As much as I like President Trump, the federal government has no constitutional authority over local public education. That’s why there should not even be a federal Department of Education, (How many times have we been promised DoE would become history?)
Our tax structure is upside down. The federal government takes our tax money, and then holds it hostage to demand a political ransom from the states to get it back for their own sovereign purposes. If a private person did that it would be called racketeering. No President, R or D, should be allowed to do that. Besides education, the same thing is done with many other purely state responsibilities, too.
Each state’s risk is different, so they should be allowed to reopen their schools whenever or however they see fit. Their voter’s will decide how well their elected officials managed things. And more parents may see the advantages of homeschooling if school districts drag it out too long, which is OK by me.
Brian B
4 years ago
I didn’t vote for Fauci, Birx, the Surgeon General, or anyone at the CDC. Can any Constitutional scholar explain why unelected bureaucrats from the Swamp are running the country and trampling our incontestable liberties? President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil recently fired his Health Minister. Bolsonaro, like President Trump, has been unfairly blamed for covid-19 “cases” because his narcissistic “experts” have cared more about personal power than the legitimate overall health of the nation. Sound familiar? Drain the Swamp. Fire Fauci. Unmask and open all of America’s social and commercial venues again. I reject the CDC as my overlord. The Constitution is my law, not the surreptitious opinions of unelected bureaucrats.
Gail Marcotte
4 years ago
4 years ago
Let people decide whether to send their kids or not and if they don’t, ensure they are educating them at home. People who are home educators have rules and standards that could easily apply to folks who are afraid to send their kids. No lawsuits allowed. I don’t see why parents can’t supply hand sanitizer and masks for their own kids. Of course, I also think parents should supply paper and pencils for their own kids. Flu is a worse problem among kids and we don’t have a problem sending them to school during flu season. Too much dependency on the government taking care of everything.
Patricia Bryant
4 years ago
The risk to children from this virus is limited and children badly need the structure, society, and learning experience. Perhaps some accommodation can be made for children with high risk health conditions.
John Horton
4 years ago
The American education system has been detrimental to the nation since the establishment of the NEA (which Reagan promised to dissolve)
Children’s education should be managed at the local level with significant parental involvement. Never the federal.
Mark T Carter
4 years ago
As a Federalist I believe these decisions should be made at the state and local level. If you live in an area run by morons (Democrats), it’s up to you and like -minded people to change the situation.
Mark E. Hartz
4 years ago
I stand by my belief that the COVID-19 scare is a farce. The numbers have been manipulated to increase the fears of the gullible and ignorant people, pleasing those who hate this country and its patriots.
Abina Haffner
4 years ago
Schools must open. It is so important to out youth
Stirl Back
4 years ago
We should keep the decisions in individual States.
4 years ago
There has been more of a negative impact on our kids by closing schools than if with caution and common sense they remained open. There are risks but again with common sense they can be reduce. I have 6 grandchildren all under 9 and may have to limit my contact with them but they will gain more from going back to school then being able to visit me.
4 years ago
Open the schools, teach children good hygiene and let them learn.
The facts dont support the democrat and union agenda,that’s all!
Robert Reid
4 years ago
We are not going to stop this illness completely! Just wear masks and social distance to “flatten the curve” we did! Now more and more, for longer and longer. These are just tactics to see how well we can be controlled. STOP IT, NOW!
4 years ago
The federal govt has no business in the operation of state and local schools. State and local schools have no business greedily taking federal tax revenue to fund their operation in whole or part.
The Dept of Ed was created with hope of national improvement. But just like every other BIG GOVT idea, it has resulted in more unintended consequences than intended. National test score averages have been on a steeper and steeper downward trend since the creation of the Dept of Ed. It is time to abolish it as a complete failure. Even more pressing, Trump SORELY needs a refresher class in the proper role of Federalism as intended by the founders.
Hal Ferguson
4 years ago
Open all public schools without restrictions. Fauci is also working for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. So is Berx. Open all businesses without restrictions. This virus is being politicized. Fauci is a fraud.
Patricia Conlon
4 years ago
#1 best describes my views, however I do not believe funding should be removed.
Sharon Cathey
4 years ago
School should be a state issue. More power over states is not needed at the federal level. State governments, despite horrific overreaches and power grabs by those at the top of each infrastructure should make well-considered decisions within each state, aligned with federal guidelines and the US Constitution.
Linda K
4 years ago
Why should schools get federal money if they don’t open? It makes perfect sense to withhold money if they don’t open.
4 years ago
According to many doctors, parents this virtual learning is not as effective but more importantly it seems damaging to student in social developet. It also has placed an unbelievable burden upon parents and especially single parents. Most HAVE to work and cannot be home to guide them and supervise them I keep reading about countries such as Japan and Iceland that are effectively using better methods than “social distancing” to deal with the “virus” Social distancing is simply trying to “control” for future tracing and zero to do with health. Just look at how Hitler got control. We need to educate students and teach them history
4 years ago
Schools are TOO IMPORTANT in the development of our children. The interaction and teacher guidance at the schools are a valuable part in the development of all .
4 years ago
The whole COVID – Flu thing was totally blown out of proportion, Okay yes it is real and more contagious ? then a bad flu ? or maybe not, but it hit harder in a shorter period of time. So just about half of the death toll was caused by 5 Governors by sending the elderly with the COVID virus back to nursing homes, Was this done purposely ?? Gov Coumo ‘ Well ppl have to Die ‘ Disgusting. Fauchi is a fraud connected to the WHO and gave Wuhan funding to continue the research after HSN shut him down in the US because the research was too dangerous, the info is out there. This was all another plan to try to bring down the President Trump and destroy our Country, The shutdown should have never happened, They want to control us and turn this country into a Socialist Nightmare and don’t get me started on NYC mayor.
Trump 2020 – Trump 2024 son or daughter ? oh yes.
Charles E Hoy
4 years ago
I am SO tired of everyone 2nd-guessing President Trump. He has more info than anyone else, and if he feels the U.S.A. should re-open schools, then I’m with him 100%. Home schooling cannot reach all children and neither can on-line schooling. Our nation cannot stand another YEAR. or even 6 Months of closure. Sports is another matter. Ciitizens that do not care or understand what needs to be done, are still living in a Fantasy world. I, for one, am ecstatic about most of what the President has done for our Republic, and see it as the only way to stave off the Socialism that the Democrats want to us to suffer under.
Donna H.
4 years ago
As a special education teacher, I feel there will be many students left behind even while participating in distance learning. Once they get behind, it is difficult for them to catch up. There are also many students needing interaction with peers and caring adults. Think about neglected and abused children who need the school to look out for their needs and make referrals for their safety. Please get these children back to school.
Judith Cappoli
4 years ago
virginia routzon
4 years ago
My daughter teaches in a Junior High School. It is a Petri Dish of germs normally. She herself is compromised in health, due to having had Legionnaires Disease 4 years ago. She is a great risk, as are the children. There are also other teachers with similar problems. And, to give teachers the added responsibility of sterilizing the room after each class is just not feasible. The time allotted is only about 10 minutes, and she would also, at the same time, be expected to be at the door greeting the students of the next class. Please reconsider the seemingly desperate need too return to “normal”.
4 years ago
public education should be abolished as it is nothing more than institutional brainwashing
unresponsive to the needs of the community
since the sham Scopes trial of 95 years ago
in Tennessee. I’m tired of paying for others
free babysitting services. Parents pay more
babysitters to watch their 2 yr olds than they
pay for private education for their high school age children so they can afford it!
Public education like most all “Free” stuff is the most expensive. Many millions quietly agree with me. If you don’t believe me just let some jurisdiction abolish public education and then witness property values and the population there quadruple over night!
If that’s not acceptable let taxpayers donate money to a private school of their choice and get an equal tax credit on their property tax bills. That will never happen because the bad guys want to control the minds of the children.
Why do you think they are pushing remote learning and online church services? So they can completely control what’s taught in the classroom and from the pulpit. Don’t believe me? Just go up to Canada and try preaching or teaching that homosexuality is a sin and see if you not behind bars! Best thing we can do is pray that the Lord would scatter his enemies
sooner rather than later.
The greatest persecution of Christians in the history of the world is coming just as it was predicted in the Bible and we are to work while there is still time because the night cometh when no man can work.
4 years ago
I don’t remember the schools being closed during the polio out break. That was worse that this.
Marilyn Huff
4 years ago
I just don’t trust the CDC and the Medical bureaucrats, this may be their final blow to Get Trump; if the virus has been manmade it can be modified to be spread as a second wave; the children might be the target of this new strain, the 1st wave the elderly and compromised people didn’t get the complete compliance they wanted. And it didn’t keep the public engaged long enough to destroy the world and usher in the NWO.
Trump will blamed for any scenario they want to hype.
Faye Coy
4 years ago
Yes the schools should open, but with careful guide lines. It is passed by respiratory(talking, shouting,singing,coughing, sneezing. Mask should be worn when appropriate. This is a very bad virus and not to be messed with but we also need to use common sense,which seems to be in short supply now days.
Kevan Massey
4 years ago
This whole thing has been overblown and hyped since the beginning and it’s just the left running the show. violence hate and sheep following their herders. My grandson needs his school to open so he can socialize with his friends… Period…
Rocky Duff
4 years ago
As I normally do not express an opinion due to lack of sufficient and reliable information being provided or available. The only opinion I can express on this subject; the only decision that should be credible, should be made by the parent only. Considering the situation, the government’s only purpose should be to provide the parents with a safe, viable means for which their children may return to a open school environment or the means for their child to receive just as credible virtual schooling from home if the parent and child so chooses. Our taxes are not provided for them to raise our children, but to give us the most effective way to raise and educate them for the times and situation at hand
Cinda Rogerson
4 years ago
Liberty 1st, safety 2nd – as if we can control our “safety”. Your soul may be required of you at any moment. Live, love, respect others, do good and enjoy your life in the greatest nation in the world!
4 years ago
School systems had serious problems before Covid 19, especially intercity schools. Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to address at least some of those problems. Children need to come out of the school system with the skills and background knowledge to succeed in the world of today.
4 years ago
Do we send kids back to school to be dumbed down by the liberal agenda or school them at home where they might actually learn something of value? Virtual learning might have its place, but so does interaction at school with other kids and adults. I do not trust the experts and do not believe in this fake pandemic. There is no proof that doing one thing is better than another because if you take one road, you never get to expereince the other road and can only guess at what the results might have been making a different choice. You plan some and take your first steps and if things are not to your liking…change course. Your degree of fear is always the factor that determines your actions.
Charles Burch
4 years ago
Billy Bob America
4 years ago
Given that the leftist indoctrination centers do nothing other than foment anti-Caucasian and anti-American hatred, keep them closed indefinitely.
Judy Smith
4 years ago
After a 39-yearcareer as a public and private school teacher, I was asked to help some parents homeschool their children. I had a3variety of responsibilities depending on the parental request and academic needs of a student. Don’t anyone try to dissuade me with the idea that a homeschooled child lacks social skills. Have any 9f you taken a look at the teens and preteens in demonstrations? Who is teaching these kids how to live in society?
4 years ago
The issue is not just about the children but of the parents being able to go back to work.
We see the Democratic leadership using this as a tool to hurt Trump.
If the funding is tied to the child, which it should be, then withholding the funds for the child, if not in the classroom, would help in getting the children back in school.
John Bridgman
4 years ago
Staying healthy is important but not at the expense of normal life. Kids need school without the social interaction they don’t grow. My daughter has emotional problems now because she stays in her room 24 hours
4 years ago
Of course they should open! For one, they’ve said all along children are the least vulnerable. Second, it’s been scientifically proven that the “virus” is much less deadly than originally thought. So, protect the most Vulnerable, just like any other virus and open up and move forward for the rest of the country!!
4 years ago
It’s amazing sitting here and reading posts from all of these “arm chair” politicians and “wanna-be” political scientists who are not privy to ALL the information.
Never judge another man’s actions unless you were there and witnessed the entire event and have all the facts.
Base your comments on what you hear on the news? Really????
4 years ago
Studies have shown that children are at low risk when contracting the virus.
However, in a classroom/school environment, they can serve to spread the virus exponentially. Few are considering this aspect of blanket reopening as well as the impact upon teachers; particularly those over 60 who are in the high risk group.
In Massachusetts, requiring all teachers and children in grade 2 and above to wear masks is likely to happen. Masks address those with the virus and mitigate them spreading it; they do not affect contracting it. Where does it say that children below grade 2 can’t contract or spread the virus? What sense does this make? The decision is based purely upon the difficulty with younger children wearing masks. If that is the case, continue to teach those children remotely. Also, make provisions for older teachers to have less exposure; perhaps functioning as the teachers for those students who will remote learn due to their own health or other issues.
4 years ago
Open the schools completely OR pro rate the teachers and administrators salaries to shortened calendars without possibility of making up the pay loss.
4 years ago
Fauci and his “models” haven’t been right about anything yet! We need to get the economy going again, get the people back to work and start making some arrests of these treasonous swamp creatures!
4 years ago
It’s not too early to re-open schools in the fall, but there is a FAR more important issue. It is VITAL that President Trump be re-elected. If schools re-open, and school children get Wuhan virus as a resutt, the media will blast it to the rooftops all fall, and right up to the election. Don’t give the media that opportunity. Far too much at stake here. The Left must be defeated in November.
Jeanette Fenton
4 years ago
if it was up to Ca Gov Newsom they wouldn’t open and kids would have to wear masks anyway! He’s determined to keep his iron fist locking up the state while he wastes money!
Connie Hayes
4 years ago
I don’t think federal funding should go to schools any way. Locals need to make decisions on how and when to open, even though I don’t think they should keep them closed. And I have strong opposition on masking youth, especially little ones. It’s not healthy. Teach them to wash hands obsessively, use tissues (small trash cans or even personal containers for used tissues. And increase pay for janitorial, including teachers, to clean and sanitize constantly.
4 years ago
Its a virus. Open everything. If you’re at risk, wear a mask, or stay home. I choose not to wear a mask, or follow directional floor arrows. I will not be herded!
If children are expected to wear a mask to return to school, then NO!!! This will make them sicker by constantly touching face with dirty hands. Encourage hand washing instead, with regular soap please. Quit growing super bugs!
I love microbiology
4 years ago
A significant percentage of child abuse / neglect referrals come from the schools locking miss down outside them at risk of harm open the schools
Phil P
4 years ago
Schools absolutely must open but here’s where the federal government fingers into education highlights why it should never be involved in the first place. Schools and education are a local issue; however, we have alllowed the Fed in so now the President can use that allowance to control Fed funds.
As much as I like President Trump, the federal government has no constitutional authority over local public education. That’s why there should not even be a federal Department of Education, (How many times have we been promised DoE would become history?)
Our tax structure is upside down. The federal government takes our tax money, and then holds it hostage to demand a political ransom from the states to get it back for their own sovereign purposes. If a private person did that it would be called racketeering. No President, R or D, should be allowed to do that. Besides education, the same thing is done with many other purely state responsibilities, too.
Each state’s risk is different, so they should be allowed to reopen their schools whenever or however they see fit. Their voter’s will decide how well their elected officials managed things. And more parents may see the advantages of homeschooling if school districts drag it out too long, which is OK by me.
I didn’t vote for Fauci, Birx, the Surgeon General, or anyone at the CDC. Can any Constitutional scholar explain why unelected bureaucrats from the Swamp are running the country and trampling our incontestable liberties? President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil recently fired his Health Minister. Bolsonaro, like President Trump, has been unfairly blamed for covid-19 “cases” because his narcissistic “experts” have cared more about personal power than the legitimate overall health of the nation. Sound familiar? Drain the Swamp. Fire Fauci. Unmask and open all of America’s social and commercial venues again. I reject the CDC as my overlord. The Constitution is my law, not the surreptitious opinions of unelected bureaucrats.
Let people decide whether to send their kids or not and if they don’t, ensure they are educating them at home. People who are home educators have rules and standards that could easily apply to folks who are afraid to send their kids. No lawsuits allowed. I don’t see why parents can’t supply hand sanitizer and masks for their own kids. Of course, I also think parents should supply paper and pencils for their own kids. Flu is a worse problem among kids and we don’t have a problem sending them to school during flu season. Too much dependency on the government taking care of everything.
The risk to children from this virus is limited and children badly need the structure, society, and learning experience. Perhaps some accommodation can be made for children with high risk health conditions.
The American education system has been detrimental to the nation since the establishment of the NEA (which Reagan promised to dissolve)
Children’s education should be managed at the local level with significant parental involvement. Never the federal.
As a Federalist I believe these decisions should be made at the state and local level. If you live in an area run by morons (Democrats), it’s up to you and like -minded people to change the situation.
I stand by my belief that the COVID-19 scare is a farce. The numbers have been manipulated to increase the fears of the gullible and ignorant people, pleasing those who hate this country and its patriots.
Schools must open. It is so important to out youth
We should keep the decisions in individual States.
There has been more of a negative impact on our kids by closing schools than if with caution and common sense they remained open. There are risks but again with common sense they can be reduce. I have 6 grandchildren all under 9 and may have to limit my contact with them but they will gain more from going back to school then being able to visit me.
Open the schools, teach children good hygiene and let them learn.
The facts dont support the democrat and union agenda,that’s all!
We are not going to stop this illness completely! Just wear masks and social distance to “flatten the curve” we did! Now more and more, for longer and longer. These are just tactics to see how well we can be controlled. STOP IT, NOW!
The federal govt has no business in the operation of state and local schools. State and local schools have no business greedily taking federal tax revenue to fund their operation in whole or part.
The Dept of Ed was created with hope of national improvement. But just like every other BIG GOVT idea, it has resulted in more unintended consequences than intended. National test score averages have been on a steeper and steeper downward trend since the creation of the Dept of Ed. It is time to abolish it as a complete failure. Even more pressing, Trump SORELY needs a refresher class in the proper role of Federalism as intended by the founders.
Open all public schools without restrictions. Fauci is also working for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. So is Berx. Open all businesses without restrictions. This virus is being politicized. Fauci is a fraud.
#1 best describes my views, however I do not believe funding should be removed.
School should be a state issue. More power over states is not needed at the federal level. State governments, despite horrific overreaches and power grabs by those at the top of each infrastructure should make well-considered decisions within each state, aligned with federal guidelines and the US Constitution.
Why should schools get federal money if they don’t open? It makes perfect sense to withhold money if they don’t open.
According to many doctors, parents this virtual learning is not as effective but more importantly it seems damaging to student in social developet. It also has placed an unbelievable burden upon parents and especially single parents. Most HAVE to work and cannot be home to guide them and supervise them I keep reading about countries such as Japan and Iceland that are effectively using better methods than “social distancing” to deal with the “virus” Social distancing is simply trying to “control” for future tracing and zero to do with health. Just look at how Hitler got control. We need to educate students and teach them history
Schools are TOO IMPORTANT in the development of our children. The interaction and teacher guidance at the schools are a valuable part in the development of all .
The whole COVID – Flu thing was totally blown out of proportion, Okay yes it is real and more contagious ? then a bad flu ? or maybe not, but it hit harder in a shorter period of time. So just about half of the death toll was caused by 5 Governors by sending the elderly with the COVID virus back to nursing homes, Was this done purposely ?? Gov Coumo ‘ Well ppl have to Die ‘ Disgusting. Fauchi is a fraud connected to the WHO and gave Wuhan funding to continue the research after HSN shut him down in the US because the research was too dangerous, the info is out there. This was all another plan to try to bring down the President Trump and destroy our Country, The shutdown should have never happened, They want to control us and turn this country into a Socialist Nightmare and don’t get me started on NYC mayor.
Trump 2020 – Trump 2024 son or daughter ? oh yes.
I am SO tired of everyone 2nd-guessing President Trump. He has more info than anyone else, and if he feels the U.S.A. should re-open schools, then I’m with him 100%. Home schooling cannot reach all children and neither can on-line schooling. Our nation cannot stand another YEAR. or even 6 Months of closure. Sports is another matter. Ciitizens that do not care or understand what needs to be done, are still living in a Fantasy world. I, for one, am ecstatic about most of what the President has done for our Republic, and see it as the only way to stave off the Socialism that the Democrats want to us to suffer under.
As a special education teacher, I feel there will be many students left behind even while participating in distance learning. Once they get behind, it is difficult for them to catch up. There are also many students needing interaction with peers and caring adults. Think about neglected and abused children who need the school to look out for their needs and make referrals for their safety. Please get these children back to school.
My daughter teaches in a Junior High School. It is a Petri Dish of germs normally. She herself is compromised in health, due to having had Legionnaires Disease 4 years ago. She is a great risk, as are the children. There are also other teachers with similar problems. And, to give teachers the added responsibility of sterilizing the room after each class is just not feasible. The time allotted is only about 10 minutes, and she would also, at the same time, be expected to be at the door greeting the students of the next class. Please reconsider the seemingly desperate need too return to “normal”.
public education should be abolished as it is nothing more than institutional brainwashing
unresponsive to the needs of the community
since the sham Scopes trial of 95 years ago
in Tennessee. I’m tired of paying for others
free babysitting services. Parents pay more
babysitters to watch their 2 yr olds than they
pay for private education for their high school age children so they can afford it!
Public education like most all “Free” stuff is the most expensive. Many millions quietly agree with me. If you don’t believe me just let some jurisdiction abolish public education and then witness property values and the population there quadruple over night!
If that’s not acceptable let taxpayers donate money to a private school of their choice and get an equal tax credit on their property tax bills. That will never happen because the bad guys want to control the minds of the children.
Why do you think they are pushing remote learning and online church services? So they can completely control what’s taught in the classroom and from the pulpit. Don’t believe me? Just go up to Canada and try preaching or teaching that homosexuality is a sin and see if you not behind bars! Best thing we can do is pray that the Lord would scatter his enemies
sooner rather than later.
The greatest persecution of Christians in the history of the world is coming just as it was predicted in the Bible and we are to work while there is still time because the night cometh when no man can work.
I don’t remember the schools being closed during the polio out break. That was worse that this.
I just don’t trust the CDC and the Medical bureaucrats, this may be their final blow to Get Trump; if the virus has been manmade it can be modified to be spread as a second wave; the children might be the target of this new strain, the 1st wave the elderly and compromised people didn’t get the complete compliance they wanted. And it didn’t keep the public engaged long enough to destroy the world and usher in the NWO.
Trump will blamed for any scenario they want to hype.
Yes the schools should open, but with careful guide lines. It is passed by respiratory(talking, shouting,singing,coughing, sneezing. Mask should be worn when appropriate. This is a very bad virus and not to be messed with but we also need to use common sense,which seems to be in short supply now days.
This whole thing has been overblown and hyped since the beginning and it’s just the left running the show. violence hate and sheep following their herders. My grandson needs his school to open so he can socialize with his friends… Period…
As I normally do not express an opinion due to lack of sufficient and reliable information being provided or available. The only opinion I can express on this subject; the only decision that should be credible, should be made by the parent only. Considering the situation, the government’s only purpose should be to provide the parents with a safe, viable means for which their children may return to a open school environment or the means for their child to receive just as credible virtual schooling from home if the parent and child so chooses. Our taxes are not provided for them to raise our children, but to give us the most effective way to raise and educate them for the times and situation at hand
Liberty 1st, safety 2nd – as if we can control our “safety”. Your soul may be required of you at any moment. Live, love, respect others, do good and enjoy your life in the greatest nation in the world!
School systems had serious problems before Covid 19, especially intercity schools. Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to address at least some of those problems. Children need to come out of the school system with the skills and background knowledge to succeed in the world of today.
Do we send kids back to school to be dumbed down by the liberal agenda or school them at home where they might actually learn something of value? Virtual learning might have its place, but so does interaction at school with other kids and adults. I do not trust the experts and do not believe in this fake pandemic. There is no proof that doing one thing is better than another because if you take one road, you never get to expereince the other road and can only guess at what the results might have been making a different choice. You plan some and take your first steps and if things are not to your liking…change course. Your degree of fear is always the factor that determines your actions.
Given that the leftist indoctrination centers do nothing other than foment anti-Caucasian and anti-American hatred, keep them closed indefinitely.
After a 39-yearcareer as a public and private school teacher, I was asked to help some parents homeschool their children. I had a3variety of responsibilities depending on the parental request and academic needs of a student. Don’t anyone try to dissuade me with the idea that a homeschooled child lacks social skills. Have any 9f you taken a look at the teens and preteens in demonstrations? Who is teaching these kids how to live in society?
The issue is not just about the children but of the parents being able to go back to work.
We see the Democratic leadership using this as a tool to hurt Trump.
If the funding is tied to the child, which it should be, then withholding the funds for the child, if not in the classroom, would help in getting the children back in school.
Staying healthy is important but not at the expense of normal life. Kids need school without the social interaction they don’t grow. My daughter has emotional problems now because she stays in her room 24 hours
Of course they should open! For one, they’ve said all along children are the least vulnerable. Second, it’s been scientifically proven that the “virus” is much less deadly than originally thought. So, protect the most Vulnerable, just like any other virus and open up and move forward for the rest of the country!!
It’s amazing sitting here and reading posts from all of these “arm chair” politicians and “wanna-be” political scientists who are not privy to ALL the information.
Never judge another man’s actions unless you were there and witnessed the entire event and have all the facts.
Base your comments on what you hear on the news? Really????
Studies have shown that children are at low risk when contracting the virus.
However, in a classroom/school environment, they can serve to spread the virus exponentially. Few are considering this aspect of blanket reopening as well as the impact upon teachers; particularly those over 60 who are in the high risk group.
In Massachusetts, requiring all teachers and children in grade 2 and above to wear masks is likely to happen. Masks address those with the virus and mitigate them spreading it; they do not affect contracting it. Where does it say that children below grade 2 can’t contract or spread the virus? What sense does this make? The decision is based purely upon the difficulty with younger children wearing masks. If that is the case, continue to teach those children remotely. Also, make provisions for older teachers to have less exposure; perhaps functioning as the teachers for those students who will remote learn due to their own health or other issues.
Open the schools completely OR pro rate the teachers and administrators salaries to shortened calendars without possibility of making up the pay loss.
Fauci and his “models” haven’t been right about anything yet! We need to get the economy going again, get the people back to work and start making some arrests of these treasonous swamp creatures!
It’s not too early to re-open schools in the fall, but there is a FAR more important issue. It is VITAL that President Trump be re-elected. If schools re-open, and school children get Wuhan virus as a resutt, the media will blast it to the rooftops all fall, and right up to the election. Don’t give the media that opportunity. Far too much at stake here. The Left must be defeated in November.
if it was up to Ca Gov Newsom they wouldn’t open and kids would have to wear masks anyway! He’s determined to keep his iron fist locking up the state while he wastes money!
I don’t think federal funding should go to schools any way. Locals need to make decisions on how and when to open, even though I don’t think they should keep them closed. And I have strong opposition on masking youth, especially little ones. It’s not healthy. Teach them to wash hands obsessively, use tissues (small trash cans or even personal containers for used tissues. And increase pay for janitorial, including teachers, to clean and sanitize constantly.
Its a virus. Open everything. If you’re at risk, wear a mask, or stay home. I choose not to wear a mask, or follow directional floor arrows. I will not be herded!
If children are expected to wear a mask to return to school, then NO!!! This will make them sicker by constantly touching face with dirty hands. Encourage hand washing instead, with regular soap please. Quit growing super bugs!
I love microbiology
A significant percentage of child abuse / neglect referrals come from the schools locking miss down outside them at risk of harm open the schools
Schools absolutely must open but here’s where the federal government fingers into education highlights why it should never be involved in the first place. Schools and education are a local issue; however, we have alllowed the Fed in so now the President can use that allowance to control Fed funds.