
trump and kamala speaking with american backdrop post debate

Nearly all political polls have shown a statistical tie between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris for months. Which comes closest to your view on these polls?

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Marty M
Marty M
4 months ago

That this race is even somewhat close is a sad statement on the intelligence and morality of the USA’s citizenry. How any God-fearing logical person can vote for anyone from the God-less self-serving democrat party whose presidential candidate has the IQ of a fence post (per Mel Gibson) and proves it anytime she speaks, is very hard to understand!   Trump is head and shoulders above harris in every way, it should be no contest in a sane world! That people can’t see through the media’s deception puts our nation in peril!

Mist Carter
Mist Carter
4 months ago

The bottom line is that whoever the winner of the 2024 presidential election is, [and we pray it is Trump] the biggest loser is the media, followed closely by pollsters. Our bigger concern is election integrity, or lack thereof!

  “Who will help me fight against the wicked? Who will stand with me

against those who do evil?”                                       Psalm 94:16

Wayne Dibbly
Wayne Dibbly
4 months ago

The only poll that matters is the vote. Our game plan is to vote early and massively. Too large to steal. I have voted. You must vote now and all the way down the Republican slate. We must have both the Senate and the House to truly win. Any less and a President Trump will be impeached immediately. We must win State and local elections to restore law, order, and common sense .MAGA

4 months ago

The polls have caused people to stay home since it appeared to be a lost cause for their candidate. Don’t be misled by a poll. VOTE! Also, don’t listen to people saying it’s going to be stolen anyway so why vote. This is a tactic used by the democrats and has worked in the past. Use your head and VOTE!

jim wood
jim wood
4 months ago

This election is too important to wait to vote. If you want this ding dong idiot Harris to steal this thing enjoy what she will do to this country. Get off your butt and vote to restore sanity to this country with a vote for Trump.. shame on anyone who doesn’t vote Trump you deserve what Harris and her idiot followers will do to this country. Vote now and stop this madness now.

grumpy old woman
grumpy old woman
4 months ago

The more accurate choice for this poll isn’t listed. The real reason the polls show a statical tie is because the pollsters are deliberately over sampling democrats and skewing the results to show Harris at least close to Trump.

4 months ago

Just one more thing while I am posting. I taught a College & Career Sunday School Class. In 1984 we watched the animated movie, “An American Tail.” Now if anyone knows this wonderful cartoon movie, you may remember that they talked about Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed with his political corruption in getting Democrats elected. Last election cycle, I posted a photo of the video cover of this Cartoon Movie along with an article about Boss Tweed from the 1800’s and his corruption of paying immigrants to “vote early and vote often,
I posted this on Facebook and it was immediately taken down. Actually, I posted it several times using different ways of posting about the cartoon video and the news article about Tweed’s corruption. It was taken down each time. Our country for years now has shown its leaning to Communist Censorship and denying it citizens their 1st Amendment rights to express, not only their sincerely held beliefs and thoughts, but the facts of our country and history which many want to erase.

4 months ago

Democrats have used the lie that Republican leaders will BAN abortion completely. I say this because just over 40 years ago, I worked as a Licensed Practical Nurse. I was always learning, so worked in all areas of the hospital, including L&D, all intensive care units and pharmacy and the hospital lab. For over 40 years, Democrats have used the abortion ban lie to frighten and coerce women to vote for them. But I would also address the lie of Project 2025. As all may know, the Heritage Foundation is a Think Tank. As such, it does not set or establish policy but makes suggestions to political leaders.
In the Bible, it clearly states that in the last days, people would rather believe a lie than the truth. And although I pray that Donald J. Trump will win the election, I fear that there will be civil unrest following his win.
For those who may read this post, I ask that you join me in prayer for the election, that God will have His ultimate will in this election cycle.

4 months ago

I’m tired of all the lies the left has throw out against TRUMP!
Yet, the communist democrats keep stating the right is pushing disinformation all the time! The media is to blame for that! Also I don’t care for those democrats calling TRUMP a Nazi and Hitler! That shows desperation!
My two cents on this! I voted early and voted straight Republican ticket! To throw out those lying communist democrats from the white house!

4 months ago

And/Or the present peeps “in charge” want the pollsters(not independent as we are lead to believe) to keep the race “close” so that when they sabotage the vote with illegals, dead peeps, and the host of “other” dishonest ways they change the vote doesn’t appear so obvious:/

4 months ago

This is no longer about red vs blue, it’s about good vs evil. Vote the Bible, vote for Trump

4 months ago

Most polls lean to the left and game the system (particularly this year) by asking more women than men who they would vote for if the election were held today (insert date). This over inflates support for Harris. While many would argue that more women than men vote, not all women will vote for Harris as President. Thus, it shows an obvious skewing in the polls. I’d say most polls are closer to 5% off with an obvious bias for Harris. They believe this will inspire voters to select Harris. Wrong. More and more people are “quietly” supporting and voting for Trump. So, bottom line, do not believe the polls. More importantly, go vote – NOW – to ensure your vote is counted…

4 months ago

Harris’ numbers are inflated so it will be less likely people recognize the widespread voter fraud that has become commonplace by democrats. If the “results” are close to the polls less questions are asked. 2020 was an anomaly, the fraud was too big to hide.

4 months ago

My hope is that the “closeness” of the polls will motivate conservatives and republicans to come out and vote. I already voted because I didn’t want “an issue” on election day.

4 months ago

As long as we Trump supporters turn out, we will win. We can overcome the cheating Dems, but we MUST all vote!
And we must continue praying for God’s hand in this election, over the USA, and over our future.

4 months ago

i do believe people are afraid to answer polls. I do believe people are afraid to put signs in their yards. I do believe people are afraid to wear hats and shirts showing their choice. I do believe people are afraid to engage in conversation about their choice. America is full of loons at this point in time. They are dangerous and mentally unstable. I believe there will be chaos no matter the results. Be safe and think about what you are doing as we draw nearer November 5th.

4 months ago

The national polls are practically worthless. It is the internal polling, particularly the Electoral College maps internally, that is key, and, based on the Dems’ panic, it is pretty clear that President Trump is leading in those interals.

4 months ago

I voted “not sure” due to not agreeing with any of the options. My feeling is Trump is so far ahead that this is truly going to be a landslide victory. The only caveat is that the media and pollsters continue to feed artificial numbers to the public to soften the inevitable steal that will ferment on November 5. The real question then, is can they cheat enough to push her to victory without it being totally obvious!! I pray not!!!

4 months ago

The polls are an indication of support between God and Satan, not Trump and Kamala.
As we’re seeing, the country is being weighed between “Good/Evil” as in the book of Daniel.
Good is now called evil and evil is called good, the “Falling away” from God is coming true.
But why shouldn’t it, the “Six Days” (thousand year days) of work are over and it’s “TIME” for the “Seventh Day of Rest” (millennium reign) to start.
Of course there’s this little 7 year period we call the “Great Tribulation” that must be completed first.
A time when the likes of Obama, Biden, Kamala, Clinton’s, Schumer, the Democrat party in General, will have their “god” to rule the world, that will result in “NO FLESH” being saved except “JESUS” returns to stop it.
Marking this “BALLOT” is not so much a “VOTE” for a Candidate as it is a “CHOICE” of where each person want to spend “ETERNITY”, in “HEAVEN OF HELL”.
You know that “END OF TIME” the Bible speaks of,

4 months ago

I went with “wildly inaccurate” but not because of cell phones

4 months ago

Well, Just look at the way the two are spending the closing days of the election.
Kamala is partying with celebrities and Trump is talking to the working class of the country. What a difference!!
In my lifetime I have never seen a person running for President that is this deceitful and dishonest. But is she? Kamala knows exactly what she is doing because if she explained her true agenda for this country she would scare the H*** out of everyone.
Kamala believes in SOLIALISM and that’s the direction the country will definitely go if God forbid this crowd gets elected again.

4 months ago

There are two ways to look at the vote. If we all waited till election day to vote the Demo/Socialist/Comms wouldn’t know till the last minute how many votes they needed to fabricate.

Bob L.
Bob L.
4 months ago

I think the polls are inaccurate due not only because some people don’t answer unknown phone numbers, but because pollsters have a list or map of areas where the results of their polling will be friendly to their viewpoint.
Several years ago, I was sent polling questionnaires on various topics and issues. In some cases, there was not a clear choice matching my view on an issue or not one at all to which I wrote in my view without marking one of their choices. They finally quit sending me polls.
Polls just basically can’t be taken at face value.

4 months ago

No one listens to Main Stream Media. We know they are propaganda channels the Democrat machine owns. If you are a free thi ker you can see what they do.

Tim J
Tim J
4 months ago

In a sane world, the polls would indicate a 95% Trump to a 1% Harris and a 4% undecided result. Unfortunately, there are way more Trump deranged lunatics in America than there should be. As we recall, the polls all said that Trump had “no chance” of winning the 2016 election. They were proven wrong. And at 64 years old, I’ve never been polled at all, so I really can’t say that I trust the polls at all. I’m guessing the pollsters are calling each other.

T Mad
T Mad
4 months ago

Without having concern for the Top Three, America is forever lost…..
#1 GOD
#2 Family
#3 Country – USA – Freedom – Liberty
#4 Trump

4 months ago

Most polls have been wrong since Obama’s first run. I ignore all poll results. No matter what any poll says, GO VOTE, NO MATTER WHAT, EARLY OF POSSIBLE.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
4 months ago

I don’t care for any of the answers. I simply refuse to believe that half of American citizens have fallen for the obvious deceit that has been spewed out by Progressive Democrats when we have all lived through Trump’s presidency and Harris’s Vice Presidency and know that Trump maintained the U.S. through a biological attack from a Communist nation that Harris continues to be a puppet for.

4 months ago

This could be the last major election in the US. It will not be fair in any way. By 2028, we will be faced with the all same crap and much more dire circumstances as the globalists continue to steamroll humanity. Why? Because 80% of the public refuses to see that they are targeted for extinction by these turds.

4 months ago

I can’t even imagine that half of this country would vote to destroy it, as a vote for Kamala is a vote to destroy it.

4 months ago

The “polls” are mainly conducted by leftist-supporting organizations, and are hyped by the leftist media (I repeat myself!). The left is using polls to influence public opinion, not reflect public opinion.

Glenn C. Shell
Glenn C. Shell
4 months ago

If you are eligible to vote, it is your patriotic, Constitutional, and moral duty to cast your ballot, whether it be by mail or in person, early or on Election Day. Actually, if possible, don’t wait until Election Day to vote; because when Election Day rolls around, you might be too busy to vote, and it will be too late. You don’t even have to vote for a Presidential candidate if you’re opposed to all of them. There are so many other political races and questions on the ballot for you to consider. However, I endorse President Trump because he will bring inflation down, put an end to the border crisis, and maybe even bring peace to Ukraine and the Middle East.

4 months ago

I live in Michigan, where the vote steal by the Dems is sure to be in full swing. I would like to be more optimistic here, but the lawless Dems have had 4 years to improve on the steal they pulled off the last time. So whatever the polls say, as they refer to Michigan, are mostly irrelevant. However, I’m hopeful that other states may have enough of a swamp the vote effort to pull Trump to victory.

Dan W.
Dan W.
4 months ago

President Trump’s support in the polls is likely unrepresented as it was in 2016 but there are probably some Republicans who don’t admit that they are voting for Harris as well.

Bottom line, in any given swing state the polls are unreliable and the side with the best state by state grassroots organizations will win the day.

Brian Carrozza
Brian Carrozza
4 months ago


4 months ago

Today I had to select the not sure button (first time). Three things I do know is the demonrats will try to steal this election and we can’t trust the mainstream communist news media to tell any truths and most obvious is, if empty headed Harris is the appointed winner they will HUNT down anyone that supported and donated to President Trump. I am so disappointed by all the demonrats that want to be lied to. And if GOD is finished with America, he will allow us to fall like most of the EU countries.

gail w.
gail w.
4 months ago

Trump rallies show his support far beyond any other candidate . Kamala has to photo shop to make it look like she has a turn out. The poll # is not even close to tie in favor of Trump.

4 months ago

America has to wait till the wee hours of the night when the nutjobs find thousands of democratic votes somehow with their early voting , absentee ballots and any other system to delay , distort and cause confusion , all because their whining about their right to vote . America has been doing this for hundreds of years without a problem !! That nutjob Newsoon in his recall vote had a decision by 10 :15 pm what’s the problem !! Start holding these nutjobs accountable.

4 months ago

Polls are like the weather. Untill you go outside, you never know what its doing. BTW, has anyone ever done a poll on how many people believe the poll.

4 months ago

I have been wondering about some of the media leaning towards Trump. Are they reporting truthfully (fat chance!) or skewing results by gaslighting? I’m generally skeptical of polls; how could Trump and Harris be so close? Are so many people so ignorant? Never mind, I already know.

4 months ago

Get out and vote. Do not sit home, that is what the dems and their allies want you to do.
Those polls, a few years ago, thought Hillary was going to win, and they were quite wrong. So, I don’t trust polls. If the media is biased against Donald Trump, and they are, why won’t the pollsters? They are, too. I have voted and I voted for Donald J. Trump, with no apologies or reservations. God bless our country.

4 months ago

Polls have turned into a joke. being twisted trying to sway voters.

4 months ago

Nothing new. They are running the same playbook. Polls are being reported as close so Mainstream Media can give the Democrats top cover when they steal this election.

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
4 months ago

What the polls tell me: too many Americans supporting Harris seem to enjoy inflation, the open borders and resulting crime, along with a world set on fire. In the end, polls will not matter – the Dems will make sure they manufacture just enough votes to win.

4 months ago

Trumps gonna win

thomas Stephenson
thomas Stephenson
4 months ago

The great great PT Barnum said it best, there is one born every minute.

4 months ago

We do not understand how Harris could be anywhere close to Trump in any poll?? Even if the woman was a decent person she has no ability to be in charge of anything, She could not have done what I have done in my life let alone run the United States of America. It is just mind boggling what kind of person would support her or any other democrat for that matter.

Glennis Hogan
Glennis Hogan
4 months ago

66 people who voted are still not sure. How can that be and are they going to vote? Being unsure at this point seems odd to me. It is past time to take a stand for your beliefs. I personally do not watch the polls as I believe they are inaccurate and cause angst among us. I heard someone say and I think that the media has heard the death knoll as people see their dishonesty in this campaign and they are losing their viewers. Can’t happen soon enough.

Spartan Dave
Spartan Dave
4 months ago

Polling is pretty generally inaccurate now. Between polls that take samples from predictable groups to receive predictable results, conservatives who generally speaking don’t participate in polls, and folks in general no longer answering calls from unknown callers, I don’t see how there can be any validity to most polling.

John E Cornell
John E Cornell
4 months ago

I think the polls are skewed. In my neck of the woods, I have only seen a handful of Harris signs, but I have seen numerous Trump signs, yet the media says it’s a dead heat or Harris is leading. It is according to where you take the poll. If a poll is taken in a known heavily Democrat area, of course it’s going to reflect differently that in the general population.

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