

President Biden has pledged to nominate a black woman to fill Justice Stephen Breyer’s seat on the Supreme Court. Which scenario is most likely to play out?

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Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

Biden will nominate whoever he wants but not Harris or Obama. The nominee will be a black woman who will be confirmed by the Senate 52-48.

Will Biden’s first nominee get confirmed ? If the vetting team does its homework, yes. If the vetting team drops the ball, then on to a second nominee but a black woman will be the next Justice.

J VanHorn
J VanHorn
3 years ago

First off the racist in the White House has destroyed the civil rights movement of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by saying the next Supreme Court justice will be a black woman. From King’s “I have a dream Speech” he stated, “I have a dream that my four little children will live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”. This moron in the White House has just set us back to a time prior to MLK’s March. If any business in America posted a job opening that stated “Only Black Women Need Apply” they would soon be out of business. Only Joe Biden and the Democraps can get away with this Bulls**t!!!!

Jim Craig
Jim Craig
3 years ago

Pray I’m wrong

3 years ago

The one thing we can be sure of is that we will get an unqualified affirmative action justice who will shred the Constitution.

3 years ago

Normal people don’t nominate based on race and gender? But this clown ???? is far from normal.

3 years ago

Biden is going overboard with this nomination to make him feel better about his racist past. Additionally, he’s doing what the libs do best, pandering.

3 years ago

Quit calling joey a president. You are insulting our intelligence.

David F
David F
3 years ago

Sexist, racist, and discrimination hit the trifecta on that. I’d be fired if I said that. Lawyers need to unit in a class action lawsuit.

3 years ago

Everyone knows exactly what and who Biden will pick. He will pick a black woman in a wheelchair probably from Black lives matter and maybe also a member of Antifa. I am sure everyone she will be very fair and follow the constitution.

3 years ago

Biden will nominate the biggest, blackest, woman with flaming red or burnt orange hair and gold teeth. Biden will pick her out of a Golden Corral buffet line where she collects her reparations. Two pieces of fried chicken on the plate and the remainder full pan into her handbag.
Thats where Obama found Loretta Lynch.

3 years ago

It is criminal that anyone would think of putting forth a nominee based on the color of skin, or sex. How about we pick someone based on qualification and content of character???

3 years ago

Nothing like another distraction from all the chaos going on.

3 years ago

We can guess all day long, but regardless of what we imagine…….we know for certain they will replace a liberal with a liberal!

3 years ago

Democrats have an evil agenda to destroy the United States of America, to divide the country and to exert tyrannical control over the populace. Lives do not matter to them; all they care about is raw power and money. Evil, evil people.

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

I can see some possibilities in the listed choices, but with this regime, anything is possible.
Common sense is so foreign to their minds, Hillary could be nominated as the wife of the “first black president”. New Yorker magazine writer Toni Morrison bestowed the title on Bill in an article in 1998.

Scotty mom
Scotty mom
3 years ago

I don’t think Michelle obumma could serve. I heard her license was revoked

3 years ago

Other answers are plausible. I maintain, based on many, many clues, and what to me is starkly obvious, that the puppet master hand of Obama is firmly planted up Biden’s rear maw. Recall Obama 2008, “I want to fundamentally transform America.” Obama has been at it ever since. Why does he maintain a residence in DC and why did he say this to Colbert some time ago? Why do you think that Trump’s surprise win was so vehemently attacked. Trump got in the way of Obama part II in 2016. Quite obvious.

From RT, who’s fooling who, a Russian funded source (I could not find the Colbert interview referred to as a standalone video) who is spot on, ironically not much fake news here. youtu.be/UkZ1MuLDfWY

Steve Price
Steve Price
3 years ago

Mitt Romney will vote to confirm the nomination and give them the 51 vote majority.

3 years ago

Not one scenario dealing with the legal qualification of a potential nominee … fitting for today’s “everything’s political” environment. Besides, Joey’s format demonstrates pure racial discrimination and an example of the wrong direction. We’re in trouble.

Kenneth Guy Anderson
Kenneth Guy Anderson
3 years ago

Whatever the choice it will not be good for the US.

Robert Eugene Peterson
Robert Eugene Peterson
3 years ago

Stolen Elections Have Consequences.

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
3 years ago

It will still be a 6 – 3 majority of constitutionalist versus socialists. So, I am not worried, yet.

3 years ago

Against the possibility that ordinary and customary processes of self-government might weaken or be found ineffective, or later laws and interpretations of original constitutional intent might conflict with the mass convictions of Americans, the Founders provided a final and decisive means of reformation and restoration by the people themselves,” he said.   Dwight Eisenhower.

Mark Cain
Mark Cain
3 years ago

The thing about Michael. I thought I heard it was disbarred, at least in Illinois.

nancy a stark
nancy a stark
3 years ago

no matter who he chooses… it will cause more harm to our nation,,, please pray that god us back our country

Nick Ribecca
Nick Ribecca
3 years ago

More evidence of how hypocritical this liberal power is, ignoring the advice of Martin Luther King saying we should be “judged” by the content of our character and not the color of our skin.
Here they ’re going to put a “judge” on the Supreme Court
based on the color of her skin.
They have no standards,
but double standards.

Peter Stroempl
Peter Stroempl
3 years ago

Another incoherent fool like Ms. Sotomayer?

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
3 years ago

Once again our Divider-In-Chief sees only skin tone and gender as the most important qualifications for any position in government! And we’ve all been forced to watch and endure how that’s played out so far. But at least we don’t have mean tweets…oh the humanity of those awful mean tweets. I’d rather wash down a covid burger and SARS fries with an Ebola shake than vote democrat! I’d have better odds of survival!

Danny Bowen
Danny Bowen
3 years ago

Obviously declaring ahead of time that he will make a racist and sexist nomination helps further the Obama ploy to further divide our nation. It is the only way the progressives can maintain control—by making other Americans our enemies. I am all for diversity. For example, I would like to see one Bible-believing Protestant on the bench since we have no representation there.

But, can the Senate really confirm a new justice before there is a vacancy? What happens if they confirm and Justice Breyer decides to hold on for one more term? After all, an announcement is not a resignation. We have 9 Justices until he actually steps down so there is no need for confirmation hearings. Is it possible Biden could pack SCOTUS this way? Or, could he nominate replacements for all the Justices, just in case they step down at some point in the future? A vacancy is a vacancy. If the progressives are really going to commit to throwing out Justice Breyer so they can push the Court further toward insanity, they should have him step down before they proceed with confirmation hearings.

3 years ago

If he nominated Kamala, she would have to break a tie in the senate to get herself confirmed. Then a vice president would have to be confirmed with nobody to break a tie in the senate. Not going to happen.

3 years ago

Watch out for the nomination of Michele Obama.

Tom Schweitzer
Tom Schweitzer
3 years ago

His handlers will pick the most unqualified progressive/communist person they can find. Manchin and Sinema will unfortunately join their fellow Dems on this issue. Sad times for the country.

Carroll Knight
Carroll Knight
3 years ago

With as crazy as this admin is who knows what is coming next. We need to be in constant prayer for our nation and the mess we have allowed to be in power. Who knows what a crazy person will do to continue to screw up a great country

3 years ago

choosing someone just because they’re black & female… no.. thats not racists at all joe… choosing a very well qualified black woman is a different story… which leaves out kamala & michelle – is michelle still licensed to practice law? is she a former Justice? & just what is kamala qualified to do???? we know whomever he picks, however poorly qualified the dems will vote in.

William Heath
William Heath
3 years ago

Biden is choosing to fill the vacant position based only on race. If he had stated he was going to fill the position with a white male he would have been impeached. This is a racist way to run the government. He should be choosing based only on who will be best for the job.

Mark Jebe
Mark Jebe
3 years ago

Since we’ve abandoned the Filibuster for Supreme Court nominees, Biden needs only 50 Senators plus Kamala Harris. He’ll get them plus at least 3 or 4 Republican Senators, like Murkowski and Collins and Graham and Romney. So, whichever extreme leftist black woman Biden appoints will be approved and spend the rest of her life sowing division and injustice in the whole country.

gayle becker
gayle becker
3 years ago

Biden will continue to make not even poor decisions, but lousy far left incomprehensible decisions just as he has done since taking office. The idea of choosing someone on the color of their skin or sexual identity is reprehensible. And so he goes, down the path of destroying America.

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
3 years ago

As with everything, the answer to this one is “incompetently, badly, and with a priority to do as much possible damage to the U.S. public and Constitution.”

Diana D
Diana D
3 years ago

It’s very sad that every position that this administration has appointed is a “check the box” individual. Also, Democrats, unlike Republicans, circle the wagons even if they do not totally agree. There are too many RINO’s on the other side.

Robin Anderson
Robin Anderson
3 years ago

Biden is an idiot and will do whatever he’s told by the Satanist cronies he puppets for.

Linda Curtis
Linda Curtis
3 years ago

Biden will do whatever Obama wants him to do. This is Obama’s third term. It is very clear

3 years ago

First of all, This man is seating in the WH illegally. He shouldn’t be called President. This all current government is a big scam. Therefore the nominee will also be a fake. Second, Kamala is Jamaican Indian, how that makes her an African American?

3 years ago

It’ll be someone you wouldn’t trust to draw up a will but owing to affirmative action has been showered with accolades her entire ‘academic’career. She will be a reliable marxist leninist.

3 years ago

I have complete faith in President Biden to nominate someone as frightening as he himself. Plus, he has again shown himself to be racist in saying that he will nominate a black woman.

Rick M
Rick M
3 years ago

Biden will nominate whomever Obama instructs him to nominate.

3 years ago

Comrade President Jackass Josef “Lyin” Biden WILL NOMINATE KAMALA HARRIS, knowing she will never be approved just to be rid of her as Vice President! . . . He will replace her as VP before she is not approved thus ridding himself of the embarrassment of firing her! . . . Problem solved!

Thomas Lindley
Thomas Lindley
3 years ago

Since when does gender or “color” make anyone a superior candidate. Such a litmus test would further destroy this country. Fortunately the court will remain 6 conservative leaning justices to 3 leftists.

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
3 years ago

Joe Biden will be instructed to name a minority member who dutifully wears a grey cap that has a red star embroidered on it. This commissar will be approved by all of the Democrat Senators and several Republican Senators. Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, and a few oher usual suspect Republican Senators will “vote their conscience” to “balance the court”.

If you think that this replacement process is beyond Democrat cheating in the elections, think about the numbers of Senators, like my own Senators from New York State, i.e. Charles Schumer and Kristen Gillibrand, who command millions of taxsucker votes at every election cycle. It’s the majority of the voters who are liberal, illegal aliens, dead or taxsuckers who give the Democrats such power in the Congress.

By the way, rumor has it that the London betting groups are taking bets on when Joe Biden’s dementia
will force the Democrat Party to replace the care takers at the White House, with care takers at a nursing home. Then the round heeled one, with the knee pads will become the President of the United States.

Andy Burke
Andy Burke
3 years ago

Biden will (unfortunately) keep his promise to Jim Clyburn and the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. His handlers will tell him who to nominate. The confirmation hearings could be a real circus.

gerald Johnson
gerald Johnson
3 years ago

Biden has already destressedour Nation
Why would he stop now?
His actions speak louder
Than Words can hide.

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