If the kommie kackler truly wanted to debate, she would have accepted the invitation to the Fox debate on September 4th. Oh, but of course she couldn’t do that because she would NOT have received the questions in advance, and she would have been asked meaningful, as well as, follow-up questions that would clearly expose this feckless Marxist who is not capable of providing policy specifics.
This “hopeless holistic” excuse of a candidate should board her electric yellow school bus and journey on to find “the significance of the passage of time,” and “what can be unburdened by what has been” instead of wasting American’s time fumbling on debate stage!
Marty M
5 months ago
No, because harris is a pathological liar that lies to get what she wants. She told 27 whoppers in the last debate that she never got call out on and the lies were allowed to stand as truth, misleading a lot of dimwitted voters. Unless her feet are held to the fire and there is full disclosure of the truth in any statements she makes it may only serve to distribute more of her false propaganda to sway more weak-minded voters to her demented side! How could you ever believe anything she says, she is not worthy of even being on the same stage with Trump!
Vote for Trump and Make America Great Again!
jim wood
5 months ago
Debating Harris is a one sided affair as shee will not give any answer on any subject with substance. Trump should not fall for this as she will lie, cheat and do whatever to provoke him. Put it this way if a person is dumb enough to vote for anybody but Trump, and he loses the election, they deserve what crap she will implement going forward. Coming from California I have witnessed the mess she has wrought and you think Biden was bad, you haven’t seen anything if she prevails. God help us if she wins.
Al Smith
5 months ago
Harris needs a rematch, Trump does not. She is slipping in the battle ground polls and among minority voters. She made a fool of herself going to the border yesterday. Let her continue to flounder.
5 months ago
I honestly don’t understand how anyone could be undecided. It’s clear what Trump is going to do. Unless you slept all through his first presidency. Mortage rates were at an all time low. Stock market was up. Gas prices were low. I have a picture I took on my phone of gas at $1.639. There were no wars involving US troops. And he was working on bringing our troops home from Afghanistan the right way. This list goes on and on. Harris on the other hand, it’s all in reverse.
Truth Manhattan
5 months ago
Undecided “voters” are idiots.
Dr James N Phillips Jr
5 months ago
What more could be gained? You have two people who have a record of service in the Government. The past is the greatest determinant of future performance, so there is no reason for this charade. Let their record speak, or let them talk to the voters directly, as President Trump has been doing all along. After 8 years of Obama and almost 4 years of Biden, we see what hope and change look like and who it affects most, it’s time for a MAGA triumphant return.
Bill Hughes
5 months ago
Instead of referring to a right to abortion, why not call it the right to murder an unborn human baby. ?
5 months ago
There’s no real reason to do so. Harris represents abortion, war, and socialism – white genocide. Trump represents life, peace, and FREEDOM. If men can’t have opinions on abortion, it becomes a 50% issue. Once women hit 50, it becomes a 25% issue. If only they could determine to root cause of abortion. . . . . . I saw a stupid commercial where they were stating they had a 1 in 6 chance of being raped, so they NEEDED to have abortion as an option. Seems to me if there was a 17% chance of being raped, they should CLOSE THE BORDER if they really cared. Dems were busy signing ‘bombs’ here in PA, and Walz was in state also – I wonder if he looked up his old buddy Sandusky? Trump is looking to end the conflict in Ukraine, while the left is trying to make it the next Viet Nam. To try to force respect in Israel, the left passes ‘anti semitic’ laws.
Biden supposedly had 81M votes, and suddenly he’s missing and no one cares. That’s the kind of ‘leadership’ we get with dems.
5 months ago
I like the idea of Trump purchasing a prime time “debate” where Harris is an inflatable doll behind a podium and Trump will ask her questions then give his answers. Her answers will be videos of all of her previous statements, such as defunding police, opening the border, BLM should riot more, taxpayers should pay for trans surgery for illegal aliens in detention, etc. I think this would be very effective in reminding people who Harris really is.
5 months ago
With fair and honest moderators. Why not on Fox News. Mr.Trump should not have to debate the moderators and his opponent, nor should any candidate.
Rick Artino
5 months ago
Harris had a chance to debate Trump on Fox but declined. Doing another debate on a hostile network only favors her and could hurt Trump because the bias networks will do exactly what ABC did in the last debate. Let her keep dodging unscripted situations and spew word salads during her controlled media exposures. That will reveal how shallow she is and be an advantage for Trump.
5 months ago
Sure,we can have it on Fox News with Hannity as the moderator. He could fact check her to even up the playing field so all can see what a joke she really is.
David Paine
5 months ago
This is one of AMACs best questions. I’ve struggled with this. Seeing the 4 answers helped resolve my thinking, and No, the one thing Harris excels at is lying and deflecting. With CNN, Harris will have more opportunity to lay traps for Trump, whose weakness is talking the bait on personal attacks. Like Mist Carter says, if she was honest she’d have accepted the Fox debate, but with CNN she can collude to improve her image.
Until we have an honest press that doesn’t work to support the Democrats, I’m afraid the Presidential Dbates are a thing of the past. Sad, but true.
5 months ago
I don’t believe that debates are meaningful any longer due to biased moderators from the like of ABC; NBC; CBS;CNN; MSNBC, etc. They definitely threw in with Harris the last time around. But Trump was also his worst enemy as he let her bait him and then making these outlandish issue of eating pets……..made him look small. He should have focused on policy and policy only and his agenda versus what Harris is presenting, Debates have become sideshows straight out of a circus!!
5 months ago
No, it would be pointless. The Dems will never agree to a debate without one of their hand picked “moderators” (un-factual checker). It’s too bad though, as an actual debate where Harris could be called out for her obvious flip flopping would be very instructive for the so called “undecided”.
5 months ago
Only if Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones are the moderators.
5 months ago
She constantly lies, and fake news networks always let her get away with it. Communists don’t deserve a second chance.
5 months ago
Every time harris opens her mouth, nothing of substance comes out. I would like to see another debate with Trump because he seems to do better–is more controlled and focused–the second time. Her narrative won’t change, and as more people see her for the empty vessel she is, the better for us.
I prefer an open debate. Let the moderator ask a question, and then let the 2 of them have at each other for a few minutes. Trump is quick on his feet; harris is not. He can pin her down on the facts, because she has none.
And one more thing: each side gets to choose a moderator. For that alone, I’m confident there will never be another debate. Too bad.
Marilyn Bowman
5 months ago
If Kamala won’t debate on Fox News, then she doesn’t really want to debate President Trump!
5 months ago
Satan never plays fair
5 months ago
Why should he put up with the debacle he has in the past. The moderators coddling the democrats.
5 months ago
No! The debates are hostile to Trump. He’s debating the “inquisitors” and being fact checked constantly. Kamala didn’t even answer the questions she was asked. She went off on scripted campaign sound bites that weren’t relevant to the question. She was never challenged or fact checked.
Never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig likes it.
5 months ago
These “debates” are a joke. Scripted events that only benefit the media. Then there’s all the media hoopla about “who won” which is pure garbage. Run away Mr. Trump! Don’t play her game!
John Webb
5 months ago
I don’t think Trump should debate Harris again because she will just cheat again and it will give her another chance at fooling the undecided.
5 months ago
Were we better off 4 years ago? I’ll answer- YES- we were. So just exactly, what is there to debate regarding the state of everything wrong that this administration has unleashed during the last 4 years on all of us. POINT-if Making America Great Again is such a big problem for the Dem/ communists, then just what country is it they want to make great? Fake news will never ask.
Ernest C. Kohler
5 months ago
I just had another thought. I absolutely resent the idea of we taxpayers paying for surgery for prisoners to change their physical appearance. Do the stupid Democrats truly believe you can make a man a woman by removing his genitalia. The chemical composition of DNA cannot be changed. I want to see their sex agenda destroyed removed from our schools’ parents’ rights restored the economy restored to before Biden. I want to see the treasonist brought to justice and delt with as our constitution demands. She says Bidenomics are working, and I suppose if the total destruction of the middle class is your goal they are working. For God’s sake America wake up we are fighting for our life here and this may be our last chance.
5 months ago
I voted “unsure” because none of your choices apply to my thoughts. I would have voted “no” because everybody, it seems, has chosen sides and nobody is going to be swayed by watching this debate. I would have voted “yes” if the choice had been that debates are part of the election process. They used to have 3. Now it’s down to debating on whether or not to have debates.
If I had my way, I’d make it a town forum. Instead of pre-selected members of the audience getting up and answering a question, or by raise of hands, every member of the audience puts their name into a bowl. There will be no moderator, just a host who will select the names from that bowl. The audience members get to ask the question, the candidate who is being addressed gets to answer, then the other candidate gets to rebuttal. The one simple rule to this format is the host keeps his or her mouth shut! They do not get to ask follow up questions, “Fact Check” or anything other than pull the card out of the bowl, toss to commercials and thank everyone for tuning in at the end of the debate. If need be, we put duct tape over their mouth.
5 months ago
It is too close to the election. Media will have a field day with gaffes on his part and will keep silent when she tells lies.
5 months ago
No reason for a debate. Harris is a trained attorney who changes the topic instead of answering questions. We need an effective leader which is Trump. We don’t need a champion debater like Harris.
S Got
5 months ago
NO! In a perfect world, “Cammi” & The “Dems” have shown their true colors, I would say yes but this has turned out to be anything but that. As D.J.T. pointed out “it is to close to the election, True? Accurate? or Fair (Not Likely) that would be the last thing that anyone remembers. Having had a discussion with what I thought was a conservative, I quickly learned that he changed the subject when he did not have a programed answer for my question or rebuttal for a statement. There wasn’t a discussion, he offered “sound bites”. Basically, as I see it, there are three groups of “Dems”, 1) the ones that have an agenda / something to personally gain by the “Dems” controlling this country 2) the ones that won’t vote for D.J.T. because they don’t like the way he talks. & 3) the ones whose lives are basically superficial, “she would be the first “black” president! She would be the first woman president! ( She would be the First Total IDIOT / LIAR / Socialist and / or Communist to be President of the largest “free” World Country on Planet Earth.)
Unfortunately, the media didn’t pursue it when barack HUSSEIN obama made the statement about hillary, “Its Her Turn” ! That, to me, spoke volumes about what was going on behind the curtains. Mainstream Media did Not pursue that statement.
As a sidebar, Hillary was correct when she used the word “Deplorables” she was mistaken by using it for the wrong party, it defined her / her party / its followers and supporters. MakeAmericaGreat Again ! ! !
5 months ago
President Trump has nothing to gain by giving her another chance at a debate.
5 months ago
There are no unbiased moderators. Debates are a waste
5 months ago
Let the candidates sit down and ask each other questions, otherwise its just a set up.
5 months ago
GOP needs to turn the congress and senate with massive wins. Let’s not forget AOL or AOC need to go, Maxine Waters, Adam Schitt, Raskin, the whole lot have got to go. CA GO RED Steve Garvey!
5 months ago
WE THE PEOPLE—OWE—TRUMP! He has put his life, family, wealth, privacy, freedom on the line for—US—!! VOTE Trump-be responsible for getting OTHERS to vote Trump. Use cameras (print the pics asap so not wiped from ur phone) at ALL DROP BOXES EVERYWHERE! We MUST I sure he is elected as he NEEDS PRESIDENTIAL protection-once he is no longer a candidate they WILL DROP any/all extra protections for him!!!!
ALSO——WE—-are the ONLY ones to save our republic! TRUMP CANNOT do this alone! WE MUST TEACH MEDIA NOT to mess with OUR FREEDOM, OUR ELECTIONS! BOYCOTT ALL shows on ALL leftist media. SURELY your freedom, way of life, family are worth more than some tv show!?! PRIORITIES!!! Pls pass this on.
Ruth Thielke
5 months ago
We are praying for the anointing of the Holy Spirit with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to be given to President Trump so that the words he speaks would be like Solomon and Samuel.
Tim C.
5 months ago
Absolutely not! Let her flounder on her own as her duck and cover campaign continues to lose steam.
5 months ago
I think that Fox should host and have Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham host. Trump has gone on the oppositions networks several times come come come on Kamala have some brass and accept that challenge .if you can’t deal with that how are you going to handle the world leaders that want to do harm. Smiles and guffaws and word salads aren’t going to do it.
Dan W.
5 months ago
Yes, if they could get a moderator like Greta Van Susteren; otherwise, “No”.
5 months ago
No need. We already have documented proof the corporate media will do everything it can to derail and sabotage the Trump campaign, so short of a Fox News or Newsmax debate Trump will not get a fair shake. Also, the Harris campaign is showing signs of crumbling due to her inability to foment or communicate a cohesive thought even to her sycophants in the media. Why take a chance of rehabbing Kammy’s campaign?
5 months ago
The audience for a debate is far larger than any of the cable news programs. Accordingly,
Harris has a large opportunity for inaccurate statements . No need to grant her that opportunity.
Ernest C. Kohler
5 months ago
Why bother she lies through her teeth they won’t fact check her therefore she can spew lie after lie. There is not one faction of the Democratic Party that should be either running or in office. They represent immorality, hatred, and the end of the greatest governmental experiment ever undertaken our Democratic Republic. One Nation under GOD indivisible
5 months ago
I too don’t understand how anyone could be undecided. I am aghast at the fact that anyone could possibly vote for Komila, given her past public record. Why debate-she can’t hold a conversation. It is painful to try to figure out her point within her word salads.
John Wesolowski
5 months ago
He offered to debate her and gave her three dates. She refused to accept his offer. He needs to stress this to the American people.
Les Stout
5 months ago
Trump has plenty of momentum to carry him through to election day. The left coast cackler has more than enough of a crap-filled record to show what a hypocrite and liar she is!
Geo Fol
5 months ago
No because voting has already started. It’s too late in the process.
Dan Brewington
5 months ago
All he has to do is turn to her and say “If I could coin a phrase, there you go again” when she starts on one of her babbling non answers to a question. Discussion won and she is exposed. If the moderators aren’t fair, simply ask them politely to moderate rather than attempt to sway the discussion in their intended direction.
Rose Giuliani
5 months ago
people Are voting already.
Joseph W Cupp
5 months ago
For those saying President Trump should do a debate on an unbiased network, what network would that be? Even Fox is now left leaning, there are no unbiased networks left and it appears that the FCC is going to allow the criminal Soros organization to purchase even more media networks. Between Soros & Bloomberg the people that want the new world order control pretty much all news and communications in the world today. And if you have smart appliances, tv’s, assistants (apple, amazon, whatever) in your home, you are being spied on 24 hours a day. And no, I am not wearing a tinfoil hat it is a fact, your smartphone is also listening to everything you say as well as watching everything you search for and look at online and recording everyone you speak with as well as recording your movement. Turn off your GPS, heck turn off your phone, turn off your cameras & microphones on your computers, & smart appliances. Unless of course you really want to live in 1984 the novel. Keep in mind many today see that as a how to, not as a cautionary tale.
If the kommie kackler truly wanted to debate, she would have accepted the invitation to the Fox debate on September 4th. Oh, but of course she couldn’t do that because she would NOT have received the questions in advance, and she would have been asked meaningful, as well as, follow-up questions that would clearly expose this feckless Marxist who is not capable of providing policy specifics.
This “hopeless holistic” excuse of a candidate should board her electric yellow school bus and journey on to find “the significance of the passage of time,” and “what can be unburdened by what has been” instead of wasting American’s time fumbling on debate stage!
No, because harris is a pathological liar that lies to get what she wants. She told 27 whoppers in the last debate that she never got call out on and the lies were allowed to stand as truth, misleading a lot of dimwitted voters. Unless her feet are held to the fire and there is full disclosure of the truth in any statements she makes it may only serve to distribute more of her false propaganda to sway more weak-minded voters to her demented side! How could you ever believe anything she says, she is not worthy of even being on the same stage with Trump!
Vote for Trump and Make America Great Again!
Debating Harris is a one sided affair as shee will not give any answer on any subject with substance. Trump should not fall for this as she will lie, cheat and do whatever to provoke him. Put it this way if a person is dumb enough to vote for anybody but Trump, and he loses the election, they deserve what crap she will implement going forward. Coming from California I have witnessed the mess she has wrought and you think Biden was bad, you haven’t seen anything if she prevails. God help us if she wins.
Harris needs a rematch, Trump does not. She is slipping in the battle ground polls and among minority voters. She made a fool of herself going to the border yesterday. Let her continue to flounder.
I honestly don’t understand how anyone could be undecided. It’s clear what Trump is going to do. Unless you slept all through his first presidency. Mortage rates were at an all time low. Stock market was up. Gas prices were low. I have a picture I took on my phone of gas at $1.639. There were no wars involving US troops. And he was working on bringing our troops home from Afghanistan the right way. This list goes on and on. Harris on the other hand, it’s all in reverse.
Undecided “voters” are idiots.
Instead of referring to a right to abortion, why not call it the right to murder an unborn human baby. ?
There’s no real reason to do so. Harris represents abortion, war, and socialism – white genocide. Trump represents life, peace, and FREEDOM. If men can’t have opinions on abortion, it becomes a 50% issue. Once women hit 50, it becomes a 25% issue. If only they could determine to root cause of abortion. . . . . . I saw a stupid commercial where they were stating they had a 1 in 6 chance of being raped, so they NEEDED to have abortion as an option. Seems to me if there was a 17% chance of being raped, they should CLOSE THE BORDER if they really cared. Dems were busy signing ‘bombs’ here in PA, and Walz was in state also – I wonder if he looked up his old buddy Sandusky? Trump is looking to end the conflict in Ukraine, while the left is trying to make it the next Viet Nam. To try to force respect in Israel, the left passes ‘anti semitic’ laws.
Biden supposedly had 81M votes, and suddenly he’s missing and no one cares. That’s the kind of ‘leadership’ we get with dems.
I like the idea of Trump purchasing a prime time “debate” where Harris is an inflatable doll behind a podium and Trump will ask her questions then give his answers. Her answers will be videos of all of her previous statements, such as defunding police, opening the border, BLM should riot more, taxpayers should pay for trans surgery for illegal aliens in detention, etc. I think this would be very effective in reminding people who Harris really is.
With fair and honest moderators. Why not on Fox News. Mr.Trump should not have to debate the moderators and his opponent, nor should any candidate.
Harris had a chance to debate Trump on Fox but declined. Doing another debate on a hostile network only favors her and could hurt Trump because the bias networks will do exactly what ABC did in the last debate. Let her keep dodging unscripted situations and spew word salads during her controlled media exposures. That will reveal how shallow she is and be an advantage for Trump.
Sure,we can have it on Fox News with Hannity as the moderator. He could fact check her to even up the playing field so all can see what a joke she really is.
This is one of AMACs best questions. I’ve struggled with this. Seeing the 4 answers helped resolve my thinking, and No, the one thing Harris excels at is lying and deflecting. With CNN, Harris will have more opportunity to lay traps for Trump, whose weakness is talking the bait on personal attacks. Like Mist Carter says, if she was honest she’d have accepted the Fox debate, but with CNN she can collude to improve her image.
Until we have an honest press that doesn’t work to support the Democrats, I’m afraid the Presidential Dbates are a thing of the past. Sad, but true.
I don’t believe that debates are meaningful any longer due to biased moderators from the like of ABC; NBC; CBS;CNN; MSNBC, etc. They definitely threw in with Harris the last time around. But Trump was also his worst enemy as he let her bait him and then making these outlandish issue of eating pets……..made him look small. He should have focused on policy and policy only and his agenda versus what Harris is presenting, Debates have become sideshows straight out of a circus!!
No, it would be pointless. The Dems will never agree to a debate without one of their hand picked “moderators” (un-factual checker). It’s too bad though, as an actual debate where Harris could be called out for her obvious flip flopping would be very instructive for the so called “undecided”.
Only if Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones are the moderators.
She constantly lies, and fake news networks always let her get away with it. Communists don’t deserve a second chance.
Every time harris opens her mouth, nothing of substance comes out. I would like to see another debate with Trump because he seems to do better–is more controlled and focused–the second time. Her narrative won’t change, and as more people see her for the empty vessel she is, the better for us.
I prefer an open debate. Let the moderator ask a question, and then let the 2 of them have at each other for a few minutes. Trump is quick on his feet; harris is not. He can pin her down on the facts, because she has none.
And one more thing: each side gets to choose a moderator. For that alone, I’m confident there will never be another debate. Too bad.
If Kamala won’t debate on Fox News, then she doesn’t really want to debate President Trump!
Satan never plays fair
Why should he put up with the debacle he has in the past. The moderators coddling the democrats.
No! The debates are hostile to Trump. He’s debating the “inquisitors” and being fact checked constantly. Kamala didn’t even answer the questions she was asked. She went off on scripted campaign sound bites that weren’t relevant to the question. She was never challenged or fact checked.
Never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig likes it.
These “debates” are a joke. Scripted events that only benefit the media. Then there’s all the media hoopla about “who won” which is pure garbage. Run away Mr. Trump! Don’t play her game!
I don’t think Trump should debate Harris again because she will just cheat again and it will give her another chance at fooling the undecided.
Were we better off 4 years ago? I’ll answer- YES- we were. So just exactly, what is there to debate regarding the state of everything wrong that this administration has unleashed during the last 4 years on all of us. POINT-if Making America Great Again is such a big problem for the Dem/ communists, then just what country is it they want to make great? Fake news will never ask.
I just had another thought. I absolutely resent the idea of we taxpayers paying for surgery for prisoners to change their physical appearance. Do the stupid Democrats truly believe you can make a man a woman by removing his genitalia. The chemical composition of DNA cannot be changed. I want to see their sex agenda destroyed removed from our schools’ parents’ rights restored the economy restored to before Biden. I want to see the treasonist brought to justice and delt with as our constitution demands. She says Bidenomics are working, and I suppose if the total destruction of the middle class is your goal they are working. For God’s sake America wake up we are fighting for our life here and this may be our last chance.
I voted “unsure” because none of your choices apply to my thoughts. I would have voted “no” because everybody, it seems, has chosen sides and nobody is going to be swayed by watching this debate. I would have voted “yes” if the choice had been that debates are part of the election process. They used to have 3. Now it’s down to debating on whether or not to have debates.
If I had my way, I’d make it a town forum. Instead of pre-selected members of the audience getting up and answering a question, or by raise of hands, every member of the audience puts their name into a bowl. There will be no moderator, just a host who will select the names from that bowl. The audience members get to ask the question, the candidate who is being addressed gets to answer, then the other candidate gets to rebuttal. The one simple rule to this format is the host keeps his or her mouth shut! They do not get to ask follow up questions, “Fact Check” or anything other than pull the card out of the bowl, toss to commercials and thank everyone for tuning in at the end of the debate. If need be, we put duct tape over their mouth.
It is too close to the election. Media will have a field day with gaffes on his part and will keep silent when she tells lies.
No reason for a debate. Harris is a trained attorney who changes the topic instead of answering questions. We need an effective leader which is Trump. We don’t need a champion debater like Harris.
NO! In a perfect world, “Cammi” & The “Dems” have shown their true colors, I would say yes but this has turned out to be anything but that. As D.J.T. pointed out “it is to close to the election, True? Accurate? or Fair (Not Likely) that would be the last thing that anyone remembers. Having had a discussion with what I thought was a conservative, I quickly learned that he changed the subject when he did not have a programed answer for my question or rebuttal for a statement. There wasn’t a discussion, he offered “sound bites”. Basically, as I see it, there are three groups of “Dems”, 1) the ones that have an agenda / something to personally gain by the “Dems” controlling this country 2) the ones that won’t vote for D.J.T. because they don’t like the way he talks. & 3) the ones whose lives are basically superficial, “she would be the first “black” president! She would be the first woman president! ( She would be the First Total IDIOT / LIAR / Socialist and / or Communist to be President of the largest “free” World Country on Planet Earth.)
Unfortunately, the media didn’t pursue it when barack HUSSEIN obama made the statement about hillary, “Its Her Turn” ! That, to me, spoke volumes about what was going on behind the curtains. Mainstream Media did Not pursue that statement.
As a sidebar, Hillary was correct when she used the word “Deplorables” she was mistaken by using it for the wrong party, it defined her / her party / its followers and supporters.
Make America Great Again ! ! !
President Trump has nothing to gain by giving her another chance at a debate.
There are no unbiased moderators. Debates are a waste
Let the candidates sit down and ask each other questions, otherwise its just a set up.
GOP needs to turn the congress and senate with massive wins. Let’s not forget AOL or AOC need to go, Maxine Waters, Adam Schitt, Raskin, the whole lot have got to go. CA GO RED Steve Garvey!
WE THE PEOPLE—OWE—TRUMP! He has put his life, family, wealth, privacy, freedom on the line for—US—!! VOTE Trump-be responsible for getting OTHERS to vote Trump. Use cameras (print the pics asap so not wiped from ur phone) at ALL DROP BOXES EVERYWHERE! We MUST I sure he is elected as he NEEDS PRESIDENTIAL protection-once he is no longer a candidate they WILL DROP any/all extra protections for him!!!!
ALSO——WE—-are the ONLY ones to save our republic! TRUMP CANNOT do this alone! WE MUST TEACH MEDIA NOT to mess with OUR FREEDOM, OUR ELECTIONS! BOYCOTT ALL shows on ALL leftist media. SURELY your freedom, way of life, family are worth more than some tv show!?! PRIORITIES!!! Pls pass this on.
We are praying for the anointing of the Holy Spirit with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to be given to President Trump so that the words he speaks would be like Solomon and Samuel.
Absolutely not! Let her flounder on her own as her duck and cover campaign continues to lose steam.
I think that Fox should host and have Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham host. Trump has gone on the oppositions networks several times come come come on Kamala have some brass and accept that challenge .if you can’t deal with that how are you going to handle the world leaders that want to do harm. Smiles and guffaws and word salads aren’t going to do it.
Yes, if they could get a moderator like Greta Van Susteren; otherwise, “No”.
No need. We already have documented proof the corporate media will do everything it can to derail and sabotage the Trump campaign, so short of a Fox News or Newsmax debate Trump will not get a fair shake. Also, the Harris campaign is showing signs of crumbling due to her inability to foment or communicate a cohesive thought even to her sycophants in the media. Why take a chance of rehabbing Kammy’s campaign?
The audience for a debate is far larger than any of the cable news programs. Accordingly,
Harris has a large opportunity for inaccurate statements . No need to grant her that opportunity.
Why bother she lies through her teeth they won’t fact check her therefore she can spew lie after lie. There is not one faction of the Democratic Party that should be either running or in office. They represent immorality, hatred, and the end of the greatest governmental experiment ever undertaken our Democratic Republic. One Nation under GOD indivisible
I too don’t understand how anyone could be undecided. I am aghast at the fact that anyone could possibly vote for Komila, given her past public record. Why debate-she can’t hold a conversation. It is painful to try to figure out her point within her word salads.
He offered to debate her and gave her three dates. She refused to accept his offer. He needs to stress this to the American people.
Trump has plenty of momentum to carry him through to election day. The left coast cackler has more than enough of a crap-filled record to show what a hypocrite and liar she is!
No because voting has already started. It’s too late in the process.
All he has to do is turn to her and say “If I could coin a phrase, there you go again” when she starts on one of her babbling non answers to a question. Discussion won and she is exposed. If the moderators aren’t fair, simply ask them politely to moderate rather than attempt to sway the discussion in their intended direction.
people Are voting already.
For those saying President Trump should do a debate on an unbiased network, what network would that be? Even Fox is now left leaning, there are no unbiased networks left and it appears that the FCC is going to allow the criminal Soros organization to purchase even more media networks. Between Soros & Bloomberg the people that want the new world order control pretty much all news and communications in the world today. And if you have smart appliances, tv’s, assistants (apple, amazon, whatever) in your home, you are being spied on 24 hours a day. And no, I am not wearing a tinfoil hat it is a fact, your smartphone is also listening to everything you say as well as watching everything you search for and look at online and recording everyone you speak with as well as recording your movement. Turn off your GPS, heck turn off your phone, turn off your cameras & microphones on your computers, & smart appliances. Unless of course you really want to live in 1984 the novel. Keep in mind many today see that as a how to, not as a cautionary tale.