If the question is should military personnel be allowed to carry their government issued (loaded) weapons on base, then yes if they choose to do so. More armed soldiers walking around a military base would deter any potential hostile act by a visiting member of a foreign military or the likes of Nidal Hasan. No for concealed carry, as the only weapons that should be on any military base should be those issued and authorized for military use. Also no to members of foreign military visiting United States military bases for either training or diplomatic purposes.
The Freezing Senior
5 years ago
Since there was apparently NO armed security on base they
had to wait for local LEO’s to respond, so what do you think
the appropriate action(s) that should be instituted to insure
on base security ?
None of the choices listed here are acceptable.
Dan W.
5 years ago
Yes to open carry of military issued firearms by our service members on U.S. bases both home and abroad.
5 years ago
I am flabbergasted to learn that our military bases are now GFZs. Who, if anyone, should be armed and READY to defend the fort from any enemy from within or without? The US military personnel who are trained and stationed there, that’s who. Gun free zones, anywhere, are the equivalent of target practice for anyone committed to causing mayhem, destruction, and death. Our military facilities should not be defenseless targets. Remember the USS Cole.
5 years ago
The right to bare arms is there to allow, it could be argued require, citizens to protect themselves. We have proven to be unable or unwilling to screen out the threats on base.
The reason the amendment exists is present on military installations.
5 years ago
Has never made sense that they were not allowed. They above all others are trained and able to defend us but can’t defend themselves while on base?
yahoo from New Hope Minnesota
5 years ago
How absolutely ridiculous, We expect them to protect our country but do not allow them to be armed, another liberal injustice. Arm them, now ! ! ! !
Kathy E Williams
5 years ago
Why on earth would you ever have a military base declared a GFZ? Painting a bull’s-eye on our service members is unacceptable! Under who’s watch was this less than brilliant decision made? Joining the military does NOT strip a US Citizens Constitutional Right to “Keep and Bear Arms!” As far as how they carry, they should always have their open carry, however, if they choose to have concealed carry back-up, it should be their choice. When they are stationed in a base in a foreign country, even if the countries citizens are suppose to be unarmed, while on base it should be like an Embassy. On base they are on US soil, able to open carry their service weapon while allowing them the choice of adding a concealed carry weapon! It is each individuals duty to”Keep and Bear Arms,” for those individuals who choose not to, it’s a Free Country, however, that does NOT give them the right to Infringe Upon the citizens who choose to exercise their 2A Rights, or any other Constitutional Rights granted to LEGAL Citizens!
5 years ago
Should be another choice: Military personnel are trained in the use of weapons and should carry on base as part of their duty to protect and defend. This is not a second amendment issue.
Tony Massengill
5 years ago
They have volunteered to put there life in the line to defend us. They should be able to defend themselves at all times by the most effective means available.
5 years ago
Depravation of common sense is rampant in our society, none more so that such as this question. How far have we slid for even the question to be considered? Obama is gone, all his nonsense must be reversed.
Tony G
5 years ago
So we have HIGHLY TRAINED soldiers who are not allowed to carry guns. It sounds like a decision made by a professor at an Ivy Leauge University.
5 years ago
The day my husband returned home from a tour in Afghanistan was the same day our military family lost loved ones at the massacre at Ft. Hood. It was a bittersweet day for us, of course. We have spoken many times about the idiocy of not permitting those who are highly trained in the use of firearms to have them on our bases. I used to fear for him when he and his troops had to ride convoy in uniform but UNARMED (!) on the public highway like “sitting ducks” for any military hater to pick off. It is lunacy to rob our military of the right to defend themselves while on duty. They are armed 24/7 while overseas, why not here?!!!!
Jim W
5 years ago
At a minimum there should be armed security on all bases at all times. It sounds good to have every service member armed, however, new recruits need training before they can be allowed to do so. Perhaps everyone with three or more years of service would be appropriate?
Under no circumstances should foreign or civilian personal be allowed access to weapons unless in a highly controlled training exercise.
John Blackledge
5 years ago
I have been in law enforcement for 40 years, starting at 18 years old. I have trained at the regional police academy for 32 years. I was in an active shooting losing two fellow officers and four citizens in 1987. We have almost a million law enforcement officers in the US who carry firearms on and off-duty, most starting at 20 and 21. Once proven to be skilled and capable of making proper decisions, military personnel should be properly armed at all times when on duty. Off duty is their right and choice. I can’t believe Ensign Joshua Kaleb, by all accounts proven capable, competent, accomplished and dedicated was denied his right to live. ONLY GOOD PEOPLE DIE IN GUN FREE ZONES.
Martin Shaw
5 years ago
On and off the military bases.
5 years ago
U.S. military members only.
Martin Shaw
5 years ago
On and off the military bases. They are trained to handle weapons and are always susceptible to abuse by radical people.
Charles Herdman
5 years ago
Not everybody on base should be allowed to carry a weapon. There are some real kooks in the military just as there are in the civilian world. Limit it to E6 and above as these individuals have been vetted well to reach their level.
5 years ago
Hard to believe or understand that our troops aren’t allowed to be armed on base. Crazy.
Harold G Ross
5 years ago
17 years in the military. When I was on watch I always carried a firearm–except in boot camp which made sense. What the hell changed. This is ridiculous.
Ed Kupper
5 years ago
Civilians with carry permits should also not lose there 2nd amendment rights. Why do we assume they can not be trusted because they step onto DOD propert
gerold t davey
5 years ago
As a retired military member and had hunting rifles stored at the armory and was able to check out when I was hunting, it was okay but to carry concealed NO.
Lawrence D Hall
5 years ago
This policy should also include retired military members in the ranks of E-5 or 6 and all officers.
5 years ago
Not every Soldier, Sailor, Marine or Coast Guardsman is a grunt. Matter of fact grunts are in the minority to many times over the number of support/logistics personnel of which including airmen and aviators about 5% or less will ever require a firearm in their duties.
Janet Schahl
5 years ago
It is unthinkable that a military base or personnel are unable to carry guns. It is indefensible, and irrational.
Glenn Paul
5 years ago
The best trained armed forces in the world should never have to rely upon rent-a-cops for their security!
D Butts
5 years ago
Think of those who would likely be alive today if this rule was not in place.
Old Soldier
5 years ago
On-base law enforcement (including those on Guard Duty) should not only be allowed, but required to be armed and loaded. However, as someone who has served and witnessed hot headed disputes and fights among service members while on base, I’m afraid open carry by everyone could lead to more than a few emotion-driven disasters. Other than those in on-base law enforcement and guard duty, everyone else need not carry “locked and loaded” simply because they’re qualified to handle weapons.
5 years ago
only American military personnel should be allowed. I was stationed at a garrison while in Vietnam. We always had our weapons with us locked and loaded. Yes, this was an active combat zone. Doesn’t everywhere qualify as a combat zone these days? At the very least a possible combat zone.
Jack Consiglio
5 years ago
I believe the men and women in the military are trained in how and when to use a gun. They should always be able to carry their side arm both on duty and off duty, just as our police officers do and definitely on Base. This would help save lives in situations where crazy people with guns start shouting people indiscriminately.
5 years ago
Recruiting and/or training armed foreigners within our ranks needs to stop. Prosecute lying US leaders for the Afghanistan ‘war.’ Bring our troops home. Stop endless wars for their enrichment. Defend America.
5 years ago
This is absurd. We have a military to be prepared for war and you don’t have them armed on a military base???!!! It’s as if we tell them be prepared for anything but you won’t be carrying a weapon. Pure stupidity!
Mike L
5 years ago
Yes they should be able to carry on base. And should never have to go to the field on foreign deployment without ammo. As I did in Korea even when we were training along the DMZ. And I believe this is still the case today.
J Cherry
5 years ago
Watchstanders, yes. Military Police, yes. Issued weapons only. My memory from 40 years ago is that there were too many hot-tempered, too many plain immature young soldiers/sailors to allow general carrying.
Randy G.
5 years ago
Since the Fort Hood shooting, I can’t believe it has taken this long to bring it up for discussion. Sometimes it seems the Pentagon is like an old dinosaur.
5 years ago
Not during basic training, except for weapon training. This from someone who has been there.
Randy D.
5 years ago
When I was a kid, I lived on a military base. Saw lots of folks with guns. Nobody ever got shot. My school bus driver was an MP. Zero discipline problems.
Peter L.
5 years ago
One of the more inane, non-sensical, vapid decisions the military has made is to prohibit weapons on-base. A better job of screening foreign nationals is in order as well. The nut case at fort Hood was screaming for attention before he went on his rampage. Perhaps screening out the PC crowd from the military is in order as well.
Edward Vaughn
5 years ago
I don’t think the 2ed amendment should be limited to any one that has the right to carry military or civilian no gun free zones would stop a lot of crimes agents Americans
Roger Barnett
5 years ago
The military people are trained and should have recurrent training. They should be required to carry a military issued weapon on base. Create a mobile armory to issue and return just inside the gates. Clinton’s rules were wrong, and only neutered our armed forces. A US vet.
Nancy Diraison
5 years ago
If military members cannot be trusted to use common sense and a high sense of judgement carrying weapons on a military base, why are they in the military? We have lost quite a few service members due to on-base shootings. Any deterrent possible should be in place.
5 years ago
Not only do I want military members armed on base/post, I, as a veteran and Concealed Handgun Permit holder, want and should be able to carry as well.
Jim Jaeger
5 years ago
Military bases I would suspect are high priority targets by muslim extremists for propaganda reasons. GFZ’s don’t work. They do the opposite. Once a mentally imbalanced knows an area is unprotected they know they have a better option of doing more damage and killing.
John K
5 years ago
All firearm training required.
Paul DAscenz
5 years ago
Number One! The Basic training, always should include Rifle and Handgun Training. It should not matter what job choice you choose in any branch of the Military. Firearms training should be commensurate.
Military, Bases should never be a GFZ.
That Really, STUPID! I blame, President O’Bama for this Narrative! His Administration was totally Anti-Military/ Police. God Bless! President Trump! Trump 2020!!!!
5 years ago
Why would you not allow them to carry the tools they are trained to use in defense of themselves and our country?
5 years ago
Bases should be hard targets, not soft. Does everyone need to armed? No, but there can be designated people in each building that can respond in crisis situations. The military brass can come up with a good solution if they are allowed to.
5 years ago
Sal long as we’re training the enemy, our children should be able to defend themselves. My son served in the Navy under Clinton and I understood he was pulling watch with out ammunition, it was a lie but if it had not been I would’ve suppliedm
Dave Gorjup
5 years ago
Yes, military members should be allowed to carry weapons on base. Nobody is better trained to understand the potentials and ramifications of weapon. Just the fact that military bases are no longer gun free zones will likely deter incidents completely. It’s well proven that gun free zones are most attractive to those who would do harm. And no foreign military should ever be allowed to purchase or carry weapons in the US. They are not citizens and not privy to Constitutional freedoms.
If the question is should military personnel be allowed to carry their government issued (loaded) weapons on base, then yes if they choose to do so. More armed soldiers walking around a military base would deter any potential hostile act by a visiting member of a foreign military or the likes of Nidal Hasan. No for concealed carry, as the only weapons that should be on any military base should be those issued and authorized for military use. Also no to members of foreign military visiting United States military bases for either training or diplomatic purposes.
Since there was apparently NO armed security on base they
had to wait for local LEO’s to respond, so what do you think
the appropriate action(s) that should be instituted to insure
on base security ?
None of the choices listed here are acceptable.
Yes to open carry of military issued firearms by our service members on U.S. bases both home and abroad.
I am flabbergasted to learn that our military bases are now GFZs. Who, if anyone, should be armed and READY to defend the fort from any enemy from within or without? The US military personnel who are trained and stationed there, that’s who. Gun free zones, anywhere, are the equivalent of target practice for anyone committed to causing mayhem, destruction, and death. Our military facilities should not be defenseless targets. Remember the USS Cole.
The right to bare arms is there to allow, it could be argued require, citizens to protect themselves. We have proven to be unable or unwilling to screen out the threats on base.
The reason the amendment exists is present on military installations.
Has never made sense that they were not allowed. They above all others are trained and able to defend us but can’t defend themselves while on base?
How absolutely ridiculous, We expect them to protect our country but do not allow them to be armed, another liberal injustice. Arm them, now ! ! ! !
Why on earth would you ever have a military base declared a GFZ? Painting a bull’s-eye on our service members is unacceptable! Under who’s watch was this less than brilliant decision made? Joining the military does NOT strip a US Citizens Constitutional Right to “Keep and Bear Arms!” As far as how they carry, they should always have their open carry, however, if they choose to have concealed carry back-up, it should be their choice. When they are stationed in a base in a foreign country, even if the countries citizens are suppose to be unarmed, while on base it should be like an Embassy. On base they are on US soil, able to open carry their service weapon while allowing them the choice of adding a concealed carry weapon! It is each individuals duty to”Keep and Bear Arms,” for those individuals who choose not to, it’s a Free Country, however, that does NOT give them the right to Infringe Upon the citizens who choose to exercise their 2A Rights, or any other Constitutional Rights granted to LEGAL Citizens!
Should be another choice: Military personnel are trained in the use of weapons and should carry on base as part of their duty to protect and defend. This is not a second amendment issue.
They have volunteered to put there life in the line to defend us. They should be able to defend themselves at all times by the most effective means available.
Depravation of common sense is rampant in our society, none more so that such as this question. How far have we slid for even the question to be considered? Obama is gone, all his nonsense must be reversed.
So we have HIGHLY TRAINED soldiers who are not allowed to carry guns. It sounds like a decision made by a professor at an Ivy Leauge University.
The day my husband returned home from a tour in Afghanistan was the same day our military family lost loved ones at the massacre at Ft. Hood. It was a bittersweet day for us, of course. We have spoken many times about the idiocy of not permitting those who are highly trained in the use of firearms to have them on our bases. I used to fear for him when he and his troops had to ride convoy in uniform but UNARMED (!) on the public highway like “sitting ducks” for any military hater to pick off. It is lunacy to rob our military of the right to defend themselves while on duty. They are armed 24/7 while overseas, why not here?!!!!
At a minimum there should be armed security on all bases at all times. It sounds good to have every service member armed, however, new recruits need training before they can be allowed to do so. Perhaps everyone with three or more years of service would be appropriate?
Under no circumstances should foreign or civilian personal be allowed access to weapons unless in a highly controlled training exercise.
I have been in law enforcement for 40 years, starting at 18 years old. I have trained at the regional police academy for 32 years. I was in an active shooting losing two fellow officers and four citizens in 1987. We have almost a million law enforcement officers in the US who carry firearms on and off-duty, most starting at 20 and 21. Once proven to be skilled and capable of making proper decisions, military personnel should be properly armed at all times when on duty. Off duty is their right and choice. I can’t believe Ensign Joshua Kaleb, by all accounts proven capable, competent, accomplished and dedicated was denied his right to live. ONLY GOOD PEOPLE DIE IN GUN FREE ZONES.
On and off the military bases.
U.S. military members only.
On and off the military bases. They are trained to handle weapons and are always susceptible to abuse by radical people.
Not everybody on base should be allowed to carry a weapon. There are some real kooks in the military just as there are in the civilian world. Limit it to E6 and above as these individuals have been vetted well to reach their level.
Hard to believe or understand that our troops aren’t allowed to be armed on base. Crazy.
17 years in the military. When I was on watch I always carried a firearm–except in boot camp which made sense. What the hell changed. This is ridiculous.
Civilians with carry permits should also not lose there 2nd amendment rights. Why do we assume they can not be trusted because they step onto DOD propert
As a retired military member and had hunting rifles stored at the armory and was able to check out when I was hunting, it was okay but to carry concealed NO.
This policy should also include retired military members in the ranks of E-5 or 6 and all officers.
Not every Soldier, Sailor, Marine or Coast Guardsman is a grunt. Matter of fact grunts are in the minority to many times over the number of support/logistics personnel of which including airmen and aviators about 5% or less will ever require a firearm in their duties.
It is unthinkable that a military base or personnel are unable to carry guns. It is indefensible, and irrational.
The best trained armed forces in the world should never have to rely upon rent-a-cops for their security!
Think of those who would likely be alive today if this rule was not in place.
On-base law enforcement (including those on Guard Duty) should not only be allowed, but required to be armed and loaded. However, as someone who has served and witnessed hot headed disputes and fights among service members while on base, I’m afraid open carry by everyone could lead to more than a few emotion-driven disasters. Other than those in on-base law enforcement and guard duty, everyone else need not carry “locked and loaded” simply because they’re qualified to handle weapons.
only American military personnel should be allowed. I was stationed at a garrison while in Vietnam. We always had our weapons with us locked and loaded. Yes, this was an active combat zone. Doesn’t everywhere qualify as a combat zone these days? At the very least a possible combat zone.
I believe the men and women in the military are trained in how and when to use a gun. They should always be able to carry their side arm both on duty and off duty, just as our police officers do and definitely on Base. This would help save lives in situations where crazy people with guns start shouting people indiscriminately.
Recruiting and/or training armed foreigners within our ranks needs to stop. Prosecute lying US leaders for the Afghanistan ‘war.’ Bring our troops home. Stop endless wars for their enrichment. Defend America.
This is absurd. We have a military to be prepared for war and you don’t have them armed on a military base???!!! It’s as if we tell them be prepared for anything but you won’t be carrying a weapon. Pure stupidity!
Yes they should be able to carry on base. And should never have to go to the field on foreign deployment without ammo. As I did in Korea even when we were training along the DMZ. And I believe this is still the case today.
Watchstanders, yes. Military Police, yes. Issued weapons only. My memory from 40 years ago is that there were too many hot-tempered, too many plain immature young soldiers/sailors to allow general carrying.
Since the Fort Hood shooting, I can’t believe it has taken this long to bring it up for discussion. Sometimes it seems the Pentagon is like an old dinosaur.
Not during basic training, except for weapon training. This from someone who has been there.
When I was a kid, I lived on a military base. Saw lots of folks with guns. Nobody ever got shot. My school bus driver was an MP. Zero discipline problems.
One of the more inane, non-sensical, vapid decisions the military has made is to prohibit weapons on-base. A better job of screening foreign nationals is in order as well. The nut case at fort Hood was screaming for attention before he went on his rampage. Perhaps screening out the PC crowd from the military is in order as well.
I don’t think the 2ed amendment should be limited to any one that has the right to carry military or civilian no gun free zones would stop a lot of crimes agents Americans
The military people are trained and should have recurrent training. They should be required to carry a military issued weapon on base. Create a mobile armory to issue and return just inside the gates. Clinton’s rules were wrong, and only neutered our armed forces. A US vet.
If military members cannot be trusted to use common sense and a high sense of judgement carrying weapons on a military base, why are they in the military? We have lost quite a few service members due to on-base shootings. Any deterrent possible should be in place.
Not only do I want military members armed on base/post, I, as a veteran and Concealed Handgun Permit holder, want and should be able to carry as well.
Military bases I would suspect are high priority targets by muslim extremists for propaganda reasons. GFZ’s don’t work. They do the opposite. Once a mentally imbalanced knows an area is unprotected they know they have a better option of doing more damage and killing.
All firearm training required.
Number One! The Basic training, always should include Rifle and Handgun Training. It should not matter what job choice you choose in any branch of the Military. Firearms training should be commensurate.
Military, Bases should never be a GFZ.
That Really, STUPID! I blame, President O’Bama for this Narrative! His Administration was totally Anti-Military/ Police. God Bless! President Trump! Trump 2020!!!!
Why would you not allow them to carry the tools they are trained to use in defense of themselves and our country?
Bases should be hard targets, not soft. Does everyone need to armed? No, but there can be designated people in each building that can respond in crisis situations. The military brass can come up with a good solution if they are allowed to.
Sal long as we’re training the enemy, our children should be able to defend themselves. My son served in the Navy under Clinton and I understood he was pulling watch with out ammunition, it was a lie but if it had not been I would’ve suppliedm
Yes, military members should be allowed to carry weapons on base. Nobody is better trained to understand the potentials and ramifications of weapon. Just the fact that military bases are no longer gun free zones will likely deter incidents completely. It’s well proven that gun free zones are most attractive to those who would do harm. And no foreign military should ever be allowed to purchase or carry weapons in the US. They are not citizens and not privy to Constitutional freedoms.