Where does the Mueller Report exonerate President Trump? Why don’t we look at the Report for ourselves so we can make up our own mind whither or why the president tried and some case, have his staff lie for him. Is that what we want from our President? Where has the character of the President gone?
Remember, we need a leader that leads through his character, action and deeds and not try to destroy our whole way of life, pitting one against another is just not the way (I believe our founding Fathers used the Bible in guiding them when they where setting up our Freedom and way of life ).
We have more at stake than being a republican or democratic. We have our country that has changed dramatically in the past 30 years( for the worst). And both parties are at fault !! We should start holding both parties accountable for their actions. Show us their back bone and character.
Dan W.
5 years ago
Let’s get the DOJ off of the current President, the past President and all former presidential candidates.
I’m sure that China or Russia or Big Pharma are up to something. Sic the DOJ on them.
5 years ago
I think the DOJ needs to start investigating every single elected official within the I-495 loop. There is not one single squeaky clean human being within the beltwAy. Lets investigate and eradicate. Lets do the best we can possibly do for the benefit of America.
Wayne Wiersma
5 years ago
Someone needs to investigate the DOJ!
5 years ago
“DEEP SIX-THE DEEP STATE” Investigate ALL the Collaborators of the Biggest Hoax of All Time! Start with Hussein O, Clinton, Comey, Steele, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, Fusion GPS, and ALL The Rest of their Treasonous Minions until ALL The Cancer is GONE for Good!
Cathy Reams
5 years ago
Lets start doing more for this country.There are other issues.
Jim R
5 years ago
It would be nice to put all the corrupt congresspeople in jail and impeach the ones who don’t uphold their oath of office!
5 years ago
Donald Trump could have squashed this entire investigation with a swipe of his pen..but he chose not to. Instead, he chose to let Mueller do his job—why, because he knew he was innocent and had faith in our laws. The democrats are guilty on many planes, but nothing seems to be being done about it. Time to really go after them… shock and awe in my opinion.. put em all in prison that deserve to be. Send a firm message to these radical crazies once and for all.
5 years ago
Get the muslims out of our government!!!
Kenneth Ray
5 years ago
Lets get doj to investigate how congress and the house of representatives are able to circumvent the constitution of these united states of America by passing laws and mandates that they are exzempt from having to follow. And maybe they might look into the theft of billions of dollars from social security that have not been restored by congress.
5 years ago
All will Stand before Our God…
Dan F
5 years ago
“Lock Her Up”!
Tom Stanley
5 years ago
Getting rid of the democrats
5 years ago
Very important to upgrade immigration laws, we want people coming in this country legally! No more free rides, no government gifts, these resources for American citizens. Immigrants must contribute to our system in order to withdraw from system. This includes medical…
Jim Welch
5 years ago
Our democrat party is the biggest organized crime wave that has ever hit America. Something has to be done in order to stop it or it will get bigger. Every democrat has a very nasty past and they need to be brought to the carpet and give an account of what they have done to destroy the America as we all know it. They all want the NEW WORLD ORDER to be ushered in during their term so their name will go in the history books of how they turned America over to the one world government. Please someone who can get there tell then NO WAY IT WILL HAPPEN.
Paul Hammer
5 years ago
Obama and the Clintons need to be looked into for years of corruption. They did everything they accused Trump of doing. They actually damaged the country. Trump is trying to clean up the mess he inherited. Obam should have been impeached and removed for the things he did such as using the bureaucracy to attack his political opposition and to attack private citizens and their property. People need to wake up to the fact that the Democrat party is the enemy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The Democrat National Committee and its allies are Crime Incorporated and have been undermining this country for a long time. Clinton – Obama collision with Russia led to Uranium One. Romney and weak opposition to the Democrat-Progressive agenda disgusts me.
5 years ago
We need to see justice done. These corrupt officials have cost our country dearly. They need to pay for their crimes. And, a message needs to needs to be sent to others who might think about doing something similar so they think twice about trying anything like this again.
Jim H
5 years ago
We all continue to hope something will happen to investigate “All of the above” but nothing will happen. The lib elites are above the law.
5 years ago
I think they should, also, investigate just how it was that the Democrat party was able to claim they won House seats all over America in Nov. 2018 midterms. Dems, now, are getting away with claiming voting irregularities and stealing elections days, or even weeks, after Republicans have been declared the winner. And, because, Democrats have gotten away with this all over America, they will be trying it again in the 2020 elections.
John woloszynowski
5 years ago
These traitors tried to overthrow a duly elected president. In fact. It was a silent coup and thay should all be exposed and then held accountable to the FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW
5 years ago
This Mueller investigation smelled bad from the beginning. I was struck by the fact that when selecting top lawyers to run the investigation Mueller selected 13 of the 18 who had prior ties to Hillary Clinton and one of whom held a key position in the Clinton Foundation. Others were known to have contributed money to Hillary’s Presidential campaign or were known to be strong democrat party supporters. It seems to me that for an investigation like this to be legitimate, Mueller should have gone out of his way to ensure that those doing the investigating were non-political types. He failed badly in that regard which makes the rationale for conducting the investigation suspect.
Barbara Johnson
5 years ago
We can’t let this happen again. No one will trust DOJ and FBI until they resolve how this ridiculous investigation started and fix the process. I’m not too trusting of the FISA court either. I just don’t want all this to play out in the media where everything goes nuclear. Still can’t get over the fact that a Pulitzer was given to lying , cowardly, and disgusting so called news reporters.
5 years ago
The Mueller did not exonerate Trump of anything except participation in direct Russian collusion.
Jeffrey Liss
5 years ago
Obama, Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Brennen, Clapper, Rice, etc. THESE ARE THE TRAITORS. THESE ARE WHO SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED.
Dan B
5 years ago
Our presidents have a term limit. Let’s do that for these Congressional career politicians
J Bird
5 years ago
T was not exonerated! That’s wishful thinking.
5 years ago
There are so many Donkey liars and crooks the list is short because there are not enough investigators to even start the process. The new name of the Donkey party is “crooks”. This way they stop being called JA, DA or idiots
5 years ago
I don’t want revenge because sometimes revenge is targeted at the wrong individuals. I want justice and the elimination of corruption from our government. Follow this thing back and lets see where it leads us.
5 years ago
Get all politucs out of the DOJ,FBI,and CIA and military.Investigate all Obama and Clinton administration flunkies and put the blame on both Obama and Hilary,for the lousy state that they have put this country in!
5 years ago
Time for all the Democrat operatives involved in the Russia hoax to squirm…
Marc G Forman
5 years ago
I would love to see the people who divided this country brought to justice. However, at this point the country needs to heal and solve the problems that we face in our daily lives (border security, jobs, health care, and taxes).
mark cousino
5 years ago
I’m sure most people realize that these investigations are just to stymie this president. They are just trying to make sure he can get nothing accomplished during his presidency. They are a hateful group who care about nothing but themselves. And I hate to say it, but I clearly think they hate America, and want to see it taken over by socialism
Fred Randolph
5 years ago
Hillary Clinton needs an orange jump-suit, along with many others.
Judy Smith
5 years ago
You needed to give a chance for those of us who chose “none of the above” to say why we answered that way or what should have been on the list. As for my answer, I say that an investigation is unwarranted unless there is something concrete to investigate. These people have other government jobs to do and should get busy on their jobs and the things they have not done during the past 2 1/2 years. If they don’t have other jobs to do, they need to be dismissed from the government payroll and a completely new investigative team organized if and when there is something that seriously needs investigating for o longer than two months. Term limits need to be placed on these teams when they are organized.
Mary Bell
5 years ago
Don’t let them get away with what they did !!
Tom P
5 years ago
Past and current corruption in all three branches of government, media & academics absolutely cannot be ignored. Soros promised to fight President Trump every day of his presidency & Steyer has joined the hate America anarchists.
5 years ago
I would like an explanation as to why Mueller delivered uranium samples to the Russians for Honest Hilly.
5 years ago
Time for FBI Director to step up and Clean house bring back integrity
Deborah L Ray
5 years ago
I would like to sincerely thank JW for your tireless work. I would also love to see you work on the illegal immigration issue. We will never get Trump reelected with millions of illegal votes!
Harry H Rainey Jr
5 years ago
The Russian Collusion Hoax was a 3rd World attempt of a Coup to overthrow Trump then Pence. The DINOs and RINOs share the blame, investigate their financial status in the George Soros Retirement Fund probably in offshore Cayman Island accounts. Yes, the Russians & Iranians were probably involved as well through their relations with Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Barry Obama. Need to shut down Obama’s Shadow Gov’t and infiltrate those 22 Muslim Training camps and if they are up to no good, deport them. Infiltrate their Mosques for hidden armories like they have found in Europe. If they have machine guns and RPGs then confront CAIR whenever a cache is found. They are not Americans as we know them. They are still following the Caliphate to convert the World to Islam. The Constitution should be updated on the Freedom of Religion except when one religion want to overthrow all other religions under penalty of death.
Jan Kennedy
5 years ago
What the Dems have done the past two years for the American people has amounted to zero! It is sickening. Such an embarrassment to our country
Anthony Pollock
5 years ago
The biggest problem in our government is corruption. They’re all in the same bed, so to speak. The Republicans have WEAK leadership, no intestinal fortitude to investigate anyone. The won’t even support our President let alone investigate the corruption. Sad, very sad indeed!
Tom Bernatz
5 years ago
I think the department of justice needs to restore its credibility. After 8 years of Obama corruption there is the appearance of selective justice base on some pretty strong evidence. I believe what they did to president Trump was worse than the Watergate scandal. I do believe Obama and his top admin official were actively trying prevent Donald Trump from becoming president using the power of the federal government. Which is a tactic used by dictatorships. This is something that all freedom loving Americans should be concerned with. Are you really free and are the principles upon which this country was founded being adhered to.
Air561st (American Veteran)
5 years ago
IMO Democrats = Communism!!!
John Mitchell
5 years ago
Mueller’s two year search was never an investigation. It was a search to find a crime that Mueller has now admitted was never committed all
based on a bogus foreign dossier. This would have never happened if A.G. Sessions had not recused himself. Appointing Sessions was Trump’s biggest mistake. Hopefully things will be different now that he’s gone.
Ellen Holmes
5 years ago
It would be nice if there was some time and money focused on running the country.
Paul Andrews
5 years ago
The investigation of all of the collaborators of the biggest Hoax of all time in America! And, start with the Obama administration, the Clinton’s, James Comey, Baker, Steele, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, the Ohr’s, OFusion GPS, and all the rest of the treasonous individuals that were out to oust the duly appointed President!
5 years ago
Nothing is going to happen. Republicans talk big, but a majority of them are just spineless wanting to protect all of their crumbs they get. They had the opportunity when POTUS was elected, but again just as corrupt as everybody else. Dems are going to again tie up POTUS for the next 2 years. Nothing will happen unless POTUS can again figure out a way to circumvent Congress.
Ellen Holmes
5 years ago
It would be nice if some time were allocated to cooperation and letting Trump do his job !!
Jutta Nelson
5 years ago
Where does the Mueller Report exonerate President Trump? Why don’t we look at the Report for ourselves so we can make up our own mind whither or why the president tried and some case, have his staff lie for him. Is that what we want from our President? Where has the character of the President gone?
Remember, we need a leader that leads through his character, action and deeds and not try to destroy our whole way of life, pitting one against another is just not the way (I believe our founding Fathers used the Bible in guiding them when they where setting up our Freedom and way of life ).
We have more at stake than being a republican or democratic. We have our country that has changed dramatically in the past 30 years( for the worst). And both parties are at fault !! We should start holding both parties accountable for their actions. Show us their back bone and character.
Let’s get the DOJ off of the current President, the past President and all former presidential candidates.
I’m sure that China or Russia or Big Pharma are up to something. Sic the DOJ on them.
I think the DOJ needs to start investigating every single elected official within the I-495 loop. There is not one single squeaky clean human being within the beltwAy. Lets investigate and eradicate. Lets do the best we can possibly do for the benefit of America.
Someone needs to investigate the DOJ!
“DEEP SIX-THE DEEP STATE” Investigate ALL the Collaborators of the Biggest Hoax of All Time! Start with Hussein O, Clinton, Comey, Steele, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, Fusion GPS, and ALL The Rest of their Treasonous Minions until ALL The Cancer is GONE for Good!
Lets start doing more for this country.There are other issues.
It would be nice to put all the corrupt congresspeople in jail and impeach the ones who don’t uphold their oath of office!
Donald Trump could have squashed this entire investigation with a swipe of his pen..but he chose not to. Instead, he chose to let Mueller do his job—why, because he knew he was innocent and had faith in our laws. The democrats are guilty on many planes, but nothing seems to be being done about it. Time to really go after them… shock and awe in my opinion.. put em all in prison that deserve to be. Send a firm message to these radical crazies once and for all.
Get the muslims out of our government!!!
Lets get doj to investigate how congress and the house of representatives are able to circumvent the constitution of these united states of America by passing laws and mandates that they are exzempt from having to follow. And maybe they might look into the theft of billions of dollars from social security that have not been restored by congress.
All will Stand before Our God…
“Lock Her Up”!
Getting rid of the democrats
Very important to upgrade immigration laws, we want people coming in this country legally! No more free rides, no government gifts, these resources for American citizens. Immigrants must contribute to our system in order to withdraw from system. This includes medical…
Our democrat party is the biggest organized crime wave that has ever hit America. Something has to be done in order to stop it or it will get bigger. Every democrat has a very nasty past and they need to be brought to the carpet and give an account of what they have done to destroy the America as we all know it. They all want the NEW WORLD ORDER to be ushered in during their term so their name will go in the history books of how they turned America over to the one world government. Please someone who can get there tell then NO WAY IT WILL HAPPEN.
Obama and the Clintons need to be looked into for years of corruption. They did everything they accused Trump of doing. They actually damaged the country. Trump is trying to clean up the mess he inherited. Obam should have been impeached and removed for the things he did such as using the bureaucracy to attack his political opposition and to attack private citizens and their property. People need to wake up to the fact that the Democrat party is the enemy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The Democrat National Committee and its allies are Crime Incorporated and have been undermining this country for a long time. Clinton – Obama collision with Russia led to Uranium One. Romney and weak opposition to the Democrat-Progressive agenda disgusts me.
We need to see justice done. These corrupt officials have cost our country dearly. They need to pay for their crimes. And, a message needs to needs to be sent to others who might think about doing something similar so they think twice about trying anything like this again.
We all continue to hope something will happen to investigate “All of the above” but nothing will happen. The lib elites are above the law.
I think they should, also, investigate just how it was that the Democrat party was able to claim they won House seats all over America in Nov. 2018 midterms. Dems, now, are getting away with claiming voting irregularities and stealing elections days, or even weeks, after Republicans have been declared the winner. And, because, Democrats have gotten away with this all over America, they will be trying it again in the 2020 elections.
These traitors tried to overthrow a duly elected president. In fact. It was a silent coup and thay should all be exposed and then held accountable to the FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW
This Mueller investigation smelled bad from the beginning. I was struck by the fact that when selecting top lawyers to run the investigation Mueller selected 13 of the 18 who had prior ties to Hillary Clinton and one of whom held a key position in the Clinton Foundation. Others were known to have contributed money to Hillary’s Presidential campaign or were known to be strong democrat party supporters. It seems to me that for an investigation like this to be legitimate, Mueller should have gone out of his way to ensure that those doing the investigating were non-political types. He failed badly in that regard which makes the rationale for conducting the investigation suspect.
We can’t let this happen again. No one will trust DOJ and FBI until they resolve how this ridiculous investigation started and fix the process. I’m not too trusting of the FISA court either. I just don’t want all this to play out in the media where everything goes nuclear. Still can’t get over the fact that a Pulitzer was given to lying , cowardly, and disgusting so called news reporters.
The Mueller did not exonerate Trump of anything except participation in direct Russian collusion.
Obama, Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Brennen, Clapper, Rice, etc. THESE ARE THE TRAITORS. THESE ARE WHO SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED.
Our presidents have a term limit. Let’s do that for these Congressional career politicians
T was not exonerated! That’s wishful thinking.
There are so many Donkey liars and crooks the list is short because there are not enough investigators to even start the process. The new name of the Donkey party is “crooks”. This way they stop being called JA, DA or idiots
I don’t want revenge because sometimes revenge is targeted at the wrong individuals. I want justice and the elimination of corruption from our government. Follow this thing back and lets see where it leads us.
Get all politucs out of the DOJ,FBI,and CIA and military.Investigate all Obama and Clinton administration flunkies and put the blame on both Obama and Hilary,for the lousy state that they have put this country in!
Time for all the Democrat operatives involved in the Russia hoax to squirm…
I would love to see the people who divided this country brought to justice. However, at this point the country needs to heal and solve the problems that we face in our daily lives (border security, jobs, health care, and taxes).
I’m sure most people realize that these investigations are just to stymie this president. They are just trying to make sure he can get nothing accomplished during his presidency. They are a hateful group who care about nothing but themselves. And I hate to say it, but I clearly think they hate America, and want to see it taken over by socialism
Hillary Clinton needs an orange jump-suit, along with many others.
You needed to give a chance for those of us who chose “none of the above” to say why we answered that way or what should have been on the list. As for my answer, I say that an investigation is unwarranted unless there is something concrete to investigate. These people have other government jobs to do and should get busy on their jobs and the things they have not done during the past 2 1/2 years. If they don’t have other jobs to do, they need to be dismissed from the government payroll and a completely new investigative team organized if and when there is something that seriously needs investigating for o longer than two months. Term limits need to be placed on these teams when they are organized.
Don’t let them get away with what they did !!
Past and current corruption in all three branches of government, media & academics absolutely cannot be ignored. Soros promised to fight President Trump every day of his presidency & Steyer has joined the hate America anarchists.
I would like an explanation as to why Mueller delivered uranium samples to the Russians for Honest Hilly.
Time for FBI Director to step up and Clean house bring back integrity
I would like to sincerely thank JW for your tireless work. I would also love to see you work on the illegal immigration issue. We will never get Trump reelected with millions of illegal votes!
The Russian Collusion Hoax was a 3rd World attempt of a Coup to overthrow Trump then Pence. The DINOs and RINOs share the blame, investigate their financial status in the George Soros Retirement Fund probably in offshore Cayman Island accounts. Yes, the Russians & Iranians were probably involved as well through their relations with Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Barry Obama. Need to shut down Obama’s Shadow Gov’t and infiltrate those 22 Muslim Training camps and if they are up to no good, deport them. Infiltrate their Mosques for hidden armories like they have found in Europe. If they have machine guns and RPGs then confront CAIR whenever a cache is found. They are not Americans as we know them. They are still following the Caliphate to convert the World to Islam. The Constitution should be updated on the Freedom of Religion except when one religion want to overthrow all other religions under penalty of death.
What the Dems have done the past two years for the American people has amounted to zero! It is sickening. Such an embarrassment to our country
The biggest problem in our government is corruption. They’re all in the same bed, so to speak. The Republicans have WEAK leadership, no intestinal fortitude to investigate anyone. The won’t even support our President let alone investigate the corruption. Sad, very sad indeed!
I think the department of justice needs to restore its credibility. After 8 years of Obama corruption there is the appearance of selective justice base on some pretty strong evidence. I believe what they did to president Trump was worse than the Watergate scandal. I do believe Obama and his top admin official were actively trying prevent Donald Trump from becoming president using the power of the federal government. Which is a tactic used by dictatorships. This is something that all freedom loving Americans should be concerned with. Are you really free and are the principles upon which this country was founded being adhered to.
IMO Democrats = Communism!!!
Mueller’s two year search was never an investigation. It was a search to find a crime that Mueller has now admitted was never committed all
based on a bogus foreign dossier. This would have never happened if A.G. Sessions had not recused himself. Appointing Sessions was Trump’s biggest mistake. Hopefully things will be different now that he’s gone.
It would be nice if there was some time and money focused on running the country.
The investigation of all of the collaborators of the biggest Hoax of all time in America! And, start with the Obama administration, the Clinton’s, James Comey, Baker, Steele, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, the Ohr’s, OFusion GPS, and all the rest of the treasonous individuals that were out to oust the duly appointed President!
Nothing is going to happen. Republicans talk big, but a majority of them are just spineless wanting to protect all of their crumbs they get. They had the opportunity when POTUS was elected, but again just as corrupt as everybody else. Dems are going to again tie up POTUS for the next 2 years. Nothing will happen unless POTUS can again figure out a way to circumvent Congress.
It would be nice if some time were allocated to cooperation and letting Trump do his job !!