
Joe Biden; iran

The chorus of liberals and former Obama officials calling for “Joe to Go” grows weekly. What is YOUR view on why President Biden is running for reelection?

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4 months ago

I don’t think he’s President now! This whole term has been a ‘Weekend at Bernies’ for 0bama.

Mist Carter
Mist Carter
4 months ago

Biden is like Cleopatra – Queen of De-Nial! He has never been much in the way of brains; he’s spewed more gaffes than a lying dog-faced pony soldier; and wallowed in more corruption than…well, I was gonna say the Obama administration, but the current administration is just a continuation of such – yet on steroids!

But the most glaring characteristic of this feeble-minded, incompetent Commander in Chief is his NARCISSIM! His insatiable lust for power and greed has put our nation on the brink of disaster. Shame on Jill and the rest of Joe’s handlers who urge him to continue this narcissistic clown show. Joe has to go!

  “Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18

4 months ago

It’s been obvious that the gray haired guy currently occupying the WH is a puppet of obumba and Soros who are behind the scenes dismantling our freedoms and destroying our country. Hence, using puppet Biden to express their condolences to Iran for the death of the butcher.

jim wood
jim wood
4 months ago

When Joe was younger he could b.s. and lie his way out of anything. In his current state of health he doesn’t have the physical nor mental capacity to pull it off anymore. No matter what his handlers try to maneuver him to do. Everything his touches fails and his continued hatred of the American people manifests itself daily. His family should get him out before he gets us into ww3. I have nothing but disdain for him and his party. Just get out of the way and stop screwing everything up.

4 months ago

Personally, I think all of the above answers are applicable. I have always disliked Biden, but I have become to completely detest him. And he is a narcissist, so he does believe he is ‘perfect’. That being said, he is a shill for the moronic left. He is in no way making all of the decisions. Whether it be Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, or any of the other very radical and dangerous Democrats, he is their puppet. But I feel that they are now scared to death that Biden can’t beat Trump. I don’t know how he is going to last until November. Is this why they made one of the debates so early? June is not normally a debate month before an election. And all of the stipulations for this debate are obviously to protect Biden, but I also see it as a way to find a reason to distance themselves. On the other hand, why would they want Biden out? He is the easiest to manipulate. Even his own wife can’t stand the thought of losing power. This is the most intriguing election in my lifetime. I also find it to be the most consequential.

4 months ago

George S.Patton quote: “Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth…
Democrats are the lowest form of politician.”

4 months ago

Biden is speaking at West Point today. Special stairs showing him where to put his feet to walk and a special wall has been built just in case he falls backwards. They also setup a special camera that will break away from Biden if he falls. When the Army football team went to the White House Biden was asking where Coach Monken was when the coach was standing right next to him. My mother had dementia and Biden shows all the signs and is getting worse by the day. They can pump all the upper drugs they want into him but experience says his condition is only going to get worse. All Biden is is a puppet having his strings pulled. He has to have a teleprompter telling him everything to say (written by the real people in control) and he still fumbles through the word.

Marty M
Marty M
4 months ago

Democrats are all useless and evil, check out the latest Babylon Bee satire video where satan is the most reasonable one in the room! “Satan Asks Democrats To Tone Down All The Evil”, it would be even more hilarious if wasn’t so true. Incase YouTube link is not allowed just search for quoted string.

4 months ago

How about “all of the above” as the answer?

4 months ago

I think all of the above except the second one.
He’s been a great puppet for Obama but now his usefulness has run it’s course.

4 months ago

50 plus years a DC Swamp failure on all levels. He knows nothing else but screwing the country and corruption.

4 months ago

C’mon people!! Biden can’t think for himself…he is at stage 4 dementia. I am a retired caregiver and have seen what dementia is 1st hand. Biden cannot think for himself nor even know what day it is much less care about anything. The people using Biden are running the show. Don’t ever forget the unlawful power you can’t see!!

J. Lane
J. Lane
4 months ago

Guess I’m always the conspiracy theorist, but I anticipate a black swan event will happen within the next several months. I don’t think it will be another pandemic because everyone is skeptical or least they should be. However, we have allowed at least 5,000,000 invaders across our borders during the last 3 years. The majority of the invaders are military age males. If just 1% of the invaders have evil or nefarious intentions, that is 50,000 people. An Army Division is 10 – 15000 people. Do the math! I’ve been following some of the documentaries on Epoch Times/TV. The Darien Gap between Panama and Columbia appears to be the beachhead especially for invaders from China. Footprints of the UN are all over the invasion. I’m not sure the extent of Chinese or Soros involvement. From a spiritual perspective, I’ve been following Dr. David Jeremiah’s sermons and books concerning the end times, rapture and return of Jesus Christ. We know conditions are going to get worse. We don’t know when the rapture will occur, but everyday is 1 day closer. As a Christian, I am hopeful that the rapture will occur before the Tribulation and we will be spared most of the horrors. However, things will likely continue to deteriorate, so get prepared. Most of all, make sure you have accepted Jesus Christ as your savior. This post is long, but I feel led to put some of the events into a Biblical perspective. Hope you will do the same.

4 months ago

His Chinese “investors” have not yet received an adequate return on their investment.

Ron Thornton
Ron Thornton
4 months ago

Biden is a puppet to Barak Hussein Obama and the New World Order. 2020 election was stolen and the left will do everything to steal the 2024 election.Maybe another plandemic along with illegals and dead people voting .

Dan W.
Dan W.
4 months ago

Old politicians are somewhat like old athletes in that they never want to give it up which means that most stay well beyond their prime.

4 months ago

Although he is senile, Biden has not lost his arrogance and sense of entitlement; furthermore, he and his incompetent administration have a lot to lose when they are forced out of power! And I might add, we can’t get every last one of them out of office soon enough!!

4 months ago

It’s about money and pardons. He will pardon his family, himself. His wife wants the glory and power. His family wants the money, let’s not forget Oboma, Gore, Kerry etc it’s $$$.
Shame on the Republicans they have been a huge let down. While I am on it I hope Trump realizes to drain the swamp do not bring along the swamp creatures.

4 months ago

The first four are all correct.
The real reason he is being ‘pumped up’ to run again is that the ‘Powers’ hiding behind Joe know that there is No One Else, R or D,No One, who will serve their Far Left Socialist/Marxist Agenda on Bended Knee like Joe does.

David Mcglasson
David Mcglasson
4 months ago

Joe Biden has always thought he was the smartest guy in the room, though he’s usually the dumbest (and now the most senile.) Not much has changed. He is convinced he’s the best president ever, as delusional as that may be. That said, I think there’s an excellent chance he’ll be replaced, most likely by Gavin Newsom. I’d rather have Joe.

4 months ago

I don’t think biden ever was anything except in his own mind. Nothing but a racist bully using his office for power. It’s, whatever is left, his own mind that’s makes him believe he can win again. If Trump would stop with his normal rhetoric that angers many people, he would be a shoo in. People who stay home and don’t vote because of this, may just as well vote for biden.

4 months ago

The Democratic Party today is the most corrupt socialist political entity that will do anything to remain in power. They rigged the 2020 election and will try to do the same in 2024.

Al K.
Al K.
4 months ago

Let’s face it, too many Elitists, Entrenched D.C. parasites(both D andRINOs), and others now they can “get the votes” needed they could put anyone up there.
Biden has no clue what day it is, let alone anything else. The Machine pulls his strings…
Sadly, his wife, Doctor Jill, seems to go along. I guess she doesn’t love him very much but with what we’ve seen with doctors the past few years, we shouldn’t be surprised.

Diana Jackson
Diana Jackson
4 months ago

It’s worse than most commenters realize. We are rapidly headed towards a one world government, one world religion, and one world economy, cashless society run by the antichrist. Biblical prophecy is falling into place. There’s power in the name of Jesus. He is our only answer. If you don’t believe open your Bible, ask God to show you the Truth. YES He does answer prayer. If you do believe look up our blessed hope has got to be near.

4 months ago

I believe his wife, and the other puppeteers around him, refuse to the right thing, which is to convince Dementia Joe to step down. It is they who refuse to give up their cushy lifestyle. It is elder abuse and abuse of the American people.

4 months ago

If anyone is enabling him it’s Jill. She’s a horrible person. The whole family is disgusting for that matter.

William Rutledge
William Rutledge
4 months ago

Democrats are playing the long game. Keeping Trump tied up in a fictitious law suit and they’ll change candidates at the last moment.

4 months ago

It’s all about the lust POWER and easy Chinese money. It makes him feel good even as America burns. Obama is running the country into the ground in his third term because Biden can’t even think straight for one minute. Once Trump wins, Biden will fade and soon be a bad memory! God help America!

Mutant Ryeff
Mutant Ryeff
4 months ago

Joe Biden wants to be FDR 2.0. He needs WWIII and the ‘Greater Depression’. He already has Obama’s 3rd term and is working on Obama’s 4th term. Joe Biden is already mentally handicapped to be similar to FDR’s physical handicap.

4 months ago

You’re assuming there is going to even be an election in November!

4 months ago

Frankly, I could give a rats A** as too why he wants to run, because this (R)president needs to be gone regardless. PS- he and his masters should be on trial for treason for aiding and abetting an illegal invasion of our country.

4 months ago


Bob L
Bob L
4 months ago

Add a line that says, Obama wants a 4th term!

4 months ago

The other possibility not listed: to keep himself and his family out of jail

Kevin M
Kevin M
4 months ago

His beliefs, while likely genuine, are not rooted in reality however. He truly is evidencing symptoms of dementia and his inner circle are either ineffectual or criminally culpable of elder abuse.

4 months ago

His wife is power mad and she likes all the trappings of being FL even though her sartorial choices are abominable. I doubt very much if she cares anything at all about Joe as long as she can stay in the limelight and hit the beach most weekends.

Mark Estes
Mark Estes
4 months ago

None of the poll statements even come close enough to describe why Joe Biden is continuing to run for president. It is so obvious he is not cognizant, his dementia, poor health, lifelong communication issues glaringly reveal disconnected reality. He is a puppet of the left only; propped up by those corrupt elite entities whose goal is joining our fragmented nation to a global government. It appears that we are past the tipping point.

4 months ago

All answers are applicable-wish we could have picked more than one. Anyone with any smarts which leaves out Dems, should be ashamed for electing him. Most people knew before he was elected he is a nasty old man, always has been, 50 years as politician thus our tax $$$ pay this sorry case. He has lied all his life, what makes anyone think he would stop as President? He gets away with everything–his chief of staff lies constantly for him. Why isn’t he up on charges for all the documents he stored illegally—no double standard and 2 tiers of justice as they say. He was at Stage 5 dementia last year out of 9 stages – wonder what one he is in now – now that he must be walked to the helicopter, in case he stumbles on the grass. State of the Union speech–everyone could tell he was obviously hopped up on something as it started to wear off toward the end and he garbled a few things. Is this what Americans who still approve of him think is just super for our country? Other leaders can’t believe it but they are fine with it because they can manipulate the man.
Quite sure the Dems will pull off some switcheroo at the convention or sometime. They always like to do things the illegal, disgraceful way and don’t even care if people say how awful they are. How do they look themselves in the mirror after all the lies, how – because power is all they care about, not our beautiful country. It will take some time to undo the disasters JB has created at the behest of the radicals.

4 months ago

I think it is more his wife and obama and others in leadership right now that don’t want to give up that power, the prestige of being called “leader”, “first lady”, “head of office” and etc.. That pride that comes from within as having to call someone doctor when they are not a real doctor.

Martha Henriod
Martha Henriod
4 months ago

I think that Biden is a little bit of all of the reasons listed. Empty vessel, arrogant, greedy, pride, malleable, feeble, lust for power, and in his mind, he thinks he’s a whole lot more than he is—which is a foolish corrupt old man greedily grasping for power.

4 months ago

All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t put Biden back together again

4 months ago

He’s a placeholder and nothing more. No one, foreign or domestic, takes him seriously a he’s so compromised mentally & physically. The dems are hoping to “pull a rabbit from the hat” that will be a credible candidate, but as hard as I try I can’t identify who that would be. ANYTHING and ALL THINGS dems have touched for the last 20 years have been an unmitigated disaster.

Carole Sayer
Carole Sayer
4 months ago

None of the above. Biden is their candidate, because the people truly running America can bend him to their will. He is owned by China, and a host of anti-Americans who have their own agenda. If we don’t unseat him this year, the US will become a China puppet.

4 months ago

The Democrats believe Biden is their best choice. They are just using him to get over the finish line. If he wins, they will throw him out like yesterday’s trash and replace him for the next 4 years.

Al Smith
Al Smith
4 months ago

Joe has not been President from day one. He sat down and signed a bunch of Executive Orders prepared for him by his puppet master(s) prior to his inauguration. Thus began his 3 1/2 years of destruction. Opened the border, killed the Keystone, and regulated the energy industry choking off Trump’s drill-baby-drill which had made up energy independent. Higher gas prices drove up the cost of goods and inflation went from less than 2% to 9% almost overnight. Whoever runs the country hates American and wants to “fundamentally change” it…does that ring your Obama bell?

4 months ago

Waiting for Michele to step in at last minute.?
Obama wants a 4th time?
Biden wants to keep receiving money from over sea leaders.?
It’s easy to lay around while America let’s other Country walk right in.?

4 months ago

It’s the people behind Biden that don’t want to lose power. I think the Democrats are waiting and will try to pull a rabbit out of their hats at the convention.

Les Tarlton
Les Tarlton
4 months ago

None of the above. Obama can control Joe so Obama has to keep Joe in power.

4 months ago

There is NO WAY the party will let him run. He will be replaced at the convention…………

Vincent in CO
Vincent in CO
4 months ago

For decades, Biden was derided justly as one of the dumbest people in DC. This is his revenge. But once he bumbles his way through the first debate on June 27, the Democrats will dump him at the convention.

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