement and action taken by all of them continues to be based on unfalsifiable statements of what would have happened had American citizens not been grossly misled into giving up their Constitutional rights and the unprecedented prosperity gained after only 3 years of electing Donald Trump and not electing another Socialist!Marxist!

4 years ago

All of the options above. The closer was never constitutional and totally unnecessary.

4 years ago

What baffles me is the amount of conflicting information from so-called experts. Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask, same with gloves. Doctors report success with chloroquine phosphate, a decades-old antimalarial drugs to treat patients. Expert health authorities however, have NOT certified Chloroquine as a cure for coronavirus. Trump uses common sense and gives us better info then the “scientist’s” and gets blasted by the libs and their minion media. If we all use common sense, this virus can be kept to a minimum until a vaccine is developed.

4 years ago

It’s been a combination of all the three choices – you can not narrow the attempt to return to normal, as just one as there are bits and pieces of all of them that are linked together to try to stall our recovery in one way or the other. Then there’s the left and media trying to control any attempts to get back on track in the USA.

Scott Kelly
Scott Kelly
4 years ago

I know this is all a hoax to scare the American people into doing what they want . I’m not blind and I can think for myself. I hope and pray that this country sees what happen before we have to exercise our 2nd amendment rights. The unknown agenda is what I fear will happen.

Kathy Lewis
Kathy Lewis
4 years ago

The balance of protecting people should be letting healthy people work and develope amunity to Covid 19. The ‘cure’s is harming our economy and morale more and more. Pa. Is being ruined by Gov. Wolf.

4 years ago

We no longer have any idea what is true. Figures never lie, but liars figure.

Anne Brownlee
Anne Brownlee
4 years ago

The government has forgotten what flatten curve was about and it now about power. Too many seem willing to accept this! The CDC needs to come out and say this is too long! !

4 years ago

All 3 are concerning and baffling to me.

Barb Acker
Barb Acker
4 years ago

All of the above. Don’t let a crisis go to waste!

4 years ago

What baffling to me?
That everyone has panicked and followed like sheep to slaughter. This is a country built on pioneers and innovators not people cowering in their homes.

Dave Neathery
Dave Neathery
4 years ago

I don’t find any of it baffling. It’s what I would expect for behavior where the government is involved and especially with the Democrats are involved. I always tell people that I have a warped sense of humor, but our society has become warped beyond belief and it’s not at all humorous.

Gary Hammond
Gary Hammond
4 years ago

I completely agree with Arnie.

4 years ago

With contagion and mortality rates not greater than the seasonal flu, the whole shutdown business does not make sense. The Hong Kong flu of 1968 through 1969 was worse with no shutdown.

4 years ago

All of the above!!!

4 years ago

All of the above! Disgraceful.

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