Nothing needs to get in the way of sending dreamers back and stopping illegal immigration and ending the drug problem.
7 years ago
What’s the difference? The politicians are too busy scratching each other’s black to give a flying leap
about our future, or our grandchildren’s future.
What happened to the American Recovery Act? 1 trillion dollars for infrastructure. All I saw of it were a few signs and a couple bulldozers.
7 years ago
If the country defaults, seniors and the weakest members of our society we’ll suffer the most. Debt is cruel to the same people that the politicians are always saying that they want to help most, the poor. We need to have a healthy economy that is free from debt so that the greatest number of people can live the best life possible. Stay free by staying fiscally responsible. Bankruptcy would levy the worst kind of punishment on the hardest hit and least deserving recipients of this foolishness.
Roger Miracle
7 years ago
The Republicans have campaigned for years and years on reducing the deficit……..and now they don’t have the balls to do it. The Republicans are in the Swamp just like the Dems. Reducing spending in Washington is totally hopeless.
7 years ago
One of the important issues is a BALANCED budget. What happened to it? There are ALOT of places to cut.
Congress has been letting the country down for YEARS – Republican AND Democrat. They serve themselves NOT the American people.
TERM LIMITS much needed.
7 years ago
All the more reason for term limits. These career politicians and those that want to become one, care only about their careers.
Jackie Toothman
7 years ago
Congress just handed Planned Parenthood ANOTHER half a billion dollars. Whatever happened to not making tax payers fund abortion? What other for-profit organizations are receiving this kind of money?
7 years ago
Nothing in our government will change until the politicians voting are required to take responsibility for their decisions. That means putting their personal fortunes at risk because of their decisions. No country in history has survived enormous debt with no accountability by its leadership. Talk is cheap and their decisions are expensive to a free society
7 years ago
AMAC should stick to senior issues like protecting our Social Security monies that Congress has been illegally stealing for years to pay for other non-funded items in the federal budget. Social Security is our paid in advance pension fund and has always had enough money to support itself until Congress started stealing our monies. If anyone wants to start cutting entitlements, start with the lifelong medical and pension payments Congress has voted for itself, again with complete disregard to the letter of the Constitution. Force congress to stop raping our pension fund (Social Security) and American retirees that have paid into the fund will have more than enough money for a comfortable retirement.
7 years ago
We’ve passed the tipping point. The Democrats by playing identity politics has made so many people dependent on Washington for hand outs that nothing can be done to stop the gravy train. It’s historic. President Harry S. Truman said, “There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know.” And, “You can’t get rich in politics unless you are a crook.”
Charles R Leo
7 years ago
Push for constitutional amendment to require federal budget to be balanced or no more than 50% of GDP. If states can do it so must feds!
7 years ago
The GOP is no better than the DNC. No conservative conviction anywhere. The 2018 mid-terms will be a loss for the GOP. They can’t even muster up the guts to defund Planned Parenthood. They will not build the wall and they will not fix immigration. Article V Convention will probably be too little too late. We are at the place of nuclear attack where we bend over and kiss our a** goodbye. God help us. No one else will and I’m worried He won’t. Sorry to be so negative but nothing has changed in 40 years. We just don’t have morals or the conviction to do what’s right.
7 years ago
I’m proud that my Rep. Louie Gohmert was one of the few Rep. who voted against this insult to fiscal sanity. Im waiting to here from Cruz, who was dependable in the past, but disappointed me on this.
7 years ago
Senior Issues. Some new benefits for those of us who don’t take cruises or get rental cars all the time.
Tony Justice
7 years ago
Andrew Jackson paid off the National Debt and for that(and other things v.v. Henry Clay) , they tried to Impeach Him! Look, We MUST give the President Line Item Veto! Then we bite the bullet and tax ourselves with a Consumtion Tax that Congress can’t get their grubby little fingers on(about 17%). I know, I know, it’s another tax! I hate this but we are approaching the point of no return. We can’t print money or cut enough spending to save ourselves and those Criminals in Congress have filled Our Social Security “Lock Box” with I O U’s. Then We the People put in place a National Mandate ( Yes, it is Constitutional) Directing Congress to Stop Further Legislation of monetary nature(except for National Defence) and Lay-off all of those $100.000.00 + employees who write Legislation for the Unelected Bureaucracy! They are Killing Us! Next We continue to Un-Legislate(Sunset) 99% of All of the “Laws”! If We don’t Start very Soon, We will lose this Republic(Ben Franklin)!
7 years ago
The root of debt is sin. Take care of the sin problem and the debt will go away. That is the reason for me voting no.
Lewis Turner
7 years ago
The debt is a result of two things, over spending, and a stagnant economy. Our economy have very little growth during the last presidential administration. President Trump has taken steps to cut the cost of Government, and made it possible to have real growth in our economy. We need to give a reasonable amount of time to observe tax receipts to see if they are increasing due to business growth. That will help us project a course that can realistically reduce the National Debt. Also, there are many areas of Government that can still be cut back, saving money. There are some areas of spending that will have long time positive benefits to our economy–such as rebuilding our the infrastructure–roads, bridges, rails, of our Nation. This would also include protecting our electrical grid. They are needed to keep the economy growing.
A reaction to the political actions is only short term — we need to look at long term issues.
If improvement does not come to our economy in 3-4 years where tax receipts do not increase–then we have to take further steps to balance spending.
I believe President Trump is working to reduce Government Spending. There is more to do in that area–even as tax receipts are increasing. Let President Trump do his job. I believe He will.
Robert Macik
7 years ago
I don’t like any of the answers to choose from so I’m not voting. Yes, it’s a budget buster but–given the disaster relief, condition of the infrastructure and the threats of the world–yes it’s necessary. Now’s the time to tell our senators and congressmen (congresspeople?) that it’s time to settle DACA and to start the expense cutting process BIG TIME on just about everything else. They do react to pressure when it comes from enough ‘constituents’ and it keeps coming over and over again.
7 years ago
I am disgusted with both the Republicans and Demorats. Continuing to raise the national debt is pure insanity. Rand Paul is on the right track and he caused a mini shutdown by making both parties listen to him about the fallacy of continuing to raise the national debt. Doing so is unsustainable. I have contacted both of my senators and representative and am very worried about the ability of this country to survive. All you have to do is get on Politico to see how brainwashed our young people are and see the pro-socialist comments made by them. Back in the 1950s and 1960s Harvard and Yale were great universities but now they are liberal cesspools. Trump is trying to straighten out the mess left by Bathhouse Barry but he can’t do it alone.
george doby
7 years ago
i am solidly against spending we can’t fund but efit. just go ahead and spend us into bankruptcy the sooner the better let the bums parasites and illegal aliens starve and riot. we need bloodshed in the streets again. only way to solve our problems sorry to say. i give up been fighting all my life but it’s useless too many want santa claus and free handouts i give up
7 years ago
When the 17th Amendment was ratified in 1913, the Senate was cut loose from any connection to the States or the Constitution. Both bodies that make up Congress no longer respond to the Will of the People.
Whether you like him or not, we sent Trump to Washington to clean up this mess and you can see how they (the critters of the swamp) are fighting back. Congress and the Federal Bureaucracy should be completely pared down to something more manageable and that will only happen through an Article V Convention of the States with a specific agenda to demand a Balanced Budget, Term Limits on Congress AND the Judiciary as well as cutting the bureaucracy by 50% giving power back to the States and the People.
It might be a pipe-dream, but it is most likely the last stop before a civil war develops. Remember the Revolution was mainly fought over taxation and today our taxes are something that King George could only dream of.
7 years ago
We need a balanced budget Amendment. Republicans are now as bad as democrats when it comes to spending. But the only way they are willing to cut spending is to slash Social Security. And we must fight hard to prevent that.
7 years ago
I’m not worried about the debt at this time. We’re between a rock and a hard place. Infrastructure must be improved and maintained. At this time that is more important than debt. As/if the country becomes more prosperous – with more jobs, more manufacturing, fewer on welfare – we can, and must, begin to reduce the debt, but first things first.
7 years ago
SSI Supplemental Security Income should be thought of as insurance. You purchase insurance to cover you in time of need. Billionaires and Millionaires do not need a SS check. Proposal, a person not receiving a SS check should be given a letter of appreciation and be allowed to write off the amount they would have received. Also a list of Social Security recipients should be available for public viewing along with a list of welfare recipients.
Also pay raises are not something to which a person is entitled. In fact any government employee making six figures or more should have their pay reduced by 1% per year until the Nation Debt is reduced to zero.
Politicians should have their pay reduced tied to the national debt. National debt 21 trillion, pay reduced by 21%. Tough…they caused it.
7 years ago
I for one want the SS issue to be addressed. SS that was put in the General fund be paid back. SS is not a entitlement. We and our Employers paid not the Government.
I also think past, present and future Politicians shouldn’t be paid retirement unless they contribute. They vote themselves raises and then get retirement and benefits for life for doing a lousy job.
Ronald Humphrey
7 years ago
Interest on the debt will use all funds that would pay for other services with a normal interest rate on the debt.
7 years ago
Here is a copy of what I sent to Senators McConnell and Schumer:
Isn’t it wonderful how both parties can agree to spend money the country doesn’t have and then celebrate “bipartisanship.” All they are doing is borrowing more money and adding to the $20 trillion debt. Schumer and McConnell: what are you going to tell your children and grandchildren when they have to pay for the debt you so proudly accumulated? I don’t think you have a rational answer to this question. You’re “bipartisan” intergenerational thieves. You should be ashamed.
7 years ago
These are loaded questions. We need increased military spending but there are many places to cut. Our politicians (both parties) are thrash. If you are waiting for things to be like they were, your dreaming.
7 years ago
Congress does not care about deficit spending. There should be no pay for congress until we cut spending 10% below projected income in current year. All benefits to congress and presidents should be cut since we elected them to keep our country strong and they all took advantage of those who voted for them.
7 years ago
Need a strong military. Other spending is democrat ransom payment. Trump is creating an economy that will help us grow our way out of the Debt. AMAC should stick to its own knitting and advocate for senior issues.
7 years ago
Its a lost cause. Rep spend as much as dems. To many rinos. Its going to take a reckoning to change things. Spoiled Americans is cause 40% hate America.
Trump saved rep but he’s old. Saviour needed after Trump and I don’t see one. Just spend as always. Amac stick to senior issues. SS is first thing they will want to take, yet we paid into it. They dont care. Screw seniors. We are at bottom of list to America. Let us die, theory don’t care.
I left ARP because of obamnacare support
7 years ago
This should be the number 1 priority of all congressmen.
Mike Birmingham
7 years ago
Debt does not seem payable. Debt is over $63,000 per person in US and over $173,000 for each taxpayer. Interest at 5% would make servicing debt at over $8,000 per taxpayer annually! When interest rates return to norm, unlikely enough money to service debt and pay for essential government services.
Donald Mccormick
7 years ago
We NEED to STOP our congress from spending money they do NOT have or taxes they can NOT collect from people NOT earning enough money to pay what congress wants to spend and pushing us closer and closer to becoming bankrupt and OWING the rest of the world MILLIONS of dollars per citizen of America that we do NOT have and THUS we would NOT have anything left if we did go bankrupt
Chuck Roamer
7 years ago
I would have voted to prioritize efforts to balance budget except AMAC chose to hold up our military spending as the “reason” for our debt and spending problems. Our entire military was devastated by the Obama wrecking crew and we desperately need to rebuild. Where’s your concern for the bloated entitlement programs as well as bloated government employment and waste.
7 years ago
Put simply debt is living uncontrolled beyond your means. If a business did hat the government does it would be gone. The government gets away with this because it is not allowed to fail. Employees don’t get fired, members of congress can vote themselves increases. union labor gets lavish benefits and retirement packages and all this before a dime is spent on the one major responsibility of the government which is to protect the sovereignty of our nation. We spend billions on handout programs to people who don’t belong here but wail over a few billion to build a wall to protect our borders. We have a department of education filled with 6 figure bureaucrats, yet our education systems are failing all over the country. Sadly we have an entire body of Nero’s who are overpaid, have no understand of the basis for our country and care more about their hide then their constituents.
7 years ago
if our elected officials are so afraid to cut programs to start reducing the debt then start by reducing the size of the federal workforce and bring federal worker wages in line with the private sector. huge cost there. does not require layoffs, hiring freezes and attrition. federal employees suffer no consequences for poor performance because there is no bottom line departments and agencies are responsible for. that needs to change!
7 years ago
Congress is broken. Both parties have ideas that are bankrupt. Term limits are needed but Congress would have to approve and fat chance of that. The Swamp is much deeper and wider than most believed. The Senate needs to get rid of the Filibuster Rule… they could and they should… but they won’t… at least with McConnell there.
7 years ago
I am a conservative and the Republican Party, at one time, was the party which aligned with conservative views and fiscal responsibility. This is no longer the case. They keep piling on the debt, using the military as a reason. The Democrats are no better and want any increase in defense spending to be matched with domestic spending. Entitlements are out of control, but God forbid we try to adjust those. Both parties are so concerned about power and keeping control that they no longer do what the American people elected them to do. They were elected to do what’s best for the country and the citizens, not their own agendas of getting re-elected and concerned about upsetting special interest groups. When are we going to wake up and stop this nonsense. Our founding fathers knew this would happen so they drafted our constitution to allow the citizens to fight back. It is called the Convention of States. If enough states join this fight, then we, the citizens, can force term limits and controls on our elected officials. Our founding fathers never intended for the Schummer’s, Pelosi’s, and McConnell’s to get elected and stay in power forever. We need to take our country back from these career politicians and give the power back to the rightfull and legal citizens of the United States of America. Don’t be complacent, take back your country.
7 years ago
I am disappointed in the wording and shortsidedness of this poll. i.e. one question might should have included, “Should we supply tanks & planes to save out children’s freedoms or lose our freedoms and not supply the tanks & planes and allow our children & grandchildren to live in slavery and subjection to an abusive dictatorship.”?
How about looking at the big picture and not try to play on sympathies. I left AARP for this reason and will not support AMAC if you follow their lead.
How about supporting the unpopular but necessary lead of “IF YOU DON’T WORK YOU DON’T EAT”. We spiritually all can do something if only sweep streets or clean grounds around schools after hours. I’m more concerned with paying one to have babies and abuse free housing. How about promoting doing away with that!
7 years ago
Since politicians promise to balance the budget and be conservative when running, and then don’t follow through when they are elected and then begin campaigning for the next elections. We should NEVER re-elect anyone. Send them to D.C. for 1 term so they don’t have time to be corrupted.
Better yet, since a person’s life can be decided by a jury of 12 “random” people in a death penalty murder case, why not select 2 people from each state and 1 from D.C. (to get an odd number) RANDOMLY from voters list, and then have the sponsor of each spending bill or line item in the budget, give a 5 minute speech to this panel, and let the panel vote to pass the item or reject it. NO more PORK barrel. Obviously these 101 people will be paid and would have to be SEQUESTERED, to prevent lobbyists from getting to them. That should keep spending in control.
Kent Vernon
7 years ago
If AMAC is a conservative organization, unlike Obamacare supporting AARP, you shouldn’t have to ask about working for balanced budgets – and other small government projects that our current legislative system has gotten away from. If you want to get serious about cutting the federal budget, get on the Convention of States Article V project to amend the Constitution without going through Congress.
7 years ago
We need to clean out our Government! We don’t need Politicians doing any more damage to our country! Our debt needs to be reduced and military strengthen…. Churches once more need to be a place of influence in teaching the whole Word of God! Then our families will become stronger…. So first we need to return to God with all of our hearts, then He will heal our land
Denise Mraz
7 years ago
We already have Term Limits, they are called elections, impeachments and Notice of Liabiity (citizen action to remove any oath taker from office violting Bill of Rights). Patriots everywhere are being sold a fake bill of goods called Convention of States. COS is backed by by soros and Globalists in an effort to assign their citizen delegates who can then usurp our Bill of Rights without us even knowing it. If you want to have Term limits, you need to Nullify the Article V nomenclature, then resubmit under another method. Go to and watch nullification vs COS. Trump has already taken care of the debt. He has signed EO’s to end corruption to get back the over 3 Trillion Obamas admin has stolen from the American people out of the various Shadow Governmen (Administrative Agencies and has a plan to end the Central Bank that established the illegal Federal Reserve(BTW the 99yr contract with CBexpired, thats why they drained the Treasury). Until then, stay out of crypto-its another scam and boycott all major companies, especially Monsanto.. In the meantime, if you want to understand more about Notice of Liability, then please contact me at [email protected] and go to InPower Movement and watch the video. .
Fred Roach
7 years ago
Here’s my answer: Yes, because the interest the government is required to pay on the national debt will, sooner or later, negatively impact Social Security and other government programs.
Dale Burdge
7 years ago
I think Trump’s efforts are in the right direction and that reducing the national debt will occur when those efforts start paying off.
7 years ago
unfortunately, there was no option that said “get rid of illegal immigration and the money that’s saved will take a huge chunk out of the deficit.
Sister M
7 years ago
It says in the constitution that the budget should be balanced every year, but it is like a lot of other things the government doesn’t follow the constitution very well.
Jackie Clark
7 years ago
Waste of space and no where to put it….why bother. It is a corrupt system with corrupt people making corrupt decisions to continue to fatten thier own pockets and the pockets of thier corupt counterparts. The voice of the people is no longer beneficial or financially prudent to sustain their corrupt murderous lifestyle. We are just pawns to be moved around to suit thier corupt needs and the hell with the needs of the people. Oh and did I mention thier corupt!!!!!!!! The next secret dossier to be leaked will be the rich keeps getting richer and get this drawing social security checks to pile on top of thier billion dollar bank accounts!
Signed: Fed Up!
Nothing needs to get in the way of sending dreamers back and stopping illegal immigration and ending the drug problem.
What’s the difference? The politicians are too busy scratching each other’s black to give a flying leap
about our future, or our grandchildren’s future.
What happened to the American Recovery Act? 1 trillion dollars for infrastructure. All I saw of it were a few signs and a couple bulldozers.
If the country defaults, seniors and the weakest members of our society we’ll suffer the most. Debt is cruel to the same people that the politicians are always saying that they want to help most, the poor. We need to have a healthy economy that is free from debt so that the greatest number of people can live the best life possible. Stay free by staying fiscally responsible. Bankruptcy would levy the worst kind of punishment on the hardest hit and least deserving recipients of this foolishness.
The Republicans have campaigned for years and years on reducing the deficit……..and now they don’t have the balls to do it. The Republicans are in the Swamp just like the Dems. Reducing spending in Washington is totally hopeless.
One of the important issues is a BALANCED budget. What happened to it? There are ALOT of places to cut.
Congress has been letting the country down for YEARS – Republican AND Democrat. They serve themselves NOT the American people.
TERM LIMITS much needed.
All the more reason for term limits. These career politicians and those that want to become one, care only about their careers.
Congress just handed Planned Parenthood ANOTHER half a billion dollars. Whatever happened to not making tax payers fund abortion? What other for-profit organizations are receiving this kind of money?
Nothing in our government will change until the politicians voting are required to take responsibility for their decisions. That means putting their personal fortunes at risk because of their decisions. No country in history has survived enormous debt with no accountability by its leadership. Talk is cheap and their decisions are expensive to a free society
AMAC should stick to senior issues like protecting our Social Security monies that Congress has been illegally stealing for years to pay for other non-funded items in the federal budget. Social Security is our paid in advance pension fund and has always had enough money to support itself until Congress started stealing our monies. If anyone wants to start cutting entitlements, start with the lifelong medical and pension payments Congress has voted for itself, again with complete disregard to the letter of the Constitution. Force congress to stop raping our pension fund (Social Security) and American retirees that have paid into the fund will have more than enough money for a comfortable retirement.
We’ve passed the tipping point. The Democrats by playing identity politics has made so many people dependent on Washington for hand outs that nothing can be done to stop the gravy train. It’s historic. President Harry S. Truman said, “There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know.” And, “You can’t get rich in politics unless you are a crook.”
Push for constitutional amendment to require federal budget to be balanced or no more than 50% of GDP. If states can do it so must feds!
The GOP is no better than the DNC. No conservative conviction anywhere. The 2018 mid-terms will be a loss for the GOP. They can’t even muster up the guts to defund Planned Parenthood. They will not build the wall and they will not fix immigration. Article V Convention will probably be too little too late. We are at the place of nuclear attack where we bend over and kiss our a** goodbye. God help us. No one else will and I’m worried He won’t. Sorry to be so negative but nothing has changed in 40 years. We just don’t have morals or the conviction to do what’s right.
I’m proud that my Rep. Louie Gohmert was one of the few Rep. who voted against this insult to fiscal sanity. Im waiting to here from Cruz, who was dependable in the past, but disappointed me on this.
Senior Issues. Some new benefits for those of us who don’t take cruises or get rental cars all the time.
Andrew Jackson paid off the National Debt and for that(and other things v.v. Henry Clay) , they tried to Impeach Him! Look, We MUST give the President Line Item Veto! Then we bite the bullet and tax ourselves with a Consumtion Tax that Congress can’t get their grubby little fingers on(about 17%). I know, I know, it’s another tax! I hate this but we are approaching the point of no return. We can’t print money or cut enough spending to save ourselves and those Criminals in Congress have filled Our Social Security “Lock Box” with I O U’s. Then We the People put in place a National Mandate ( Yes, it is Constitutional) Directing Congress to Stop Further Legislation of monetary nature(except for National Defence) and Lay-off all of those $100.000.00 + employees who write Legislation for the Unelected Bureaucracy! They are Killing Us! Next We continue to Un-Legislate(Sunset) 99% of All of the “Laws”! If We don’t Start very Soon, We will lose this Republic(Ben Franklin)!
The root of debt is sin. Take care of the sin problem and the debt will go away. That is the reason for me voting no.
The debt is a result of two things, over spending, and a stagnant economy. Our economy have very little growth during the last presidential administration. President Trump has taken steps to cut the cost of Government, and made it possible to have real growth in our economy. We need to give a reasonable amount of time to observe tax receipts to see if they are increasing due to business growth. That will help us project a course that can realistically reduce the National Debt. Also, there are many areas of Government that can still be cut back, saving money. There are some areas of spending that will have long time positive benefits to our economy–such as rebuilding our the infrastructure–roads, bridges, rails, of our Nation. This would also include protecting our electrical grid. They are needed to keep the economy growing.
A reaction to the political actions is only short term — we need to look at long term issues.
If improvement does not come to our economy in 3-4 years where tax receipts do not increase–then we have to take further steps to balance spending.
I believe President Trump is working to reduce Government Spending. There is more to do in that area–even as tax receipts are increasing. Let President Trump do his job. I believe He will.
I don’t like any of the answers to choose from so I’m not voting. Yes, it’s a budget buster but–given the disaster relief, condition of the infrastructure and the threats of the world–yes it’s necessary. Now’s the time to tell our senators and congressmen (congresspeople?) that it’s time to settle DACA and to start the expense cutting process BIG TIME on just about everything else. They do react to pressure when it comes from enough ‘constituents’ and it keeps coming over and over again.
I am disgusted with both the Republicans and Demorats. Continuing to raise the national debt is pure insanity. Rand Paul is on the right track and he caused a mini shutdown by making both parties listen to him about the fallacy of continuing to raise the national debt. Doing so is unsustainable. I have contacted both of my senators and representative and am very worried about the ability of this country to survive. All you have to do is get on Politico to see how brainwashed our young people are and see the pro-socialist comments made by them. Back in the 1950s and 1960s Harvard and Yale were great universities but now they are liberal cesspools. Trump is trying to straighten out the mess left by Bathhouse Barry but he can’t do it alone.
i am solidly against spending we can’t fund but efit. just go ahead and spend us into bankruptcy the sooner the better let the bums parasites and illegal aliens starve and riot. we need bloodshed in the streets again. only way to solve our problems sorry to say. i give up been fighting all my life but it’s useless too many want santa claus and free handouts i give up
When the 17th Amendment was ratified in 1913, the Senate was cut loose from any connection to the States or the Constitution. Both bodies that make up Congress no longer respond to the Will of the People.
Whether you like him or not, we sent Trump to Washington to clean up this mess and you can see how they (the critters of the swamp) are fighting back. Congress and the Federal Bureaucracy should be completely pared down to something more manageable and that will only happen through an Article V Convention of the States with a specific agenda to demand a Balanced Budget, Term Limits on Congress AND the Judiciary as well as cutting the bureaucracy by 50% giving power back to the States and the People.
It might be a pipe-dream, but it is most likely the last stop before a civil war develops. Remember the Revolution was mainly fought over taxation and today our taxes are something that King George could only dream of.
We need a balanced budget Amendment. Republicans are now as bad as democrats when it comes to spending. But the only way they are willing to cut spending is to slash Social Security. And we must fight hard to prevent that.
I’m not worried about the debt at this time. We’re between a rock and a hard place. Infrastructure must be improved and maintained. At this time that is more important than debt. As/if the country becomes more prosperous – with more jobs, more manufacturing, fewer on welfare – we can, and must, begin to reduce the debt, but first things first.
SSI Supplemental Security Income should be thought of as insurance. You purchase insurance to cover you in time of need. Billionaires and Millionaires do not need a SS check. Proposal, a person not receiving a SS check should be given a letter of appreciation and be allowed to write off the amount they would have received. Also a list of Social Security recipients should be available for public viewing along with a list of welfare recipients.
Also pay raises are not something to which a person is entitled. In fact any government employee making six figures or more should have their pay reduced by 1% per year until the Nation Debt is reduced to zero.
Politicians should have their pay reduced tied to the national debt. National debt 21 trillion, pay reduced by 21%. Tough…they caused it.
I for one want the SS issue to be addressed. SS that was put in the General fund be paid back. SS is not a entitlement. We and our Employers paid not the Government.
I also think past, present and future Politicians shouldn’t be paid retirement unless they contribute. They vote themselves raises and then get retirement and benefits for life for doing a lousy job.
Interest on the debt will use all funds that would pay for other services with a normal interest rate on the debt.
Here is a copy of what I sent to Senators McConnell and Schumer:
Isn’t it wonderful how both parties can agree to spend money the country doesn’t have and then celebrate “bipartisanship.” All they are doing is borrowing more money and adding to the $20 trillion debt. Schumer and McConnell: what are you going to tell your children and grandchildren when they have to pay for the debt you so proudly accumulated? I don’t think you have a rational answer to this question. You’re “bipartisan” intergenerational thieves. You should be ashamed.
These are loaded questions. We need increased military spending but there are many places to cut. Our politicians (both parties) are thrash. If you are waiting for things to be like they were, your dreaming.
Congress does not care about deficit spending. There should be no pay for congress until we cut spending 10% below projected income in current year. All benefits to congress and presidents should be cut since we elected them to keep our country strong and they all took advantage of those who voted for them.
Need a strong military. Other spending is democrat ransom payment. Trump is creating an economy that will help us grow our way out of the Debt. AMAC should stick to its own knitting and advocate for senior issues.
Its a lost cause. Rep spend as much as dems. To many rinos. Its going to take a reckoning to change things. Spoiled Americans is cause 40% hate America.
Trump saved rep but he’s old. Saviour needed after Trump and I don’t see one. Just spend as always. Amac stick to senior issues. SS is first thing they will want to take, yet we paid into it. They dont care. Screw seniors. We are at bottom of list to America. Let us die, theory don’t care.
I left ARP because of obamnacare support
This should be the number 1 priority of all congressmen.
Debt does not seem payable. Debt is over $63,000 per person in US and over $173,000 for each taxpayer. Interest at 5% would make servicing debt at over $8,000 per taxpayer annually! When interest rates return to norm, unlikely enough money to service debt and pay for essential government services.
We NEED to STOP our congress from spending money they do NOT have or taxes they can NOT collect from people NOT earning enough money to pay what congress wants to spend and pushing us closer and closer to becoming bankrupt and OWING the rest of the world MILLIONS of dollars per citizen of America that we do NOT have and THUS we would NOT have anything left if we did go bankrupt
I would have voted to prioritize efforts to balance budget except AMAC chose to hold up our military spending as the “reason” for our debt and spending problems. Our entire military was devastated by the Obama wrecking crew and we desperately need to rebuild. Where’s your concern for the bloated entitlement programs as well as bloated government employment and waste.
Put simply debt is living uncontrolled beyond your means. If a business did hat the government does it would be gone. The government gets away with this because it is not allowed to fail. Employees don’t get fired, members of congress can vote themselves increases. union labor gets lavish benefits and retirement packages and all this before a dime is spent on the one major responsibility of the government which is to protect the sovereignty of our nation. We spend billions on handout programs to people who don’t belong here but wail over a few billion to build a wall to protect our borders. We have a department of education filled with 6 figure bureaucrats, yet our education systems are failing all over the country. Sadly we have an entire body of Nero’s who are overpaid, have no understand of the basis for our country and care more about their hide then their constituents.
if our elected officials are so afraid to cut programs to start reducing the debt then start by reducing the size of the federal workforce and bring federal worker wages in line with the private sector. huge cost there. does not require layoffs, hiring freezes and attrition. federal employees suffer no consequences for poor performance because there is no bottom line departments and agencies are responsible for. that needs to change!
Congress is broken. Both parties have ideas that are bankrupt. Term limits are needed but Congress would have to approve and fat chance of that. The Swamp is much deeper and wider than most believed. The Senate needs to get rid of the Filibuster Rule… they could and they should… but they won’t… at least with McConnell there.
I am a conservative and the Republican Party, at one time, was the party which aligned with conservative views and fiscal responsibility. This is no longer the case. They keep piling on the debt, using the military as a reason. The Democrats are no better and want any increase in defense spending to be matched with domestic spending. Entitlements are out of control, but God forbid we try to adjust those. Both parties are so concerned about power and keeping control that they no longer do what the American people elected them to do. They were elected to do what’s best for the country and the citizens, not their own agendas of getting re-elected and concerned about upsetting special interest groups. When are we going to wake up and stop this nonsense. Our founding fathers knew this would happen so they drafted our constitution to allow the citizens to fight back. It is called the Convention of States. If enough states join this fight, then we, the citizens, can force term limits and controls on our elected officials. Our founding fathers never intended for the Schummer’s, Pelosi’s, and McConnell’s to get elected and stay in power forever. We need to take our country back from these career politicians and give the power back to the rightfull and legal citizens of the United States of America. Don’t be complacent, take back your country.
I am disappointed in the wording and shortsidedness of this poll. i.e. one question might should have included, “Should we supply tanks & planes to save out children’s freedoms or lose our freedoms and not supply the tanks & planes and allow our children & grandchildren to live in slavery and subjection to an abusive dictatorship.”?
How about looking at the big picture and not try to play on sympathies. I left AARP for this reason and will not support AMAC if you follow their lead.
How about supporting the unpopular but necessary lead of “IF YOU DON’T WORK YOU DON’T EAT”. We spiritually all can do something if only sweep streets or clean grounds around schools after hours. I’m more concerned with paying one to have babies and abuse free housing. How about promoting doing away with that!
Since politicians promise to balance the budget and be conservative when running, and then don’t follow through when they are elected and then begin campaigning for the next elections. We should NEVER re-elect anyone. Send them to D.C. for 1 term so they don’t have time to be corrupted.
Better yet, since a person’s life can be decided by a jury of 12 “random” people in a death penalty murder case, why not select 2 people from each state and 1 from D.C. (to get an odd number) RANDOMLY from voters list, and then have the sponsor of each spending bill or line item in the budget, give a 5 minute speech to this panel, and let the panel vote to pass the item or reject it. NO more PORK barrel. Obviously these 101 people will be paid and would have to be SEQUESTERED, to prevent lobbyists from getting to them. That should keep spending in control.
If AMAC is a conservative organization, unlike Obamacare supporting AARP, you shouldn’t have to ask about working for balanced budgets – and other small government projects that our current legislative system has gotten away from. If you want to get serious about cutting the federal budget, get on the Convention of States Article V project to amend the Constitution without going through Congress.
We need to clean out our Government! We don’t need Politicians doing any more damage to our country! Our debt needs to be reduced and military strengthen…. Churches once more need to be a place of influence in teaching the whole Word of God! Then our families will become stronger…. So first we need to return to God with all of our hearts, then He will heal our land
We already have Term Limits, they are called elections, impeachments and Notice of Liabiity (citizen action to remove any oath taker from office violting Bill of Rights). Patriots everywhere are being sold a fake bill of goods called Convention of States. COS is backed by by soros and Globalists in an effort to assign their citizen delegates who can then usurp our Bill of Rights without us even knowing it. If you want to have Term limits, you need to Nullify the Article V nomenclature, then resubmit under another method. Go to and watch nullification vs COS. Trump has already taken care of the debt. He has signed EO’s to end corruption to get back the over 3 Trillion Obamas admin has stolen from the American people out of the various Shadow Governmen (Administrative Agencies and has a plan to end the Central Bank that established the illegal Federal Reserve(BTW the 99yr contract with CBexpired, thats why they drained the Treasury). Until then, stay out of crypto-its another scam and boycott all major companies, especially Monsanto.. In the meantime, if you want to understand more about Notice of Liability, then please contact me at [email protected] and go to InPower Movement and watch the video. .
Here’s my answer: Yes, because the interest the government is required to pay on the national debt will, sooner or later, negatively impact Social Security and other government programs.
I think Trump’s efforts are in the right direction and that reducing the national debt will occur when those efforts start paying off.
unfortunately, there was no option that said “get rid of illegal immigration and the money that’s saved will take a huge chunk out of the deficit.
It says in the constitution that the budget should be balanced every year, but it is like a lot of other things the government doesn’t follow the constitution very well.
Waste of space and no where to put it….why bother. It is a corrupt system with corrupt people making corrupt decisions to continue to fatten thier own pockets and the pockets of thier corupt counterparts. The voice of the people is no longer beneficial or financially prudent to sustain their corrupt murderous lifestyle. We are just pawns to be moved around to suit thier corupt needs and the hell with the needs of the people. Oh and did I mention thier corupt!!!!!!!! The next secret dossier to be leaked will be the rich keeps getting richer and get this drawing social security checks to pile on top of thier billion dollar bank accounts!
Signed: Fed Up!