I wish Nancy Pelosi would have shown the same determination to investigate/punish all of those ‘defund the police’ rioters/looters/destroyers/police killers across our large American cities this past summer and fall. Then this group Pelosi wants to create to investigate the Capitol riot might have some credibility. It’s purely a political show by Nancy at this time. It’s clear that to Nancy radical left winged rioters get her approval, and radical right winged rioters go to jail. What’s wrong with that picture? It’s always about politics — not the law. Nancy needs to learn .. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Not RIGHT winged nor LEFT winged rioters. Her do as I say, but not as I do mentality is totally insulting .. as I’m sure she intends it to be.
4 years ago
Another proposed waste of massive amounts of taxpayer money. All because the Democrats can’t get past their endless hate for President Trump and the people that voted for him. They are terrified Trump may choose to run again in 2024 or back a candidate that isn’t one of the preferred beltway insiders the establishment wants.
Any such “commission” put together by Pelosi and the Democrats, with a few token anti-Trump RINOs tossed in to give it a thin veneer of “bi-partisanship” for the media to endlessly tout, would have a pre-determined conclusion. That being that President Trump is somehow to blame for a pre-planned violent protest, what the Democrats continue to call an insurrection, that the FBI and DOJ were both aware of 24 to 48 hours ahead of Trump’s January 6th speech.
The FBI brought this information immediately to the attention of the Capitol police, who refused the offer of increased security for the Capitol. By the way, since the Capitol police report to Pelosi herself and would have to inform her of such matters, one would have to wonder if Pelosi would be called as witness to explain why she told the head of the Capitol police to decline the offer of additional security protection in the face of a known potental security threat. Oops! Nancy might want to think this idea of a “commission” through a bit.
4 years ago
My thoughts exactly!!
I wish there was a TRULY independent investigation into the “insurrection”, though I don’t know how that would even exist at this point in time. There are some questions that need answering.
Why DID Pelosi, refuse the extra security offered by both Trump and the Capitol Police? What possible motivation would she have? It makes no sense.
The other is what really happened to Officer Sicknick? The first report, from The New York Times, was that he was hit with a fire extinguisher, but that wasn’t true. Then he died rather mysteriously/conveniently a day or so later. I think it odd that he was rather quickly cremated, so now there is no way to do an autopsy. I would think his family would want to know exactly what caused his death. Was it just simply a stroke? At least that’s the official media story.
Also, last Saturday, during the impeachment, the prosecution was getting ready to call witnesses but when Team Trump said they would call witness of their own as well, Pelosi decided they wouldn’t need the witnesses after all, but rather go ahead with the votes. Was she afraid of what the witnesses might say? Are there some things you would rather us not know about?
4 years ago
Whatever kind of investigation Dems and RINO’s might propose would only become a cover-up for coveruppers.
Ann Ritter
4 years ago
They need to investigate the voter fraud that put the usurper pedophile in the White House, not waste their time and our tax money.
Bill Law
4 years ago
This is another waste of time and taxpayer money. At best this is just a continued witch hunt against Trump. How often during the riots last year did we hear democrats encouraging people to fight back, let alone Harris and probably others paying the bail for rioters to get out of jail. How is that not incitement? I believe recently information has shown this was planned well in advance of January 6th. Likely they will investigate the wrong groups and people.
Bob L.
4 years ago
A good idea if the investigators are reputable, bad idea if the radicals do it.
I’m voting bad idea because we all know which side gets to pick the investigators and who will be blamed.
Don D
4 years ago
I would vote yes for this except for the fact that anything Queen Peloci want to have done will not find any of the Dems guilty who were involved in the coverup. Both Peloci and McConnell are involved in the storming of the capital. Welcome to the Hunger Games!!!
Bruce David
4 years ago
Dems [socialists] are two-faced hypocrites w/ two systems of ‘justice.’ They ignored and/or encouraged Antifa/BLM thugs & their summer of rioting/burning/looting/killing.
Douglas LaGier
4 years ago
Just a waste of taxpayers money. The ones investigating will be mostly if not all democrat representatives being paid extra taxpayers money by being on the committee.
Douglas LaGier
4 years ago
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a committee to realize if you push people to their breaking point as the Dems and RINOS do and not represent the American citizen then they are going to get mad.
Steven Etheredge
4 years ago
Voted no because you can’t trust anyone. If you could the democrats would be being investigated. Look at all the hate speech, and it’s on film and all over news. Somebody needs to investigate. I am an old white man and fear for my life some times.
4 years ago
That woman is a raving lunatic when are they going to get rid of her.
Linda K
4 years ago
Yes, of course, let’s trust the people that just used massive voter fraud to steal an election, to do an honest investigation into the obvious liberal preplanned “capital breach” farce. I’m sure nothing could go wrong with that.
4 years ago
they can’t think of enough ways to spend money–this has to stop.
4 years ago
Sure, if she starts out investigating each and every BLM and ANTIFA riot and where their money came from first, THEN SHE can being the investigation in a couple years of the riot at the Capitol!
Cheryl Moore
4 years ago
Not unless they also include an investigation on the Minneapolis, Seattle and other uprisings!
4 years ago
I do not want that communist trash to do anything
4 years ago
Yes, it will remind people after the election just how partisan and evil the dems are.
Rex Croson
4 years ago
If this was a honest investigation and not a hate Trump venue it would be great. I do not believe she is capable of such a thing.
Della Schimmel
4 years ago
Anything Nancy wants to do is a bad idea.
4 years ago
No, she is doing everything possible to “get” Trump. Nothing more then another WITCH hunt. Why not appoint an independent committee to investigate the election. Even though sadly, people lost their life, the election had more of an impact on the future of our country.
4 years ago
no .this loony needs to be gone .nothing but a hate filled complete idiot.
Donald Black
4 years ago
I’m sick and tired and totally infuriated by hearing “Nancy Pelosi Wants”!
4 years ago
I believe she was involved and is trying to get ahead of evidence so she push the blame away from her.
4 years ago
There is only one way left to save our country once the rule of law is destroyed and it was solidly destroyed with the election. Destroyed by republicans and democrats alike.
4 years ago
No, I watched the impeachment trial I think Trump is innocent. All this investigation will do is cause more harm and inflame not only the public but continue to divide us as a country more. They need to stop the “fighting” and as politicians bring us together not divide us. Democrats and Republicans need to start working together to fix what is wrong now and leave the past events in the past.
4 years ago
January 6th, WAS NOT AN INSURRECTION. BTW, weren’t the so called insurrections UNARMED? INSURRECTIONS are taking place daily in States like Oregon, Washington, etc, burning down cities and nothing is being done to stop it. Then we need an investigation as to why the left, Pelousi, Schumer and such are not upholding the law and Constitution per their oath of office! Government officials are claiming power they DO NOT have!
“ALL POWER is originally vested in, and consequently derived from, the people. That government is instituted and ought to be exercised for the benefit of the people; which consists in the enjoyment of life and liberty and the right of acquiring property, and generally of pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. That the people have an indubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to reform or change their government whenever it be found adverse or inadequate to the purpose of its institution.” by James Madison, Founder
Tanya Carlson
4 years ago
No! Pelosi and the rest of the EVIL Democrats can’t be trusted.
4 years ago
she’s already wasted 4 1/2 years investigating everything about Trump. we need to investigate her! she’s just afraid she’s gonna be found out!!!
4 years ago
It will work only if they review ALL the evidence, including the selfie videos posted by Antifa members detailing how they dressed like Trump supporters to infiltrate. As long as it details HER inaction and inane brainless actions.
Jim VH
4 years ago
It would be great if an honest and truthful investigation were conducted but with Nancy, the rest of the Democraps and for that matter the Republicans running them we the people will only find out what THEY determine we should know. What was the outcome of all the investigations over the past years? Who has been held accountable for their actions? Hillary, Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Biden, Hunter Biden, election officials, etc. Will Andrew Cuomo be held accountable? Don’t bet on it? President Trump, his family and his supporters are the only ones investigated by a 9/11 style commission with a predetermined outcome just like the two BS impeachment’s.
4 years ago
When did this speaker EVER have a good idea???
4 years ago
We should realize you can’t vote these demons out . They and their Chinese buddies control the electronic voting machines . As I’ve always heard when the ballot box don’t work we resort to the bullet box .
Donald Needom
4 years ago
9/11 was never investigated we were all told a story of what happened that day .But the physics dosen’t fit the event . Buildings don’t just fall down exactly the same ever so why wast mone for that type of a scham investagation .
4 years ago
First she must investigate the riots in: Portland, Seattle, LA, Kenosha, and all other locations where there was wide spread property destruction and death. What ever happened on January 6th was not an insurrection; it was a false flag operation that sucked in angry patriots.
4 years ago
What a waste of resources. She was not interested in investigating any of the riots in the major cities.
Donald Horn
4 years ago
Pelosi is the one needing to be removed from office. Also, term limits need to be placed on both the Senate and Congress.
4 years ago
Any investigation that Nancy P wants is geared to harm conservatives and Trump supporters. We could stop wasting taxpayer money now, by just writing a fake report on how it is Trump supporters fault and put 75 million of us in jail. That would make this admin happy. Once they silence us, they will go after moderates, until anyone that ever thinks freely will be crushed.
Joanne Stille
4 years ago
I don’t trust anything Nancy Pelosi comes up with.
Stephen Osborn
4 years ago
I think she shows signs of emotional distress and should seek help. Probably should step down as speaker until she receives treatment.
4 years ago
NO. She has already indicated her choice to head such an investigation and it is a radical left ex- military activist. Obviously the outcome is already predetermined. Such a commission will only exist to provide the Left with the fake findings they need to support the aggressive attack on our rights as citizens!
Brett Morton
4 years ago
Where were the investigations and outcries from the dems into the riots of last year in democrat cities?? black lives terrorists and antifas should be excoriated! This is HYPOCFRACY!
Robah Hicks
4 years ago
Pelosi was informed by FBI about possible trouble and she did nothing because it was all to make President Trump look bad. The politician hate him because they knew he would expose their corruption. That is why they don’t want him to be able to run again and want to keep him from giving his message to the American people
Sara Appelbaum
4 years ago
Pelosi as usual is targeting us(Trump supporters) as “domestic terrorists”. She already has chosen a wildly opinionated and biased retired leftist general who already has expressed prejudicial statements. This will be witch hunt #one thousand. There will be no substance to this review or a subsequent report. The review will not be objective but a biased road map for future action against almost 75 million Trump supporters!!!
4 years ago
If legislators would actually legislate rather than play politics we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Answer: Term limits
4 years ago
Nancy already knows what happened and any investigation would be to turn attention away from the truth and her knowledge of knowing it was coming. Republicans were the most upset and taken off guard by what happened and it was all planned to stop the electoral debate.
4 years ago
Any investigation should start with all communications between Nancy Pelosi, the Capitol police and CNN from January first through the sixth.
4 years ago
She put the cart before the horse and failed. It’s time to move on.
Tom P
4 years ago
Pelosi, potus & their ‘den of thieves’ are corrupt and proven liars (ex; no evidence of election fraud, Hunter’s laptop, etc, etc). Democrats are aligned with the prince of darkness and intent on the destruction of America. The entire party is a political disgrace & not to be trusted. At 74, thought I’d seen it all until the past several years. I pray to God that the left will wake-up from this nightmare.
I wish Nancy Pelosi would have shown the same determination to investigate/punish all of those ‘defund the police’ rioters/looters/destroyers/police killers across our large American cities this past summer and fall. Then this group Pelosi wants to create to investigate the Capitol riot might have some credibility. It’s purely a political show by Nancy at this time. It’s clear that to Nancy radical left winged rioters get her approval, and radical right winged rioters go to jail. What’s wrong with that picture? It’s always about politics — not the law. Nancy needs to learn .. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Not RIGHT winged nor LEFT winged rioters. Her do as I say, but not as I do mentality is totally insulting .. as I’m sure she intends it to be.
Another proposed waste of massive amounts of taxpayer money. All because the Democrats can’t get past their endless hate for President Trump and the people that voted for him. They are terrified Trump may choose to run again in 2024 or back a candidate that isn’t one of the preferred beltway insiders the establishment wants.
Any such “commission” put together by Pelosi and the Democrats, with a few token anti-Trump RINOs tossed in to give it a thin veneer of “bi-partisanship” for the media to endlessly tout, would have a pre-determined conclusion. That being that President Trump is somehow to blame for a pre-planned violent protest, what the Democrats continue to call an insurrection, that the FBI and DOJ were both aware of 24 to 48 hours ahead of Trump’s January 6th speech.
The FBI brought this information immediately to the attention of the Capitol police, who refused the offer of increased security for the Capitol. By the way, since the Capitol police report to Pelosi herself and would have to inform her of such matters, one would have to wonder if Pelosi would be called as witness to explain why she told the head of the Capitol police to decline the offer of additional security protection in the face of a known potental security threat. Oops! Nancy might want to think this idea of a “commission” through a bit.
My thoughts exactly!!
I wish there was a TRULY independent investigation into the “insurrection”, though I don’t know how that would even exist at this point in time. There are some questions that need answering.
Why DID Pelosi, refuse the extra security offered by both Trump and the Capitol Police? What possible motivation would she have? It makes no sense.
The other is what really happened to Officer Sicknick? The first report, from The New York Times, was that he was hit with a fire extinguisher, but that wasn’t true. Then he died rather mysteriously/conveniently a day or so later. I think it odd that he was rather quickly cremated, so now there is no way to do an autopsy. I would think his family would want to know exactly what caused his death. Was it just simply a stroke? At least that’s the official media story.
Also, last Saturday, during the impeachment, the prosecution was getting ready to call witnesses but when Team Trump said they would call witness of their own as well, Pelosi decided they wouldn’t need the witnesses after all, but rather go ahead with the votes. Was she afraid of what the witnesses might say? Are there some things you would rather us not know about?
Whatever kind of investigation Dems and RINO’s might propose would only become a cover-up for coveruppers.
They need to investigate the voter fraud that put the usurper pedophile in the White House, not waste their time and our tax money.
This is another waste of time and taxpayer money. At best this is just a continued witch hunt against Trump. How often during the riots last year did we hear democrats encouraging people to fight back, let alone Harris and probably others paying the bail for rioters to get out of jail. How is that not incitement? I believe recently information has shown this was planned well in advance of January 6th. Likely they will investigate the wrong groups and people.
A good idea if the investigators are reputable, bad idea if the radicals do it.
I’m voting bad idea because we all know which side gets to pick the investigators and who will be blamed.
I would vote yes for this except for the fact that anything Queen Peloci want to have done will not find any of the Dems guilty who were involved in the coverup. Both Peloci and McConnell are involved in the storming of the capital. Welcome to the Hunger Games!!!
Dems [socialists] are two-faced hypocrites w/ two systems of ‘justice.’ They ignored and/or encouraged Antifa/BLM thugs & their summer of rioting/burning/looting/killing.
Just a waste of taxpayers money. The ones investigating will be mostly if not all democrat representatives being paid extra taxpayers money by being on the committee.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a committee to realize if you push people to their breaking point as the Dems and RINOS do and not represent the American citizen then they are going to get mad.
Voted no because you can’t trust anyone. If you could the democrats would be being investigated. Look at all the hate speech, and it’s on film and all over news. Somebody needs to investigate. I am an old white man and fear for my life some times.
That woman is a raving lunatic when are they going to get rid of her.
Yes, of course, let’s trust the people that just used massive voter fraud to steal an election, to do an honest investigation into the obvious liberal preplanned “capital breach” farce. I’m sure nothing could go wrong with that.
they can’t think of enough ways to spend money–this has to stop.
Sure, if she starts out investigating each and every BLM and ANTIFA riot and where their money came from first, THEN SHE can being the investigation in a couple years of the riot at the Capitol!
Not unless they also include an investigation on the Minneapolis, Seattle and other uprisings!
I do not want that communist trash to do anything
Yes, it will remind people after the election just how partisan and evil the dems are.
If this was a honest investigation and not a hate Trump venue it would be great. I do not believe she is capable of such a thing.
Anything Nancy wants to do is a bad idea.
No, she is doing everything possible to “get” Trump. Nothing more then another WITCH hunt. Why not appoint an independent committee to investigate the election. Even though sadly, people lost their life, the election had more of an impact on the future of our country.
no .this loony needs to be gone .nothing but a hate filled complete idiot.
I’m sick and tired and totally infuriated by hearing “Nancy Pelosi Wants”!
I believe she was involved and is trying to get ahead of evidence so she push the blame away from her.
There is only one way left to save our country once the rule of law is destroyed and it was solidly destroyed with the election. Destroyed by republicans and democrats alike.
No, I watched the impeachment trial I think Trump is innocent. All this investigation will do is cause more harm and inflame not only the public but continue to divide us as a country more. They need to stop the “fighting” and as politicians bring us together not divide us. Democrats and Republicans need to start working together to fix what is wrong now and leave the past events in the past.
January 6th, WAS NOT AN INSURRECTION. BTW, weren’t the so called insurrections UNARMED? INSURRECTIONS are taking place daily in States like Oregon, Washington, etc, burning down cities and nothing is being done to stop it. Then we need an investigation as to why the left, Pelousi, Schumer and such are not upholding the law and Constitution per their oath of office! Government officials are claiming power they DO NOT have!
“ALL POWER is originally vested in, and consequently derived from, the people. That government is instituted and ought to be exercised for the benefit of the people; which consists in the enjoyment of life and liberty and the right of acquiring property, and generally of pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. That the people have an indubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to reform or change their government whenever it be found adverse or inadequate to the purpose of its institution.” by James Madison, Founder
No! Pelosi and the rest of the EVIL Democrats can’t be trusted.
she’s already wasted 4 1/2 years investigating everything about Trump. we need to investigate her! she’s just afraid she’s gonna be found out!!!
It will work only if they review ALL the evidence, including the selfie videos posted by Antifa members detailing how they dressed like Trump supporters to infiltrate. As long as it details HER inaction and inane brainless actions.
It would be great if an honest and truthful investigation were conducted but with Nancy, the rest of the Democraps and for that matter the Republicans running them we the people will only find out what THEY determine we should know. What was the outcome of all the investigations over the past years? Who has been held accountable for their actions? Hillary, Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Biden, Hunter Biden, election officials, etc. Will Andrew Cuomo be held accountable? Don’t bet on it? President Trump, his family and his supporters are the only ones investigated by a 9/11 style commission with a predetermined outcome just like the two BS impeachment’s.
When did this speaker EVER have a good idea???
We should realize you can’t vote these demons out . They and their Chinese buddies control the electronic voting machines . As I’ve always heard when the ballot box don’t work we resort to the bullet box .
9/11 was never investigated we were all told a story of what happened that day .But the physics dosen’t fit the event . Buildings don’t just fall down exactly the same ever so why wast mone for that type of a scham investagation .
First she must investigate the riots in: Portland, Seattle, LA, Kenosha, and all other locations where there was wide spread property destruction and death. What ever happened on January 6th was not an insurrection; it was a false flag operation that sucked in angry patriots.
What a waste of resources. She was not interested in investigating any of the riots in the major cities.
Pelosi is the one needing to be removed from office. Also, term limits need to be placed on both the Senate and Congress.
Any investigation that Nancy P wants is geared to harm conservatives and Trump supporters. We could stop wasting taxpayer money now, by just writing a fake report on how it is Trump supporters fault and put 75 million of us in jail. That would make this admin happy. Once they silence us, they will go after moderates, until anyone that ever thinks freely will be crushed.
I don’t trust anything Nancy Pelosi comes up with.
I think she shows signs of emotional distress and should seek help. Probably should step down as speaker until she receives treatment.
NO. She has already indicated her choice to head such an investigation and it is a radical left ex- military activist. Obviously the outcome is already predetermined. Such a commission will only exist to provide the Left with the fake findings they need to support the aggressive attack on our rights as citizens!
Where were the investigations and outcries from the dems into the riots of last year in democrat cities?? black lives terrorists and antifas should be excoriated! This is HYPOCFRACY!
Pelosi was informed by FBI about possible trouble and she did nothing because it was all to make President Trump look bad. The politician hate him because they knew he would expose their corruption. That is why they don’t want him to be able to run again and want to keep him from giving his message to the American people
Pelosi as usual is targeting us(Trump supporters) as “domestic terrorists”. She already has chosen a wildly opinionated and biased retired leftist general who already has expressed prejudicial statements. This will be witch hunt #one thousand. There will be no substance to this review or a subsequent report. The review will not be objective but a biased road map for future action against almost 75 million Trump supporters!!!
If legislators would actually legislate rather than play politics we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Answer: Term limits
Nancy already knows what happened and any investigation would be to turn attention away from the truth and her knowledge of knowing it was coming. Republicans were the most upset and taken off guard by what happened and it was all planned to stop the electoral debate.
Any investigation should start with all communications between Nancy Pelosi, the Capitol police and CNN from January first through the sixth.
She put the cart before the horse and failed. It’s time to move on.
Pelosi, potus & their ‘den of thieves’ are corrupt and proven liars (ex; no evidence of election fraud, Hunter’s laptop, etc, etc). Democrats are aligned with the prince of darkness and intent on the destruction of America. The entire party is a political disgrace & not to be trusted. At 74, thought I’d seen it all until the past several years. I pray to God that the left will wake-up from this nightmare.