I’m still looking for the perfect president. I don’t expect to ever find one. But I don’t remember ever being as impressed with the accomplishments of any president more than I am with President Trump. Ronald Reagan was the first President I ever respected. Donald Trump is the second. Whatever mistakes he has made in the past are minimal compared to the intentional nefarious conspiracies of the previous administration. The allegations against President Trump are just part of a myriad of distractions that the mainstream media invents to avoid telling the truth. The President isn’t perfect, but he’s the best we’ve had for a very long time.
6 years ago
I believe that Stormy Daniels is a made up story by Team Trump to give the media a “shiny object in the right hand” to look at while they attempt to clean up Washington corruption with the left hand.
Darrell Howard
6 years ago
I wish the President would have used better judgment. That being said, I am tired of hearing about it. If it is true, than it was done prior to him becoming president. At this point, it should be between him and his family. Even though he was not my first choice I have been impressed at what he has accomplished as president. Just imagine what could have been done if he would have had the full backing of the Republicans and even a partial backing from the defeatist left.
Richard Zuber
6 years ago
if fooling around is a legal crime most of the senate and congressional sessions would be held from Leavenworth. I don’t like that moral part of the “fooling” around but if that is a crime all political officials need to be investigated and prosecuted
David Knowles
6 years ago
Just think of the results if the MSM put this much effort into the investigation of Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation, Bill’s trips to Lolita Island, the murder of Seth Rich, etc,etc,etc (one could go on for days).
6 years ago
Trump was a well known N.Y. playboy for many years but aside from that his word was never his bond and that speaks volumes in a President. You just can’t rely on what he says and he has always prided himself in ways he could achieve a deal no matter how ruthless or deceptive. He was and is the quintessential NYC developer. Devoid of morals and fair play and focused only on profit and material gain at the expense of anyone in the way. Some would think he is, therefore, the “perfect” President for his time.
Walter Wegloski
6 years ago
Who has not made poor choices in there life? He was not President when this occurred. I would be more concerned if this were happening now.
6 years ago
Whoever is without sin, cast the first stone.
Darlene Davis
6 years ago
The math of the results of this poll is incorrect. The percentages add up to more than 100%.
6 years ago
Why doesn’t the media also add in Lyndon Baines Johnson’s affairs and racial slurs during his Presidency. Additionally, how about John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe or Billy Jeff Clinton and Monica Lewinsky? The Media seems to be very selective what they report and only for their political purpose.
Jim S
6 years ago
Considering the President has lowered unemployment, lowered taxes, cut regulations, improved border security,is going after MS13, is bringing manufacturing back home, is making progress with North Korea, is seeking fair trade deals, got NATO members to pony up more dollars, doesn’t tolerate the use of chemical weapons and kicked ISIS in the butt, I don’t care if he had a one nighter with a porn star/extortionist 12 yrs. ago.
6 years ago
I would rather have an effective President who lacks a moral compass in his personal life than a weak, feckless President who would befriend our enemies and offend our allies. Trump needs more time and more Republicans in Congress to fix 8 years of destructive policies from the minds of academia. You MUST vote in November to build a stronger majority in the Senate and maintain the majority in the House. Losing either will render the Republican agenda DOA for the next two years. 8 years of Republican leadership is required to avoid continuing on a path to Socialism.
6 years ago
This is the same Media that
Lionized Senator Ted Kennedy. AKA the Cap Cod Orca.
6 years ago
For those who voted “Yes” on this poll, I guess they must really admire Bill Clinton, JFK, LBJ, and so many others, especially since they claimed It was “personal, and just about sex”. The incredible double standard, whether it be for presidents or for those in Congress or government institutions (i.e., the DOJ) is sickening. It only matters if a conservative or Republican does it!
Doug Lantz
6 years ago
Old, non-story – I wished the national media would cover important events that affect most working and retired US Citizens !
I can see tabloid journalism at the checkout line !
Nicholas K
6 years ago
Just another bogus “issue” manufactured by the left. She deserves an apology, too–like the one Judge Roy Bean made to the other prostitutes in the movie.
6 years ago
At least this President isn’t a traitor to the country like the previous administration was.
John D
6 years ago
The president should be held to higher standards ! You know like the ones set by The low life Bill Clinton or even that the highly esteemed JFK with his escapades with miss Monroe.
At least George Washington was up front with the quote ” Washington Slept Here ”
The media should be rounded up and taken to a land fill
I’m sure I’m miss quoting the bible verse – whoever is without sin cast the first stone
Ray Robinson
6 years ago
I voted for him for president, not pastor. If the personal lives of his detractors were scrutenized they would probably come off much worse. And I might note, if the allegations are true his indiscression was before he held public office and with a bueatiful woman. Bill Clinton missed the mark of both counts but got a pass from the left wing liars.
Linda Rizzo
6 years ago
Who cares who the man may or may not have had sex with. He wasn’t in office then he wasn’t in office he wasn’t president he wasn’t even thinking about being president so it really doesn’t make any difference if it did we should be going after the Kennedys and the clintons and who knows who else was having Affairs while in the White House Trump did nothing he did nothing illegal he did nothing wrong he’s just being persecuted because he’s president and the left hates him
Michael Duarte
6 years ago
The media has lost all credibility with me. There used to be a time when journalism was a noble profession as the watchdog of government but most of the media has devolved into partisan political hacks playing gotcha with anyone they dislike and treat others with kid gloves.
Charles McPherson
6 years ago
He might not be very moral but that had nothing to do with why I voted for him. Doing one of the best jobs ever.
Mary L
6 years ago
If the situation was reversed, and it was a democrat, the media would do everything it could to either cover it up, under report it. They are cruel and malicious in selectively trying to undermine a person, and i have never seen such dispect for our preaident, whether you agree with him or not. Lets look at the the real crooks, the Clintons and their “lily white lives.” The media in general has reverted back to yellow journalism.
Mriam Seymour
6 years ago
How many other men did she have sex with? What makes her so perfect and him so imperfect? Did she ever hear, utter, or even understand the word nO?
Teri K
6 years ago
What about the former pres. that was exercising his poor judgment while in office, the Highest Office in the land. The impeachment stopped because of threats of murder aimed at the leader of the investigation.
Di W.
6 years ago
No. This happened many years ago and isn’t relevant now. Plus there were at least 14 other presidents that had affairs while in office. This is a ploy of the democrats and some republics to get him put of office. I’m more concern about the money and time being wasted over the collision crap.
Ed Wilson
6 years ago
Why doesn’t the press ever mention Clinton’s perverted sexual adventures while he was PresidenT? I’ll tell youwhy, BIAS,Plain and simple.
Van K
6 years ago
After all of Bill Clinton’s dilliances, which were pretty much disregarded by the Media, it is totally apparent that what the Media is doing in Trump’s case is driven solely by its desire to discredit him. It is a waste of time.
6 years ago
I wish we could clean up Washington, DC and restore some reasonable course to a future for the US. I fear the degradation has gone too far. Of all the candidates for President, Trump was the only one that represented any hope and he is actually accomplishing some positive things. His personal moral shortcomings aren’t my concern but even if those allegations are true, he was clearly the right man for the job, from the field of candidates that we had. I didn’t vote for him for sainthood!
Jerome Frauli
6 years ago
We have had past presidents, FDR, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy & Bill Clinton to name a few. Why wasn’t the media interested in their affairs?
JoJo N
6 years ago
We’d all prefer that Pres. Trump had used and would use better judgment about a lot of things (including Tweeting), but the significance of this 12-year-old allegation pales in comparison with the truly serious offenses committed by great numbers of politicians/authorities/office-holders, including incidents like Benghazi (which actually got people killed) and the Uranium One deal (which shows there was actually “collusion” with Russia by Hillary Clinton that nobody seems to care about while investigators continue to search for non-existent evidence of Trump’s alleged “collusion”.) Obviously the media has a double standard about whom should be accused/investigated and whose misdeeds should be covered up or ignored. The mainstream media can’t be trusted!
Dona F
6 years ago
It does not affect how he does his job, therefore, I don’t care. I have had enough of everyone [media] including this poll giving that woman any more unnecessary print/air time. Let’s get back to focusing on real issues, PLEASE!
Jean R.
6 years ago
I have never prayed as much for a president and his family, as I have for President Trump. I agree that we will never find a perfect leader. I love my President.
6 years ago
As long as OUR PRESIDENT is doing the business of this country, (and so far he is doing MORE than any president in memory, especially the LAST FRAUD) I could care LESS what he “supposedly did” 12 damn years ago, LONG before he was elected. Unless YOU or anyone else was there to witness the “act” it is only a “rumor”… This SLEEZEBAG is just looking for a “payday” and more than likely being paid by the DEMOCOMMUNISTS to keep her crap going. PRESIDENT TRUMP has every RIGHT to SUE her into oblivion. (and I hope his legal team DOES)
Maria Rose
6 years ago
When I hear a story like this, which happened years ago, I ask why make such a big fuss over it now. The only reason I can see is that someone (Stormy) wants more money and stoplight fame and the PC ultras just can’t stop making mountains out of molehills.
President Clinton while in office had a sexual relationship with an intern, but the PC ultra just keep sweeping that under the rug, because the Clintons do no wrong.
The only one that should be making a fuss if there was a problem is Melania which I am sure she took care of when this event occurred.
6 years ago
No to your question. If it happened, it was prior to his presidency, years prior. It should only be between him and the First Lady.
Natasha C
6 years ago
I am sick of hearing about stormy daniels and/or any thing the president did personally. That is between he and his wife and family. Nothing will make me change about our President. Take a good hard look at all of our politicians-they are all crooks and the American People are paying the price. There needs to be term limits and the politicians should not be allowed to keep on making money off the american people thru their lobbyist. PLEASE MAKE THEM GO AWAY. TERM LIMITS. And, please remind all americans about the money muller is costing the tax payers. PLEASE THIS NEEDS TO BE NOTED EVERY DAY SO THEY KNOW THAT THE TAB WE ARE PAYING MULLER AND HIS TEAM FOR A WITCH HUNT!!!
Dee Pantaleon
6 years ago
Stormy Daniels just broadcasted her employment by sleeping around with hundreds of men maybe thousands and one of them happened to be the president. Shame of her. Why doesn’t she broadcast all the other men she had an affair with. President Trump was a one night stand and he even refused to go to bed with her a second time. How many men did this lady trapped for x amount of money?
grumpy buckeye
6 years ago
media circus is annoying, unprofessional and panders to political motivations. What a surprise. doesn’t change my opinion of president, BUT I do wish he had exercised better judgement 12 years ago.
P. Cross
6 years ago
I was a J. F. K supporter and would likely be today. Things have changed through the years, but a lot has not. It was Monroe then with nothing mentioned in the media. I would not want President Trump from what I can tell as a neighbor or good friend, but people who work for me are not either, and I could care very little about what the media is looking at with President Trump, just as I would with someone that works for me. What I do care about is how they take care of my business. President Trump is taking care of my business, and I would would give him a raise.
6 years ago
This is the best president we ever had. He can accomplish so much more if everybody pull behind him. It is a shame what opposition does to him. We all know that mainstream media creates fake news or avoid telling the truth.
Cindy Sue
6 years ago
People like Stormy Daniels are nothing but roadies or groupies that follow after sports stars or rock bands so they can find some way to get their money! Why anyone would take her word for anything is unbelievable. Tacky, tacky, tacky.
Glenda carr
6 years ago
This allegation was not when Trump was in office. Bill Clinton was & he got a free ride!
Let the man do his job!
Russell Rose
6 years ago
Shall we add FDR, JFK, LBJ, Bill Clinton, among others as well? Many of these presidents had extramarital affairs while in office.
President Trump allegedly had this affair 12+ years ago as a private citizen. It is not a crime. It is a breach of marital trust, but how he works it out with the First Lady is his/their business.
Paying off someone to avoid an embarrassing revelation is done all the time. Stormy the porn star signed an NDA and she should be held to account for it. In other words you are not allowed to speak.
The media hates Donald Trump more than they care about our growing economy, growing the job market, getting NK on the verge of ending their nuclear aspirations, deregulation’s to allow our energy companies to thrive, and so on.
Get over it libs. Your girl ran a lousy campaign and got beat. End of story.
Alfred Kreps
6 years ago
Never as bad as Kennedy and Clinton. The devious and crooked liberal media did not have much to say about there multiple sex activities while in office but now they act as if they are puritans, all are hypocrits.
W.T Door
6 years ago
Kathy Lee Weber
6 years ago
Stormy us looking for more money and fame. Shame on her and shame on the media for trying to destroy a great President that has done mire good than any President since Reagan.
Linda K
6 years ago
I wonder if even Mother Teresa was squeaky clean enough to live up to the standards set for republicans in office.
6 years ago
Let him who has not sinned cast the first stone.
Daniel Smith
6 years ago
I care that our Military is getting properly lead and funded. Retired USMC MSGT living near major bases seeing the relative junk our military has to work with. Look at the crashes and analyze for yourself!
I’m still looking for the perfect president. I don’t expect to ever find one. But I don’t remember ever being as impressed with the accomplishments of any president more than I am with President Trump. Ronald Reagan was the first President I ever respected. Donald Trump is the second. Whatever mistakes he has made in the past are minimal compared to the intentional nefarious conspiracies of the previous administration. The allegations against President Trump are just part of a myriad of distractions that the mainstream media invents to avoid telling the truth. The President isn’t perfect, but he’s the best we’ve had for a very long time.
I believe that Stormy Daniels is a made up story by Team Trump to give the media a “shiny object in the right hand” to look at while they attempt to clean up Washington corruption with the left hand.
I wish the President would have used better judgment. That being said, I am tired of hearing about it. If it is true, than it was done prior to him becoming president. At this point, it should be between him and his family. Even though he was not my first choice I have been impressed at what he has accomplished as president. Just imagine what could have been done if he would have had the full backing of the Republicans and even a partial backing from the defeatist left.
if fooling around is a legal crime most of the senate and congressional sessions would be held from Leavenworth. I don’t like that moral part of the “fooling” around but if that is a crime all political officials need to be investigated and prosecuted
Just think of the results if the MSM put this much effort into the investigation of Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation, Bill’s trips to Lolita Island, the murder of Seth Rich, etc,etc,etc (one could go on for days).
Trump was a well known N.Y. playboy for many years but aside from that his word was never his bond and that speaks volumes in a President. You just can’t rely on what he says and he has always prided himself in ways he could achieve a deal no matter how ruthless or deceptive. He was and is the quintessential NYC developer. Devoid of morals and fair play and focused only on profit and material gain at the expense of anyone in the way. Some would think he is, therefore, the “perfect” President for his time.
Who has not made poor choices in there life? He was not President when this occurred. I would be more concerned if this were happening now.
Whoever is without sin, cast the first stone.
The math of the results of this poll is incorrect. The percentages add up to more than 100%.
Why doesn’t the media also add in Lyndon Baines Johnson’s affairs and racial slurs during his Presidency. Additionally, how about John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe or Billy Jeff Clinton and Monica Lewinsky? The Media seems to be very selective what they report and only for their political purpose.
Considering the President has lowered unemployment, lowered taxes, cut regulations, improved border security,is going after MS13, is bringing manufacturing back home, is making progress with North Korea, is seeking fair trade deals, got NATO members to pony up more dollars, doesn’t tolerate the use of chemical weapons and kicked ISIS in the butt, I don’t care if he had a one nighter with a porn star/extortionist 12 yrs. ago.
I would rather have an effective President who lacks a moral compass in his personal life than a weak, feckless President who would befriend our enemies and offend our allies. Trump needs more time and more Republicans in Congress to fix 8 years of destructive policies from the minds of academia. You MUST vote in November to build a stronger majority in the Senate and maintain the majority in the House. Losing either will render the Republican agenda DOA for the next two years. 8 years of Republican leadership is required to avoid continuing on a path to Socialism.
This is the same Media that
Lionized Senator Ted Kennedy. AKA the Cap Cod Orca.
For those who voted “Yes” on this poll, I guess they must really admire Bill Clinton, JFK, LBJ, and so many others, especially since they claimed It was “personal, and just about sex”. The incredible double standard, whether it be for presidents or for those in Congress or government institutions (i.e., the DOJ) is sickening. It only matters if a conservative or Republican does it!
Old, non-story – I wished the national media would cover important events that affect most working and retired US Citizens !
I can see tabloid journalism at the checkout line !
Just another bogus “issue” manufactured by the left. She deserves an apology, too–like the one Judge Roy Bean made to the other prostitutes in the movie.
At least this President isn’t a traitor to the country like the previous administration was.
The president should be held to higher standards ! You know like the ones set by The low life Bill Clinton or even that the highly esteemed JFK with his escapades with miss Monroe.
At least George Washington was up front with the quote ” Washington Slept Here ”
The media should be rounded up and taken to a land fill
I’m sure I’m miss quoting the bible verse – whoever is without sin cast the first stone
I voted for him for president, not pastor. If the personal lives of his detractors were scrutenized they would probably come off much worse. And I might note, if the allegations are true his indiscression was before he held public office and with a bueatiful woman. Bill Clinton missed the mark of both counts but got a pass from the left wing liars.
Who cares who the man may or may not have had sex with. He wasn’t in office then he wasn’t in office he wasn’t president he wasn’t even thinking about being president so it really doesn’t make any difference if it did we should be going after the Kennedys and the clintons and who knows who else was having Affairs while in the White House Trump did nothing he did nothing illegal he did nothing wrong he’s just being persecuted because he’s president and the left hates him
The media has lost all credibility with me. There used to be a time when journalism was a noble profession as the watchdog of government but most of the media has devolved into partisan political hacks playing gotcha with anyone they dislike and treat others with kid gloves.
He might not be very moral but that had nothing to do with why I voted for him. Doing one of the best jobs ever.
If the situation was reversed, and it was a democrat, the media would do everything it could to either cover it up, under report it. They are cruel and malicious in selectively trying to undermine a person, and i have never seen such dispect for our preaident, whether you agree with him or not. Lets look at the the real crooks, the Clintons and their “lily white lives.” The media in general has reverted back to yellow journalism.
How many other men did she have sex with? What makes her so perfect and him so imperfect? Did she ever hear, utter, or even understand the word nO?
What about the former pres. that was exercising his poor judgment while in office, the Highest Office in the land. The impeachment stopped because of threats of murder aimed at the leader of the investigation.
No. This happened many years ago and isn’t relevant now. Plus there were at least 14 other presidents that had affairs while in office. This is a ploy of the democrats and some republics to get him put of office. I’m more concern about the money and time being wasted over the collision crap.
Why doesn’t the press ever mention Clinton’s perverted sexual adventures while he was PresidenT? I’ll tell youwhy, BIAS,Plain and simple.
After all of Bill Clinton’s dilliances, which were pretty much disregarded by the Media, it is totally apparent that what the Media is doing in Trump’s case is driven solely by its desire to discredit him. It is a waste of time.
I wish we could clean up Washington, DC and restore some reasonable course to a future for the US. I fear the degradation has gone too far. Of all the candidates for President, Trump was the only one that represented any hope and he is actually accomplishing some positive things. His personal moral shortcomings aren’t my concern but even if those allegations are true, he was clearly the right man for the job, from the field of candidates that we had. I didn’t vote for him for sainthood!
We have had past presidents, FDR, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy & Bill Clinton to name a few. Why wasn’t the media interested in their affairs?
We’d all prefer that Pres. Trump had used and would use better judgment about a lot of things (including Tweeting), but the significance of this 12-year-old allegation pales in comparison with the truly serious offenses committed by great numbers of politicians/authorities/office-holders, including incidents like Benghazi (which actually got people killed) and the Uranium One deal (which shows there was actually “collusion” with Russia by Hillary Clinton that nobody seems to care about while investigators continue to search for non-existent evidence of Trump’s alleged “collusion”.) Obviously the media has a double standard about whom should be accused/investigated and whose misdeeds should be covered up or ignored. The mainstream media can’t be trusted!
It does not affect how he does his job, therefore, I don’t care. I have had enough of everyone [media] including this poll giving that woman any more unnecessary print/air time. Let’s get back to focusing on real issues, PLEASE!
I have never prayed as much for a president and his family, as I have for President Trump. I agree that we will never find a perfect leader. I love my President.
As long as OUR PRESIDENT is doing the business of this country, (and so far he is doing MORE than any president in memory, especially the LAST FRAUD) I could care LESS what he “supposedly did” 12 damn years ago, LONG before he was elected. Unless YOU or anyone else was there to witness the “act” it is only a “rumor”… This SLEEZEBAG is just looking for a “payday” and more than likely being paid by the DEMOCOMMUNISTS to keep her crap going. PRESIDENT TRUMP has every RIGHT to SUE her into oblivion. (and I hope his legal team DOES)
When I hear a story like this, which happened years ago, I ask why make such a big fuss over it now. The only reason I can see is that someone (Stormy) wants more money and stoplight fame and the PC ultras just can’t stop making mountains out of molehills.
President Clinton while in office had a sexual relationship with an intern, but the PC ultra just keep sweeping that under the rug, because the Clintons do no wrong.
The only one that should be making a fuss if there was a problem is Melania which I am sure she took care of when this event occurred.
No to your question. If it happened, it was prior to his presidency, years prior. It should only be between him and the First Lady.
I am sick of hearing about stormy daniels and/or any thing the president did personally. That is between he and his wife and family. Nothing will make me change about our President. Take a good hard look at all of our politicians-they are all crooks and the American People are paying the price. There needs to be term limits and the politicians should not be allowed to keep on making money off the american people thru their lobbyist. PLEASE MAKE THEM GO AWAY. TERM LIMITS. And, please remind all americans about the money muller is costing the tax payers. PLEASE THIS NEEDS TO BE NOTED EVERY DAY SO THEY KNOW THAT THE TAB WE ARE PAYING MULLER AND HIS TEAM FOR A WITCH HUNT!!!
Stormy Daniels just broadcasted her employment by sleeping around with hundreds of men maybe thousands and one of them happened to be the president. Shame of her. Why doesn’t she broadcast all the other men she had an affair with. President Trump was a one night stand and he even refused to go to bed with her a second time. How many men did this lady trapped for x amount of money?
media circus is annoying, unprofessional and panders to political motivations. What a surprise. doesn’t change my opinion of president, BUT I do wish he had exercised better judgement 12 years ago.
I was a J. F. K supporter and would likely be today. Things have changed through the years, but a lot has not. It was Monroe then with nothing mentioned in the media. I would not want President Trump from what I can tell as a neighbor or good friend, but people who work for me are not either, and I could care very little about what the media is looking at with President Trump, just as I would with someone that works for me. What I do care about is how they take care of my business. President Trump is taking care of my business, and I would would give him a raise.
This is the best president we ever had. He can accomplish so much more if everybody pull behind him. It is a shame what opposition does to him. We all know that mainstream media creates fake news or avoid telling the truth.
People like Stormy Daniels are nothing but roadies or groupies that follow after sports stars or rock bands so they can find some way to get their money! Why anyone would take her word for anything is unbelievable. Tacky, tacky, tacky.
This allegation was not when Trump was in office. Bill Clinton was & he got a free ride!
Let the man do his job!
Shall we add FDR, JFK, LBJ, Bill Clinton, among others as well? Many of these presidents had extramarital affairs while in office.
President Trump allegedly had this affair 12+ years ago as a private citizen. It is not a crime. It is a breach of marital trust, but how he works it out with the First Lady is his/their business.
Paying off someone to avoid an embarrassing revelation is done all the time. Stormy the porn star signed an NDA and she should be held to account for it. In other words you are not allowed to speak.
The media hates Donald Trump more than they care about our growing economy, growing the job market, getting NK on the verge of ending their nuclear aspirations, deregulation’s to allow our energy companies to thrive, and so on.
Get over it libs. Your girl ran a lousy campaign and got beat. End of story.
Never as bad as Kennedy and Clinton. The devious and crooked liberal media did not have much to say about there multiple sex activities while in office but now they act as if they are puritans, all are hypocrits.
Stormy us looking for more money and fame. Shame on her and shame on the media for trying to destroy a great President that has done mire good than any President since Reagan.
I wonder if even Mother Teresa was squeaky clean enough to live up to the standards set for republicans in office.
Let him who has not sinned cast the first stone.
I care that our Military is getting properly lead and funded. Retired USMC MSGT living near major bases seeing the relative junk our military has to work with. Look at the crashes and analyze for yourself!