The Democrats will need to cheat a little harder but they will yet steal the election again. Republicans have not done enough to match their electioneering techniques nor combat voter fraud at the local level
1 year ago
RFK Jr. will undoubtedly pull voters away from both parties. Running as an independent is his only choice to make any headway, as a result of his now-former socialist party having disavowed him. He will gain votes from both sides because of his stance on “the jab.” But, his run as an independent will mostly harm the Dems because so many of their own party can no longer support the puppet president Biden.
RFK Jr. is so desperate to ensure Donald J. Trump does not return to the White House, that he’s playing to conservative audiences…even as a speaker at CPAC. Yet, true patriots will not support him because of his position on abortion, as well as being one of the climate crazies…among other things.
“The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.”
Proverbs 18:15
1 year ago
Democrat motto: If at first you don’t succeed, lie, lie again. If that’s not enough, cheat. It won’t matter who runs or in what party. The dems know how to steal elections and have no shame about doing it.
Kamikaze Bob
1 year ago
Judging by the comments made, it’s too early to tell what Kennedy’s agenda is and how it will affect both parties. I’m sure with the recent defection of Dems over to the Republicans, it may affect the Dems the most. The Dems have already dug the hole by displaying their love of Socialism and Gov’t control of the people. Communists do not like our Constitution or way of the pursuit of Happiness, and Liberty. Yes, Trump has polarized the voters with his personality, but one thing for sure, he did a better job for the people.
Marty M
1 year ago
Might be another Ross Perot type situation where well meaning people get duped, and good votes get siphoned off like it did when baby killing clinton got in there! But I hope Mist is correct and it hurts the commies more!!!
Scott L
1 year ago
I think voter fraud by Democrats is so rampant that it hardly matters.
It’s like my joke from 2020:
“I have a friend in Chicago who isn’t too sure about Joe Biden. So she’s only going to vote for him five or six times.”
A Voter
1 year ago
This will not hurt the left in the least.
Progressive Left Wing Liberal SocioCommunist voters. (PLWLSCLGBTQXYZDOG for short), will not stray from the party. They are a cult and as such they will walk in lockstep with whom ever the party puts forth as their candidates. Conservatives however will split their vote and deliver the White House once again to the opposition. If their is one thing conservatives are consistently good at, it is repeatedly shooting themselves in the foot.
1 year ago
Unless the GOP gets their act together in the House for a speaker and unify this will be a mute point. RKK Jr. appeals to many on both sides and will take votes away from both parties, but the bigger question is can the GOP stop the daily in fighting. Biden has proven he is a Joke as a leader and will continue to decline in his mental capacity, but the Dems will continue to lie, cheat and steal to prop him up. The attack by Hamas shows how poorly our intelligence is currently at, and Biden’s weak handling of Iran , who is behind this mess, along with the Open Border we have is flat scary. WW3 is on the brink, and we need leaders who are Pro-active and not Re-active. No country respects us. Go Israel and shut down Hamas. What a mess.
Richard Brooks
1 year ago
RFK Jr will hurt both parties’ nominees. Too bad that wasn’t one of the options above. I could never support him due to his view on the issue of life. I am pro-life from the womb to the tomb!
1 year ago
I think he will draw votes from the democrats. Don’t be fooled, RFK Jr is a pro abortion, gun grabbing, radical tree hugging environmentalist. I just don’t see informed conservatives voting for him. But the never Trumpers are a strange lot.
1 year ago
He should siphon votes from the left. Never Trumpers will vote for him so they don’t have any guilt on their heads about voting foe Biden again. Having said all that, REST ASSURED the socialist/marxist/fascist/authoritarian cheaters will use it as an excuse to steal another election.
Jeff Savlov
1 year ago
Leaving a political party doesn’t change who you are. Look at Bernie Sanders, he is a Socialist yet ALWAYS votes with Democrats. RFK jr. is just another liberal who has been shunned by the DNC.
1 year ago
Instead of a poll about a Dem changing his party affiliation, we should be focusing and devoting our prayers for Israel!
1 year ago
As usual, limited responses. I picked the first answer, but my opinion is more nuanced. I think in basic voting, RFK Jr. will pull votes from both side,but hurt dems more. Trump is a bridge too far for them.
However, I think it will make it more difficult for the dems to cheat their way to victory, adding a layer of complication.
I have an unjabbed fried (as am I) who was all hot for RFK when he announced, but after we talked about it, I think she realizes that his draw is his stance on the “vaccine”. He doesn’t have much appeal otherwise.
Bob L
1 year ago
I see another 2020 election on the horizon with the same, if not worse, vote tabulation fraud as before even if Donald Trump is barred from the ballot and regardless of who would run as the GOP candidate. It would be the deciding election of whether the U.S. survives as the “last hope” of the world from a tyrannical, globalist oligarchy. If the election is so blatantly fraudulent as to be obvious to the most critical skeptic let there be a real insurrection across the nation that will lead to tossing out the fraudulent results, holding another election and the prosecution of those who conspired overthrow our Constitutional Republic.
Marie M
1 year ago
Since the Democratic Party has gone beyond liberalism to socialism, I think common sense democrats will vote for RFK. My biggest concern is the cheating! We’re in a downward spiral, these are scary times.
1 year ago
Everyone should go to PragerU and watch Dennis Prager’s sit down interview with RFK Jr. You’ll come away with a whole different perspective of him. Although he appeals to GOP voters on a couple of issues, he is definitely not a conservative. Beware!
Dan W.
1 year ago
This poll question is illogical. How can a voter put aside their feelings for any candidate’s policies when deciding the impact of any candidate on any future election ?
Richard Koch
1 year ago
The MSM has only begun to render Kennedy radioactive to most democrats. I don’t know what he believes in his heart and if I wanted to learn, I would have to ask him myself. I have learned not to rely on the utterances of “journalists.” Besides, the “journalists” have barely started to “dirty-up” the candidates that they disfavor. In a related story, “reporters” today deal in half-truths, innuendo, flat out lies as well as the ever popular lying by omission in an effort to keep the general public confused, off-balance and divided. I just wonder how well that the special forces in the journalism corps can sustain two major theaters of war against both Trump and Kennedy. They are habitually lying to us in order to aid in the subjugation of America’s citizens.
Harold Walma
1 year ago
Well, it depends on who the Republican candidate is. Trump will win. Anyone else…I won’t vote for a uniparty candidate.
Vincent in CO
1 year ago
He will likely take votes from both major parties. But it remains to be seen which party will suffer the most. Let’s not forget Cornel West of the Green Party. He is likely to hurt Dems most by attracting their more radical elements.
1 year ago
According to Rasmussen, 30% of Dems are likely to vote for Trump in 24. Thirty-three percent of Dems are likely to vote for RFK, Jr. Only 14% of Repubs are likely to vote for RFK, Jr. That makes Trump the winner against the traitor Mush Brains Biden. The question is, will Mush Brains be the Dem nominee? I’d wager not. The crime syndicate known as the Democrat Party will parachute someone else in at some point next year. It will probably be Michelle Obama. The Democrat crime syndicate will, of course, also cheat again. And how. Be watching for ANY imaginable tactics to interfere with the election. They are already attempting to jail Trump and get him thrown of the ballot. There is NOTHING they won’t do to “win.”
Rebecca Zugaro-Morrison
1 year ago
While I think this will pull votes from both sides, a split in the election puts at risk the candidate I am likely to vote for in the republican party. If the Republicans don’t get their act together under the banner of common sense and realize they are shooting themselves in the foot, they may find an independent candidate in the winner’s circle.
1 year ago
The best case scenario will be that the Democrats will have a harder time knowing how many mail in ballots they will need to manufacture for a win! They underestimated Trump in 2016 and made darned sure that didn’t happen again in 2020! Evil men make many plans, but God will have the final say so. I have been praying since 2020 that all the corruption will be exposed!! A good bit of it has been exposed, but not by the main stream media; they haven’t caught on yet!!
1 year ago
Once a Socialist Democrat always a Socialist Democrat! Trump stood for America and how America became what it was! He did not bend for the Socialist Democrats or Communist Parties! He was great!
1 year ago
Promises made, promises kept were a long list of Trump accomplishments. You were safe to go about your life and you were prosperous. Everything else is irrelevant. Choose Freedom Republican or Communist Democrat. I’ll never understand the Democrat Left’s quest for power in taking down freedom. When they achieve it, their expected power will evaporate to a Dictator. They will be the first into re-education camps.
1 year ago
As always it will depend on how much research and fact checking that voters put in, check the record, he supports mostly Democrat policies.
Hopefully it helps Republicans.
1 year ago
Dems will have enough dead voters and fake ballots to take the election in the middle of the night, after the polls are close, in the swing States again.
Spartan Dave
1 year ago
Like Mist, I think he will take votes from both. But, in the end, it won’t matter if the Dems steal the election again.
J Van Horn
1 year ago
With the Democraps track record (Hillary, Obama,Biden) of making people disappear, if I were him I’d watch my back!
1 year ago
IMO, a Kennedy is a liberal democrat. Despite that RFK, Jr.’s family is distancing themselves from him, he has endoresed HRC, Obama, etc. and held liberal views on many major issues. Even as he tempers his views now, he will hurt Biden most.
1 year ago
Does it really matter since we know the unscrupulous and anti-American party plans on stealing the election, again?
I still can’t believe that many republicans, the SC and others allowed a treasonous plot to steal a presidential election. We have cowards and criminals in our gov’t.
1 year ago
One reason RFK Jr. is running as an independent is that he is a “common sense type ” and the DNC will not let him debate Biden. The DNC is intimidated by him and favors the incumbent who has not done a good job.
I hope lifelong Democrats (particularly those in the northeast and the midwest who are 60-plus) realize that today’s Democratic party is not the party their parents belonged to.
Rob J
1 year ago
Jeepers Mr. Wilson …. How do you get to be Kennedy’s age, have at least 2 family members go Ambient and be stupid enough to …
A – continue affiliation with Democrat Party
B – stick your nose into something that might just cause you to Go Ambient
C – think you’re actually relevant
1 year ago
I believe it is too early to know. Both parties could be affected and it also depends on the fairness of elections, especially in places that have had dubious results before. I don’t think anyone can be sure.
1 year ago
Voting for RFK Jr. presents a dichotomy. I believe many of both parties remain on the fence with respect to a decision. To conservatives like me, he seems a genuine man of the people. But he is a democrat and he is a Kennedy, and this presenting a double potential to be a crook. To liberals I believe he offers a viable alternative to the vegetable currently occupying the white house. But he is anti vaccine, and anti lord Fauci,which will likely offend the sheep to the point of voting for Biden – or Michelle, or Hillary. Bottom line, to me, this is a crap shoot right up to the moment of casting one’s vote.
Lewis Henley
1 year ago
After Hillary’s loss in 2016 the Democrats refined their vote gathering strategy which gives them a locked in portion of votes. What transpires in the court proceedings against Trump could have a negative effect on him. RFK presents a voting opportunity for those who are scared of Biden and dislike Trump. We could have a close three way election.
1 year ago
In the light of this piece of news if Biden ahould “win” the 2024 election again “overwhelmingly”, if there is not an immediate pause placed on the inauguration process and a thorough criminal investigation by the states convened then our country will be no more!
1 year ago
He is just another candidate that’s left to far left of center like all the Kennedy’s, and I wouldn’t vote for him, unless he and dumbass Joe Biden were the only ones on the ballot! God Bless America, Long live our Freedoms!
1 year ago
He is not a clear speaker which makes it hard to be effective. Sorry.. It is what it is,
1 year ago
RFK Jr. is an old school Democrat, much like JFK. This will appeal to a lot of Democrat voters that are fed up with the current leftist state of the DNC, yet are still loyal Democrat Party as it once was.
1 year ago
In a normal federal election cycle, it is the North American news media that will decide the election by pandering to an ‘electorate’ that has been endoctrinated for at least two generations to hate their country. Ignorant people will continue to vote ‘their feelings’. . .exactly how they’ve been trained to do in high school. Nothing will change the path backward. What pelosi, clinton, have started will continue to erode any semblance of American culture. Every single honest effort to be fair will be discouraged or completely inundated with lies. Anarchy is upon us and America will not be recognizable in ten years or less. Plan accordingly.
1 year ago
i believe true Republicans would support their candidate unless they were a really poor choice but many Democrats like Robert Kennedy. Joe Biden and his administration are doing a horrific job on every front
1 year ago
In America today I fear the worse is still to come. Hope dissatisfied Reps remember RJK is a dem! May have some differences BUT. PLEASE LET COOLER HEADS RULE.
Frank Scruggs
1 year ago
JFKJr may get close if Donald Trump does not run, meaning he could hurt both parties. I would vote for him if Trump is not in the race. ANY, ANY non political person is BETTER than one of the 535.
Rebecca Zugaro-Morrison
1 year ago
I refuse to take the poll because I think it will hurt both parties and you did not offer that option.
Charles Hays from NC
1 year ago
I’m an independent (declin to specify party) who is closest to identifying as a conservative Libritarian. I seldom voted for the Libritarian candidate because I knew he/she has little chance to win and I wanted my vote to be heard. I have voted Republican in all of the federal elections since 1960 even though several were a bit to Libral for my taste. I voted for Trump in the last two presidential elections and I will do so again because he fits my views as a conservative Libritarian in most of his stated goals. I belive that RFK would have a snow;all in he’ll chance of gaining the consertave vote because he has to many Libral views so I believe that the majority of Independent voters will tend to vote for someone who is able to win, so they will probably not vote for their party candidate but will likely vote for a Republican candidate, abandoning their political party and voting for the party that they belive can win.
1 year ago
I say this every 4 years, but this year it is definitely true. THESE are the worst candidates the USA has ever had…not that it matters. The Dumbassocrats won’t allow us to actually vote, anyway.
zoe frost
1 year ago
Being a Communist, and hating our Constitutional Republic, it defies logic why ANY American would support the mooching no class pos…and yet there is a lot of support. That Moochie’s married to one of the worst presidents in the history of our once strong country he’s weakened and corrupted to the point of it careening on the precipice of disaster. It’s 100% certain the traitor’s Obama would complete the destruction of our Constitutional Republic.
1 year ago
I chose the third option. I think he will hurt both sides. There are plenty of Trump haters out there. I see that most chose the first. I like that and hope that that is the outcome. I also agree that the dems will cheat like hell.
The Democrats will need to cheat a little harder but they will yet steal the election again. Republicans have not done enough to match their electioneering techniques nor combat voter fraud at the local level
RFK Jr. will undoubtedly pull voters away from both parties. Running as an independent is his only choice to make any headway, as a result of his now-former socialist party having disavowed him. He will gain votes from both sides because of his stance on “the jab.” But, his run as an independent will mostly harm the Dems because so many of their own party can no longer support the puppet president Biden.
RFK Jr. is so desperate to ensure Donald J. Trump does not return to the White House, that he’s playing to conservative audiences…even as a speaker at CPAC. Yet, true patriots will not support him because of his position on abortion, as well as being one of the climate crazies…among other things.
“The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.”
Proverbs 18:15
Democrat motto: If at first you don’t succeed, lie, lie again. If that’s not enough, cheat. It won’t matter who runs or in what party. The dems know how to steal elections and have no shame about doing it.
Judging by the comments made, it’s too early to tell what Kennedy’s agenda is and how it will affect both parties. I’m sure with the recent defection of Dems over to the Republicans, it may affect the Dems the most. The Dems have already dug the hole by displaying their love of Socialism and Gov’t control of the people. Communists do not like our Constitution or way of the pursuit of Happiness, and Liberty. Yes, Trump has polarized the voters with his personality, but one thing for sure, he did a better job for the people.
Might be another Ross Perot type situation where well meaning people get duped, and good votes get siphoned off like it did when baby killing clinton got in there! But I hope Mist is correct and it hurts the commies more!!!
I think voter fraud by Democrats is so rampant that it hardly matters.
It’s like my joke from 2020:
“I have a friend in Chicago who isn’t too sure about Joe Biden. So she’s only going to vote for him five or six times.”
This will not hurt the left in the least.
Progressive Left Wing Liberal SocioCommunist voters. (PLWLSCLGBTQXYZDOG for short), will not stray from the party. They are a cult and as such they will walk in lockstep with whom ever the party puts forth as their candidates. Conservatives however will split their vote and deliver the White House once again to the opposition. If their is one thing conservatives are consistently good at, it is repeatedly shooting themselves in the foot.
Unless the GOP gets their act together in the House for a speaker and unify this will be a mute point. RKK Jr. appeals to many on both sides and will take votes away from both parties, but the bigger question is can the GOP stop the daily in fighting. Biden has proven he is a Joke as a leader and will continue to decline in his mental capacity, but the Dems will continue to lie, cheat and steal to prop him up. The attack by Hamas shows how poorly our intelligence is currently at, and Biden’s weak handling of Iran , who is behind this mess, along with the Open Border we have is flat scary. WW3 is on the brink, and we need leaders who are Pro-active and not Re-active. No country respects us. Go Israel and shut down Hamas. What a mess.
RFK Jr will hurt both parties’ nominees. Too bad that wasn’t one of the options above. I could never support him due to his view on the issue of life. I am pro-life from the womb to the tomb!
I think he will draw votes from the democrats. Don’t be fooled, RFK Jr is a pro abortion, gun grabbing, radical tree hugging environmentalist. I just don’t see informed conservatives voting for him. But the never Trumpers are a strange lot.
He should siphon votes from the left. Never Trumpers will vote for him so they don’t have any guilt on their heads about voting foe Biden again. Having said all that, REST ASSURED the socialist/marxist/fascist/authoritarian cheaters will use it as an excuse to steal another election.
Leaving a political party doesn’t change who you are. Look at Bernie Sanders, he is a Socialist yet ALWAYS votes with Democrats. RFK jr. is just another liberal who has been shunned by the DNC.
Instead of a poll about a Dem changing his party affiliation, we should be focusing and devoting our prayers for Israel!
As usual, limited responses. I picked the first answer, but my opinion is more nuanced. I think in basic voting, RFK Jr. will pull votes from both side,but hurt dems more. Trump is a bridge too far for them.
However, I think it will make it more difficult for the dems to cheat their way to victory, adding a layer of complication.
I have an unjabbed fried (as am I) who was all hot for RFK when he announced, but after we talked about it, I think she realizes that his draw is his stance on the “vaccine”. He doesn’t have much appeal otherwise.
I see another 2020 election on the horizon with the same, if not worse, vote tabulation fraud as before even if Donald Trump is barred from the ballot and regardless of who would run as the GOP candidate. It would be the deciding election of whether the U.S. survives as the “last hope” of the world from a tyrannical, globalist oligarchy. If the election is so blatantly fraudulent as to be obvious to the most critical skeptic let there be a real insurrection across the nation that will lead to tossing out the fraudulent results, holding another election and the prosecution of those who conspired overthrow our Constitutional Republic.
Since the Democratic Party has gone beyond liberalism to socialism, I think common sense democrats will vote for RFK. My biggest concern is the cheating! We’re in a downward spiral, these are scary times.
Everyone should go to PragerU and watch Dennis Prager’s sit down interview with RFK Jr. You’ll come away with a whole different perspective of him. Although he appeals to GOP voters on a couple of issues, he is definitely not a conservative. Beware!
This poll question is illogical. How can a voter put aside their feelings for any candidate’s policies when deciding the impact of any candidate on any future election ?
The MSM has only begun to render Kennedy radioactive to most democrats. I don’t know what he believes in his heart and if I wanted to learn, I would have to ask him myself. I have learned not to rely on the utterances of “journalists.” Besides, the “journalists” have barely started to “dirty-up” the candidates that they disfavor. In a related story, “reporters” today deal in half-truths, innuendo, flat out lies as well as the ever popular lying by omission in an effort to keep the general public confused, off-balance and divided. I just wonder how well that the special forces in the journalism corps can sustain two major theaters of war against both Trump and Kennedy. They are habitually lying to us in order to aid in the subjugation of America’s citizens.
Well, it depends on who the Republican candidate is. Trump will win. Anyone else…I won’t vote for a uniparty candidate.
He will likely take votes from both major parties. But it remains to be seen which party will suffer the most. Let’s not forget Cornel West of the Green Party. He is likely to hurt Dems most by attracting their more radical elements.
According to Rasmussen, 30% of Dems are likely to vote for Trump in 24. Thirty-three percent of Dems are likely to vote for RFK, Jr. Only 14% of Repubs are likely to vote for RFK, Jr. That makes Trump the winner against the traitor Mush Brains Biden. The question is, will Mush Brains be the Dem nominee? I’d wager not. The crime syndicate known as the Democrat Party will parachute someone else in at some point next year. It will probably be Michelle Obama. The Democrat crime syndicate will, of course, also cheat again. And how. Be watching for ANY imaginable tactics to interfere with the election. They are already attempting to jail Trump and get him thrown of the ballot. There is NOTHING they won’t do to “win.”
While I think this will pull votes from both sides, a split in the election puts at risk the candidate I am likely to vote for in the republican party. If the Republicans don’t get their act together under the banner of common sense and realize they are shooting themselves in the foot, they may find an independent candidate in the winner’s circle.
The best case scenario will be that the Democrats will have a harder time knowing how many mail in ballots they will need to manufacture for a win! They underestimated Trump in 2016 and made darned sure that didn’t happen again in 2020! Evil men make many plans, but God will have the final say so. I have been praying since 2020 that all the corruption will be exposed!! A good bit of it has been exposed, but not by the main stream media; they haven’t caught on yet!!
Once a Socialist Democrat always a Socialist Democrat! Trump stood for America and how America became what it was! He did not bend for the Socialist Democrats or Communist Parties! He was great!
Promises made, promises kept were a long list of Trump accomplishments. You were safe to go about your life and you were prosperous. Everything else is irrelevant. Choose Freedom Republican or Communist Democrat. I’ll never understand the Democrat Left’s quest for power in taking down freedom. When they achieve it, their expected power will evaporate to a Dictator. They will be the first into re-education camps.
As always it will depend on how much research and fact checking that voters put in, check the record, he supports mostly Democrat policies.
Hopefully it helps Republicans.
Dems will have enough dead voters and fake ballots to take the election in the middle of the night, after the polls are close, in the swing States again.
Like Mist, I think he will take votes from both. But, in the end, it won’t matter if the Dems steal the election again.
With the Democraps track record (Hillary, Obama,Biden) of making people disappear, if I were him I’d watch my back!
IMO, a Kennedy is a liberal democrat. Despite that RFK, Jr.’s family is distancing themselves from him, he has endoresed HRC, Obama, etc. and held liberal views on many major issues. Even as he tempers his views now, he will hurt Biden most.
Does it really matter since we know the unscrupulous and anti-American party plans on stealing the election, again?
I still can’t believe that many republicans, the SC and others allowed a treasonous plot to steal a presidential election. We have cowards and criminals in our gov’t.
One reason RFK Jr. is running as an independent is that he is a “common sense type ” and the DNC will not let him debate Biden. The DNC is intimidated by him and favors the incumbent who has not done a good job.
I hope lifelong Democrats (particularly those in the northeast and the midwest who are 60-plus) realize that today’s Democratic party is not the party their parents belonged to.
Jeepers Mr. Wilson …. How do you get to be Kennedy’s age, have at least 2 family members go Ambient and be stupid enough to …
A – continue affiliation with Democrat Party
B – stick your nose into something that might just cause you to Go Ambient
C – think you’re actually relevant
I believe it is too early to know. Both parties could be affected and it also depends on the fairness of elections, especially in places that have had dubious results before. I don’t think anyone can be sure.
Voting for RFK Jr. presents a dichotomy. I believe many of both parties remain on the fence with respect to a decision. To conservatives like me, he seems a genuine man of the people. But he is a democrat and he is a Kennedy, and this presenting a double potential to be a crook. To liberals I believe he offers a viable alternative to the vegetable currently occupying the white house. But he is anti vaccine, and anti lord Fauci,which will likely offend the sheep to the point of voting for Biden – or Michelle, or Hillary. Bottom line, to me, this is a crap shoot right up to the moment of casting one’s vote.
After Hillary’s loss in 2016 the Democrats refined their vote gathering strategy which gives them a locked in portion of votes. What transpires in the court proceedings against Trump could have a negative effect on him. RFK presents a voting opportunity for those who are scared of Biden and dislike Trump. We could have a close three way election.
In the light of this piece of news if Biden ahould “win” the 2024 election again “overwhelmingly”, if there is not an immediate pause placed on the inauguration process and a thorough criminal investigation by the states convened then our country will be no more!
He is just another candidate that’s left to far left of center like all the Kennedy’s, and I wouldn’t vote for him, unless he and dumbass Joe Biden were the only ones on the ballot!
God Bless America, Long live our Freedoms!
He is not a clear speaker which makes it hard to be effective. Sorry.. It is what it is,
RFK Jr. is an old school Democrat, much like JFK. This will appeal to a lot of Democrat voters that are fed up with the current leftist state of the DNC, yet are still loyal Democrat Party as it once was.
In a normal federal election cycle, it is the North American news media that will decide the election by pandering to an ‘electorate’ that has been endoctrinated for at least two generations to hate their country. Ignorant people will continue to vote ‘their feelings’. . .exactly how they’ve been trained to do in high school. Nothing will change the path backward. What pelosi, clinton, have started will continue to erode any semblance of American culture. Every single honest effort to be fair will be discouraged or completely inundated with lies. Anarchy is upon us and America will not be recognizable in ten years or less. Plan accordingly.
i believe true Republicans would support their candidate unless they were a really poor choice but many Democrats like Robert Kennedy. Joe Biden and his administration are doing a horrific job on every front
In America today I fear the worse is still to come. Hope dissatisfied Reps remember RJK is a dem! May have some differences BUT. PLEASE LET COOLER HEADS RULE.
JFKJr may get close if Donald Trump does not run, meaning he could hurt both parties. I would vote for him if Trump is not in the race. ANY, ANY non political person is BETTER than one of the 535.
I refuse to take the poll because I think it will hurt both parties and you did not offer that option.
I’m an independent (declin to specify party) who is closest to identifying as a conservative Libritarian. I seldom voted for the Libritarian candidate because I knew he/she has little chance to win and I wanted my vote to be heard. I have voted Republican in all of the federal elections since 1960 even though several were a bit to Libral for my taste. I voted for Trump in the last two presidential elections and I will do so again because he fits my views as a conservative Libritarian in most of his stated goals. I belive that RFK would have a snow;all in he’ll chance of gaining the consertave vote because he has to many Libral views so I believe that the majority of Independent voters will tend to vote for someone who is able to win, so they will probably not vote for their party candidate but will likely vote for a Republican candidate, abandoning their political party and voting for the party that they belive can win.
I say this every 4 years, but this year it is definitely true. THESE are the worst candidates the USA has ever had…not that it matters. The Dumbassocrats won’t allow us to actually vote, anyway.
Being a Communist, and hating our Constitutional Republic, it defies logic why ANY American would support the mooching no class pos…and yet there is a lot of support. That Moochie’s married to one of the worst presidents in the history of our once strong country he’s weakened and corrupted to the point of it careening on the precipice of disaster. It’s 100% certain the traitor’s Obama would complete the destruction of our Constitutional Republic.
I chose the third option. I think he will hurt both sides. There are plenty of Trump haters out there. I see that most chose the first. I like that and hope that that is the outcome. I also agree that the dems will cheat like hell.