
Oscars Academy Awards

Are you planning on watching The Oscars this Sunday?

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6 years ago

I love Jimmy Kimmel

6 years ago

Why would anyone waste three hours listening to a bunch of Hollywood liberals complain about how bad the country is under President Trump, when none of these idiots has any real understanding of any issues. They just recite whatever their agents or PR reps tells them will go over well with the snowflakes.

Brian B
Brian B
6 years ago

If I wanted to watch someone critical of President Trump, I would watch the nightly-network-fake-news. No thanks. The Hollywood sewer-rats don’t deserve my attention.

6 years ago

What the —- kinda question thats!

6 years ago

Never have. Never will. It’s all a big ol’ yawn-fest if you ask me

6 years ago

I feel that Hollywood is the major propagator of the violence we see portrayed in our society. I refuse to support their ideas by attending their movies or watching such shows on tv. It disturbs me to see America treating these people like gods and participating in their evil schemes.

6 years ago

No, I’m not watching the sex-addicted scumbags in “Pedowood”.

David Neely
David Neely
6 years ago

Hollywood has become so political it has turned me off and I have become disgusted by most of the liberal actors attacking the very freedoms that made our country great and free.

Georgia Saville
Georgia Saville
6 years ago

No, why watch those who treat ordinary citizens as being too stupid to think for themselves?

6 years ago

These hypocrites, sex maniacs and liberal fools? What do you think?

6 years ago

There are some really great Americans in the movie business but unfortunately a small minority. Glamour just can’t overcome a paradigm of collective stupidity. I’ll watch the grass grow.

Dan Rubin
Dan Rubin
6 years ago

Not only no, but HELL NO! Now also will not watch CMA after gay marriage approval is a litmus test for board membership.

Jacque G
Jacque G
6 years ago

I think my thoughts have all been expressed very well below. I also plan on avoiding their money making movies.

Scott Conklin
Scott Conklin
6 years ago

Is Hollywood so overrun by Liberals that there isn’t enough power and money to consolidate for the formation of a Conservative movement? Wouldn’t it be nice to have at least one new movie per month that offered modern entertainment without the guns, violence, drugs, and low moral standards? We know how powerful these cretins can be in terms of influencing our youth. It’s time to fight fire with fire. Can AMAC take up this fight? Can we demand it? There is a young generation of Conservatives coming along thanks to 8 years of Liberal insanity in Washington. Sieze their imagination before Hollywood warps it. I challenge AMAC to do something with its growing influence. Not a bad way to recruit new members, either.

6 years ago

Hollywood has lost sight of their primary reason to exist – to entertain. They think they are social engineers. I want nothing to do with the path they are trying to lead the rest of us down.

American Believer
American Believer
6 years ago

Not just NO, HELL NO! The liberal Hollywood ideology is carconogenic. Their lack of morals coupled with their obscene wealth make for a two headed snake that must be dealt with in any way possible. The small act of ignoring their self-aggrandizing award ceremony, coupled with refusing to go to the movie theaters or stage plays, is our best effort to kill this serpent before they poison another generation.

Elga E
Elga E
6 years ago

I am sick and tired of all of the awards shows for the Hollywood elites. All they do is pat themselves on the back. The awards mean nothing and are a total waste of time. In addition, I do not care to be lectured by those who have more than most people have about what we should be doing. These people live totally decadent lives and they presume to lecture us on our values.

6 years ago

Hollywood and the entertainment industry are partly responsible for the gun violence in this country. Movies and video games show almost nothing but violence. Especially damaging are games were you are a mass shooter. This has an enormous effect on our young, especially if one has emotional problems to start with. Look at what we teach our kids from an early age. I think we will see where the problem lies. Hollywood needs to clean up the act and start criticizing its own.

6 years ago

Sick of Hollywood

6 years ago

Those Hollywood hacks are disgusting. It’s all about ultra left wing politics. Makes me sick to my stomach.

Jeff B
Jeff B
6 years ago

Watch a bunch of pampered, overpaid liberals preening and patting each other on the backs about how great they are while they attack normal Americans with their sanctimonious garbage? You must be joking! This poll needs a third response option – Hell no!

6 years ago

H e double toothpicks NO .

6 years ago

Why watch, it’s only going to be four hours of Trump bashing by a bunch of socialist.

Tina S
Tina S
6 years ago

I am shocked that there are even that many people that still think cable is worth the money. I stopped cable 17 yrs ago. It is time for Americans to completely get out of debt themselves. Every little bit that you can save and put toward getting debt free is worth it. If you want entertainment, Pureflix is only $7.99 a month (first month trial is free) and you can make sure you and your kids are watching anything that dishonors God. Time to stop playing in the mud with our entertainment. Take care!

Jeff Peters
Jeff Peters
6 years ago

Too much anti Trump bs !! Stick to their acting !

Eugene Williamsi
Eugene Williamsi
6 years ago

I do not bother with comihood .

Charles Sever
Charles Sever
6 years ago

Why would I waste my time on a bunch of big headed idiots, that are in love with themselves.

Bruce Duguid
Bruce Duguid
6 years ago

I no longer wish to support those who are vocally against or demonstrate an opposition to my primary values.

6 years ago

Hollywood has become the evil that it says is at fault for the problems of this Nation.Them,the politicians that have been in their social gatherings and the media that have been bought out by the elitists.
They subliminally try to make you feel,believe,and accept the propaganda they keep spewing out of their mouths and their movies.Well, Americans have awoken and are not accepting their evil anymore.
You need to rethink what you people have done to this country and who you are.
You have sold your souls out to something that is incomprehensible and completely false.I hope you wake up before it is too late for you.Idol worship of this kind is useless.

Bob Macik
Bob Macik
6 years ago

The comments made by others (below) express my view quite well. I’m sooo tired of people that have been made a ‘success’ by the general public turning around and telling us how much smarter they are than we are and telling us how to live, think, act, and vote. They’re no better than the politicians that do the same thing. An ego like that doesn’t deserve any of my time or money.

Fred Diehl
Fred Diehl
6 years ago

I can think of nothing of value that I can get from self-important people involved in “art” of little to no consequence spouting their unwelcome opinions of why my life and values are wrong. The time will be much better spent talking and reading with my Grandgirls, ages 4 and 7, who keep me grounded, educate me daily with their untainted wisdom and spiritual energy and who remind me what the truly important moments in life are about. Time much better spent and I can get my five minute recap of the Oscar shenanigans on Fox the next morning and save a lot of needless frustration and angst!

First Sgt Bill
First Sgt Bill
6 years ago

The movies glorify violence & sex; the “actors” constantly attack our way of life, Christian values, & embrace loony toon causes. They HATE America, talk down to it’s citizens, & our President. I’d rather watch grass grow…

6 years ago

I don’t have TV reception any more, nor do I miss it. Have better things to do than watch these immodest, narcissists. All the GREAT actors have been dead a long time.

6 years ago

Never again. All conservatives should boycott their liberal movies and charitable endeavors. Why listen to Jimmy Kimmel insult our President. Just watch reruns of Kimmels “man show” to see his real nature. Turn Jimmy off and write his sponsors to tell them your boycotting their company because of their affiliation with Kimmel. Power to the people.

AnS Joe
AnS Joe
6 years ago

I would not watch anything with Jimmy Kimmel on it; poor comic, comments on things he hasn’t researched and I don’t like him! I also refuse to watch or listen to anything that comes from very liberal entertainers. The only thing that these people will understand is if you take their money away from them!

6 years ago

These people need a strong dose of reality. They wouldn’t be where they are without normal people. Too much scandal and lies for my liking. God created us all equal and when it comes time to meet him again and account for our lives. These people will be going in the opposite direction .

Bob ONeill
Bob ONeill
6 years ago

I am not watching as I am sick of having these entertainers mock our President.

Robert Hegeman
Robert Hegeman
6 years ago

Actors giving awards to other actors is not my idea of entertainment. Skipping this annual Hollywood ego-fest is one way I boycott these Left-coast elitists. As Joseph Goebbels theorized, “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it”. The Oscar’s big lie is that Hollywood is important, so they repeat it every year.

David C
David C
6 years ago

No, I don’t believe I will. If I wanted to a bunch of complete idiots I would just go to Washington D.C. I think I will read a good book.

6 years ago

I will be watching the Billy Graham TV special on Fox (7-8 pm ET) instead.

6 years ago

It’s narcissism in full bloom with most of the women and men in full heat looking for a partner exchange for the evening.

mary lamb
mary lamb
6 years ago

Why watch the most immoral people for entertainment.. WE don’t even waste our money to see the movies I have much better things to do .

Dana Whittemore Sr.
Dana Whittemore Sr.
6 years ago

Wish there was a button for “Hell NO !! ” . What attraction is there to watching a bunch of Elitist movie actors give themselves trophies???

6 years ago

Not no, but Hell no! Glad to say I never have.

6 years ago

It use to be good to watch now all they do is bash the commander and chief of United States even if you don’t like him u should show respect

6 years ago

I Refuse to watch the rich, liberals pat themselves on the back and award themselvs once again for a job well done. Oh! Don’t forget the “me-too” complainers. Let’s all watch them try to outdo each other with the least amount of gown and most amount of skin exposure you could wear and then complain how women are just sex objects. Oh! Yeah! HELL NO! Will not be watching

mary lamb
mary lamb
6 years ago

I don’t find actors a role motel for our family.85%. have the morals of dirty ally cats…Ignorant in real life……

Bob D
Bob D
6 years ago

No I’m not watching because I’m working, but remember “keep your friends close and your enemies closer”. We all need to understand first hand how bad it is not because someone tells us how bad things really are.

6 years ago

I wouldn’t even if you paid me. All it is now is trash Trump platform.. No thanks….

Dan Richardson
Dan Richardson
6 years ago

I will not watch the Oscars or any other Program giving awards to Liberals in Hollywood or the music industry including the CMA. These people need to do their job and keep their personal opinions to themselves. People are also tired of them appearing on these shows dressed inappropriately and using vulgar language. I also do not purchase their music or pay to see their movies. Had Enough!

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