

With former President Trump temporarily sidelined from most social media, who in your view is filling the void as a consistent conservative voice? Please select three.

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j. k. blakely
j. k. blakely
3 years ago

Leading members of the Republican Party must speak up more intensely against the madness being spewed from the Biden Administration and the Democrat Party, across the board. A few voices are not enough, and the 2022 mid-terms are fast approaching. Freedom, the Constitution, Bill of Rights and individual liberty are all at stake, and the Republican Party is the last bastion to save these things. Congress must turn red in ’22, must stop the Democrat/Bolshevik Party’s march toward a one-party Marxist-style state, and then, in ’24, the Republican Party must retake the White House and expand the number of patriot Republican governors. We must save our Constitutional Republic as founded by our framers, must return power to the states and rollback the powers of the president and Congress. A presidential ticket of Trump and DeSantis may be the best choice, Trump for 4, then DeSantis for 8, 12 full years to fix the disastrous damage being caused by Biden, Pelosi and Schumer.

Randall Bailey
Randall Bailey
3 years ago

With the loss of Rush and the gagi g of Trump there are none whos voice can be heard. I weep for this country and world

3 years ago

How about “None of the Above”?? The conservative voice void is profound and has NOT been filled to any measurable degree…at least not in the MSM and social media. One has to dig deep to find real news and data.

3 years ago

I would have picked Chris Salcedo, Greg Kelly and Grant Stinchfield, but none of them were an option

Jim Heinzinger
Jim Heinzinger
3 years ago

We, as independent americans, have to do more to fight for our rights. Trump, DeSantis and others are leading the way but are easily sidelined by the marxist media. Work at the local levels to make our voices heard, make sure polls are honestly counted and our politicians are elected. The RINOs will follow until we can vote them out. God Bless America. The fallen in the towers, Afganistan, and Iraq would be ashamed of our country if they were here today.

Tom Cassity
Tom Cassity
3 years ago

You left out other voices: Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, etc.

Tommy Molnar
Tommy Molnar
3 years ago

We are not going anywhere until voting is reworked. Showing up to vote in person is the first step. Showing ID to vote is another step. Eliminating the mail-in ballots is another. Dumping the Dominion computer voting machines is PARAMOUNT! The poor oppressed minority who just can’t make it to the voting booth (and can’t get an ID) somehow manage to get a driver’s license and drive to the local 7-11 for a six-pack, which they have to show an ID to buy. This BS has to stop!

Lyle Maberry
Lyle Maberry
3 years ago

Graham & McCarthy are in due swamp and need to be replaced! It was tough to pick 3 out of the remaining names.

3 years ago

I follow Sidney Powell closely. Her “Defending The Republic” weekly email compilation of events keeps me apprised of the battles being fought to save our country. Factual and informative, it gives me hope…

3 years ago

Why should any RINO’s fight for this country, they are a big part of the problem along with righty media, Hollyweird, and all the scared average liberal sheep…an internal war is what they are aiming for and until SMART conservative hard working folks like many of us have been pushed to the edge of the cliff to fight back (and maybe without any help from “leaders”)..we will linger! After a while talk is cheap!

P.R. Chapman
P.R. Chapman
3 years ago

I have to admit, I have not been watching the news as closely as I was prior to this summer. I am just so sick of hearing the mandates related to covid, as well as the latest bad decisions on foreign policy by the white house. I miss my country.

Daniel Boughton
Daniel Boughton
3 years ago

Kristi Noem? DeSantis yeah but the rest of them I don’t think even get on the list

3 years ago

None of the above actually. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is my go to guy these days!

3 years ago

Tough to choose from your list. My number # would be Charlie Kirk — not on your list.

3 years ago

Lindsey Graham should not be a choice.
Lousy fatherless self-aggrandizing POS from the loser state of South Carolina!

3 years ago

Greg Abbott or Steve Scalise? Surprised either made the list.

THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago

How in the heck did the forked-tongued, South Carolina nitwit even make this list of choices?

And what about Senator Rand Paul? Too bad Biden’s Department of [in]Justice will not investigate A. Faucci. At least Senator Paul has been keeping up the pressure on that lying piece of ____.

Thomas Pfau
Thomas Pfau
3 years ago

It’s hard to have a voice when the media ignores you.

3 years ago

Marge Taylor Green. Nobody really since Rush passed.

3 years ago

None of the above. I would suggest you consider Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers as leading the list. The Federal GOP Congress-Critters are basically derelict in their duties. I haven’t heard a substantive “peep” out of any of those worthless grifters.

Kathlyn B. Houde
Kathlyn B. Houde
3 years ago

Comments re Infrastructure and Reconciliation Bills: $6B New Infrastructure…Note: $4.8B goes to Senator Schumer’s NY; Medicare: CUT $9B; $66M New Amtrak passenger vehicles, but $70B was already given under “Covid?” bill; $810B – Recycling With re-cycling machines, town cycling centers, etc. why would Congress pass $810M additional charges on to taxpayers?;$40B: Transportation – $65B in Covid already provided; $75 to merge the “Green New Deal” to our electric grid system….proven a disaster in California And, the president will have the authority to dispense non-infrastructure grants that include identifying transgender Americans as a “protected class”. What does this have to do with Infrastructure/Reconciliation? Why did Senators Burr & Tillis support this as well as about 10 other Republican Senators? They say, in words to the effect..they’re not ok with a lot of these bills….When one know what’s in it & you care about your overburdened, taxed constituents, why…because it provides for some transportation upgrades? The bill is a disaster, too much to put on our highly taxed Biden economy that he’s created….

3 years ago

Lindsey Graham?
Really lol
Mr I’m gonna get to the bottom of this and does nothing.

Darell Reichel
Darell Reichel
3 years ago
  1. I am disappointed that McCarthy, Graham, and Abbott are included in this list. All three are good at talking and short on action. We must elect people who can, and will actually do something to combat the liberals. Talking loudly will not accomplish anything. What about Tucker Carlson and others who are not politicians?
3 years ago

Tough to pick from this list. They all have a strong conservative voice, in general. There are many others: Kirk, Owens, Noem, Tucker, Bongino, Crenshaw…..

3 years ago

I listen daily to Hugh Hewitt, and have great admiration for the entire list that you included here in this survey. Although reading the comments, there are othersI agree with as well Language is important. I think that President Trump should not be silenced, and as for the fake news……”that’s entertainment”, not responsible public discourse.

3 years ago

I think all of the comments so far are accurate.the Republican Party is weak for the most part, they play nice don’t want to offend the other side. Does not work when governing a free nation. Unfortunately I think that if the supposed “conservative “ party does not stand up and PUSH back what is happening now will not be stopped. A quote I heard recently and will try to repeat All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing, well do we have good men in this nation? An opinion from a very very old woman.

C Emmerling
C Emmerling
3 years ago

South Carolinian here. Please remove Lindsay Graham from this list.

Yvonne D Retzinger
Yvonne D Retzinger
3 years ago

Lindsey Graham floats from side to side. The guy isn’t trustworthy and shouldn’t be in the poll. Why are there only politicians on this? What about Tucker Carlson? Glenn Beck? Charlie Kirk? And where are women???? What about Kristi Noem? Margaret Taylor Green? Candace Owen?

You’ve really limited choices to a number of wannabes. DeSantis is the best on your very limited list.

Betty Waldner
Betty Waldner
3 years ago

It’s hard to pick because I am not into the news. It makes me sick lately so am trying to not look at it. But Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis are our favorite people for sure. Tom Cotten and Jim Jordan should be right up there too.

Bruce Hamilton
Bruce Hamilton
3 years ago

I listen/watch to Steve Bannon / War Room. The only place that you can get the truth about all that is going on. He really gets the experts that shoot straight to the heart of the issues (Dr Malone on covid). Action, action, action!

John Blanchard
John Blanchard
3 years ago

Marjorie Taylor Greene should have been on this list. 😉 IMO.

Charlie Ethier
Charlie Ethier
3 years ago

Your list should have included Senator Rand Paul.

How about a list that includes REAL journalists, reporters and commentators such as but not limited to:
Mark Levin, Tucker Carlson, Gregg Kelly, Victor Davis Hanson, etc.

3 years ago

Social media is much more than Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. The poll might better be: What social media platform(s) do you now follow regularly?

3 years ago

Congressman Crenshaw should have been on the list. I would have placed him at a number 2 vote after DeSantis…

Tom Baker
Tom Baker
3 years ago

Jason Whitlock is a better conservative than the GOP whores who speak out of both sides of their mouths.

Cheryl Ovenshire
Cheryl Ovenshire
3 years ago

Kevin McCarthy, you’ve got to be kidding me…

3 years ago

There is no substitute for former President Trump! He was truly patriotic, stood for law and order, the Constitution and loved the USA and all it’s citizens!!! In one year, he was able to accomplish so much to improve this country and our lives! The current administration has furiously worked to tear down America and divide us all by race, gender, religion and transform our USA into a Marxist, Communist, pitiful, weak 3rd world country with a dictator cares more for criminals and illegals than he does American citizens! Unless we stand up, let them hear our voices and monitor our elections…it will only get worse! GOD BLESS AND SAVE AMERICA!

Steve Bowen
Steve Bowen
3 years ago

When social media exposed their true intentions by removing Trump, they only hurt themselves. Trump hasn’t been diminished, he’s just been confirmed . . . again.

Ralph Barker
Ralph Barker
3 years ago

Why limit the list to elected government officials? There are members of the media (broadly defined), like Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson, who provide a consistent conservative voice to the public.

3 years ago

This poll is flawed. It should have been more clear. Yes DeSantis is considered the Conservative leader, but not the voice. The voices are the pitbulls of the Conservative movement that are on the news programs every day taking issue with and countering all of the democrat socialist and progressive issues

Lynda Brewton
Lynda Brewton
3 years ago

None of the above, no one replaces President Trump.

Ken F
Ken F
3 years ago

Loud Conservative leadership are coming from Governorships and in my opinion Ron DeSantis takes it. Nationally, Kevin Mccarthy and Steve Scalise are not leaders. Jim Jordan should be the House Republican leader. Mitch McConnell is a Rino. Tom Cotton and Ted Cruz both have backbones, are vocal and have proven to be Republican Senate leaders.

Grumpy Old Woman
Grumpy Old Woman
3 years ago

You forgot Rep. Marjory Taylor Greene, she has been the real voice of the people. Update your poll to include her in the choices.

Marla Freda
Marla Freda
3 years ago

It was difficult to pick more than two from this list. As far as I’m concerned Ron Desantis is the only one on the list who has common sense coupled with intelligent decisions. I’m proud to be a Floridian since he took office. While I like Larry Elder, I disagree with some comments that he supposedly has made about women in the workplace. He also has yet to prove if his actions will align with his words. I hope he is given the chance to do so.

Robert Philpot
Robert Philpot
3 years ago

Republicans, as a whole, need to fight back against the progressives, just like the progressives, or the progressives may succeed in their decades of attempting to rewrite and/or totally change the Constitution. The Constitution, as written, stands up against the countries changes over time. Stop the presidents violations against the Constitution and our citizens. The country is strong against foreign invaders because of the 2nd amendment, very weak without it. Match and exceed China’s militarism of space. Stop the infiltration of communism in the schools, government, entertainment, riots (you loot, we shoot) and every day life. Stop financing China because their labor costs are much lower than ours. Stop the importation of the progressives attempt to import illegal importation of people for a progessive voting block, stop giving them unearned money to abstain their being here with money from legal tax paying citizens. Take care of the elderly.

3 years ago

Even without social media Trump is still the voice of conservatives. DeSantis comes as a close second. Trump is a fighter like no other. Although I did not agree with how he handled everything he is the only person who will not back down and you need someone like him especially since the media doesn’t do their job anymore.

Ed Collinsworth
Ed Collinsworth
3 years ago

President Trump did not lose the election, it was stolen. He is still the leader of our conservative voices.

3 years ago

No politician has the balls to say what I think.

3 years ago

What the Islamic Terrorists failed to do in 2001 the democrats led by President Beijing Biden have succeeded to do in 2021!
What’s even sadder is that the head American domestic terrorist is the President of the US and is present at the ceremony.

Terry White
Terry White
3 years ago

There should have been an “all of the above box” . Although some are more outspoken than others, they are all, except maybe Lindsey Graham are all good conservatives fighting for America.

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