

Which one of the following do you believe will have the MOST impact on President Biden’s decision whether to seek re-election?

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Richard Fiorentino
Richard Fiorentino
2 years ago

Democrats are to far removed from mainstream Americans they are not the Party of the people

2 years ago

My sole hope and pray is that America opens her eyes and brains and finally realizes what the hell is occurring in our Country.

Ann Ritter
Ann Ritter
2 years ago

The only reason biden is occupying our White House is because it is easy to control.

2 years ago


Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

Maybe reality will sink in once the House goes. That will mean no more legislative victories and also be good sign that he’s worn out his welcome with independent voters.

If the Senate goes too, he will lose all support from Democrat voters as well.

2 years ago

B.S. on all of these reasons. Biden is not willing or able to make a rational decision. Between his dementia and life of narcistic life. He has no idea what he is doing.

J VanHorn
J VanHorn
2 years ago

He shouldn’t be there in the first place. They cheated to get him installed. Everyone thinks the Red Wave is coming, I’ll believe it when I see it. The Democraps got away with it in 2020 , they will try again and again. Why not , the mainstream media refuses to do their job. As far as Joe Bafoon, he doesn’t make any decisions. He doesn’t know where he is, what he’s doing, and what he’s saying.

2 years ago

None of these options are anything that would influence a re-run. He’s too senile AND narcissistic to let any of these ideas influence his thoughts on running again.

2 years ago

The Dummy thinks he’s unbeatable. He’s the typical arrogant leftist. The WEF and China will have 10,000 mules and 91 million votes backing their top puppet. The GOP and RINOs will sit back and twiddle their thumbs while they lose all power and then being the cowards they are, will meekly surrender…for the good of themselves, not the country.

2 years ago

None of them. If his wife wants to continue her queen complex, he will run. The Republicans have to run a great qualified candidate since the country is in such dismal shape now we must stop the fall and bring us back to the top.

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
2 years ago

The DNC won’t let Biden run again. He was a stop-gap measure against Trump, and is merely a figurehead. The real power is with Ron Klain and Susan Rice: Obama 3.0.

For the mid-terms, Repubs cannot be complacent. Do not assume a wave victory – make sure to get out and vote, and bring your friends and family with you. Polling is showing a much closer race for the House, and the Senate could be lost due to the poor quality of some Trump backed candidates. Trump is important, but the candidate must be viable in his/her own right.

D. J. Snyder
D. J. Snyder
2 years ago

I truly believe that he will not be around to have the option, having been forced out or eliminated by the corrupt DNC and the “Swamp” Dem-o-rats.

2 years ago

I know you poll said Biden and Jill but I believe in reality it will be Jill. She’s been running the show. Joe lives in that fantasy land in his mind. He is controlled by everyone around him. Take away the teleprompter and he would just stand there playing with himself.

Edward Culligan
Edward Culligan
2 years ago

There are no other Democrats capable of winning. The American people are starting to wake up and put a stop to the extreme left wing thinking.

2 years ago

The man actually thinks he’s President. As long as he can be deluded by his loving wife and the Obama hangers on into thinking he has prestige and power, he will want to continue. Poor clueless, sick wretch. Imagine being laughed at and disparaged daily and not even realize it…and by those who base their political beliefs on their supposed compassion. The Dems are sick, sick puppies.

2 years ago

What would have the MOST important impact of Crook N Chief Buy-den seeking reelection? It would be fantasy land, quid pro quo Joe Buy-den going to live in a basement near by, or assisted living or prison before the next election!

2 years ago

I think the real answer is his ego and arrogance, which have been the two guiding forces of his life.

JC Montgomery
JC Montgomery
2 years ago

He didn’t “win” the first time. He can only win with a guaranteed fraudulent vote again and after the devastation he has brought to our country including, but not limited to, Hunter…I would hope voters are smart enough to uncheck the box.

2 years ago

How many kickbacks are on the table and how compromised “easy Joe” is by others profiting off his presidency

2 years ago

Hopefully he’s impeached before the end of his first term

Schuyler Antane
Schuyler Antane
2 years ago

None of the above. If he still has a pulse then he will ‘run’

Dave NJ
Dave NJ
2 years ago

He’ll be running again. His ”Medicator” Jill will make him.

2 years ago

I think that if he can go 7 days without dukies in his briefs, then it’s on!

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

I don’t know why this is even being debated, he’s not even a viable facade for the people actually running the office now and age has already taken a huge toll on his mental facilities.

Maurice D
Maurice D
2 years ago

Honestly, his handlers and, his and their diabolical disloyalty. What’s more dreadful in a human being than disloyalty – “indescribable transition” and “fundamental transformation?”

2 years ago

None of the above.

The two most influential elements will be 1) his pride and 2) the puppet masters behind the curtain (including his wife Jill).

2 years ago

Fifth choice: “The extent of which the Dems can manipulate the vote tally.”

2 years ago

He will be tossed aside after November and will probably be dead by February

2 years ago

Amac why do you call Joey “President”. He is installed not voted in by patriots of this constitutional republic. Democrat party is being destroyed, media is the enemy of the people, The old Guard of the GOP is vanishing before our eyes, God is control!
I refuse to vote in this poll!

shawn ragan
shawn ragan
2 years ago

he’s too vain NOT to run. Consider he “won”, got more votes than his pal Barack, by getting more than 70+ million votes and almost never left his basement except for ice cream. Of course he’ll run again. The better question, will he get 80 million votes this time, nmow that his face is “more visible”?

David Permenter
David Permenter
2 years ago

Really Does not matter, not much faith in election integrity, politician integrity, or the will for elected public servants actually representing or respecting what the voters want. It is still all about self serving politician at all levels, special interest, and the $$ under the table.
No real common sense in governing this nation now.

Rob J
Rob J
2 years ago

If the Chinese tell him to run, he’ll run … if the Chinese tell him to stay home, he’ll stay home …. if the Chinese tell him to ‘ Bark like a Dog ‘, he’ll do just that

………. that’s what happens when you’ve been taking millions in bribes, you do what they folks with the cash tell you or they’ll Drop the Dime.

2 years ago

democrat fraudulent voting should take all of them and their republicans to GITMO for their trials of treason.

Richard Woods
Richard Woods
2 years ago

I liked Sen John Kennedy’s analysis. President Biden would be more believable if he was selling catheters on late night television. Do you suppose we could take up a collection like the Clinton Family Influence Peddling Foundation – uncountable billions from foreign investors – so Joe and Jill thought they could afford to retire?

Beverly Arnold
Beverly Arnold
2 years ago

If the GOP takes both houses, then Congress and Biden cannot ride roughshod and lie to the country.

2 years ago

Maybe I am a bit outside the box, but I would not put it past the left to fake an assault against President Biden then “catch” the culprit who declares himself a strong Trump supporter … maybe a member of a target group. Hence they create the narrative that Trump would go to this extreme to move Biden out of the competition. I don’ t see a legitimate strategy emerging from the White House … unless America is so gullible to believe a 50 cent reduction in gasoline prices by the man who increased it by $2.50 is an accomishment. Today Big Brother reduced gasoline price from $1.85 per gallon to $5.00. (as I recall, Orwell used chocolate). Now after a staggering increase, Biden has the chutzpa to take credit for a half a buck. No, this boy sees no legitimate strategy outside a play on the blind stupidity of the general public. But I did say legitimate.

David F.
David F.
2 years ago

I don’t acknowledge him as the president in the first place! He is part of the criminal cabal in DC. He is the puppet and his globalists masters are controlling him and the rest of the deep state players including many on the Republican side also. Their mission is to bring down America and put the people into submission. They have stolen elections for years with the biggest being 2020! It’s up to “We the People” to stop them!

He is so protected by the main stream media and th
He is so protected by the main stream media and th
2 years ago

He is so protected by the main stream media and that’s why is it in ability has not come forward as a predominant factor.

Edward Indelicato
Edward Indelicato
2 years ago

Where’s the option, none of the above? He is a puppet. The handlers will decide for him.

2 years ago

I am surprised GOD hasn’t brought JUDGEMENT on DC and its wicked politicians, yet !

2 years ago

Another annoying AMAC poll — because it contains too many “gentle” choices. Whomever designs these polls needs to be more informed about what motivates the D.C. Cartel.

None of the choices reflects how bad things truly are in our republic.

Replace the last two choices and you may have a good poll. The replacements?

• If China want’s him to run again.
• Whatever the WEF tells him to do.

2 years ago

They’re going to pay off Kamala Harris to resign as VP he’s going to pick Gavin newsom as his new VP and then he’s going to resign as president because of his cognitive inabilities therefore he’s not going to run again it’ll be Gavin newsom. Gavin will pick his running mate.

Faye VanDevender
Faye VanDevender
2 years ago

He will d I as he is told

2 years ago

None of the above. He’ll do whatever he’s told by his “master”. I don’t think he is capable of deciding anything for himself. There’s’ someone else pulling his strings.

edith kurie
edith kurie
2 years ago

I believe Biden wants the office of president again no matter what components factor for or against him. He cheated the first time and I believe both he & his wife are self-centered enough to want it arranged for them to be reigning king and queen again.

2 years ago

The criminal (probably even treasonous) evidence against Hunter Biden and the President himself is so compelling that he can’t leave office and allow investigation / prosecution to start. As long as he’s a sitting President nothing can happen, but once out of office…. game on. Don’t believe it, look at what Trump is going through. The difference, the Bidens will have layers of protection in the FBI, mainstream media, the justice department, and the backroom money crowd where Trump has none of the above. Being a fan of the underdog, I hope we see that “unprecedented” investigation and response Pence mentioned, and prosecutions that match the offense. That’s all probably a dream as soft as this country is on justice that matches the crime(s), but never hurts to hope.

2 years ago

I agree with those who have said none of the above. The biggest factors will be arrogance, avarice, and the ability to do the bring the greatest destruction to traditional western values.

2 years ago

Given that he is the illegitimate occupier of the White House, the Resident, so to speak, the decision was never in his hands and it will never be in his hands. His puppet masters, which is to say the Global Oligarchs, who make s-elections will make the determination.
My opinion? No way will the oligarchs leave this angry buffoon in office.

Scott Christy
Scott Christy
2 years ago

His Health doesn’t matter now. Why would it matter now ?

2 years ago

Psalm 37

Do not fret because of those who are evil
    or be envious of those who do wrong;

for like the grass they will soon wither,
    like green plants they will soon die away.
The wicked plot against the righteous
    and gnash their teeth at them;
but the Lord laughs at the wicked,
    for he knows their day is coming.

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