
According to a recent AMAC poll, the majority of participants favored researching the therapeutic benefits of medical marijuana, but differed on the entities that would actually oversee the analysis. Who do you believe should conduct these studies?

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Jerome Simons
Jerome Simons
5 years ago

Marijuana has been proven to cause fewer health issues than alcohol and have many more health benefits. The only reason the Feds won’t legallize it is because they CANNOT control it like they can alcohol. If you want to level the playing field, then make alcohol illegal. Ooops, alredy tried that and it FAILED.

Shelley Gibbeny
Shelley Gibbeny
5 years ago

God gave us this marijuana for medicinal purposes this isn’t like going out and partying with alcohol and cocaine and manufactured drugs this is a god-given plant that grows naturally has such healing qualities and does not hurt anyone we need to investigate we need to give people health help that really works not big Pharma death pills

Ed Kupper
Ed Kupper
5 years ago

This is real stupid. There has been reams or data from studies for decades. Cut the crap and legalize pot and move on.

Jim H
Jim H
5 years ago

None of the above. They are all crooks (“follow the money”) and can’t believe anything they say. Make it legal and let the populace decide on their own.

5 years ago

This should have been legalized a long time ago. I think alcohol should not be legal. I have lost 17 friends and family members to this horrible product. If my late husband had not of had marijuana to smoke (yes it was done illegally) the pain he was in from a terrible back injury and his later diagnosis with terminal cancer would have driven him mad. No drugs the doctors gave him helped touch his pain bUT the marijuana did. If you never used it don’t pass judgement. I bet you accept alcohol though don’t you?

5 years ago

Pick up just about any prescription or think about undergoing any procedure and read the list of possible side effects. Who wants to risk any of that? Medical marijuana is a great alternative over traditional medicine and should be an option for anyone choosing to use it. Who to do the research though….is there anyone we can really trust?

5 years ago

The federal government? The government is corrupt and is incapable of conducting any credible research. Like the “Fake News” media, the federal government cannot be trusted.

5 years ago

Forget the medical research part and just legalize it. Use it and develop it as necessary for over the shelf self medication and recreation.
Marijuana is as old as man. What the heck do you think Noah had in his sickbay and wardroom?

5 years ago

Weed should be legalized period.

Jim Vaughan
Jim Vaughan
5 years ago

There is already more than enough research.
Feds should stay out of it and let the banking industry be able to be used.
Currently the banking industry cannot be used. It is a cash industry at this point.

5 years ago

I am in my mid 60s, and used to smoke marijuana when I was much younger. I only quit due to it being illegal and my responsibilities at the time. I don’t agree it is a gate way drug. When I smoked weed, I didn’t drink or smoke cigarettes. I didn’t move on to anything else. It does help with anxiety and pain. If pot were legal, I don’t think there would be such an opioid issue in this country. and there would be less drunk drivers on the road. However, like alcohol, it should be Controlled and have it taxed. People should remember proabition. People are going to do it, and it isn’t going to go away!

Robert L.
Robert L.
5 years ago

I can’t understand how anyone would be against research on marijuana, as we have anecdotal evidence that it does help people with several health problems.

Bruce Stevenson
Bruce Stevenson
5 years ago

Research has already been ongoing for years and the benefits for those with chronic pain, cancer treatment and other serious conditions have been proven beneficial where pharmaceutical treatments have failed. This is not for the general public. Study results from our present government have proven untrustworthy and can change with the wind.

5 years ago

I’m in favor of legalization of recreational marijuana. Why is one of the options in the poll so anti legalization with no pro legalization option

Dan W.
Dan W.
5 years ago

Difficult question. On one hand, which entity has the resources to do the research but on the other hand, which entity is likely to do the most objective research ?

(One other potential choice to conduct these studies: Colleges.)

5 years ago

Not the federal government!
Combination of state and private enterprise would be better. State governments would likely direct such research to their university medical schools, (not the poli-sci dept.) No doubt, pharmaceutical companies would be eager to do their own research, but private sector should include research clinics like Mayo, and others, also.
Medical application research only, no recreational legalization. Use lab rats. If someone can find and validate safe medical uses minus the neurotic side effects, fine.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago

That being accredited researchers from established medical institutes.
A quick search of the interweb will reveal this.

Another Friday, another low I.Q. AMAC poll.

GBA/KAG #TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !

Bridget H Shaw
Bridget H Shaw
5 years ago

I guess it doesn’t really matter who does the research. Bottom line, can we trust what the say.

Rod Shirk
Rod Shirk
5 years ago

When reviewing the medical use of marijuana, why wasn’t a non-profit medical review board an option?

5 years ago

Definitely NOT the feds. I’m torn between the state’s and the private since both can be crooked as hell.

5 years ago

It should be a partnership between the FDA and the private sector to make certain nothing is being swept under the rug regarding long term side effects. Don’t trust either group on their own to get to the truth.

Leave it to the feds and a bunch of former pot heads will just legalize it for kicks and kickbacks. Leave it to the private sector and they will just try to make a quick buck now, and then again when the side effects are discovered, they will try to make billions in litigation later. Can see the irritating commercials in my head as I write this.

5 years ago

The research needs to be done as radio commercials are already out there pushing CBD from hemp (not marijuana)., but even they are admitting the knowledge needed to justify the use of CBD is light. We don’t need another method for people to legally get high when perhaps, just perhaps, it was a component part of hemp/marijuana that has the actual medicinal benefits. No matter what, the research needs to be done and regulations need to be developed or we will just end up with another health crisis like we are now seeing with the vaping industry. We just need it funded big and long and overseen by the feds to make certain legitimate side effects are reported now, not by ambulance chasing lawyers.

5 years ago

In the case of Big Pharma, always follow the money. George Soros has been the #1 force behind legalizing ‘medical’ marijuana. Friends report excellent results in pain control, and there may be a connection to some disease treatment, but we do not want to become a Stoner Nation.

Ernest Stone
Ernest Stone
5 years ago

The Feds will exploit this and make it cost 20x what it should. Let privately held company do it and pass the research cost on to the consumers

Patricia McNaught Foster
Patricia McNaught Foster
5 years ago

I worry that if big pharma gets a hold of medical pot they will turn it into a poison and make it more expensive than it already is.

5 years ago

Don’t think there could be an unbiased study.

5 years ago

Federal government has a patent on marijuana and developed Marinol years ago and and eye drop..FDA has been researching marijuana ever since and has found many uses for it but big pharmaceutical wouldn’t make money on medications that people actually don’t need to take… They should never have included marijuana in with opium… Marijuana has been used and found with mummies 3000 years old.. Even they knew of the medicinal use of marijuana..We should have the option to use marijuana or pharmaceutical medicine..It should be legal in all 50 states and we should have a choice to use it or not..

Gloria P. Sterling
Gloria P. Sterling
5 years ago

Why would anyone want the “feds” to research anything? They just “mess up” anything and everything of which they undertake.

Doug Boone
Doug Boone
5 years ago

If a person takes a really low dose of hydrocodone, one pill daily, you CANNOT leave your state for more than 30 days – Has to be filled at the same Rx. Thanks to our fed elected officials we can not take a 45 day camping trip! If you have not Experienced chronic pain then please take the time to learn about it. IF A PERSON HAS chronic pain, they will not get “high”. We are now consumed with people controlling the Rx pain drugs while methamphetamine is rampant and must be made from chemicals manufactured in a sophisticated plant. THAT we could handle by not allowing pseudoephedrine on the market… crickets!

Dave Gorjup
Dave Gorjup
5 years ago

Like most issues not specifically designated as a responsibility of the Federal Government by the Constitution, this issue should derive to the states. Period.

5 years ago

Whom ever does the study must be monitored so that it doesn’t get to be one sided. Or other words be a real study & the bounds should be established before they begin!

5 years ago

Just like the Constitution All involved so America has a complete answer . As soon as medical passed in states the dope heads start pushing for recreational then full legalization . Just look at the vape situation , it was harmless now it’s worse then smoking and criminal elements putting God knows what in these things .

Paul Carlson
Paul Carlson
5 years ago

Need more choices, such as, All of the Above. Not that I’m going to use the stuff, smoking it wrecked my sinuses long ago. But others may benefit.

5 years ago

I’m not sure who should do the investigations. I don’t really trust anyone anymore! But I fear that we are becoming a nation of “pot heads”! People are so divided, & so many have such hate in their hearts they resort to all kinds of things, trying to ease that hate. I am very worried for our Country & world!

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
5 years ago

While I generally disagree with getting the federal government involved in anything, leaving studies up to the drug companies who will profit from the findings of a study makes no sense. Neither does having each state reach its own conclusion because Americans are free to cross state lines at will and it is unrealistic to expect us to know the law in every state we enter. The gun law mess is an example where innocent citizens can get caught up in local laws when they travel with a gun.

Alfred Kuehn
Alfred Kuehn
5 years ago

75% of 4164 respondents say Research Therapeutic benefits of medical cannabis should be studied, and ~60% favoring such research say Private Sector should do it rather than the Fed Gov’t or States. I’ve pursued this since 2013 as private entity prepared to team with private firms or Fed Gov’t as I do not believe States can do it equally effectively. Building on what is known about cannabinoids, terpenes, disease and symptoms is important,

Joseph Chevalier
Joseph Chevalier
5 years ago

The location of the research should be known only to very high officials . . . or officially very high researchers! ;)) The benefits are already known to many people in many States. When Prohibition of alcohol ended in 1933, Harry Anslinger, Head of the Bureau of Narcotics, arbitrarily threw cannabis onto a new list of prohibited substances. CBD, derived from cannabis, is NOT psychoactive. As for cannabis itself, which WILL intoxicate, c. sativa makes someone’s thoughts like a cattle stampede for about 5 hours. “hybrid” cannabis less so. C. indica makes a calming high for the same length of time. Too much too often can make users fat & lazy from craving carbs & sugar. As it alters perception of depth & time, it should NOT be taken before driving. May such information enlighten especially the social Conservatives.

Joy Lewis
Joy Lewis
5 years ago

I have used a pain management doctor for 15 years. I believe it should be he who evaluates the benefits of my use of medical marijuana, just as he has evaluated my pain medication.

5 years ago

First, what is marijuana? It is a variant of the hemp plant, altered to increase the mental effect to the point that it is dangerous. Hemp, with a very low amount of THC, has been used for fiber (ever hear of hemp rope?), food and MEDICINE for centuries. So what use is marijuana at all?
HEMP should be legalized and its benefits researched. Since it does not make you high, it does not matter who researches it.
The problem is keeping marijuana OUT of the picture. When it became popular back in the 60’s, people began breeding varieties that had higher THC content. It is very difficult to tell the difference. The only way is to check directly for the amount of THC. Since it occurs naturally in hemp, you cannot just check for its presence. This makes the test expensive and difficult.
What ‘medical’ marijuana is I don’t even know. The only real question is whether it helps when hemp does not. For instance, will hemp alleviate seizures? Has anyone tested it? If it does, there is no reason for people to put themselves in danger by taking ‘medical’ marijuana.
Hemp is also very good for pets.

SD Bordertown
SD Bordertown
5 years ago

There is some research being done on med marijuana, its in Israel. Google it and you find some of their research findings especially for elderly people, dementia being one area. The VA has turned the other cheek
to med marijuana with results in PTSD. We have already found in the US it has helped people with seizures. I encourage all to do a little research on this subject. We still have a long way to go but medical research is
generally a slow process. And, yes there is always a done side. Peace, Love and Spare Change!!!

MK McMillion
MK McMillion
5 years ago

Pot HAS been studied for years.
results: There is some little benefit as to pain and comfort.
Recreationally it is a disaster. It is a gateway drug. It does dull the senses and intelligence.

5 years ago

Anything the government touches turns to crap. Private sector testing only.

5 years ago

Private sector testing only. Anything the government touches turn to crap.

5 years ago

We already have Marinol so I see no point in this. This appears to be a tug of war between federal, state and private interests that see a massive revenue stream and can’t wait to get their hands on the profits. Just look at CBD. It’s being sold at practically every retailer imaginable but do we know what its long term effects are?

5 years ago

This is for the few to make money! It has already been shown that this will go just like the opioid crisis in five to 10 years. Those at the bottom end of this Ponzi scheme will be sued, maybe some at the top, but not before they make millions, and innocent people die. Listen to credible doctors who say this has no medical value! Dope is Dope, GOD didn’t intend for you to go around stoned, but the devil sure is collecting souls!

5 years ago

Another slippery slope. There probably are benefits to dagga (name for marijuana where I come from), but my experience with the stuff is my son lost all ambition when he started using, dropped from an “A” student to a “D” student. Also, I have been at parties where it was used: It turns normally intelligent people into giggly idiots.

5 years ago

At the very least, make it legal and load it with taxes to treat the consequences.

Skip Cunningham
Skip Cunningham
5 years ago

All the hype about marijuana is part of the process to desensitize the public to the next step which is recreational use.

Mike Dalton
Mike Dalton
5 years ago

“medical marijuana benefits” DO NOT EXIST !!!!!

Jack H
Jack H
5 years ago

I can hardly believe that over 1500 respondents still cling to the outdated idea that marijuana, on its own, is a gateway to hard drugs. The only reason that that sometimes seems true is because the only place to obtain marijuana has been from the same lowlife creeps that sell hard drugs. If you use marijuana and can obtain it from legal sources there is no pull toward harder drugs. Some of these people need to get out of the last century and open their eyes. No, I am not some kid talking, I am a 74 year old grandpa who has not smoked a joint sense the last day I served my country in Viet Nam.

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