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Marque Andre
Marque Andre
2 years ago

Then brace yourself for the tyranny that will follow. Soon.

2 years ago

I am an election judge already.

2 years ago

I live in Oregon, it’s rigged ( all mail-in).

2 years ago

Pre-Covid-19 I was a precinct Republican Judge for my county. It was a long day of work but was richly fulfilling. Community people brought us food and actually set up a pot luck buffet in the Masonic hall. It was actually pretty awesome to see my neighbors and help them in the execution of their right to vote. The politicians would drop by to shake hands and kiss babies. I recommend the experience to anyone because we need your help.

2 years ago

I have been working as an election inspector (EPB Primary worker) for the last six years.

2 years ago

My wife is a poll worker in our precinct. I don’t think I could do it. I’d be thrown out in short order for making non-PC comments. My sister worked at our county board of elections for a number of years. She couldn’t say the things she wanted to say to some of the fools who came into the office, but that didn’t stop me from making a few caustic comments at times when I was there to visit her.

2 years ago

I’d be interested if it weren’t for Covid rise in statistics here. I always love the poll workers in our area. They are friendly, honest, check IDs or signatures. Makes it a pleasant experience for all. We celebrate our voting as part of the system of democracy in this country.

2 years ago

As I recall, sometimes the democrats would not let anyone watch them while the counted votes. Maybe the system needs to be nationalized where procedures are all basically the same and enforced. I respect anyone willing to do this kind of work, but not sure I could stomach the politics of it.

2 years ago

I have worked in the polls as a worker and watcher and enjoyed it. However, at this point, I’m not sure my physical health would allow me sitting in those metal chairs all day. It would be nice to work the polls again.

Keith Seadler
Keith Seadler
2 years ago

I tell what, I made a screwed up when I was younger. Now I’m not a person. I have no control over who or what happens to my government.

2 years ago

I was asked to be a judge of elections at a polling place near my home and happily accepted! It was a long day but very rewarding! We used paper ballots instead of voting electronically, which was a welcome addition to most voters. I was surprised by the numerous comments from Republicans stating they didn’t believe their votes wouldn’t be counted anyway , but they still did their civic duty!!

Sharen A Manning
Sharen A Manning
2 years ago

.I believe if we don’t “fix” the mess of the 2020 election

we’ll never have a fair election again

D Rowe
D Rowe
2 years ago

I am afraid of hostile confrontations. If not for that, I would definitely volunteer.

2 years ago

Wife and I have been pull workers since 2010
Happily we have had no significant problems with our process. We have a few new people working at each election. It does become a long day when you start at 6am and go to past 9 pm closing the books and all the reports after the polls close. I fear a federal take over of the election could open the gates to someday having a process that would be corrupted.

William Ralph Swinney
William Ralph Swinney
2 years ago

Mail in voting in my state. Dont trust it. Washington state has history of Democrat areas recounting till they get the outcome they want.

Kathleen RENFROE
Kathleen RENFROE
2 years ago

I’ve been working my local polling station since 2008. I’m now the officer and I enjoy keeping things running fair and open in Blount County Tennessee. Until last election I felt that pole watchers were an intrusion but 2020 pointed out how important honest poll watchers Are to a fair system. Now I welcome them.

Kristi Morrissette
Kristi Morrissette
2 years ago

Hi I would love nothing better than to be involved. It seems though conservatives aren’t as emboldened as demoncrats in hiring a person with a felony drug possession record. Although in light of something devastating that happened to me and changed me from being that person and President Trump changed me into becoming a republican I don’t think I am a candidate for doing anything with government clearance. I do everything I can on the outside though, trying to make people like I used to be aware of just what this treasonous government is now doing. I just always have to stand on the outside and fight while trying to lead them down my newfound path.

Tom Reeves
Tom Reeves
2 years ago

i have a job on Tuesdays but i could be available to watcy in the evening.

2 years ago

I am a full-time caregiver to my husband.
I will be praying for all of you who do participate.

Bill C
Bill C
2 years ago

Why can’t we vote online using our SS numbers? Everyone has ONE SS number, go to US.GOV, use your SS number and vote. Why is this so difficult?

2 years ago

That is how elections are rigged/stolen. I signed up to be a delegate and a poll watcher. IN Minnesota there were 8.5 to 1 Dem poll watchers to Republican/conservative. We need to get involved and stand up to more illegal moves from the left.

Carol Huber
Carol Huber
2 years ago

In my town I don’t believe there is any cheating going on, as ID IS required, but I am willing to help. I don’t trust the left and this government we now have.

Bob Al
Bob Al
2 years ago

Peggy and I have been working for polls for almost 10 years now. I am a clerk and she is a machine manager. We make sure the polling place we work at treats every voter with respect and opportunity to make sure their vote counts. Its a long day, but rewarding to know we helped it makes a difference. Don’t believe all the hype about unfair elections; poll workers everywhere do their best to make sure the vote is fair and honest.

Mark Jebe
Mark Jebe
2 years ago

My state vote 68% for Trump, but my county didn’t. My county uses machines to vote and machines to read and tabulate votes. I’ve asked my Rep Governor, Rep Sec State, Rep AG and Rep County Voting Commissioner for a hand counted audit of the county, to see whether we really are totally out of step with the rest of the state. Crickets.

I’ve volunteered to work the polls, but I fear it will do no good, since our process is totally mechanized and involves no humans. No human even sees the ballots, only the machines see them.

Syl Burch
Syl Burch
2 years ago

I already do participate in local elections

Timothy James Mahoney
Timothy James Mahoney
2 years ago

I was a paid election judge in my community a couple of times. It was a total cluster- I would never do it again. But I would be a poll watcher.

I’m a poll watcher
I’m a poll watcher
Here comes one now
Mmmm, mmm, mmm

V Sinclair
V Sinclair
2 years ago

I’ve signed up to help for first time and learned that my Buncombe County elections board requires poll workers to have vaccine or weekly negative PCR tests (that I have to procure)- a hurdle I’m trying to decide on. (Not the vaccine part- the pain in the butt timing/testing part when I’ve already had Covid and am fine with wearing a mask despite fact they do little to stop spread…) Election integrity is paramount though, so I’ll probably comply.

Phil M
Phil M
2 years ago

I was a paid election worker for several years before the mask mandates hit. (I would say before COVID hit, but I actually worked one election after I had COVID and before they required workers to wear masks for up to 15 consecutive hours, which is too unhealthy.) I answered that I was unsure about participating later this year because it depends on mask requirements for poll watchers.

Martin Plecki
Martin Plecki
2 years ago

I am the chief inspector for a polling location in South East Wisconsin. There are a lot of details to make sure are done correctly, but the training, written instructions and back up is good. I learned that it is very hard to cheat as long as there are people with ethics at the polling locations from open until results are transmitted to the collection point. If not scamming the system is no problem at all.

2 years ago

Perhaps you needed another poll choice: “I already am a trained polling inspector” since it might be interesting to see how many Amac members are out there on the “front line” of voting.

Jesse J Nichols
Jesse J Nichols
2 years ago

I would love to but I can not hear nor am I physically able to. Hope that someone else will be there to do this thank you.

Greg P.
Greg P.
2 years ago

Americans have been asleep at the wheel. I hope it isn’t too late to turn this around!

2 years ago

I am more than happy with the election judges and integrity in my area of the Ozarks. However, if I still lived in Will County Illinois, I’d poll watch!! I have done this service in the past.

Bruce Stinson
Bruce Stinson
2 years ago

I’d be a poll watcher given more details. Last time we got screwed. Let me know

Steven E King
Steven E King
2 years ago

I have been an E-judge for six years. I make myself available for all elections local, state and national. It’s long days. Sometimes I meet some real characters. I enjoy being part of the election experience and doing my part. Very rewarding. Participation is a great way to learn more about our election process. I really wish more people would get involved. Election workers are always needed.

2 years ago

I already do participate. I am an election judge and can function in several different positions as needed. I feel it is very important to participate in the process. BTW most voters in our area asked why we did not have voter registration ID’s.

Loretta Reynolds
Loretta Reynolds
2 years ago


Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
2 years ago

The only solution to this problem is to eliminate any and all biased reporting, making ballot harvesting a criminal offense nationwide, require voter ID to be a state issued picture ID, require all mail-in ballots to be presented to a designated official and present an appropriate photo ID, and require all voters to re register every four years with all voter logs purged after the certification of the election.

2 years ago

This state has all mail in voting in which the left coast liberals far outweigh our more rural part of the state. I used to enjoy going on site to vote, and I don’t quite trust the mail in voting, but that’s what we have. Haven’t had a conservative government here for decades, so I often wonder about voting legitimacy.

Nick Selembo
Nick Selembo
2 years ago

The socialists in this country right now pretending to be Democrats want us to be disgusted by the whole election process. If we don’t do anything because some people don’t like the look or the smell then they Win by attrition. A lot less work for them to be sure.

2 years ago

I noticed that the #2 answer was that people don’t have enough time to take a day off, and that’s a concern of mine too.

I was an election judge in the PRC-People’s Republic of Chicago back in the early 90s. As you can imagine, there were more Democrat Party judges than Republicans in that formerly fine city. A lot more day-time Democrat voters too.

One of the idiot Democrat judges asked me where all the Republican voters were. My simple reply? “They’re working, unlike Democrats”.

That was the end of the conversation.

Karen Alexander
Karen Alexander
2 years ago

You needed another choice option on the above poll. I have been a poll worker for many years now and plan to continue to do so.

Loretta Reynolds
Loretta Reynolds
2 years ago

I used to be a poll worker but I am now a treasurer for 2 candidates and you are not allowed to hold an office and work the polls.. I truly believe there is cheating going on. In the 15 months since the last presidential election, I don’t see any news of changes having been made. The internet is being used to transmit the results. In my country, Microsoft is used!?? I don’t see where Dominion has been yanked out of states where it was used. Until suspect machines and other ways to stop the ability to cheat, I see no change in this next election.

2 years ago

Unfortunately, Oregon has made all voting by mail, so no monitoring is possible.

Robert H Megee
Robert H Megee
2 years ago

I’m a parent again, taking care of my four and twelve year old grandons along with my disabled wife. So even though I would like to participate, I literally do not have that kind of time in my life.

2 years ago

I have volunteered as a poll worker in two prior elections…one I think in 1996 and again in 2008. What I learned is that the democrats were COMPLETELY organized. In california, law requires an updated list every hour of the voting roll to show who on voter roll at that precinct has not yet voted. Dem had people at poll demanding..every hour…this list to see who hadn’t voted and then they made sure that those people voted…one way or another. CA doesn’t allow you to ask for ID, if they come in and know their name and address, and it’s on the poll list, you HAVE to let them vote…but since the dems get a copy on the hour of the voter poll list, they know the names of the people who haven’t yet voted. They can call them, they can go to their house, they can drive them to the poll….or..maybe fill out the ballot for them maybe?

but what did the republicans have? Nothing. none of the elections did anyone ever do anything at the polls but the democrats.

So, would I be willing to volunteer again…sure, but not if nobody is going to do anything. Not if republicans are going to keep voting in mitch mcconnel. and appointing Mitt romneys daughter as national chairman. not even republicans are just going to literally watch democrats steal elections, pump in thousands or millions of fake ballots and just watch it….what the phook would I waste my time doing that….i’d rather just skip right to the other box if that’s what’s going to keep happening.

Kyle S Sturz
Kyle S Sturz
2 years ago

Signed up to be a poll worker for the first time in my life this election cycle. My service is not needed for our primary on Tues. so I volunteered to be an observer. We can never again allow 2020 to happen! Interesting tidbit: When our County Repub. Party head turned in his list, there were ZERO submitted by the Dem Party. I suspect there plan is to claim “Illegitimate” results when they lose the mid-terms in a land slide. ANOTHER reason to sign up to be a poll worker/observer!

Tim J
Tim J
2 years ago

Not only do I believe the system is permanently rigged and that the results will – from now on – go in favor of the Globalists … but I also believe that we usually end up with two candidates who don’t represent my personal views. In other words, we can vote for “very bad” or “horrible.” Those are our choices. I’m a far right conservative who holds to traditional, constitutional, and Christian values and I can count on one hand the amount of politicians in D.C. who even come close to those values. Most are either very far left, or left of center. There are a few who are slightly right of center but they’re willing to compromise with the enemy when it suits their personal agenda or pet projects. I am a member of the Constitution Party and we all know how many Constitution Party representatives there are in D.C.

So, no, I won’t waste my time and fruitless endeavors since I already know the end result would be a complete disappointment.

T Davis
T Davis
2 years ago

I do plan on poll working, for the first time in my life! I think we need to question processes right now. Just learned lately that Dominion is used in states like TN. Never knew that, always thought TN was pretty straight, even tho the Memphis area has always had some mysterious happenings for the Left! We all need to challenge voting commissions that want to use this “tool” for the lefties, and there should be paper balloting for all areas, with poll watchers from both sides observing.
Btw, I found it interesting that Google wouldn’t give me Dominion info on states using it right after the election!! Makes you go, hmmmm, doesn’t it??

Susan Kater
Susan Kater
2 years ago

I didn’t vote in this poll because I’m already a poll manager in my state. I got involved with that almost immediately upon my arrival here. I would encourage everyone to help and get involved!

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