Prompted by their spokesperson, Colin Kaepernick, Nike chose not to release their new Air Max 1 Quick Strike Fourth of July shoes because they featured the Betsy Ross flag. In response, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey cancelled all tax and financial incentives for Nike’s proposed manufacturing plant there. Do you agree with Governor Ducey’s actions?
If Kaepernick is Nike’s “spokesperson”, the company needs to reconsider the benefit of caving to the childish whims of an overpaid ex-football “star”. I, for one, will NEVER buy another Nike product.
When dealing with the ill educated low I.Q. among us who are easily manipulated by their
Marxist/Socialist masters through their Ministry Of Propaganda AKA the Fake News Media and groups such as Kapernick’s favorite, ANTIFA.
The putrid odor of Fascism is wafting through the air – can you smell it ?
Governor Ducey does, and he is fighting back.
GBA/#TRUMP2020 – Deus Vult !
No Nike products for me anymore. If a huge company like Nike listens to a demented treasonous anti-American Jug head like Kaepernik, they deserve bankruptcy. All he does is belittle and condemn the very country and God that gave him his talent and opportunities for his wealth. To Hell with him and stupid Nike can go with him.
If Nike allows allows the likes of Kaepernick to “BULLY” them into cancelling a potentially very lucrative shoe design, they deserve the bad things that come their way. So happy the Governor stood up against them!!! If I lived in Arizona, Ducey would certainly get my vote!
I will never, never, never buy any NIKE product again.
NIKE is Un-American
I stand for the our FLAG
I kneel for OUR CROSS
God Bless America
I have needed a doctor, plumber,etc but I have never needed, not even once, a pro athlete, a media person or a entertainer – as a matter of fact they need me more than I them
This guy is an idiot. Nike can do better than this.
Kaepernick is a very lost individual. He needs psychiatric help & Nike needs to help him get it. Instead, he is allowed to tear the very fiber of our country apart with Nike’s help. They all should be tried as enemies of our great country.
Nike is dead to me as a company. Poor choice listen to a hack ex football player
Finally someone has the backbone to stand up to all this nonsense. I will never buy another Niki product unless they do something to make this right – NOW
Part of me sees this as a poor marketing stunt on Nike’s part. Have you seen what the shoes are going for on the internet. Who’s getting those dollars.
Kaepernick loves the limelight and media. He’ll do anything to stay front page. His big mouth has the power to tear down our nation. Crap like this is example of how media gives him power, and until the media stops kissing the ground he walks on his onslaught against our nation will continue. The fact that Nike endorsed him in the first place is laughable. The fact that he has been allowed to have such influence over their marketing strategy is downright shameful and Nike will pay dearly for it.
I will not buy another Nike product because they were so stupid to hire an unamerican “spokesperson, and then buckled when he complained. I also will root for any team that does not show the Nike trademark.
Nike had a great looking design there. Did they “Just Do It” when it counted? Nope. Nike’s new slogan choices: “Just Don’t Do It”, “Only Do It If CK Says It’s OK”; “Why Bother?”
its amazing that bowing before entertainers (since that is what pro football, basketball etc are) has become more important than patriotism. That our flag which has stood the test of time for decades is being desecrated not by burning but my dimwits who never opened their American history books. They see it not as it is but what they perceive it is; we as a nation need to stand up and say NO very loud all at the same time. The only reason they have power over us now is because they are the ones that get headlines and their headlines remind me of TASS propaganda. Isn’t anyone noticing this? Take the country inside said the communists reasoning (I remember this from the 50s) we can’t defeat them by military force.. but by internal politics and by all means take over the media. What we need is a Radio Free America, instead of Radio Free Europe!
Have you seen the automobile license plate that says, “Don’t tread on me.”? That statement applies to how I feel about Nike’s US Flag shoes, whether the Betsy Ross original colonies flag or our current Stars and Stripes…DON’t TREAD ON OUR COUNTRY’s FLAG. And while we are at it, leave our STATUES and our Constitution alone. And of upmost importance, let our crosses that symbolize Faith in God where we placed them.
Nike! Go to Hell! This country made you wealthy and a success. Governor Ducey! Bravo!
Nike! needs to pay attention to the American People, not just the sport stars. Get Real! NIKE!
Will never purchase another Product made by them.!!
It seems that Nike loves loser Kaepernick and does not want a winner like the Betsy Ross shoes on their team. Personally, the only pair of Nike shoes I ever owned (more than15 years ago) did not wear well and were a waste of my money. It needs to be shouted from shore to shore that Nike’s shoes are made by children…child slave labor. If the loser kaepernick is so upset about slavery 150+ years ago, why is he not out in the media demanding that Nike stop participating in child slavery today?
The fact that he is their spokesperson is enough reason to boycott that company.
People need to STOP BUYING NIKE, PERIOD. Let’s help them go under.
Why is one person speaking for Nike, determining the fate of what is on the shoe. He is a poor example of a spokes person for any part of American history. This company needs to be aware of the impact they have made on patriotism. Stand up for our citizens and protect our country from this political correctness. United we stand and divided we fall as the truth is trampled by false news and destruction of history.
If companies are publicly Liberal concerning politics then force them keep their operations in states that already have Liberal control instead of allowing them to move to states where common sense rules. They’re just spreading their cancer otherwise…
Shame on Nike for giving into a spoiled rich individual. Does Kaepernick not know the full history of Betsy Ross and what she stands for? It is about time the far left learns their history. I will never buy another Nike product again.
I’m done with people like Kaperneck. If were suvh a terrible country they need to move on.
As with Mr. Trump and the negotiations with and tariffs against China, a line must be drawn with these people. The Governor is doing exactly that. There’s not a dime of difference between the Chinese Communist Party and the ideology represented by Krapernic/nike; it’s a simple thirst for power. These weasels know nothing else and they don’t care a whit about who they hurt or what they destroy on their “path to glory.” The ends(power) justify the means(any means whatsoever)!
Kaepernick is a spoiled rich brat our country has its problems but is he helping to fix it? No he is acting just like he was brought up spoiled If he doesn’t like our great country he can leave and take Nike with him. They use slave labor anyway
Kaepernick is no longer relevant and must be replaced, just like the only Nike polo shirt in my closet.
United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
God Bless America & Please Keep Our President Strong.
Done with Nike. Company is a joke.
Another diversion tactic from the liberal left!
Can’t tweet it, doesn’t work ;((((
kaepernick needs to wear the uniform of a service man (or woman) and put on the front lines in another country! Maybe then he’ll have some idea what it’s all about. He’s a wet behind the ears entitled punk.
Colin is Nike’s spokes person?! Are you kidding? This young man needs to get a life. He has been brainwashed by the very political party that enslaved his forebears so he isn’t very smart is he…
He also does not know American history (thanks to the same political party he gives allegiance to and is unknowingly a pawn for.
Nike as a company can do what it wants to do ,this is America . I can choose not to buy their products . Vote with your check book .
Nike’s products have been of inferior quality for inflated prices for some time now, like decades. I stopped buying years ago. Not to mention the sweat shop business practices Nike has employed in the production of it’s products in China for many years prior to Kapernick. History repeats itself and those who wish to erase the symbolism associated with the history of the US are those who bear the greatest blame when said
history comes back around.
My response may not be very original but to keep it simple — I am offended that they are “offended.” I find it hard to comprehend that Kaepernick is still relevant.
According to the governor, Arizona has plenty of jobs without bowing down to these radical thugs. We all know the racism is not in the Republican Party, racism is a big business on the left and they’re going to do everything they can to keep it going. Very sad!!
Do your research Colin.
George Washington allowed Blacks to fight side by side during the Revolutionary war something that was not allowed again until the Korean War!
And guess what Colin! Most of the Founding Fathers freed their slaves at one point or another- most famously George Washington!
And then after the civil war when Wow! Slavery was abolished! Guess who terrorized & intimidated the Freed slaves?! The democrats! And sadly – that has not changed!
Please Colin study history for yourself! Never let political party do your thinking for you!
We can not keep selling out rights and morals. We need to stand up for our country, Our flag and our constitution.
Tennis shoes are worn by individuals who don’t care how they look so who cares.
I cancelled everything Nike and never buying another product of theirs. This puke has made more money from them and doesn’t deserve the a dime… so sick of this guy the only way to get rid of him for good is hit them in their wallets…
K & Nike should move to a communist/socialist country. Well done for the governor of Arizona.
I haven’t bought a Nike product for decades. Why they listen to a pile of crap like Kapperdick is beyond me. Kudos to my Governor Doug Ducey! Job well done. I don’t want a left wing company screwing up the greatest state in the union!
Hmmm, 2,523 agree, 55 disagree and 15 not sure. Seems Nike has 55 sure thing buyers and 15 might buy. Way to mass market. I gave up on Nike when they embraced Kaepernick. Plenty of other choices for shoes.
I have on a pair of nikes. I blacked out the emblems, and I’ll never have another nike product.
I have on a pair of nikes. I’ve blacked out the emblem, and I’ll never own another Nike product.
just another anti American of the left trying to kill our heritage !! these people want to come to the US. so bad then when they get here they want to change everything !!
ps. i have nothing i my house with the name Nike
There is no reason to support businesses that capitulate to, and thereby support, the fascist imposition of thought policing. If the Betsy Ross flag is racist, everything is racist.
All the big talk! If everyone threatening to throw away their Nike products and never to buy another and if everyone threatening not to watch another football game didn’t then I’d say you all are not a bunch of hot air filled hypocrites!!!!!!!
I will not buy any product that has the word NIKE on it.
Paraphrasing Thomas Sowell; Capitalism is when someone buys goods or services, paying more than the cost of production. The seller gains a profit by making the buyer happy. Socialists are now making the children of our dysfunctional school system happy by pandering to the left wing, and making money doing it! It isn’t the product we need to worry about. The real solution to this is not to boycott, but to support the industries and products that support our country. Reporting this type of scenario should be balanced with the other side.