
Thanksgiving Meal

What do you like best about Thanksgiving?

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Dante Musco
Dante Musco
7 years ago

Actually we did both, said a prayer before Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends. We are very fortunate to have family members and friends that can discuss a number of issues civilly and always agree to disagree on a number of subjects.

7 years ago

Been boycotting the vile and corrupt NFL for 16+ years. They will never be part of my Thanksgiving.

fred bauder
fred bauder
7 years ago

watching football was my favorite until some players showed disrespect for our flag and anthem.I take this as a slap on all who served ther country so these ungrates could make millions playing a game.

7 years ago

After living in other countries overseas, our family gives thanks that we live as we do here in the USA, not only on Thanksgiving, but every day. Too bad there are Americans that can’t understand, or appreciate, what they have.

7 years ago

Get them by the wallets and their hearts and minds will soon follow. Let’s not watch or go to Pro afootball games.

7 years ago

Besides prayer of thanksgiving, since this is a national holiday, it is a time to pray for our country. It has been going astray for a long time now. We old timers remember an America that was more free than we see today. Those recent political campaine slogans are even more appropriate today than in 2008 or 2012. “Is America less free than it was four years ago” and “vote as if your freedom depends on it”.

7 years ago

As always thankful to God . Family gathering is great but this year we took a knee to pro football and watched movies instead.

7 years ago

Doing both, giving thanks and a big meal with family and friends. Psalm 100.

7 years ago

Add another choice: Attending Thanksgiving Worship on Thanksgiving Eve/Day and singing the great Thanksgiving hymns, “Come, Ye Thankful People Come, ” or “We Gather Together, ” etc.

Maria Rose
Maria Rose
7 years ago

I am one of the few who didn’t choose the meal because no one really appreciates the effort that goes into making that meal, they are only concerned with the consumption of it. I enjoy the preparation of cooking if it is appreciated and not as leftovers to be re-heated. I made a nice meal this year, ham instead of turkey, butternut squash, roasted vegetables combo( potatoes, carrots and Brussels sprouts). But because of exhaustion from work and need to have to be at work because of the Black Friday sales, meal was eaten separately.
The holiday (Thanksgiving) has become a retail buying feast instead of time spent with friends and family.

Peter J
Peter J
7 years ago

Thanksgiving and Easter are top Holy Days in our home. I remember all the exciting meal preparation going to Grandmothers’ and Grandfathers home for a huge Thanksgiving feast. Sometimes my Grandfather would have his elder sister Aunt Effie for the dinner. Grandpa would get Effie just a short while before eating because he loved his bourbon and more favorite, Scotch before Effie arrived because Effie was a teetotaler and life long member of the WCTU following her and grandpa’s parents. Funny to think about such but alcohol was not mentioned in Effie’s presence. I personally like my beer but would have a brandy at grandpa’s home. Good memories. I am grateful.

Jerry Clements
Jerry Clements
7 years ago

We give thanks at every meal , everyday.
So, having friend’s and kin to share Thanksgiving Day with made it more special.

Jerry Clements
Jerry Clements
7 years ago

My boycott began in 1982, when the overpaid primadonna’s went on strike, I stopped being a fan. The next year I quit ALL professional sports!!

7 years ago

I indicated dinner with family/friends. But prayer is to be ALWAYS, not just one day. Bible says to “pray without ceasing”. We need to look around and see the blessings we’re given and ALWAYS be thankful for them. And let us continue, through thick and thin, to stand up for what is right and condemn that which is wrong!
Happy Holidays everyone…..

7 years ago

We don’t watch the parade either because of Macy’s disregard for their employees. (Fired a store guard for reporting a man in a women’s restroom.) They followed their liberal wrong thinking buddies, like Target, and opened their bathrooms to whomever. Boycotting the NFL as well. My wife and I used to love Sunday NFL games and following our favorite teams. Ain’t happenin until their commissioner puts on his big boy pants and acts like a leader.

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