DOGE is not an official part of government and has no power. It is a part of the MAGA movement. The way I see it, is that DOGE will loudly uncover waste and fraud, finger whole government agencies that have long exceeded their original purpose for sunsetting, show how to cut government employment by eliminating their agencies. Then President Trump will hold the feet of Congress to the fire and woe be to the ones that stand in the way and do not enact the recommendations of Doge into Law. Trump will embrace all of the recommendations of Elon and Vivek. These are the promises of President Trump 47.
Promises made and promises kept. The Republican Congress will be forced to back this or suffer terrible rebukes from President Trump. At least this is how I foresee it being done. I say depopulate Washington DC. MAGA
Bill Keller
1 month ago
From what I understand, DOGE cannot actually make and cuts. All they can do is recommend cuts. It’s up to congress to actually make the cuts. And THAT’S where the problem lies!
Mist Carter
1 month ago
While our current corrupt Commander in Chief takes naps during summit meetings in Africa, or is handing out real and potential pardons that resemble Oprah giving away cars (“You get a pardon; and you get a pardon; and you get a pardon!….”) Donald J. Trump is really the one who is currently in charge as President of the United States.
Trump’s extraordinary cabinet picks, and the creation of the advisory committee known as DOGE, is making bureaucrats, lobbyists, government contractors etc. quiver in their boots! Finally, real action is taking place to address the insurmountable waste of tax-payer dollars that has been rampant in our government for decades and decades.
Besides those things that can be done through Executive Action, Trump and his DOGE team will fearlessly put forth policies to shake up the federal government and shrink it down to the size our Founders envisioned. However, before we can see this come to fruition, there remains a huge obstacle – Congress! History has shown us that Congress are the ones who have allowed this consequential debt to grow and grow.
DOGE will expose all the details of government waste, but will our legislators do anything about it?
“But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction
of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money
to finish it?” Luke 14:28
1 month ago
People are finally waking up to the jacked up mess Biden/Harris are leaving Trump to clean up, and Dems are loosing party members like crazy. Vivak and Elon will do well in getting the excessive spending under control, as long as GOP house and senate stay unified when they vote for changes that are definitely needed. Biden/Harris should just disappear and let a true President with vision do the job, but they will use the next 46 days to screw it up even more. GOP has to hit the bricks running and follow the Trump vision or this country will continue to decline. .
Garry Laxton
1 month ago
Unfortunately, I expect the Demorats and RINO’s to do everything they can to stop any true progress. It will be a very tough battle to accomplish anything significant. What may make it possible is that expect Elon and Vivek to publish everything they do on X, so it can’t be hidden. Of course, the Mainstream Media will twist and distort what is being done.
1 month ago
I am in the cautiously optimistic camp. I am confident they will make progress, but the entrenched government machine will be fighting back every step of the way.
Jon Smyth
1 month ago
It would be LONG overdue to cut the bureaucracy in Washington D.C. It is BADLY needed. However, it is a juggernaut that will be tough to crack. Anything they can get done would help, even if it is just raising awareness and introduces a crack in the dam.
Al K.
1 month ago
Besides blaming the current occupier’s and Dems, the Republicans have plenty of blame too. McConnell and Johnson haven’t been strong strong fiscal conservatives.
With that said, too many “Republicans” in Congress, and the senate, are just there for themselves…we see you John Rose and Brian Fitzpatrick.
With McConnell, Thune, Cornyn, Collins, Murkowski, and Camera hog Graham in the senate, nothing will change.
Unfortunately, over the next couple of Elections, most will loose track of what’s happening and not even get involved or vote. Too many people think by just electing President Trump all is well. He needs help and we need to make sure we elect House and Senate members who will do just that.
1 month ago
..the forces aligned against them are powerful. The fight has begun..
1 month ago
They will come up with a good plan BUT it will be up to Congress (ugh) to see the plans thru, there is where my confidence wanes.
1 month ago
He couldn’t have picked two better men to do this. If it can be done, they will do it.
1 month ago
A trip of a million miles begins with one step. This is that one step. But, persistence is the mother of success that will lead to a positive outcome.
1 month ago
We The People must do our part in holding Congresses feet to the fire. We must act like we are the bosses and not them. We have a perfect and short opportunity to cut the spending and must not sit back and assume Congress will do the right thing.
1 month ago
Those in Congress have been soaking the American People for Billions upon Billions of Dollars and they are not about to give that up willingly. DOGE’s best chance is to find the corruption and have the new DOJ indict those responsible. You have to get the corrupt members and their staff out of Congress to really accomplish anything meaningful.
Edmond Jarrell
1 month ago
Having worked 9-1/2 years prior to retirement at the Bureau of the Census, I can attest to the gross inefficiencies at their data capture operations, as well as during the build up to the Decennial Census. Their methods are poor, and actions are more reactionary than intentional.
During the 2010 Census I changed methods in the logistics operation and made it possible for people to be redeployed to other operations eliminating the need to hire others. We used fewer people to get our job done, by between 70-75% fewer than the prior Census number; resulting in a savings in excess of $130 million dollars.
So, yes they can be successful reducing the size of government.
Thomas Wuthrich
1 month ago
I believe Elon and Vivek will make every effort to help streamline government by pointing out fraud, abuse and incompetence, but that the Deep State will do whatever they can to undermine their efforts; not just by overwhelming them with lawsuits, but by sabotaging computer systems, destroying records, etc. I put nothing past the entrenched bureaucracy.
1 month ago
They will only be effective if congress and the deep state, aka the swamp does not block their efforts. Continued increasing debt will eventually destroy the Republic.
1 month ago
Most people have no idea of the actual extent of government waste. It is galactic. It is almost impossible to believe. I think the most important thing DOGE will accomplish is informing the public of the enormity of the problem. Elon and Vivek will be posting on X and other media, on a daily basis, examples of how, and to the extent our government wastes our money. This will produce a groundswell of angry voices, which will demand reforms.
1 month ago
I see a lot of people are not sure if the DOGE Brothers will succeed. Some items President Trump will be able to do by executive orders others require the swamp to act. My advice to everyone is to call your senators and congressmen and voice your opinion about wasteful spending. Stay involved, it is our country we are trying to save! MAGA
1 month ago
The Swamp is relentless in protecting their way of life and will be quite resistant to any change! I pray President Trump and his DOGE appointees are able to implement the changes drastically needed! If they meet with resistance, we need to know from whom so they can be voted out in the next cycle. We cannot become complacent in our tolerance of the Marxist Left thinly disguised as Democrats and RINO’s! They must be booted from public office and never be permitted back again!!
Marty M
1 month ago
They certainly have a better shot at it than the crummy commies!
Eddie J Carroll
1 month ago
This IS a WIN, failure is NOT an option!!!
I hope THAT every RED BLOODED AMERICAN realizes THIS!!!
R Meyer
1 month ago
I believe the Dems will fight them with everything they have and probably some RINO republicans.
1 month ago
It’s going to expose the waste and corruption in our government but any changes still will be done by Congress. Now that’s the problem. It’s like taking money away from yourself. It’s probably not going to make a difference. I pray that I am wrong.
1 month ago
We are forgetting the pushback Trump will be getting from the other side, whether it be democrats or rinos, that will try to hinder his every move. He will be labeled everything in the book but i hope he can withstand the forces of evil enough to get at least some if his agenda accomplished
1 month ago
Something needs to happen to cut government spending. These two men have a lot of financial success so let’s give them a chance.
1 month ago
I’m actually between the top two choices. I love the team of Vivek and Elon, I think they are both brilliant and have the nation’s best interest at heart. We could not ask for two more qualified people. I worry that the deep state will go to any length to hinder them and of course, they’ll be aided and abetted every step of the way by the evil party and their ministry of disinformation .
Colleen Sanders
1 month ago
Musk and Ramaswamy will tear the bandage off government bloat and reveal what’s festering beneath the layers of dead weight. They will announce most of their findings, publicly, and it will be up to Trump and Republicans to get Congress to vote for cuts. This is a new era with a few Progressive holdouts (still being led by Obama) who no longer have the power or influence to strong arm Democrats over radical ideology. Pelosi’s influence has waned, and while she can still threaten to withhold campaign funds from Dems, I think those same Dems will rat her out. Common sense has returned and I cannot believe every Dem in Congress supported the radical Leftist agenda. They were running scared…Now is the time for change, and I believe that change will happen.
1 month ago
Plain and simple Trump brought the ship sailing pretty smooth last time..I feel his team will exceed the issues this time!
Kevin M.
1 month ago
If anyone can do it, those two can. However, Congress will need to show a level of courage it has heretofore been unable to summon. Republicans will need to be united and conduct a full-court press. Thus the cautious optimism.
Dan W.
1 month ago
Musk and Ramaswamy may have a directive to cut spending but only Congress can do the actual cutting.
That fact combined with the proposed tax cuts that are on the table will guarantee that our National Debt will continue to increase over the next four years.
1 month ago
Mist of our tax dollars are wasted. There are too many federal employees, too many departments that have no real purpose other than nepatizm – income for family members who ‘work from home’ – our tax dollars go to support private businesses – NPR , planned parenthood, etc. this administration just gave millions to support the hospital in Martha’s Vineyard – we waste millions on research programs that have no real purpose – developing transgender monkeys, giving cocaine to animals- any sane single mom could cut trillions out of the federal budget. Yeah, I’m fairly certain DOGE will work – provided the dems don’t find a way to sabotage it- that’s their strongest ability – there’s no way to corrupt, too low for them to go keep the money & power they’ve enjoyed for too long. – Dems & the RINO’s – corruption & power is why they stay for decades.
1 month ago
I’m not sure how all of these changes are gonna work, but I am sure it’s gonna be fun to watch!! Bring it on President Trump!
1 month ago
Every spending bill by the government should have to prove that the money was spent for the whole country not individuals use for congress pet home projects.
1 month ago
Who better to trim the fat than a team of proven highly successful businessmen? It’s about time we assign tasks to professionals instead of crooked politicians out to line their own pockets.
1 month ago
I think DOGE can get the job done. The problem is how much will the democrats try to stop that. I do believe their goal is to bankrupt this country but DOGE is antithetical to that end. More people need to realize that the democrat party does not have their best interest at heart.
1 month ago
If America’s ENEMIES WITHIN (The Deep State, DC Swamp, Damnocraps and worthless RINOs) are held at bay and quickly anialated, and ALL of his nominees are quickly confirme, then Trump’s magnificent promises, agenda, and plans WILL without question MAGA.
David Julian
1 month ago
I worked in a City Government for 27 years; saw a lot and learned a lot. I firmly believe Elon and Vivek will be effective in their mission, but know their best asset is going to be persistence. Money is the food for the obstacle; it’s going to be Unions, Government Management, Good Ol Boys and politicians of all ilks creating the obstacle.
Don Pfettscher
1 month ago
The poll is worded poorly. The DOGE cannot cut anything. The DOGE can only recommend programs, agencies, etc. to be cut. It’s congress that will actually have to do the cutting and therein lies the problem. If congress would do it, we wouldn’t have the financial disaster that is the national debt (funded and unfunded debt).
T Ritchey
1 month ago
I believe they will be able to reduce the deficit by reducing spending visla downsizing our government, and creating revenue by leasing federally owned assets.
1 month ago
It all comes down to democrats ranting and Judges can Elon and Viveck handle the scandalous accusations and what Judges decide the court battles. Goodluck with the Dept of Education and their mantra ” it’s all for the kids”
David Rothwell
1 month ago
It won’t take a genius to find unnecessary spending but, it will take a great deal of savvy to lawfully castrate this raging bull of a government, Please dear God, let these gifted men find their ultimate purpose in preserving your peoples nation.
1 month ago
Praying for the success of the DOGE Brothers and cooperation from Congress ????
Robert Frutiger
1 month ago
The “Deep Sate” is too entrenched. I don’t think they will be able make significant inroads, but I hope I am wrong.
1 month ago
Since 96% of federal employees work from home, the process of getting them back to the office, meeting and setting up realistic production targets for each, and ultimately removing any of them from the “guaranteed job for life” program that is the federal government is a hope and a dream. BUT Trump has been under estimated time and time again, so maybe he can pull this off.
Between deporting illegals and removing unnecessary and non productive parts of government; these are tall orders and will be met with tons of resistance. The deep state is deep.
1 month ago
Glad for al;l the best intentions, but Congress has built up such an immunity for themselves, they (as a body) are not about to let loose of control or money.
M Settle
1 month ago
I would hope so but it may be that we Americans are so dependent on our spoiled life of handouts that it won’t succeed. Gone are that days of SELF reliance and SELF responsibility. We have expected that Uncle Sam will take care of us. Sad!!!!!
William T Barger
1 month ago
I hope that DOGE can cut government spending but it will be very difficult because the deep state is very deep/entrenched and powerful and the Democrats will do everything they can to thwart their efforts. There are a lot of squish RINOs who will also work against them. The “main stream” liberal media will also object to almost everything they propose.
1 month ago
I am very excited about the potential they have to right the ever sinking ship. However, I expect their efforts to be thwarted constantly, and anticipate their success with be disappointing in reality.
1 month ago
As long as a large chunk of the electorate votes for a living nothing will change.
DOGE is not an official part of government and has no power. It is a part of the MAGA movement. The way I see it, is that DOGE will loudly uncover waste and fraud, finger whole government agencies that have long exceeded their original purpose for sunsetting, show how to cut government employment by eliminating their agencies. Then President Trump will hold the feet of Congress to the fire and woe be to the ones that stand in the way and do not enact the recommendations of Doge into Law. Trump will embrace all of the recommendations of Elon and Vivek. These are the promises of President Trump 47.
Promises made and promises kept. The Republican Congress will be forced to back this or suffer terrible rebukes from President Trump. At least this is how I foresee it being done. I say depopulate Washington DC. MAGA
From what I understand, DOGE cannot actually make and cuts. All they can do is recommend cuts. It’s up to congress to actually make the cuts. And THAT’S where the problem lies!
While our current corrupt Commander in Chief takes naps during summit meetings in Africa, or is handing out real and potential pardons that resemble Oprah giving away cars (“You get a pardon; and you get a pardon; and you get a pardon!….”) Donald J. Trump is really the one who is currently in charge as President of the United States.
Trump’s extraordinary cabinet picks, and the creation of the advisory committee known as DOGE, is making bureaucrats, lobbyists, government contractors etc. quiver in their boots! Finally, real action is taking place to address the insurmountable waste of tax-payer dollars that has been rampant in our government for decades and decades.
Besides those things that can be done through Executive Action, Trump and his DOGE team will fearlessly put forth policies to shake up the federal government and shrink it down to the size our Founders envisioned. However, before we can see this come to fruition, there remains a huge obstacle – Congress! History has shown us that Congress are the ones who have allowed this consequential debt to grow and grow.
DOGE will expose all the details of government waste, but will our legislators do anything about it?
“But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction
of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money
to finish it?” Luke 14:28
People are finally waking up to the jacked up mess Biden/Harris are leaving Trump to clean up, and Dems are loosing party members like crazy. Vivak and Elon will do well in getting the excessive spending under control, as long as GOP house and senate stay unified when they vote for changes that are definitely needed. Biden/Harris should just disappear and let a true President with vision do the job, but they will use the next 46 days to screw it up even more. GOP has to hit the bricks running and follow the Trump vision or this country will continue to decline. .
Unfortunately, I expect the Demorats and RINO’s to do everything they can to stop any true progress. It will be a very tough battle to accomplish anything significant. What may make it possible is that expect Elon and Vivek to publish everything they do on X, so it can’t be hidden. Of course, the Mainstream Media will twist and distort what is being done.
I am in the cautiously optimistic camp. I am confident they will make progress, but the entrenched government machine will be fighting back every step of the way.
It would be LONG overdue to cut the bureaucracy in Washington D.C. It is BADLY needed. However, it is a juggernaut that will be tough to crack. Anything they can get done would help, even if it is just raising awareness and introduces a crack in the dam.
Besides blaming the current occupier’s and Dems, the Republicans have plenty of blame too. McConnell and Johnson haven’t been strong strong fiscal conservatives.
With that said, too many “Republicans” in Congress, and the senate, are just there for themselves…we see you John Rose and Brian Fitzpatrick.
With McConnell, Thune, Cornyn, Collins, Murkowski, and Camera hog Graham in the senate, nothing will change.
Unfortunately, over the next couple of Elections, most will loose track of what’s happening and not even get involved or vote. Too many people think by just electing President Trump all is well. He needs help and we need to make sure we elect House and Senate members who will do just that.
..the forces aligned against them are powerful. The fight has begun..
They will come up with a good plan BUT it will be up to Congress (ugh) to see the plans thru, there is where my confidence wanes.
He couldn’t have picked two better men to do this. If it can be done, they will do it.
A trip of a million miles begins with one step. This is that one step. But, persistence is the mother of success that will lead to a positive outcome.
We The People must do our part in holding Congresses feet to the fire. We must act like we are the bosses and not them. We have a perfect and short opportunity to cut the spending and must not sit back and assume Congress will do the right thing.
Those in Congress have been soaking the American People for Billions upon Billions of Dollars and they are not about to give that up willingly. DOGE’s best chance is to find the corruption and have the new DOJ indict those responsible. You have to get the corrupt members and their staff out of Congress to really accomplish anything meaningful.
Having worked 9-1/2 years prior to retirement at the Bureau of the Census, I can attest to the gross inefficiencies at their data capture operations, as well as during the build up to the Decennial Census. Their methods are poor, and actions are more reactionary than intentional.
During the 2010 Census I changed methods in the logistics operation and made it possible for people to be redeployed to other operations eliminating the need to hire others. We used fewer people to get our job done, by between 70-75% fewer than the prior Census number; resulting in a savings in excess of $130 million dollars.
So, yes they can be successful reducing the size of government.
I believe Elon and Vivek will make every effort to help streamline government by pointing out fraud, abuse and incompetence, but that the Deep State will do whatever they can to undermine their efforts; not just by overwhelming them with lawsuits, but by sabotaging computer systems, destroying records, etc. I put nothing past the entrenched bureaucracy.
They will only be effective if congress and the deep state, aka the swamp does not block their efforts. Continued increasing debt will eventually destroy the Republic.
Most people have no idea of the actual extent of government waste. It is galactic. It is almost impossible to believe. I think the most important thing DOGE will accomplish is informing the public of the enormity of the problem. Elon and Vivek will be posting on X and other media, on a daily basis, examples of how, and to the extent our government wastes our money. This will produce a groundswell of angry voices, which will demand reforms.
I see a lot of people are not sure if the DOGE Brothers will succeed. Some items President Trump will be able to do by executive orders others require the swamp to act. My advice to everyone is to call your senators and congressmen and voice your opinion about wasteful spending. Stay involved, it is our country we are trying to save! MAGA
The Swamp is relentless in protecting their way of life and will be quite resistant to any change! I pray President Trump and his DOGE appointees are able to implement the changes drastically needed! If they meet with resistance, we need to know from whom so they can be voted out in the next cycle. We cannot become complacent in our tolerance of the Marxist Left thinly disguised as Democrats and RINO’s! They must be booted from public office and never be permitted back again!!
They certainly have a better shot at it than the crummy commies!
This IS a WIN, failure is NOT an option!!!
I hope THAT every RED BLOODED AMERICAN realizes THIS!!!
I believe the Dems will fight them with everything they have and probably some RINO republicans.
It’s going to expose the waste and corruption in our government but any changes still will be done by Congress. Now that’s the problem. It’s like taking money away from yourself. It’s probably not going to make a difference. I pray that I am wrong.
We are forgetting the pushback Trump will be getting from the other side, whether it be democrats or rinos, that will try to hinder his every move. He will be labeled everything in the book but i hope he can withstand the forces of evil enough to get at least some if his agenda accomplished
Something needs to happen to cut government spending. These two men have a lot of financial success so let’s give them a chance.
I’m actually between the top two choices. I love the team of Vivek and Elon, I think they are both brilliant and have the nation’s best interest at heart. We could not ask for two more qualified people. I worry that the deep state will go to any length to hinder them and of course, they’ll be aided and abetted every step of the way by the evil party and their ministry of disinformation .
Musk and Ramaswamy will tear the bandage off government bloat and reveal what’s festering beneath the layers of dead weight. They will announce most of their findings, publicly, and it will be up to Trump and Republicans to get Congress to vote for cuts. This is a new era with a few Progressive holdouts (still being led by Obama) who no longer have the power or influence to strong arm Democrats over radical ideology. Pelosi’s influence has waned, and while she can still threaten to withhold campaign funds from Dems, I think those same Dems will rat her out. Common sense has returned and I cannot believe every Dem in Congress supported the radical Leftist agenda. They were running scared…Now is the time for change, and I believe that change will happen.
Plain and simple Trump brought the ship sailing pretty smooth last time..I feel his team will exceed the issues this time!
If anyone can do it, those two can. However, Congress will need to show a level of courage it has heretofore been unable to summon. Republicans will need to be united and conduct a full-court press. Thus the cautious optimism.
Musk and Ramaswamy may have a directive to cut spending but only Congress can do the actual cutting.
That fact combined with the proposed tax cuts that are on the table will guarantee that our National Debt will continue to increase over the next four years.
Mist of our tax dollars are wasted. There are too many federal employees, too many departments that have no real purpose other than nepatizm – income for family members who ‘work from home’ – our tax dollars go to support private businesses – NPR , planned parenthood, etc. this administration just gave millions to support the hospital in Martha’s Vineyard – we waste millions on research programs that have no real purpose – developing transgender monkeys, giving cocaine to animals- any sane single mom could cut trillions out of the federal budget. Yeah, I’m fairly certain DOGE will work – provided the dems don’t find a way to sabotage it- that’s their strongest ability – there’s no way to corrupt, too low for them to go keep the money & power they’ve enjoyed for too long. – Dems & the RINO’s – corruption & power is why they stay for decades.
I’m not sure how all of these changes are gonna work, but I am sure it’s gonna be fun to watch!! Bring it on President Trump!
Every spending bill by the government should have to prove that the money was spent for the whole country not individuals use for congress pet home projects.
Who better to trim the fat than a team of proven highly successful businessmen? It’s about time we assign tasks to professionals instead of crooked politicians out to line their own pockets.
I think DOGE can get the job done. The problem is how much will the democrats try to stop that. I do believe their goal is to bankrupt this country but DOGE is antithetical to that end. More people need to realize that the democrat party does not have their best interest at heart.
If America’s ENEMIES WITHIN (The Deep State, DC Swamp, Damnocraps and worthless RINOs) are held at bay and quickly anialated, and ALL of his nominees are quickly confirme, then Trump’s magnificent promises, agenda, and plans WILL without question MAGA.
I worked in a City Government for 27 years; saw a lot and learned a lot. I firmly believe Elon and Vivek will be effective in their mission, but know their best asset is going to be persistence. Money is the food for the obstacle; it’s going to be Unions, Government Management, Good Ol Boys and politicians of all ilks creating the obstacle.
The poll is worded poorly. The DOGE cannot cut anything. The DOGE can only recommend programs, agencies, etc. to be cut. It’s congress that will actually have to do the cutting and therein lies the problem. If congress would do it, we wouldn’t have the financial disaster that is the national debt (funded and unfunded debt).
I believe they will be able to reduce the deficit by reducing spending visla downsizing our government, and creating revenue by leasing federally owned assets.
It all comes down to democrats ranting and Judges can Elon and Viveck handle the scandalous accusations and what Judges decide the court battles. Goodluck with the Dept of Education and their mantra ” it’s all for the kids”
It won’t take a genius to find unnecessary spending but, it will take a great deal of savvy to lawfully castrate this raging bull of a government, Please dear God, let these gifted men find their ultimate purpose in preserving your peoples nation.
Praying for the success of the DOGE Brothers and cooperation from Congress ????
The “Deep Sate” is too entrenched. I don’t think they will be able make significant inroads, but I hope I am wrong.
Since 96% of federal employees work from home, the process of getting them back to the office, meeting and setting up realistic production targets for each, and ultimately removing any of them from the “guaranteed job for life” program that is the federal government is a hope and a dream. BUT Trump has been under estimated time and time again, so maybe he can pull this off.
Between deporting illegals and removing unnecessary and non productive parts of government; these are tall orders and will be met with tons of resistance. The deep state is deep.
Glad for al;l the best intentions, but Congress has built up such an immunity for themselves, they (as a body) are not about to let loose of control or money.
I would hope so but it may be that we Americans are so dependent on our spoiled life of handouts that it won’t succeed. Gone are that days of SELF reliance and SELF responsibility. We have expected that Uncle Sam will take care of us. Sad!!!!!
I hope that DOGE can cut government spending but it will be very difficult because the deep state is very deep/entrenched and powerful and the Democrats will do everything they can to thwart their efforts. There are a lot of squish RINOs who will also work against them. The “main stream” liberal media will also object to almost everything they propose.
I am very excited about the potential they have to right the ever sinking ship. However, I expect their efforts to be thwarted constantly, and anticipate their success with be disappointing in reality.
As long as a large chunk of the electorate votes for a living nothing will change.