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Should President Trump subject himself to sit for an interview with Special Prosecutor Mueller?

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Brian B
Brian B
6 years ago

I feel inclined to agree with President Trump that Mueller is on a witch hunt to undermine his Presidency. Mueller has already extended his investigation far beyond the original mandate. He should have concluded his investigation months ago and presented his findings to congress.
At present, Mueller’s investigation has all the markings of entrapment. There has clearly been no collusion between Presidential Candidate Donald Trump and the Russians.
Mueller’s “investigation” now seems to be nothing more than an effort by the Liberal Left to continuously cast doubt on the President and his team by feeding a hostile MSM suggestions of misconduct in the Trump Presidency. It’s time to quit wasting taxpayer’s money on this ill-conceived witch hunt.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
6 years ago

The only thing POTUS should tell Mueller is … YOU’RE FIRED ! ?

Dan W.
Dan W.
6 years ago

The President should take his attorneys’ advice and not testify and Mueller should wrap up his investigation and issue a final report as soon as possible.

6 years ago

The ONLY purpose of the Mueller investigation is to find a way (perjury trap is how Mueller intends to do it) to impeach President Trump and get him out of office ASAP. Remember, impeachment is not a criminal charge. It is a political means to remove an elected official from office. So all Mueller has to do is get Trump under oath, than ask him a bunch of questions and then claim he lied under oath. The Dems are counting on winning the House in the 2018 mid-terms, which means Pelosi would then immediately start impeachment proceedings based on the Mueller claim that Trump lied under oath. That will be the sole focus the House should the Dems win back control in 2018. Which is why everyone has to get out and vote in November to keep the House under Republican control.

Impeachment of President Trump has been the sole focus and goal of this so-called Russian collusion investigation since Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller and the rest of the hold-over Clinton and Obama people in the senior ranks of the DOJ and FBI dreamed up this little scenario the day after Trump won the election. No doubt they all thought Trump would have caved under pressure by now and resigned within six months rather than endure the non-stop attacks from the administrative state (you call it the swamp) and the MSM. They did not count on Trump being as tough as he is, unlike the vast majority of spineless pols that occupy Washington. This Mueller investigation, being orchestrated by a staff composed solely of Democrat lawyers all aligned with either the DNC or team Clinton, IS the “insurance policy” all those texts referenced. For anyone thinking that Mueller is going to wrap up this investigation anytime soon, I would like to speak to you about buying a certain bridge in NYC. Mueller will keep this nonsense going until the last day of President Trump’s term in office, if necessary. They cannot afford to allow Trump to succeed and show the American people four or eight years of real positive achievements for the American people. That would completely destroy the Democrat and RINO narrative that America’s best days are done and all you can hope for is a slow decline into becoming a second or third rate nation. So there will be no let-up from the swamp. The best option would be that Republicans win big in November and have an over-whelming majority in both houses of Congress. That would allow Trump the ability to not only force an end to this Mueller witch hunt, but also clean out the corrupt leadership of the DOJ, FBI and any of the national security agencies that participated in this massive waste of taxpayer dollars and time that could have been devoted to real issues.

By the way, all these talking heads on TV saying that the Mueller investigation will be wrapped up soon are blowing smoke at the American people. Mueller just hired another 3 or 4 more Democrat lawyers a few weeks ago to add to his merry team of partisan hacks. You don’t add additional investigative or legal staff if you are winding down an investigation and preparing to issue a final report. Just an FYI.

6 years ago

End this witch hunt Herman Munster! Enough already of wasting tax payer money!! We elected him not the Russians. Seriously, what a bunch of gools.

6 years ago

I hope President Trump doesn’t fall into the trap set by the media and his other opponents, whose only purpose is to catch him in a “gotcha” moment.

6 years ago

I think Muller is trying to set a trap for the President. Please, Mr. President, stay away. Don’t even do written questions/answers.

Charles Bowers
Charles Bowers
6 years ago

Trump colluding with the Russians is FICTION. This conspiracy these airhead Democrats have nursed shows they have nothing to offer but stupidly.

6 years ago

This investigation is a farce. Muller and his crooks are no longer looking for Russian interference (if they ever were) It is well past time to end this waste of money.

William J McConnell Sr
William J McConnell Sr
6 years ago

No I would waste nor give mueller the time of day. He is a first rate idiot and should be in jail for wasting taxpayers money on this phony crap. Wm

Bruce LaRocca
Bruce LaRocca
6 years ago

President Trump should give Mueller a deadline of August 31st to end the investigation and lay his cards on the table. This “investigation” has cost American tax payers dearly. Enough is enough!

ronald smith
ronald smith
6 years ago

how ever it goes thee media will have a field day of warping the truth. I so disgusted with the media and it seems they are responsible to slander all. Maybe we should go after them and clean this up to. Media should be unbias!

6 years ago

This so called investigation they are doing is going off the rails.They have nothing except what they fabricated in the beginning to get warrants falsely.These so called prosecutors should be investigated and removed from office and their law licenses removed also along with the Judge who approved the false warrants.
If Trump talks to the prosecuter they will take his every word and their connotation and twist it beyond recognition.

Jerry Laws
Jerry Laws
6 years ago

Mr.President Trump now is the time to listen to YOUR Attorneys especially Jay Sekulo!!!

D in Connecticut
D in Connecticut
6 years ago

Remember Liberals have a mental disorder and have become unhinged because Very Crooked Comrade Hilary lost! Lock Her up!!!

6 years ago

Obama was never been hunted like President Trump is by Medias. I believe President Trump Lawyers should charged & take actions against all people in Medias & other Organizations who are diminishing publicly His authority as our President

Marie Oser
Marie Oser
6 years ago

I would like to think that there are enough people in this Country who would agree to stand behind our President if he had mueller fired and then sued for wasting all that time and taxpayer money on his phoney charges. Is there no end to this stupid, disastrous, unbelievable charade?

Chuck Collier
Chuck Collier
6 years ago

Absolutely not! There is no pleasing the liberal left.

6 years ago

Trump needs to stay focused on his current path and Make America Great Again. Trump needs to ignore the media and dumocrats and stop responding to their every lie. They are self destructing and Trump can do little to accelerate or slow their self destruction.

6 years ago

Actually, Muller should have ended his “investigation” as soon as they realized it was based on fraudulent, fabricated evidence.

Then he should have opened up investigations on all of the people who really did collude with the Russians to effect the outcome of an election, and the people who fabricated evidence to the judges.

My take on this is that even the hacking that did occur (to the DNC) was arranged by the Dems. I hope everyone will give that some thought – with your investigative thinking hats on. This whole production was put on by the Hildabeast.

Chris Nicholas
Chris Nicholas
6 years ago

Mr Trump is entitled to all the protections given to every citizen under the Constitution. And as a Constitutional Office Holder, he is entitled to the protections given the President under Article 2 of the Constitution. Mr Trump is being tried in the media and they are, as they always have and will be, biased in their positions. He’s the poster boy for all the progressive liberals say is wrong with America and that is why he is attacked. He’s strong and he has the backing of a thoughtful people and nation. I don’t always agree with his media messaging, but I understand it. He uses Tweets to show the nation how unhinged the liberal press is and the lengths they will go to undermine conservative principles and initiatives.

If Establishment Republicans like McConnell and Ryan would trust Trump political instincts more than they trust lobbyists and pollsters, we could get more accomplished, like building a wall – reforming immigration policies – changing healthcare insurance laws so that there is real competition – improving primary education – returning authority to states.

6 years ago

This guy Muller is nothing but a skunk looking to do irreparable damage to our President,a deep state bum.

6 years ago

NO! When you see Mueller your see the face of the evil deep state. Watch the movie “Death of a Nation” by Dinesh D’Souza.

6 years ago

We urgently need to reduce numbers of the federal government agencies. Our tax money shouldn’t be waisted on biurocracts. We can use more field workers in states & happy volunteers helping needy people

6 years ago

What lawyer in his right mind would allow that to happen?

Jeff Pergande
Jeff Pergande
6 years ago

Over a year and the only case brought to trial has nothing to do with Pres. Trump.

6 years ago

the admin has turned over nearly a million documents.
you looking for collusion?
look no further than the DNC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 years ago

No good can come from a sit down with Mueller! The Muellers bias has already been demonstrated, by the crew he assembled and his lack of follow thru when it comes to investigating Clinton and the DNC actual collusion

6 years ago

The investigation should never have happened since collusion isn’t a crime.

6 years ago

He is and his lawyers sure are smarter than I am but I vote no. The MSM will skew it in his disfavor no matter what is done.

Bill Hoglund
Bill Hoglund
6 years ago

Mueller is bogus, the investigation is bogus, and Mueller is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

6 years ago

The president should come up with 200 questions he think Mueller might ask him. Then he should prepare his answers in writing. He should then go on TV and answer those questions with a pleadge to “tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth”. He could then ask Mueller how many of those question are the ones Mueller would have asked him. He could also ask CNN, Meller, and MSNBC if they would consider doing the same thing he just did. He could also have a list of other dark state folks to do the same

Dr. Bob
Dr. Bob
6 years ago

I agree with Brian B. This preposterous foray into the absurd has NO LEGAL basis or justification to begin with. It should be exposed for what it is and should be terminated without delay. We are being made fools of by those who would harm our country!

Charles M Hogan Jr
Charles M Hogan Jr
6 years ago

Why answer questions from a traitor who personally handed the Russians 20 percent of are urainum and monetized from it. Since he didn’t get the directors job he thinks what sweet revenge I’m praying the red wave drowns the demrats in november so we can put these criminals too jsail or execute those traders

Ruth Willcockson
Ruth Willcockson
6 years ago

Fire Sessions and shutdown Mueller. This idiocy is nothing but an attempt to destroy me President and enriching a group of scheming lawyers at tremendous taxpayer expense

N J Kraft
N J Kraft
6 years ago

Its high time to shut Mueller down. He is a lackey for the Clintons, Hussein Obama and probably most important of the none repentant Nazi War criminal, George Soros.
WE need a special Council appointed to investigate the many alleged crimes of Obama, Hillary, Soros, Lynch, Holder and all associates of these swamp creatures.

Jim F
Jim F
6 years ago

No way should the President agree to an interview with this dirtball. From Boston here, so please do some research on Muellers time with the FBI here in Boston. That will shed a lot of light on how much of a scum bag this guy is!! The Boston Herald’s Howie Carr has written several articles about it as well.

6 years ago

The person they should be investigating is Obama and his thugs trying to overthrow our elected president. And Obama’s pension and all his perks should be taken away. And his real records brought out in the open.

6 years ago

Mueller is out for one thing and one thing only, to trip President Trump up and catch him in conflicting comments and charge him with lying and obstructing justice. The only way to respond is to have Mueller submit questions in writing and the president and his lawyer team sit down and draft a response.

6 years ago

He is the President and unless actually charged……should ignore anything from the Mueller “investigation “ .
Most unfortunate he has the need to respond to ANY issue therefore giving the media all the ammunition to
raise their market share with sensational space.

6 years ago

It’s a perjury trap. I echo Brian ‘s comments.

Laura C
Laura C
6 years ago

Historically, these things are always witch hunts that exist to justify themselves. Oddly, the investigators feel they MUST find something to prove they’re doing their jobs, even if it has no relationship to what the job actually was. I mean, if there’s an investigation, there must be a crime, right? That’s the nature of lawyers, especially lawyers who have unlimited power, money and time. It’s a no win for everyone except the lawyers who line their pockets and reputations.

Bridget H Shaw
Bridget H Shaw
6 years ago

The President tends to say more than he should and I believe Mueller would do whatever he could to twist the answers in hopes of a “gottcha!” moment. I do believe Trump really does’nt have anything to hide with regards to RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!

Buster B.
Buster B.
6 years ago

The only interview Trump should have with Mueller is his exit interview after Trump fires him.

Dianne Dreher
Dianne Dreher
6 years ago

Time to get off this train and concentrate on America!

Lynda Day
Lynda Day
6 years ago

I am proud to say I support and voted for President Donald Trump – but, there are many days when he is speaking that I cringe at the way he says or phrases his statements. I understand what he means, but it doesn’t always come out just right. I know Mueller would love to twist and turn things to make it a negative, just like the the media loves to do already. DO NOT sit down with Mueller Mr. President, Please.

David A
David A
6 years ago

I believe Mueller is a political partisan and cannot be trusted. He has no qualms about destroying anyone so long as it gets him something, anything on the President.

Bruce Mullins
Bruce Mullins
6 years ago

He should end the investigation and send everyone home

6 years ago

I think it would be a big mistake because this whole “investigation” has been a sham against Trump…totally biased. Even a blind person can see the bias. Mueller is so left leaning, and has surrounded himself with like-minded “investigators”, that it has made this whole process a complete farce. And, he (Mueller) is just lining his own pockets with the hard-earned money paid in by taxpayers. Just to look at his snarky face on the news every day is disgusting. It’s time for him to wrap up this whole investigative joke against POTUS, OR, how about doing an honest investigation into Hillary Clinton and her actions. Isn’t it about time she is held accountable for her many “questionable” actions over the last 30 years or so?

Sue schoen
Sue schoen
6 years ago

There’s nothing to talk about with Mueller, this is a witch hunt .

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