Believe the Mueller Probe should end IF complete as I seriously believe there’s nothing there. However, the probe appears to be bringing out the bad guys moreso then against our President. That I like!
Jerry Richmond
7 years ago
We need to stop wasting millions of dollars on an, obviously, biased investigation team. The special council is supposed to be investigating a crime, not looking for a crime to investigate. It’s been over a year and where is the “Russian collusion”? So far, the net result is not much of anything… a few process crimes and 7 million dollars spent to get them. Ridiculous! Let’s get a new investigation going on the Uranium 1 deal.
7 years ago
from all I have seen it seems it should end as far as Trump. Time to look at the deals of the past administration and Sec. of state. Seems like a lot more smoke there than any where
Tony Woodard
7 years ago
After over a year of investigating and still not one single shred of evidence proving any sort of Russian collusion with the Trump administration, it’s clear the investigation has turned into a witch hunt to impeach Trump. The only collusion found has been between the FBI and the DNC to prevent Trump becoming president.
7 years ago
At the rate they’re going, the democrats will be begging them to stop. Someone needs to investigate Mueller’s role in Uranium 1.
George DeKramer
7 years ago
It really bothers me the team investigating this. They are all Democrat, Hillary supporters. The greater things being exposed is the Democrat collusion and pay to play system Hillary set up. End the probe.
David Moak
7 years ago
IF the Mueller investigation were truly non-partisan and IF true justice would come from the investigation, I would like Mueller to continue to follow the trail that they have uncovered with Hillary Clinton, FBI, DOJ and Fusion GPS until such time that all who were involved in any illegal activity are jailed. Unfortunately, I believe Mueller and his team are just as tainted as the individuals they would be investigating. Criminals will not convict criminals.
Thomas Wuthrich
7 years ago
This poll would’ve been more valuable if you’d offered TWO “Yes” choices: (1) Yes, Mueller should narrow his probe to possible collusion and wrap it up as soon as possible…and (2) Yes, President Trump or AG Sessions should shut it down. My choice would be the first option.
Meanwhile, the Justice Department Inspector General, Michael Horowitz APPEARS to be doing a good job rooting out corruption in that department. Nevertheless, he was an Obama appoinee. So, I would favor keeping open the possibility of appointing a separate special counsel to look into matters of JD corruption during the Obama administration and since President Trump took office. The “Deep State” is real and seems dedicated to its chosen mission of sabotaging the current administration.
7 years ago
Bruce Hanson
7 years ago
Let Mueller go on. The hole he’s digging will show his legacy and the others also. Each involved “must” be investigated to the fullest extent. All should be treated
as any ordinary citizen would have been treated. Trump will pardon Flyne as he should.
7 years ago
The only lawful, justified collusion investigation involving a foreigner should be that of the indirect ties between George Soros and The DNC. Follow the dirty money back to Soros via aggressive FOIA requests that will eventually reveal the several partners linking Soros to subversive tactics and actions. Then, put an international warrant out for his arrest.
7 years ago
I think if they follow the correct path (the truth in this case) they will find the road leads to the most corrupt administration in the history of this country. And I would bet all the way up the chain. It started with Eric holder and Obama and carried on into lynch and Obama. They never thought the American people would vote for Trump so they were safe……wrong! The loyalty oath was asked by Obama not trump and the collusion was the Obama administration and the Democratic Party
James Easley
7 years ago
Mueller investigation has been instrumental in revealing crimes committed by DNC and Clinton
Campaign Committee’s attempt to stop Trump campaign and election. The revelations of FBI crime is astonishing and needs to be purged.
Mueller’s investigations will be instrumental in airing these DNC, Clinton, and FBI
crimes against democracy; thereby fulfilling President Trump’s campaign promise of draining the swamp.
Let the Light of truth shine brightly, now.
Brian Sunday
7 years ago
How come Mueller hasn’t shifted his focus to the previous administration since they were aware of Russian interference months before the election? Simple answer: Obama was aware of it but didn’t count on Trump winning the election. Had Trump lost, none of this would have been revealed. The AG needs to fire every corrupt FBI agent and have them lose their pensions. Dems don’t believe there are any serious crimes committed by these agents. Just suppose they were investigating a civil rights violation and the agent was connected to a white hate group, would they let that pass? Of course not, nor should they. The bias here is unbelievable!
Thomas Cashin
7 years ago
Stop the witch Hunt.
Mike S
7 years ago
AG Sessions needs to UN-recuse himself, fire Mueller, then appoint a special council to investigate Clinton collusion within her campaign, including email scandal, Comey, McCabe, the Clinton “foundation” and pay to play, the Clinton / Lynch tarmac meeting, Uranium One, and the Fusion GPS Dossier, Bill Clinton’s speaking fees in Russia, and the ties between Mueller, Rosenstein, Weisman and Hillary Clinton! After all they already did a COMPLETE investigation on President Trump. Not to mention, both Strzok, and his Mistress Page, should be fired not demoted, and possibly even tried and put in jail.
Ron G. Powhatan, Virginia
7 years ago
The Mueller probe should be shut down. There is no evidence President Trump “colluded with Russia to hack the 2016 election”.
On the other hand. . . the NON-investigation of the HRC state department email scheme needs to be THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATED. Many bad actors involved in that scheme AND the FBI & DOJ NON-investigation / coverup of the crimes associated with that scheme. Hillary, Cheryl Mills, Huma and others violated many laws in setting up and running that illegal email scheme. The Obama administration looked the other way and allowed this scheme to operate, THEN had FBI & DOJ cover-up for the schemers. Pathetic. FBI insiders are coming out with the truth NOW. INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE this SCHEME and its COVERUP. ALSO, the DNC along with FBI & DOJ leadership apparently took actions to link the incoming President with a FALSE charge of colluding with Russians! Something (BIG) really stinks in the swamp.
Willard Edwards
7 years ago
How about spending our dollars on Veterans, homeless or social security? All we are doing right now is making DC lawyers richer. Somebody should wake up Sessions so we can move on with important issues.
Jim Wachs
7 years ago
ALL of these comments are exactly to the point, BUT… as long as the media, Hollywood and the “Kimmels “get the radical opinions and fake news into American living rooms every night, the Trump administration has a long and frustrating row to hoe. It’s about time to bring a rash of libel and slander lawsuits against all of them.
7 years ago
The problem of this so called investigation is that it is not just Mueller but it is a Washington DC problem.
Edmund Burke is right.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
If the few good people we have left had done what they were sent to DC to do his investigation would have been started.
Steven Tapper
7 years ago
It’s become increasingly clear that the Democrats insistence on having a special prosecutor to investigate Donald Trump and his Administration was a deliberate attempt to discredit the President and to shift the discussion away from the DNC and Hillary Clinton. If there had been any “collusion” with the Russians it would have been discovered by now. Robert Mueller, who has expanded his investigation to go after Paul Manafort and General Flynn, has not been able to connect the President or anyone in his administration with any improper dealings with the Russians. This is especially bothersome because so many of the players in this investigation have been implicated in the Uranium 1 deal with the Russians. This underhanded and corrupt deal to sell 20% of our uranium reserves to the Russians only to enrich the Clinton Foundation is, in my opinion, treason.
7 years ago
Independent investigators should not be that free to exercise the mandate forever. Exit criteria of time and findings should be part of the marching orders. At this time he has not been able to find anything linking the Republicans to the Russia-Russia liberal diatribe. None found in a year +. Investigation should be closed with one of the finding being the Democratic party collusion with the FBI and the Russians for which there seems to be plenty of evidence tainting high level FBI investigations and FISA court all the way back to last Spring. What is Sessions doing about this?
Mrs. Robyn
7 years ago
Perhaps if Congressional Republicans would grow backbones and start indicting some of Mueller’s little democrat toadies, instead of Trey Gowdy just acting tough and telling the FBI what bad boys they have been, that would bring out some more of these Trump-haters from Mueller’s witch hunt committee and we could be rid of those liars.
7 years ago
Yes the Mueller probe should end ASAP, and also disclose what ” findings” they managed to fish around for. It is a needless, pointless, and very biased and flawed “fishingtrip” at taxpayer expense. It also distracts attention away from the business of good governance and the topics that need focus and attention: like egs. paying off the national debt, immigration, true tax reform, the economy, national defense, etc, etc etc, Note to Mueller and company – …….there’s NOTHING THERE.
7 years ago
Yes, close down Mueller’s corrupt and partisan investigation. Then, turn up the Congressional investigations into H. Clinton and her minions, Comey and the FBI and other government officials involved in setting up this part of the “resistance”, and the Mueller “investigation” itself. This whole outrage has created a great concern over whether the Constitution is the law of the land anymore.
7 years ago
change direction and investigate hrc
7 years ago
It is literally disgraceful and totally anti American how special interests can be allowed to whine and cry and in effect try to remove a legitimately elected president because (they) don’t like him. It amazes and scares me that they have no respect for our election system or the voters that put him in office. If you’re not of their mind you are irrelevant. Scary, not how this Republic was intended to be. In my opinion it borders on treason. It is our responsibility to make sure this does not continue. We have to all vote in every election to preserve our constitution which they are attempting to make their values and ideas these same anti American representatives. It is time they are all voted out.
7 years ago
If after a almost a year of investigation (with a staff of pro Hillary Clinton investigators) and nothing substantial has come from it, can we please move on?! We have other pressing needs to be accomplished!
Will Stilley
7 years ago
Stop it as soon as possible and quit wasting TAX PAYER MONEY!!! Will
7 years ago
Yes, after a year, there is no evidence of collusion. Now, people within the Republican campaign are being charged with personal violations that are not even related to the original investigation. If this is the case, and Mueller is really looking for the truth, then the Democratic Clinton campaign should also be investigated in the same way since evidence of collusion is now pointing in that direction. If this does not happen, this just proves the bias in our FBI and judicial system. This is corruption within our government. And don’t count on the biased news media to get the truth out to the people. Most people still do not know what is going on since the news they rely on is not honest and truthful, but biased.
7 years ago
Accidentally selected No! I meant to select YES!
Jay T.
7 years ago
It will NOT ‘end’ . . .
Don’t ANY of you realize that it is nothing more than ‘JOB SECURITY’ / ‘A NEVER-ENDING PAYCHECK’ for Mueller and all he has ‘hired’?
As long as nobody has the ‘cajones’ to FIRE him, he can take the ‘search’ to Mars and beyond, if he wishes!
Worse yet . . .
OUR Atty. General seems to be totally useless!
7 years ago
Time is of the essence ! This world is in much need of care,and wasting time on issues that never produce any hidden fruit such as Russian and the its involvement with our Commander in Chief, is a waste time , and wasted peoples money on issues that don’t exist ! You may not like our Commander in Chief,but he is who he is. Our economy is booming, people are getting back to work, due to new jobs. Hey ! Election comes up in 3 years, and you can way the difference then! But for Gods sake,{ congress and the house}, please get on with real issues now, like Korea, and at home, a country that is divided will never stand ! We need to unite as one country under God, and if the word God is not pleasing to you.”One people under one government for unity.” We all bleed red blood,regardless of color or creed. Lets keep what our fathers fought so hard to protect,”Freedom”. Your right to choose in a way of life legal,and without due process. That does not mean,fighting against our brothers and sisters. Our forefathers did that years ago,and we should never forget what they fought for ! Blood ran rapid back then,and we paid the price. Slavery is now gone,and blood was spilt then for the cause of freedom, black and white. We should give thanks for the price we paid then. Black and white fought side by side for a single cause. Now we are faced with a new cause for peace. We are fighting an evil that has been around for centuries,but we the people have never faced it on a scale such is today ! The world has gone mad, and seeks power through terror and control. Our united brotherhood is very simple. Resist and maintain freedom. If we turn away from this problem,we loose. Lets reunite and let Freedom ring again ! We are the people who can do this. We have a calling that no one else can do! In the words of { J.F.K.} “Ask not what the country can do for YOU,Ask what you can do for YOUR Country !” Think about that ?
7 years ago
Actually the poll results should read 97.28% for halting the investigation . 1.6% against and .67% unsure. In any case Mueller should quit. $7.5 million down the tubes.
Lloyd Perrigo
7 years ago
We need the investigation to continue to its conclusion with full support of the administration and Congress. We need to know fully how the Russians were involved in the election if we are to prevent it next time. There is enough evidence of collusion to lead us to believe it unless investigators can show that it did not occur. Halting the investigation would look like obstruction. Why did so many campaign and administration members lie about their Russia contacts?
7 years ago
Ending the Mueller investigation would be a major move in “draining the swamp” and ending the bogus, Democrat inspired coup of our legitimately elected President.
7 years ago
All this investigation amounts to is an attempt by the establishment, republican and democrat alike, preventing Trump from doing the business the majority of the electoral college voted him to do. The established old boy network despises the fact that he wants to trim the useless fat, bloated bureaucracy, and reduce/end corruption. and this career politicians who have already carved up the pieces of the pie for both parties, don’t want that to happen. Already we have had good results. Look at the stock market. Look at hiring. In my area, there are job opening signs all over as the American economy is moving once again. Get regulation out of our lives and things start happening. And I am not talking about necessary regulation, but stupid stuff–like the lack of trust in the VA. Clean up the FBI. we are hearing more and more everyday how it is not independent, but rather it was turning into an arm of the KGB. Put coal miners back to work. End the devastation of the ACA where people are paying more for health insurance. Remember these two bit political hacks in DC who are not doing as they promised and vote them out. Both dem and rep. Democrats lied when they said no new taxes and we got stuck with the ACA, which was ruled a tax by the Supreme Court. And the reps who lied when they said vote us in and we will end the ACA, revise taxes, and reduce government. These clowns have not done anything but allowed the Obama era mess to stand. I for one believe all this points to the fact that the establishment old boy network does not want Trump to do anything and is using these made up allegations and investigations to stop and forward progress.
7 years ago
Nothing has been proven and since Meuller has been given limitless resources, that tells me that there is nothing there.
I predict that the Trump investigation will eventually die. However, the the Democrats also are now adding to their spending of taxpayer dollars by focusing on Trump’s alleged sexual misconduct which ,even if proved to be partially true, was PRE becoming President. So, the effort to impeach will also likely implode within Congress since impeaching for PRE presidential activity, unless criminal, is anything but clear and effectively Congress can decide what is impeachable and what is not. I doubt the present Congress would impeach Trump on his pre President sexual misbehavior since Trump is accomplishing much for the country despite total resistance and obstructionism by the Denocrats.. So more Democratic wasted taxpayer money.
Although,if sexual misconduct is partially proved, it may tarnish Trump’s past character, but it is not likely an impeachable activity. Clinton was not impeached for his sexual misconduct. He was impeached for lying under oath.
So, millions and millions of taxpayer dollars will be wasted. This will continue until the Democratic American voters have had enough of their tax dollars wasted. At some point, Democratic voters will tell their representatives to get back to doing the country’s business—-maybe. However, the Democrats will have a real problem with that because anti Trump is their only platform. They don’t know how to run the country’s business except through the lenses of corporate donors and self reinforcing activities that ensure their re-election but do nothing for the country.
However, there is another synergy that will be difficult to break and that is the media’s love affair with the Democrats. That affair is symbiotic because the sensationalism of the Democrats against Trump and his administration has made the media rich as well. So for the Democrats to completely drop Russian collusion and sexual misconduct and any other anti Trump issues they plan to focus on, will be difficult and unlikely unless the people put a stop to it. I doubt that will happen either as long as people like Soros and big donors continue to stoke the fires.
So prediction—Trump will succeed as President in making America great again, but Democrats will find other ways to minimize his successes until the 2020 election. It will only be then they will start focusing on the country instead of Trump if they hope to again be a major player in the elections.
John Lanski
7 years ago
This proves my dogs were smarter than I was. We all started out as democrats but it didn’t take them seventy years to open their eyes.
7 years ago
How come Communist infiltration & interference in our society was encouraged & accepted by the Democrat Party but Russian “collusion” is not? It is the same people.
AMACer in Florida
7 years ago
The whole Mueller investigation should never have begun. Why do we tolerate government wasting our money? AMAC, AARP and hundreds of civic and religious groups account for enough Americans to speak loudly enough to make Washington listen. We are reaping what we have sown. Now its time to burn the field and start again adhering to our founding principles. Term limits for national office would have prevented this cancer in our government. Eliminate Civil Service next which promotes laziness, waste and poor service. It’s called Public Service. Not Public Careers.
Mary Lee
7 years ago
When investigation is completed and found Trump free and clear, good. If he is not innocent then that should be determined too.
Mary Lee
7 years ago
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty, and a jury of 12 decides; not the news media re sexual offenses. use product liability focus, accepting reasonable risk…why go to a married man’s apt or home etc. Drugging someone is another story.
Edwin C Leach
7 years ago
Socialist – Communist agenda to destroy America. Government should begin treason charges.
Navy CDR (RET)
7 years ago
Actually, my take is that the probe should switch from Trump (The Russian Collusion Illusion) to the Uranium One-Rosatom-Clinton Foundation True Russian Collusion (The True Russian Collusion) and maybe investigate the Iranian Nuclear Deal. More of our Intelligence Agencies are not paying attention to the true threats to the United States of America.
7 years ago
First, let me start by saying that your computation of the yes votes is a bit off kilter. Your showing 161% of the votes as being “yes” votes, when in reality, I believe 97.8% would be much closer. Now having said that, I believe this investigation should never have begun in the first place. Anyone with just a modicum of common sense knows it’s nothing but a witch hunt by BO’s Deep State crowd.
Evaristo Montoya
7 years ago
YES the election was over a year ago , there was no russian interferiance ,let it go !!!!! this is just a democratic Witch Hunt , to cover up there government corruption
7 years ago
Of course this ‘investigation’ is a total waste of time, and its only purpose is to get people like Flynn to turn on Trump, or somehow help to remove him from office, but it won’t happen, nor will any factual evidence turn up, more than a YEAR after the election. And hilliary rotten clinton still thinks she was ‘cheated’ out of ‘her turn’ to be pResident, even ‘writes a book’ on ‘what happened’, she goes around the talk shows moaning and whining on useless programs like the view, as deluded hilliary supporters pledge their undying loyalty to her, which says a lot about them, more than about clintoon. Thank God the American people did not elect her ! !
7 years ago
If the same amount of investigative energy were put into any democrat serving in the House or Senate, they would have been resigned or been impeached by now.
7 years ago
I am so angry over the waste of money and resources over this matter. Obama was taped whispering in the ear of Russia ‘just wait until I get elected……….”, Hillary destroyed thousands of emails, employed a women who’s family is connected to terrorist Muslims, has a foundation funded by enemies of the U.S., arranged the sale of U.S. Uranium to the Russians, and the list goes on. Why keep spending money chasing “windmills” when those in the “Swamp” continue to undermine U.S. interest AND fight the will of the people? Perhaps the Special Counsel and his group are creatures in the “Swamp” also?
Believe the Mueller Probe should end IF complete as I seriously believe there’s nothing there. However, the probe appears to be bringing out the bad guys moreso then against our President. That I like!
We need to stop wasting millions of dollars on an, obviously, biased investigation team. The special council is supposed to be investigating a crime, not looking for a crime to investigate. It’s been over a year and where is the “Russian collusion”? So far, the net result is not much of anything… a few process crimes and 7 million dollars spent to get them. Ridiculous! Let’s get a new investigation going on the Uranium 1 deal.
from all I have seen it seems it should end as far as Trump. Time to look at the deals of the past administration and Sec. of state. Seems like a lot more smoke there than any where
After over a year of investigating and still not one single shred of evidence proving any sort of Russian collusion with the Trump administration, it’s clear the investigation has turned into a witch hunt to impeach Trump. The only collusion found has been between the FBI and the DNC to prevent Trump becoming president.
At the rate they’re going, the democrats will be begging them to stop. Someone needs to investigate Mueller’s role in Uranium 1.
It really bothers me the team investigating this. They are all Democrat, Hillary supporters. The greater things being exposed is the Democrat collusion and pay to play system Hillary set up. End the probe.
IF the Mueller investigation were truly non-partisan and IF true justice would come from the investigation, I would like Mueller to continue to follow the trail that they have uncovered with Hillary Clinton, FBI, DOJ and Fusion GPS until such time that all who were involved in any illegal activity are jailed. Unfortunately, I believe Mueller and his team are just as tainted as the individuals they would be investigating. Criminals will not convict criminals.
This poll would’ve been more valuable if you’d offered TWO “Yes” choices: (1) Yes, Mueller should narrow his probe to possible collusion and wrap it up as soon as possible…and (2) Yes, President Trump or AG Sessions should shut it down. My choice would be the first option.
Meanwhile, the Justice Department Inspector General, Michael Horowitz APPEARS to be doing a good job rooting out corruption in that department. Nevertheless, he was an Obama appoinee. So, I would favor keeping open the possibility of appointing a separate special counsel to look into matters of JD corruption during the Obama administration and since President Trump took office. The “Deep State” is real and seems dedicated to its chosen mission of sabotaging the current administration.
Let Mueller go on. The hole he’s digging will show his legacy and the others also. Each involved “must” be investigated to the fullest extent. All should be treated
as any ordinary citizen would have been treated. Trump will pardon Flyne as he should.
The only lawful, justified collusion investigation involving a foreigner should be that of the indirect ties between George Soros and The DNC. Follow the dirty money back to Soros via aggressive FOIA requests that will eventually reveal the several partners linking Soros to subversive tactics and actions. Then, put an international warrant out for his arrest.
I think if they follow the correct path (the truth in this case) they will find the road leads to the most corrupt administration in the history of this country. And I would bet all the way up the chain. It started with Eric holder and Obama and carried on into lynch and Obama. They never thought the American people would vote for Trump so they were safe……wrong! The loyalty oath was asked by Obama not trump and the collusion was the Obama administration and the Democratic Party
Mueller investigation has been instrumental in revealing crimes committed by DNC and Clinton
Campaign Committee’s attempt to stop Trump campaign and election. The revelations of FBI crime is astonishing and needs to be purged.
Mueller’s investigations will be instrumental in airing these DNC, Clinton, and FBI
crimes against democracy; thereby fulfilling President Trump’s campaign promise of draining the swamp.
Let the Light of truth shine brightly, now.
How come Mueller hasn’t shifted his focus to the previous administration since they were aware of Russian interference months before the election? Simple answer: Obama was aware of it but didn’t count on Trump winning the election. Had Trump lost, none of this would have been revealed. The AG needs to fire every corrupt FBI agent and have them lose their pensions. Dems don’t believe there are any serious crimes committed by these agents. Just suppose they were investigating a civil rights violation and the agent was connected to a white hate group, would they let that pass? Of course not, nor should they. The bias here is unbelievable!
Stop the witch Hunt.
AG Sessions needs to UN-recuse himself, fire Mueller, then appoint a special council to investigate Clinton collusion within her campaign, including email scandal, Comey, McCabe, the Clinton “foundation” and pay to play, the Clinton / Lynch tarmac meeting, Uranium One, and the Fusion GPS Dossier, Bill Clinton’s speaking fees in Russia, and the ties between Mueller, Rosenstein, Weisman and Hillary Clinton! After all they already did a COMPLETE investigation on President Trump. Not to mention, both Strzok, and his Mistress Page, should be fired not demoted, and possibly even tried and put in jail.
The Mueller probe should be shut down. There is no evidence President Trump “colluded with Russia to hack the 2016 election”.
On the other hand. . . the NON-investigation of the HRC state department email scheme needs to be THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATED. Many bad actors involved in that scheme AND the FBI & DOJ NON-investigation / coverup of the crimes associated with that scheme. Hillary, Cheryl Mills, Huma and others violated many laws in setting up and running that illegal email scheme. The Obama administration looked the other way and allowed this scheme to operate, THEN had FBI & DOJ cover-up for the schemers. Pathetic. FBI insiders are coming out with the truth NOW. INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE this SCHEME and its COVERUP. ALSO, the DNC along with FBI & DOJ leadership apparently took actions to link the incoming President with a FALSE charge of colluding with Russians! Something (BIG) really stinks in the swamp.
How about spending our dollars on Veterans, homeless or social security? All we are doing right now is making DC lawyers richer. Somebody should wake up Sessions so we can move on with important issues.
ALL of these comments are exactly to the point, BUT… as long as the media, Hollywood and the “Kimmels “get the radical opinions and fake news into American living rooms every night, the Trump administration has a long and frustrating row to hoe. It’s about time to bring a rash of libel and slander lawsuits against all of them.
The problem of this so called investigation is that it is not just Mueller but it is a Washington DC problem.
Edmund Burke is right.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
If the few good people we have left had done what they were sent to DC to do his investigation would have been started.
It’s become increasingly clear that the Democrats insistence on having a special prosecutor to investigate Donald Trump and his Administration was a deliberate attempt to discredit the President and to shift the discussion away from the DNC and Hillary Clinton. If there had been any “collusion” with the Russians it would have been discovered by now. Robert Mueller, who has expanded his investigation to go after Paul Manafort and General Flynn, has not been able to connect the President or anyone in his administration with any improper dealings with the Russians. This is especially bothersome because so many of the players in this investigation have been implicated in the Uranium 1 deal with the Russians. This underhanded and corrupt deal to sell 20% of our uranium reserves to the Russians only to enrich the Clinton Foundation is, in my opinion, treason.
Independent investigators should not be that free to exercise the mandate forever. Exit criteria of time and findings should be part of the marching orders. At this time he has not been able to find anything linking the Republicans to the Russia-Russia liberal diatribe. None found in a year +. Investigation should be closed with one of the finding being the Democratic party collusion with the FBI and the Russians for which there seems to be plenty of evidence tainting high level FBI investigations and FISA court all the way back to last Spring. What is Sessions doing about this?
Perhaps if Congressional Republicans would grow backbones and start indicting some of Mueller’s little democrat toadies, instead of Trey Gowdy just acting tough and telling the FBI what bad boys they have been, that would bring out some more of these Trump-haters from Mueller’s witch hunt committee and we could be rid of those liars.
Yes the Mueller probe should end ASAP, and also disclose what ” findings” they managed to fish around for. It is a needless, pointless, and very biased and flawed “fishingtrip” at taxpayer expense. It also distracts attention away from the business of good governance and the topics that need focus and attention: like egs. paying off the national debt, immigration, true tax reform, the economy, national defense, etc, etc etc, Note to Mueller and company – …….there’s NOTHING THERE.
Yes, close down Mueller’s corrupt and partisan investigation. Then, turn up the Congressional investigations into H. Clinton and her minions, Comey and the FBI and other government officials involved in setting up this part of the “resistance”, and the Mueller “investigation” itself. This whole outrage has created a great concern over whether the Constitution is the law of the land anymore.
change direction and investigate hrc
It is literally disgraceful and totally anti American how special interests can be allowed to whine and cry and in effect try to remove a legitimately elected president because (they) don’t like him. It amazes and scares me that they have no respect for our election system or the voters that put him in office. If you’re not of their mind you are irrelevant. Scary, not how this Republic was intended to be. In my opinion it borders on treason. It is our responsibility to make sure this does not continue. We have to all vote in every election to preserve our constitution which they are attempting to make their values and ideas these same anti American representatives. It is time they are all voted out.
If after a almost a year of investigation (with a staff of pro Hillary Clinton investigators) and nothing substantial has come from it, can we please move on?! We have other pressing needs to be accomplished!
Stop it as soon as possible and quit wasting TAX PAYER MONEY!!! Will
Yes, after a year, there is no evidence of collusion. Now, people within the Republican campaign are being charged with personal violations that are not even related to the original investigation. If this is the case, and Mueller is really looking for the truth, then the Democratic Clinton campaign should also be investigated in the same way since evidence of collusion is now pointing in that direction. If this does not happen, this just proves the bias in our FBI and judicial system. This is corruption within our government. And don’t count on the biased news media to get the truth out to the people. Most people still do not know what is going on since the news they rely on is not honest and truthful, but biased.
Accidentally selected No! I meant to select YES!
It will NOT ‘end’ . . .
Don’t ANY of you realize that it is nothing more than ‘JOB SECURITY’ / ‘A NEVER-ENDING PAYCHECK’ for Mueller and all he has ‘hired’?
As long as nobody has the ‘cajones’ to FIRE him, he can take the ‘search’ to Mars and beyond, if he wishes!
Worse yet . . .
OUR Atty. General seems to be totally useless!
Time is of the essence ! This world is in much need of care,and wasting time on issues that never produce any hidden fruit such as Russian and the its involvement with our Commander in Chief, is a waste time , and wasted peoples money on issues that don’t exist ! You may not like our Commander in Chief,but he is who he is. Our economy is booming, people are getting back to work, due to new jobs. Hey ! Election comes up in 3 years, and you can way the difference then! But for Gods sake,{ congress and the house}, please get on with real issues now, like Korea, and at home, a country that is divided will never stand ! We need to unite as one country under God, and if the word God is not pleasing to you.”One people under one government for unity.” We all bleed red blood,regardless of color or creed. Lets keep what our fathers fought so hard to protect,”Freedom”. Your right to choose in a way of life legal,and without due process. That does not mean,fighting against our brothers and sisters. Our forefathers did that years ago,and we should never forget what they fought for ! Blood ran rapid back then,and we paid the price. Slavery is now gone,and blood was spilt then for the cause of freedom, black and white. We should give thanks for the price we paid then. Black and white fought side by side for a single cause. Now we are faced with a new cause for peace. We are fighting an evil that has been around for centuries,but we the people have never faced it on a scale such is today ! The world has gone mad, and seeks power through terror and control. Our united brotherhood is very simple. Resist and maintain freedom. If we turn away from this problem,we loose. Lets reunite and let Freedom ring again ! We are the people who can do this. We have a calling that no one else can do! In the words of { J.F.K.} “Ask not what the country can do for YOU,Ask what you can do for YOUR Country !” Think about that ?
Actually the poll results should read 97.28% for halting the investigation . 1.6% against and .67% unsure. In any case Mueller should quit. $7.5 million down the tubes.
We need the investigation to continue to its conclusion with full support of the administration and Congress. We need to know fully how the Russians were involved in the election if we are to prevent it next time. There is enough evidence of collusion to lead us to believe it unless investigators can show that it did not occur. Halting the investigation would look like obstruction. Why did so many campaign and administration members lie about their Russia contacts?
Ending the Mueller investigation would be a major move in “draining the swamp” and ending the bogus, Democrat inspired coup of our legitimately elected President.
All this investigation amounts to is an attempt by the establishment, republican and democrat alike, preventing Trump from doing the business the majority of the electoral college voted him to do. The established old boy network despises the fact that he wants to trim the useless fat, bloated bureaucracy, and reduce/end corruption. and this career politicians who have already carved up the pieces of the pie for both parties, don’t want that to happen. Already we have had good results. Look at the stock market. Look at hiring. In my area, there are job opening signs all over as the American economy is moving once again. Get regulation out of our lives and things start happening. And I am not talking about necessary regulation, but stupid stuff–like the lack of trust in the VA. Clean up the FBI. we are hearing more and more everyday how it is not independent, but rather it was turning into an arm of the KGB. Put coal miners back to work. End the devastation of the ACA where people are paying more for health insurance. Remember these two bit political hacks in DC who are not doing as they promised and vote them out. Both dem and rep. Democrats lied when they said no new taxes and we got stuck with the ACA, which was ruled a tax by the Supreme Court. And the reps who lied when they said vote us in and we will end the ACA, revise taxes, and reduce government. These clowns have not done anything but allowed the Obama era mess to stand. I for one believe all this points to the fact that the establishment old boy network does not want Trump to do anything and is using these made up allegations and investigations to stop and forward progress.
Nothing has been proven and since Meuller has been given limitless resources, that tells me that there is nothing there.
I predict that the Trump investigation will eventually die. However, the the Democrats also are now adding to their spending of taxpayer dollars by focusing on Trump’s alleged sexual misconduct which ,even if proved to be partially true, was PRE becoming President. So, the effort to impeach will also likely implode within Congress since impeaching for PRE presidential activity, unless criminal, is anything but clear and effectively Congress can decide what is impeachable and what is not. I doubt the present Congress would impeach Trump on his pre President sexual misbehavior since Trump is accomplishing much for the country despite total resistance and obstructionism by the Denocrats.. So more Democratic wasted taxpayer money.
Although,if sexual misconduct is partially proved, it may tarnish Trump’s past character, but it is not likely an impeachable activity. Clinton was not impeached for his sexual misconduct. He was impeached for lying under oath.
So, millions and millions of taxpayer dollars will be wasted. This will continue until the Democratic American voters have had enough of their tax dollars wasted. At some point, Democratic voters will tell their representatives to get back to doing the country’s business—-maybe. However, the Democrats will have a real problem with that because anti Trump is their only platform. They don’t know how to run the country’s business except through the lenses of corporate donors and self reinforcing activities that ensure their re-election but do nothing for the country.
However, there is another synergy that will be difficult to break and that is the media’s love affair with the Democrats. That affair is symbiotic because the sensationalism of the Democrats against Trump and his administration has made the media rich as well. So for the Democrats to completely drop Russian collusion and sexual misconduct and any other anti Trump issues they plan to focus on, will be difficult and unlikely unless the people put a stop to it. I doubt that will happen either as long as people like Soros and big donors continue to stoke the fires.
So prediction—Trump will succeed as President in making America great again, but Democrats will find other ways to minimize his successes until the 2020 election. It will only be then they will start focusing on the country instead of Trump if they hope to again be a major player in the elections.
This proves my dogs were smarter than I was. We all started out as democrats but it didn’t take them seventy years to open their eyes.
How come Communist infiltration & interference in our society was encouraged & accepted by the Democrat Party but Russian “collusion” is not? It is the same people.
The whole Mueller investigation should never have begun. Why do we tolerate government wasting our money? AMAC, AARP and hundreds of civic and religious groups account for enough Americans to speak loudly enough to make Washington listen. We are reaping what we have sown. Now its time to burn the field and start again adhering to our founding principles. Term limits for national office would have prevented this cancer in our government. Eliminate Civil Service next which promotes laziness, waste and poor service. It’s called Public Service. Not Public Careers.
When investigation is completed and found Trump free and clear, good. If he is not innocent then that should be determined too.
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty, and a jury of 12 decides; not the news media re sexual offenses. use product liability focus, accepting reasonable risk…why go to a married man’s apt or home etc. Drugging someone is another story.
Socialist – Communist agenda to destroy America. Government should begin treason charges.
Actually, my take is that the probe should switch from Trump (The Russian Collusion Illusion) to the Uranium One-Rosatom-Clinton Foundation True Russian Collusion (The True Russian Collusion) and maybe investigate the Iranian Nuclear Deal. More of our Intelligence Agencies are not paying attention to the true threats to the United States of America.
First, let me start by saying that your computation of the yes votes is a bit off kilter. Your showing 161% of the votes as being “yes” votes, when in reality, I believe 97.8% would be much closer. Now having said that, I believe this investigation should never have begun in the first place. Anyone with just a modicum of common sense knows it’s nothing but a witch hunt by BO’s Deep State crowd.
YES the election was over a year ago , there was no russian interferiance ,let it go !!!!! this is just a democratic Witch Hunt , to cover up there government corruption
Of course this ‘investigation’ is a total waste of time, and its only purpose is to get people like Flynn to turn on Trump, or somehow help to remove him from office, but it won’t happen, nor will any factual evidence turn up, more than a YEAR after the election. And hilliary rotten clinton still thinks she was ‘cheated’ out of ‘her turn’ to be pResident, even ‘writes a book’ on ‘what happened’, she goes around the talk shows moaning and whining on useless programs like the view, as deluded hilliary supporters pledge their undying loyalty to her, which says a lot about them, more than about clintoon. Thank God the American people did not elect her ! !
If the same amount of investigative energy were put into any democrat serving in the House or Senate, they would have been resigned or been impeached by now.
I am so angry over the waste of money and resources over this matter. Obama was taped whispering in the ear of Russia ‘just wait until I get elected……….”, Hillary destroyed thousands of emails, employed a women who’s family is connected to terrorist Muslims, has a foundation funded by enemies of the U.S., arranged the sale of U.S. Uranium to the Russians, and the list goes on. Why keep spending money chasing “windmills” when those in the “Swamp” continue to undermine U.S. interest AND fight the will of the people? Perhaps the Special Counsel and his group are creatures in the “Swamp” also?