1. Tell them to allow a proportionate amount of Christian churches and synagogues in their country . 2. Allow women to drive at the same age that men are able to in their country . 3. Have them and the other rich oil countries absorb the displaced Muslim immigrants .
7 years ago
Again another poorly worded survey. The answer is not to restrict the building of mosques, but restricting the continued flow of immigrants from countries where that brand of fundamentalist Islam is taught and actively encouraged. Gee, just like Trump suggested. What a radical idea…NOT! The issue of mosque building would NOT exist, if the flow of Muslims from certain countries that teach this form of Islam were curtailed.
By the way AMAC, I hope you realize that Saudi Arabia is a kingdom based on a monarchy and Islam. To expect them to behave in a reciprocal manner regarding the construction of churches in their country is laughable. You do realize that the mere display of a cross or Bible can and will lead to one’s immediate arrest and imprisonment by their religious police right? Saudi Arabia is NOT a free and open society, where religious freedom exists. Just an FYI.
Thanks AMAC for letting us know what is going on. I did some research and found out Saudi Arabia has spent over $100 Billion dollars building Mosques across the world! As Paul e said, the trouble is the continued unrestricted immigration of people who hate our way of life.
I get your point of telling the Saudis to stop building Mosques until they allow Christian churches. Even though it would not be expected for them to change- it illustrates what kind of adversary we are up against.
7 years ago
Steve Hanna
7 years ago
I would say that no ideology that intends to dominate the world and convert, enslave or murder all infidels and whose basic tenets directly contradict the US Constitution should be allowed to send any immigrants to America or to build any mosques for the ones who are already here. In fact, the prudent thing to do to protect our country from Islamic terror attacks would be to deport all Muslims and destroy all of the mosques that are already here. Islam never coexists with anyone and it never, ever assimilates. It is a cancer that must be eliminated. How many thousands of Americans must die before our nation wakes up and takes action to stop the Islamic jihad in all its forms? The only countries not experiencing Islamic terrorism are the ones who don’t let Muslims inside their borders.
Elmer M
7 years ago
Saudia Arabia or any other muslim country should NEVER be allowed to build any mosques in our country. The same for any other eastern so called religions.
7 years ago
I say until SA will allow other religions to build in their country no allowance for them to do so in our country from this day forward!
John F Michela, a retired Illinois judge
7 years ago
Wrong brand of Islam. Sunnis or Shia, not Wahabism
John F Michela, a retired Illinois judge
7 years ago
Wrong branch of Islam. Wahabism is too radical. Too much into Sharia, religious police and not open to freedom of religion for non-Muslims
7 years ago
As far as mosques here vs churches there is concerned, I don’t think this should be an issue at all. Whatever their rules are in their country is their business. Mosques here is the issue and I think it goes to the definition of religion. I don’t pretend to know what that is , however, if it a belief that includes destruction of non believers is that truly a religion? I say stop the mosques.
7 years ago
There are already plenty of mosques here in the USA for Moslems to attend. We absolutely should not allow Saudi Arabia to build mosques and take advantage of the freedoms our republic provides while they continue to deny, sometimes violently, their own citizens or foreign visitors or even traveling evangelists.
Beverly Kapple
7 years ago
Stop all Sharia Muslim immigration since they will never change & believe it their right to kill all infidels! That’s US! Read Koran! They will reach a certain point ( think it’s 6% of pop ?!) & will demand Sharia law which puts women, gays, etc. back to Stone Age ! No equality & freedom at all! ( Cutting, berka’s, no driving, being a piece of property & honor killings, stoning, cutting off heads & hands, etc; to say nothing of throwing gays off rooftops to die??! They can never assimilate!!!
7 years ago
Not only ban any further mosques built by anybody but, get rid of the ones we have along with it’s Jihad members. Islam needs to be banned over the entire world.
7 years ago
Until there is a “Reformation” of Islam and an editing of the Koran America is stuck. I pray that enough other faiths stay strong and teach hate is not the way.
7 years ago
Mosques are nothing more than military outposts for Radical Islam. They should be treated as such. Bulldoze them! Wrap them in yellow police tape and investigate every one of them. Once the investigation is done, bring the wrecking ball.
Elke S
7 years ago
Not only should Saudi Arabia be stopped from building more Mosques, but those 800 Mosques already in existence should be continually scrutinized by our government to ensure their teachings do not advocate terrorism.
7 years ago
The Hadeeth is the Muslim rule book. It requires 13% of a mosques income to pay for jihad, it requires the mosques train soldiers for jihad, it states a mosque should be used as an armory, etc. Mosques are also, used as we use banks. Only 13% is used to teach Islam. The penalty for failure to follow the Hadeeth is death- no exception. No mercy.
The early Koran verses teach peace, but the later teach death to infidels unless they can be taxed to support jihad. The later verses supersede the early verses because Mohammed was ‘more enlightened’. Muslims are taught to lie to infidels if it would promote jihad. If you have a Muslim ‘friend’ they would kill you if it would promote Islam. Also, if they have not been following the rules and requirements in the Hadeeth they would kill you rather than go to Hell and by becoming martyrs think they would get their 72 virgins and paradise. There is no such thing as a Muslim friend, this is a myth.
Several Middle Eastern countries have been ‘entertaining’ our congressmen and senators in their countries lavishly while misrepresenting the truth of Islam. This is why they are so reluctant to protect us. They have been duped.
Every mosque should be torn down and the ground covered in pig’s blood.
Charles Sever
7 years ago
I would really like to see their mosques torn down and the muslim sent back home for they will never simulate in to our society. Look at Dearborn, Mich., that city is no longer an American, we better open are eyes and deal with reality.
R Jeffery Savlov
7 years ago
Building restrictions is not enough. All Imams who preach Wahhabi Islam and all members of those mosques should be removed and the mosques should be raised.
This is not a simple yes/no question first; yes build because we cannot restrict based on religious freedom, you must monitor any anti-American preaching, you must monitor and STRICTLY regulate immigration, and travel. Any Mosque producing a terrorist, should be investigated and shut down for treason. But like anything else, one of the first responsibilities of the Federal Gov’t is to protect us and yet they have interjected into so many different aspects of our lives but untrustworthy of truly protecting us, based on political differences and party lines.
7 years ago
This country, specifically the younger generations, had better wake up to reality and understand that the ambition of the islamic religion is to take over the world. And then, there will be freedom for no one under their restrictive, inhumane sharia law. The place of women in society will be thrown back to the Dark Ages. Think about that, ladies.
7 years ago
The problem is our Congress and our courts consider Islam a religion protected by out constitution, when it should considered for what it is, a murderous cult bent on the destruction of all other religions and western forms of governments to include ours.
Mike Sherry
7 years ago
We know these Mosques are a breeding spot for radicals, yet we do nothing. We just hope they become Americanized. They have no intention of becoming Americanized, they hope to take over America and make it a Islamic Republic. Our liberal friends would have us stand by and allow this to happen. Then they would profess to the world that they just didn’t know. That seems to be their mode of operation. I say stop all construction NOW and place the rest of them under surveillance. We also need to impose severe restrictions on lottery visas,stopping the 900,000 people who come here under chain migration. I worry what is going to happen to my Grand and great grandchildren.
Jo H
7 years ago
According to my mental math calculations, your total number of votes is 10 short.
7 years ago
Islam is a socio-political ideology thinly wrapped in a guise of religion. It should be classified a terrorist organization similar to NAZI’s and now antifa. They have one purpose, and that is the destruction of our society (+ every other non-Muslim society). Bar their entry unless they can prove they are not followers of Islam. You wouldn’t Intentionally inject yourself with Ebola.
Jerry Mcnair
7 years ago
Send all the Muslims back home. Take down the mosaics built here. This is America. If you don’t like it here stay in your native country.
Bob M
7 years ago
Getting a permit to build a mosque is easy. Try getting a permit to build a Christian church. Muslims can pray in school with no interference, but try that if you are Christian. Taking a Bible to school is almost as bad as having a gun at school. We have gone extremely to the left with our religious tolerance, thanks to our last president who I believe is basically Muslim, so much so that equality for Christians doesn’t exist. No more mosques and no more Muslim immigrants. This nation was built on Christian principals. Let’s keep it that way or we will cease to be a nation – at least one with religious freedom.
Robert Spears
7 years ago
How can we expect others to obey the Constitution regarding our right to keep and bear arms if don’t, likewise, obey it regarding free exercise of religion? Either we honor the Constitution or CHANGE it with due process. This is exactly why the second amendment is upheld by the courts. We can’t have it both ways. How can we be an example to other countries by mimicking their errors.
7 years ago
A thorough assessment of the Qur’an and the Hadiths indicate that Islam is very little religions and vastly political. Once you understand that and read the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafis, the Wahhabis, and fundamentalist Sunni and Shia groups then you will understand why all this immigrating (Hijrah) and Mosque building needs to be shut down. Never forget that Mosques are viewed as a fortress for the advancement and protection of Islam and Sharia. Naïve Americans and their foolish politicians choose to be blind.
7 years ago
I support freedom of religion in our country regardless of what other countries do. Perhaps we who call ourselves Christian could have more influence on the Muslims livinng among us and attract them to OUR religion by being more careful to live according to Christian principles and teachings. While it might not be totally possible in some other countries,in the U.S. it is possible for conversion to work both ways.
Robert Spears
7 years ago
How can we expect others to obey the Constitution regarding freedom to keeping and bearing arms if we decide not to in regard to exercising religious rights. We can hardly be an example to others by making the same bad examples. We can change the Constitution, but until we do let’s OBEY it, all of it. That’s the best example.
7 years ago
The Saudi’s sent us 19 hijackers to destroy the twin towers and kill 3,000 people. They are not our friends. Muslims are NOT a religion of peace. Don’t believe anyone who tells that false tale. A Muslim just murdered 8 people and maimed 10 more in NYC. We should send ALL Muslims to Saudi Arabia……. Ohhhhhh wait a minute…. They don’t take any refugees. WHY do you think they don’t want them there?
Robert Spears
7 years ago
If we do as they do we have become them!!!!
Sarah McCormick
7 years ago
Under all circumstances we must protect FREEDOM OF RELIGION in this country. after all, If God be with us who can stand against us?
7 years ago
REALLY!!! Stricter immigration laws, Stop building mosques IMMEDIATELY!!! We WILL become an islamic state, not a country built on the Judeo Christian values, as was intended. Religious freedom, yes, but not when it is a threat to our existence.
Roger Hunsicker
7 years ago
Keep all Arab country Muzzies out. Period. The ones in Indonesia are much more tolerant and do not lop off the heads of unbelievers.
7 years ago
Under “Separation of State and Religion” the US Government is not allowed to build churches here. Why are we allowing a foreign government to do this?
Mary S. V.
7 years ago
Is it really a religion if it preaches hatred and murder of those of other faiths, instead of “loving your enemies”?
7 years ago
Just say NO to – “Jihad-ugees”…
7 years ago
These ideologue thugs were the nazi’s ally in WWII. You don’t ever hear much about that, now do you? At present they are engaged in “global migrational jihad” with the intent of “eliminating”(read; exterminating) all people who are not of their ideology. Terrorist attacks are nothing more than simple distraction. Look at it this way: 1) the ayatollas are the supreme command, 2) the mullahs and imams are the officer staff, 3) the terrorists are the special forces and 4) the laity are the infantry. If this army is not stopped in their tracks they will succeed. It has been shown that they are unstoppable once their percentage of a given host country’s population reaches 6%. To these gorgons, you are either converted, enslaved or dead. Those are the only options. Beware the stink of islam; it’s coming for all of us.
Gregory Barber
7 years ago
Missing the point. One of the basic tenants of the founding of this country was the freedom OF religion based on the objection to religious persecution by state-run religions. Muslim, Church of England, all the same secularization of religion. Doesn’t matter that mosques are being built. It is still antithetical to the Constitution that a foreign government should construct a facility to deliberately affect and fundamentally change this basic freedom. Do we allow Russian or Chinese or North Koreans the ability to so build and infiltrate? Socialism is, in these countries, run with a religious-type fervor equal to that of Islam in other countries. These are equal attacks on the sovereignty and basis of this country. Don’t be fooled by the religious cover for a political attack. Equality means that no religion has the right to deny the rights of another religion. Political Muslim mosques do this and therefore give up their rights to be in this country. Read it again–“We hold these..”
7 years ago
Islam is not a conventional religion that our Founders recognized until Jefferson read the Quran, Then Jefferson sent the new USA Navy to the Islam Sea with the Marines to stop the enslavement of sailors and piracy of ships. Islam was started by a war lord looking for wealth and power. The growth of Islam is accomplished by deceit. lies and terror. The USA is only 250 years old. Islam has been spreading for more than 1400 years by killing Christians and Jews and any people who do not submit. We are just beginning to understand how difficult it will be. The Saudes are going to run out of oil and come for our gold, land, and brains as slaves. Jesus never recommended suicide,
7 years ago
Its really easy, don’t disallow the building of mosques, just tell them if they continue we will no longer sell them arms, technology, whatever.
7 years ago
The problem of the Saudi Wahabbi’s goes far beyond just the building of mosques in this country. The Saudi family is funding all kinds of things to promote their fanatical beliefs. For example they have funded a complete college at Virginia Tech to teach and promote Islam. And WOMEN are not allowed to attend, teach or observe. It amazes me that the liberal leaders of the school can bend their ideology when it comes to profiting or furthering their twisted ideology.
Jeff Natcher
7 years ago
They should not be allowed to build mosques in this country period.
7 years ago
Saudi Arabia is akin to being a Communist dictatorship. And why can’t outsiders ever visit these mosques to see what goes on inside? No more Islamics can come here until Islam modernizes from a 10th century religion into something that is more congenial with the 21st century. A religion that teaches that all others are non-believers and are subject to death is totally ridiculous.
7 years ago
The dictate of Islam is to take over the world……as long as we allow this human plague into America, it will continue. No we do not want mosques, no we do not want Islamists! Period, what more is there to say other than No, No, No!
Dennis M.
7 years ago
I don’t agree with the wording on the option of banning mosques. A true, unbiased survey would not try to lead subscribers by using such tactics as continue to “ignore” the “problem”. Just give us the options, straightforward, without commentary or blatantly exposing your opinions. We are all “Mature” adults and don’t need your surveys to lead us in the direction you favor! It cheapens the whole survey! (BTW, I voted to ban more mosques.)
1. Tell them to allow a proportionate amount of Christian churches and synagogues in their country . 2. Allow women to drive at the same age that men are able to in their country . 3. Have them and the other rich oil countries absorb the displaced Muslim immigrants .
Again another poorly worded survey. The answer is not to restrict the building of mosques, but restricting the continued flow of immigrants from countries where that brand of fundamentalist Islam is taught and actively encouraged. Gee, just like Trump suggested. What a radical idea…NOT! The issue of mosque building would NOT exist, if the flow of Muslims from certain countries that teach this form of Islam were curtailed.
By the way AMAC, I hope you realize that Saudi Arabia is a kingdom based on a monarchy and Islam. To expect them to behave in a reciprocal manner regarding the construction of churches in their country is laughable. You do realize that the mere display of a cross or Bible can and will lead to one’s immediate arrest and imprisonment by their religious police right? Saudi Arabia is NOT a free and open society, where religious freedom exists. Just an FYI.
Thanks AMAC for letting us know what is going on. I did some research and found out Saudi Arabia has spent over $100 Billion dollars building Mosques across the world! As Paul e said, the trouble is the continued unrestricted immigration of people who hate our way of life.
I get your point of telling the Saudis to stop building Mosques until they allow Christian churches. Even though it would not be expected for them to change- it illustrates what kind of adversary we are up against.
I would say that no ideology that intends to dominate the world and convert, enslave or murder all infidels and whose basic tenets directly contradict the US Constitution should be allowed to send any immigrants to America or to build any mosques for the ones who are already here. In fact, the prudent thing to do to protect our country from Islamic terror attacks would be to deport all Muslims and destroy all of the mosques that are already here. Islam never coexists with anyone and it never, ever assimilates. It is a cancer that must be eliminated. How many thousands of Americans must die before our nation wakes up and takes action to stop the Islamic jihad in all its forms? The only countries not experiencing Islamic terrorism are the ones who don’t let Muslims inside their borders.
Saudia Arabia or any other muslim country should NEVER be allowed to build any mosques in our country. The same for any other eastern so called religions.
I say until SA will allow other religions to build in their country no allowance for them to do so in our country from this day forward!
Wrong brand of Islam. Sunnis or Shia, not Wahabism
Wrong branch of Islam. Wahabism is too radical. Too much into Sharia, religious police and not open to freedom of religion for non-Muslims
As far as mosques here vs churches there is concerned, I don’t think this should be an issue at all. Whatever their rules are in their country is their business. Mosques here is the issue and I think it goes to the definition of religion. I don’t pretend to know what that is , however, if it a belief that includes destruction of non believers is that truly a religion? I say stop the mosques.
There are already plenty of mosques here in the USA for Moslems to attend. We absolutely should not allow Saudi Arabia to build mosques and take advantage of the freedoms our republic provides while they continue to deny, sometimes violently, their own citizens or foreign visitors or even traveling evangelists.
Stop all Sharia Muslim immigration since they will never change & believe it their right to kill all infidels! That’s US! Read Koran! They will reach a certain point ( think it’s 6% of pop ?!) & will demand Sharia law which puts women, gays, etc. back to Stone Age ! No equality & freedom at all! ( Cutting, berka’s, no driving, being a piece of property & honor killings, stoning, cutting off heads & hands, etc; to say nothing of throwing gays off rooftops to die??! They can never assimilate!!!
Not only ban any further mosques built by anybody but, get rid of the ones we have along with it’s Jihad members. Islam needs to be banned over the entire world.
Until there is a “Reformation” of Islam and an editing of the Koran America is stuck. I pray that enough other faiths stay strong and teach hate is not the way.
Mosques are nothing more than military outposts for Radical Islam. They should be treated as such. Bulldoze them! Wrap them in yellow police tape and investigate every one of them. Once the investigation is done, bring the wrecking ball.
Not only should Saudi Arabia be stopped from building more Mosques, but those 800 Mosques already in existence should be continually scrutinized by our government to ensure their teachings do not advocate terrorism.
The Hadeeth is the Muslim rule book. It requires 13% of a mosques income to pay for jihad, it requires the mosques train soldiers for jihad, it states a mosque should be used as an armory, etc. Mosques are also, used as we use banks. Only 13% is used to teach Islam. The penalty for failure to follow the Hadeeth is death- no exception. No mercy.
The early Koran verses teach peace, but the later teach death to infidels unless they can be taxed to support jihad. The later verses supersede the early verses because Mohammed was ‘more enlightened’. Muslims are taught to lie to infidels if it would promote jihad. If you have a Muslim ‘friend’ they would kill you if it would promote Islam. Also, if they have not been following the rules and requirements in the Hadeeth they would kill you rather than go to Hell and by becoming martyrs think they would get their 72 virgins and paradise. There is no such thing as a Muslim friend, this is a myth.
Several Middle Eastern countries have been ‘entertaining’ our congressmen and senators in their countries lavishly while misrepresenting the truth of Islam. This is why they are so reluctant to protect us. They have been duped.
Every mosque should be torn down and the ground covered in pig’s blood.
I would really like to see their mosques torn down and the muslim sent back home for they will never simulate in to our society. Look at Dearborn, Mich., that city is no longer an American, we better open are eyes and deal with reality.
Building restrictions is not enough. All Imams who preach Wahhabi Islam and all members of those mosques should be removed and the mosques should be raised.
We’re further down that road than most people realize. consider these: http://www.billionbibles.org/sharia/america-sharia-law.html
Our churches have to try to build there
This is not a simple yes/no question first; yes build because we cannot restrict based on religious freedom, you must monitor any anti-American preaching, you must monitor and STRICTLY regulate immigration, and travel. Any Mosque producing a terrorist, should be investigated and shut down for treason. But like anything else, one of the first responsibilities of the Federal Gov’t is to protect us and yet they have interjected into so many different aspects of our lives but untrustworthy of truly protecting us, based on political differences and party lines.
This country, specifically the younger generations, had better wake up to reality and understand that the ambition of the islamic religion is to take over the world. And then, there will be freedom for no one under their restrictive, inhumane sharia law. The place of women in society will be thrown back to the Dark Ages. Think about that, ladies.
The problem is our Congress and our courts consider Islam a religion protected by out constitution, when it should considered for what it is, a murderous cult bent on the destruction of all other religions and western forms of governments to include ours.
We know these Mosques are a breeding spot for radicals, yet we do nothing. We just hope they become Americanized. They have no intention of becoming Americanized, they hope to take over America and make it a Islamic Republic. Our liberal friends would have us stand by and allow this to happen. Then they would profess to the world that they just didn’t know. That seems to be their mode of operation. I say stop all construction NOW and place the rest of them under surveillance. We also need to impose severe restrictions on lottery visas,stopping the 900,000 people who come here under chain migration. I worry what is going to happen to my Grand and great grandchildren.
According to my mental math calculations, your total number of votes is 10 short.
Islam is a socio-political ideology thinly wrapped in a guise of religion. It should be classified a terrorist organization similar to NAZI’s and now antifa. They have one purpose, and that is the destruction of our society (+ every other non-Muslim society). Bar their entry unless they can prove they are not followers of Islam. You wouldn’t Intentionally inject yourself with Ebola.
Send all the Muslims back home. Take down the mosaics built here. This is America. If you don’t like it here stay in your native country.
Getting a permit to build a mosque is easy. Try getting a permit to build a Christian church. Muslims can pray in school with no interference, but try that if you are Christian. Taking a Bible to school is almost as bad as having a gun at school. We have gone extremely to the left with our religious tolerance, thanks to our last president who I believe is basically Muslim, so much so that equality for Christians doesn’t exist. No more mosques and no more Muslim immigrants. This nation was built on Christian principals. Let’s keep it that way or we will cease to be a nation – at least one with religious freedom.
How can we expect others to obey the Constitution regarding our right to keep and bear arms if don’t, likewise, obey it regarding free exercise of religion? Either we honor the Constitution or CHANGE it with due process. This is exactly why the second amendment is upheld by the courts. We can’t have it both ways. How can we be an example to other countries by mimicking their errors.
A thorough assessment of the Qur’an and the Hadiths indicate that Islam is very little religions and vastly political. Once you understand that and read the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafis, the Wahhabis, and fundamentalist Sunni and Shia groups then you will understand why all this immigrating (Hijrah) and Mosque building needs to be shut down. Never forget that Mosques are viewed as a fortress for the advancement and protection of Islam and Sharia. Naïve Americans and their foolish politicians choose to be blind.
I support freedom of religion in our country regardless of what other countries do. Perhaps we who call ourselves Christian could have more influence on the Muslims livinng among us and attract them to OUR religion by being more careful to live according to Christian principles and teachings. While it might not be totally possible in some other countries,in the U.S. it is possible for conversion to work both ways.
How can we expect others to obey the Constitution regarding freedom to keeping and bearing arms if we decide not to in regard to exercising religious rights. We can hardly be an example to others by making the same bad examples. We can change the Constitution, but until we do let’s OBEY it, all of it. That’s the best example.
The Saudi’s sent us 19 hijackers to destroy the twin towers and kill 3,000 people. They are not our friends. Muslims are NOT a religion of peace. Don’t believe anyone who tells that false tale. A Muslim just murdered 8 people and maimed 10 more in NYC. We should send ALL Muslims to Saudi Arabia……. Ohhhhhh wait a minute…. They don’t take any refugees. WHY do you think they don’t want them there?
If we do as they do we have become them!!!!
Under all circumstances we must protect FREEDOM OF RELIGION in this country. after all, If God be with us who can stand against us?
REALLY!!! Stricter immigration laws, Stop building mosques IMMEDIATELY!!! We WILL become an islamic state, not a country built on the Judeo Christian values, as was intended. Religious freedom, yes, but not when it is a threat to our existence.
Keep all Arab country Muzzies out. Period. The ones in Indonesia are much more tolerant and do not lop off the heads of unbelievers.
Under “Separation of State and Religion” the US Government is not allowed to build churches here. Why are we allowing a foreign government to do this?
Is it really a religion if it preaches hatred and murder of those of other faiths, instead of “loving your enemies”?
Just say NO to – “Jihad-ugees”…
These ideologue thugs were the nazi’s ally in WWII. You don’t ever hear much about that, now do you? At present they are engaged in “global migrational jihad” with the intent of “eliminating”(read; exterminating) all people who are not of their ideology. Terrorist attacks are nothing more than simple distraction. Look at it this way: 1) the ayatollas are the supreme command, 2) the mullahs and imams are the officer staff, 3) the terrorists are the special forces and 4) the laity are the infantry. If this army is not stopped in their tracks they will succeed. It has been shown that they are unstoppable once their percentage of a given host country’s population reaches 6%. To these gorgons, you are either converted, enslaved or dead. Those are the only options. Beware the stink of islam; it’s coming for all of us.
Missing the point. One of the basic tenants of the founding of this country was the freedom OF religion based on the objection to religious persecution by state-run religions. Muslim, Church of England, all the same secularization of religion. Doesn’t matter that mosques are being built. It is still antithetical to the Constitution that a foreign government should construct a facility to deliberately affect and fundamentally change this basic freedom. Do we allow Russian or Chinese or North Koreans the ability to so build and infiltrate? Socialism is, in these countries, run with a religious-type fervor equal to that of Islam in other countries. These are equal attacks on the sovereignty and basis of this country. Don’t be fooled by the religious cover for a political attack. Equality means that no religion has the right to deny the rights of another religion. Political Muslim mosques do this and therefore give up their rights to be in this country. Read it again–“We hold these..”
Islam is not a conventional religion that our Founders recognized until Jefferson read the Quran, Then Jefferson sent the new USA Navy to the Islam Sea with the Marines to stop the enslavement of sailors and piracy of ships. Islam was started by a war lord looking for wealth and power. The growth of Islam is accomplished by deceit. lies and terror. The USA is only 250 years old. Islam has been spreading for more than 1400 years by killing Christians and Jews and any people who do not submit. We are just beginning to understand how difficult it will be. The Saudes are going to run out of oil and come for our gold, land, and brains as slaves. Jesus never recommended suicide,
Its really easy, don’t disallow the building of mosques, just tell them if they continue we will no longer sell them arms, technology, whatever.
The problem of the Saudi Wahabbi’s goes far beyond just the building of mosques in this country. The Saudi family is funding all kinds of things to promote their fanatical beliefs. For example they have funded a complete college at Virginia Tech to teach and promote Islam. And WOMEN are not allowed to attend, teach or observe. It amazes me that the liberal leaders of the school can bend their ideology when it comes to profiting or furthering their twisted ideology.
They should not be allowed to build mosques in this country period.
Saudi Arabia is akin to being a Communist dictatorship. And why can’t outsiders ever visit these mosques to see what goes on inside? No more Islamics can come here until Islam modernizes from a 10th century religion into something that is more congenial with the 21st century. A religion that teaches that all others are non-believers and are subject to death is totally ridiculous.
The dictate of Islam is to take over the world……as long as we allow this human plague into America, it will continue. No we do not want mosques, no we do not want Islamists! Period, what more is there to say other than No, No, No!
I don’t agree with the wording on the option of banning mosques. A true, unbiased survey would not try to lead subscribers by using such tactics as continue to “ignore” the “problem”. Just give us the options, straightforward, without commentary or blatantly exposing your opinions. We are all “Mature” adults and don’t need your surveys to lead us in the direction you favor! It cheapens the whole survey! (BTW, I voted to ban more mosques.)