
Hillary Clinton collusion story

New reports reveal that the Clinton Foundation received millions of dollars from a Russian Uranium deal. Should the FBI abandon the Trump/Russia probe and start investigating Hillary Clinton and her ties to Russia?

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Jerry in Nebraska
Jerry in Nebraska
7 years ago

I’d love to see her go to prison along with her handler, (Soros), but it will never happen. She has too many of the people that could do it already in her pocket. I can dream tho…

7 years ago

It’s a witch hunt, for sure, but I think it would be best to continue the Trump investigation just to clear his name. But new investigators should look at the Clinton/Obama matters, and following the Trump investigations Mueller and company should be looked into. So another poll option – have both investigations – should be offered.

Norman Lawrence in York, PA
Norman Lawrence in York, PA
7 years ago

The media have been going at Trump like they are a bunch of sharks in a feeding frenzy only this time there is no blood in the water. Because Trump has invested so much of his own money and energy and is not beholding to anyone other than the American people for his election victory it is driving the media nuts! There are a lot more important and true narratives that should be taking front page. For instance, the recent bomb threat at Cedar Creek, Middletown, Virginia where the reenactors (both Union and Confederate!) banded together to stage the event despite the danger. This is one of the few events that are allowed to take place on the actual battlefield site. FYI, my great great grandfather was there as a private in the 26th MA, 19th Corps.

7 years ago

YES. Plus, where did all the $ Go from all the public speaking that Hillary did during her campaigning? Dirty politics

7 years ago

Should be a one sentence statement . The Clinton foundation sold nuclear products to the commies for profit . I don’t know where everyone has been for the last ten years , so the nutjob media is doing a great no job of reporting of all the sh#+ that has gone done . Stop giving this nut free air time and let her fade away!!

7 years ago

It should have been one of the first things done by the Trump Administration. She, Obama, Holder, Lynch, Comey, etc. should be imprisoned.

Mary K.
Mary K.
7 years ago

I wish the question did not ask if the Trump/Russia probe soiled be abandoned. It taints the results.

Jim Alexander
Jim Alexander
7 years ago

I seriously doubt the Clinton/Obama/Holder team of corrupt politicians will be investigated. After all, they’re Democrats (excepting Indonesian citizen and Marxist Obama) with semi loads of money and support from their equally corrupt and wealthy friends like George Soros. The Clintons have been involved in known criminal activities for the better part of 40 years from the State House in Arkansas to the White House to the New York Senate to the State Department to Moscow and all points in between. All the American people have seen or ever will see is a lot of smoke and mirrors; but no one with any backbone (in the GOP) wanting to investigate the mob and rid America of the stench of this excrement.

AB in San Antonio
AB in San Antonio
7 years ago

The question should have read something like; “Should the FBI investigation involving Donald Trump be concluded and an investigation involving Hillary’s collusion be started?” To that question I can easily say yes; to the question as written to abandon the Trump investigation I must say no; I want the evidence to exhonerate Trump from collusion to show what a ruse this actually was. If Trumps investigation is abandoned instead of resolved, the cloud over Trump will remain for the left to continue thier dialogue, with resolution the media and the left will need to change thier dialogue.

Jim Mattson
Jim Mattson
7 years ago

Yes, Donald Trump is a brash, arrogant billionaire – who loves his country. I grew up in the NY Metro area and saw lots of people just like him. That is no reason for politicians to gang up on him as they have (even so-called Republicans!). The only reason I can see for such a response is that they are afraid he will upset their “gravy train”. That crosses political boundaries. I can only pray he is successful in ‘draining the swamp’, and bringing sanity (back?) to our government. Bringing the Clinton Foundation to justice (and Hillary with it) will be a great start!

Wm. C. Smith
Wm. C. Smith
7 years ago

Republicans have a small window of opportunity to get to the bottom of some of the more notorious Obama Administration transgressions which have been all over the news for the past eight years, i.e., Fast and Furious and Eric Holder’s defiance of Congress, Lois Lerner and IRS misdeeds, EPA regulatory overreach, all the Clintons’ scurrilous misbehaviors, Obama’s actions taken to drastically reduce the power and esteem of the U.S. around the world, James Comey, Loretta Lynch….the whole crew. Someone at DOJ (Jeff Sessions) needs to get some stones, set some determined investigations focused and on track to seek answers and investigate all these activities contrary to the best interests of the American Citizenry. Ready, shoot, aim!

Mark in Louisiana
Mark in Louisiana
7 years ago

The Clinton’s are senior members of the District of Corruption. It’s a wretched hive of scum and villainy. But our President Trump is playing three-dimensional chess whilst his opponents are playing checkers. God willing, Prez Trump will drain the swamp and MAGA.
Oh yeah, in other news this week, Killary got s**tblind drunk again, fell and broke yet another bone.

Phillip Newcomb
Phillip Newcomb
7 years ago

Now doubt in my mind, but nothing will happen, these political elites are untouchable. Congress hasn’t lifted a pen to assign as special investigation on this situation. I am really dismayed with our lawless politicians who get bye with crimes and misdemeanors. Trump is being ripped up and down every day by the political swamp, and also by the socialist in the press.

Larry in Georgia
Larry in Georgia
7 years ago

All of these investigations are just a waste of tax payer money. Any findings in a Clinton investigation would just lead to more investigations and thus more wasted taxpayer money. It is a rare event to ever see any accountability from these type of investigations. The Trump investigation is just a part of the democrats (and Rino) continued efforts to destroy this nation as envisioned by the Founding Fathers.

Jerry York
Jerry York
7 years ago

I agree with Rick, investigate both of them and you should have offered that option on your survey.

LR in Iowa
LR in Iowa
7 years ago

Since Mueller was involved in the FBI during the Clinton/Obama/Holder Uranium Scandal, the Trump investigation needs to be stopped. Mueller has already had a year on the inside to cover up or change the original real evidence to protect his interests. It would be interesting to know who has something on Jeff Sessions. He also needs to be replaced with a powerful leader who can lock arms with Trump to drain the swamp.

scitt thompson
scitt thompson
7 years ago

By finishing the investigation on Trump it ensures that their will never be a question as to collusion between Trump and Russia. AB from San Antonio puts the question in the correct format. Investigation of Hillary and Russia needs to be a FBI investigation not Congressional, I think that to those ends we should find out if Hillary should have been unmasked, that part should be put toward the correct Congressional Committee. I can’t believe Obama was so incompetent that he didn’t know what was going in his Administration.

Jake B.
Jake B.
7 years ago

But switching to an Obama/Clinton investigation wouldn’t follow their agenda of trying to railroad President Trump.

Benthin Dave West
Benthin Dave West
7 years ago

The way government investigations are ran, it could end-up being a life time career for so many. Lots of tax money wasted sufficing dead end rabbit trails stalling for time until it becomes old and/or forgotten. Too many outside non-government professional sources will milk the tarnation out of the government money cow.

But if an investigation is rendered, it must be concise, blunt, and not beating around the bush type findings. Hire a proven reputable, honest and God fearing company to do the investigation such ACLJ…. or AMAC….. They are still individuals with scruples out there who won’t be bought off.

I had worked blue collar jobs in the private sector the biggest part of my work years. After a knee injury, I worked the last 6+ years of working as a government employee ranging from blue collar as a electrician -electrical inspector/compliance to a short stint as a regional electrical-traffic manager which the job was great, the game was whoring out to the upper management/directors agenda’s. Demoting back down to electrician position, I was black-balled the State of Oregon government and from the City of Bend, OR for standing for ethics, honesty, and not playing the good ol boy political correctness game. But I also note there are plenty of crooked private contractors out there as well.

Andrew in Fresno
Andrew in Fresno
7 years ago

Doesn’t contemporary politics remind you of your childhood, when you tried to blame the misbehavior you were guilty of, on your sibling?

Ronald Aitchison
Ronald Aitchison
7 years ago

Too many investigations without fruition. Investigators investigsting each other. Long imbedded government unelected personnel not caring about the will of the people and believing that they have the right to disregard our laws. No country can remain lawless and survive. Re publications and Democrats share the blame but it is the public which either is more interested in Sunday football than the poor education given their children , the lack of morals in society, or the lack of character in each of us to stand up to the politicians , the media and the countries other separatists. George Soros would love to see this country fall and he will enable anyone who will help him. Our universities are a hot bed of anti US sentiment and I believe will eventually fall of their own volition

Maria Rose
Maria Rose
7 years ago

Trick is to convince the paid PC liberals who have been blinded in obedience to realize how much of a problem they have.

Frank Netherwood
Frank Netherwood
7 years ago

The Clintons are the biggest crooked people in politics that we have ever seen. Nixon was a saint compared to them. They should be investigated and they should be locked up. For them to try and make it look like Trump did something with Russia when they sold uranium and profited in the millions of dollars and have crooked Muller and other Democrats trying to get rid of Trump is disgusting.
This PC Socialist, Progressive propaganda is so the Democrats can control the stupid people and bring America down. Obama divided this country and still is out there trying to divide it more. They all need to be stopped and must pay for what they did and President Trump hopefully gets it done.

John Wiley
John Wiley
7 years ago

We should take a out Iran and North Korea

Dr. C.
Dr. C.
7 years ago

I was torn by this question, but I finally chose YES. It has always made more sense that Clinton/Obama had more to gain by the Russia interference in the election. I would like to see Trump totally cleared, but I, too, have little faith in the FBI to do anything non-political. They let the Bill C. and L. Lynch meeting just slide – when there was clearly official misconduct. Clintons, however, need to be FINALLY held accountable for at least one of their many crimes.

Steve Fowler
Steve Fowler
7 years ago

It’s pretty obvious that the Trump/Russia probe is a red herring devised by the political and media elites to distract Trump and his administration from their plans to drain the swamp and end the corruption in Washington that transcends politics and party. Trumps only ally is the American middle class that put him in office.

D. Brown
D. Brown
7 years ago

Not only should we be investigating the Clinton collusion with Russia, but the money the Clinton’s and Soros spent paying demonstrators to disrupt the Republican National Convention and numerous Trump rallies as well as the women they paid to lie about the so called sexual harassment that just went away after they lost the election.

7 years ago

Hillary and Bill were involved in other shennigans long before the Russian Uranium deal. Plenty to investigate about them but the statute of limitations has run out on most of their exploits.

7 years ago


7 years ago

The Clinton-collusion story has been known and documented for at least 2 years. What she facilitated is not only criminal, but treasonous. When are the criminal politicians held to the standards the rest of Americans must live under. The Clinton Family Syndicate should be in prison as I write this. However, justice will most likely not be served. This is shameful and indicative of elitism and a caste society. This needs to end.

B Stout, Weatherford Tx
B Stout, Weatherford Tx
7 years ago

Almost 11 months, absolutely NO evidence of any collusion by Trump, except in the pitifully ignorant minds of mainstream media, and Tons of evidence of Clinton, Obama, Comey, Lynch and the whole Obama administration nothing is being investigated by the DOJ, FBI or any other government agency nor will there be, because the agenda of career politicians is to derail the Trump Presidency so they can continue business as usual which is lining their pockets and screwing the American people

7 years ago

Both she and billy the pervert should be in prison along with all of the demo-commies and 3/4s of all the RINOS in the district of commies!

Martin Steed
Martin Steed
7 years ago

I thought all along that this would happen – or I hoped it would. You can always tell what the Dems have been up to because they accuse the Repubs of doing whatever it is they have done. It’s been going on for years. Just think back and you will see that I am right in this assessment. The Dems are the ones that put people into groups and always identify them as a bloc. The Dems are the ones that allow no deviation from their orthodoxy – think abortion – there are no pro-life Dems, they are not allowed. Remember how they accused Repubs of “stealing” the election in FL, while they counted “Hanging Chads”? And on and on it goes.

Jim Alexander
Jim Alexander
7 years ago

It’s a known fact that Hillary Clinton has been career criminal from her days in the State House in Arkansas; likely due to her close association with Saul Alinsky during the late 1960’s. Her criminal activities; which would have put anyone else behind bars years ago, have been overlooked and her continuous lying accepted as the truth. I seriously doubt she, her husband, Marxist Obama, his enabler Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch will ever see a day in Court or serve one day in prison where all belong. America has two Judicial Systems: one for the wealthy and well connected politicians and one for the peons who elect them.

7 years ago

Hillary needs to be investigated but not by this dishonest group.

7 years ago

My Tax dollars are better spent going after the True Clinton/Russian Uranium deal than the Fake Trump/ Russian rabbit hole chase!

M. Mealhow
M. Mealhow
7 years ago

This woman has no respect for the PUBLIC. She had decided many years ago that she was going to be the First Woman President. She has stepped on everyone in her way, no respect for anyone, and I do not understand why there are ANY people in this Country who vote; who do not understand what this person is doing and has done. She definitely should be tried in our courts of law for the terrible things she has done as our “Secretary of State”, plus all of the other things she did and was suspected of before the Clintons ever got to the White House! I cannot believe that all of the people who supposedly are “Hillary Supporters” are truiy thinking about Honest United States Citizens, even giving a thought about not treating Hillary Clinton as a criminal against our Country.

Larry Mayes
Larry Mayes
7 years ago

Why does media focus on this like a casual conversation when Clinton and much of Obama’s administration was plotting to exchange Plutonium for contributions to the Clinton Foundation to continue the Obama legacy. Anyone noticing under Obama, the aggression of the Putin to Obama’s face?

7 years ago

Clintons and Obamas need some prison time.

7 years ago

All the modern day mass shooters have been registered Liberal Democrats, the recent Kelley shooter was a Liberal.
Isn’t it time to ban Liberal Democrats from owning guns since they cause the problems for the 2nd amendment.

Jim Williams
Jim Williams
7 years ago

Loaded question. They are not going to drop the Trump-Russian Collusion investigation, however the Justice Department can and should open a full investigation of DNC Collusion with the Russians, including Mueller’s role for the FBI, Poedesta’s roll, and the Clinton Foundation. There could be a multitude of simultaneous investigations; Benghazi, Obama’s illegal actions, payoffs, Fast and Furious, Uranium One, etc.

Ernest. Frank
Ernest. Frank
7 years ago

How did JFK get killed so that Hillary wouldn’t have any for Running for Senator in the first place?

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