AG Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress ?
And do you remember what happened to him ?
Were it not for double standards DEMOCRATS would have no standards.
Their utter hypocrisy is beyond obscene .
#TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !
Brian B
5 years ago
The Democrat controlled House Judiciary Committee is on a “fishing expedition” to find any suggestion of impropriety in Attorney General William Barr’s past. As usual their object is to discredit anyone that has the courage to stand with President Trump. The Democrat Party is clearly desperate to conceal the rotting skeletons they have hidden away in the back rooms of the Obama Administration. And to their horror, Attorney General Barr can smell the stench. MAGA
Bernard Broderick
5 years ago
If the House Committee wants staff attorneys to ask the questions, Barr should have staff attorneys on the stand giving the answers.
Anyway, if staff attorneys are asking questions, what are the House Reps doing? What’s their job? Why were they elected? They sure aren’t dealing with the issues we need them to deal with, like IMMIGRATION!
Gary Albert
5 years ago
Time for Americans to wake up and demand that OUR representatives represent us in OUR best interest and not THEIRS. They need to sign a BICE contact and we need to become more aware that if they don’t we will remove them.
Ronnie Planz
5 years ago
The Democrats in the Senate are trying to do you him what they did to Kavenaugh. Discusting, wrong and shameful.
Rod Monteith
5 years ago
The last administration has been caught with its hand in the cookie jar – all that Russian collusion was by them, not the Republicans, so they are putting up a smokescreen to confuse US.
Tom M
5 years ago
The Marxist Dems will just keep finding somebody to rake over the coals. Even if Congress hears from 1,000 people, there won’t be anything to get Trump in real trouble. That is unless he really has pulled a “Clinton” moment, which I doubt. All this does is take Congress away from doing more important things, as if they really can accomplish anything to help the country, and keep the country’s attention on Trump while the socialists parade on their merry way destroying the country.
Marlene Chapman
5 years ago
Enough is enough. What a horrible way for Americans to treat fellow Americans. The Democrats are so desperate they will do everything they can think of to survive the Evil they have created. With the grace of God, the truth will prevail.
Fed Up Freddy
5 years ago
Frankly, if the Democrats devoted as much passion to actual legislation as they do to their endless, frivolous and fruitless investigations of the Trump Administration, perhaps some of the country’s issues might get solved. Can you spell “bipartisan”? Obviously, that’s not a word in the Democratic dictionary. But just as obviously “obstruction” of progress is. It’s time to stop all this foolishness and get on with the country’s business!
T. Pookna
5 years ago
What ever happened to our Republic?
Curt H
5 years ago
Democrats need to stop the bill s*** and get on with the business we elected them to do. It just needs to stop.
Tissie Herring
5 years ago
Your last option for Sen. Hawley is incorrect. We are not a democracy we are a REPUBLIC. It’s sad that even our elected officials don’t know the difference.
Mary Miller
5 years ago
We have so many problems on our plates. That it is stupid to play politics plus all the money we have spent. All this for a witch hunt.
5 years ago
He absolutely should NOT cave to that demand. What needs to happen is 1.) the elected members of Congress need to read and UNDERSTAND our Constitution (a simple test on the Constitution should be required and successfully passed by each member every year or two while in office), 2.) members of Congress should start acting like well mannered and courteous professional people worthy of their positions of power and “prestige”, 3.) members of Congress should be held accountable for their lies and be punished (sued for libel) if they refuse to publically admit to the lie (s), and 4.) since so many members of Congress are demanding President Trump’s tax returns, every member of Congress should be required to make public their last 10 years of tax returns. This crazy, wasteful spending of OUR tax dollars must stop. Legitimate investigations yes, but witch hunt investigations no.
Charles Bowers
5 years ago
I’m so tired of these extreme left wingers aka Democrats and there childishness. Donald Trump did not and does not collude with ANY foreign government. THAT HAS BEEN PROVEN. Instead of splitting hairs on what the President may have said to his staff about it, which in any and every case, didn’t hamper the investigation they should be finding out WHO caused this huge blunder. These Democrats aka Demotards make the Keystone Cops look good.
Paul Raub
5 years ago
It’s time for Barr to begin the investigation into the Clintons, Clinton foundation, Christopher Steel, & Fusion GPS
5 years ago
At the next congressional recess AG Barr should issue arrest warrants to a number of congressmen, women and senators.
5 years ago
It’s my opinion that the Democrats are running scared now that the truth is beginning to come out regarding the former officials of the FBI, DOJ, CIA and the former administration. They went from impeaching Trump to impeaching Barr, when will their antics end. They have spent millions of our taxpayer dollars on a hoax they so desperately wanted Americans to believe and not actually do the work they were sent there to do. Not to mention all the lives that were ruined and bankrupted. I think with AG Barr justice will be done!
5 years ago
Only elected representatives of the House with oversight of DOJ are allowed to question members of that department. If they are inept or deficient in that capability then they should not have been chosen to sit on the oversight committee.
Howard Leinart
5 years ago
We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional Republic.
5 years ago
The LEFT is afraid all their dirty spy secrets are about to be revealed! Keep up the great work Atty Gen Barr!!!!!
R. G.
5 years ago
So weary of all this. It’s like playing “whack-a-mole”. Every time you whack at one attempt to discredit our President; another one rears it’s ugly head. Those who serve the people should grow up, stop playing games and be the leaders they were elected to be.
5 years ago
Democrats are useless Representatives of law abiding American tax paying citizens, the rule of law and civility. A party that is self centered, arrogant, driven by power and greed where the end justifies the means. Their words and actions over the past 2+ years support their true character and their ultimate goal to transform this country.
Respect is earned based on ones words and actions, not an entitlement!
5 years ago
I believe that any inquiry should be held to the highest standards and not be judged by one party with common interests of the party. That being said, I am not a fan of the federal judicial system anyway. One body with supreme legal authority over the country was never intended from the beginning.
Gail Currey
5 years ago
NO, NO NO, it’s over , lets move on and STOP wasting hard working tax payers money
5 years ago
No. Tell them to pound sand. They have their report. Just tell them youll see them when he brings them their indictments.
5 years ago
No, as Sen. Hawley explained, “if unelected bureaucrats can start partisan probes, we don’t have a democracy anymore” We are not now and never have been a democracy. I cringe every time I see that word. We’re a republic.
Per Randby
5 years ago
I don’t understand why most of the elected representatives who are attorneys need staff attorneys to ask the questions. Are the elected attorneys actually incompetent? What is the public paying the elected representative attorneys for?
Malinda Mandell
5 years ago
This is getting sickening! These Demon-rats will never get over it! Must the people live with this crap for the next two years?
5 years ago
What’s sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander. Let’s hit hard against Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Hillary, Holder, Strozk, Page, Abadin, Mills, Kennedy, Rosenstein, Mueller, Waters, Harris, Feinstein, Booker, Lerner, the DNC. Looks like a rogues gallery of lies, deceit, and corruption.
R. Lane
5 years ago
The important thing now is to get the people responsible for the coup to remove our president.
Mike Langlois
5 years ago
The desperate and deranged Dems still can’t get over the election results from 2 1/2 years ago. They are clinging to every “smidgeon” of controversy they can to divert the administration’s attention (and their own!) from matters the populace finds truly important.
Greg kiss
5 years ago
The Dems just don’t get it . They lost an election bad Candidate . Trump will win reelection ,hands down
Guy Martin
5 years ago
One has to wonder who are the people that believe this action in using anyone to question????????? Not the brightest bulb on the string for sure!!!!!!
Michael Russo
5 years ago
It all my years of following politics I have never seen anything like what the Democrats have been doing, there Trump derangement has gone far beyond what anyone could have fathomed!
William Schroeder
5 years ago
It is true that a moving vehicle without a driver will sooner or later run into the ditch. Over the time Trump has been in office it appears that when he is not in the driver’s seat the Republicans are not smart enough or brave enough to take the wheel. And the Democrats, may God have mercy on them, are only interested in trying to lock Trump out so the he can’t take the wheel and make the necessary changes in direction. Trump has done a fantastic job during his time, despite the lack of support (Rep) and the continued opposition (Dem) he has faced.
5 years ago
I have to say that the ridiculous chicken props and that juvenile stunt of eating chicken by Tennessee Congressman Cohen was one of the most immature and unprofessional things I’ve ever witnessed. This is the hearing room of the Judicial Committee of the United States Congress for God’s sake. Who elects these people? Are you proud? Were you proud while your representative slobbered chicken all over while posing for the camera…..a camera he would never be on except for stunts like this. He certainly would not be on camera for anything productive or that requires intelligence. I’m sick of watching this crap! I’m sick of people like this making a mockery of the United States Congress. Stand up GOP, please, do not let these losers prevail, stand up and fight at every turn! Support your President!
Denise Anderegg
5 years ago
You can’t fix stupid-it seems some people are very afraid the truth is going to come out and they don’t want that but the law of nature always works and no one gets away with wrongdoing-the truth always wins
Gary Humphries
5 years ago
Enough is enough !!! This witch hunt is over and now we need to reopen all who took part of this on the left and convict and lockup those involved in this deep state crusade. And investigate Bengasi !!!
Semper Fidelis
5 years ago
Has stated his findings, get over it and move on.
Capt Ken
5 years ago
AG Barr should tell that pompous A-Hole Numbskull Nadler to stifle himself because we, the American people are fed up with the DemoRats’ obvious smear campaign!
5 years ago
Has stated his findings get over it and move on.
Dave Radetsky
5 years ago
The 3rd option as an answer shouldn’t even be in here. America is NOT a democracy. We are a constitutional republic and the fact that people call it a democracy just aids in people’s lack of understanding of how our government works and drives us towards socialism.
5 years ago
Has stated his findings now get over it and move on.
Shiela Peterson
5 years ago
This is a bunch of BS every time some thing doesn’t go there way, they waste hours and $’s !! They were so sure if taking down Trump they never gave it a thought that the tables could turn on them and now they are running scared. Every time they want some thing we need to say OK but you have to perform and provide the same information that you ask for, such as their detailed taxes. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!!
Jim Darnall
5 years ago
Dems are just so frustrated with the results of the Mueller report they are trying anything and everything to get some kind revenge. Of course that report in itself was a bunch of hooy. Never seen anything like this in the history of the Presidency.
Jim Trzeciak
5 years ago
Democrats destroying our country with their lies about our President,and Media should be responsible for their lies. Should have a political debate with Rush Linbaugh and Mark Levin against CNN and MSNBC,the rules would be can only state facts,no opinions !!!! Let our country hear the truth. God Bless America and President Trump ???
5 years ago
Democrats continue their efforts of a coup det tat against Trump. They are without honor “speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron”…KJV.
John Jacobs
5 years ago
Not only no, but “HELL NO!”
Mary Nadwodny
5 years ago
Can someone get it across to the dems that they are toast because we are sick of all the wasted time spent on getting rid of OUR President and the fact that they spend no time doing their job. Would like to fire them all.
AG Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress ?
And do you remember what happened to him ?
Were it not for double standards DEMOCRATS would have no standards.
Their utter hypocrisy is beyond obscene .
#TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !
The Democrat controlled House Judiciary Committee is on a “fishing expedition” to find any suggestion of impropriety in Attorney General William Barr’s past. As usual their object is to discredit anyone that has the courage to stand with President Trump. The Democrat Party is clearly desperate to conceal the rotting skeletons they have hidden away in the back rooms of the Obama Administration. And to their horror, Attorney General Barr can smell the stench. MAGA
If the House Committee wants staff attorneys to ask the questions, Barr should have staff attorneys on the stand giving the answers.
Anyway, if staff attorneys are asking questions, what are the House Reps doing? What’s their job? Why were they elected? They sure aren’t dealing with the issues we need them to deal with, like IMMIGRATION!
Time for Americans to wake up and demand that OUR representatives represent us in OUR best interest and not THEIRS. They need to sign a BICE contact and we need to become more aware that if they don’t we will remove them.
The Democrats in the Senate are trying to do you him what they did to Kavenaugh. Discusting, wrong and shameful.
The last administration has been caught with its hand in the cookie jar – all that Russian collusion was by them, not the Republicans, so they are putting up a smokescreen to confuse US.
The Marxist Dems will just keep finding somebody to rake over the coals. Even if Congress hears from 1,000 people, there won’t be anything to get Trump in real trouble. That is unless he really has pulled a “Clinton” moment, which I doubt. All this does is take Congress away from doing more important things, as if they really can accomplish anything to help the country, and keep the country’s attention on Trump while the socialists parade on their merry way destroying the country.
Enough is enough. What a horrible way for Americans to treat fellow Americans. The Democrats are so desperate they will do everything they can think of to survive the Evil they have created. With the grace of God, the truth will prevail.
Frankly, if the Democrats devoted as much passion to actual legislation as they do to their endless, frivolous and fruitless investigations of the Trump Administration, perhaps some of the country’s issues might get solved. Can you spell “bipartisan”? Obviously, that’s not a word in the Democratic dictionary. But just as obviously “obstruction” of progress is. It’s time to stop all this foolishness and get on with the country’s business!
What ever happened to our Republic?
Democrats need to stop the bill s*** and get on with the business we elected them to do. It just needs to stop.
Your last option for Sen. Hawley is incorrect. We are not a democracy we are a REPUBLIC. It’s sad that even our elected officials don’t know the difference.
We have so many problems on our plates. That it is stupid to play politics plus all the money we have spent. All this for a witch hunt.
He absolutely should NOT cave to that demand. What needs to happen is 1.) the elected members of Congress need to read and UNDERSTAND our Constitution (a simple test on the Constitution should be required and successfully passed by each member every year or two while in office), 2.) members of Congress should start acting like well mannered and courteous professional people worthy of their positions of power and “prestige”, 3.) members of Congress should be held accountable for their lies and be punished (sued for libel) if they refuse to publically admit to the lie (s), and 4.) since so many members of Congress are demanding President Trump’s tax returns, every member of Congress should be required to make public their last 10 years of tax returns. This crazy, wasteful spending of OUR tax dollars must stop. Legitimate investigations yes, but witch hunt investigations no.
I’m so tired of these extreme left wingers aka Democrats and there childishness. Donald Trump did not and does not collude with ANY foreign government. THAT HAS BEEN PROVEN. Instead of splitting hairs on what the President may have said to his staff about it, which in any and every case, didn’t hamper the investigation they should be finding out WHO caused this huge blunder. These Democrats aka Demotards make the Keystone Cops look good.
It’s time for Barr to begin the investigation into the Clintons, Clinton foundation, Christopher Steel, & Fusion GPS
At the next congressional recess AG Barr should issue arrest warrants to a number of congressmen, women and senators.
It’s my opinion that the Democrats are running scared now that the truth is beginning to come out regarding the former officials of the FBI, DOJ, CIA and the former administration. They went from impeaching Trump to impeaching Barr, when will their antics end. They have spent millions of our taxpayer dollars on a hoax they so desperately wanted Americans to believe and not actually do the work they were sent there to do. Not to mention all the lives that were ruined and bankrupted. I think with AG Barr justice will be done!
Only elected representatives of the House with oversight of DOJ are allowed to question members of that department. If they are inept or deficient in that capability then they should not have been chosen to sit on the oversight committee.
We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional Republic.
The LEFT is afraid all their dirty spy secrets are about to be revealed! Keep up the great work Atty Gen Barr!!!!!
So weary of all this. It’s like playing “whack-a-mole”. Every time you whack at one attempt to discredit our President; another one rears it’s ugly head. Those who serve the people should grow up, stop playing games and be the leaders they were elected to be.
Democrats are useless Representatives of law abiding American tax paying citizens, the rule of law and civility. A party that is self centered, arrogant, driven by power and greed where the end justifies the means. Their words and actions over the past 2+ years support their true character and their ultimate goal to transform this country.
Respect is earned based on ones words and actions, not an entitlement!
I believe that any inquiry should be held to the highest standards and not be judged by one party with common interests of the party. That being said, I am not a fan of the federal judicial system anyway. One body with supreme legal authority over the country was never intended from the beginning.
NO, NO NO, it’s over , lets move on and STOP wasting hard working tax payers money
No. Tell them to pound sand. They have their report. Just tell them youll see them when he brings them their indictments.
No, as Sen. Hawley explained, “if unelected bureaucrats can start partisan probes, we don’t have a democracy anymore” We are not now and never have been a democracy. I cringe every time I see that word. We’re a republic.
I don’t understand why most of the elected representatives who are attorneys need staff attorneys to ask the questions. Are the elected attorneys actually incompetent? What is the public paying the elected representative attorneys for?
This is getting sickening! These Demon-rats will never get over it! Must the people live with this crap for the next two years?
What’s sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander. Let’s hit hard against Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Hillary, Holder, Strozk, Page, Abadin, Mills, Kennedy, Rosenstein, Mueller, Waters, Harris, Feinstein, Booker, Lerner, the DNC. Looks like a rogues gallery of lies, deceit, and corruption.
The important thing now is to get the people responsible for the coup to remove our president.
The desperate and deranged Dems still can’t get over the election results from 2 1/2 years ago. They are clinging to every “smidgeon” of controversy they can to divert the administration’s attention (and their own!) from matters the populace finds truly important.
The Dems just don’t get it . They lost an election bad Candidate . Trump will win reelection ,hands down
One has to wonder who are the people that believe this action in using anyone to question????????? Not the brightest bulb on the string for sure!!!!!!
It all my years of following politics I have never seen anything like what the Democrats have been doing, there Trump derangement has gone far beyond what anyone could have fathomed!
It is true that a moving vehicle without a driver will sooner or later run into the ditch. Over the time Trump has been in office it appears that when he is not in the driver’s seat the Republicans are not smart enough or brave enough to take the wheel. And the Democrats, may God have mercy on them, are only interested in trying to lock Trump out so the he can’t take the wheel and make the necessary changes in direction. Trump has done a fantastic job during his time, despite the lack of support (Rep) and the continued opposition (Dem) he has faced.
I have to say that the ridiculous chicken props and that juvenile stunt of eating chicken by Tennessee Congressman Cohen was one of the most immature and unprofessional things I’ve ever witnessed. This is the hearing room of the Judicial Committee of the United States Congress for God’s sake. Who elects these people? Are you proud? Were you proud while your representative slobbered chicken all over while posing for the camera…..a camera he would never be on except for stunts like this. He certainly would not be on camera for anything productive or that requires intelligence. I’m sick of watching this crap! I’m sick of people like this making a mockery of the United States Congress. Stand up GOP, please, do not let these losers prevail, stand up and fight at every turn! Support your President!
You can’t fix stupid-it seems some people are very afraid the truth is going to come out and they don’t want that but the law of nature always works and no one gets away with wrongdoing-the truth always wins
Enough is enough !!! This witch hunt is over and now we need to reopen all who took part of this on the left and convict and lockup those involved in this deep state crusade. And investigate Bengasi !!!
Semper Fidelis
Has stated his findings, get over it and move on.
AG Barr should tell that pompous A-Hole Numbskull Nadler to stifle himself because we, the American people are fed up with the DemoRats’ obvious smear campaign!
Has stated his findings get over it and move on.
The 3rd option as an answer shouldn’t even be in here. America is NOT a democracy. We are a constitutional republic and the fact that people call it a democracy just aids in people’s lack of understanding of how our government works and drives us towards socialism.
Has stated his findings now get over it and move on.
This is a bunch of BS every time some thing doesn’t go there way, they waste hours and $’s !! They were so sure if taking down Trump they never gave it a thought that the tables could turn on them and now they are running scared. Every time they want some thing we need to say OK but you have to perform and provide the same information that you ask for, such as their detailed taxes. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!!
Dems are just so frustrated with the results of the Mueller report they are trying anything and everything to get some kind revenge. Of course that report in itself was a bunch of hooy. Never seen anything like this in the history of the Presidency.
Democrats destroying our country with their lies about our President,and Media should be responsible for their lies. Should have a political debate with Rush Linbaugh and Mark Levin against CNN and MSNBC,the rules would be can only state facts,no opinions !!!! Let our country hear the truth. God Bless America and President Trump ???
Democrats continue their efforts of a coup det tat against Trump. They are without honor “speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron”…KJV.
Not only no, but “HELL NO!”
Can someone get it across to the dems that they are toast because we are sick of all the wasted time spent on getting rid of OUR President and the fact that they spend no time doing their job. Would like to fire them all.