
Trump legislation Democrats

Saying, “I don’t do coverups,” President Trump this week walked out of planned talks with the Democrats on infrastructure, stating there can be no cooperation on legislation as long as investigations continue. With which do you most agree?

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5 years ago

Any negotiation relies on at least a minimal amount of respect between the parties. When one of them, namely Nancy Pelosi, proclaims on her way in the door that the other is engaged in a “cover-up”, I can’t blame President Trump for not wanting to waste his time.

Dr. Covert
Dr. Covert
5 years ago

I agree with President Trump. It is time to move on.

Dr. Covert
Dr. Covert
5 years ago

I agree with President Trump. It is time to move on.

Jack Thomas
Jack Thomas
5 years ago

President Trump is in a tough spot. The “usual suspects” continue pushing a denial of the Mueller Report, preferring to obstruct any legislative progress on initiatives that will benefit American citizens. Sen. Chuck Schumer, Speaker Pelosi’s partner in congressional crime, had the gall to stand at the microphones yesterday, holding up a booklet and saying he was prepared to discuss infrastructure with the president at the White House, but that Trump had a tantrum and walked out (where he subsequently made an announcement in the Rose Garden). Of course, the media jumped all over the story, as they always do when Pelosi or Schumer get an opportunity for yet another sound bite to lash at President Trump. To suggest that the president is involved in a “cover-up” is outrageous, provocative, irresponsible, and just plain false. I can hardly blame the president for taking the position he has. Under these circumstances I wouldn’t want to sit in a meeting with Pelosi and Schumer, either.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago

Every DEMOCRAT (and Mitt Romney) has contracted a terminal case TDS
which manifests as a form of insanity and may well lead to a scorched Earth attack
via civil war against America in its end stage.
Will you be ready and strong enough to spiritually and physically deal with it when the time comes ?

Cometh the time,
Cometh the man.
#TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !

And please do not forget to fly the Stars and Stripes this Memorial Day !

5 years ago

Declassify, publicize and Drain the Swamp! Now!

William Martin
William Martin
5 years ago

I agree with the president as the democrats will go to any extreme because they are not interested in anything except anti Trump. They do not want President Trump exposing all the crookedness that they have been doing in the Swamp. The truth will come out in the end because of our loyal and truthful President.

Joyce Lindelof
Joyce Lindelof
5 years ago

I agree with the president

5 years ago

Pelosi, Schumer and the rest planned the entire scene and how it was going to go down. I don’t think for one minute any of them has President Trump fooled. The Democrats are grasping at straws, once every document is declassified and released to the public they will have nothing left and it will prove how complicit they have been since 2016!

5 years ago

If you want to see really ugly, accuse me falsely of a crime. I will show you ugly and never pretend anything. There will be the most amazing and brutal response within my legal power. False accusation of any crime is at minimum “slander per se”. It is also possibly obstruction of justice. Under 18 USC 1503 “Any corrupt endeavor to harass, oppress or intimidate a victim, witness or party in a federal judicial proceeding.. . .” is a criminal offense. Trump and his administration are parties in many ongoing proceedings, starting with the FISA court proceedings where false information was used to obtain illegal warrants. Under 18 USC 1505 the same conduct is criminal in administrative proceedings. Trump and his administration are parties in every administrative proceeding. Under the Victims and Witnesses Protection Act of 1982, those sections were re-codified in 18 USC 1512, which did not make legal previously illegal conduct. The first absolute requirement of any negotiation is the ability to trust the opposing party. When that party declares before even starting lies, it shows that standard Soviet style negotiation is in progress, “What’s mine is mine; What’s yours is negotiable.” Negotiating with liars is a waste. This nonsense should stop and the people violating the law should go to jail and forfeit their grossly oversized pensions.

Marine Air
Marine Air
5 years ago

It’s time that Republican leadership in the house and Senate start to really support our President. They need to get into the fray and work with the crazy Democrats and rally Republican support to get things accomplished. I see sporadic support from individual senate and congressional members, but no united effort on the part of Republicans to support the President. It’s also time for criminal prosecutions of the felonious leftists trying to complete their political turmoil to upset the 2016 election. This president has withstood unprecedented hate from the Dimms and the so-called free press. Let’s hope that our America recovers and defeats the hateful leftists.

5 years ago

The only agenda the Democrats have is get rid of the duly elected 45th President of the United States, nothing more nothing less. They know he is going to win re-election 2020 and they have no path forward.

Charles Jewell
Charles Jewell
5 years ago

Over the past few years the American citizens have witnessed “child like ” actions from the Democrats time after time. They also walk out of scheduled important meetings .Going out and sitting on the ground in protest is not mentality that voters wanted. There should be some type of reimbursement for lost time when not doing there job. Democratic party’s leaders are too old and “childlike” to represent the citizens of this Great United States of America.

Jim S.
Jim S.
5 years ago

The Dems are not conducting “oversight”. They are conducting a continuing and relentless harassment campaign to the detriment of the country.

5 years ago

The Dems have nothing else except impeachment to put up against our President to secure victories in the upcoming elections. Their policies, their records, their past performances, their prior efforts to damage our country and their present actions to gain political advantages are all counter productive to positive influence for knowledgeable, thinking voters in our country.

Bonita Mentzer
Bonita Mentzer
5 years ago

Liberals hate Trump!! He can’t be bought nor blackmailed. He is doing what he was hired to do and the Liberals hate it that they can’t control him.

R. Trask
R. Trask
5 years ago

Our Representitives are no longer representing the will of the people who elected them. Democrat or Republicans They and their bloated staffs siimply spend all their eff0rts wasting time and money while eating Kentucky Fried Chicken on National Television and catering to big business. It is time to simply give every legal citizen a congressional cell phone so when it comes time for a vote – We the People will do the voting. No more back biting, grand standing, political grid lock. Want roads? The american people will decide. What boarders enforced? the American people will decide. Couldn’t be a more efficient and transparent system.

Robert C Norwood Jr
Robert C Norwood Jr
5 years ago

Until the Democrats or be CommunistCrats get over their loss of 8 years of Communism and Islamic comtrol, that’s why We to he People voted for Trying and we’re gonna vote 2020 for Trump. Amen .

Rick Ryan
Rick Ryan
5 years ago

Every time we ( Republicans ) compromise with progressives, we ( the American people ) loose freedoms and government grows. Can not compromise with wrong.

5 years ago

The Dem’s are still bitter about the 2016 elections and are about obstruction only, they don’t intend to negotiate about anything. If they worked have as had to get good legislation passed as they have to have their bloodless coup this nation would be great again. Palosi is a senile old woman just like Ruth Bader-Ginsberg and both should step down from their positions

5 years ago

Democrats want you to bend to their will while stabbing you in the back.

5 years ago

It doesn’t matter what President does or does not do, Congress has no intention of giving him/us any wins. Remember funding for border wall meeting, immigration crisis, etc. Thing is it’s probably better this way as Dems would throw in poison pills, loopholes, etc to give us an inch. I don’t have any faith in the Republicans either. Look at the aid bill the Senate just passed but good thing it’s been stalled in the House thanks to one lone Republican. Congress is pathetic!

Michael Ecuyer
Michael Ecuyer
5 years ago

Pelosi played her hand before the meeting and Pres. Trump would have been foolish to play along with her charade. He handled it perfectly.

Dan F
Dan F
5 years ago

There is no point in “crossing the aisle ” with socialist/democrats. To attempt debate with 7th & 8th graders in Congress is a fools errand.

5 years ago

The democrats will never work with the president. Infrastructure, was just another opportunity to personally bash and mock the president. Meanwhile, God’s country continues to deteriorate from within. Happy Memorial Day, everyone.

5 years ago

There will be NO America or Freedom again until the demoratic party is Abolished forever.

Pamela Varney-Terrell
Pamela Varney-Terrell
5 years ago

The President needs to take every legal action possible to work his agenda. Dems are crazed over the fact that Republicans have finally discovered the rules of the game and are now playing under the same rules! At least to the extent that it’s legal. Sorry Dems you lose in the end.

5 years ago

Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats are trying to destroy the legit election of a duly elected President by the people for the people. The Democrats know the true collusion was the Obama administration and the dossier bought and paid for by Hillary and the DNC which was not true. President has unclassified the documents on how the investigation got started in the first place which will show that the entire investigation was a hoax and that the rule of law was not followed in the Hillary investigation. It is going to be fun to watch all the people involved squirm and make up more stores and continue to change their tune. How can you have obstruction when there was no crime. God Bless Donald Trump and the United States of America and may he continue to drain the swamp. This will be a real good start I believe.

5 years ago

I think frankly the dems have shot their (wad) when it comes to investigations. It is time for them to do the people’s business. I think most people want solutions not investigation. I would like them do something about a – the border, b – drug prices, c – infrastructure.

Terrie Simpson
Terrie Simpson
5 years ago

Trump is be called by God to drain the swamp. We must pray for Trump for hedge of protection around him.
America has been undersiege from attack on our soverity as a nation.
Read the story in your bible, of Jezebel, Ahab & Jaho.
God used a man who was corse in speech, he charged on a chariot to drain the swamp & destroy the women Jezebel.
Trump is that man who God has called to destroy the swamp & Jezebel who intent is to rule & reign as queen.

Rosemary Longworth
Rosemary Longworth
5 years ago

The Democrats have plainly shown that they have no desire to work constructively with President Trump. Very immature and destructive behavior of them (in my opinion.) I expect adult behavior in all who “work” in Washington, D.C. Especially in Congress.

Rev. Paul E. Williams
Rev. Paul E. Williams
5 years ago

Truly enough already, He is the President and the Democrats are totally out of line and making a mess out of their party…Certainly, they are totally derailed and DO NOT HAVE THIS NATION IN THEIR FOCUS. WHAT A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME AND FINANCES. My family has always voted for DEMOCRATS, Those days are gone with this so-called PROGRESSIVE


5 years ago

I do agree with our President. Ever since the era of obama the Dems task is to divide and conquer (rule) the American people. They have done more to divide the people politically , and socially then any invading force could have done. Well done Dems. I trust you are proud of your actions comrades.

Tom McDermott
Tom McDermott
5 years ago


5 years ago

We the people no longer need our Congressional Representitives and their bloated staffs wasting time and money. We simply issue every legal citizen a congressional cell phone so when it is time for a vote, We the People will vote. Want Roads? We will vote. Want impeachment? We will vote. No more politics, grandstanding, or corporate payoffs.

Joe Cichon
Joe Cichon
5 years ago

100% will the President

Michael Dmochowski
Michael Dmochowski
5 years ago

all the Democrats are doing is trying to stop the investigation on them. Because they know they’re in trouble. They’re so scared they’re all going to start having heart attacks. All I did is became a radical al-amal might as well turn Islam. Goodnight shall bring into crayon because they got rid of our Bible. Get rid of my Bible I’ll never vote for a Democrat as long as I live and all the Catholics better wake up and think the same And stopped going to church if you’re going to go against our Bible shame on the Democratic Party. Cuz I’m ashamed to be a Democrat! I’m changing !I filled out the paperwork and send it in.

Barbara Lynch
Barbara Lynch
5 years ago

It’s time for the Democrats to grow up. Pelosi needs to do her job and work with the President or get out. I would rather see her and all her minions leave. I’m so sick of all the investigations it’s such a waste of our tax money.

5 years ago

I agree, enough already!

5 years ago

He should have finished by closing the border and transporting illegal aliens to San Francisco and other western and northern sanctuary cities. He sure has been waffling a lot lately, indecisive and weak looking. Truthfully, I’m beginning to worry.
Drama without action makes both sides appear childish. Both Trump and Pelosi obviously staged this event. I was disheartened to see the preparations made by the administration. The saddest part of this theatre was the absence of any GOP representation. Cowering in the corner as usual. In this clown act maybe it was a good idea.
The only reason the country is in this mess to begin with is because of the “fill in the blank” Republican/ conservative congress in 2017 and not the left.
The left does what the left says they will do in total lockstep. Everything they say today will be law tomorrow. If you doubt that then you haven’t been paying attention or lack the where for all to pay attention. The right is scattered except for Lindsey Graham who keeps himself in the limelight to promote his opinions and his plans and in his eye is Trumps personal advisor and confident. Wake up America!!

Janice Branham
Janice Branham
5 years ago

I think he should of stayed in the meeting by first making the statement of I don’t do coverups ever and I don’t appreciate your slander, now let’s get to work. I bet Nancy would of walked out then it would of been on her

5 years ago

Always listen to what the Democrats accuse the opposition of. You can lay a pretty safe bet, it’s exactly what they themselves are doing.

5 years ago

How do you negotiate with a bunch of people who want to destroy you and your presidency? The President is doing the right thing to walk away from them if they don’t want to play by the rules. The Democrats have shown time and time again their disdain for the country and the rule of law.

5 years ago

President Trump is correct. Democrats are not seeking justice, they’re Investigating the whole Trump family, spending lots of money, time, and wasted effort looking for “something” that will stick to the wall and help them for 2020 elections. Democrats need to get back to issues that require government’s attention. But It will be tough, since Democrats consider Party first, Country second (and then only if it’s convenient). The Party is split, their personnel have turned radical, and they have no ideas, so their only option is to obstruct and attack opponents … even if the accusations are manufactured. We’re fortunate that President Trump was elected, I can’t see anyone else standing up and remaining cool under this political harassment.

Tom M
Tom M
5 years ago

It proves the socialists only want to discredit Trump or even get him impeached to increase their chances in 2020. That is the only thing they care about…getting back in power and this time the country is the target of their hate and ultra stupid ideals.

Jayson Woodward
Jayson Woodward
5 years ago

Enough is enough! Start giving the democrats what they have been dishing out for almost three years.! Investigate THEM!

5 years ago

As much as I disagree with what the democrats and or liberals are doing in Washington, it’s clear the dems are going to cut their nose off to spite their face…..now is the time to rise above the pettiness and show we are still the party for the people. Can’t even imagine how hard it is to work with people who don’t want to work with you, but the country needs solutions

Eileen Conklin
Eileen Conklin
5 years ago

The only ones in tantrums are the people who won’t accept the results of the 2016 election; those full of hate and still stamping their feet. Enough!

Chan Bailey
Chan Bailey
5 years ago

The Democrats have repeatedly shown they won’t work with the President. They can’t be negotiated with and must be defeated instead.

EvaM Musgrave
EvaM Musgrave
5 years ago

What is going on in our country is disgusting . I want everyone to stop being so disrespectful of Trump. True, he is rude at times but most of what he says about the dishonest people esp. HER , well all about HER is TRUE. Give him a chance to do his job.

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