If Congress is swarn to up hold the law, how can these women who want to eleminate our constition, remain in office?
Karl W
5 years ago
All the democrats are playing right into Trump’s hands. They are uniting around those 4 reps, the most extreme leftists. Now they all have to answer why they support anti-Semites, just throwing a wrench in all their campaigns.
5 years ago
Keep them in the headlines, because their immature hatefulness will lose races for their party in 2020.
And if you consider their vile position on Israel and the Jews, just WHO is the racist here?
Yes, the “Fraud Squad”.
florence Siljenberg
5 years ago
They are zapping the strength of the country. Getting so tired of them. Talking less about them, I think the more we focus on them, the more powerful they become. I say let the surigant take the down. Keep building up the country. It’s to early to keep on giving them what they want. A little surprise of that squad would be that we take them at the Polls in 2020. Like and Earthquake we need to vote for the president. Mention them once in awhile but I really think they get to much attention, and many of us are tired of them. Someone who has authority should really investigate this Omar. Something about her doesn’t pass the smell test.
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago
I find it to be quite interesting that these four are all “women of color”
who are being fronted by the MSM / Fake News Media Mob in a never ending conspiratorial effort by DEMOCRATS
and their various behind the scenes instigators in a well contrived effort to overthrow POTUS and our country.
But of course this only serves to bolster our resolve in support of POTUS all the more while exposing
their vile collusion against him.
The chant of “send them back” proves that the public is fully aware of this and they do not like these
contemptuous women or their seething hatred of America and President Trump.
Attempting to overthrow a government by mob action always comes with dangerous and often deadly consequences which have yet to be realized,
you don’t want to be on the losing side of that conflict with a well armed populace of patriots waiting and watching this evolving situation very closely.
America – love it or leave it.
#TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !
5 years ago
He sounded stupid telling them to go back home even though 3 of the 4 are Americans. I like Trump, but I am so tired of his Twitter rants and insults. He sounds dumb! Run the county and shut up! Show American’s the things you are doing right and stop being part of this nonsense.
Brian B
5 years ago
I enjoy watching the MSM and Lunatic Left respond to the President’s tweets. The President is far more clever and methodical in his tweets than either Party can understand. Each tweet is a fishhook. And the Democrats and RINOs just can’t resist biting. The end result is a national discussion that invariably exposes liberals for the fools they are. Reminds me of “The Scarlet Pimpernel.” The “pompous fool” is a patriot and a genius. Our “unpresidential” President makes me smile. God bless President Trump. MAGA
5 years ago
The media is keeping the squad in the forefront trying to make them look favorable. They are not and never will be, they are anti-American and want to fundamentally change America. They are radicals and need to be voted out, or should I say socialists!
5 years ago
Look, if people hate and don’t like the United States of America, then really, leave, get out! What is so wrong with being asked to leave and shut up. People come into this Country illegally and spit and trash our Flag . Leave….I tell ya. Golly, what is people’s problem?! Such an oxymoron!! Shows people’s intelligence, the lack of it! Go stand and make your way to North Korea, for heaven sakes.
5 years ago
Keep giving them enough rope they’re going to hang themselves. They’re not that smart. People are getting angry and the more they talk the stupider they sound. The more corrupt they sound and the more on congresswoman like they sound.
Time to drain the swamp!
Let’s make them cry again!
Trump 2020!
My only regret is I can only vote once. But I don’t mean that in a legal sense I mean that is a sense of satisfaction. My satisfaction is telling them I voted for our president Donald J Trump.
john s nunan
5 years ago
opportunists, they dont cate about anything but themselves. a flash in the pan . they will be gone as quick as there arrival ….
5 years ago
Since the press doesn’t call them out for their anti-American rhetoric, I’m glad the President does.
5 years ago
Let’s keep America Great and not allow these four haters to convert us to a nation of socialists. I am sick and tired of people who come to this country and do nothing to support our freedoms and our way of life. We don’t want to be converted or be like other countries, we are the United States of America.
5 years ago
The President could have said .This is our country, not perfect, but none better.. but if you rather not embrace it .. there are other places to live!!
Ike Gilmore
5 years ago
They do not apricate what the AMERICAN WAY STANDS FOR. Sorry if you don’t like it go somewhere that suet’s your thinking we like ours..
Jim Siegendorf
5 years ago
It’s amazing how the MSM is always on the wrong side of the issues.
Jesse Church
5 years ago
“some people done something” Omar on 9/11. “somebody said something” Me, on the Presidents tweet.
Charles Martin Sever
5 years ago
I would go one step further and have them investigated, Omar for sure, for the way she says things about the USA.
5 years ago
He was right, but his use of the Lord’s name was disappointing. Those women don’t like America, they need to go to the countries they’re supporting! The countries that they’re FROM (ancestry) If they think do poorly of America! They shouldn’t be in office if they hate us so much!! Soros!
Helen Corey
5 years ago
You can wear a hijab on your head but not a cross around your neck in public and at work. Hijabs are a symbol of a belief system. Why the discrepancy?
J t
5 years ago
“Send THEM home” should be the chant to deport all invaders.
Martha Gerald
5 years ago
I really do not blame our President for calling them out. BUT, rather than saying, “You cannot talk about America that way……etc” it would have been better to say, People who love America, do not talk so Un-American. This is the greatest nation on earth. Not perfect but better than all the rest. We are a work in progress. We should not say that those who come here can practice their religions here, period. Do we want people coming over here and practicing “honor killings”? – NO but it is already happening. Do we want them coming over here and practicing Sharia Law? NO
Lynn Hoffman
5 years ago
Bunch of scum bag communist, send them back. Who left them into this country?
J t
5 years ago
“Send THEMhome” should replace the chant to deport all invaders.
Wm. Stancliff
5 years ago
I enlisted in the U. S. Army bcaused this country stands fo the freedoms I have and fight for. I view these people as enemies.
Tom Holman
5 years ago
Tahlieb or however you spell it tried to weasel her way into our memorial day parade in Westland/Inkster Michigan his year. Both mayors and a guest speaker from the military had speaches. Tahlieb wanted to speak and we were told they denied her because this was not going to turn into her political grandstanding. She showed up anyway. She walked around talking to the veterans who were representing the American legion and the VFW so we were all professional and polite……behind the scenes we all wanted to kick her in the ass. This was near the same time she voted against paying for fallen heros children college costs and turned around and voted for free college for illegals. She is so stupid she doesn’t realize how much the military and veterans hate her and her ideas……she and the squad are in direct contradiction if our constitution!!! Thank God our mayors and people running the memorial day parade denied her.
Robert Buckholz
5 years ago
You call them progressive more like hindering
5 years ago
I believe in the statement ” America love it or leave it. “
5 years ago
Although they are claiming racism I think it’s more of the things they say against America n the agenda they are pushing for that the president is criticizing
However it’s more beneficial for them to cry racism. Personally I’m still scratching my head wondering how n why they were ever elected to begin with.
BJ Shepherd
5 years ago
I’d like to send them somewhere, but I don’t think any other country would put up with their loud- mouths! I haven’t heard a single idea from any of them. They have accomplished nothing, but complaining. Shame on the people who voted for that bunch! They are a disgrace to America. They only stand for division and racism! That is pretty clear! We should come together and see that unqualified loud-mouthed bartenders and the like do not get elected again.
5 years ago
These four lunatics should be censured and run out of the USA on a rail. What’s more scary to me is the idiots that elected them in the first place.
Leon W
5 years ago
All 4 are nothing but communist, seeking to destroy the USA. People need to wake up and start voting these kind of haters out of office.
5 years ago
The President actually did not name any names, but the squad jumped right in to the fire.
Kenneth J. Wicker
5 years ago
He did not single them out. Use his words!!!!! If you don’t like America leave. That includes half of Hollywoodidjits. Do it properly. They are self important anti-americanists with an AGENDA.
Fred Greathead
5 years ago
They should be shot for treason!
5 years ago
The president didn’t tell them to “go back” to where they came from; he said to go to their original countries and fix them, then come back and tell us how it’s done. Very different from how your question was couched.
5 years ago
I agree with our President but maybe he could have worded tweet better. It was not racist but should have let them know you may live here but your views are not what we as a nation are based on and our constitution is not thecomunist manifesto. Then stated they are subversive in their language and call them to account. I say,?” Let keep talking”. It benefits the Repubicans come Nov 2020.
5 years ago
The President could have made his point much more maturely and less bombastic by saying something like, ”I would like to hear the great things about America from their lips…for all I hear is a sad, ‘dissing’ of America and Republicans.”
Raquel Armijo
5 years ago
The “Squad”and members of Congress must be required to take a ‘loyalty oath when sworn into office. Bring back the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities ?
5 years ago
I think the squad needs to be addressed for their anti American statements but I do think the sending them back statement was over the top
5 years ago
This all started with the election of Obama, his entire Cabinet of Muslim Brotherhood members and other Islamic appointees and sympathizers. He promised to “Fundamentally change America” and he did, Both he and Michelle were smiling, slick talking, lying racist and if you paid attention to what they did and said you knew it. Islamist Keith Ellison was replaced by an Islamist woman of color who continually spews anti-American and anti-Semitic remarks and if you disagree they call you a racist Islamophobic and that is why she was elected to Congress along with the other 3 women of color. I believe Obama sent the large numbers of “so called” Islamic refugees to different parts of our Country for this reason. People need to wake up and see these people for what they really are before none of us have an America our Constitution guaranteed…..I know this sounds simplistic but it could have been the plan all along
Stephanie Jones
5 years ago
Keep America Great President Trump??????
Lew Rigaud
5 years ago
Those people are closest to being communist not progressive are Kool Aid drinking mainstream media claims those anti American liberals are. Those w—-es should be exposed for what there gang is.
Charlotte Sheppard
5 years ago
I support President Trump 100%! It seems that it’s okay for the Left to bash our Country, but for some reason it’s not okay for the President or the Rest of the Right to defend it! If you don’t like our Country, move to France or Canada with the other haters!
ROXIE Lybrand
5 years ago
Who were the morons who voted for these wicked women in the first place. Not one of them have the knowledge or morals to be in politics. They need to be removed from office and then removed from our country if they don’t stand for it. I stand behind President Trump because he stands for the American people
5 years ago
His comments were NOT racist in any way.
The “racist” card gets played by people that have nothing left and know they are wrong and losing. It shows an ignorance and shallowness that leaves a hollow image of the person making the claim.
We live in a republic. If you want some other government or society, go where there is the government society you want. DON’T CHANGE THIS COUNTRY!!!
We like it the way it is.
5 years ago
The United States is such a magnificent country. It is the only place where newly elected members of Congress can openly trash the country and its citizens. Try that in China or North Korea. If the “Squad” doesn’t like living in America, they are free to leave. You are embarrassing yourselves with your rhetoric. Trump 2020!
5 years ago
We must all remember what we were told, in so many words, by the Muslims following 9/11: that they would infiltrate us; that they would take us down. These 4 “squad” members have now infiltrated us. What’s next? They must be either voted out (before it’s too late), or removed from office. And may we some day be able to forgive the voters who put them there!
Jim from Bellmore
5 years ago
They shouldn’t be called The Squad. It’s more like The 4 Stooges! My apologies to Moe, Larry, Curly and Shemp!
Scott Davis
5 years ago
Thursday night Hannity had Mark Levin on his show at 40 minutes into the hour. Levin hit it right out of the park and beyond. The President never said anything about the color of their skin or anything racist. Instead, he went after the content of their character.
If you get a chance to see this six minutes of Levin, he says everything that’s true about this. Worth the time.
If Congress is swarn to up hold the law, how can these women who want to eleminate our constition, remain in office?
All the democrats are playing right into Trump’s hands. They are uniting around those 4 reps, the most extreme leftists. Now they all have to answer why they support anti-Semites, just throwing a wrench in all their campaigns.
Keep them in the headlines, because their immature hatefulness will lose races for their party in 2020.
And if you consider their vile position on Israel and the Jews, just WHO is the racist here?
Yes, the “Fraud Squad”.
They are zapping the strength of the country. Getting so tired of them. Talking less about them, I think the more we focus on them, the more powerful they become. I say let the surigant take the down. Keep building up the country. It’s to early to keep on giving them what they want. A little surprise of that squad would be that we take them at the Polls in 2020. Like and Earthquake we need to vote for the president. Mention them once in awhile but I really think they get to much attention, and many of us are tired of them. Someone who has authority should really investigate this Omar. Something about her doesn’t pass the smell test.
I find it to be quite interesting that these four are all “women of color”
who are being fronted by the MSM / Fake News Media Mob in a never ending conspiratorial effort by DEMOCRATS
and their various behind the scenes instigators in a well contrived effort to overthrow POTUS and our country.
But of course this only serves to bolster our resolve in support of POTUS all the more while exposing
their vile collusion against him.
The chant of “send them back” proves that the public is fully aware of this and they do not like these
contemptuous women or their seething hatred of America and President Trump.
Attempting to overthrow a government by mob action always comes with dangerous and often deadly consequences which have yet to be realized,
you don’t want to be on the losing side of that conflict with a well armed populace of patriots waiting and watching this evolving situation very closely.
America – love it or leave it.
#TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !
He sounded stupid telling them to go back home even though 3 of the 4 are Americans. I like Trump, but I am so tired of his Twitter rants and insults. He sounds dumb! Run the county and shut up! Show American’s the things you are doing right and stop being part of this nonsense.
I enjoy watching the MSM and Lunatic Left respond to the President’s tweets. The President is far more clever and methodical in his tweets than either Party can understand. Each tweet is a fishhook. And the Democrats and RINOs just can’t resist biting. The end result is a national discussion that invariably exposes liberals for the fools they are. Reminds me of “The Scarlet Pimpernel.” The “pompous fool” is a patriot and a genius. Our “unpresidential” President makes me smile. God bless President Trump. MAGA
The media is keeping the squad in the forefront trying to make them look favorable. They are not and never will be, they are anti-American and want to fundamentally change America. They are radicals and need to be voted out, or should I say socialists!
Look, if people hate and don’t like the United States of America, then really, leave, get out! What is so wrong with being asked to leave and shut up. People come into this Country illegally and spit and trash our Flag . Leave….I tell ya. Golly, what is people’s problem?! Such an oxymoron!! Shows people’s intelligence, the lack of it! Go stand and make your way to North Korea, for heaven sakes.
Keep giving them enough rope they’re going to hang themselves. They’re not that smart. People are getting angry and the more they talk the stupider they sound. The more corrupt they sound and the more on congresswoman like they sound.
Time to drain the swamp!
Let’s make them cry again!
Trump 2020!
My only regret is I can only vote once. But I don’t mean that in a legal sense I mean that is a sense of satisfaction. My satisfaction is telling them I voted for our president Donald J Trump.
opportunists, they dont cate about anything but themselves. a flash in the pan . they will be gone as quick as there arrival ….
Since the press doesn’t call them out for their anti-American rhetoric, I’m glad the President does.
Let’s keep America Great and not allow these four haters to convert us to a nation of socialists. I am sick and tired of people who come to this country and do nothing to support our freedoms and our way of life. We don’t want to be converted or be like other countries, we are the United States of America.
The President could have said .This is our country, not perfect, but none better.. but if you rather not embrace it .. there are other places to live!!
They do not apricate what the AMERICAN WAY STANDS FOR. Sorry if you don’t like it go somewhere that suet’s your thinking we like ours..
It’s amazing how the MSM is always on the wrong side of the issues.
“some people done something” Omar on 9/11. “somebody said something” Me, on the Presidents tweet.
I would go one step further and have them investigated, Omar for sure, for the way she says things about the USA.
He was right, but his use of the Lord’s name was disappointing. Those women don’t like America, they need to go to the countries they’re supporting! The countries that they’re FROM (ancestry) If they think do poorly of America! They shouldn’t be in office if they hate us so much!! Soros!
You can wear a hijab on your head but not a cross around your neck in public and at work. Hijabs are a symbol of a belief system. Why the discrepancy?
“Send THEM home” should be the chant to deport all invaders.
I really do not blame our President for calling them out. BUT, rather than saying, “You cannot talk about America that way……etc” it would have been better to say, People who love America, do not talk so Un-American. This is the greatest nation on earth. Not perfect but better than all the rest. We are a work in progress. We should not say that those who come here can practice their religions here, period. Do we want people coming over here and practicing “honor killings”? – NO but it is already happening. Do we want them coming over here and practicing Sharia Law? NO
Bunch of scum bag communist, send them back. Who left them into this country?
“Send THEMhome” should replace the chant to deport all invaders.
I enlisted in the U. S. Army bcaused this country stands fo the freedoms I have and fight for. I view these people as enemies.
Tahlieb or however you spell it tried to weasel her way into our memorial day parade in Westland/Inkster Michigan his year. Both mayors and a guest speaker from the military had speaches. Tahlieb wanted to speak and we were told they denied her because this was not going to turn into her political grandstanding. She showed up anyway. She walked around talking to the veterans who were representing the American legion and the VFW so we were all professional and polite……behind the scenes we all wanted to kick her in the ass. This was near the same time she voted against paying for fallen heros children college costs and turned around and voted for free college for illegals. She is so stupid she doesn’t realize how much the military and veterans hate her and her ideas……she and the squad are in direct contradiction if our constitution!!! Thank God our mayors and people running the memorial day parade denied her.
You call them progressive more like hindering
I believe in the statement ” America love it or leave it. “
Although they are claiming racism I think it’s more of the things they say against America n the agenda they are pushing for that the president is criticizing
However it’s more beneficial for them to cry racism. Personally I’m still scratching my head wondering how n why they were ever elected to begin with.
I’d like to send them somewhere, but I don’t think any other country would put up with their loud- mouths! I haven’t heard a single idea from any of them. They have accomplished nothing, but complaining. Shame on the people who voted for that bunch! They are a disgrace to America. They only stand for division and racism! That is pretty clear! We should come together and see that unqualified loud-mouthed bartenders and the like do not get elected again.
These four lunatics should be censured and run out of the USA on a rail. What’s more scary to me is the idiots that elected them in the first place.
All 4 are nothing but communist, seeking to destroy the USA. People need to wake up and start voting these kind of haters out of office.
The President actually did not name any names, but the squad jumped right in to the fire.
He did not single them out. Use his words!!!!! If you don’t like America leave. That includes half of Hollywoodidjits. Do it properly. They are self important anti-americanists with an AGENDA.
They should be shot for treason!
The president didn’t tell them to “go back” to where they came from; he said to go to their original countries and fix them, then come back and tell us how it’s done. Very different from how your question was couched.
I agree with our President but maybe he could have worded tweet better. It was not racist but should have let them know you may live here but your views are not what we as a nation are based on and our constitution is not thecomunist manifesto. Then stated they are subversive in their language and call them to account. I say,?” Let keep talking”. It benefits the Repubicans come Nov 2020.
The President could have made his point much more maturely and less bombastic by saying something like, ”I would like to hear the great things about America from their lips…for all I hear is a sad, ‘dissing’ of America and Republicans.”
The “Squad”and members of Congress must be required to take a ‘loyalty oath when sworn into office. Bring back the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities ?
I think the squad needs to be addressed for their anti American statements but I do think the sending them back statement was over the top
This all started with the election of Obama, his entire Cabinet of Muslim Brotherhood members and other Islamic appointees and sympathizers. He promised to “Fundamentally change America” and he did, Both he and Michelle were smiling, slick talking, lying racist and if you paid attention to what they did and said you knew it. Islamist Keith Ellison was replaced by an Islamist woman of color who continually spews anti-American and anti-Semitic remarks and if you disagree they call you a racist Islamophobic and that is why she was elected to Congress along with the other 3 women of color. I believe Obama sent the large numbers of “so called” Islamic refugees to different parts of our Country for this reason. People need to wake up and see these people for what they really are before none of us have an America our Constitution guaranteed…..I know this sounds simplistic but it could have been the plan all along
Keep America Great President Trump??????
Those people are closest to being communist not progressive are Kool Aid drinking mainstream media claims those anti American liberals are. Those w—-es should be exposed for what there gang is.
I support President Trump 100%! It seems that it’s okay for the Left to bash our Country, but for some reason it’s not okay for the President or the Rest of the Right to defend it! If you don’t like our Country, move to France or Canada with the other haters!
Who were the morons who voted for these wicked women in the first place. Not one of them have the knowledge or morals to be in politics. They need to be removed from office and then removed from our country if they don’t stand for it. I stand behind President Trump because he stands for the American people
His comments were NOT racist in any way.
The “racist” card gets played by people that have nothing left and know they are wrong and losing. It shows an ignorance and shallowness that leaves a hollow image of the person making the claim.
We live in a republic. If you want some other government or society, go where there is the government society you want. DON’T CHANGE THIS COUNTRY!!!
We like it the way it is.
The United States is such a magnificent country. It is the only place where newly elected members of Congress can openly trash the country and its citizens. Try that in China or North Korea. If the “Squad” doesn’t like living in America, they are free to leave. You are embarrassing yourselves with your rhetoric. Trump 2020!
We must all remember what we were told, in so many words, by the Muslims following 9/11: that they would infiltrate us; that they would take us down. These 4 “squad” members have now infiltrated us. What’s next? They must be either voted out (before it’s too late), or removed from office. And may we some day be able to forgive the voters who put them there!
They shouldn’t be called The Squad. It’s more like The 4 Stooges! My apologies to Moe, Larry, Curly and Shemp!
Thursday night Hannity had Mark Levin on his show at 40 minutes into the hour. Levin hit it right out of the park and beyond. The President never said anything about the color of their skin or anything racist. Instead, he went after the content of their character.
If you get a chance to see this six minutes of Levin, he says everything that’s true about this. Worth the time.