While I agree with the President that releasing the transcript was the most expedient way to show that, once again, the latest bombshell accusation from the Democrats was, once again, nothing but lies and baseless charges, this does create a bad precedent that the Democrats will leverage daily going forward. Congress has NO constitutional right to inspect or control what a sitting President says to other world leaders in the course of conducting normal business on behalf of the United States. I fully expect that even though the transcript has shown the President did nothing wrong and there was no factual basis to the supposed whistle-blower letter, the Democrats will now demand countless additional documentation from the executive branch on anything and everything they can think of. It won’t matter that it has nothing to do with this specific event. The Democrats will claim their role of “over-sight” empowers them to inspect whatever they want in search for something, anything that they can conflate as a justification for desired impeachment of this President.
The Democrats will continue to claim that their supposed role of over-sight, which they have already long ago stretched far beyond what they are constitutionally empowered to do relative to interfering with the President and his control of the executive branch, gives them the right to step-up the daily, unconstitutional harassment of President Trump. So while the release of the transcript, which I have already read, proves there is no there there to the Democrat’s claims, this now sets a precedent that allows the democrats to open up a whole new avenue of baseless attacks. Every day either Shiff, Nadler, Waters, Neal or any of the other House committee chairpersons will demand some documentation from the president on how he conducts his day-to-day business of managing the executive branch of the United States. Endless requests designed to tie-up the White House staff and adding yet another set of idiotic requests from the clown show known as the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives.
For anyone out there still deluding themselves that the Democrat Party isn’t really a bunch of Socialists striving to over-throw our form of government, this hopefully will finally snap you out of that delusion. Pelosi surrendered to the hard core left this week in order to keep her Speakership. She gets to keep the title, but she isn’t running the show and she hasn’t been in charge for quite a while now. The hard core left is now openly running the show and they intend to purge anyone in the party not 100 percent on board with the agenda. Now one might ask where has the Congressional Republican leadership been all week. Can you say napping? The responses from both McConnell and McCarthy to Pelosi formally authorizing an impeachment inquiry were half-hearted and pathetic. We’re a little over a year away from elections, so the Republican Party, with the exception of the House Freedom Caucus that has been actively pushing back against the Dems, better get its act together.
Enjoy the weekend.
Marie M
5 years ago
Here we go again! Will these Democrats/Socialists ever stop, they haven’t done anything for more than 2 years except to bludgeon President Trump. The biggest liar in Congress, Adam Schiff should be “impeached” for his lies and made up script. He is a disgrace and should step down from the House Intel Committee. Whether President Trump released the transcript or not they will continue to waste taxpayer money with their ongoing investigations. What the Democrats have not considered is that their constituents sent them to Washington to legislate and are getting fed up with their shenanigans.
5 years ago
It is so funny. Whatever party you represent is who you believe. All the Trump supporters think he is innocent and the detractors think he should be impeached. There is nothing “United” about the United States. We are completely divided! If Trump and Pence were impeached we would get our first female president, President Pelosi!
5 years ago
Lost in all of this seems to be, what about the whistleblower? There are good whistleblowers who honestly uncover corruption that should be exposed. And there are bad ones who leak falsehoods or inside rumors just to cause trouble for those they dislike. The latter could be evidence of either a deep state at work or general morale problems. If the whistleblower is the latter, that person should be prosecuted. President shouldn’t have to explain himself.
Dan W.
5 years ago
Didn’t anyone on the President’s staff ever read a history book ?
Rule Number 1 when something like this starts percolating is: Burn the tapes (or if you are really smart, don’t save this sort of stuff in the first place).
Joyce Hammel
5 years ago
No matter what he does they will be out to get him we must have some of way to hold them accountable and someone that they are accountable to they are doing a lousy job vote them out
Paul Russell
5 years ago
Democrats are a worse threat to this country than any terrorist.
5 years ago
I read the unredacted transcript of the conversation and the only mention of VP Biden was one sentence and there was no mention of quid pro quo or even military aid in the whole transcript. The Democrats are lying and deceiving the American people. I have looked at the whistle blower complaint, which is about 3 pages longer than the phone transcript, there is no way he or she wrote it. It was written professionally and it total hear say.
5 years ago
I voted in this poll, but it demonstrated the idiocy and unreasonableness of the Democrats. They still will not accept President Trump won the 2016 election fair and square even though we are a little over a year from the next election cycle! Such misguided zealousness.
Christian Mary
5 years ago
Trump called Pelosi ‘s bluff and embarrassed her politically. End of story, no long drawn out finger pointing like the left loves to instigate. I’m proud of Trump!
Donna Rhea
5 years ago
I’m praying for you President Trump. “If My people called by My name would humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways…and I will heal their land.” I urge all Christians to pray. May Lord Jesus send angels to protect President Trump!
Fred West
5 years ago
Where was all of this concern when the 3 Senators sent their letter to the Ukraine seeking dirt on Mr. Trump? Oh yeah, that doesn’t fit their narrative.
william antoniac
5 years ago
He’s doing a good job!!!
5 years ago
I wonder how the Democrats will handle this happening to the next Democrat elected President? What goes round comes round. I pray to God that they get their Clocks cleaned in the next election. They have forgotten the Eight years of Obama’s administration. As much as that president was disliked he never had to put up with the crap that President Trump has.
5 years ago
The problem is the Democrat remove almost a whole page for their agenda. Sad, the truth needs to be accepted, yet they still twist it in the most hateful way.
M. Kwan
5 years ago
When will a corrupt liberal go to prison? How is it that society’s foundation for being a Law-abiding citizen had eroded to accept lying, deceit, bigotry, racism and Antifa assaults as political correctness? We are in a Cold Political Civil War!
5 years ago
So fed up with the shenanigans. Let’s spend time doing something productive for the country. This is a waste of time and money, taxpayers money.
5 years ago
He doesn’t need to share any communications he has with anyone in his official capacity! The congress has gone way beyond their rights to information and need to be put back into the mode of doing their job instead of going against what the people want! So sick of watching them tear America down!
American Believer
5 years ago
What has happened to our country? No pushback from Republicans and Democrats acting insane. THE SWAMP IS IN A DEATH SPIRAL THANKS TO OUR LEADER OF THE PEOPLE. President Trump is indeed a leader and not a politician. EVERY elected official in Washington is self absorbed. They allow the non-elected SWAMP to ignore the needs of the people while they steal us blind. TERM LIMITS and CAMPAIGN CASH LIMITS are our only hope.
5 years ago
Where are the Senate Republicans? Hush is the word. We are so screwed.
5 years ago
A president should have the choice to voluntarily release any information, that is not sensitive or threatens national security.
Vic Spurio II
5 years ago
Our country that we love in On The Brink. For the first time in my life, after Presidential Election, The Losing Side did not go back to life and say we will give him a chance, He is Now our President. Hillary came out and said “We are the Resistance”. It has been like a war everyday since November 2016. The Democrats hate for this President can be smelled from coast to coast. If you are a Trump Supporter, you could spit on, swore at, and have your car damaged. You are put into a group called Deplorables and the Unworthy of Peace and Happiness. Let’s Impeach Him is the cry of the other side. But anybody on the “American Side” sees The Best Economy in 50 Years,The Lowest Unemployment in the Black and Hispanic Communities in American History, and the Lowest Female Unemployment in 75 Years, Not To Mention Your 401K Going Through The Roof. I am a Registered Democrat, But this is not the Party Of John F. Kennedy and Scoop Jackson— This Party is closer to the COMMUNIST PARTY than the party I registered with as an 18 year old. If you want to See the DEMOCRATS WHO ARE LEAVING THE DEMOCRAT PARTY–Go to YouTube and enter in “#WalkAway” and see Thousands who like me had to WALKAWAY from the Communist Party (In the Voting Booth–They are Listed As DEMOCRAT) Also on YouTube, you can see Bernie “FEEL THE BERN” Sanders on his Honeymoon in MOSCOW !!!
Dick W
5 years ago
As for the cherry picking and false accusations, the Dem0crats stand naked, It is easy to see their cherry picking and fabrications are designed to coverup their own sorry actions. Folks,
they would do anything to achieve this silent “coup d etat.” I hope the American people are on to them. Their freedoms are at stake.
Geneva Jantz
5 years ago
It probably won’t do any good at slowing down the Democrats. They will nitpick every if, and or but in his conversation.
5 years ago
I really dont care what was said . The socialist Democracy had destroying the United States for over centurie now . Trump is just another leader that was put in office to distract the people of what is Really happening to the United states! The one world order is still behind the scene destroying the Country as Planned. We are living in Revaluation of the End times.
5 years ago
Thus was a no win situation. D@mned if he does and d@mned if he doesn’t.
One would think the dismal left would give up, but I guess give them an E for their tenacity even if misguided.
I guess they want to return to the Obama days of getting it up the rear.
We can have diversity, and inclusion without letting everyone take advantage of us.
How about everyone start to think and act like Americans.
Hmm, what a concept.
Wayne D Peterkin
5 years ago
I did not choose to take the poll because several answers were equally valid. Releasing that transcript is a bad precedent affecting privacy of communication between world leaders. Had Trump refused to release it, I doubt it could have been forced. However, not doing so simply gives the stinking Democrats added ammunition against him and since there seems to be nothing bad in the transcript, releasing it helps defuse the accusations. I can’t see what the furor is about other than the typical TDS and using false allegations to try and prevent the reelection of a very effective president. Asking a foreign leader to reopen an apparent corruption investigation that involves a former VPs son and was aided and abetted by that VP who is now seeking the presidency is valid and welcome. In fact, were Biden a Republican it would be demanded by the left. Biden bragged on video about getting the prior investigation squashed using a threat to withhold a needed loan to Ukraine, and that needs uncovered and likely condemned. That is pure corruption. Another example of hypocrisy by the left. Excuse and cover up wrongdoing by a Democrat while claiming the opposition is doing what the Democrat has done.
5 years ago
Let them press forward with the impeachment investigation. It’s only going to seal a Republican landslide and take sleazy Joe out of the race. When people all of a sudden realize what Joe did to the prosecutor who was investigating his son, only the real socialist/communist libs can stand by him. May even be an indictment in this for Joe & his son.
Brenda McAnear
5 years ago
I am sick and tired of the Democrats and their constant harping and b.s. on personal vendettas instead of working on the issues at hand. Their needs to be a total flush out of all the people in Washington who are there for themselves instead of for America.
5 years ago
He really had little choice. Not releasing the transcripts, or even delaying the the release, would have allowed Democrats more time to spin their fantasy of what transpired. By releasing them, he once again neutered the rabid anti-Trumpsters in both parties.
Linda S
5 years ago
All I can say is YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID…the Democrats will never give up they just continue to go from one thing to another in hopes they can find something to take over.
There should be an island for Schiff, Pelosi, and the rest of them. Think of the money we could put towards the wall and our military! These people have nothing but hate in their hearts and head for the president as well as all the people that voted the president into office. They have wasted so much of our money over the last 2 years trying to take over the oval office. President Trump has done a great job and will continue to keep America great.
Rita Hamlin
5 years ago
It’s a shame President Trump is constantly being criticized when it’s obvious he is working to actually keep his campaign promises and is actually doing it. When was that time a president actually did that?
Fran rimondi
5 years ago
I think Nancy should try to be a Lady and shut her hateful mouth and let OUR president go about running OUR country
Rick A
5 years ago
The Dems have spent all this time and energy trying to overturn the will of the people. That should be the first huge clue as to their worth. They are NOT interested in the will of the people. They are only interested in covering up their own corruption, VOTE THEM ALL OUT and the Rhinos too that fall into this same quagmire. Trump is not perfect but has still been exceptionally good given all the negatives he has had to contend with!!! GO TRUMP!!!
Thomas F Wuthrich
5 years ago
Democrats do not care if they impair this president’s, or any future US president’s, ability to deal frankly, forthrightly and confidentially with other foreign leaders. Instead of giving in to Democrat demands, President Trump should have explained to the American people why releasing a recording, or even a transcript, was a very bad idea which could impact the safety and security of the United States if a foreign leader suspects that the conversation is being eavesdropped on by those who would release the details to the media for political purposes.
Dean Brittain
5 years ago
To the Dems and the fake news, it doesn’t matter. D@mned if he does, d@mned if he doesn’t.
Burt Carter
5 years ago
It never should have been an issue in the first place. The democratic’s need to stop this BS. But there all scurrying like rats on a sinking ship. Sadly I think it’s going to get worse instead of better. Some heads have to roll.
Sandra Lee
5 years ago
WHY are NOT the Congressional Republicans, House and Senate, working together to do the same things to the Dem’s leaders, Schumer, Pelosi, etc. Put THEM on the defensive, constantly. There is so much they could be doing. The Dem’s dirty tactics have already started at the local level with the mid term elections coming up next month.
5 years ago
Unfortunately, the actions being taken by the Democrats and ignored by the Republicans will destroy our nation. The Washington elite ( Democrats, Republicans, judicial,Media and government employees) Are pulling out all stops( to heck with it being illegal or not) to crush Trump showing and they are getting away with it. We are on the edge of the cliff with Them trying to push us off, while Trump is the only one pushing back (balless republicans!). If they succeed it will mean the end of our Republic! You better learn how to say “comrade”
Beth Ann Hardin
5 years ago
We have been silent for too long, thanks for giving us a voice that counts!
Stephen Russell
5 years ago
downside for transcripts: NO foreign leader will call US or Pres call leader X if line is “tapped” & Not secure line for future abuse.
Scary & works both ways for deals.
5 years ago
Personal discussions should remain personal. The problem is the democraps have corrupted the system. Expect holding the information until after the 4 or 8 years of a sitting President would be reasonable; then get it out soon to expose any party shenanigans. All activities can not be transparent, particularly when security issues are at stake. We elected the president to manage our governments business. Support him and let him do his job.
5 years ago
Once again NONE of these answers is my pick.
By releasing the transcript, President Trump has shown — once again — the Democrats and the Liberal Media for the anti-American traitors they are.
The Democrats, in collusion with the Media, thought they’d set a better trap for the president. Stupidly, they collectively stepped in their own trap … again.
5 years ago
If releasing the Transcript would have clarified a perception or actuality, sure he should show transparency. However, it didn’t do either. If you hate Trump, you still hate Trump and want to impeach him. If you support Trump, it didn’t change your support. If you don’t care, nothing changed. All that changed is now ALL transcripts to ALL persons will be expected by the Democrats and RINOS. If Trump refuses, what is he hiding? Proof of just another Presidential Obstruction. Now, he’s opened Pandora’s box.
– Funny thing is… This is the first “Whistleblower” complaint in 12 years. How can that be? There is not One thing that happened in the Intelligence organization that a Country of Tattletales, Jerry Springer watching fans could find to complain about or tattle on? There wasn’t even a Whistleblower complaint when Bradley Manning downloaded Top Secret information or Edward Snowden stole Intelligence data.
– Now a phone conversation stirs a problem? What president hasn’t told other leaders “you need to clean up your Human Rights records if you want Aide from the U.S.”. Every single one!
– How about Hillary deploying non-state department people like John and Tony Pedesta on U.S. taxpayers funds to Ukraine to help overthrow Yakanovich and emplace Poreshenko? Can’t wait for that hearing in the U.S. Congressional hearings or probably not.
Roger Russell
5 years ago
Since the 2016 surprise win by Trump the Democrats have been in the destroy Trump at any cost mode. They were sure Hillary was a shoo-in, and their wicked little house of cards would be erected of the dictatorship of America. Reality was a scary blow. Not only were their dreams of conquest dashed, but now they stood in fear if having their heinous crimes exposed and prison waiting. So it’s more than loss of power they fear. It’s the striped suits. They have to destroy Trump. What have they got to lose.
Rosemarie Gray
5 years ago
How do we the people get the republicans to stand up and support our president whom we’ve placed in office?
It’s a disgrace that only radio talk host Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin speak out with a loud voice!
5 years ago
It Seems to me that the DemonRats are bought and paid for whores of the New World Order aka anti-American One World Government.
David cole
5 years ago
We need to pray for our President and country in Jesus name.
5 years ago
Personally its time for the Republican party to go on the offensive and go after the law breakers in the Democratic party and escort them out of office once and for all. Im tierd of the do nothing afraid to loose my position attitude the Republican party has had for years. The dems have wrecked the health care system, continue to try and disarm Americans implement socialism, and destroy the economic structure of the USA! While the main line churches set back and allow the non believers in Christ to remove the only guiding light this country has from the schools. It’s high time we awake out of our sleep and fall on our knees repent of our sins call upon the great I AM of the bible to forgive us and heal our hearts and county before its tolate!☝?. Isn’t it ironic that a few of the 1st 10 laws written are reconized by the very people that removed them from the schools? Thow salt not steal, bear false witness, murder to mention a few.
5 years ago
The Presidency is the HIGHEST office in America, yet the Democrats and Congress seems to forget just that, instead acting as if they have MORE authority over the Presidency than the President. THE DEMOCRATS DISGUST ME with their holier-than-thou arrogance and attitude. MAYBE IT IS TIME FOR THE DOJ/FBI TO INVESTIGATE ALL OF THESE BIG-MOUTH DO-NOTHING DEMOCRATS TO SEE EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE HIDING. Afterall, it seems most, if not all of these people in Congress seems to be so much WEATHLIER after they leave office than when they came in. THAT, IN ITSELF, IS WORTH LOOKING INTO. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME THE HOUSE PASSED A BILL? NOT IN OVER 2 YEARS! They do absolutely nothing except attack our President. It sickens me.
WE, THE PEOPLE want the DOJ to investigate these top-tier Democrats in the House. Let’s watch and see what THEY do when their own evil ploys are turned on them!
While I agree with the President that releasing the transcript was the most expedient way to show that, once again, the latest bombshell accusation from the Democrats was, once again, nothing but lies and baseless charges, this does create a bad precedent that the Democrats will leverage daily going forward. Congress has NO constitutional right to inspect or control what a sitting President says to other world leaders in the course of conducting normal business on behalf of the United States. I fully expect that even though the transcript has shown the President did nothing wrong and there was no factual basis to the supposed whistle-blower letter, the Democrats will now demand countless additional documentation from the executive branch on anything and everything they can think of. It won’t matter that it has nothing to do with this specific event. The Democrats will claim their role of “over-sight” empowers them to inspect whatever they want in search for something, anything that they can conflate as a justification for desired impeachment of this President.
The Democrats will continue to claim that their supposed role of over-sight, which they have already long ago stretched far beyond what they are constitutionally empowered to do relative to interfering with the President and his control of the executive branch, gives them the right to step-up the daily, unconstitutional harassment of President Trump. So while the release of the transcript, which I have already read, proves there is no there there to the Democrat’s claims, this now sets a precedent that allows the democrats to open up a whole new avenue of baseless attacks. Every day either Shiff, Nadler, Waters, Neal or any of the other House committee chairpersons will demand some documentation from the president on how he conducts his day-to-day business of managing the executive branch of the United States. Endless requests designed to tie-up the White House staff and adding yet another set of idiotic requests from the clown show known as the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives.
For anyone out there still deluding themselves that the Democrat Party isn’t really a bunch of Socialists striving to over-throw our form of government, this hopefully will finally snap you out of that delusion. Pelosi surrendered to the hard core left this week in order to keep her Speakership. She gets to keep the title, but she isn’t running the show and she hasn’t been in charge for quite a while now. The hard core left is now openly running the show and they intend to purge anyone in the party not 100 percent on board with the agenda. Now one might ask where has the Congressional Republican leadership been all week. Can you say napping? The responses from both McConnell and McCarthy to Pelosi formally authorizing an impeachment inquiry were half-hearted and pathetic. We’re a little over a year away from elections, so the Republican Party, with the exception of the House Freedom Caucus that has been actively pushing back against the Dems, better get its act together.
Enjoy the weekend.
Here we go again! Will these Democrats/Socialists ever stop, they haven’t done anything for more than 2 years except to bludgeon President Trump. The biggest liar in Congress, Adam Schiff should be “impeached” for his lies and made up script. He is a disgrace and should step down from the House Intel Committee. Whether President Trump released the transcript or not they will continue to waste taxpayer money with their ongoing investigations. What the Democrats have not considered is that their constituents sent them to Washington to legislate and are getting fed up with their shenanigans.
It is so funny. Whatever party you represent is who you believe. All the Trump supporters think he is innocent and the detractors think he should be impeached. There is nothing “United” about the United States. We are completely divided! If Trump and Pence were impeached we would get our first female president, President Pelosi!
Lost in all of this seems to be, what about the whistleblower? There are good whistleblowers who honestly uncover corruption that should be exposed. And there are bad ones who leak falsehoods or inside rumors just to cause trouble for those they dislike. The latter could be evidence of either a deep state at work or general morale problems. If the whistleblower is the latter, that person should be prosecuted. President shouldn’t have to explain himself.
Didn’t anyone on the President’s staff ever read a history book ?
Rule Number 1 when something like this starts percolating is: Burn the tapes (or if you are really smart, don’t save this sort of stuff in the first place).
No matter what he does they will be out to get him we must have some of way to hold them accountable and someone that they are accountable to they are doing a lousy job vote them out
Democrats are a worse threat to this country than any terrorist.
I read the unredacted transcript of the conversation and the only mention of VP Biden was one sentence and there was no mention of quid pro quo or even military aid in the whole transcript. The Democrats are lying and deceiving the American people. I have looked at the whistle blower complaint, which is about 3 pages longer than the phone transcript, there is no way he or she wrote it. It was written professionally and it total hear say.
I voted in this poll, but it demonstrated the idiocy and unreasonableness of the Democrats. They still will not accept President Trump won the 2016 election fair and square even though we are a little over a year from the next election cycle! Such misguided zealousness.
Trump called Pelosi ‘s bluff and embarrassed her politically. End of story, no long drawn out finger pointing like the left loves to instigate. I’m proud of Trump!
I’m praying for you President Trump. “If My people called by My name would humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways…and I will heal their land.” I urge all Christians to pray. May Lord Jesus send angels to protect President Trump!
Where was all of this concern when the 3 Senators sent their letter to the Ukraine seeking dirt on Mr. Trump? Oh yeah, that doesn’t fit their narrative.
He’s doing a good job!!!
I wonder how the Democrats will handle this happening to the next Democrat elected President? What goes round comes round. I pray to God that they get their Clocks cleaned in the next election. They have forgotten the Eight years of Obama’s administration. As much as that president was disliked he never had to put up with the crap that President Trump has.
The problem is the Democrat remove almost a whole page for their agenda. Sad, the truth needs to be accepted, yet they still twist it in the most hateful way.
When will a corrupt liberal go to prison? How is it that society’s foundation for being a Law-abiding citizen had eroded to accept lying, deceit, bigotry, racism and Antifa assaults as political correctness? We are in a Cold Political Civil War!
So fed up with the shenanigans. Let’s spend time doing something productive for the country. This is a waste of time and money, taxpayers money.
He doesn’t need to share any communications he has with anyone in his official capacity! The congress has gone way beyond their rights to information and need to be put back into the mode of doing their job instead of going against what the people want! So sick of watching them tear America down!
What has happened to our country? No pushback from Republicans and Democrats acting insane. THE SWAMP IS IN A DEATH SPIRAL THANKS TO OUR LEADER OF THE PEOPLE. President Trump is indeed a leader and not a politician. EVERY elected official in Washington is self absorbed. They allow the non-elected SWAMP to ignore the needs of the people while they steal us blind. TERM LIMITS and CAMPAIGN CASH LIMITS are our only hope.
Where are the Senate Republicans? Hush is the word. We are so screwed.
A president should have the choice to voluntarily release any information, that is not sensitive or threatens national security.
Our country that we love in On The Brink. For the first time in my life, after Presidential Election, The Losing Side did not go back to life and say we will give him a chance, He is Now our President. Hillary came out and said “We are the Resistance”. It has been like a war everyday since November 2016. The Democrats hate for this President can be smelled from coast to coast. If you are a Trump Supporter, you could spit on, swore at, and have your car damaged. You are put into a group called Deplorables and the Unworthy of Peace and Happiness. Let’s Impeach Him is the cry of the other side. But anybody on the “American Side” sees The Best Economy in 50 Years,The Lowest Unemployment in the Black and Hispanic Communities in American History, and the Lowest Female Unemployment in 75 Years, Not To Mention Your 401K Going Through The Roof. I am a Registered Democrat, But this is not the Party Of John F. Kennedy and Scoop Jackson— This Party is closer to the COMMUNIST PARTY than the party I registered with as an 18 year old. If you want to See the DEMOCRATS WHO ARE LEAVING THE DEMOCRAT PARTY–Go to YouTube and enter in “#WalkAway” and see Thousands who like me had to WALKAWAY from the Communist Party (In the Voting Booth–They are Listed As DEMOCRAT) Also on YouTube, you can see Bernie “FEEL THE BERN” Sanders on his Honeymoon in MOSCOW !!!
As for the cherry picking and false accusations, the Dem0crats stand naked, It is easy to see their cherry picking and fabrications are designed to coverup their own sorry actions. Folks,
they would do anything to achieve this silent “coup d etat.” I hope the American people are on to them. Their freedoms are at stake.
It probably won’t do any good at slowing down the Democrats. They will nitpick every if, and or but in his conversation.
I really dont care what was said . The socialist Democracy had destroying the United States for over centurie now . Trump is just another leader that was put in office to distract the people of what is Really happening to the United states! The one world order is still behind the scene destroying the Country as Planned. We are living in Revaluation of the End times.
Thus was a no win situation. D@mned if he does and d@mned if he doesn’t.
One would think the dismal left would give up, but I guess give them an E for their tenacity even if misguided.
I guess they want to return to the Obama days of getting it up the rear.
We can have diversity, and inclusion without letting everyone take advantage of us.
How about everyone start to think and act like Americans.
Hmm, what a concept.
I did not choose to take the poll because several answers were equally valid. Releasing that transcript is a bad precedent affecting privacy of communication between world leaders. Had Trump refused to release it, I doubt it could have been forced. However, not doing so simply gives the stinking Democrats added ammunition against him and since there seems to be nothing bad in the transcript, releasing it helps defuse the accusations. I can’t see what the furor is about other than the typical TDS and using false allegations to try and prevent the reelection of a very effective president. Asking a foreign leader to reopen an apparent corruption investigation that involves a former VPs son and was aided and abetted by that VP who is now seeking the presidency is valid and welcome. In fact, were Biden a Republican it would be demanded by the left. Biden bragged on video about getting the prior investigation squashed using a threat to withhold a needed loan to Ukraine, and that needs uncovered and likely condemned. That is pure corruption. Another example of hypocrisy by the left. Excuse and cover up wrongdoing by a Democrat while claiming the opposition is doing what the Democrat has done.
Let them press forward with the impeachment investigation. It’s only going to seal a Republican landslide and take sleazy Joe out of the race. When people all of a sudden realize what Joe did to the prosecutor who was investigating his son, only the real socialist/communist libs can stand by him. May even be an indictment in this for Joe & his son.
I am sick and tired of the Democrats and their constant harping and b.s. on personal vendettas instead of working on the issues at hand. Their needs to be a total flush out of all the people in Washington who are there for themselves instead of for America.
He really had little choice. Not releasing the transcripts, or even delaying the the release, would have allowed Democrats more time to spin their fantasy of what transpired. By releasing them, he once again neutered the rabid anti-Trumpsters in both parties.
All I can say is YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID…the Democrats will never give up they just continue to go from one thing to another in hopes they can find something to take over.
There should be an island for Schiff, Pelosi, and the rest of them. Think of the money we could put towards the wall and our military! These people have nothing but hate in their hearts and head for the president as well as all the people that voted the president into office. They have wasted so much of our money over the last 2 years trying to take over the oval office. President Trump has done a great job and will continue to keep America great.
It’s a shame President Trump is constantly being criticized when it’s obvious he is working to actually keep his campaign promises and is actually doing it. When was that time a president actually did that?
I think Nancy should try to be a Lady and shut her hateful mouth and let OUR president go about running OUR country
The Dems have spent all this time and energy trying to overturn the will of the people. That should be the first huge clue as to their worth. They are NOT interested in the will of the people. They are only interested in covering up their own corruption, VOTE THEM ALL OUT and the Rhinos too that fall into this same quagmire. Trump is not perfect but has still been exceptionally good given all the negatives he has had to contend with!!! GO TRUMP!!!
Democrats do not care if they impair this president’s, or any future US president’s, ability to deal frankly, forthrightly and confidentially with other foreign leaders. Instead of giving in to Democrat demands, President Trump should have explained to the American people why releasing a recording, or even a transcript, was a very bad idea which could impact the safety and security of the United States if a foreign leader suspects that the conversation is being eavesdropped on by those who would release the details to the media for political purposes.
To the Dems and the fake news, it doesn’t matter. D@mned if he does, d@mned if he doesn’t.
It never should have been an issue in the first place. The democratic’s need to stop this BS. But there all scurrying like rats on a sinking ship. Sadly I think it’s going to get worse instead of better. Some heads have to roll.
WHY are NOT the Congressional Republicans, House and Senate, working together to do the same things to the Dem’s leaders, Schumer, Pelosi, etc. Put THEM on the defensive, constantly. There is so much they could be doing. The Dem’s dirty tactics have already started at the local level with the mid term elections coming up next month.
Unfortunately, the actions being taken by the Democrats and ignored by the Republicans will destroy our nation. The Washington elite ( Democrats, Republicans, judicial,Media and government employees) Are pulling out all stops( to heck with it being illegal or not) to crush Trump showing and they are getting away with it. We are on the edge of the cliff with Them trying to push us off, while Trump is the only one pushing back (balless republicans!). If they succeed it will mean the end of our Republic! You better learn how to say “comrade”
We have been silent for too long, thanks for giving us a voice that counts!
downside for transcripts: NO foreign leader will call US or Pres call leader X if line is “tapped” & Not secure line for future abuse.
Scary & works both ways for deals.
Personal discussions should remain personal. The problem is the democraps have corrupted the system. Expect holding the information until after the 4 or 8 years of a sitting President would be reasonable; then get it out soon to expose any party shenanigans. All activities can not be transparent, particularly when security issues are at stake. We elected the president to manage our governments business. Support him and let him do his job.
Once again NONE of these answers is my pick.
By releasing the transcript, President Trump has shown — once again — the Democrats and the Liberal Media for the anti-American traitors they are.
The Democrats, in collusion with the Media, thought they’d set a better trap for the president. Stupidly, they collectively stepped in their own trap … again.
If releasing the Transcript would have clarified a perception or actuality, sure he should show transparency. However, it didn’t do either. If you hate Trump, you still hate Trump and want to impeach him. If you support Trump, it didn’t change your support. If you don’t care, nothing changed. All that changed is now ALL transcripts to ALL persons will be expected by the Democrats and RINOS. If Trump refuses, what is he hiding? Proof of just another Presidential Obstruction. Now, he’s opened Pandora’s box.
– Funny thing is… This is the first “Whistleblower” complaint in 12 years. How can that be? There is not One thing that happened in the Intelligence organization that a Country of Tattletales, Jerry Springer watching fans could find to complain about or tattle on? There wasn’t even a Whistleblower complaint when Bradley Manning downloaded Top Secret information or Edward Snowden stole Intelligence data.
– Now a phone conversation stirs a problem? What president hasn’t told other leaders “you need to clean up your Human Rights records if you want Aide from the U.S.”. Every single one!
– How about Hillary deploying non-state department people like John and Tony Pedesta on U.S. taxpayers funds to Ukraine to help overthrow Yakanovich and emplace Poreshenko? Can’t wait for that hearing in the U.S. Congressional hearings or probably not.
Since the 2016 surprise win by Trump the Democrats have been in the destroy Trump at any cost mode. They were sure Hillary was a shoo-in, and their wicked little house of cards would be erected of the dictatorship of America. Reality was a scary blow. Not only were their dreams of conquest dashed, but now they stood in fear if having their heinous crimes exposed and prison waiting. So it’s more than loss of power they fear. It’s the striped suits. They have to destroy Trump. What have they got to lose.
How do we the people get the republicans to stand up and support our president whom we’ve placed in office?
It’s a disgrace that only radio talk host Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin speak out with a loud voice!
It Seems to me that the DemonRats are bought and paid for whores of the New World Order aka anti-American One World Government.
We need to pray for our President and country in Jesus name.
Personally its time for the Republican party to go on the offensive and go after the law breakers in the Democratic party and escort them out of office once and for all. Im tierd of the do nothing afraid to loose my position attitude the Republican party has had for years. The dems have wrecked the health care system, continue to try and disarm Americans implement socialism, and destroy the economic structure of the USA! While the main line churches set back and allow the non believers in Christ to remove the only guiding light this country has from the schools. It’s high time we awake out of our sleep and fall on our knees repent of our sins call upon the great I AM of the bible to forgive us and heal our hearts and county before its tolate!☝?. Isn’t it ironic that a few of the 1st 10 laws written are reconized by the very people that removed them from the schools? Thow salt not steal, bear false witness, murder to mention a few.
The Presidency is the HIGHEST office in America, yet the Democrats and Congress seems to forget just that, instead acting as if they have MORE authority over the Presidency than the President. THE DEMOCRATS DISGUST ME with their holier-than-thou arrogance and attitude. MAYBE IT IS TIME FOR THE DOJ/FBI TO INVESTIGATE ALL OF THESE BIG-MOUTH DO-NOTHING DEMOCRATS TO SEE EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE HIDING. Afterall, it seems most, if not all of these people in Congress seems to be so much WEATHLIER after they leave office than when they came in. THAT, IN ITSELF, IS WORTH LOOKING INTO. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME THE HOUSE PASSED A BILL? NOT IN OVER 2 YEARS! They do absolutely nothing except attack our President. It sickens me.
WE, THE PEOPLE want the DOJ to investigate these top-tier Democrats in the House. Let’s watch and see what THEY do when their own evil ploys are turned on them!
As Gilda Radner said, “ignorant sluts”. 😉