

This week, Sen. Mitt Romney wrote that President Trump’s conduct throughout the past two years is “evidence that the president has not risen to the mantle of the office.”

Do you agree with Romney’s comments?

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
6 years ago

Mitt, the holier than thou Messiah in his own mind , carpetbagging, backstabbing RINO is burning with an envy and jealousy that
makes the sun look like an ice cube.
Are you Utahan’s proud of yourselves ? MAGA !

Dan W.
Dan W.
6 years ago

We already knew what Romney thought of President Trump so Romney saying it again serves no purpose.

As for the President’s effectiveness, that will be tested during the next six years (or as long as the Democrats control part of Congress).

6 years ago

Seriously AMAC? Here’s a suggestion for a better poll:

1) Ask the AMAC membership what they think of Pelosi and the Democrats after them being back in charge of the House of representatives for one day.

2) Ask what people think about the ludicrous 1,000 page spending bill the Democrats put forth as soon as took control of the House Thursday. Essentially a return to the Obama-era days of unlimited stimulus spending, that is loaded with well over a $100 billion in grants and tax credits to every green or diversity-centric Democrat cause. All to signal to Congressional Republicans in the Senate that this is their pound of flesh they expect to receive to re-open the federal government on THEIR TERMS.

3) Ask what people think about any pro-growth or pro-national security policy issue that the Democrats have already sworn to reverse via legislation from the House.

Any of these three suggestions are far more interesting and impactful to the country, as a whole, than what the has-been RINO Romney has to say. He only ran for the Senate, so he could use it as a stepping stone to running for President again in 2020 against Trump.

6 years ago

Mitt Romney, a RINO and proven loser, was okay with President Trump supporting his candidacy. Now that he’s in the Senate, will we see the same contentious behavior obstructing the president’s agenda that we saw in Paul Ryan and others?
Please, Republicans, look at the substance of what the president is trying to achieve. That’s why our party is in the White House, and that’s what we expect Congress to work toward.

Brian B
Brian B
6 years ago

What does it mean to be “Presidential? ” Does it mean politely giving in to every ludicrous spending bill that Democrats shove in his face? Does it mean turning his back on the voters who placed him in the Oval Office? Does it mean forgetting his campaign promises? Just exactly what must President Trump do to be “Presidential? ”
Romney’s definition seems to be a continuation of the status quo; the same old RINO politics that has brought America to the brink of national failure. God bless President Trump. May he always be unpresidential. MAGA

Charles Cote
Charles Cote
6 years ago

I have voted Republican all my life, but Trunp is a ignorant fool and a clown…he is most certainly degrading the office of the President.

Danny Bisbee
Danny Bisbee
6 years ago

Mitt Romney is a big part of the swamp and has been for a long time. Time to vote all of the career politicians out on both sides and get rid of the corruption in Washington

Stephen C Ruten
Stephen C Ruten
6 years ago

Romney is a sore loser and would never make a good President. He is just a RINO and should be voted out!

Al Smith
Al Smith
6 years ago

shut up Mitt!

6 years ago

President Trump is not a kiss ass politician that speaks with forked tongue. He tells it like it is and gets the job done.

6 years ago

I think Romney is despicable and a fraud! What a phony person with lack of integrity and no understanding of the current political winds that will undoubtedly prove his incompetence. I am so sorry that I voted for him for President. No character and no brains!

Ed G
Ed G
6 years ago

President Trump is FINALLY someone who does act presidential. We are starved for an alternative to mealy mouth lawyers who never answer a question, who talk but do not do, who take an oath to defend the Constitution, then ignore it once elected. President Trump tells it like it is, is direct and honest regardless of the polls, and has little use for those who do not have the best interests of this country at heart. We better hope that President Trump weathers the storm, does not throw up his hand and walk away, because if he does we will NEVER have a businessman run for President again. Not with threats of impeachment from the get-go, with investigations of past private life and businesses, with smearing of character. Who in their right mind would do that?

6 years ago

Trump’s conduct IS the “new presidential” in a nation that is being overthrown by Progressives. As for Romney, he knows exactly what he is. He is a chameleon posing as GOP, taking up the McCain / Flake / Ryan baton and running with it toward a 2020 presidential run.

Walt Hickman
Walt Hickman
6 years ago

Mitt Romney needs to pull his head out of his ass and go home and keep his mouth shut, he has put himself in a group with 2 freshman Democrat representatives, one from Michigan and I think the other is from Connecticut. A group of 3 idiots. I screwed up by voting for Romney when he ran for president, but he lost any future votes for national office.

6 years ago

what he really meant was hes not a crook like the others him included

6 years ago

I think Mitt R. Is trying to cause a ruckus and put his name in hat for 2020

Brenda Paoni
Brenda Paoni
6 years ago

Romney should not criticize our President unless he could do a better job. He knows he can’t. Sad that adults act like this in our wonderful U.S.

Lee Vincent
Lee Vincent
6 years ago

I can’t believe I voted for him. What a weasel he’s turned out to be. I have now filed Mitt under “All Style and No Substance”.

Steven Herz
Steven Herz
6 years ago

Romney is an entitled punk….he should have beat Obama…needs to grow a pair and a backbone….the country could care less about his opinions as the failed election should tell him…he is no different than the whiny Democrats….all they are good for is wasting taxpayer monies….

Dennis Trylch
Dennis Trylch
6 years ago

I think Romney showed his true colors in that he is a Rino and not to be trusted by the President and relied upon by the American public.

Marie Schuller
Marie Schuller
6 years ago

We are for Trump. Sometimes it is difficult, but still with him. Sometimes Trump makes problems for himself & conservatives with things that he says/tweets. We cringe when that happens, but we think he has his presidential heart and patriotism in the right place. That means a lot.

James Lowery
James Lowery
6 years ago

Where does the Constitution set forth the rules that say how a President must act? The people that are condemning President Trump are mealy-mouth hypocrites.

6 years ago

“Mittens” Rom-nut is a Pathetic Sore Loser and an Embarassment to Himself. Like Trump said, If he had fought half as hard against Hussein O, as he does against Trump, he might have Won.

6 years ago

This is a jealous three time looser talking out of his ass

Kate Devany Bickmann
Kate Devany Bickmann
6 years ago

President Trump is not a slick Politician.. thankfully.. he tells it like it is.. when all the media and Romney and many in our Republican Party are against him.. verbally.. yes he must hit back .. talk back on Twitter or any other forum he can.. I go by actions not just words.. Trump is a great Leader & President.. Romney a snake before .. a snake now.. along with Flake.. McCain.. Ryan and others

Kenneth Schatz
Kenneth Schatz
6 years ago

I supported Romney in 2012. He has shown himself to be a snake and should have stayed retired in Utah

Peter Swanson
Peter Swanson
6 years ago

In my opinion, the office of the Presidency was downgraded well before the current POTUS took office. Though unfortunately so, I think people have become impervious to a President’s behavior and now focus more on results. If that holds true….then President Trump is “passing with flying colors” on his job performance so far. Even though the “Wall” remains a major promise that has yet to be fulfilled, we can’t fault him for that. The blame falls squarely on those the people sent to Congress to get this job done and who defied that mandate for one reason, or another. I would be remiss if I didn’t say that the press coverage has, in my opinion, only exacerbated the situation with their consistent negativity and misinformation campaign.
As for Mitt Romney’s recent comments about the POTUS? Totally inappropriate and certainly divisive. What an endearing gesture to the POTUS and his fellow Republican colleagues: NOT! Apparently his, like DJT’s, parents did NOT teach their children the meaning behind the age-old adage: “if you don’t have anything nice to say……”!

K. Taylor
K. Taylor
6 years ago

Easy to see why these “snowflakes” consider Trump unpresidential–he’s too honest. For decades we’ve associated our presidents with being sneaky, lying cheats with all of their efforts designed to benefit themselves and their fortunes. It Figures that Romney in particular would speak this way. Given half a chance at the office, he would clearly have been the worst–all the while perfectly “coifed” and attired!
That news piece on his strapping his dog to the roof of the car while on vacation surely should have taught us something about the man.

Thomas DeMuth
Thomas DeMuth
6 years ago

My opinion of Mitt Romney has gone way down with his treatment of President Trump. Romney sought Trump’s support when he ran against Obama, but he’s been nothing but critical of President Trump since.

Linda Wallace
Linda Wallace
6 years ago

I am disgusted by the lack of support for our President from Mitt Romney and all the other RINOs! Support our President or resign from office!

6 years ago

We need more people who care about America and are effective and LESS POLITICIANS who only care about themselves and power.

6 years ago

Godly principled legislation is what he is there for and has delivered more than any President we had.
Now isn’t that surprising considering how they call him amoral and immoral.

6 years ago

Trump has thrown a huge monkey wrench into the norm of American politics. Libs are still reeling from Honest Hilly losing and have made their one goal to get even with him. Loony Nancy and the NY socialist Cortez promise to give us some comic relief in the house this year but being presidential, whatever that means, isn’t what I expect from our president.

6 years ago

I hit the wrong button, i meant to hit number 3 n the pole.

6 years ago

Some may not agree with the tweets or some of his responses but I think that he is doing a great job considering that every time he turns around the media is twisting everything he says and does! He is sticking to his promises that he made when he ran for the office and that I admire. I have never seen such blatant and obnoxious bias towards a president as I see now! And I have never seen such childish and irresponsible actions as are displayed by our lawmakers… as in Schumer and Pelosi! Brings to my mind they are like petulant little schoolyard bullies! May God have mercy on America!!

6 years ago

Romney had his chance and wimped out! We don’t need a Presidential Wimp! We want a strong leader that doesn’t cower under the cover of being Presidential!

Paul Mallon
Paul Mallon
6 years ago

Romney showed that he did not have what it takes to be President when he allowed Obama to take him to the woodshed in the last two debates. I don’t particularly want a gentleman with a crease in his trousers to be President if there is NOTHING in those trousers. Mitt needs to do his part to get this country back on track and his comments did just the opposite. Very disappointing.

6 years ago

President Trump is doing a great job and is adjusting to the office of President. He came in as a New York, high stakes businessman with all the New York attributes but is changing and toning things down! He has done more in 2 years without support from his own party (thanks to all the RINO’S) while fighting with the insane, fake news, progressive/liberally biased News media and the sham Mueller “investigation” than Obama did in 8 years! Once the trade deals are finished and America finally gets a fair shake for a change things will really take off!!

Rod Morris
Rod Morris
6 years ago

These comments show how much of a Rino Romney really is.

6 years ago

I didn’t vote for him to be presidential. I voted for him to BE a president.

karen hornberger
karen hornberger
6 years ago

Mitt Romney is an example of a poor loser. I had a high regard of him, but now ……not so much.
President Trump is a different person than other presidents but we needed a shaker and mover at this time. Too many years of underachievers and appeasers. We needed a person not afraid of being a patriot, not afraid of wanting the best for all Americans. We needed a person who is proud to be an American. Too many years of bashing the USA and what we stand for.
I agree with President Trump when he tells other countries to look out for their citizens and be proud of who they are.

Jeff W
Jeff W
6 years ago

Sorry I voted for you Mitt.

Conley Delaney
Conley Delaney
6 years ago

For a person who has violated the Logan act Romney needs to keep his mouth shut!

Maurice Daniel
Maurice Daniel
6 years ago

What is more dreadful in a human being than disloyalty? (Mr Romney). Our beloved President Trump has been more Loyal to the Constitution and We the People than (most) politicians have been for +(30) years. A swamp that has been poisoned at the source flows poison until purified. Together, with President Trump, we’ll turn all that poison (greed, anger, stupidity, hatred and jealousy) into true joy.

Ron McRaney
Ron McRaney
6 years ago

Carpetbagger couldn’t win in Massachusetts, has to beg his fellow Mormons to elect him, and then turn his back on Utah. Sad, an example of a politician that will say anything to get elected, a Democrat and never-Trumper.

Robert Prinz
Robert Prinz
6 years ago

Romney, Mit in German means with like, Like I am Mit the Democrats & I am a RINO,& an idiot Mitt Romney

Lloyd W. Gloyne
Lloyd W. Gloyne
6 years ago

He got the job to clean issues up, not politic.

Pete Iott
Pete Iott
6 years ago

Romney is a horse’s ass. He speaks of divisiveness as he is divisive. He is a loser. I am disappointed in him and his fellow RINOS.

6 years ago

Trump won because we did not want the same old politics. We want America to be the proud and generous nation that it used to be. We didn’t want a politician we wanted a businessman that knew how to get things done and that is what he is doing. Where did we turn the corner and become a nation of blind followers to career politicians who are only in office for the power? Those that don’t love being free, but want everything given to them are free to go to whatever country that they think will give them this. For myself I love America! It’s time to get behind our president.

6 years ago

Highly unprofessional on the part of the Senator. The one thing the democrats have learned well is to be united behind their leader. Republicans not so much.

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