Don’t discount her yet. The election is not secure and with the nefarious actions of 2020 the same is likely in November. If the Republicans roll over like they did in 2020 this Country is doomed unless the people take the Country back.
2 years ago
Vote for Americans not anti-America policies no matter what party, no matter whether they claim to be independent. Check out the site and get the information you want.
2 years ago
Planning a return to a conservative Mega party. Much more American ????????
2 years ago
Liz Cheney should just go hang out with Hillary Clinton, because they are both useless.
J Van Horn
2 years ago
She doomed herself. She decided to make it a personal vendetta against President Trump when she volunteered to be part of the sham January 6th committee that is not interested in facts but only to get Trump. She has totally abandoned not only the people of Wyoming but the entire country by now backing Democraps in key races across the country. This is the problem with not only Liz Cheney, but others in the Republican Party as well as the entire Democratic Party. They have forgotten, it is not what you want personally but what the people of America want. Collectively they have forgotten they work for us, not the other way around.
Dan W.
2 years ago
Don’t know about a “new Conservative party” but the Republican Party of Goldwater and Reagan is as dead as fried chicken.
It remains to be seen how the GOP will evolve after the 2024 election cycle but I don’t see a third party rising to prominence anytime soon. In any case, Liz Cheney will fade into political obscurity and no one will remember her by the time the 2028 election cycle rolls around.
2 years ago
Typical spoiled brat!
2 years ago
I had better see some indictments and prosecution of the democrats if the republicans take control or I’m leaving the Republican Party. You can’t trust conservatives to do the right things when it comes to retribution. They will fain some Christian morality and forgive the democrat criminals just like they have done in the past. Conservatives will throw you under a bus when their greedy tendencies engage. The democrats have literally tortured republicans for years now and it’s time for our republican leadership to defend us.
2 years ago
What do I think of her comments? They are despicable, just like she is!
2 years ago
She’s part of the hate Trump group. It was evident during his term that the media, democrats and RINO’s would do almost anything to keep him from being re-elected. It’s a disease that hurt our country more then anything I’ve ever seen.
2 years ago
We don’t need parties. We need a unified quorum of like minded individuals who can agree on a common set of values that is positive and promotes living without government and arrogant rulers.
2 years ago
Cheney she lost her mind lost by almost 40 percent in primary lost cause move on to another career. Facts look at them.
2 years ago
The Cheney’s and the Bush’s used to run the Republican Party and now that they don’t she is pissed and looking for vengeance.
2 years ago
What most people don’t realize is that when we return to law and order under the Republicans they will go overboard just as much as the demorats. We are always given a choice between two bad options, either the King of the South with socialism and atheism or the King of the North with forced false worship. Dump them both and return to the real king Jesus.
Virginia Overstreet
2 years ago
She is full of crap
2 years ago
President Trump needs to form his own political party, maybe call it the MAGA party. By now any sane person realizes that a lot of Republicans are just as traitorous as democrats. I know in the past a 3rd party candidate has not won the White House, but a LOT of things in the past couldn’t be done. Now, I believe President Trump could easily win back the White House in 2024 as a member of his own 3rd party. Sign me up. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP!
Glennis Hogan
2 years ago
Her hatred has blinded her and she is of no more use to the party. She has to go.
2 years ago
The old Democrat vs. Republican has become only an artificial division. The REAL division is Globalist vs. Constitutionalist. There’s too much digital election crime to use the mid-terms as a true referendum on which version of the GOP America “prefers”, and even if enough MAGA candidates prevail Nov. 8 to give a solid return to Constitutionalism in several states, treasonous traitors like Cheney have gone unprosecuted and unpunished, so this election will hardly settle the matter which is centered in Beijing and Davos.
2 years ago
Liz Cheney cares about only this: Herself, political power, personal wealth and fame.
2 years ago
Cheney is exactly the type of representative we don’t need anywhere in government, regardless of branch or office held. She allows her personal feelings and emotions to determine her behavior and performance and then uses the power of her office to carry them out. The sworn representation of her constituents is all but forgotten. Chaney’s conduct on the J6 committee illustrates that demeaning characteristic very well.
2 years ago
Cheney is a ‘nut-ball windbag” that should be given no credence or time (and that includes AMAC).
Quit bringing her name up except as an enemy of the party.
2 years ago
Arthur Pavis
2 years ago
Liz Cheney is mentally deranged. Her views on Trump, the MAGA movement, January 6th and conservatism are completely false.
2 years ago
Liz Cheney is a scumbag globalist just like the Bushes! They are throwing us under the bus for not only their sick agenda but money as well!
2 years ago
She’s an embarrassment to the Republican Party and should leave. She’s like people from other countries who come to America for freedom and what America stands for, but wants to change things the way she wants them to be. That’s not the way it works. You uphold the things that make it what it is and stand fast to that and represent that. She forgets that she works for the people and not herself.
John L
2 years ago
Way too much emphasis placed on party. I like to look at “performance “ and what was accomplished. Donald Trump and MAGA got things done!! RINO’s just come out from under their desks at election time looking for $$$!
N. Selembo
2 years ago
She just full of sour grapes! Her comments and her behavior are that of a Democrat. Democrats believe that if they can’t own it they’ll screw it up so no one can enjoy it. Look at what they’re doing in the last six months. Stripping our Strategic Oil Reserves, screwing up our economy, crime, the border, on and on and on. They want power, but once they get it all they do is act like rich kids at a country club that daddy owns and run it into the ground. No sense of stewardship or responsibility of how they got there. How is that congresswoman Omar not in prison??? How many laws has she broken and yet there are no consequences for her.
2 years ago
Look, Cheney is an out of touch liar butt hurt because Trump called her worthless RINOfather out. He could have gone so much farther and called out the entire corrupt family that is as bad as the not president hiden crime family and the Clinton crime family but didn’t. RIP Liz Cheney
2 years ago
Everyone in DC is in the club. “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it “!
2 years ago
She is not a voice for Republicans, just for herself and her father. Liberals hated both but now she is their darling which says it all. Once we take over, hopefully both seats of congress, we have to stop bringing knives to a gunfight and play the Democrats tactics…go for the jugular!
2 years ago
She is just another swamp creature who has been exposed and hates that is was President Trump who uncovered them for the world to see.
Phil M
2 years ago
AMAC, you are just too kind. If there was an option to vote for her having been possessed by the devil (or the CCP or the Democrats….same thing), I would have selected that.
2 years ago
Hate filled (RINO) Cheney is a crooked snake in the grass! There are a lot like her. They spend their whole political life focused on destroying other people they hate and disagree, not on issues of the country that are important. They should get out of office and seek another occupation! Look at what happened in Italy with the election of Populist Giorgia Meloni. This is happening all over the world. The National Populist are sick and tired of the wealthy elite progressive globalist established world order dictating the way we should live our life. There is a New National Populist Conservative movement taking place in our country, now! What happened in Italy is taking shape here. Be apart of it. We Are The Government Sovereign and Free! Get out and VOTE! Don’t assume there is going to be a RED WAVE. Bring your family, neighbor, friends and acquaintances to VOTE!
Marie M
2 years ago
Look where her hatred got her! Wyoming saw the light and dumped her, good riddance.
2 years ago
Cheney is now despised almost as much as Chucky, AOC, Pelosi, or Biden. Or is it more so? I hope she enjoys her new job on PMSNBC
Vincent in CO
2 years ago
Liz is not a Republican – she is an Establishment neo-con who caucused with Republicans. She and her ilk never saw a war they didn’t like. Trump did not start any wars, and he was a threat to the Establishment’s wealth and power. This is the sole source of her ire. She couldn’t care less about “democracy.” Her only concern is maintaining the Establishment’s grip and control so they can continue pillaging our country.
Dennis B
2 years ago
President Trump changed the GOP for the better. He’s NOT a politician and did his best to live up to his promises, despite resistant from the Dems and Rino’s like McConnell ! There are very few politicians I trust but I fully trust Pres. Trump whom I still believe had the presidency stolen from him
Tom Douglas
2 years ago
She has had her five minutes in the spotlight.
2 years ago
Trump taught conservatives how to fight now its game on!!!
2 years ago
Our borders have been wide open, since this Marxist Biden regime has been in D.C. this is our biggest problem in our country, not this loser Liz Cheney who has been complicit in this crime against american citizens.
2 years ago
The only people endangered by the Trump-era conservatives are those that have been using their office to hide their shady dealings and kickbacks. Unfortunately, this includes many big name RHINOS.
Stephen Russell
2 years ago
Must dump the Old Guard RNC or risk future elections
Purge RINOs
2 years ago
She is a joke!!!
2 years ago
Cheney is an anti Trumper, that’s what led to her downfall. Not every Republican in congress likes Trump but the don’t try to split the party over it…She did and she lost!!
Joe Rea
2 years ago
This has been a dangerous campaign season. A young Republican was killed by a Democrat who doesnt respect free speech, A pro life Canvasser in Michigan was shot by a voter who disagreed with the message of life, a DeSantis and Rubio supporter was brutally beaten up by a democrat supporter and Mr Pelosi was beaten by a nut. Unfortunately the President has not done anything to protect free speech and only encourages violence. We need to take violence out of the political arena but the Democrats must realize that their rhetoric and support of violence against pregnancy resource centers , supreme court justices and anyone they disagree with is part of the problem.
Spartan Dave
2 years ago
Vincent in CO is right. She is a neocon, rhino, old establishment politician. We don’t need warmongers like her in power. She has betrayed the people who elected her and the gop. She has become a democrat. She can now go work for msnbc or one of the other fake news sites.
jim wood
2 years ago
What a dirtbag. She is nothing, has been nothing and will always be nothing. She is so far removed from reality that it’s a waste time to give her any ink. Republicans have 11 days to take this country back, so get everyone you know to vote and stop this insanity and wacko’s like her from destroying this country any further. Time to put up or shut up.
2 years ago
The GOP is DEAD. It died a long time ago, but conservatives ignored the BS going on in the party as they allowed the scum sucking communist to rise in power…the nation cannot survive with a two-party system, we need a third or a fourth party to keep scum in both current parties in check.
Want to end all of the BS, SECESSION…it is the only way to root out the deep state who remains in power no matter who is President…think about it and act on Freedom before it’s too late.
2 years ago
cheney is a demoncrat disguised as a republican – only another demoncrat would care what she thinks.
2 years ago
She’s a rinocon. The neocon part of her wants to protect the tarnished legacy of her dad and bushie. You remember; the iraqis and afghans cant wait to mimic us as a constitutional republic. The rino part despises trump for exposing her dad and bushie. Remember also that bushie stayed demurely quiet for the 8 years of Obama. Someone gave him nine tanna leaves and he awoke from his sleep to bash trump. These people all profit from limited wars and building up china. Trump critisized both.
Don’t discount her yet. The election is not secure and with the nefarious actions of 2020 the same is likely in November. If the Republicans roll over like they did in 2020 this Country is doomed unless the people take the Country back.
Vote for Americans not anti-America policies no matter what party, no matter whether they claim to be independent. Check out the site and get the information you want.
Planning a return to a conservative Mega party. Much more American ????????
Liz Cheney should just go hang out with Hillary Clinton, because they are both useless.
She doomed herself. She decided to make it a personal vendetta against President Trump when she volunteered to be part of the sham January 6th committee that is not interested in facts but only to get Trump. She has totally abandoned not only the people of Wyoming but the entire country by now backing Democraps in key races across the country. This is the problem with not only Liz Cheney, but others in the Republican Party as well as the entire Democratic Party. They have forgotten, it is not what you want personally but what the people of America want. Collectively they have forgotten they work for us, not the other way around.
Don’t know about a “new Conservative party” but the Republican Party of Goldwater and Reagan is as dead as fried chicken.
It remains to be seen how the GOP will evolve after the 2024 election cycle but I don’t see a third party rising to prominence anytime soon. In any case, Liz Cheney will fade into political obscurity and no one will remember her by the time the 2028 election cycle rolls around.
Typical spoiled brat!
I had better see some indictments and prosecution of the democrats if the republicans take control or I’m leaving the Republican Party. You can’t trust conservatives to do the right things when it comes to retribution. They will fain some Christian morality and forgive the democrat criminals just like they have done in the past. Conservatives will throw you under a bus when their greedy tendencies engage. The democrats have literally tortured republicans for years now and it’s time for our republican leadership to defend us.
What do I think of her comments? They are despicable, just like she is!
She’s part of the hate Trump group. It was evident during his term that the media, democrats and RINO’s would do almost anything to keep him from being re-elected. It’s a disease that hurt our country more then anything I’ve ever seen.
We don’t need parties. We need a unified quorum of like minded individuals who can agree on a common set of values that is positive and promotes living without government and arrogant rulers.
Cheney she lost her mind lost by almost 40 percent in primary lost cause move on to another career. Facts look at them.
The Cheney’s and the Bush’s used to run the Republican Party and now that they don’t she is pissed and looking for vengeance.
What most people don’t realize is that when we return to law and order under the Republicans they will go overboard just as much as the demorats. We are always given a choice between two bad options, either the King of the South with socialism and atheism or the King of the North with forced false worship. Dump them both and return to the real king Jesus.
She is full of crap
President Trump needs to form his own political party, maybe call it the MAGA party. By now any sane person realizes that a lot of Republicans are just as traitorous as democrats. I know in the past a 3rd party candidate has not won the White House, but a LOT of things in the past couldn’t be done. Now, I believe President Trump could easily win back the White House in 2024 as a member of his own 3rd party. Sign me up. GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP!
Her hatred has blinded her and she is of no more use to the party. She has to go.
The old Democrat vs. Republican has become only an artificial division. The REAL division is Globalist vs. Constitutionalist. There’s too much digital election crime to use the mid-terms as a true referendum on which version of the GOP America “prefers”, and even if enough MAGA candidates prevail Nov. 8 to give a solid return to Constitutionalism in several states, treasonous traitors like Cheney have gone unprosecuted and unpunished, so this election will hardly settle the matter which is centered in Beijing and Davos.
Liz Cheney cares about only this: Herself, political power, personal wealth and fame.
Cheney is exactly the type of representative we don’t need anywhere in government, regardless of branch or office held. She allows her personal feelings and emotions to determine her behavior and performance and then uses the power of her office to carry them out. The sworn representation of her constituents is all but forgotten. Chaney’s conduct on the J6 committee illustrates that demeaning characteristic very well.
Cheney is a ‘nut-ball windbag” that should be given no credence or time (and that includes AMAC).
Quit bringing her name up except as an enemy of the party.
Liz Cheney is mentally deranged. Her views on Trump, the MAGA movement, January 6th and conservatism are completely false.
Liz Cheney is a scumbag globalist just like the Bushes! They are throwing us under the bus for not only their sick agenda but money as well!
She’s an embarrassment to the Republican Party and should leave. She’s like people from other countries who come to America for freedom and what America stands for, but wants to change things the way she wants them to be. That’s not the way it works. You uphold the things that make it what it is and stand fast to that and represent that. She forgets that she works for the people and not herself.
Way too much emphasis placed on party. I like to look at “performance “ and what was accomplished. Donald Trump and MAGA got things done!! RINO’s just come out from under their desks at election time looking for $$$!
She just full of sour grapes! Her comments and her behavior are that of a Democrat. Democrats believe that if they can’t own it they’ll screw it up so no one can enjoy it. Look at what they’re doing in the last six months. Stripping our Strategic Oil Reserves, screwing up our economy, crime, the border, on and on and on. They want power, but once they get it all they do is act like rich kids at a country club that daddy owns and run it into the ground. No sense of stewardship or responsibility of how they got there. How is that congresswoman Omar not in prison??? How many laws has she broken and yet there are no consequences for her.
Look, Cheney is an out of touch liar butt hurt because Trump called her worthless RINOfather out. He could have gone so much farther and called out the entire corrupt family that is as bad as the not president hiden crime family and the Clinton crime family but didn’t. RIP Liz Cheney
Everyone in DC is in the club. “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it “!
She is not a voice for Republicans, just for herself and her father. Liberals hated both but now she is their darling which says it all. Once we take over, hopefully both seats of congress, we have to stop bringing knives to a gunfight and play the Democrats tactics…go for the jugular!
She is just another swamp creature who has been exposed and hates that is was President Trump who uncovered them for the world to see.
AMAC, you are just too kind. If there was an option to vote for her having been possessed by the devil (or the CCP or the Democrats….same thing), I would have selected that.
Hate filled (RINO) Cheney is a crooked snake in the grass! There are a lot like her. They spend their whole political life focused on destroying other people they hate and disagree, not on issues of the country that are important. They should get out of office and seek another occupation! Look at what happened in Italy with the election of Populist Giorgia Meloni. This is happening all over the world. The National Populist are sick and tired of the wealthy elite progressive globalist established world order dictating the way we should live our life. There is a New National Populist Conservative movement taking place in our country, now! What happened in Italy is taking shape here. Be apart of it. We Are The Government Sovereign and Free! Get out and VOTE! Don’t assume there is going to be a RED WAVE. Bring your family, neighbor, friends and acquaintances to VOTE!
Look where her hatred got her! Wyoming saw the light and dumped her, good riddance.
Cheney is now despised almost as much as Chucky, AOC, Pelosi, or Biden. Or is it more so? I hope she enjoys her new job on PMSNBC
Liz is not a Republican – she is an Establishment neo-con who caucused with Republicans. She and her ilk never saw a war they didn’t like. Trump did not start any wars, and he was a threat to the Establishment’s wealth and power. This is the sole source of her ire. She couldn’t care less about “democracy.” Her only concern is maintaining the Establishment’s grip and control so they can continue pillaging our country.
President Trump changed the GOP for the better. He’s NOT a politician and did his best to live up to his promises, despite resistant from the Dems and Rino’s like McConnell ! There are very few politicians I trust but I fully trust Pres. Trump whom I still believe had the presidency stolen from him
She has had her five minutes in the spotlight.
Trump taught conservatives how to fight now its game on!!!
Our borders have been wide open, since this Marxist Biden regime has been in D.C. this is our biggest problem in our country, not this loser Liz Cheney who has been complicit in this crime against american citizens.
The only people endangered by the Trump-era conservatives are those that have been using their office to hide their shady dealings and kickbacks. Unfortunately, this includes many big name RHINOS.
Must dump the Old Guard RNC or risk future elections
Purge RINOs
She is a joke!!!
Cheney is an anti Trumper, that’s what led to her downfall. Not every Republican in congress likes Trump but the don’t try to split the party over it…She did and she lost!!
This has been a dangerous campaign season. A young Republican was killed by a Democrat who doesnt respect free speech, A pro life Canvasser in Michigan was shot by a voter who disagreed with the message of life, a DeSantis and Rubio supporter was brutally beaten up by a democrat supporter and Mr Pelosi was beaten by a nut. Unfortunately the President has not done anything to protect free speech and only encourages violence. We need to take violence out of the political arena but the Democrats must realize that their rhetoric and support of violence against pregnancy resource centers , supreme court justices and anyone they disagree with is part of the problem.
Vincent in CO is right. She is a neocon, rhino, old establishment politician. We don’t need warmongers like her in power. She has betrayed the people who elected her and the gop. She has become a democrat. She can now go work for msnbc or one of the other fake news sites.
What a dirtbag. She is nothing, has been nothing and will always be nothing. She is so far removed from reality that it’s a waste time to give her any ink. Republicans have 11 days to take this country back, so get everyone you know to vote and stop this insanity and wacko’s like her from destroying this country any further. Time to put up or shut up.
The GOP is DEAD. It died a long time ago, but conservatives ignored the BS going on in the party as they allowed the scum sucking communist to rise in power…the nation cannot survive with a two-party system, we need a third or a fourth party to keep scum in both current parties in check.
Want to end all of the BS, SECESSION…it is the only way to root out the deep state who remains in power no matter who is President…think about it and act on Freedom before it’s too late.
cheney is a demoncrat disguised as a republican – only another demoncrat would care what she thinks.
She’s a rinocon. The neocon part of her wants to protect the tarnished legacy of her dad and bushie. You remember; the iraqis and afghans cant wait to mimic us as a constitutional republic. The rino part despises trump for exposing her dad and bushie. Remember also that bushie stayed demurely quiet for the 8 years of Obama. Someone gave him nine tanna leaves and he awoke from his sleep to bash trump. These people all profit from limited wars and building up china. Trump critisized both.